def testRun(self): sim = watts_strogatz.WS() steps=self.starting_network_size, rewiring_probability=self.rewiring_probability, lattice_connections=self.lattice_connections, starting_network_size=self.starting_network_size) with sim.graph.handle as graph: self.assertEqual( self.comparison_graph.number_of_nodes(), graph.number_of_nodes()) self.assertEqual( self.comparison_graph.number_of_edges(), graph.number_of_edges()) if False: self.assertAlmostEqual( nx.diameter(self.comparison_graph), nx.diameter(graph), delta=1. ) self.assertAlmostEqual( nx.average_shortest_path_length(self.comparison_graph), nx.average_shortest_path_length(graph), delta=1. )
def compare_graphs(graph): n = nx.number_of_nodes(graph) m = nx.number_of_edges(graph) k = np.mean(list( erdos = nx.erdos_renyi_graph(n, p=m/float(n*(n-1)/2)) barabasi = nx.barabasi_albert_graph(n, m=int(k)-7) small_world = nx.watts_strogatz_graph(n, int(k), p=0.04) print(' ') print('Compare the number of edges') print(' ') print('My network: ' + str(nx.number_of_edges(graph))) print('Erdos: ' + str(nx.number_of_edges(erdos))) print('Barabasi: ' + str(nx.number_of_edges(barabasi))) print('SW: ' + str(nx.number_of_edges(small_world))) print(' ') print('Compare average clustering coefficients') print(' ') print('My network: ' + str(nx.average_clustering(graph))) print('Erdos: ' + str(nx.average_clustering(erdos))) print('Barabasi: ' + str(nx.average_clustering(barabasi))) print('SW: ' + str(nx.average_clustering(small_world))) print(' ') print('Compare average path length') print(' ') print('My network: ' + str(nx.average_shortest_path_length(graph))) print('Erdos: ' + str(nx.average_shortest_path_length(erdos))) print('Barabasi: ' + str(nx.average_shortest_path_length(barabasi))) print('SW: ' + str(nx.average_shortest_path_length(small_world))) print(' ') print('Compare graph diameter') print(' ') print('My network: ' + str(nx.diameter(graph))) print('Erdos: ' + str(nx.diameter(erdos))) print('Barabasi: ' + str(nx.diameter(barabasi))) print('SW: ' + str(nx.diameter(small_world)))
def make_graph(self,save_graph=True): graph = nx.DiGraph() all_tweets = [tweet for page in self.results for tweet in page['results']] for tweet in all_tweets: rt_sources = self.get_rt_sources(tweet["text"]) if not rt_sources: continue for rt_source in rt_sources: graph.add_edge(rt_source, tweet["from_user"], {"tweet_id": tweet["id"]}) #--Calculate graph summary statistics if nx.is_connected(graph.to_undirected()): diameter = nx.diameter(graph.to_undirected()) average_shortest_path = nx.average_shortest_path_length(graph.to_undirected()) print 'Diameter: ', diameter print 'Average Shortest Path: ',average_shortest_path else: print "Graph is not connected so calculating the diameter and average shortest path length on all connected components." diameter = [] average_shortest_path = [] for subgraph in nx.connected_component_subgraphs(graph.to_undirected()): diameter.append(nx.diameter(subgraph)) average_shortest_path.append(nx.average_shortest_path_length(subgraph)) from numpy import median from scipy.stats import scoreatpercentile print 'Diameter: ',median(diameter),u'\xB1',str(scoreatpercentile(diameter,75)-scoreatpercentile(diameter,25)) print 'Average Path Length :',median(average_shortest_path),u'\xB1',str(scoreatpercentile(average_shortest_path,75)-scoreatpercentile(average_shortest_path,25)) degree_sequence=sorted(,reverse=True) # degree sequence import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.loglog(degree_sequence,'b-',marker='o') plt.title("Distribution of Degrees for %s tweets" %(self.drug_name), fontsize=20) plt.ylabel("Degree", fontsize=20) plt.xlabel("Rank", fontsize=20) # draw graph in inset ax = plt.axes([0.35,0.25,0.55,0.55]) plt.axis('off') nx.draw(graph, ax=ax, alpha=0.8, with_labels=False) plt.savefig("degree_distribution_%s.png"%(self.drug_name.replace(' ','_')), dpi=300) plt.close() if save_graph: output_file = self.drug_name.replace(' ','_') + '.dot' try: nx.drawing.write_dot(graph,output_file) print 'Graph saved as ',output_file except (ImportError, UnicodeEncodeError) as e: dot = ['"%s" -> "%s" [tweetid=%s]' % (node1,node2,graph[node1][node2]['tweet_id']) for node1,node2, in graph.edges()] with,'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write('strict digraph G{\n%s\n}' % (';\n'.join(dot),)) print 'Saved ',output_file,' by brute force' return diameter, average_shortest_path
def getDiameter(self): graph = self.getGraph() try: diameter = nx.diameter(graph) # NetworkX will throw an exception if the graph is not connected (~ infinite diameter) except nx.NetworkXError: return -1
def diameter(g, weighted): if not weighted: return nx.diameter(g) else: ret = nx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path_length(g) return max(map(lambda perSourceDists: max(perSourceDists.values()), ret.values())) pass
def main(): calendar = pd.read_csv("calendar.csv") G=nx.Graph() for r in calendar.index: G.add_edge(calendar.ix[r].team_a, calendar.ix[r].team_b) #print calendar.ix[r].team_a, calendar.ix[r].team_b nx.draw_networkx(G, node_size=100, node_color='b', label='World cup past matches') print 'Diameter:', nx.diameter(G) print 'Degree Centrality ' degree_centrality = nx.degree_centrality(G) for w in sorted(degree_centrality, key=degree_centrality.get, reverse=True)[:10]: print w, degree_centrality[w] print print 'Betweenness Centrality' betweenness_centrality = nx.betweenness_centrality(G) for w in sorted(betweenness_centrality, key=betweenness_centrality.get, reverse=True)[:10]: print w, betweenness_centrality[w]
def failure(compagnia): adiacenzaFinal = numpy.genfromtxt(("/home/protoss/Documenti/Siscomp_datas/data/AdiacenzaEuclidea_{0}.csv".format(compagnia)),delimiter=',',dtype='int') grafoFinal = networkx.Graph(adiacenzaFinal) graphSize = networkx.number_of_nodes(grafoFinal) steps = graphSize passo = 1 i = 0 ascisse.append(i) aziendaFinal.append(compagnia) diametro.append(2) relSizeGC.append(1) while (networkx.number_of_nodes(grafoFinal) > passo): gradiFinal = pandas.DataFrame(, columns=['index', 'grado']) randomante = gradiFinal['index'].values randomante = numpy.random.permutation(randomante) grafoFinal.remove_node(randomante[0]) giantCluster = max(networkx.connected_component_subgraphs(grafoFinal), key = len) i += 100/steps ascisse.append(i) aziendaFinal.append(compagnia) graphSize = networkx.number_of_nodes(grafoFinal) diametro.append(networkx.diameter(giantCluster, e=None)) relSizeGC.append((networkx.number_of_nodes(giantCluster))/(float(graphSize)))
def attaccoPercent(compagnia, steps): adiacenzaFinal = numpy.genfromtxt(("/home/protoss/Documenti/Siscomp_datas/data/AdiacenzaEuclidea_{0}.csv".format(compagnia)),delimiter=',',dtype='int') grafoFinal = networkx.Graph(adiacenzaFinal) graphSize = networkx.number_of_nodes(grafoFinal) passo = networkx.number_of_nodes(grafoFinal)/steps i = 0 ascisse.append(i) aziendaFinal.append(compagnia) diametro.append(2) relSizeGC.append(1) while (networkx.number_of_nodes(grafoFinal) > passo): gradiFinal = pandas.DataFrame(, columns=['index', 'grado']) gradiFinal.sort(["grado"], ascending=[False], inplace=True) sortedIDnode = gradiFinal['index'].values # grafoFinal.remove_nodes_from(sortedIDnode[0:passo]) for identificativo in sortedIDnode: if (networkx.number_of_nodes(grafoFinal) > len(sortedIDnode) - passo): grafoFinal.remove_node(identificativo) giantCluster = max(networkx.connected_component_subgraphs(grafoFinal), key = len) i += 100/float(steps) ascisse.append(i) aziendaFinal.append(compagnia) graphSize = networkx.number_of_nodes(grafoFinal) diametro.append(networkx.diameter(giantCluster, e=None)) relSizeGC.append((networkx.number_of_nodes(giantCluster))/(float(graphSize)))
def randomFailure(compagnia, steps): adiacenzaFinal = numpy.genfromtxt( ("/home/protoss/Documenti/Siscomp_datas/data/AdiacenzaEuclidea_{0}.csv".format(compagnia)), delimiter=",", dtype="int", ) grafoFinal = networkx.Graph(adiacenzaFinal) graphSize = networkx.number_of_nodes(grafoFinal) passo = networkx.number_of_nodes(grafoFinal) / float(steps) i = 0 ascisse.append(i) aziendaFinal.append(compagnia) diametro.append(2) relSizeGC.append(1) while networkx.number_of_nodes(grafoFinal) > passo: gradiFinal = pandas.DataFrame(, columns=["index", "grado"]) randomante = gradiFinal["index"].values randomante = numpy.random.permutation(randomante) for identificativo in randomante: if networkx.number_of_nodes(grafoFinal) > len(randomante) - passo: grafoFinal.remove_node(identificativo) giantCluster = max(networkx.connected_component_subgraphs(grafoFinal), key=len) i += 100 / steps ascisse.append(i) aziendaFinal.append(compagnia) graphSize = networkx.number_of_nodes(grafoFinal) diametro.append(networkx.diameter(giantCluster, e=None)) relSizeGC.append((networkx.number_of_nodes(giantCluster)) / (float(graphSize)))
def NetStats(G): return { 'radius': nx.radius(G), 'diameter': nx.diameter(G), 'connected_components': nx.number_connected_components(G), 'density' : nx.density(G), 'shortest_path_length': nx.shortest_path_length(G), 'clustering': nx.clustering(G)}
def write_network(network, time, targets, seed, filename="network.dat"): print("\tDetermining network type.") if isinstance(network,nx.DiGraph): network_type = "Directed" else: network_type = "Undirected" print("\tCalculaing edges and vertices.") edges = network.number_of_edges() vertices = network.number_of_nodes() undirected = network.to_undirected() print("\tFinding subgraphs.") subgraphs = nx.connected_component_subgraphs(undirected) print("\tFinding network diameter.") diameter = nx.diameter(subgraphs[0]) print("\tStoring network parameters") out = open(filename, "w") out.write("Simulation name: {0}\n\n".format(time)) out.write("Network properties\n===============\n") out.write("Network type: {0}\n".format(network_type)) out.write("Number of vertices: {0}\n".format(vertices)) out.write("Number of edges: {0}\n".format(edges)) out.write("Diameter: {0}\n".format(diameter)) out.close()
def write_network_characteristics(g): nodes = len(g.nodes()) edges = len(g.edges()) avg_degree = float(2*edges)/nodes max_conn = (nodes*(nodes-1))/2 clustering = nx.average_clustering(g) density = nx.density(g) diameter = nx.diameter(g) a_p_l = nx.average_shortest_path_length(g) conn = nx.is_connected(g) n_comp_con = nx.number_connected_components(g) # write them on file out = open("statistics_giant.csv", "w") out.write("#Nodes,#Edges,Avg_Degree, Max Connection, Clustering Coefficient, Density, Diameter , Average Shortest Path , Is Connected? , Number Connected Component\n") out.write("%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s\n" % (nodes, edges, avg_degree , max_conn, clustering, density ,diameter ,a_p_l, conn , n_comp_con)) g = read_graph("dataset/cutted_graph(0.15).csv") degree_distribution(g0) #Extract max Giant component cc=sorted(nx.connected_component_subgraphs(g), key = len, reverse=True) g0=gcc[0] write_network_characteristics(g0)
def init_tracks(T, root, node_to_tm, edge_to_rate, primary_to_tol, Q_primary, primary_track, tolerance_tracks, interaction_map): """ Initialize trajectories of all tracks. """ # Initialize blink history and events. for track in tolerance_tracks: init_blink_history(T, track) init_complete_blink_events(T, node_to_tm, edge_to_rate, track) track.remove_self_transitions() # Initialize the primary trajectory with many incomplete events. diameter = nx.diameter(Q_primary) ev_to_P_nx = init_incomplete_primary_events(T, node_to_tm, edge_to_rate, primary_track, diameter) # Sample the state of the primary track. sample_primary_transitions(T, root, node_to_tm, edge_to_rate, primary_to_tol, ev_to_P_nx, primary_track, tolerance_tracks) # Remove self-transition events from the primary track. primary_track.remove_self_transitions()
def ltDecomposeTestBatFull(dsName, path, outfile, cd, wccOnly, revEdges, undir, diaF, fillF): origNet = loadNw(dsName, path, cd, wccOnly, revEdges, undir) prodNet = origNet # prodNet = copy.deepcopy(origNet) # print("dc") outfile = open(path + outfile + ".csv", "w") intFlag = False print("NW-WIDE MEASURES:\n") nodeStr = str(origNet.number_of_nodes()) edgeStr = str(origNet.number_of_edges()) avgDeg = str(float(origNet.number_of_edges()) / float(origNet.number_of_nodes())) dens = str(nx.density(origNet)) avgCl = "--" # avgCl = str(nx.average_clustering(origNet)) if diaF: print(" Starting dia calc") diameter = str(nx.diameter(origNet)) print(" --> done w. dia calc") else: diameter = "---" # outfile.write("Dataset,NumNodes,NumEdges,avgDeg,dens,avgCl,diameter\n") # outfile.write(dsName+","+nodeStr+","+edgeStr+","+avgDeg+","+dens+","+avgCl+","+diameter+"\n") # if fillF: # print("FULL THRESH TEST\n") # outfile.write("Dataset,ThreshType,ThreshVal,PercSize,NumNodes,NumEdges,TimeAlg,TimeAlgAndSetup,Check\n") # thresh=1.0 # outfile.write(ltDecomposeNoSetWithCheck(prodNet,thresh,dsName,intFlag,origNet)) outfile.close() print("Done.")
def print_graph_info(graph): e = nx.eccentricity(graph) print 'graph with %u nodes, %u edges' % (len(graph.nodes()), len(graph.edges())) print 'radius: %s' % nx.radius(graph, e) # min e print 'diameter: %s' % nx.diameter(graph, e) # max e print 'len(center): %s' % len(, e)) # e == radius print 'len(periphery): %s' % len(nx.periphery(graph, e)) # e == diameter
def strongly_connected_components(): conn = sqlite3.connect("zhihu.db") #following_data = pd.read_sql('select user_url, followee_url from Following where followee_url in (select user_url from User where agree_num > 50000) and user_url in (select user_url from User where agree_num > 50000)', conn) following_data = pd.read_sql('select user_url, followee_url from Following where followee_url in (select user_url from User where agree_num > 10000) and user_url in (select user_url from User where agree_num > 10000)', conn) conn.close() G = nx.DiGraph() cnt = 0 for d in following_data.iterrows(): G.add_edge(d[1][0],d[1][1]) cnt += 1 print 'links number:', cnt scompgraphs = nx.strongly_connected_component_subgraphs(G) scomponents = sorted(nx.strongly_connected_components(G), key=len, reverse=True) print 'components nodes distribution:', [len(c) for c in scomponents] #plot graph of component, calculate saverage_shortest_path_length of components who has over 1 nodes index = 0 print 'average_shortest_path_length of components who has over 1 nodes:' for tempg in scompgraphs: index += 1 if len(tempg.nodes()) != 1: print nx.average_shortest_path_length(tempg) print 'diameter', nx.diameter(tempg) print 'radius', nx.radius(tempg) pylab.figure(index) nx.draw_networkx(tempg) # Components-as-nodes Graph cG = nx.condensation(G) pylab.figure('Components-as-nodes Graph') nx.draw_networkx(cG)
def printStats(filename): ''' Converts json adjacency list into networkx to calculate and print the graphs's - average clustering coefficient - overall clustering coefficient - maximum diameter - average diameter - number of paritions using community.best_parition - modularity of community.best_partition ''' g = makeGraphFromJSON(filename) print "Average Clustering Coefficient: %f" % nx.average_clustering(g) print "Overall Clustering Coefficient: %f" % nx.transitivity(g) connected_subgraphs = list(nx.connected_component_subgraphs(g)) largest = max(nx.connected_component_subgraphs(g), key=len) print "# Connected Components: %d" % len(connected_subgraphs) print " Maximal Diameter: %d" % nx.diameter(largest) print " Average Diameter: %f" % nx.average_shortest_path_length(largest) # Find partition that maximizes modularity using Louvain's algorithm part = community.best_partition(g) print "# Paritions: %d" % (max(part.values()) + 1) print "Louvain Modularity: %f" % community.modularity(part, g)
def __init__(self,graph,num_hashes,ident_bits): # The network graph we are going to use: self.graph = graph # Assert that the graph is connected: assert nx.is_connected(self.graph) # Max layer will be the diameter of the graph: self.max_distance = nx.diameter(self.graph) # Amount of nodes: self.num_nodes = self.graph.number_of_nodes() # Amount of bits in identity: self.ident_bits = ident_bits # Maximum size of identity: self.max_ident = 2**self.ident_bits # Evade the birthday paradox: assert (self.num_nodes ** 2.5) <= self.max_ident # Amount of cryptographic hash functions to be used: self.num_hashes = num_hashes # Generate nodes and neighbours links: self.gen_nodes() self.install_neighbours()
def min_connectivity(self, graph): apnc = nx.all_pairs_node_connectivity(graph) # start with graph diameter; minimum won't be larger than this mc = nx.diameter(graph) for targets in apnc.itervalues(): mc = min(min(targets.itervalues()), mc) return mc
def NetStats(G,name): s=0 d = for i in d.values(): s = s + i n = len(G.nodes()) m = len(G.edges()) k = float(s)/float(n) #k = nx.average_node_connectivity(G) C = nx.average_clustering(G) l = nx.average_shortest_path_length(G) Cc = nx.closeness_centrality(G) d = nx.diameter(G) #The diameter is the maximum eccentricity. r = nx.radius(G) #The radius is the minimum eccentricity. output = "ESTADISITICOS_"+name SALIDA = open(output,"w") SALIDA.write(("Numero de nodos n = %s \n") % n) SALIDA.write(("Numero de aristas m = %s \n") % m) SALIDA.write(("Grado promedio <k> = %s \n") % k) SALIDA.write(("Clustering Coeficient = %s \n") % C) SALIDA.write(("Shortest Path Length = %s \n") % l) #SALIDA.write(("Closeness = %s \n") % Cc) SALIDA.write(("Diameter (maximum eccentricity) = %d \n") % d) SALIDA.write(("Radius (minimum eccentricity) = %d \n") % r)
def run(self, graph, all_disconnected_nodes,a1,a2,node=None): ''' Assign weight to node depending on degree ''' weights = {} oweights={} #calculate maximum and minimum degrees of nodes #use it for calculating assortativity d=len(graph.nodes()) if nx.is_connected(graph): d=nx.diameter(graph) #calculate similarity of nodes based on their degrees for nodes in all_disconnected_nodes: if nx.has_path(graph,node,nodes): metric=nx.shortest_path_length(graph, node, nodes)/(d) else: metric=1 weights[nodes]=a1*(1-metric) oweights[nodes]=a2*(metric) return Weights(weights,oweights)
def netstats_simple(graph): G = graph if nx.is_connected(G): d = nx.diameter(G) r = nx.radius(G) else: d = 'NA - graph is not connected' #should be calculatable on unconnected graph - see example code for hack r = 'NA - graph is not connected' #using dictionary to pack values and variablesdot, eps, ps, pdf break equally result = {#"""single value measures""" 'nn': G.number_of_nodes(), 'ne': G.number_of_edges(), 'd': d, 'r': r, 'conn': nx.number_connected_components(G), 'asp': nx.average_shortest_path_length(G), # """number of the largest clique""" 'cn': nx.graph_clique_number(G), # """number of maximal cliques""" 'mcn': nx.graph_number_of_cliques(G), # """transitivity - """ 'tr': nx.transitivity(G), #cc = nx.clustering(G) """clustering coefficient""" 'avgcc': nx.average_clustering(G) } # result['d'] = nx.diameter(G) print result return result
def diameter(connected_component_graphs, file_name): max_diameter = 0 for connected_component in connected_component_graphs: diameter = nx.diameter(connected_component) if max_diameter < diameter: max_diameter = diameter file_name.write("Diameter: " + str(max_diameter) + "\n")
def calculate(network): try: n = nx.diameter(network) except: return 0 return round(n, 7)
def regular_D(n,d,D): while True: G=nx.random_regular_graph(d,n) if nx.is_connected(G): diameter = nx.diameter(G) if diameter == D: return G
def obca(g): diameter = nx.diameter(g) lb_max = diameter + 1 # Rank the nodes according to their degree results = nx.degree_centrality(g) nodes = next(zip(*sorted(results.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1)))) results = dict() for lb in range(2, lb_max): covered_frequency = [0] * len(g.nodes()) boxes = list() for i in range(0, len(nodes)): node = nodes[i] if covered_frequency[i] > 0: continue box = list(nx.single_source_shortest_path_length(g, node, lb-1).keys()) # Verify that all paths within the box have the length less then lb index = 0 while True: node = box[index] for j in range(index+1, len(box)): neighbor = box[j] if nx.shortest_path_length(g, node, neighbor) >= lb: box.remove(neighbor) index += 1 if index >= len(box): break for node in box: node_index = nodes.index(node) covered_frequency[node_index] += 1 boxes.append(box) for box in boxes: redundant_box = True for node in box: node_index = nodes.index(node) if covered_frequency[node_index] == 1: redundant_box = False break if redundant_box: for node in box: node_index = nodes.index(node) covered_frequency[node_index] -= 1 boxes.remove(box) print("lb: {}, boxes: {}, cf: {}".format(lb, boxes, covered_frequency)) results[lb] = boxes return results
def calc_D(G): ''' A function to calculate the diameter input parameters: G: A graph in networkX format. returns: D: The diameter, which is the largest diameter among all the sub components. ''' subD = [] subGs = list(nx.connected_component_subgraphs(G)) indsubG = 1 for H in subGs: if len(H.nodes())>1: print('D: Subgraph '+str(indsubG)+' with '+str(len(H.nodes()))+' nodes') subD.append(nx.diameter(H)) else: subD.append(0) indsubG += 1 # returning the maximum diameter among all the sub components D = np.max(subD) return D
def topologyNetx(gestore): adiacenza = numpy.genfromtxt("/home/protoss/Documenti/Siscomp_datas/data/AdiacenzaEuclidea_{0}.csv".format(gestore),delimiter=',',dtype='int') grafo = networkx.Graph(adiacenza) c = networkx.average_clustering(grafo) d = networkx.diameter(grafo) l = networkx.average_shortest_path_length(grafo) return c, d, l
def get_diameters(graph): connected_components = nx.connected_component_subgraphs(graph) print "number of connected components: ", len(connected_components) diameters = [] for subgraph in connected_components: diameters.append((len(subgraph), nx.diameter(subgraph))) print "diameters: ", diameters
def get_nations_network_by_year(year): cursor = get_db().cursor() cursor.execute("""SELECT reporting, reporting_slug, partner, partner_slug, Flow, expimp, reporting_continent, partner_continent,reporting_type,partner_type FROM flow_joined WHERE reporting NOT LIKE "Worl%%" AND partner NOT LIKE "Worl%%" AND Flow != "null" AND year = %s """%(year) ) table = [list(r) for r in cursor] json_sql_response=[] for row in table: json_sql_response.append({ "reporting": row[0], "reporting_id": row[1], "partner": row[2], "partner_id": row[3], "flow": row[4], "expimp": row[5], "reporting_continent": row[6], "partner_continent": row[7], "reporting_type": row[8], "partner_type": row[9] }) # Create a graph instance G=nx.Graph() nodes = [] for row in table: nodes.append(row[1]) nodes.append(row[3]) # add edge to the graph G.add_edge(row[1], row[3]) nodes = set(nodes) # add nodes to graph G.add_nodes_from(nodes) if len(G.nodes())>0: stats = { "average_clustering": nx.average_clustering(G), "center":, "diameter": nx.diameter(G), "eccentricity": nx.eccentricity(G) } else: stats=[] json_response = {} json_response["stats"] = stats json_response["network"] = json_sql_response return json.dumps(json_response,encoding="UTF8")
def makeMeasures(self, network, exclude): """Make the network measures""" # fazer condicional para cada medida, se não estiver na exclude[], # fazer medida de tempo e guardar como tupla no g = network.g gu = timings = [] T = t.time() self.N = network.g.number_of_nodes() self.E = network.g.number_of_edges() self.E_ = self.edges = g.edges(data=True) self.nodes = g.nodes(data=True) timings.append((t.time() - T, "edges and nodes")) T = t.time() self.degrees = self.nodes_ = sorted(g.nodes(), key=lambda x: self.degrees[x]) self.degrees_ = [self.degrees[i] for i in self.nodes_] self.in_degrees = g.in_degree() self.in_degrees_ = [self.in_degrees[i] for i in self.nodes_] self.out_degrees = g.out_degree() self.out_degrees_ = [self.out_degrees[i] for i in self.nodes_] timings.append((t.time() - T, "in_out_total_degrees")) T = t.time() self.strengths ="weight") self.nodes__ = sorted(g.nodes(), key=lambda x: self.strengths[x]) self.strengths_ = [self.strengths[i] for i in self.nodes_] self.in_strengths = g.in_degree(weight="weight") self.in_strengths_ = [self.in_strengths[i] for i in self.nodes_] self.out_strengths = g.out_degree(weight="weight") self.out_strengths_ = [self.out_strengths[i] for i in self.nodes_] timings.append((t.time() - T, "in_out_total_strengths")) # symmetry measures self.asymmetries = asymmetries = [] self.disequilibrium = disequilibriums = [] self.asymmetries_edge_mean = asymmetries_edge_mean = [] self.asymmetries_edge_std = asymmetries_edge_std = [] self.disequilibrium_edge_mean = disequilibrium_edge_mean = [] self.disequilibrium_edge_std = disequilibrium_edge_std = [] for node in self.nodes_: if not self.degrees[node]: asymmetries.append(0.) disequilibriums.append(0.) asymmetries_edge_mean.append(0.) asymmetries_edge_std.append(0.) disequilibrium_edge_mean.append(0.) disequilibrium_edge_std.append(0.) else: asymmetries.append( (self.in_degrees[node] - self.out_degrees[node]) / self.degrees[node]) disequilibriums.append( (self.in_strengths[node] - self.out_strengths[node]) / self.strengths[node]) edge_asymmetries = ea = [] edge_disequilibriums = ed = [] predecessors = g.predecessors(node) successors = g.successors(node) for pred in predecessors: if pred in successors: ea.append(0.) ed.append( (g[pred][node]['weight'] - g[node][pred]['weight']) / self.strengths[node]) else: ea.append(1.) ed.append(g[pred][node]['weight'] / self.strengths[node]) for suc in successors: if suc in predecessors: pass else: ea.append(-1.) ed.append(-g[node][suc]['weight'] / self.strengths[node]) asymmetries_edge_mean.append(n.mean(ea)) asymmetries_edge_std.append(n.std(ea)) disequilibrium_edge_mean.append(n.mean(ed)) disequilibrium_edge_std.append(n.std(ed)) if "weighted_directed_betweenness" not in exclude: T = t.time() self.weighted_directed_betweenness = x.betweenness_centrality( g, weight="weight") self.weighted_directed_betweenness_ = [ self.weighted_directed_betweenness[i] for i in self.nodes_ ] timings.append((t.time() - T, "weighted_directed_betweenness")) if "unweighted_directed_betweenness" not in exclude: T = t.time() self.unweighted_directed_betweenness = x.betweenness_centrality(g) timings.append((t.time() - T, "unweighted_directed_betweenness")) if "weighted_undirected_betweenness" not in exclude: T = t.time() self.weighted_undirected_betweenness = x.betweenness_centrality( gu, weight="weight") timings.append((t.time() - T, "weighted_undirected_betweenness")) if "unweighted_undirected_betweenness" not in exclude: T = t.time() self.weighted_undirected_betweenness = x.betweenness_centrality(gu) timings.append((t.time() - T, "unweighted_undirected_betweenness")) if "weiner" not in exclude: T = t.time() self.weiner = x.vitality.weiner_index(g, weight="weight") timings.append((t.time() - T, "weiner")) if "closeness" not in exclude: T = t.time() self.closeness = x.vitality.closeness_vitality(g, weight="weight") timings.append((t.time() - T, "closeness")) if "transitivity" not in exclude: T = t.time() self.transitivity = x.transitivity(g) timings.append((t.time() - T, "transitivity")) if "rich_club" not in exclude: T = t.time() self.rich_club = x.rich_club_coefficient(gu) timings.append((t.time() - T, "rich_club")) if "weighted_clustering" not in exclude: T = t.time() self.weighted_clusterings = x.clustering(, weight="weight") self.weighted_clusterings_ = [ self.weighted_clusterings[i] for i in self.nodes_ ] timings.append((t.time() - T, "weighted_clustering")) if "clustering" not in exclude: T = t.time() self.clusterings = x.clustering( self.clusterings_ = [self.clusterings[i] for i in self.clusterings] timings.append((t.time() - T, "clustering")) if "triangles" not in exclude: T = t.time() self.triangles = x.triangles(gu) timings.append((t.time() - T, "clustering")) if "n_weakly_connected_components" not in exclude: T = t.time() self.n_weakly_connected_components = x.number_weakly_connected_components( g) timings.append((t.time() - T, "n_weakly_connected_components")) if "n_strongly_connected_components" not in exclude: T = t.time() self.n_strongly_connected_components = x.number_strongly_connected_components( g) timings.append((t.time() - T, "n_strongly_connected_components")) T = t.time() foo = [i for i in x.connected_component_subgraphs(gu)] bar = sorted(foo, key=lambda x: x.number_of_nodes(), reverse=True) self.component = c = bar[0] timings.append((t.time() - T, "component")) T = t.time() self.diameter = x.diameter(c) self.radius = x.radius(c) = self.periphery = x.periphery(c) timings.append((t.time() - T, "radius_diameter_center_periphery")) self.timings = timings T = t.time() self.n_connected_components = x.number_connected_components(gu) nodes = [] nodes_components = [ foo.nodes() for foo in x.connected_component_subgraphs(gu) ][:1] for nodes_ in nodes_components: nodes += nodes_ self.periphery_ = nodes self.timings = timings
# shortest path (demo) print("########### shortest path (demo)") sample_shortest_path = nx.shortest_path(G, source="jus", target="doctor") print("Shortest path between jus and something:", sample_shortest_path) print("Length of that shortest path: ", len(sample_shortest_path)-1) # there are other shortest path methods; see Ladd et al tutorial # diameter # only works on connected graphs # connected components print("########### connectedness #####") print(nx.is_connected(G)) # learn if graph is connected components = nx.connected_components(G) # get list of components largest_component = max(components, key=len) # use max() command to find largest one subgraph = G.subgraph(largest_component) # create subgraph of just the largest component diameter = nx.diameter(subgraph) # then calculate diameter of subgraph print("Network diameter of largest component:", diameter) # triads print("########### triads ############") triadic_closure = nx.transitivity(G) print("Triadic closure:", triadic_closure) print("for each node, the number of triangles which include it") for node in G.nodes: print(node,":",nx.triangles(G, node)) # gives the number of triangles which include node n as a vertex # triangle weight """ pseudo code for a given node if there are 2+ edges
#nx.draw_circular(G) #si quisieramos crear otro df que muestre los nodos y su numero de conexiones usamos: conexion = {} for x in G.nodes: conexion[x] = len(G[x]) s = pd.Series(conexion, name='Conexiones') df2 = s.to_frame().sort_values('Conexiones', ascending=False) #%% # Density nx.density(G) # Clustering nx.clustering(G) # Similar al comando anterior for i in nx.clustering(G).items(): print(i) # Average clustering nx.average_clustering(G) # Diameter nx.diameter(G) diameter = nx.diameter(net.to_undirected()) # %% # %% # # Rob Chew, Peter Baumgartner | Connected: A Social Network Analysis Tutorial with NetworkX
nodes = list(range(n*n)) # uncomment for 2D lattice network for i in range(0, n*n): for j in range(i, n*n): if G.has_edge(i, j): if random.random() < p_rew: w = random.choice(nodes) while w == i or G.has_edge(i, w): w = random.choice(nodes) G.remove_edge(i,j) G.add_edge(i,w) # periphery of the graph per = nx.periphery(G) # diameter of the graph diam = nx.diameter(G) # pick to nodes in the periphery of the graph input_nodes = [] output_nodes = [] for i in range(0,n*n): for j in range(0,n*n): if nx.shortest_path_length(G,i,j) == diam: input_nodes.append(i) output_nodes.append(j) input_nodes = [input_nodes[0]] output_nodes = [output_nodes[0]] # Define ouput matrix C C = I
def extract(self, key, g, giant=True): ''' Extract network statistics from a social network, g. ''' if giant: g = g.subgraph(max(nx.connected_components(g), key=len)).copy() self.num_nodes.append(nx.number_of_nodes(g)) self.key_list.append(key) n = nx.number_of_nodes(g) # Social network # Extract basic network stats self.num_edges.append(nx.number_of_edges(g)) self.ave_deg.append(2 * nx.number_of_edges(g) / n) self.density.append(nx.density(g)) self.ave_clust.append(nx.average_clustering(g)) # Calculate network stats that require G is connected. if nx.is_connected(g): self.ave_dist.append(nx.average_shortest_path_length(g)) self.diameter.append(nx.diameter(g)) else: self.ave_dist.append(np.nan) self.diameter.append(np.nan) # Network with only supported edges (ex-post IC) g_supp = removeUnsupportedEdges(g) self.links_supported.append( nx.number_of_edges(g_supp) / nx.number_of_edges(g)) # Bipartite network to maximize strategyproof information # Just records the nodes if (n <= 20) & giant: g_bi = max_bi_information(g) else: g_bi = {'max_bi_info': np.nan, 'max_bi_info_nodes': {}} # Information measures self.info_total.append(InformationMeasure(g)) self.info_total_friend_only.append( InformationMeasure(g, include_self_comparisons=False)) self.info_expostIC.append( InformationMeasure(g_supp, include_self_comparisons=False)) self.info_SP.append(g_bi['max_bi_info']) # Classify comparisons comp = classifyComparisons(g) self.comp_total.append(comp["Total"] / (n * (n - 1))) self.comp_supp.append(comp["Supported"] / (n * (n - 1))) self.comp_trans.append(comp["Transitive"] / (n * (n - 1))) self.comp_by_three.append(comp["By three"] / (n * (n - 1))) # Save the network in a dictionary so we can plot it later self.networks[str(key)] = {'g': g, 'g_supp': g_supp, 'g_bi': g_bi} print("Loading network #" + str(key), end="\r") # Counter to see progress on network extraction
def topographic_metrics(wn): # Get the WaterNetworkModel graph G = wn.get_graph() # Print general topographic information print( # Plot node and edge attributes. junction_attr = wn.query_node_attribute('elevation', pipe_attr = wn.query_link_attribute('length',, node_attribute=junction_attr, link_attribute=pipe_attr, title='Node elevation and pipe length', node_size=40, link_width=2) # Compute link density print("Link density: " + str(nx.density(G))) # Compute node degree node_degree = dict(, node_attribute=node_degree, title='Node Degree', node_size=40, node_range=[1, 5]) # Compute number of terminal nodes terminal_nodes = G.terminal_nodes(), node_attribute=terminal_nodes, title='Terminal nodes', node_size=40, node_range=[0, 1]) print("Number of terminal nodes: " + str(len(terminal_nodes))) print(" " + str(terminal_nodes)) # Compute pipes with diameter > threshold diameter = 0.508 # m (20 inches) pipes = wn.query_link_attribute('diameter', np.greater, diameter), link_attribute=list(pipes.keys()), title='Pipes > 20 inches', link_width=2, link_range=[0, 1]) print("Number of pipes > 20 inches: " + str(len(pipes))) print(" " + str(pipes)) # Compute nodes with elevation <= treshold elevation = 1.524 # m (5 feet) nodes = wn.query_node_attribute('elevation', np.less_equal, elevation), node_attribute=list(nodes.keys()), title='Nodes <= 5 ft elevation', node_size=40, node_range=[0, 1]) print("Number of nodes <= 5 ft elevation: " + str(len(nodes))) print(" " + str(nodes)) # Compute eccentricity, diameter, and average shortest path length # These all use an undirected graph uG = G.to_undirected() # undirected graph if nx.is_connected(uG): ecc = nx.eccentricity(uG), node_attribute=ecc, title='Eccentricity', node_size=40, node_range=[15, 30]) print("Diameter: " + str(nx.diameter(uG))) ASPL = nx.average_shortest_path_length(uG) print("Average shortest path length: " + str(ASPL)) # Compute cluster coefficient clust_coefficients = nx.clustering(nx.Graph(G)), node_attribute=clust_coefficients, title='Clustering Coefficient', node_size=40) # Compute betweenness centrality bet_cen = nx.betweenness_centrality(G), node_attribute=bet_cen, title='Betweenness Centrality', node_size=40, node_range=[0, 0.4]) central_pt_dom = G.central_point_dominance() print("Central point dominance: " + str(central_pt_dom)) # Compute articulation points Nap = list(nx.articulation_points(uG)) Nap = list(set(Nap)) # get the unique nodes in Nap Nap_density = float(len(Nap)) / uG.number_of_nodes() print("Density of articulation points: " + str(Nap_density)), node_attribute=Nap, title='Articulation Point', node_size=40, node_range=[0, 1]) # Compute bridges bridges = G.bridges(), link_attribute=bridges, title='Bridges', link_width=2, link_range=[0, 1]) Nbr_density = float(len(bridges)) / G.number_of_edges() print("Density of bridges: " + str(Nbr_density)) # Compute spectal gap spectral_gap = G.spectral_gap() print("Spectal gap: " + str(spectral_gap)) # Compute algebraic connectivity alg_con = G.algebraic_connectivity() print("Algebraic connectivity: " + str(alg_con)) # Critical ratio of defragmentation fc = G.critical_ratio_defrag() print("Critical ratio of defragmentation: " + str(fc)) # Compute closeness centrality clo_cen = nx.closeness_centrality(G), node_attribute=clo_cen, title='Closeness Centrality', node_size=40)
def computeIndicators(committerGraphs, repoReferences, useWeights=False): projectNames = [] # to host project names committersNumbers = [] # to host numbers of committers completenessIndex = [] # to host graph completeness values centralizationIndex = [] # to host the graph centrality values clusteringIndex = [] # to host the graph modularity values averagePLs = [] # to host average path lenghts diameters = [] # to host diameters ######################################################################################### ## Analyse the number of edges in respect to the number of committers ################### ######################################################################################### #indicators are only available for unidirected graphs for committerGraph, file in zip(committerGraphs, repoReferences): # convert directed graph into unidirected graph if nx.is_directed(committerGraph): committerGraph_undirected = nx.to_undirected(committerGraph) committerGraph_undirected = nx.Graph(committerGraph_undirected) else: committerGraph_undirected = committerGraph # add project to the list and get the corresponding number of committers projectNames.append(file) numberOfCommitters = nx.number_of_nodes(committerGraph_undirected) # number of committers in this project committersNumbers.append(numberOfCommitters) # Completeness # ---------- # if there is more than one committer, we can calculate a completeness if numberOfCommitters > 1: # calculate the completeness of the graph, that is, the position in the scale between: # - 0 edge (the graph is entirely disconnected) # - n*(n-1), where n is the number of nodes (each node is connected with all other nodes) scaleMin = 0 scaleMax = len(committerGraph_undirected)*(len(committerGraph_undirected)-1)/2 completenessIndex.append((nx.number_of_edges(committerGraph_undirected)-scaleMin)/(scaleMax-scaleMin)) else: completenessIndex.append(float('nan')) # no Completeness value can be calculated ''' Centrality ---------- after "Social Network Analysis: Methods and Applications", Stanley Wasserman, Katherine Faust --> Degree is the number of nodes that a focal node is connected to, and measures the involvement of the node in the network ''' # get degree of every node degree = # By Freeman (1977) definition: if ((numberOfCommitters-1)*(numberOfCommitters-2)) is not 0 and len(degree) is not 0: # maximum degree c_star = max([x[1] for x in degree]) av = sum([c_star-abs(c_a) for c_a in [x[1] for x in degree]])/((numberOfCommitters-1)*(numberOfCommitters-2)) centralizationIndex.append(av) else: centralizationIndex.append(float('nan')) # no Centrality value can be calculated # Modularity / Clustering # ---------- # after "Generalizations of the clustering coefficient to weighted complex networks", # J. Saramäki, M. Kivelä, J.-P. Onnela, K. Kaski, and J. Kertész, # Physical Review E, 75 027105 (2007). # # Corresponding Networkx function: # # Note: Self loops are ignored in nx.clustering function! if useWeights: clustering_coefficients = nx.clustering(committerGraph_undirected, weight='weight') else: clustering_coefficients = nx.clustering(committerGraph_undirected) # average over all clustering_coefficients if len(clustering_coefficients) is not 0: clusteringIndex.append( sum(clustering_coefficients.values())/len(clustering_coefficients)) else: clusteringIndex.append(float('nan')) # no Modularity value can be calculated try: averagePLs.append(nx.average_shortest_path_length(committerGraph_undirected)) except nx.exception.NetworkXError as err: averagePLs.append('nan') except nx.exception.NetworkXPointlessConcept as err: averagePLs.append('nan') try: diameters.append(nx.diameter(committerGraph_undirected)) except nx.exception.NetworkXError as err: diameters.append('nan') except ValueError as err: diameters.append('nan') return committersNumbers, completenessIndex, centralizationIndex, clusteringIndex, averagePLs, diameters
# #### 社会网络图的布局 nx.draw(nG,pos=nx.circular_layout(nG), with_labels=True) nx.draw(nG,pos=nx.kamada_kawai_layout(nG), with_labels=True) nx.draw(nG,pos=nx.random_layout(nG), with_labels=True) nx.draw(nG,pos=nx.spectral_layout(nG), with_labels=True) ### 网络统计量 #### 网络汇总描述 # #### 密度 nx.density(nG) # #### 直径 nx.diameter(nG) #### 聚类系数与相邻节点 nx.transitivity(nG) nx.clustering(nG) list(nG.neighbors('ATL')) # #### 中心性 nx.degree_centrality(nG) nx.betweenness_centrality(nG) nx.closeness_centrality(nG) # #### 最短路径 len(nx.shortest_path(nG,'ATL','SFO')) # ### 知识图谱应用
def answer_eight(): G_sc = answer_six() return nx.diameter(G_sc) # Your Answer Here
G = G.to_undirected() print "Year "+str(x)+":" print "Number of nodes:", G.number_of_nodes() print "Number of isolates:", len(nx.isolates(G)) G.remove_nodes_from(nx.isolates(G)) print "Number of nodes after removing isolates:", G.number_of_nodes() #print "Graph connected?:", nx.is_connected(G) #print "Number of connected components:", nx.number_connected_components(G) components = sorted(nx.connected_components(G), key = len, reverse=True) #print "Number of connected components:", len(components) component1 = G.subgraph(components[0]) component2 = G.subgraph(components[1]) component3 = G.subgraph(components[2]) component4 = G.subgraph(components[3]) component5 = G.subgraph(components[4]) component1diameter.append(nx.diameter(component1)) component2diameter.append(nx.diameter(component2)) component3diameter.append(nx.diameter(component3)) component4diameter.append(nx.diameter(component4)) component5diameter.append(nx.diameter(component5)) year.append(x) print component1diameter print component2diameter print component3diameter print component4diameter print component5diameter print plt.figure() plt.ylim(0,50) plt.xlim(1974,2006)
ds = [4] + [3 for _ in range(8)] elif n == 10: ds = [3 for _ in range(10)] elif n == 11: ds = [4 for _ in range(3)] + [3 for _ in range(8)] elif n == 12: ds = [4 for _ in range(10)] + [3 for _ in range(2)] elif n == 13: ds = [4 for _ in range(9)] + [3 for _ in range(4)] edges = sum(ds)/2 while 1: G=nx.gnm_random_graph(n,edges) if nx.is_connected(G): degrees = list( degrees.sort(reverse=True) flag = True for i in range(len(ds)): if degrees[i] != ds[i]: flag = False break if flag: diameter = nx.diameter(G) if diameter == 2: print(G) nx.draw(G) exit()
def _compute_random_network_properties(network_name, n, p): G = nx.gnp_random_graph(n, p) expected_no_of_edges = random_network_analyzer.calculate_no_of_edges(n, p) expected_average_degree = random_network_analyzer.calculate_average_degree( n, p) expected_degree_distribution_plot_file_name = random_network_analyzer.calculate_degree_prob_distribution( network_name, n, p) distance_distribution = get_distance_distribution(G) distance_prob_distribution = calculate_distance_prob_distribution( distance_distribution) # distance_prob_distribution_plot_file = plot_and_store_distance_prob_distribution("Random ",distance_prob_distribution) # degree_centrality_interactive_graph = random_network_analyzer.plot_degree_centrality(G) # betweeness_interactive_graph = random_network_analyzer.plot_betweeness(G) # closeness_interactive_graph = random_network_analyzer.plot_closeness(G) expected_regime_type = random_network_analyzer.get_regime_type(n, p) expected_clustering_coefficient = random_network_analyzer.calculate_clustering_coefficient( p) # interactive_network_plot = plot_random_interactive_network(n, p) print('p ' + str(p)) print('expected_no_of_nodes ' + str(n)) print('expected_no_of_edges ' + str(expected_no_of_edges)) print('expected_average_degree ' + str(expected_average_degree)) print('expected_regime_type ' + str(expected_regime_type)) print('expected_clustering_coefficient ' + str(expected_clustering_coefficient)) if (nx.is_connected(G)): diameter = nx.diameter(G) average_distance = nx.average_shortest_path_length(G) print('p ' + str(p)) print('expected_no_of_nodes ' + str(n)) print('expected_no_of_edges ' + str(expected_no_of_edges)) print('expected_average_degree ' + str(expected_average_degree)) print('expected_regime_type ' + str(expected_regime_type)) print('expected_clustering_coefficient ' + str(expected_clustering_coefficient)) print('expected_diameter ' + str(diameter)) print('expected_average_distance ' + str(average_distance)) return { 'p': p, 'expected_no_of_nodes': n, 'expected_no_of_edges': expected_no_of_edges, 'expected_average_degree': expected_average_degree, 'expected_regime_type': expected_regime_type, 'expected_clustering_coefficient': expected_clustering_coefficient, 'expected_diameter': diameter, 'expected_average_distance': average_distance, 'expected_degree_distribution_plot_file_name': expected_degree_distribution_plot_file_name, 'expected_distance_distribution_plot_file_name': distance_prob_distribution_plot_file, 'degree_centrality_interactive_graph': degree_centrality_interactive_graph, 'betweeness_interactive_graph': betweeness_interactive_graph, 'closeness_interactive_graph': closeness_interactive_graph, 'interactive_network_plot': interactive_network_plot } else: print('p ' + str(p)) print('expected_no_of_nodes ' + str(n)) print('expected_no_of_edges ' + str(expected_no_of_edges)) print('expected_average_degree ' + str(expected_average_degree)) print('expected_regime_type ' + str(expected_regime_type)) print('expected_clustering_coefficient ' + str(expected_clustering_coefficient)) return { 'p': p, 'expected_no_of_nodes': n, 'expected_no_of_edges': expected_no_of_edges, 'expected_average_degree': expected_average_degree, 'expected_regime_type': expected_regime_type, 'expected_clustering_coefficient': expected_clustering_coefficient, 'expected_degree_distribution_plot_file_name': expected_degree_distribution_plot_file_name, 'expected_distance_distribution_plot_file_name': distance_prob_distribution_plot_file, 'degree_centrality_interactive_graph': degree_centrality_interactive_graph, 'betweeness_interactive_graph': betweeness_interactive_graph, 'closeness_interactive_graph': closeness_interactive_graph, 'interactive_network_plot': interactive_network_plot }
link1 = random.choice(range(len(A[k]))) link2 = random.choice(range(link1 + 2, link1 + 2 + len(A[k]) - 3)) % len(A[k]) #if flatten(A).count(A[k][link1])<6 and flatten(A).count(A[k][link2])<6: #H.add_edge(A[k][link1],A[k][link2]) H.add_edge(A[k][link1], A[k][link2]) Als = sum([len(x) * (len(x) - 3) / 2 for x in A]) #print alen ll = sum([(-1.5 + np.sqrt(1.5**2 + 2 * ii) + 3) * alen.count(ii) * ii / float(Als) for ii in looplens]) #print ll #ll=sum([len(x)*len(x)*(len(x)-3) for x in A])//Als p[i][j] = (4 + ll) / float(3 * ll) Diam[j] = nx.diameter(H) D = nx.Graph() if len(A) > 1: D.add_nodes_from(range(len(A))) for l in range(len(A)): for i in range(l + 1, len(A)): #if len([val for val in A[l] if val in A[i]])>0: if len([val for val in A[l] if val in A[i]]) > 1: D.add_edge(l, i) Diam2[j] = nx.diameter(D) Vol[j] = diameter_size(D) #meandias[nrange-mini,0]=n #meandias[nrange-mini,1]=np.mean(Diam) #meandias2[nrange-mini,0]=n #meandias2[nrange-mini,1]=np.mean(Diam2)
def extract_activity_graph(G, activity_uri, activity_id): emit(u"Extracting ego graph for {}".format(activity_id))"Extracting graph for {} ({})".format( activity_uri, activity_id)) try: sG = extract_ego_graph(G, activity_uri) except Exception as e: emit( u"Could not extract ego graph for {}/{} (Bug in NetworkX?)".format( activity_id, activity_uri)) app.logger.warning( u"Could not extract ego graph for {}/{} (Bug in NetworkX?)".format( activity_id, activity_uri)) app.logger.warning(e.message) app.logger.warning(e) return app.logger.debug("Original graph: {} nodes\nEgo graph: {} nodes".format( len(G.nodes()), len(sG.nodes()))) # Set node type for the activity_uri to 'origin' sG.node[activity_uri]['type'] = 'origin' app.logger.debug(u"Assigning weights to edges") emit("Assigning weights to edges") # Get start and end nodes (those without incoming or outgoing edges, respectively) start_nodes = [n for n in sG.nodes() if sG.in_degree(n) == 0] end_nodes = [n for n in sG.nodes() if sG.out_degree(n) == 0] edge_weights = {} try: # Walk all edges, and assign weights edge_weights = walk_weights(graph=sG, pending_nodes=set(start_nodes), edge_weights={}, visited=set()) except Exception as e: emit("ERROR: Provenance trace contains cycles: {}".format(e.message)) app.logger.error("ERROR: Provenance trace contains cycles: {}".format( e.message)) raise e # Check to make sure that the edge weights dictionary has the same number of keys as edges in the ego graph app.logger.debug("Check {}/{}".format(len(edge_weights.keys()), len(sG.edges()))) nx.set_edge_attributes(sG, 'value', edge_weights) del (edge_weights) # nx.set_node_attributes(sG,'value',node_weights) # Convert to JSON g_json = json_graph.node_link_data(sG) # node-link format to serialize # Get number of start and end nodes to determine ideal width of the viewport start_nodes = len(start_nodes) end_nodes = len(end_nodes) max_degree = 1 for n, d in sG.nodes(data=True): if sG.in_degree(n) > max_degree: max_degree = sG.in_degree(n) if sG.out_degree(n) > max_degree: max_degree = sG.out_degree(n) # Set width to the largest of # end nodes, # start nodes, or the maximum degree width = max([end_nodes, start_nodes, max_degree]) app.logger.debug(u"Computing graph diameter {} ({})".format( activity_uri, activity_id)) try: diameter = nx.diameter(sG.to_undirected()) except Exception: app.logger.warning( "Could not determine diameter, setting to arbitrary value of 25") emit("Could not determine diameter, setting to arbitrary value of 25") diameter = 25 types = len(set(nx.get_node_attributes(sG, 'type').values())) if types > 11: types = 11 elif types < 3: types = 3 app.logger.debug(u"Done extracting graph for {} ({})".format( activity_uri, activity_id)) return g_json, width, types, diameter
def obca(g): diameter = nx.diameter(g) lb_max = diameter + 1 # Rank the nodes according to their degree results = nx.degree_centrality(g) nodes = next(zip(*sorted(results.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1)))) results = dict() results[1] = [[node] for node in g.nodes()] for lb in range(2, lb_max): covered_frequency = [0] * len(g.nodes()) boxes = list() for i in range(0, len(nodes)): node = nodes[i] if covered_frequency[i] > 0: continue box = list(nx.single_source_shortest_path_length(g, node, lb-1).keys()) # Verify that all paths within the box have the length less then lb index = 0 while True: node = box[index] j = index+1 while j < len(box): neighbor = box[j] if nx.shortest_path_length(g, node, neighbor) >= lb: box.remove(neighbor) j += 1 index += 1 if index >= len(box): break for node in box: node_index = nodes.index(node) covered_frequency[node_index] += 1 boxes.append(box) for box in boxes: redundant_box = True for node in box: node_index = nodes.index(node) if covered_frequency[node_index] == 1: redundant_box = False break if redundant_box: for node in box: node_index = nodes.index(node) covered_frequency[node_index] -= 1 boxes.remove(box) # print("lb: {}, boxes: {}, cf: {}".format(lb, boxes, covered_frequency)) results[lb] = boxes temp = list() temp.append(g.nodes()) results[lb_max] = temp # print(results) return results
def extended_stats(G, connectivity=False, anc=False, ecc=False, bc=False, cc=False): """ Calculate extended topological stats and metrics for a graph. Many of these algorithms have an inherently high time complexity. Global topological analysis of large complex networks is extremely time consuming and may exhaust computer memory. Consider using function arguments to not run metrics that require computation of a full matrix of paths if they will not be needed. Parameters ---------- G : networkx.MultiDiGraph input graph connectivity : bool if True, calculate node and edge connectivity anc : bool if True, calculate average node connectivity ecc : bool if True, calculate shortest paths, eccentricity, and topological metrics that use eccentricity bc : bool if True, calculate node betweenness centrality cc : bool if True, calculate node closeness centrality Returns ------- stats : dict dictionary of network measures containing the following elements (some only calculated/returned optionally, based on passed parameters): - avg_neighbor_degree - avg_neighbor_degree_avg - avg_weighted_neighbor_degree - avg_weighted_neighbor_degree_avg - degree_centrality - degree_centrality_avg - clustering_coefficient - clustering_coefficient_avg - clustering_coefficient_weighted - clustering_coefficient_weighted_avg - pagerank - pagerank_max_node - pagerank_max - pagerank_min_node - pagerank_min - node_connectivity - node_connectivity_avg - edge_connectivity - eccentricity - diameter - radius - center - periphery - closeness_centrality - closeness_centrality_avg - betweenness_centrality - betweenness_centrality_avg """ stats = dict() # create DiGraph from the MultiDiGraph, for those metrics that need it D = utils_graph.get_digraph(G, weight="length") # create undirected Graph from the DiGraph, for those metrics that need it Gu = nx.Graph(D) # get largest strongly connected component, for those metrics that require # strongly connected graphs Gs = utils_graph.get_largest_component(G, strongly=True) # average degree of the neighborhood of each node, and average for the graph avg_neighbor_degree = nx.average_neighbor_degree(G) stats["avg_neighbor_degree"] = avg_neighbor_degree stats["avg_neighbor_degree_avg"] = sum( avg_neighbor_degree.values()) / len(avg_neighbor_degree) # avg weighted degree of neighborhood of each node, and average for graph avg_wtd_nbr_deg = nx.average_neighbor_degree(G, weight="length") stats["avg_weighted_neighbor_degree"] = avg_wtd_nbr_deg stats["avg_weighted_neighbor_degree_avg"] = sum( avg_wtd_nbr_deg.values()) / len(avg_wtd_nbr_deg) # degree centrality for a node is the fraction of nodes it is connected to degree_centrality = nx.degree_centrality(G) stats["degree_centrality"] = degree_centrality stats["degree_centrality_avg"] = sum( degree_centrality.values()) / len(degree_centrality) # calculate clustering coefficient for the nodes stats["clustering_coefficient"] = nx.clustering(Gu) # average clustering coefficient for the graph stats["clustering_coefficient_avg"] = nx.average_clustering(Gu) # calculate weighted clustering coefficient for the nodes stats["clustering_coefficient_weighted"] = nx.clustering(Gu, weight="length") # average clustering coefficient (weighted) for the graph stats["clustering_coefficient_weighted_avg"] = nx.average_clustering( Gu, weight="length") # pagerank: a ranking of the nodes in the graph based on the structure of # the incoming links pagerank = nx.pagerank(D, weight="length") stats["pagerank"] = pagerank # node with the highest page rank, and its value pagerank_max_node = max(pagerank, key=lambda x: pagerank[x]) stats["pagerank_max_node"] = pagerank_max_node stats["pagerank_max"] = pagerank[pagerank_max_node] # node with the lowest page rank, and its value pagerank_min_node = min(pagerank, key=lambda x: pagerank[x]) stats["pagerank_min_node"] = pagerank_min_node stats["pagerank_min"] = pagerank[pagerank_min_node] # if True, calculate node and edge connectivity if connectivity: # node connectivity is the minimum number of nodes that must be removed # to disconnect G or render it trivial stats["node_connectivity"] = nx.node_connectivity(Gs) # edge connectivity is equal to the minimum number of edges that must be # removed to disconnect G or render it trivial stats["edge_connectivity"] = nx.edge_connectivity(Gs) utils.log("Calculated node and edge connectivity") # if True, calculate average node connectivity if anc: # mean number of internally node-disjoint paths between each pair of # nodes in G, i.e., the expected number of nodes that must be removed to # disconnect a randomly selected pair of non-adjacent nodes stats["node_connectivity_avg"] = nx.average_node_connectivity(G) utils.log("Calculated average node connectivity") # if True, calculate shortest paths, eccentricity, and topological metrics # that use eccentricity if ecc: # precompute shortest paths between all nodes for eccentricity-based # stats sp = { source: dict( nx.single_source_dijkstra_path_length(Gs, source, weight="length")) for source in Gs.nodes() } utils.log("Calculated shortest path lengths") # eccentricity of a node v is the maximum distance from v to all other # nodes in G eccentricity = nx.eccentricity(Gs, sp=sp) stats["eccentricity"] = eccentricity # diameter is the maximum eccentricity diameter = nx.diameter(Gs, e=eccentricity) stats["diameter"] = diameter # radius is the minimum eccentricity radius = nx.radius(Gs, e=eccentricity) stats["radius"] = radius # center is the set of nodes with eccentricity equal to radius center =, e=eccentricity) stats["center"] = center # periphery is the set of nodes with eccentricity equal to the diameter periphery = nx.periphery(Gs, e=eccentricity) stats["periphery"] = periphery # if True, calculate node closeness centrality if cc: # closeness centrality of a node is the reciprocal of the sum of the # shortest path distances from u to all other nodes closeness_centrality = nx.closeness_centrality(G, distance="length") stats["closeness_centrality"] = closeness_centrality stats["closeness_centrality_avg"] = sum( closeness_centrality.values()) / len(closeness_centrality) utils.log("Calculated closeness centrality") # if True, calculate node betweenness centrality if bc: # betweenness centrality of a node is the sum of the fraction of # all-pairs shortest paths that pass through node # networkx 2.4+ implementation cannot run on Multi(Di)Graphs, so use DiGraph betweenness_centrality = nx.betweenness_centrality(D, weight="length") stats["betweenness_centrality"] = betweenness_centrality stats["betweenness_centrality_avg"] = sum( betweenness_centrality.values()) / len(betweenness_centrality) utils.log("Calculated betweenness centrality") utils.log("Calculated extended stats") return stats
def extended_stats(G, connectivity=False, anc=False, ecc=False, bc=False, cc=False): """ Calculate extended topological stats and metrics for a graph. Global topological analysis of large complex networks is extremely time consuming and may exhaust computer memory. Consider using function arguments to not run metrics that require computation of a full matrix of paths if they will not be needed. Parameters ---------- G : graph connectivity : bool, if True, calculate node and edge connectivity anc : bool, if True, calculate average node connectivity ecc : bool, if True, calculate shortest paths, eccentricity, and topological metrics that use eccentricity bc : bool, if True, calculate node betweenness centrality cc : bool, if True, calculate node closeness centrality Returns ------- stats : dict, containing the following elements (some only calculated/returned optionally, based on passed parameters): avg_neighbor_degree avg_neighbor_degree_avg avg_weighted_neighbor_degree avg_weighted_neighbor_degree_avg degree_centrality degree_centrality_avg clustering_coefficient clustering_coefficient_avg clustering_coefficient_weighted clustering_coefficient_weighted_avg pagerank pagerank_max_node pagerank_max pagerank_min_node pagerank_min node_connectivity node_connectivity_avg edge_connectivity eccentricity diameter radius center periphery closeness_centrality closeness_centrality_avg betweenness_centrality betweenness_centrality_avg """ stats = {} full_start_time = time.time() # create a DiGraph from the MultiDiGraph, for those metrics that require it G_dir = nx.DiGraph(G) # create an undirected Graph from the MultiDiGraph, for those metrics that require it G_undir = nx.Graph(G) # get the largest strongly connected component, for those metrics that require strongly connected graphs G_strong = get_largest_component(G, strongly=True) # average degree of the neighborhood of each node, and average for the graph avg_neighbor_degree = nx.average_neighbor_degree(G) stats['avg_neighbor_degree'] = avg_neighbor_degree stats['avg_neighbor_degree_avg'] = sum( avg_neighbor_degree.values()) / len(avg_neighbor_degree) # average weighted degree of the neighborhood of each node, and average for the graph avg_weighted_neighbor_degree = nx.average_neighbor_degree(G, weight='length') stats['avg_weighted_neighbor_degree'] = avg_weighted_neighbor_degree stats['avg_weighted_neighbor_degree_avg'] = sum( avg_weighted_neighbor_degree.values()) / len( avg_weighted_neighbor_degree) # degree centrality for a node is the fraction of nodes it is connected to degree_centrality = nx.degree_centrality(G) stats['degree_centrality'] = degree_centrality stats['degree_centrality_avg'] = sum( degree_centrality.values()) / len(degree_centrality) # calculate clustering coefficient for the nodes stats['clustering_coefficient'] = nx.clustering(G_undir) # average clustering coefficient for the graph stats['clustering_coefficient_avg'] = nx.average_clustering(G_undir) # calculate weighted clustering coefficient for the nodes stats['clustering_coefficient_weighted'] = nx.clustering(G_undir, weight='length') # average clustering coefficient (weighted) for the graph stats['clustering_coefficient_weighted_avg'] = nx.average_clustering( G_undir, weight='length') # pagerank: a ranking of the nodes in the graph based on the structure of the incoming links pagerank = nx.pagerank(G_dir, weight='length') stats['pagerank'] = pagerank # node with the highest page rank, and its value pagerank_max_node = max(pagerank, key=lambda x: pagerank[x]) stats['pagerank_max_node'] = pagerank_max_node stats['pagerank_max'] = pagerank[pagerank_max_node] # node with the lowest page rank, and its value pagerank_min_node = min(pagerank, key=lambda x: pagerank[x]) stats['pagerank_min_node'] = pagerank_min_node stats['pagerank_min'] = pagerank[pagerank_min_node] # if True, calculate node and edge connectivity if connectivity: start_time = time.time() # node connectivity is the minimum number of nodes that must be removed to disconnect G or render it trivial stats['node_connectivity'] = nx.node_connectivity(G_strong) # edge connectivity is equal to the minimum number of edges that must be removed to disconnect G or render it trivial stats['edge_connectivity'] = nx.edge_connectivity(G_strong) log('Calculated node and edge connectivity in {:,.2f} seconds'.format( time.time() - start_time)) # if True, calculate average node connectivity if anc: # mean number of internally node-disjoint paths between each pair of nodes in G # i.e., the expected number of nodes that must be removed to disconnect a randomly selected pair of non-adjacent nodes start_time = time.time() stats['node_connectivity_avg'] = nx.average_node_connectivity(G) log('Calculated average node connectivity in {:,.2f} seconds'.format( time.time() - start_time)) # if True, calculate shortest paths, eccentricity, and topological metrics that use eccentricity if ecc: # precompute shortest paths between all nodes for eccentricity-based stats start_time = time.time() sp = { source: nx.single_source_dijkstra_path_length(G_strong, source, weight='length') for source in G_strong.nodes() } log('Calculated shortest path lengths in {:,.2f} seconds'.format( time.time() - start_time)) # eccentricity of a node v is the maximum distance from v to all other nodes in G eccentricity = nx.eccentricity(G_strong, sp=sp) stats['eccentricity'] = eccentricity # diameter is the maximum eccentricity diameter = nx.diameter(G_strong, e=eccentricity) stats['diameter'] = diameter # radius is the minimum eccentricity radius = nx.radius(G_strong, e=eccentricity) stats['radius'] = radius # center is the set of nodes with eccentricity equal to radius center =, e=eccentricity) stats['center'] = center # periphery is the set of nodes with eccentricity equal to the diameter periphery = nx.periphery(G_strong, e=eccentricity) stats['periphery'] = periphery # if True, calculate node closeness centrality if cc: # closeness centrality of a node is the reciprocal of the sum of the shortest path distances from u to all other nodes start_time = time.time() closeness_centrality = nx.closeness_centrality(G, distance='length') stats['closeness_centrality'] = closeness_centrality stats['closeness_centrality_avg'] = sum( closeness_centrality.values()) / len(closeness_centrality) log('Calculated closeness centrality in {:,.2f} seconds'.format( time.time() - start_time)) # if True, calculate node betweenness centrality if bc: # betweenness centrality of a node is the sum of the fraction of all-pairs shortest paths that pass through node start_time = time.time() betweenness_centrality = nx.betweenness_centrality(G, weight='length') stats['betweenness_centrality'] = betweenness_centrality stats['betweenness_centrality_avg'] = sum( betweenness_centrality.values()) / len(betweenness_centrality) log('Calculated betweenness centrality in {:,.2f} seconds'.format( time.time() - start_time)) log('Calculated extended stats in {:,.2f} seconds'.format(time.time() - full_start_time)) return stats
import networkx as nx import network_attack as na graph = nx.erdos_renyi_graph(n=300, p=0.1) print("the total number of edges:") n_edges = nx.number_of_edges(graph) print(n_edges) print("the total number of nodes:") n_nodes = nx.number_of_nodes(graph) print(n_nodes) n_cc = nx.number_connected_components(graph) print("the total number of connected components:") print(n_cc) print("the density of the graph:") print(nx.diameter(graph)) avg_deg = sum([d for (n, d) in]) / float(graph.number_of_nodes()) print("the average degree is " + str(avg_deg)) closeness_centrality = nx.closeness_centrality pagerank_centrality = nx.pagerank betweenness_centrality = nx.betweenness_centrality # GCC ATTACK clo_gcc_att = na.gcc_attack(graph, closeness_centrality) pgr_gcc_att = na.gcc_attack(graph, pagerank_centrality) bet_gcc_att = na.gcc_attack(graph, betweenness_centrality) rnd_gcc = na.rnd_gcc_attack(graph, 1) na.attack_measures_plot("THe Giant Component Component Size", clo_gcc_att, pgr_gcc_att, bet_gcc_att, rnd_gcc) # Diameter ATTACK clo_dia_att = na.diameter_attack(graph, closeness_centrality)
def __init__(self, view, controller, max_stretch=0.2): super(HashroutingHybridAM, self).__init__(view, controller) self.max_stretch = nx.diameter(view.topology()) * max_stretch
# density is (number of potential edges) / (number of actual edges) # for an undirected graph with n nodes and m edges # number potential edges = n(n-1)/2 # number actual edges = m # density = 2m/[n*(n-1)] # for an undirected graph with n nodes # number potential edges = n(n-1) # number actual edges = m # density = m/[n*(n-1)] print("Density:") print(networkx.density(G)) print() # diameter is the longest distance between any two nodes in the graph print("Diameter:") print(networkx.diameter(G)) print() # Adjacency Matrix - ex: a 1 in cell A-B means there’s an edge between them # A B C D E # A 0 1 0 1 1 # B 1 0 0 1 0 # C 0 0 0 1 1 # D 1 1 1 0 0 # E 1 0 1 0 0 print("Adjacency Matrix:") adjacencyList = G.adjacency_list() for n in networkx.nodes(G): print(n, adjacencyList[n]) pos = networkx.spring_layout(G)
def answer_eight(): G = answer_six() return nx.diameter(G)
def get_imn_features(imn_list, event_traj2evntlist): nbr_locations = list() nbr_movements = list() nbr_reg_locations = list() nbr_reg_movements = list() radius_of_gyration = list() regular_radius_of_gyration = list() entropy = list() rentropy = list() avg_mov_length = list() std_mov_length = list() avg_mov_duration = list() std_mov_duration = list() avg_reg_mov_length = list() std_reg_mov_length = list() avg_reg_mov_duration = list() std_reg_mov_duration = list() density = list() triangles = list() clustering_coefficient = list() degree = list() indegree = list() outdegree = list() diameter = list() eccentricity = list() assortativity = list() l1_count = list() l2_count = list() l3_count = list() l1_indegree = list() l2_indegree = list() l3_indegree = list() l1_outdegree = list() l2_outdegree = list() l3_outdegree = list() l1_dcentrality = list() l2_dcentrality = list() l3_dcentrality = list() l1_bcentrality = list() l2_bcentrality = list() l3_bcentrality = list() l1_events = defaultdict(list) l2_events = defaultdict(list) l3_events = defaultdict(list) l1l2_count = list() l2l1_count = list() l1l3_count = list() l3l1_count = list() l2l3_count = list() l3l2_count = list() l1l2_betweenness = list() l2l1_betweenness = list() l1l3_betweenness = list() l3l1_betweenness = list() l2l3_betweenness = list() l3l2_betweenness = list() l1l2_events = defaultdict(list) l2l1_events = defaultdict(list) l1l3_events = defaultdict(list) l3l1_events = defaultdict(list) l2l3_events = defaultdict(list) l3l2_events = defaultdict(list) mov_event_entropy = defaultdict(list) for m0m1, imn in imn_list.items(): if imn is None: continue # print(m0m1, imn.keys()) # print(json.dumps(clear_tuples4json(imn), default=agenda_converter)) nbr_locations.append(imn['n_locs']) nbr_movements.append(imn['n_movs']) nbr_reg_locations.append(imn['n_reg_locs']) nbr_reg_movements.append(imn['n_reg_movs']) radius_of_gyration.append(imn['rg']) regular_radius_of_gyration.append(imn['rrg']) entropy.append(imn['entropy']) rentropy.append(imn['rentropy']) avg_mov_length.append(imn['avg_mov_length']) std_mov_length.append(imn['std_mov_length']) avg_mov_duration.append(string2timedelta(imn['avg_mov_duration']).total_seconds()) std_mov_duration.append(string2timedelta(imn['std_mov_duration']).total_seconds()) avg_reg_mov_length.append(imn['avg_reg_mov_length']) std_reg_mov_length.append(imn['std_reg_mov_length']) avg_reg_mov_duration.append(string2timedelta(imn['avg_reg_mov_duration']).total_seconds()) std_reg_mov_duration.append(string2timedelta(imn['std_reg_mov_duration']).total_seconds()) graph = imn['graph'] if not isinstance(graph, nx.DiGraph): graph = json_graph.node_link_graph(imn['graph'], directed=True, multigraph=False, attrs={'link': 'edges', 'source': 'from', 'target': 'to'}) density.append(nx.density(graph)) triangles.append(np.mean(list(nx.triangles(nx.to_undirected(graph)).values()))) clustering_coefficient.append(nx.average_clustering(graph)) degree.append(np.mean(list(dict(nx.to_undirected(graph).degree()).values()))) indegree.append(np.mean(list(dict(graph.in_degree()).values()))) outdegree.append(np.mean(list(dict(graph.out_degree()).values()))) if nx.is_connected(nx.to_undirected(graph)): diameter.append(nx.diameter(nx.to_undirected(graph))) eccentricity.append(np.mean(list(nx.eccentricity(nx.to_undirected(graph)).values()))) assortativity.append(nx.degree_assortativity_coefficient(nx.to_undirected(graph))) else: Gc = max(nx.connected_component_subgraphs(nx.to_undirected(graph)), key=len) diameter.append(nx.diameter(Gc)) eccentricity.append(np.mean(list(nx.eccentricity(Gc).values()))) assortativity.append(nx.degree_assortativity_coefficient(Gc)) # print(imn['location_features'].keys()) # print(list(imn['location_features'].keys())[0], type(list(imn['location_features'].keys())[0])) if isinstance(list(imn['location_features'].keys())[0], int): l1, l2, l3 = 0, 1, 2 else: l1, l2, l3 = '0', '1', '2' l1_count.append(imn['location_features'][l1]['loc_support']) l2_count.append(imn['location_features'][l2]['loc_support']) if l3 in imn['location_features']: l3_count.append(imn['location_features'][l3]['loc_support']) in_degree = dict(graph.in_degree()) out_degree = dict(graph.out_degree()) dcentrality = nx.degree_centrality(graph) bcentrality = nx.betweenness_centrality(graph) l1_indegree.append(in_degree[0]) l2_indegree.append(in_degree[1]) if 2 in in_degree: l3_indegree.append(in_degree[2]) l1_outdegree.append(out_degree[0]) l2_outdegree.append(out_degree[1]) if 2 in out_degree: l3_outdegree.append(out_degree[2]) l1_dcentrality.append(dcentrality[0]) l2_dcentrality.append(dcentrality[1]) if 2 in dcentrality: l3_dcentrality.append(dcentrality[2]) l1_bcentrality.append(bcentrality[0]) l2_bcentrality.append(bcentrality[1]) if 2 in bcentrality: l3_bcentrality.append(bcentrality[2]) l1_nbr_events_type = defaultdict(int) l2_nbr_events_type = defaultdict(int) l3_nbr_events_type = defaultdict(int) l1l2_nbr_events_type = defaultdict(int) l2l1_nbr_events_type = defaultdict(int) l1l3_nbr_events_type = defaultdict(int) l3l1_nbr_events_type = defaultdict(int) l2l3_nbr_events_type = defaultdict(int) l3l2_nbr_events_type = defaultdict(int) mov_event_count = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int)) for tid in imn['traj_location_from_to']: for evnt in event_traj2evntlist[tid]: if imn['traj_location_from_to'][tid][1] == 0: l1_nbr_events_type[evnt['event_type']] += 1 elif imn['traj_location_from_to'][tid][1] == 1: l2_nbr_events_type[evnt['event_type']] += 1 elif imn['traj_location_from_to'][tid][1] == 2: l3_nbr_events_type[evnt['event_type']] += 1 if imn['traj_location_from_to'][tid][0] == 0 and imn['traj_location_from_to'][tid][1] == 1: l1l2_nbr_events_type[evnt['event_type']] += 1 elif imn['traj_location_from_to'][tid][0] == 1 and imn['traj_location_from_to'][tid][1] == 0: l2l1_nbr_events_type[evnt['event_type']] += 1 elif imn['traj_location_from_to'][tid][0] == 0 and imn['traj_location_from_to'][tid][1] == 2: l1l3_nbr_events_type[evnt['event_type']] += 1 elif imn['traj_location_from_to'][tid][0] == 2 and imn['traj_location_from_to'][tid][1] == 0: l3l1_nbr_events_type[evnt['event_type']] += 1 elif imn['traj_location_from_to'][tid][0] == 1 and imn['traj_location_from_to'][tid][1] == 2: l2l3_nbr_events_type[evnt['event_type']] += 1 elif imn['traj_location_from_to'][tid][0] == 2 and imn['traj_location_from_to'][tid][1] == 1: l3l2_nbr_events_type[evnt['event_type']] += 1 lft = imn['traj_location_from_to'][tid][1] mov_event_count[evnt['event_type']][lft] += 1 for event_type in ['Q', 'B', 'A', 'C', 'stop', 'start']: if event_type in l1_nbr_events_type: l1_events[event_type].append(l1_nbr_events_type[event_type]) else: l1_events[event_type].append(0) if event_type in l2_nbr_events_type: l2_events[event_type].append(l2_nbr_events_type[event_type]) else: l2_events[event_type].append(0) if event_type in l3_nbr_events_type: l3_events[event_type].append(l3_nbr_events_type[event_type]) else: l3_events[event_type].append(0) if event_type in l1l2_nbr_events_type: l1l2_events[event_type].append(l1l2_nbr_events_type[event_type]) else: l1l2_events[event_type].append(0) if event_type in l2l1_nbr_events_type: l2l1_events[event_type].append(l2l1_nbr_events_type[event_type]) else: l2l1_events[event_type].append(0) if event_type in l1l3_nbr_events_type: l1l3_events[event_type].append(l1l3_nbr_events_type[event_type]) else: l1l3_events[event_type].append(0) if event_type in l3l1_nbr_events_type: l3l1_events[event_type].append(l3l1_nbr_events_type[event_type]) else: l3l1_events[event_type].append(0) if event_type in l2l3_nbr_events_type: l2l3_events[event_type].append(l2l3_nbr_events_type[event_type]) else: l2l3_events[event_type].append(0) if event_type in l3l1_nbr_events_type: l3l2_events[event_type].append(l3l2_nbr_events_type[event_type]) else: l3l2_events[event_type].append(0) if event_type in mov_event_count: vals = list(mov_event_count[event_type].values()) mov_event_entropy[event_type].append(calculate_entropy(vals, classes=len(vals))) else: mov_event_entropy[event_type].append(0.0) l1l2_count.append(imn['location_nextlocs'][l1].get(l2, 0)) l2l1_count.append(imn['location_nextlocs'][l2].get(l1, 0)) l1l3_count.append(imn['location_nextlocs'][l1].get(l3, 0)) if '2' in imn['location_nextlocs']: l3l1_count.append(imn['location_nextlocs'][l3].get(l1, 0)) l2l3_count.append(imn['location_nextlocs'][l2].get(l3, 0)) l3l2_count.append(imn['location_nextlocs'][l3].get(l2, 0)) else: l3l1_count.append(0) l2l3_count.append(0) l3l2_count.append(0) edge_betweenness = nx.edge_betweenness(graph) l1l2_betweenness.append(edge_betweenness.get((0, 1), 0)) l2l1_betweenness.append(edge_betweenness.get((1, 0), 0)) l1l3_betweenness.append(edge_betweenness.get((0, 2), 0)) l3l1_betweenness.append(edge_betweenness.get((2, 0), 0)) l2l3_betweenness.append(edge_betweenness.get((1, 2), 0)) l3l2_betweenness.append(edge_betweenness.get((2, 1), 0)) imn_temporal_features = get_imn_temporal_features(imn_list) features = { 'nbr_locations': np.mean(nbr_locations), 'nbr_movements': np.mean(nbr_movements), 'nbr_reg_locations': np.mean(nbr_reg_locations), 'nbr_reg_movements': np.mean(nbr_reg_movements), 'radius_of_gyration': np.mean(radius_of_gyration), 'regular_radius_of_gyration': np.mean(regular_radius_of_gyration), 'entropy': np.mean(entropy), 'rentropy': np.mean(rentropy), 'avg_mov_length': np.mean(avg_mov_length), 'std_mov_length': np.mean(std_mov_length), 'avg_mov_duration': np.mean(avg_mov_duration), 'std_mov_duration': np.mean(std_mov_duration), # 'avg_reg_mov_length': np.mean(avg_reg_mov_length), # 'std_reg_mov_length': np.mean(std_reg_mov_length), 'avg_reg_mov_duration': np.mean(avg_reg_mov_duration), 'std_reg_mov_duration': np.mean(std_reg_mov_duration), 'density': np.mean(density), 'triangles': np.mean(triangles), 'clustering_coefficient': np.mean(clustering_coefficient), 'avg_degree': np.mean(degree), 'avg_indegree': np.mean(indegree), 'avg_outdegree': np.mean(outdegree), 'diameter': np.mean(diameter), 'eccentricity': np.mean(eccentricity), 'assortativity': np.mean(assortativity), 'l1_count': np.mean(l1_count), 'l2_count': np.mean(l2_count), 'l3_count': np.mean(l3_count), 'l1_indegree': np.mean(l1_indegree), 'l2_indegree': np.mean(l2_indegree), 'l3_indegree': np.mean(l3_indegree), 'l1_outdegree': np.mean(l1_outdegree), 'l2_outdegree': np.mean(l2_outdegree), 'l3_outdegree': np.mean(l3_outdegree), 'l1_dcentrality': np.mean(l1_dcentrality), 'l2_dcentrality': np.mean(l2_dcentrality), 'l3_dcentrality': np.mean(l3_dcentrality), 'l1_bcentrality': np.mean(l1_bcentrality), 'l2_bcentrality': np.mean(l2_bcentrality), 'l3_bcentrality': np.mean(l3_bcentrality), 'l1l2_count': np.mean(l1l2_count), 'l2l1_count': np.mean(l2l1_count), 'l1l3_count': np.mean(l1l3_count), 'l3l1_count': np.mean(l3l1_count), 'l2l3_count': np.mean(l2l3_count), 'l3l2_count': np.mean(l3l2_count), 'l1l2_betweenness': np.mean(l1l2_betweenness), 'l2l1_betweenness': np.mean(l2l1_betweenness), 'l1l3_betweenness': np.mean(l1l3_betweenness), 'l3l1_betweenness': np.mean(l3l1_betweenness), 'l2l3_betweenness': np.mean(l2l3_betweenness), 'l3l2_betweenness': np.mean(l3l2_betweenness), } features.update(imn_temporal_features) for event_type in ['Q', 'B', 'A', 'C', 'stop', 'start']: features['l1_%s' % event_type] = np.mean(l1_events[event_type]) features['l2_%s' % event_type] = np.mean(l2_events[event_type]) features['l3_%s' % event_type] = np.mean(l3_events[event_type]) features['l1l2_%s' % event_type] = np.mean(l1l2_events[event_type]) features['l2l1_%s' % event_type] = np.mean(l2l1_events[event_type]) features['l1l3_%s' % event_type] = np.mean(l1l3_events[event_type]) features['l3l1_%s' % event_type] = np.mean(l3l1_events[event_type]) features['l2l3_%s' % event_type] = np.mean(l2l3_events[event_type]) features['l3l2_%s' % event_type] = np.mean(l3l2_events[event_type]) features['mov_entropy_%s' % event_type] = np.mean(mov_event_entropy[event_type]) for k, v in features.items(): if np.isnan(v): features[k] = -1 return features