def setUp(self): # toggle the comment/uncomment to test on small or large test cases #self.L = nk.readGraph("PGPgiantcompo.graph", nk.Format.METIS) #without self-loops #self.LL = nk.readGraph("PGPConnectedCompoLoops.gml", nk.Format.GML) #with self-loops sprinkled in self.L = nk.readGraph("input/looptest1.gml", nk.Format.GML) #without self-loops self.LL = nk.readGraph("input/looptest2.gml", nk.Format.GML) #with self-loops sprinkled in
def test_centrality_groupcloseness_growshrink(self): g = nk.readGraph('input/MIT8.edgelist', nk.Format.EdgeList, separator='\t', firstNode=0, continuous=False, directed=False) g = nk.components.ConnectedComponents( g).extractLargestConnectedComponent(g, True) k = 5, False) for weighted in [False, True]: group = set() while len(group) < k: group.add(nk.graphtools.randomNode(g)) gc = nk.centrality.GroupClosenessGrowShrink(g, group).run() groupMaxCC = gc.groupMaxCloseness() self.assertEqual(len(set(groupMaxCC)), k) self.assertGreaterEqual(gc.numberOfIterations(), 0) for u in groupMaxCC: self.assertTrue(g.hasNode(u))
def test_SpectralColoring(self): G = nk.readGraph("input/karate.graph", nk.Format.METIS) spCol = nk.coloring.SpectralColoring(G) self.assertLessEqual(len(spCol.getColoring()), G.upperNodeIdBound())
def test(filename, measure, iterations=80, results_file=None): g = nk.readGraph(filename, nk.Format.GML) g.setName(os.path.basename(filename).split(".", 1)[0]) if g.isDirected(): g = g.toUndirected() for i in range(iterations): print(measure(g), file=results_file)
def graphMeta(graphNames, graphDir): meta = [] for name in graphNames: info("loading {name}".format(**locals())) G = networkit.readGraph(os.path.join(graphDir, "{0}.gml.graph".format(name)), networkit.Format.GML) (n, m) = meta.append({"name" : name, "n" : n, "m" : m}) info("done") return pandas.DataFrame(meta, columns=["name", "n", "m"])
def test(filename, measure, iterations=1, results_file=None): g = nk.readGraph(filename, nk.Format.GML) g.setName(os.path.basename(filename).split(".", 1)[0]) if g.isDirected(): g = g.toUndirected() for i in range(iterations): print(measure(nk.nk2nx(g)), file=results_file)
def walk(inputDir, outputDir, graphFormat, filePattern="*", preset="default", config=None, outputType="HTML", style="light", color=colors["green"], recursive=False, parallel=False): """ tests all files of a directory for the given conditions and generates a profile when matching Parameters: ----------- inputDir: the directory to search filePattern: specify accepted file names, e.g.: *.METIS.graph outputDir: directory to write the generated profiles preset: config preset ("minimal", "default", "full") config: object for fine-grained control over profile content (Config) -- overrides preset outputType: profile output format ("HTML", "LaTeX") style: style of generated output ("light") color: mainly used color of given style (RGB values in [0,1]) recursive: also search in subfolders for matching files parallel: run some additional parts of the generation in parallel (experimental) graphFormat: format of matching files (e.g.: Format.METIS) """ # if no custom config is given, use a preconfigured config according to preset name if not config: config = Config.createConfig(preset) if not os.path.isdir(outputDir): os.mkdir(outputDir) for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(inputDir): for filename in filenames: file = dirpath + "/" + filename if fnmatch.fnmatch(filename, filePattern): Profile.verbosePrint("\n[ " + file + " ]") try: G = kit.readGraph(file, graphFormat) try: pf = Profile.create( G, config = config ) Profile.verbosePrint(""); pf.output( outputType = outputType, directory = outputDir, style = style, color = color, parallel = parallel ) except Exception as e: Profile.verbosePrint("=> an error occured: {0} of type {1}".format(e, type(e))) Profile.verbosePrint(traceback.format_exc()) except: Profile.verbosePrint("could not read {0}".format(file)) Profile.verbosePrint("\n") else: Profile.verbosePrint("skipping {0} as it does not match filePattern".format(file)) if not recursive: break print("Done")
def walk(inputDir, outputDir, graphFormat, filePattern="*", preset="default", config=None, outputType="HTML", style="light", color=colors["green"], recursive=False, parallel=False): """ tests all files of a directory for the given conditions and generates a profile when matching Args: inputDir: the directory to search filePattern: specify accepted file names, e.g.: *.METIS.graph outputDir: directory to write the generated profiles preset: config preset ("minimal", "default", "full") config: object for fine-grained control over profile content (Config) -- overrides preset outputType: profile output format ("HTML", "LaTeX") style: style of generated output ("light") color: mainly used color of given style (RGB values in [0,1]) recursive: also search in subfolders for matching files parallel: run some additional parts of the generation in parallel (experimental) graphFormat: format of matching files (e.g.: Format.METIS) """ # if no custom config is given, use a preconfigured config according to preset name if not config: config = Config.createConfig(preset) if not os.path.isdir(outputDir): os.mkdir(outputDir) for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(inputDir): for filename in filenames: file = dirpath + "/" + filename if fnmatch.fnmatch(filename, filePattern): Profile.verbosePrint("\n[ " + file + " ]") try: G = kit.readGraph(file, graphFormat) try: pf = Profile.create( G, config = config ) Profile.verbosePrint(""); pf.output( outputType = outputType, directory = outputDir, style = style, color = color, parallel = parallel ) except Exception as e: Profile.verbosePrint("=> an error occured: {0} of type {1}".format(e, type(e))) Profile.verbosePrint(traceback.format_exc()) except: Profile.verbosePrint("could not read {0}".format(file)) Profile.verbosePrint("\n") else: Profile.verbosePrint("skipping {0} as it does not match filePattern".format(file)) if not recursive: break print("Done")
def compute_network_size(path, out): import networkit as nk try: g = nk.readGraph(path, nk.Format.EdgeList, separator=' ', firstNode=0, continuous=False, directed=False) except Exception: # Exception due the attempt of reading a non-network file return data = { 'n': g.numberOfNodes(), 'm': g.numberOfEdges() } yaml.dump(data, out, default_flow_style=False)
def _execute_one_graph(self, graph_dict): in_path = (GraphCrawler()._stagepath + graph_dict["Group"] + "/" + graph_dict["Path"]) out_path = self._stagepath + "results.csv" graph_type = graph_dict["Group"] g = None try: g = networkit.readGraph(in_path, networkit.Format.EdgeList, separator=" ", firstNode=0, commentPrefix="%", continuous=True) except Exception as e: print(e) if not g: print("could not import graph from path", in_path) if g.numberOfNodes() > 0 and g.numberOfEdges() > 0: if == 0: g.removeNode(0) print("Graph", g.toString()) g = self.shrink_to_giant_component(g) if g.numberOfNodes() < 100: print("Graph is too small (" + str(g.numberOfNodes()) + " nodes, needs 100): " + in_path) model_types = [("real-world", lambda x: ("", x)), ("ER", lambda x: ("", self.fit_er(x))), ("BA circle", lambda x: ("", self.fit_ba(x, fully_connected_start=False))), ("BA full", lambda x: ("", self.fit_ba(x, fully_connected_start=True))), ("chung-lu", lambda x: ("", self.fit_chung_lu(x))), ("hyperbolic", self.fit_hyperbolic)] # outputs = [] # all_keys = set() for model_name, model_converter in model_types: try: info, model = model_converter(g) output = self.analyze(model) except ZeroDivisionError as e: print("Error:", e, "for", model_name, "of", g.getName(), model) else: output["Graph"] = g.getName() output["Type"] = graph_type output["Model"] = model_name output["Info"] = info self._save_as_csv(output)
def graphMeta(graphNames, graphDir, fileEnding=".gml.graph", graphFormat=networkit.Format.GML): meta = [] for name in graphNames: info("loading {name}".format(**locals())) G = networkit.readGraph( os.path.join(graphDir, "{0}{1}".format(name, fileEnding)), graphFormat) (n, m) = G.size() meta.append({"name": name, "n": n, "m": m}) info("done") return pandas.DataFrame(meta, columns=["name", "n", "m"])
def to_networkit(data): """ convert the dataset to a `networkit <>`_ graph. :param data: :py:class:`gct.Dataset` :rtype: networkit graph """ import networkit fname = data.file_edges if not utils.file_exists(fname): data.to_edgelist() return networkit.readGraph(fname, fileformat=networkit.Format.EdgeListSpaceZero, directed=data.is_directed())
def test_components_StronglyConnectedComponents(self): g = nk.readGraph("input/MIT8.edgelist", nk.Format.EdgeList, separator='\t', firstNode=0, continuous=False, directed=True) scc = nk.components.StronglyConnectedComponents(g) self.assertNotEqual(scc.componentOfNode(0), None) nComponents = scc.numberOfComponents() compSizes = scc.getComponentSizes() self.assertEqual(nComponents, len(compSizes)) comps = scc.getComponents() for idx, size in compSizes.items(): self.assertEqual(len(comps[idx]), size) _=scc.getPartition()
def testCentralityGroupClosenessLocalSearch(self): g = nk.readGraph('input/celegans_metabolic.graph', nk.Format.METIS) k = 5, False) for weighted in [False, True]: group = set() while len(group) < k: group.add(nk.graphtools.randomNode(g)) gc = nk.centrality.GroupClosenessLocalSearch(g, group).run() groupMaxCC = gc.groupMaxCloseness() self.assertEqual(len(set(groupMaxCC)), k) for u in groupMaxCC: self.assertTrue(g.hasNode(u))
def testSortEdgesByWeight(self): def checkSortedEdges(g, decreasing): for u in g.iterNodes(): prevNode = g.numberOfNodes() if decreasing else -1 prevWeight = 2 if decreasing else 0 for v in g.iterNeighbors(u): w = g.weight(u, v) if decreasing: if w == prevWeight: self.assertLess(prevNode, v) else: self.assertLess(w, prevWeight) else: if w == prevWeight: self.assertLess(prevNode, v) else: self.assertGreater(w, prevWeight) prevNode, prevWeight = v, w def doTest(g): nk.graphtools.sortEdgesByWeight(g, False) checkSortedEdges(g, False) nk.graphtools.sortEdgesByWeight(g, True) checkSortedEdges(g, True) g = nk.readGraph('input/PGPgiantcompo.graph', nk.Format.METIS) g.removeSelfLoops() g.removeMultiEdges() # Test unweighted doTest(g) random.seed(1) g = self.generateRandomWeights(g) e = nk.graphtools.randomEdge(g) # Test weighted doTest(g)
def setUp(self): self.G = nk.readGraph("input/PGPgiantcompo.graph", nk.Format.METIS)
def load(self, file_name, dists_given=False, directed=True): """ Loads a problem from one or two (if not dists_given) files. The first one <file_name>.tasks gives general info of the problem number of days, ... and the second contains the graph edges. The format is the following: *************** "<file_name>.tasks" *************** <Number of days (int)> D <Number of shifts (int)> S <Number of teams (int)> E <base location (int)> n <tasks locations on the graph (ints)> n1 n2 ... nj <tasks times of team 0 (floats)> t1 t2 ... -1 % -1 = inf <tasks times of team 1 (floats)> t1 -1 ... tj ... <tasks times of team E (floats)> -1 t2 ... -1 <costs of hiring team 0 on each shift (floats)> c01 c02 ... c0(D*S) c0(D*S + 1) % The last one corresponds to hiring team 0 to many shifts <costs of hiring team 1 on each shift (floats)> c11 c12 ... c1(D*S) c1(D*S + 1) ... <costs of hiring team E on each shift (floats)> cE1 cE2 ... cE(D*S) cE(D*S + 1) <costs of postponing task 1 on each shift (floats)> c11 c12 ... c1(D*S) c1(D*S + 1) % The last one corresponds to hiring team 0 to many shifts <costs of postponing task 2 on each shift (floats)> c21 c22 ... c2(D*S) c2(D*S + 1) ... <costs of postponing task T on each shift (floats)> cT1 cT2 ... cT(D*S) cT(D*S + 1) % Here T = number of tasks (without the base) % OPTIONAL <distance from 0 to the others (floats)> d00 d01 ... d0j <distance from 1 to the others (floats)> d10 d11 ... d1j ... <distance from j to the others (floats)> dj0 dj1 ... djj % If the distances are given it doesn't load the graph *************** "<file_name>.graph" *************** <edge1 (ints)> n1 n2 w1 <edge2 (ints)> n1 n3 w2 ... <edgei (ints)> nj nk wi Args: file_name (str): the name of the file (without the extension) dists_given (bool): True if the distances are given in "<file_name>.tasks" directed (bool, default=True): True if the given graph is directed """ with open(file_name + '.tasks', 'r') as tasks_file: self.days = int(tasks_file.readline()[:-1]) self.shifts = int(tasks_file.readline()[:-1]) self.teams = int(tasks_file.readline()[:-1]) self.tasks_loc = [int(tasks_file.readline()[:-1])] + list(map(int, tasks_file.readline()[:-1].split(' '))) self.tasks_loc = np.array(self.tasks_loc) self.tasks_times = np.zeros((self.teams, self.tasks_loc.shape[0])) for i in range(self.teams): line = tasks_file.readline() times = [0.] + list(map(float, line[:-1].split(' '))) self.tasks_times[i] = np.array(times) self.tasks_times[i, self.tasks_times[i] < 0] = np.inf self.teams_costs = np.zeros((self.teams, self.days * self.shifts + 1)) for i in range(self.teams): line = tasks_file.readline() costs = list(map(float, line[:-1].split(' '))) self.teams_costs[i] = np.array(costs) self.tasks_costs = np.zeros((self.tasks_loc.shape[0] - 1, self.days * self.shifts + 1)) for i in range(self.tasks_loc.shape[0] - 1): line = tasks_file.readline() costs = list(map(float, line[:-1].split(' '))) self.tasks_costs[i] = np.array(costs) if dists_given: self.tasks_dists = np.empty((self.tasks_times.shape[0], self.tasks_times.shape[0])) for i, line in enumerate(tasks_file.readlines()): self.tasks_dists[i] = np.array(map(float, line[:-1].split(' '))) if not dists_given and isfile(file_name + '.graph'): graph = nk.readGraph(file_name + '.graph', nk.Format.EdgeList, separator=' ', firstNode=0, directed=directed) self.compute_dists(graph)
label=label, c=next(color), alpha=0.6, linewidth=2.0) if debug: print("{} {}".format(strategy, r_index)) #, file=file_results) lgd = analysis_plot.legend(loc="center left", shadow=False, bbox_to_anchor=(1.0, 0.5)) index += 1 pylab.tight_layout(pad=4.3, w_pad=5.4, h_pad=2.5) pylab.savefig(file_name + ".png", format="png", bbox_extra_artists=(lgd, )) pylab.close(1) if debug: file_results.close() if __name__ == "__main__": # def test(): graph = nk.readGraph("football.gml", nk.Format.GML) # erg = nk.generators.ErdosRenyiGenerator(2, 0.3, False) # graph = erg.generate() plot_robustness_analysis(graph)
def load_from_graphtool_nk(path): graph = nk.readGraph(path, nk.Format.GraphToolBinary) return graph
def _execute_one_graph(graph_dict): in_path = (GraphCrawler()._stagepath + graph_dict["Group"] + "/" + graph_dict["Path"]) graph_type = graph_dict["Group"] g = None try: g = networkit.readGraph(in_path, networkit.Format.EdgeList, separator=" ", firstNode=0, commentPrefix="%", continuous=True) except Exception as e: print(e) return [] if not g: print("could not import graph from path", in_path) return [] if g.numberOfNodes() > 0 and g.numberOfEdges() > 0: if == 0: g.removeNode(0) print("Graph", g.toString()) g = shrink_to_giant_component(g) if g.numberOfNodes() < 100: print("Graph is too small (" + str(g.numberOfNodes()) + " nodes, needs 100): " + in_path) return [] model_types = [("ER", lambda x: ("", fit_er(x))), ("BA circle", lambda x: ("", fit_ba(x, fully_connected_start=False))), ("BA full", lambda x: ("", fit_ba(x, fully_connected_start=True))), ("chung-lu", lambda x: ("", fit_chung_lu(x))), ("chung-lu constant", fit_chung_lu_constant), ("hyperbolic", fit_hyperbolic)] outputs = [] real_output = analyze(g) real_output["Graph"] = g.getName() real_output["Type"] = graph_type real_output["Model"] = "real-world" real_output["Info"] = "" outputs.append(real_output) # all_keys = set() for model_name, model_converter in model_types: try: info1, model1 = model_converter(g) output1 = analyze(model1) # Retry model based on info2, model2 = model_converter(model1) output2 = analyze(model2) except ZeroDivisionError as e: print("Error:", e, "for", model_name, "of", g.getName()) else: output1["Graph"] = g.getName() output1["Type"] = graph_type output1["Model"] = model_name output1["Info"] = info1 outputs.append(output1) output2["Graph"] = g.getName() output2["Type"] = graph_type output2["Model"] = model_name + "-second" output2["Info"] = info2 outputs.append(output2) # all_keys |= set(output.keys()) # for model_name, info, output in sorted(outputs): # for key in all_keys - set(output.keys()): # output[key] = float("nan") return outputs
def loadGraph(self, path, graphFormat=networkit.Format.GML): with Timer() as t: G = networkit.readGraph(path, graphFormat) debug("reading {path} took {t.elapsed} s".format(**locals())) return G
#0. Parse arguments fileFormat = sys.argv[1] file = sys.argv[2] t = int(sys.argv[3]) curingRate = int(sys.argv[4]) initialFractionOfInfected = float(sys.argv[5]) saveFolder = sys.argv[6] #1. Load the network and calculate the ep. threshold #Currently, script only supports METIS and SNAP formats if fileFormat == 'METIS': fileFormat = nt.Format.METIS else: fileFormat = nt.Format.SNAP G = nt.readGraph(file, fileFormat) epThreshold = 1/(nt.algebraic.adjacencyEigenvector(G, 0)[0]) # <codecell> #2. Get network properties #Number of nodes, Max deg., avg. deg, clustering.coeff, modularity, power law gamma N = G.numberOfNodes() dmax =[1] k = ck = zeta = mod =, G) isPowerLaw, gamma =, 0 if isPowerLaw[0] == True: gamma = isPowerLaw[2]
pylab.close(1) # Generate csv file import numpy as np matrix = np.matrix([x1, y1, y2, y3, y5]) filename = outfile.rsplit(".", 1)[0] + ".csv" header = ", degree, betweeness, closeness, random" separator = ", " np.savetxt(filename, matrix.transpose(), fmt="%s", delimiter=separator, header=header, comments="") if __name__ == "__main__": infile = sys.argv[1] outfile = sys.argv[2] if sys.argv[3] == "True": recalculate = True else: recalculate = False import networkit as nk gk = nk.readGraph(infile, nk.Format.GML) g = nk.nk2nx(gk) # g = nx.read_gml(infile) plot_functions(g, outfile, recalculate)
def setUp(self): self.g = nk.readGraph("input/PGPgiantcompo.graph", nk.Format.METIS) = self.generateRandomWeights(self.g)
def generateEgoFB(): return nk.readGraph('./graphs/facebook_egos', nk.Format.EdgeList, firstNode=0, separator=" ", continuous=True)
def loadGraph(self, path): with Timer() as t: G = networkit.readGraph(path, networkit.Format.GML) debug("reading {path} took {t.elapsed} s".format(**locals())) return G
print(method_name)#, file=file_results) for strategy in centrality.keys(): vertices_removed, component_size, r_index = calculate(nk.Graph(g), strategy, name, sequential_analysis) label = "%s \n($R = %4.3f$)" % (strategy, r_index) analysis_plot.plot(vertices_removed, component_size, label=label, c=next(color), alpha=0.6, linewidth=2.0) if debug: print("{} {}".format(strategy, r_index))#, file=file_results) lgd = analysis_plot.legend(loc="center left", shadow=False, bbox_to_anchor=(1.0, 0.5)) index += 1 pylab.tight_layout(pad=4.3, w_pad=5.4, h_pad=2.5) pylab.savefig(file_name + ".png", format="png", bbox_extra_artists=(lgd,)) pylab.close(1) if debug: file_results.close() if __name__ == "__main__": # def test(): graph = nk.readGraph("football.gml", nk.Format.GML) # erg = nk.generators.ErdosRenyiGenerator(2, 0.3, False) # graph = erg.generate() plot_robustness_analysis(graph)