Esempio n. 1
    def test_issue_2127(self):
        """Test from issue 2127"""
        # Build the example DAG
        G = nx.DiGraph()
        G.add_edge("A", "C")
        G.add_edge("A", "B")
        G.add_edge("C", "E")
        G.add_edge("C", "D")
        G.add_edge("E", "G")
        G.add_edge("E", "F")
        G.add_edge("G", "I")
        G.add_edge("G", "H")

        tc = nx.transitive_closure(G)
        btc = nx.Graph()

        # Create a bipartite graph based on the transitive closure of G
        for v in tc.nodes():
            btc.add_node((0, v))
            btc.add_node((1, v))

        for u, v in tc.edges():
            btc.add_edge((0, u), (1, v))

        top_nodes = {n for n in btc if n[0] == 0}
        matching = hopcroft_karp_matching(btc, top_nodes)
        vertex_cover = to_vertex_cover(btc, matching, top_nodes)
        independent_set = set(G) - {v for _, v in vertex_cover}
        assert_equal({'B', 'D', 'F', 'I', 'H'}, independent_set)
    def test_issue_2127(self):
        """Test from issue 2127"""
        # Build the example DAG
        G = nx.DiGraph()
        G.add_edge("A", "C")
        G.add_edge("A", "B")
        G.add_edge("C", "E")
        G.add_edge("C", "D")
        G.add_edge("E", "G")
        G.add_edge("E", "F")
        G.add_edge("G", "I")
        G.add_edge("G", "H")

        tc = nx.transitive_closure(G)
        btc = nx.Graph()

        # Create a bipartite graph based on the transitive closure of G
        for v in tc.nodes():
            btc.add_node((0, v))
            btc.add_node((1, v))

        for u, v in tc.edges():
            btc.add_edge((0, u), (1, v))

        top_nodes = set([n for n in btc if n[0] == 0])
        matching = hopcroft_karp_matching(btc, top_nodes)
        vertex_cover = to_vertex_cover(btc, matching, top_nodes)
        independent_set = set(G) - set([v for _, v in vertex_cover])
        assert_equal(set(['B', 'D', 'F', 'I', 'H']), independent_set)
Esempio n. 3
def filtering(GG, u):
    # filter GG with constraint u and return if GG is still satisfiable
    v = set()
    for i in unitlist[u]:
        if not set(GG[i]):
            return False
        v |= set(GG[i])
    G = GG.subgraph(unitlist[u] + list(v))
    max_matching = hopcroft_karp_matching(G, unitlist[u])
    max_matching = [(k, v) for k, v in max_matching.items()]
    v2x = [
        p if len(p[1]) == 2 else p[::-1] for p in list(
                set(map(frozenset, G.edges)) -
                set(map(frozenset, max_matching))))
    x2v = [p if len(p[0]) == 2 else p[::-1] for p in max_matching]
    assert {i for p in G.edges for i in p} == set(G.nodes)
    GM = nx.DiGraph(v2x + x2v)
    used = set(map(frozenset, max_matching))
    for i in nx.strongly_connected_components(GM):
        used |= set(map(frozenset, GM.subgraph(i).edges))
    m_free = list(set(G.nodes) - {i for p in max_matching for i in p})
    if m_free:
        for i in nx.bfs_successors(GM, m_free[0]):
            for j in i[1]:
                used.add(frozenset({i[0], j}))
    unused = list(map(tuple, set(map(frozenset, G.edges)) - used))

    affected_units = set()
    for e in unused:
        affected_units |= units[e[0] if len(e[0]) == 2 else e[1]]
    for unit in list(affected_units - {u}):
        if not filtering(GG, unit):
            return False
    return True
Esempio n. 4
def main():
    T = int(raw_input())
    for i in xrange(T):
        # print '=== case', i
        N = int(raw_input())
        l = []

        left_nodes = set()
        right_nodes = set()
        edges = []
        for n in xrange(N):
            topic = raw_input().split()
            topic[0] += '_left'
            topic[1] += '_right'

        # print left_nodes, right_nodes, edges
        edges = set(edges)

        G = nx.Graph()
        G.add_nodes_from(left_nodes, bipartite=0)
        G.add_nodes_from(right_nodes, bipartite=1)

        matching = hopcroft_karp_matching(G)
        min_cover = set(matching.items())
        uncovered_nodes = set(G) - {v for u, v in min_cover}
        for v in uncovered_nodes:
            u = next(iter(G[v]))
            min_cover.add((u, v))
            min_cover.add((v, u))

        min_cover = [(u, v) for u, v in min_cover if (u, v) in edges]
        # print min_cover
        output(i, N - len(min_cover))
 def test_hopcroft_karp_matching_disconnected(self):
     match = hopcroft_karp_matching(self.disconnected_graph)
 def test_hopcroft_karp_matching_simple(self):
     match = hopcroft_karp_matching(self.simple_graph)
     assert_equal(match, self.simple_solution)
    def test_hopcroft_karp_matching(self):
        """Tests that the Hopcroft--Karp algorithm produces a maximum
        cardinality matching in a bipartite graph.

        self.check_match(hopcroft_karp_matching(self.graph, self.top_nodes))
Esempio n. 8
    def test_hopcroft_karp_matching(self):
        """Tests that the Hopcroft--Karp algorithm produces a maximum
        cardinality matching in a bipartite graph.

Esempio n. 9
 def test_hopcroft_karp_matching_disconnected(self):
     with pytest.raises(nx.AmbiguousSolution):
         match = hopcroft_karp_matching(self.disconnected_graph)
Esempio n. 10
 def test_hopcroft_karp_matching_disconnected(self):
     match = hopcroft_karp_matching(self.disconnected_graph)
Esempio n. 11
 def test_hopcroft_karp_matching_simple(self):
     match = hopcroft_karp_matching(self.simple_graph)
     assert_equal(match, self.simple_solution)