def smallWorldness(graph): return_values = [] #Small-worldness criteria n = len(nx.nodes(graph)) e = len(nx.edges(graph)) #probability of edges: (number of edges in real graph)/possible edges p = e/float((n*(n-1)/2.0)) ## #generate random graph using probability rand_graph = nx.fast_gnp_random_graph(n, p, seed=1) #calculate values for real graph and random graph Creal = nx.transitivity(graph) #float Crand = nx.transitivity(rand_graph) #float Lreal = 0 Lrand = 0 real_sum = 0 rand_sum = 0 splReal = shortest_path_lengths(graph) splRand = shortest_path_lengths(rand_graph) for i in range(len(splReal)): real_sum += splReal[i] rand_sum += splRand[i] Lreal = real_sum / len(splReal) Lrand = rand_sum / len(splRand) #compare with actual graph if(Lreal != 0 and Lrand !=0 and Crand !=0): S = (Creal)/(Crand) / (float(Lreal)/(Lrand)) else: S = 0 return_values.append(S) return return_values
def go(): """ Run the IterF algorithm on some random graphs. """ l = 9 n = 2**l p = 3*math.log(n)/n for i in range(100): # Generate a random graph: g = nx.fast_gnp_random_graph(n,p) # Build AlgState from the graph: algs = AlgState(g) # Run the IterF algorithm until we reach a stationary state: algs.run_until_stat() # Print the properties of the resulting state: print('next_node Injective: {} | ' 'One round cycles: {} | ' 'Is only one cycle: {}'.\ format(\ algs.is_next_node_injection(),\ algs.is_all_cycles_one_round(),\ algs.is_only_one_cycle())\ )
def test_edge_cutset_random_graphs(): for i in range(5): G = nx.fast_gnp_random_graph(50,0.2) cutset = nx.minimum_edge_cut(G) assert_equal(nx.edge_connectivity(G), len(cutset)) G.remove_edges_from(cutset) assert_false(nx.is_connected(G))
def generate_cluster_graph(n,m,in_p,out_p): '''Generates graph with 'n' nodes with form m clustures, with average in_p within cluster and 'out_degree' between clustures''' print "Generating G..." if m == 0 or n == 0: raise "n or m can not be 0" nodes_per_clusture = n/m num_of_outer_nodes = math.ceil(nodes_per_clusture * out_p) larger_graph = nx.Graph() print "\tExpected communities:",m print "\tnodes_per_clusture:",nodes_per_clusture,"\n\tnum_of_outer_nodes:",num_of_outer_nodes for i in xrange(m): # print 'clusture_id',i G = nx.fast_gnp_random_graph(nodes_per_clusture,in_p) for node in G.nodes(): larger_graph.add_node((node)+nodes_per_clusture*i) for edge in G.edges(): larger_graph.add_edge((edge[0])+nodes_per_clusture*i,(edge[1])+nodes_per_clusture*i) chosen_nodes = np.random.choice(G.nodes(),num_of_outer_nodes) for node in chosen_nodes: node_for_large_graph = node+nodes_per_clusture*i larger_graph.add_edge(node_for_large_graph,np.random.choice(larger_graph.nodes())) # print larger_graph.nodes() # print larger_graph.edges() return larger_graph
def main(): args = parse_arguments() # Generate graph for given parameters if args.cycle: graph = networkx.cycle_graph(args.vertices) graph = networkx.path_graph(args.vertices) elif graph = networkx.star_graph(args.vertices) elif args.wheel: graph = networkx.wheel_graph(args.vertices) elif args.ladder: graph = networkx.ladder_graph(args.vertices) elif args.fill_rate: if args.fill_rate > 50.0: graph = networkx.gnp_random_graph(args.vertices, args.fill_rate / 100.0, None, args.directed) else: graph = networkx.fast_gnp_random_graph(args.vertices, args.fill_rate / 100.0, None, args.directed) else: graph = networkx.gnm_random_graph(args.vertices, args.edges, None, args.directed) # Print generated graph print("{} {}".format(graph.number_of_nodes(), graph.number_of_edges())) for edge in graph.edges(): print("{} {}".format(edge[0] + 1, edge[1] + 1)) # Export generated graph to .png if args.image_path: export_to_png(graph, args.image_path)
def get_random_weighted_graph(n, p=0.5, max_weight=10): print "n=%d, p=%f, max_weight=%d" % (n, p, max_weight) G = nx.fast_gnp_random_graph(n, p) for e in G.edges(): G[e[0]][e[1]]['weight'] = random.randint(1, max_weight) # print list(G.edges(data='weight', default=1)) return G
def test(test_functions,V,p): print V G = nx.fast_gnp_random_graph(V,p) for f in test_functions: time,runtime = f(G) fp = open(f.__name__+".res","a") fp.write("%i,%f,%f\n" % (V,time,runtime))
def main(): import networkx as nx from complex_systems.pgg import PublicGoodGames import pylab as plt import numpy as np nb_node = 1000 edge_prob = 10.0/nb_node coop_ratio = 0.5 synergy = 8 nb_round = 100 nb_game_per_round = 10 nb_def = [] nb_coop = [] # Generate a Random Graph G = nx.fast_gnp_random_graph(nb_node, edge_prob) # initialize the game PGG = PublicGoodGames(G=G, synergy=synergy,nb_simulation_step=nb_game_per_round, cooperator_ratio=coop_ratio) for i in range(nb_round): PGG.run_game() nb_def.append(PGG.defector_counter()) nb_coop.append(PGG.cooperator_counter()) #print nb_coop, nb_def plt.figure() plt.plot(nb_def,'b-*') plt.plot(nb_coop,'r-*') plt.figure() print np.mean([val for key, val in]) nx.draw_networkx(G, node_size=20, with_labels = False)
def gen_gnp_graph(i): """ Generate a gnp random graph with 2**i nodes. """ n = 2**i p = 2*i / (2**i) return nx.fast_gnp_random_graph(n,p)
def get_graph(objects, properties): graph_type = properties['graph_type'] n = len(objects)-1 if 'num_nodes_to_attach' in properties.keys(): k = properties['num_nodes_to_attach'] else: k = 3 r = properties['connection_probability'] tries = 0 while(True): if graph_type == 'random': x = nx.fast_gnp_random_graph(n,r) elif graph_type == 'erdos_renyi_graph': x = nx.erdos_renyi_graph(n,r) elif graph_type == 'watts_strogatz_graph': x = nx.watts_strogatz_graph(n, k, r) elif graph_type == 'newman_watts_strogatz_graph': x = nx.newman_watts_strogatz_graph(n, k, r) elif graph_type == 'barabasi_albert_graph': x = nx.barabasi_albert_graph(n, k, r) elif graph_type == 'powerlaw_cluster_graph': x = nx.powerlaw_cluster_graph(n, k, r) elif graph_type == 'cycle_graph': x = nx.cycle_graph(n) else: ##Star by default x = nx.star_graph(len(objects)-1) tries += 1 cc_conn = nx.connected_components(x) if len(cc_conn) == 1 or tries > 5: ##best effort to create a connected graph! break return x, cc_conn
def test__init__(self): from social_meaning.agent import Agent society = nx.watts_strogatz_graph(10, 2, 0) a = Agent(mental_graph=nx.fast_gnp_random_graph(10, .1), social_network=society, node_name=society.nodes()[0]) repr(a)
def testSerialRandom(): """ 50 Random serial test cases """ N = 10 p = .7 runs = 0 while runs < 50: # a random graph G = nx.fast_gnp_random_graph(N, p) try: nx.shortest_path(G, source=0, target=N-1) except: continue # convert to plain ndarray nw1 = nx2nw(G) # copy and join network nw2 = serialCopy(nw1) # compute effective resistance ER1 = ResNetwork( nw1, silence_level=3).effective_resistance(0, len(nw1)-1) ER2 = ResNetwork( nw2, silence_level=3).effective_resistance(0, len(nw2)-1) # increment runs runs += 1 # assertion print (ER1*2-ER2) assert (ER1*2-ER2) < 1E-6
def getRandomPageRanks(filename): Ga=nx.read_graphml(sys.argv[1]) # create a copy of the graph and extract giant component # get component size distribution cc=nx.connected_components(Ga) cc_dict={} for x in range(0,len(cc)): try: cc_dict[len(cc[x])].append(x) except KeyError: cc_dict[len(cc[x])]=[] cc_dict[len(cc[x])].append(x) isolates=nx.isolates(Ga) rg=nx.fast_gnp_random_graph(Ga.number_of_nodes(),2.0*Ga.number_of_edges()/(Ga.number_of_nodes()*(Ga.number_of_nodes()-1))) c_rg=nx.average_clustering(rg) rg_cc=nx.connected_component_subgraphs(rg)[0] rg_asp=nx.algorithms.shortest_paths.generic.average_shortest_path_length(rg_cc) p_rg=community.best_partition(rg_cc) m_rg=community.modularity(p_rg,rg_cc) pageranks = nx.pagerank_numpy(rg) return pageranks
def run_er_algo(): """ run homework """ nodes = 10000 prob = 0.1 # er_graph= er_algorithm(nodes, prob) time0 = time.time() G = nx.fast_gnp_random_graph(nodes, prob, directed=True) digraph = nx.to_dict_of_lists(G) time1 = time.time() print('NetworkX took {} second'.format(time1 - time0)) time0 = time.time() digraph2 = er_algorithm(nodes, prob) time1 = time.time() print('Mine took {} second'.format(time1 - time0)) norm_dist1 = normal_degree_distribution(digraph, 'in') norm_dist2 = normal_degree_distribution(digraph2, 'in') plt.plot(list(norm_dist1.keys()), list(norm_dist1.values()), 'o', list(norm_dist2.keys()), list(norm_dist2.values()), 'g^')
def get_er_graph(n, p): """ Function to get an ER graph :param n: number of nodes :param p: probability of connection between the nodes :return: ER graph """ return nx.fast_gnp_random_graph(n, p)
def generate_ER_graph_with_trust(N, p, trust_list, filename): N_VALS = len(trust_list) G = nx.fast_gnp_random_graph(N, p) for (u,v) in G.edges_iter(): val = random.randint(0,N_VALS-1) G.edge[u][v]['t'] = trust_list[val] nx.write_edgelist(G, filename, '#', '\t', True, 'utf-8')
def main(): numTraders = int(raw_input("Enter the number of traders : ")) numItems = int(raw_input("Enter the number of items : ")) G = nx.fast_gnp_random_graph(numTraders, 0.5) nx.draw(G, with_labels = True) gen_data(G, numItems) market(G)
def construct(G1,G2): #返回一个随机ER网络,G1为现实网络,G2为在线网络 G1 = nx.fast_gnp_random_graph(nodeNumber, probDegree) G2 = nx.fast_gnp_random_graph(nodeNumber, probDegree) r = Random() #随机数生成器 #现实网络 Y = [] for edge in G1.edges(): #边赋予权值 id1 = edge[0] id2 = edge[1] weight = r.gauss(0.15,0.05) G1.edge[id1][id2]['weight'] = weight weight = 1 if weight>1 else weight #边界检查 weight = 0 if weight<0 else weight Y.append(weight) displayFigure(Y,'Real LT network\'s edges\'weight distribution') Y = [] for node in G1.nodes(): #点赋予阈值 threshold = r.gauss(0.31,0.1) threshold = 1 if threshold>1 else threshold #边界检查 threshold = 0 if threshold<0 else threshold G1.node[node]['threshold'] = threshold Y.append(threshold) G1.node[node]['active'] = False #点初始为不激活 displayFigure(Y,'Real LT network\'s node\'s threshold distribution') #在线网络 Y = [] for edge in G2.edges():#每条边赋予激活概率 id1 = edge[0] id2 = edge[1] prob = r.gauss(0.15,0.05) prob = 1 if prob>1 else prob #边界检查 prob = 0 if prob<0 else prob G2.edge[id1][id2]['actProb'] = prob #边的激活高斯分布 Y.append(prob) G2[id1][id2]['unuse'] = True #初始化为未使用过 for node in G2.nodes(): G2.node[node]['active'] = False #点初始化为不激活 G2.node[node]['selfProb'] = 1 displayFigure(Y,'Online IC network\'s edge\'s activate probability distribution') return (G1,G2)
def test_ER_random_graph(N = 200, p = 0.2): G = nx.fast_gnp_random_graph(N, p) k = 1 eig_vals, eig_vecs = compute_spectral_coordinate(G, k) rel_NR = graph_NR_relative(G, eig_vals, k) print "ER random graph, rel_NR =", rel_NR
def gen_graph(self): if self.network_structure == 'small_world': nx_graph = nx.watts_strogatz_graph(self.num_nodes, self.graph_args['k'], self.graph_args['p']) return nx_graph, self.convert_nx_graph(nx_graph) elif self.network_structure == 'erdos_renyi': nx_graph = nx.fast_gnp_random_graph(self.num_nodes, self.graph_args['p']) return nx_graph, self.convert_nx_graph(nx_graph) elif self.network_structure == 'preferential_attachment': nx_graph = nx.barabasi_albert_graph(self.num_nodes, self.graph_args['m']) return nx_graph, self.convert_nx_graph(nx_graph)
def random_sdf_graph(n = 5, m = 15, sumrange = (2, 5), phaserange = (1, 3), wcetrange = (1, 1), seed = None): p = m / (n * (n - 1)) g = nx.fast_gnp_random_graph(n, p, seed, directed = True) cycle = [scc.pop() for scc in nx.strongly_connected_components(g)] if len(cycle) > 1: g.add_edge( cycle[-1], cycle[0] ) for i in range(1, len(cycle)): g.add_edge( cycle[i - 1], cycle[i] ) return make_sdf_graph(g, sumrange, phaserange, wcetrange)
def main(): G = nx.fast_gnp_random_graph(50, 0.05, 142443) pos = nx.spring_layout(G) path = nx.shortest_path(G, source=24, target=43) path_edges = list(zip(path, path[1:])) nx.draw_networkx(G, pos) nx.draw_networkx_nodes(G, pos, nodelist=path, node_color='g') nx.draw_networkx_edges(G, pos, edgelist=path_edges, edge_color='g', width=10) plt.axis('off')
def gc(N,p): # generate cluster for N nodes h = nx.fast_gnp_random_graph(N, p) # with probability p cluster = nx.connected_components(h) lc = len(cluster[0]) # size of largest cluster k = N * p # average connectivity as on p.14 mc = 0. # initialize mean cluster if len(cluster) > 1: for i in range(len(cluster)-1): mc += len(cluster[i+1]) # accumulate cluster sizes mc = mc*1./(len(cluster)-1) # and normalize return lc, mc
def test_edge_cutset_random_graphs(): for i in range(5): G = nx.fast_gnp_random_graph(50,0.2) if not nx.is_connected(G): ccs = iter(nx.connected_components(G)) start = next(ccs)[0] G.add_edges_from( (start,c[0]) for c in ccs ) cutset = nx.minimum_edge_cut(G) assert_equal(nx.edge_connectivity(G), len(cutset)) G.remove_edges_from(cutset) assert_false(nx.is_connected(G))
def test_edge_cutset_random_graphs(): for flow_func in flow_funcs: for i in range(3): G = nx.fast_gnp_random_graph(50, 0.25) if not nx.is_connected(G): ccs = iter(nx.connected_components(G)) start = arbitrary_element(next(ccs)) G.add_edges_from((start, arbitrary_element(c)) for c in ccs) cutset = nx.minimum_edge_cut(G, flow_func=flow_func) assert_equal(nx.edge_connectivity(G), len(cutset), msg=msg.format(flow_func.__name__)) G.remove_edges_from(cutset) assert_false(nx.is_connected(G), msg=msg.format(flow_func.__name__))
def test_random_graph(self): g = nx.fast_gnp_random_graph(10, 0.5) nx.set_node_attributes(g, 'infected', {n: False for n in g.nodes()}) g.node[1]['infected'] = True g.node[2]['infected'] = True g.node[3]['infected'] = True g.node[4]['infected'] = True # FIXME Cannot assert anything because graph is random ! sz = AlgorithmSZ() source_estimation =, v=4) print("Source of rumor is %s" % source_estimation)
def __init__(self, N, k, i, steps): self.k = k self.N = N self.i = i self.graph = nx.fast_gnp_random_graph(N, k / N) # set infected array, infected =1, not infected = 2 self.infected = self.intializeInfected() # Create the prevalence array and set the first step self.prevalence = [0] * steps self.prevalence[0] = sum(self.infected) / (N * 1.0) self.currentStep = 1
def __init__(self, N, k, i, steps): self.N = N self.i = i self.k = k self.currentStep = 1 self.graph = nx.fast_gnp_random_graph(N, k / N) # set infected array, infected =1, not infected = 2 self.infected = self.intializeInfected() # set the first step of the new infected list self.newInfected = [0] * steps self.newInfected[0] = 0
def _generate_no_biconnected(max_attempts=50): attempts = 0 while True: G = nx.fast_gnp_random_graph(100,0.0575) if nx.is_connected(G) and not nx.is_biconnected(G): attempts = 0 yield G else: if attempts >= max_attempts: msg = "Tried %d times: no suitable Graph." raise Exception(msg % max_attempts) else: attempts += 1
def profile_d(): d_vs_t = [[], []] print 'Timing graphpca(G, d) on Erdos-Renyi Graph nx.fast_gnp_random_graph(1000, 0.02)' print '\t'.join(('d', 't (ms)')) g = nx.fast_gnp_random_graph(1000, 0.02) for d in range(1, 950, 30): tic = timeit.default_timer() graphpca.reduce_graph(g, d) toc = timeit.default_timer() print '\t'.join((str(d), str((toc - tic) * 1000))) d_vs_t[0].append(d) d_vs_t[1].append(toc - tic) return d_vs_t
topology = iu.module_from_spec(spec) spec.loader.exec_module(topology) import networkx as nx import numpy as np import os from subprocess import call from tempfile import mktemp from import savemat, loadmat from scipy.sparse import csc_matrix ### MEAT ----- # ### Graph to test implementations G = nx.fast_gnp_random_graph(30, 0.4) ### Compute the local candidate bc = topology.betti(nx.find_cliques(G)) print("Candidate:", bc) ### Invoke MATLAB for reference M = csc_matrix(nx.adjacency_matrix(G), dtype='d') filename = mktemp(".mat") #filename = "./tmp.mat" savemat(filename, {'G': M})
print "Pearson correlation coefficient ", pearsonr(deg_data, eig_data) # Plot correlation between degree and eigenvector centrality plt.figure(6) plt.plot(deg_data, eig_data, 'ro') plt.xlabel('Degree centrality') plt.ylabel('Eigenvector centrality') plt.draw() if doPrint: plt.savefig("deg_eig_correlation.pdf") #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 6: # Generate a random graph with 200 nodes R = nx.fast_gnp_random_graph(200, 0.1) print 'Number of nodes:', R.number_of_nodes() print 'Number of edges:', R.number_of_edges() print 'Number of connected components:', nx.number_connected_components(R) # Connected components GCC = list(nx.connected_component_subgraphs(R))[0] # Fraction of nodes and edges in GCC print "Fraction of nodes in GCC: ", GCC.number_of_nodes() / R.number_of_nodes() print "Fraction of edges in GCC: ", GCC.number_of_edges() / R.number_of_edges() degree_sequence_random = print "Min degree ", np.min(degree_sequence_random) print "Max degree ", np.max(degree_sequence_random)
import networkx as nx from node2vec import Node2Vec # Create a graph 这里可以给出自己的graph graph = nx.fast_gnp_random_graph(n=100, p=0.5) # Precompute probabilities and generate walks - **ON WINDOWS ONLY WORKS WITH workers=1** node2vec = Node2Vec(graph, dimensions=64, walk_length=30, num_walks=200, workers=4) # Use temp_folder for big graphs # Embed nodes model = window=10, min_count=1, batch_words=4 ) # Any keywords acceptable by gensim.Word2Vec can be passed, `diemnsions` and `workers` are automatically passed (from the Node2Vec constructor) # Look for most similar nodes model.wv.most_similar('2') # Output node names are always strings model.wv.save_word2vec_format(EMBEDDING_FILENAME) # Save model for later use # Embed edges using Hadamard method from node2vec.edges import HadamardEmbedder edges_embs = HadamardEmbedder(keyed_vectors=model.wv)
import networkx as nx import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import random M = 6 # number of arms # SET GRAPH TYPE BELOW # #G = nx.DiGraph() # directed_rooted.png from this #G.add_nodes_from([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) #G.add_edges_from([(0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3), (4, 4), (5, 5), # (0, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 4), (3, 5), (5, 2)]) G = nx.fast_gnp_random_graph(6, 0.6, seed=1,directed=True) # directed_strongly_connected.png from this print(nx.is_strongly_connected(G)) # check directed_strongly_connected.png with this #G = nx.fast_gnp_random_graph(6, 0.4, seed=1,directed=True) # directed_weakly_connected.png from this #print(nx.is_weakly_connected(G)) # check directed_weakly_connected.png with this #print(nx.is_strongly_connected(G)) # and this #G = nx.fast_gnp_random_graph(6, 0.5, seed=40,directed=False) # test.png from this #G = nx.fast_gnp_random_graph(5, 0.25, seed=42,directed=False) #undirected_unconnected.png from this #G = nx.Graph() # graph for single agent #G.add_nodes_from([0]) # for single agent #G = nx.complete_graph(6) # SET GRAPH TYPE ABOVE #
def create_er_graph(self): self.er_prob = 0.2 self.er_graph = nx.fast_gnp_random_graph(self.num_vertices, self.er_prob) self.er_normL = nx.normalized_laplacian_matrix(self.er_graph) return
def make_specific_dataset(): ''' Creates a dataset of 5200 graphs, with 25 different class labels and no node attributes or node labels. The class labels are the number of triangles the graph has, and the graphs are randomly generated. The number of triangles is calculated via a NetworkX function that determines the number of 3-cliques the graph has. Each graph has between 5 and 70 nodes, and a fixed edge probability of 20%. This is to prevent extremly long calculation times, as we do need a NP-calculation. So we try to keep the amount of edges lower than completly random. One can however pick the edge probability p at random aswell. ''' arbitrary_graphs = [] for _ in trange(1, file=sys.stdout, desc='Outer Loop'): # Calculate 200 graphs per class for desired_triangle_number in trange(26, file=sys.stdout, desc='TriangleNumber'): #we have 26 classes: Each graph has between 0 and 25 triangles in it. The loop will #desired_triangle_number is the number of triangles we want to produce in our current graph #Roll a random graph n = np.random.choice(np.arange(71)[5:], 1)[0] #number of nodes between 5 and 70 G = nx.fast_gnp_random_graph( n, 0.2) #Random graph with n nodes and edge probability 0.2 #Calculate the number of triangles list_of_triangles = [ x for x in (list(nx.find_cliques(G))) if len(x) == 3 ] number_of_triangles = len(list_of_triangles) #Set the graph label accordingly to the number of triangles it has G.graph['label'] = number_of_triangles while (number_of_triangles != desired_triangle_number): #Reroll until we have the desired amount of triangles in our graph #Attempt to free memory del G del list_of_triangles n = np.random.choice(np.arange(101)[5:], 1)[0] #number of nodes between 5 and 100 #p = np.random.random_sample() #probability of edges in the random graph can be rolled randomly instead G = nx.fast_gnp_random_graph(n, 0.2) list_of_triangles = [ x for x in (list(nx.find_cliques(G))) if len(x) == 3 ] number_of_triangles = len(list_of_triangles) G.graph['label'] = number_of_triangles arbitrary_graphs.append( G) #memorize the graph if it has the right amount of triangles out_dir = r"C:\Users\Dips\Documents\Praktikum\group1\exercise4\datasets" #Save dataset if not os.path.exists(out_dir): os.makedirs(out_dir) outfile = os.path.join(out_dir, 'test') export_dataset(outfile, arbitrary_graphs, has_g_labels=True, has_n_labels=False, has_n_attributes=False)
graph.addVertex({'name': 'v2'}) graph.addVertex({'name': 'v3'}) graph.addEdge(0, 1) graph.addEdge(0, 2) graph.addEdge(1, 2) print(graph) # NetworkX conversion from networkx import fast_gnp_random_graph, draw prob_edge = 0.5 n_nodes = 8 # Create a random networkx graph networkx_graph = fast_gnp_random_graph(n_nodes, prob_edge) # Convert to XACC graph: xacc_graph = xacc.getGraph("boost-digraph") # Add nodes for node in networkx_graph.nodes: xacc_graph.addVertex({'name': str(node)}) # Add edges for (from_node, to_node) in networkx_graph.edges: xacc_graph.addEdge(from_node, to_node) print(xacc_graph) # Plot the networkx to check. draw(networkx_graph, with_labels=True) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.savefig("graph.png")
def create_random_graph(self): # Create a graph self.G = nx.fast_gnp_random_graph(n=100, p=0.5)
def test_equitable_color(self): G = nx.fast_gnp_random_graph(n=10, p=0.2, seed=42) coloring = nx.coloring.equitable_color(G, max_degree(G) + 1) assert is_equitable(G, coloring)
filepath = 'data/realexptimetrackinfectednorewire.csv' r = 4 mu = 5 p = mu / n lambd = 2 rho = 0 niv = [] nivcount = 1 newmu = 0 while (r / n < .2): counter = 0 infected = [] susceptible = [] unexplored = [] si = [] G = nx.fast_gnp_random_graph(n, p) #set up the er graph and infect patient 0 writefile = open(filepath, 'w') writefile.write('n,p,lambda,rho,s,i,r,t,mu,newmu\n') writefile.close() t = 0 r = 0 i = 1 s = n - 1 for j in range(len(G.nodes)): G.nodes[j]['state'] = 's' G.nodes[0]['state'] = 'i' infected = [0] susceptible = list(range(1, n)) """ for i in susceptible: unex = 1
def test(self): self.config.save_dir = self.test_conf.test_model_dir ### Compute Erdos-Renyi baseline if self.config.test.is_test_ER: p_ER = sum([ aa.number_of_edges() for aa in self.graphs_train ]) / sum([aa.number_of_nodes()**2 for aa in self.graphs_train]) graphs_gen = [ nx.fast_gnp_random_graph(self.max_num_nodes, p_ER, seed=ii) for ii in range(self.num_test_gen) ] else: ### load model model = eval( model_file = os.path.join(self.config.save_dir, self.test_conf.test_model_name) load_model(model, model_file, self.device) if self.use_gpu: model = nn.DataParallel(model, device_ids=self.gpus).to(self.device) model.eval() ### Generate Graphs A_pred = [] num_nodes_pred = [] num_test_batch = int( np.ceil(self.num_test_gen / self.test_conf.batch_size)) gen_run_time = [] for ii in tqdm(range(num_test_batch)): with torch.no_grad(): start_time = time.time() input_dict = {} input_dict['is_sampling'] = True input_dict['batch_size'] = self.test_conf.batch_size input_dict['num_nodes_pmf'] = self.num_nodes_pmf_train A_tmp = model(input_dict) gen_run_time += [time.time() - start_time] A_pred += [ for aa in A_tmp] num_nodes_pred += [aa.shape[0] for aa in A_tmp]'Average test time per mini-batch = {}'.format( np.mean(gen_run_time))) graphs_gen = [get_graph(aa) for aa in A_pred] ### Visualize Generated Graphs if self.is_vis: num_col = self.vis_num_row num_row = int(np.ceil(self.num_vis / num_col)) test_epoch = self.test_conf.test_model_name test_epoch = test_epoch[test_epoch.rfind('_') + 1:test_epoch.find('.pth')] save_name = os.path.join( self.config.save_dir, '{}_gen_graphs_epoch_{}_block_{}_stride_{}.png'.format( self.config.test.test_model_name[:-4], test_epoch, self.block_size, self.stride)) # remove isolated nodes for better visulization graphs_pred_vis = [ copy.deepcopy(gg) for gg in graphs_gen[:self.num_vis] ] if self.better_vis: for gg in graphs_pred_vis: gg.remove_nodes_from(list(nx.isolates(gg))) # display the largest connected component for better visualization vis_graphs = [] for gg in graphs_pred_vis: CGs = [gg.subgraph(c) for c in nx.connected_components(gg)] CGs = sorted(CGs, key=lambda x: x.number_of_nodes(), reverse=True) vis_graphs += [CGs[0]] if self.is_single_plot: draw_graph_list(vis_graphs, num_row, num_col, fname=save_name, layout='spring') else: draw_graph_list_separate(vis_graphs, fname=save_name[:-4], is_single=True, layout='spring') save_name = os.path.join(self.config.save_dir, 'train_graphs.png') if self.is_single_plot: to_visualize = [] to_visualize.extend(self.graphs_train[:self.num_vis]) to_visualize.extend(self.graphs_train[-self.num_vis:]) draw_graph_list(to_visualize, num_row, num_col, fname=save_name, layout='spring') else: to_visualize = [] to_visualize.extend(self.graphs_train[:self.num_vis]) to_visualize.extend(self.graphs_train[-self.num_vis:]) draw_graph_list_separate(to_visualize, fname=save_name[:-4], is_single=True, layout='spring') ### Evaluation if in ['lobster']: acc = eval_acc_lobster_graph(graphs_gen) 'Validity accuracy of generated graphs = {}'.format(acc)) num_nodes_gen = [len(aa) for aa in graphs_gen] # Compared with Validation Set num_nodes_dev = [len(gg.nodes) for gg in self.graphs_dev] # shape B X 1 mmd_degree_dev, mmd_clustering_dev, mmd_4orbits_dev, mmd_spectral_dev = evaluate( self.graphs_dev, graphs_gen, degree_only=False) mmd_num_nodes_dev = compute_mmd([np.bincount(num_nodes_dev)], [np.bincount(num_nodes_gen)], kernel=gaussian_emd) # Compared with Test Set num_nodes_test = [len(gg.nodes) for gg in self.graphs_test] # shape B X 1 mmd_degree_test, mmd_clustering_test, mmd_4orbits_test, mmd_spectral_test = evaluate( self.graphs_test, graphs_gen, degree_only=False) mmd_num_nodes_test = compute_mmd([np.bincount(num_nodes_test)], [np.bincount(num_nodes_gen)], kernel=gaussian_emd) "Validation MMD scores of #nodes/degree/clustering/4orbits/spectral are = {}/{}/{}/{}/{}" .format(mmd_num_nodes_dev, mmd_degree_dev, mmd_clustering_dev, mmd_4orbits_dev, mmd_spectral_dev)) "Test MMD scores of #nodes/degree/clustering/4orbits/spectral are = {}/{}/{}/{}/{}" .format(mmd_num_nodes_test, mmd_degree_test, mmd_clustering_test, mmd_4orbits_test, mmd_spectral_test)) if in ['lobster']: return mmd_degree_dev, mmd_clustering_dev, mmd_4orbits_dev, mmd_spectral_dev, mmd_degree_test, mmd_clustering_test, mmd_4orbits_test, mmd_spectral_test, acc else: return mmd_degree_dev, mmd_clustering_dev, mmd_4orbits_dev, mmd_spectral_dev, mmd_degree_test, mmd_clustering_test, mmd_4orbits_test, mmd_spectral_test
def end_to_end(release_number, number_infected_before_release, stop_inflow_at_intervention, background_inmate_turnover=20, death_rate=0.012, tau=0.03, gamma=0.07, rho=0.0003, max_time=60, N=3000, p=0.02, percent_infected=0.0035, percent_recovered=0.0015, save_plot=False, title='', social_distance=False, social_distance_tau=0.01, custom_graph=None, initial_infected_list=None): """Runs end-to-end simulation and plots results. Args: background_inmate_turnover: background # of inmates added/released at each time step release_number: # of inmates to release number_infected_before_release: number of infected at which to perform release on next integer time death_rate: probability of dying after being infected tau: transmission rate gamma: recovery rate rho: percent of inmates that are initially infected max_time: # of time steps to run simulation N: # of inmates initially p: probability of contact between inmate and other inmates percent_infected: percent of general population that is infected percent_recovered: percent of general population that is recovered save_plot: should plot of results be saved to computer? stop_inflow_at_intervention: should we stop the background inflow of inmates at intervention time? title: title of plot social_distance: boolean flag, if we lower transmission rate after major release social_distance_tau: new transmission rate after major release custom_graph: If custom_graph passed, uses custom_graph. Otherwise, creates graph from N and p initial_infected_list: sets node numbers of initial infected. If not passed, rho is used Returns: t: array of times at which events occur S: # of susceptible inmates at each time I: # of infected inmates at each time R: # of recovered inmates at each time D: # of dead inmates at each time step """ # Save parameters parameters_dict = locals() # Use custom_graph if passed if custom_graph is not None: G = custom_graph.copy() else: # Build new graph G = nx.fast_gnp_random_graph(N, p) # Run simulation t, S, I, R, D = simulation(G, tau, gamma, rho, max_time, number_infected_before_release, release_number, background_inmate_turnover, stop_inflow_at_intervention, p, death_rate, percent_infected, percent_recovered, social_distance, social_distance_tau, initial_infected_list) # Print summary of results summary(t, S, I, R, D, save_plot, title, parameters_dict) return t, S, I, R, D
""" import sys import networkx as nx from vispy import app, scene from vispy.visuals.graphs import layouts canvas = scene.SceneCanvas(title='Simple NetworkX Graph', size=(600, 600), bgcolor='white', show=True) view = canvas.central_widget.add_view('panzoom') graph = nx.adjacency_matrix(nx.fast_gnp_random_graph(500, 0.005, directed=True)) layout = layouts.get_layout('force_directed', iterations=100) visual = scene.visuals.Graph(graph, layout=layout, line_color='black', arrow_type="stealth", arrow_size=30, node_symbol="disc", node_size=20, face_color=(1, 0, 0, 0.2), border_width=0.0, animate=True, directed=False, parent=view.scene)
write_log("Formatting {}".format(filename)) f = open(filename, 'w+') for e in values: f.write('{}\n'.format(e)) DIM = 10**5 write_log("DIM = {}".format(DIM)) PERC_SPARSE = 0.000003 write_log("PERC_SPARSE = {}% => expecting {} elements per column".format( str((1 - PERC_SPARSE) * 100), DIM * PERC_SPARSE)) write_log("Generating graph...") g = nx.fast_gnp_random_graph(DIM, PERC_SPARSE, directed=True) # The following line is used for testing with parra's matrix #g = nx.from_numpy_matrix(np.matrix(m), create_using=nx.DiGraph) write_log("Computing pagerank... alpha=0.85, max_iter=200, tol=1e-12", endl='') start = time() pr = nx.pagerank_scipy(g, alpha=0.85, max_iter=200, tol=1e-12) write_log("DONE [{}s]".format(time() - start)) write_log("Sorting and dumping pr values...", endl='') start = time() pr_sorted = sorted(pr.items(), key=lambda kv: (kv[1], kv[0]), reverse=True)
def test_disconnected_graph(): G = nx.fast_gnp_random_graph(100, 0.01, seed=42) cuts = nx.all_node_cuts(G) pytest.raises(nx.NetworkXError, next, cuts)
import random from collections import defaultdict import time import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import networkx as nx from tqdm import tqdm from clique import clique_finder_rand n_nodes = 10000 max_deg = 9000 # print("building graph") # graph = {i: random.sample(set(list(range(n_nodes))) - {i}, random.randint(1, max_deg)) for i in range(n_nodes)} graph = nx.fast_gnp_random_graph(1000, 0.8) # graph = pickle.load(open("graph.pickle", "rb")) # print("graph built") def animate(i): graph_data = open('data.txt', 'r').read() lines = graph_data.split('\n') xs = [] ys = [] for line in lines: if len(line) > 1: x, y = line.split(',') xs.append(float(x)) ys.append(float(y)) ax1.clear()
def test_add_node_to_sub_graph(self): G = HeGraph() sub_graph = nx.fast_gnp_random_graph(3, 3) G.add_graph(sub_graph) G.add_node_to_sub_graph(0, 4) self.assertEqual(4, len(sub_graph.nodes()))
#!/usr/bin/env python2 import networkx as nx nodes = [70, 100, 500, 1000, 4000, 6000, 10000, 100000] z_deg = 13 for n in nodes: p = 1.0 * z_deg / (n - 1) G = nx.fast_gnp_random_graph(n, p, seed=123) print p, n print nx.is_connected(G) # Z average degree #G = fast_gnp_random_graph(n, p, seed=123) #average_shortest_path_length(G, weight=None) # Check if the graph is complete # watts_strogatz_graph(n, k, p, seed=None) # k = 4 # n = constant # change p paramater [0.0001 to 1] # Averagre shortest path # Average Clustering coefficient # Many the avg_cluster, shortest path #G = nx.erdos_renyi_graph(n, p, seed=123) # O(n^2) # z_deg = (n - 1) * p
def test_equitable_color_large(self): G = nx.fast_gnp_random_graph(100, 0.1, seed=42) coloring = nx.coloring.equitable_color(G, max_degree(G) + 1) assert is_equitable(G, coloring, num_colors=max_degree(G) + 1)
import networkx as nx import random #generate random graph #p = 5% G = nx.fast_gnp_random_graph(10000, 0.05) #assign random weight to each edge for (u, v) in G.edges(): G.edges[u, v]['weight'] = random.randint(1, 100) #write graph to file nx.write_weighted_edgelist(G, "random_graph.edgelist")
# "angeliya c.u" <*****@*****.**>, "priodyuti pradhan" <*****@*****.**> # Complex Systems Lab, Indian Institute of Technology Indore #---------modelling network------------ n = 100 # Number of nodes c = 3 # average degree of the random subgraph deg = [] hub = {} lst = [] p = c/float(n-1) print 'connection probability: ', p flag = True while flag: gnp = nx.fast_gnp_random_graph(n,p) if nx.is_connected(gnp): flag = False print 'Number of nodes: ',n print 'Number of edges: ', len(gnp.edges()) print 'Check for connectedness: ',nx.is_connected(gnp) A = nx.to_scipy_sparse_matrix(gnp,nodelist=None,dtype=np.float32,format='lil') d = A.sum(axis=1) avg_deg = sum(d)/n print 'avg deg: ' ,avg_deg[0,0] #-------for loop for iterating d--------- fd = open('hub-deg_vs_ipr.txt','w')
def main(args): logging.basicConfig( level=logging.DEBUG if args.verbose else logging.INFO, format="%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s [%(name)s] %(message)s", datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") LOG = logging.getLogger('MAIN') LOG_STATS = logging.getLogger('STAT')'Loading graph \'%s\'...' % args.graph) start = timer() if args.graph == 'example1': G = nx.Graph() G.add_nodes_from(range(0, 6)) G.add_edges_from([(0, 3), (0, 4), (0, 5), (1, 2), (1, 4), (1, 5), (2, 5), (3, 4)]) elif args.graph == 'example2': G = nx.Graph() G.add_nodes_from(range(0, 5)) G.add_edges_from([(0, 3), (2, 1), (2, 4), (3, 2)]) elif '.xsc' in args.graph: G = nx.Graph() input_iter = io.read_xsc_graph(args.graph) for edge in input_iter: [u, v] = edge if not G.has_node(u): G.add_node(u) if not G.has_node(v): G.add_node(v) G.add_edge(u, v) elif '.txt' in args.graph: G = nx.Graph() input_iter = io.read_txt_graph(args.graph) for edge in input_iter: [u, v] = edge if not G.has_node(u): G.add_node(u) if not G.has_node(v): G.add_node(v) G.add_edge(u, v) else: G = nx.fast_gnp_random_graph(args.vertices, args.edge_prob, args.seed) end = timer()'Read/generated graph in %0.4f seconds' % (end - start))'Graph has %d vertices and %d edges' % (len(G.nodes), len(G.edges))) if args.plot: plt.subplot(121) nx.draw(G, with_labels=True, font_weight='bold') file = open(args.file, 'w') if args.file is not None else None output = io.PatternOutput(file, args.canonical, args.sort, log_patterns=args.log_patterns) if args.algorithm == 'clique': alg = algorithms.CliqueFinding(output, args.max if args.max else None) elif args.algorithm == 'cycle': alg = algorithms.CycleFinding(output, args.max if args.max else None) elif args.algorithm.startswith('example'): alg = algorithms.ExampleTree(output, args.max if args.max else None) else: alg = algorithms.Algorithm(output, args.max if args.max else None) if args.mode == 'static' or args.mode == 'both': alg.reset_stats()'Running forwards exploration with algorithm \'%s\'' % args.algorithm) start = timer() mining.forwards_explore_all(G, alg) end = timer()'Ran forwards exploration in %0.4f seconds' % (end - start))' - Found %d matches' % alg.num_found)' - Executed %d filters' % alg.num_filters) if args.mode == 'dynamic' or args.mode == 'both': alg.reset_stats() if args.mode == 'dynamic': updates = list( map( lambda t: list(t), list(G.edges)[:args.updates] if args.updates else list( G.edges))) # get list of list, not list of tuples if args.reset: G = nx.Graph() # reset graph elif args.graph == 'example': updates = [[1, 3], [0, 1]] else: updates = [] for _ in range(0, args.updates): valid = False while not valid: edge = [ random.randint(0, len(G.nodes)), random.randint(0, args.vertices) ] if edge[0] != edge[1] and not G.has_edge( edge[0], edge[1]) and edge not in updates: valid = True updates.append(edge) 'Running middle-out exploration with algorithm \'%s\' and %d updates' % (args.algorithm, len(updates))) random.shuffle(updates) start = timer() for i, update in enumerate(updates): if i < 1000 and i % 100 == 0 or i % 1000 == 0:'Processed updates: %d / %d' % (i, len(updates))) LOG.debug('Processing update %s' % str(update)) mining.middleout_explore_update(G, alg, update, add_to_graph=True) LOG_STATS.debug('Found %d matches' % alg.num_found) LOG_STATS.debug('Executed %d filters' % alg.num_filters) end = timer()'Ran middle-out exploration in %0.4f seconds' % (end - start))' - Found %d matches' % alg.num_found)' - Executed %d filters' % alg.num_filters) if file is not None: file.close()
import networkx import sys if len(sys.argv) < 2: print("python [output folder]") input() sys.exit(0) outputPath = sys.argv[1] genList = [(100000, 2), (100000, 3), (1000000, 2), (1000000, 3)] for i, (node, mean_degree) in enumerate(genList): print(i, (node, mean_degree)) G = networkx.fast_gnp_random_graph(node, mean_degree / node) networkx.write_edgelist(G, outputPath + "/genRandomGraph_" + str(i) + ".csv", data=False, delimiter=',')
import networkx as nx from node2vec import Node2Vec graph = nx.fast_gnp_random_graph(n=100, p=0.5) #快速随机生成一个无向图 node2vec = Node2Vec(graph, dimensions=64, walk_length=30, num_walks=100, p=0.3, q=0.7, workers=4) #初始化模型 model = #训练模型 print(model.wv.most_similar('2', topn=3)) # 观察与节点2最相近的三个节点
def setup(self, graph_size, graph_density, num_reads): self.sampler = greedy.SteepestDescentSampler() self.graph = nx.fast_gnp_random_graph(n=graph_size, p=graph_density, seed=0) self.bqm = dimod.generators.random.ran_r(r=1, graph=self.graph, seed=0)
def __er_graph(n,p,seed=None): ''' erdos renyi graph ''' return nx.fast_gnp_random_graph(n,p,seed=seed)
k0 = 100 alpha = 1/5 rho = 1/8 eta = R0 * rho / k0 kappa = Q0/(1-Q0) * rho chi = 1/2 xi = (1-Q0)/Q0 * chi omega = 1/14 S, E, I, R, X, T_I, T_E, Q = "S E I R X T_I T_E Q".split(" ") N = 20000 print("generating network") edges = [(e[0],e[1],1.0) for e in (nx.fast_gnp_random_graph(N,k0/(N-1))).edges() ] agentmodel = StochasticEpiModel([S, E, I, R, X, T_I, T_E, Q], N, edges) #model = StochasticEpiModel([S, E, I, R, X, T_I, T_E, Q], N, well_mixed_mean_contact_number=k0) agentmodel.set_node_transition_processes([ (E, alpha, I), (I, rho, R), (I, kappa, T_I), (T_I, chi, X), (T_E, xi, R), (T_E, chi, X), #(Q, omega, S), ]) agentmodel.set_link_transmission_processes([ (I, S, R0*rho/k0, I, E),
def getEnsambleBowTieNetworkValues(gx, samples=5, model="configuration", debug=False): """ Returns an object BowTieEnsembleNetworkValues for the ensamble of graphs created based on the network topology of the given graph under a certain model. Parameters ---------- gx : Networkx DiGraph Networkx DiGraph samples : number of graph in the ensamble Name of the model : "configuration", "ER", default: "configuration", Model with wich the graphs will be created, valid modesl are: "configuration" : directed_configuration_model "ER" : Erdős-Rényi Gnp graph fast_gnp_random_graph "configuration" will be used if no other valid name is given. Returns ------- R : BowTieEnsembleNetworkValues TODO """ def __printDebug(*val): if debug: print(list(val)) din = list(d for n, d in gx.in_degree()) dout = list(d for n, d in gx.out_degree()) n = gx.order() m = nx.number_of_edges(gx) p = m / (n * (n - 1)) resultsNodesAllGraph = [] reusltNodesWeaklyLCC = [] resultNodesTubes = [] resultNodesTendrilsIn = [] resultsNodesIn = [] resultNodesSCC = [] resultNodesOut = [] resultNodesTendrilsOut = [] resultNodesOCC = [] if (model == "ER"): print("Gnp values. n:", n, ", p:", p) # add the values for each realization for i in range(samples): if (model == "ER"): g = nx.fast_gnp_random_graph(n=n, p=p, directed=True) else: g = nx.directed_configuration_model(din, dout) btV = getBowTieNetworkValues(g) resultsNodesAllGraph.append(btV.nrNodesAllGraph) reusltNodesWeaklyLCC.append(btV.nrNodesWeaklyLCC) resultNodesTubes.append(btV.nrNodesTubes) resultNodesTendrilsIn.append(btV.nrNodesTendrilsIn) resultsNodesIn.append(btV.nrNodesIn) resultNodesSCC.append(btV.nrNodesSCC) resultNodesOut.append(btV.nrNodesOut) resultNodesTendrilsOut.append(btV.nrNodesTendrilsOut) resultNodesOCC.append(btV.nrNodesOCC) __printDebug("Result Nodes All Graph: ", resultsNodesAllGraph) # create dictionary bowTieEnsembleNetworkValues = BowTieEnsembleNetworkValues( meanNrNodesAllGraph=np.mean(resultsNodesAllGraph, dtype=np.float64), meanNrNodesWeaklyLCC=np.mean(reusltNodesWeaklyLCC, dtype=np.float64), meanNrNodesTubes=np.mean(resultNodesTubes, dtype=np.float64), meanNrNodesTendrilsIn=np.mean(resultNodesTendrilsIn, dtype=np.float64), meanNrNodesIn=np.mean(resultsNodesIn, dtype=np.float64), meanNrNodesSCC=np.mean(resultNodesSCC, dtype=np.float64), meanNrNodesOut=np.mean(resultNodesOut, dtype=np.float64), meanNrNodesTendrilsOut=np.mean(resultNodesTendrilsOut, dtype=np.float64), meanNrNodesOCC=np.mean(resultNodesOCC, dtype=np.float64), stdNrNodesAllGraph=np.std(resultsNodesAllGraph, dtype=np.float64), stdNrNodesWeaklyLCC=np.std(reusltNodesWeaklyLCC, dtype=np.float64), stdNrNodesTubes=np.std(resultNodesTubes, dtype=np.float64), stdNrNodesTendrilsIn=np.std(resultNodesTendrilsIn, dtype=np.float64), stdNrNodesIn=np.std(resultsNodesIn, dtype=np.float64), stdNrNodesSCC=np.std(resultNodesSCC, dtype=np.float64), stdNrNodesOut=np.std(resultNodesOut, dtype=np.float64), stdNrNodesTendrilsOut=np.std(resultNodesTendrilsOut, dtype=np.float64), stdNrNodesOCC=np.std(resultNodesOCC, dtype=np.float64)) return bowTieEnsembleNetworkValues
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import random from random import shuffle import math import numpy as np from import greedy_modularity_communities from import asyn_lpa_communities from import label_propagation_communities from import asyn_fluidc from import coverage from import performance from import girvan_newman # Graph=nx.karate_club_graph() # Graph=nx.read_gml('datasets/dolphins.gml',label='id') Graph = nx.fast_gnp_random_graph(25, 0.7) # Graph=nx.windmill_graph(8,4) # sizes = [5, 5, 10] # probs = [[0.05, 0.05, 0.02], # [0.05, 0.15, 0.07], # [0.02, 0.07, 0.04]] # Graph = nx.stochastic_block_model(sizes, probs, seed=0) gmc = list(greedy_modularity_communities(Graph)) alc = list(asyn_lpa_communities(Graph)) lpac = list(label_propagation_communities(Graph)) asfl = list(asyn_fluidc(Graph, 3)) girvanNewmanCommunities = list(girvan_newman(Graph)) W2 = np.zeros((len(Graph), len(Graph))) for i in Graph:
print("Number of node should be an integer.") exit() if not sys.argv[2] == '0' and not sys.argv[2] == '1': print("Illegal para: 1 for directed graph and 0 for undirected. ") elif sys.argv[2] == '0': directed = False else: directed = True if directed: try: os.remove("graph" + str(num_node) + ".txt") except OSError: pass DG = nx.fast_gnp_random_graph(num_node, 0.2, 100, True) with open("graph" + str(num_node) + ".txt", "a") as myfile: for i in range(num_node): keyList = list(DG[i].keys()) currentList = [] for k in range(num_node): if k not in keyList: currentList.append(str(0)) else: currentList.append(str(random.randint(1, 100))) line = " ".join(currentList) line += "\n" myfile.write(line) else: try: os.remove("udgraph" + str(num_node) + ".txt")