def tspRepeats(G, start): #make a graph out of the matrix all_distances = dict(nx.floyd_warshall(G)) #initialize graph of distances (complete graph with shortest paths as edges) B = G.copy() edges = {""} edges.pop() for _ in G.nodes: for __ in G.nodes: if not B.has_edge(_, __) and not __ == _: edges.add((_, __, all_distances[_][__])) B.add_weighted_edges_from(edges) #predecessors = nx.floyd_warshall_predecessor_and_distance(B) all_distances = dict(nx.floyd_warshall(B)) #creates returner, a two-opt algorithm version of TSP on the shortest paths graph returner = two_opt(B) #shifts the array so the starting node is at the beginning of the array def shift(seq, n): n = n % len(seq) return seq[n:] + seq[:n] for _ in range(len(returner)): if returner[_] == int(start): returner = shift(returner, _) finalList = [] if len(returner) > 0: finalList = [returner[0]] for i in range(len(returner)-1): finalList += nx.shortest_path(G, returner[i], returner[i+1], weight='weight')[1:] finalList += nx.shortest_path(G, returner[-1], returner[0], weight='weight')[1:] return finalList
def lab_5(): def graph(n, k, p): G = nx.watts_strogatz_graph(n, k, p) if not nx.is_connected(G): return graph(size, k, p) return G iterations = 100 size = np.arange(1, 6) data = np.zeros((iterations, len(size))) for i in trange(iterations): for j in size: G = graph(j * 100, 10, 0.5) t = time() nx.floyd_warshall(G) data[i][j - 1] = time() - t'out/lab5.npy', data) x = np.arange(100, 600, 100) data = np.load('out/lab5.npy') y = np.zeros(5) for i in range(5): y[i] = np.average(data[:, i]) matplotlib.rc('font', **{'size': 24}) plt.figure(figsize=(12, 9)) plt.title('Average Time') plt.plot(x, y, color='#FA816D', linewidth=3) plt.xlabel('Network Size') plt.xticks(x) plt.ylabel('Seconds')
def test_zero_weight(self): G = nx.DiGraph() edges = [(1,2,-2), (2,3,-4), (1,5,1), (5,4,0), (4,3,-5), (2,5,-7)] G.add_weighted_edges_from(edges) dist = nx.floyd_warshall(G) assert_equal(dist[1][3], -14) G = nx.MultiDiGraph() edges.append( (2,5,-7) ) G.add_weighted_edges_from(edges) dist = nx.floyd_warshall(G) assert_equal(dist[1][3], -14)
def condense_graph(subG,clusterlabelfile, num_levels, level,nodeL): with open(clusterlabelfile,"r+") as f: lines = f.readlines() line = lines[level] num_communs = int(re.findall(r'(\d+) nodes',line)[0]) if level < 0: hier = num_levels + level else: hier = level with open("clusters.csv","w+") as f: subprocess.check_call([r"./DirectedLouvain/bin/hierarchy","subG.tree","-l",str(hier)], stdout=f) cluster_df = pd.read_csv('clusters.csv',index_col = False, names = ['node','community'],sep=' ') def convert_inds(ind): return nodeL[ind] cluster_df['node'] = cluster_df['node'].map(convert_inds) for i, tup in cluster_df.iterrows(): node, comm = tup subG.nodes[node]['community'] = comm print("Condensing graph...") tic = timemod.clock() condensed_G = nx.DiGraph() for i in range(0,num_communs): condensed_G.add_node(i) nodes = list(cluster_df[cluster_df['community'] == i]['node']) condensed_G.nodes[i]['squished_nodes'] = nodes temp = subG.subgraph(nodes) distances = nx.floyd_warshall(temp,weight='pace') avg_pace = np.nanmean([t for src,tardict in distances.items() for dest,t in tardict.items() if src in nodes and dest in nodes and np.isfinite(t)]) if np.isfinite(avg_pace): condensed_G.add_edge(i,i,pace=avg_pace) for start,end in itertools.permutations(condensed_G.nodes,2): clus1 = cluster_df[cluster_df['community']==start] clus2 = cluster_df[cluster_df['community']==end] temp = subG.subgraph(list(clus1['node'])+list(clus2['node'])) distances = nx.floyd_warshall(temp,weight='pace') edges_12_pace = np.nanmean([t for src,tardict in distances.items() for dest,t in tardict.items() if src in set(clus1['node']) and dest in set(clus2['node']) and np.isfinite(t)]) if np.isfinite(edges_12_pace): condensed_G.add_edge(start,end,pace=edges_12_pace) toc = timemod.clock() print("Graph condensed in " + str(toc-tic) + " seconds.") return cluster_df, condensed_G
def test(adj_mat, elapsed_time, i): G = ntx.Graph(adj_mat) ntx.draw_networkx(G, pos=ntx.kamada_kawai_layout(G), node_size=50, with_labels=True, font_size=4, width=0.5) plt.savefig("graph"+i+".png", dpi=1000, quality=95) t0 = time.perf_counter() ntx.floyd_warshall(G) elapsed_time[0].append(time.perf_counter() - t0) t0 = time.perf_counter() ntx.johnson(G) elapsed_time[1].append(time.perf_counter() - t0) print("finished_test") return elapsed_time
def ich(M, colNames=[], dictDefault=-1, useFullDistance=True, name='', stateFile='', randOrder=True, procs=1): progressFile = name+'_ich_progress' if name: saveState({}, [], progressFile, overwrite=True) if isinstance(M, nx.classes.graph.Graph) and useFullDistance: nodes = sorted(M.nodes()) M = nx.floyd_warshall(M) M = [[int(M[u][v]) if (v in M and M[u][v]!=np.inf) else -1 for v in nodes] for u in nodes] distr = {} tags = {} chosen = [] if stateFile: (tags, chosen) = readState(stateFile)[-1] for t in tags: if tags[t] not in distr: distr[tags[t]] = [] distr[tags[t]].append(t) elif isinstance(M, list): tags = {i:'' for i in range(len(M))} elif isinstance(M, dict): tags = {i:'' for i in M} elif isinstance(M, nx.classes.graph.Graph): tags = {i:'' for i in M.nodes()} n = len(tags) check = colNames if (isinstance(M, dict) and colNames) else (sorted(M[M.keys()[0]].keys()) if isinstance(M, dict) else sorted(tags.keys())) for col in chosen: check.remove(col) check = list(np.random.permutation(check)) if randOrder else sorted(check) while len(distr) < n and len(chosen) < n: (distr, tags, _, chosen) = pickColumn(M, tags, check, chosen=chosen, dictDefault=dictDefault, procs=procs) check.remove(chosen[-1]) if name: saveState(tags, chosen, progressFile, overwrite=True) if len(distr) < n and len(chosen) == n: return 'NO SOLUTION EXISTS' return chosen
def __init__(self, file_name): """Sets up basic Information about the graph graph.labels = [all original labels with index = network x node number] (i.e graph.labels[0] == 'soda') = [node numbers of homes] with len() = k graph.nxgraph = network x graph with number [1, 2, ..., n] graph.num_houses = number of TAs (k) graph.num_locs = number of locations (n) graph.dist = shorest all paths computed dynamically by floyd_warshall (i.e graph.dist[0][0] == 0) """ data = read_file(file_name) parsed = data_parser(data) self.parsed = parsed self.num_locs = parsed[0] self.num_houses = parsed[1] self.labels = parsed[2] homes = parsed[3] start = parsed[4] matrix = parsed[5] = [self.labels.index(node) for node in homes] self.start = self.labels.index(start) self.nxgraph = adjacency_matrix_to_graph(matrix)[0] self.dist = nx.floyd_warshall(self.nxgraph)
def moving(G, F): d = nx.floyd_warshall(G, weight='weight') # res[i - 1][0]: the result to unload ith item w/o carrying the (i + 1)th item # res[i - 1][1]: the result to unload ith item w carrying the (i + 1)th item res = [[]] try: res[0].append(d['1'][F[0][0]] + d[F[0][0]][F[0][1]]) if len(F) == 1: return res[0][0] res[0].append(d['1'][F[0][0]] + d[F[0][0]][F[1][0]] + d[F[1][0]][F[0][1]]) for i in range(1, len(F)): res.append([]) res[i].append( min( res[i - 1][0] + d[F[i - 1][1]][F[i][0]] + d[F[i][0]][F[i][1]], res[i - 1][1] + d[F[i - 1][1]][F[i][1]])) if i == len(F) - 1: return res[i][0] res[i].append( min( res[i - 1][0] + d[F[i - 1][1]][F[i][0]] + d[F[i][0]][F[i + 1][0]] + d[F[i + 1][0]][F[i][1]], res[i - 1][1] + d[F[i - 1][1]][F[i + 1][0]] + d[F[i + 1][0]][F[i][1]])) except: return -1
def expected_time(nodes, edges, p, g): G = nx.Graph() G.add_weighted_edges_from(g) lengths = nx.floyd_warshall(G) node_sum = { node: sum(d.values()) for node, d in lengths.items() } cache = {} def recurse(last, depth): if (last, depth) not in cache: if depth == 1: cache[(last, depth)] = node_sum[last] else: cache[(last, depth)] = sum( recurse(n, depth - 1) for n in range(1, nodes + 1) if n != last ) + node_sum[last] cache[(last, depth)] /= (nodes - 1) return cache[(last, depth)] #pprint(cache) return recurse(1, p)
def construct_diff(self): # real knowledge structure obtained by using IITA, without transitive closure real_knowledge_structure = nx.DiGraph(self.load_ks(self.e_ks.get())) # print(real_knowledge_structure.nodes()) # transitive closure of the real knowledge structure tc_knowledge_structure = nx.DiGraph([(u, v, { 'd': l }) for u, adj in nx.floyd_warshall(real_knowledge_structure).items() for v, l in adj.items() if l > 0 and l < float('inf')]) # if there is any predecessor to the given node, than it is not in the fringe def in_fringe(node, graph): for edge in graph.edges(): if edge[1] == node: return False return True fringe = [] complexity = [] level = 1 while tc_knowledge_structure.nodes(): for node in tc_knowledge_structure.nodes(): if in_fringe(node, tc_knowledge_structure): fringe.append(node) complexity.append((node, level)) tc_knowledge_structure.remove_nodes_from(fringe) fringe = [] level += 1 self.txt_diff.delete(1.0, END) self.txt_diff.insert(END, "" + str(complexity))
def __init__(self, train, test, path_feature=False): self.train = train self.test = test = json.load(open("attributes.json")) if path_feature: self.shortest_path = dict(nx.floyd_warshall(train, weight='weight'))
def cost_of_solution_no_print(G, car_cycle, dropoff_mapping): cost = 0 dropoffs = dropoff_mapping.keys() if not is_valid_walk(G, car_cycle): print('This is not a valid walk for the given graph.\n') sys.exit() if not car_cycle[0] == car_cycle[-1]: print('The start and end vertices are not the same.\n') sys.exit() if cost != 'infinite': if len(car_cycle) == 1: car_cycle = [] else: car_cycle = get_edges_from_path( car_cycle[:-1]) + [(car_cycle[-2], car_cycle[-1])] if len(car_cycle) != 1: driving_cost = sum([G.edges[e]['weight'] for e in car_cycle]) * 2 / 3 else: driving_cost = 0 walking_cost = 0 shortest = dict(nx.floyd_warshall(G)) for drop_location in dropoffs: for house in dropoff_mapping[drop_location]: walking_cost += shortest[drop_location][house] cost = driving_cost + walking_cost return cost
def plot_path_length(g, directory): fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots() fig1.subplots_adjust(left=0.15) hist = [] am = {} table = nx.floyd_warshall(g) for n in list(table.values()): #print(n.values()) for k in list(n.values()): #hist[int(k)] = hist.get(int(k), 0) + 1 if k < 10000: if int(k) != 0: hist.append(k) am[int(k)] = am.get(int(k), 0) + 1 plt.hist(hist, len(am.values()) - 1, facecolor='blue', edgecolor='darkblue', alpha=0.75, align='left') ax1.set_xlabel("Path length") ax1.set_ylabel("Paths") plt.savefig("plots/{}/histogram_shortest_path".format(directory)) print("AVERAGE: ", sum(hist) / len(hist))
def compute_greedy_heuristic(self): """ Computes WMSCP Greedy Heuristic. self.graph is the NetworkX graph. self.clusters is a list of lists of node incides where each list corresponds to the list of nodes in each cluster (so [[0,1,2,3],[4,5,6,7]] would be two clusters with 0-3 in one cluster and 4-7 in other). """ controller_set = [] # Stores controller indices distances = nx.floyd_warshall(self.graph, 'weight') # Stores distances between every node weights_index = 0 # Converts index of minimum weight to actual node index (only works because clusters are in-order and sorted for i in range(len(self.clusters)): # Go through each node in cluster and compute weights weights = [] for node in self.clusters[i]: # Go through every cluster and find shortest distance, shortest distance to controller weight = 0 # Stores weight of this node for j in range(len(self.clusters)): if i == j: # Matching cluster, ignore continue cluster_distance = 1e6 controller_distance = 0 for cluster_node in self.clusters[j]: # Go through every node in other clusters and compute distance to find shortest node per cluster cluster_distance = min(cluster_distance, distances[node][cluster_node]) if cluster_node in controller_set: # If node is a controller, add its distance a "second" time to correspond # to second sigma-sum of weight calculation assert controller_distance == 0, print(cluster_node, controller_set) controller_distance = distances[node][cluster_node] assert cluster_distance != 1e6, "Cluster distance was too low, it was not modified" weight += cluster_distance + controller_distance # Add to node weight weight /= len(self.clusters[i]) + 1 # Divide by nodes covered (the length of cluster upcoming controller is in) weights.append(weight) controller_set.append(weights.index(min(weights)) + weights_index) # Add node index to controller list weights_index += len(self.clusters[i]) return controller_set, super().step(controller_set) # Return controller list and corresponding cost (minimum distance between all controllers)
def cost_of_solution(G, car_cycle, dropoff_mapping): cost = 0 message = '' dropoffs = dropoff_mapping.keys() if not is_valid_walk(G, car_cycle): message += 'This is not a valid walk for the given graph.\n' cost = 'infinite' if not car_cycle[0] == car_cycle[-1]: message += 'The start and end vertices are not the same.\n' cost = 'infinite' if cost != 'infinite': if len(car_cycle) == 1: car_cycle = [] else: car_cycle = get_edges_from_path(car_cycle[:-1]) + [(car_cycle[-2], car_cycle[-1])] driving_cost = sum([G.edges[e]['weight'] for e in car_cycle]) * 2 / 3 walking_cost = 0 shortest = dict(nx.floyd_warshall(G)) for drop_location in dropoffs: for house in dropoff_mapping[drop_location]: walking_cost += shortest[drop_location][house] message += f'The driving cost of your solution is {driving_cost}.\n' message += f'The walking cost of your solution is {walking_cost}.\n' cost = driving_cost + walking_cost message += f'The total cost of your solution is {cost}.\n' return cost, message
def eloc_node(G, xNode): ''' A function to calculate the nodal local efficiency from a node xNode. input parameters: G: A graph in networkX format. xNode: The node where the nodal global efficiency is calculated. returns: Eloc: The nodal local efficiency at node xNode. ''' subG = subgraph(G, xNode) #Eloc, tmpEloci, tmpNodes = eglob_net(subG) NNodes = len(subG.nodes()) if NNodes>1: #Dij = nx.all_pairs_shortest_path_length(subG) Dij = nx.floyd_warshall(subG) D = [Dij[i].values() for i in subG.nodes()] cD = [] for irow in D: cD += irow NZD = np.array(cD)[np.nonzero(cD)] if len(NZD)>0: Eloc = (1.0/(NNodes*(NNodes-1.0))) * np.sum(1.0/NZD) else: Eloc = 0 else: Eloc = 0 return Eloc
def WD(self) -> (np.array, np.array): """ Creates the matrices W and D. :return: W, D matrices as 2D np.array """ # makes a copy of the original graph # could it be expensive? new_g = nx.DiGraph() n_vertices = self.g.number_of_nodes() W = np.empty((n_vertices, n_vertices), D = np.empty((n_vertices, n_vertices)) # 1. Weight each edge u-e->_ in E with the ordered # pair (w(e), -d(u)) new_g.add_weighted_edges_from([ (u, v, CustomWeight(self.g.edges[u, v]["weight"], -self.delay[u])) for (u, v) in self.g.edges ]) # 2. compute the all-pairs shortest paths # add of the weights: componentwise addition # comparison of the weights: lexicographic order path_len = dict(nx.floyd_warshall(new_g)) # 3. For each u,v vertices, their shortest path weight is (x,y) # set W(u,v) = x, D(u,v) = d(v) - y for u in new_g.nodes: for v in new_g.nodes: cw = path_len[u][v] W[int(u), int(v)] = cw.x D[int(u), int(v)] = self.delay[v] - cw.y return W, D
def eloc_node(G, xNode): ''' A function to calculate the nodal local efficiency from a node xNode. input parameters: G: A graph in networkX format. xNode: The node where the nodal global efficiency is calculated. returns: Eloc: The nodal local efficiency at node xNode. ''' subG = subgraph(G, xNode) #Eloc, tmpEloci, tmpNodes = eglob_net(subG) NNodes = len(subG.nodes()) if NNodes > 1: #Dij = nx.all_pairs_shortest_path_length(subG) Dij = nx.floyd_warshall(subG) D = [Dij[i].values() for i in subG.nodes()] cD = [] for irow in D: cD += irow NZD = np.array(cD)[np.nonzero(cD)] if len(NZD) > 0: Eloc = (1.0 / (NNodes * (NNodes - 1.0))) * np.sum(1.0 / NZD) else: Eloc = 0 else: Eloc = 0 return Eloc
def is_metricFlexible(G): shortest = dict(nx.floyd_warshall(G)) for u, v, datadict in G.edges(data=True): if abs(shortest[u][v] - datadict["weight"]) >= 0.00001: print(u, v, shortest[u][v]) return False return True
def is_metric(G): shortest = dict(nx.floyd_warshall(G)) for u, v, datadict in G.edges(data=True): assert shortest[u][v] == datadict[ 'weight'], 'Direct path from {} to {} (weight {}) is not shortest path (weight {})'.format( u, v, datadict['weight'], shortest[u][v]) return True
def chinese_postman(g, weight="weight"): """ 中国人郵便配達問題 入力 g: 無向グラフ weight: 重みの属性文字 出力 距離と頂点リスト """ import networkx as nx from itertools import combinations assert not g.is_directed() g = nx.MultiGraph(g) subnd = [nd for nd, dg in if dg % 2 == 1] # 奇数次数ノード群 dd = nx.floyd_warshall(g, weight=weight) # 完全距離表 mx = max(d for dc in dd.values() for d in dc.values()) # 最大距離 h = nx.Graph() for i, j in combinations(subnd, 2): h.add_edge(i, j, weight=mx - dd[i][j]) for i, j in nx.max_weight_matching(h, True): # 最大重み最大マッチング問題 g.add_edge(i, j, weight=dd[i][j]) return ( sum(d[weight] for (i, j, _), d in g.edges.items()), list(nx.eulerian_circuit(g)), )
def hierarchy_clustering(G): N = len(G) S = np.zeros((N, N)) floyd = nx.floyd_warshall(G) for i in range(N): for j in range(N): S[i, j] = floyd[i][j] # print(S) Y = squareform(S) Z = hierarchy.linkage(Y, method='average') hierarchy.dendrogram(Z) clusters = hierarchy.fcluster(Z, 3.25, criterion='distance') n_clusters = max(clusters) print(n_clusters) nodes = np.arange(N) for i in range(1, n_clusters + 1): GG = G.subgraph(nodes[clusters == i]) # print(len(GG), GG.edges()) nx.draw(GG) return clusters
def MakeCostMatrix(d): """ Make a ransom metrix matrix as described in Cuturi 2013 (Figure 4) """ G = nx.erdos_renyi_graph(d, 0.5) for u, v, w in G.edges(data=True): w['weight'] = np.random.uniform(0, 1) # All pair shortest path M = nx.floyd_warshall(G) return M
def run(self): start = time.time() answer = nx.floyd_warshall(['g']) if self.verbose: print('FloydWarshall took %.2f s.' % (time.time() - start)) return answer
def computeGraphDistances(G): ''' Computes all pairs shortest paths on the given graph. ''' G_undirected = nx.Graph(G) distances = nx.floyd_warshall(G_undirected) return distances
def test_floyd_warshall_predecessor_and_distance(self): XG = nx.DiGraph() XG.add_weighted_edges_from([('s', 'u', 10), ('s', 'x', 5), ('u', 'v', 1), ('u', 'x', 2), ('v', 'y', 1), ('x', 'u', 3), ('x', 'v', 5), ('x', 'y', 2), ('y', 's', 7), ('y', 'v', 6)]) path, dist = nx.floyd_warshall_predecessor_and_distance(XG) assert dist['s']['v'] == 9 assert path['s']['v'] == 'u' assert (dist == {'y': {'y': 0, 'x': 12, 's': 7, 'u': 15, 'v': 6}, 'x': {'y': 2, 'x': 0, 's': 9, 'u': 3, 'v': 4}, 's': {'y': 7, 'x': 5, 's': 0, 'u': 8, 'v': 9}, 'u': {'y': 2, 'x': 2, 's': 9, 'u': 0, 'v': 1}, 'v': {'y': 1, 'x': 13, 's': 8, 'u': 16, 'v': 0}}) GG = XG.to_undirected() # make sure we get lower weight # to_undirected might choose either edge with weight 2 or weight 3 GG['u']['x']['weight'] = 2 path, dist = nx.floyd_warshall_predecessor_and_distance(GG) assert dist['s']['v'] == 8 # skip this test, could be alternate path s-u-v # assert_equal(path['s']['v'],'y') G = nx.DiGraph() # no weights G.add_edges_from([('s', 'u'), ('s', 'x'), ('u', 'v'), ('u', 'x'), ('v', 'y'), ('x', 'u'), ('x', 'v'), ('x', 'y'), ('y', 's'), ('y', 'v')]) path, dist = nx.floyd_warshall_predecessor_and_distance(G) assert dist['s']['v'] == 2 # skip this test, could be alternate path s-u-v # assert_equal(path['s']['v'],'x') # alternate interface dist = nx.floyd_warshall(G) assert dist['s']['v'] == 2 # floyd_warshall_predecessor_and_distance returns # dicts-of-defautdicts # make sure we don't get empty dictionary XG = nx.DiGraph() XG.add_weighted_edges_from([('v', 'x', 5.0), ('y', 'x', 5.0), ('v', 'y', 6.0), ('x', 'u', 2.0)]) path, dist = nx.floyd_warshall_predecessor_and_distance(XG) inf = float("inf") assert (dist == {'v': {'v': 0, 'x': 5.0, 'y': 6.0, 'u': 7.0}, 'x': {'x': 0, 'u': 2.0, 'v': inf, 'y': inf}, 'y': {'y': 0, 'x': 5.0, 'v': inf, 'u': 7.0}, 'u': {'u': 0, 'v': inf, 'x': inf, 'y': inf}}) assert (path == {'v': {'x': 'v', 'y': 'v', 'u': 'x'}, 'x': {'u': 'x'}, 'y': {'x': 'y', 'u': 'x'}})
def is_metric(G): shortest = dict(nx.floyd_warshall(G)) answer = True for u, v, datadict in G.edges(data=True): if abs(shortest[u][v] - datadict['weight']) >= 0.00001: print(shortest[u][v]) print(datadict['weight']) answer = False return answer
def check_triangle(adj): matrix = np.matrix(adj) G = nx.from_numpy_matrix(matrix) shortest = dict(nx.floyd_warshall(G)) for u, v, datadict in G.edges(data=True): val = datadict['weight'] if not isinstance(val, str) and abs(shortest[u][v] - datadict['weight']) >= 0.00001: assert False print("Adjacency matrix satisfies triangle inequality")
def __init__(self, G=None): self.G = G if G else self.createGraph() self.nodes = list(self.G.nodes) self.number_of_nodes = self.G.number_of_nodes self.edges = sorted(graph, key=lambda x: x[2]) print('networkx: ', nx.floyd_warshall(self.G)) self.floyd() self.draw()
def floyd_warshall(distance): ''' :param distance: distance model with maxsize :return: shortest_dis, predecessors ''' G = nx.DiGraph(distance) shortest_dis = nx.floyd_warshall(G) predecessors, _ = nx.floyd_warshall_predecessor_and_distance(G) return shortest_dis, predecessors
def get_pred_path(G,v1,v2): pred = nx.floyd_warshall(G)[1] edges = deque([]) u = v2 while u != v1: edges.appendleft((pred[v1][u],u,G[pred[v1][u]][u]['e'])) u = pred[v1][u] return edges
def makeMetricCompleteFlexible(graph): data = graph['data'] npy = np.array(data) shortest = dict(nx.floyd_warshall(nx.from_numpy_matrix(npy))) for i in range(len(data)): for j in range(i, len(data)): if (data[i][j] == graph['header'][3]): data[i][j], data[j][ i] = shortest[i][j] - .0001, shortest[i][j] - .0001,
def get_paths(data, edgeDict=None, graph=None, algorithm='Floyd', weights='aff', saveResults=False, filepathDist=None): ''' a function that computes all pairwise distances (shortest paths) and puts it into a dictionary. Input: graph with edges as distances OR (default) dict with pairwise affinities (not distances) Output: shortest paths in a dict of dicts. ''' unmatched = [] distGraph = nx.Graph() if weights == 'aff': print "computing 1/affinities..." for i in data: matched = 0 if i in edgeDict: distGraph.add_node(i) matched = 1 for j in edgeDict[i]: if edgeDict[i][j] == 0: distGraph.add_edge(i, j, weight='inf') else: distGraph.add_edge(i, j, weight=1.0 / edgeDict[i][j]) if matched == 0: unmatched.append(i) elif weights == 'dist': distGraph = graph else: print "Error: weight should be either 'aff' or 'dist'" return 1 print "number of unmatched nodes: ", len(unmatched) print unmatched if algorithm == 'Floyd': print "\ncomputing all shortest paths with Floyd-Warshall algorithm..." dist = nx.floyd_warshall(distGraph) print "pairwise distances obtained" elif algorithm == "Dijkstra": print "\ncomputing all shortest paths with Dijkstra algorithm..." dist = nx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path_length(distGraph) print "pairwise distances obtained" else: print "\nError: cannot recognize what algorithm to use" return 1 print "num of rows in dist matrix: ", len(dist.keys()) # print dist.keys() if saveResults: if filepathDist == None: #filepathDist = "/home/krybachuk/SHORTESTPATH_" + VersionTime filepathDist = "SHORTESTPATH_" + "latest" json.dump(dist, open(filepathDist, 'w')) print "shortest path dict saved\n\n" return dist
def test_shortest_path_all_pairs(iterations=20): for i in range(iterations): g = SmallWorldGraph(20, 4, 0.5) print("Finding my results: ") my_results = g.shortest_path_all_pairs() print("Finding nx results: ") nx_results = nx.floyd_warshall(g) for key in my_results: my_res = my_results[key] nx_res = nx_results[key[0]][key[1]] if not my_res == nx_res: print("Mismatch!")
def prob_err(tree, leaves, budget): assert budget >= 2 distance_matrix = nx.floyd_warshall(tree) opt_err = 2 opt_sensors = [] for sensors in itertools.combinations(leaves, budget): (classes, cardinalities) = equivalence_classes(distance_matrix, sensors) err = prob_err_from_cardinalities(cardinalities) if err < opt_err: opt_err = err opt_sensors = sensors return (opt_err, opt_sensors)
def exp_dist(tree, leaves, budget): assert budget >= 2 distance_matrix = nx.floyd_warshall(tree) opt_exp_dist = sum([sum(distance_matrix[u].values()) for u in distance_matrix]) opt_sensors = [] for sensors in itertools.combinations(leaves, budget): (classes, cardinalities) = equivalence_classes(distance_matrix, sensors) exp_dist = exp_dist_from_classes(distance_matrix, classes) if exp_dist < opt_exp_dist: opt_exp_dist = exp_dist opt_sensors = sensors return (opt_exp_dist, opt_sensors)
def floyd_warshall_solution_remove_stations(cityMap): nodes = cityMap.g.nodes() for v in nodes: if v not in cityMap.rv: cityMap.g.remove_node(v) all_short = networkx.floyd_warshall(cityMap.g) route = [] for v in cityMap.g.nodes(): route.append(min([node for node in all_short[v] if node not in route], key=lambda x: all_short[v][x])) routes = [] segment = int(len(route) / cityMap.number_of_busses) + 1 for i in range(segment): routes.append(route[i*segment: i*segment + segment]) cityMap.set_route(i+1, route[i*segment: i*segment + segment + 1]) return cityMap
def inverse_weight_shortest_path(G,weight_name='weight',dir='./',filename=' '): if G.is_directed(): T=nx.DiGraph(); else: T=nx.Graph(); T.add_nodes_from(G.nodes(data=True)); T.add_edges_from(G.edges()); for e in G.edges(data=True): T[e[0]][e[1]][weight_name]=float(1/float(G[e[0]][e[1]][weight_name])); distances=nx.floyd_warshall(T, weight=weight_name); if filename!=' ': nx.write_gexf(T,dir+filename.split('.')[-2]+'_inverse_edge_weight.gexf'); pickle.dump(distances,open(dir+filename+'_inverse_weight_shortest_path.pck','w')); print 'Distance file saved to '+dir+filename+'_inverse_weight_shortest_path.pck' return distances;
def test_floyd_warshall(self): XG=nx.DiGraph() XG.add_weighted_edges_from([('s','u',10) ,('s','x',5) , ('u','v',1) ,('u','x',2) , ('v','y',1) ,('x','u',3) , ('x','v',5) ,('x','y',2) , ('y','s',7) ,('y','v',6)]) dist, path =nx.floyd_warshall(XG) assert_equal(dist['s']['v'],9) assert_equal(path['s']['v'],'u') assert_equal(dist, {'y': {'y': 0, 'x': 12, 's': 7, 'u': 15, 'v': 6}, 'x': {'y': 2, 'x': 0, 's': 9, 'u': 3, 'v': 4}, 's': {'y': 7, 'x': 5, 's': 0, 'u': 8, 'v': 9}, 'u': {'y': 2, 'x': 2, 's': 9, 'u': 0, 'v': 1}, 'v': {'y': 1, 'x': 13, 's': 8, 'u': 16, 'v': 0}}) GG=XG.to_undirected() dist, path = nx.floyd_warshall(GG) assert_equal(dist['s']['v'],8) assert_equal(path['s']['v'],'y') G=nx.DiGraph() # no weights G.add_edges_from([('s','u'), ('s','x'), ('u','v'), ('u','x'), ('v','y'), ('x','u'), ('x','v'), ('x','y'), ('y','s'), ('y','v')]) dist, path = nx.floyd_warshall(G) assert_equal(dist['s']['v'],2) assert_equal(path['s']['v'],'x') dist, path = nx.floyd_warshall(self.cycle) assert_equal(dist[0][3],3) assert_equal(path[0][3],2) assert_equal(dist[0][4],3) XG3=nx.Graph() XG3.add_weighted_edges_from([ [0,1,2],[1,2,12],[2,3,1], [3,4,5],[4,5,1],[5,0,10] ]) dist, path = nx.floyd_warshall(XG3) assert_equal(dist[0][3],15) assert_equal(path[0][3],2) XG4=nx.Graph() XG4.add_weighted_edges_from([ [0,1,2],[1,2,2],[2,3,1], [3,4,1],[4,5,1],[5,6,1], [6,7,1],[7,0,1] ]) dist, path = nx.floyd_warshall(XG4) assert_equal(dist[0][2],4) assert_equal(path[0][2],1)
def process(filename): edges, vertexesNumber, edgesNumber = read(filename) G = nx.DiGraph() G.add_nodes_from(xrange(1, vertexesNumber + 1)) G.add_weighted_edges_from(edges) print "Graph %s formed" % filename if nx.negative_edge_cycle(G): print "Graph %s has negative cycle" % filename return print "Begin FW for %s" % filename lengths = nx.floyd_warshall(G) shortestPathLengths = map(dict.values, lengths.values()) shortestPathLength = min(min(raw) for raw in shortestPathLengths) print "Shortest path for %s: %d" % (filename, shortestPathLength)
def test_floyd_warshall_predecessor_and_distance(self): XG=nx.DiGraph() XG.add_weighted_edges_from([('s','u',10) ,('s','x',5) , ('u','v',1) ,('u','x',2) , ('v','y',1) ,('x','u',3) , ('x','v',5) ,('x','y',2) , ('y','s',7) ,('y','v',6)]) path, dist =nx.floyd_warshall_predecessor_and_distance(XG) assert_equal(dist['s']['v'],9) assert_equal(path['s']['v'],'u') assert_equal(dist, {'y': {'y': 0, 'x': 12, 's': 7, 'u': 15, 'v': 6}, 'x': {'y': 2, 'x': 0, 's': 9, 'u': 3, 'v': 4}, 's': {'y': 7, 'x': 5, 's': 0, 'u': 8, 'v': 9}, 'u': {'y': 2, 'x': 2, 's': 9, 'u': 0, 'v': 1}, 'v': {'y': 1, 'x': 13, 's': 8, 'u': 16, 'v': 0}}) GG=XG.to_undirected() # make sure we get lower weight # to_undirected might choose either edge with weight 2 or weight 3 GG['u']['x']['weight']=2 path, dist = nx.floyd_warshall_predecessor_and_distance(GG) assert_equal(dist['s']['v'],8) # skip this test, could be alternate path s-u-v # assert_equal(path['s']['v'],'y') G=nx.DiGraph() # no weights G.add_edges_from([('s','u'), ('s','x'), ('u','v'), ('u','x'), ('v','y'), ('x','u'), ('x','v'), ('x','y'), ('y','s'), ('y','v')]) path, dist = nx.floyd_warshall_predecessor_and_distance(G) assert_equal(dist['s']['v'],2) # skip this test, could be alternate path s-u-v # assert_equal(path['s']['v'],'x') # alternate interface dist = nx.floyd_warshall(G) assert_equal(dist['s']['v'],2)
def test_floyd_warshall_predecessor_and_distance(self): XG=nx.DiGraph() XG.add_weighted_edges_from([('s','u',10) ,('s','x',5) , ('u','v',1) ,('u','x',2) , ('v','y',1) ,('x','u',3) , ('x','v',5) ,('x','y',2) , ('y','s',7) ,('y','v',6)]) path, dist =nx.floyd_warshall_predecessor_and_distance(XG) assert_equal(dist['s']['v'],9) assert_equal(path['s']['v'],'u') assert_equal(dist, {'y': {'y': 0, 'x': 12, 's': 7, 'u': 15, 'v': 6}, 'x': {'y': 2, 'x': 0, 's': 9, 'u': 3, 'v': 4}, 's': {'y': 7, 'x': 5, 's': 0, 'u': 8, 'v': 9}, 'u': {'y': 2, 'x': 2, 's': 9, 'u': 0, 'v': 1}, 'v': {'y': 1, 'x': 13, 's': 8, 'u': 16, 'v': 0}}) GG=XG.to_undirected() path, dist = nx.floyd_warshall_predecessor_and_distance(GG) assert_equal(dist['s']['v'],8) assert_equal(path['s']['v'],'y') G=nx.DiGraph() # no weights G.add_edges_from([('s','u'), ('s','x'), ('u','v'), ('u','x'), ('v','y'), ('x','u'), ('x','v'), ('x','y'), ('y','s'), ('y','v')]) path, dist = nx.floyd_warshall_predecessor_and_distance(G) assert_equal(dist['s']['v'],2) assert_equal(path['s']['v'],'x') # alternate interface dist = nx.floyd_warshall(G) assert_equal(dist['s']['v'],2)
e = [(0, 1, 4), (2, 5, 4), (0, 7, 8), (3, 5, 14), (1, 2, 8), (3, 4, 9), (1, 7, 11), (4, 5, 10), (2, 8, 2), (5, 6, 2), (2, 3, 7), (6, 8, 6), (6, 7, 1), (7, 8, 7), (9, 0, 6), (10, 3, 1), (10, 4, 1), (11, 12, 1), (12, 13, 1), (11, 13, 1), (11, 3, 20), (13, 3, 20)] #e = [(1, 2, 1), (2, 3, 1), (4, 2, 1), (4, 5, 1)] G.add_weighted_edges_from(e) pos = nx.spring_layout(G) ############################################################################# ############################################################################# ############################################################################# density_q ='weight') # Density function with respect to the node. D = nx.floyd_warshall(G, 'weight') # Dictionary of shortest paths for each node. n_k = 3 # Number of voroni nodes #K = random.sample(G.nodes(), n_k) K = [0, 8, 10, 12] K = deque(K) cont = 0 while cont < 10: print "K vector: ", K vor.parallel_dijkstra(G, K, 1) vor_seg = groups(nx.get_node_attributes(G,'V'))
# if x == s1[y][0]: # temp.append(s1[y][:]) # k=k+1 # print x k,faltu = x.split() data[k]=sd[k] #if count == 50: # break fname = 'newcatalans.json' f = open(fname, 'w') data = json.dumps(data, indent=4) f.write(data) f.close() h=open("newcatalans.json", 'r') jd=json.loads( G = nx.Graph(jd) length = nx.floyd_warshall(G, weight='weight') # print length bname = 'fw_on_catalans.json' b = open(bname, 'w') data = json.dumps(length, indent=4) b.write(data) b.close()
def shortest_path_weight(G,v1,v2): return nx.floyd_warshall(G)[0][v1][v2]
NOC.add_edges_from([(1,3),(3,1)],cost_per_bit=0.02,latency=0.01) w=[[1,10,10,10],[10,10,10,10],[1,10,10,10],[10,10,10,10],[10,10,10,10]] #w=[[1,10,10,10],[10,1,10,10],[1,10,10,10],[10,10,1,10],[10,10,10,1]] N=5 M=4 ########################################################################### f=open('results.txt','w') results={} cnt=0 threshold=60 better_solns=0 total=24576 best_cost=threshold E_c=nx.floyd_warshall(NOC,'cost_per_bit') L_c=nx.floyd_warshall(NOC,'latency') sorted_nodes=nx.topological_sort(TG) def modify_time(node): global t,Z,L_c,TG,h Q= queue.Queue() Q.put(node) while not Q.empty(): i=Q.get() for j in TG.successors(i): m=Z[i].index(1) n=Z[j].index(1) t[j]=max(t[j],t[i]+h[i]+TG.edge[i][j]['volume']*L_c[m][n]) Q.put(j)
def main(path_nodes, path_edges, gid_nodes, gid_edges, weight_edges): # ---------------------------------------------------------- # NetworkX # ---------------------------------------------------------- # Import des données SHP à grapher: G = nx.Graph(name="Floyd_Warshall_script", date=str( E = nx.read_shp(str(path_edges)) N = nx.read_shp(str(path_nodes)) G.add_nodes_from(N.nodes(data=True)) G.add_edges_from(E.edges(data=True)) # Changement de leur nom (pour l'instant, chaque valeur a le nom de ses coordonnées géographiques, c'est nul): # ---------------------------------------------------------- # D'abord pour les edges: x = 0 dict_edges = {} total_edges = G.number_of_edges() print("Processing Edges") while x < total_edges: try: # En raison de la structure possible des fichiers, on place un try qui propose [1] ou [2], histoire de parer à toute éventualité. dict_edges[G.edges(data=True)[x][0]] = G.edges(data=True)[x][2][str(gid_edges)] x = x + 1 except: dict_edges[G.edges(data=True)[x][0]] = G.edges(data=True)[x][1][str(gid_edges)] x = x + 1 # Maintenant pour les nodes: x = 0 dict_nodes = {} count_nodes = {} total_nodes = G.number_of_nodes() print("Processing Nodes") while x < total_nodes: try: # En raison de la structure possible des fichiers, on place un try qui propose [1] ou [2], histoire de parer à toute éventualité. dict_nodes[G.nodes(data=True)[x][0]] = G.nodes(data=True)[x][1][str(gid_nodes)] count_nodes[x] = G.nodes(data=True)[x][1][str(gid_nodes)] x = x + 1 except: dict_nodes[G.nodes(data=True)[x][0]] = G.nodes(data=True)[x][2][str(gid_nodes)] count_nodes[x] = G.nodes(data=True)[x][1][str(gid_nodes)] x = x + 1 # On renomme les nodes/edges par leur id/gid originels: G = nx.relabel_nodes(G, dict_nodes) print("Processing Graph") # G=nx.relabel_edges(G,dict_edges) # Il semblerait que cette fonction n'existe pas... A rajouter manuellement, cela ne doit pas être bien dur. # ---------------------------------------------------------- # On lance maintenant le calcul d'itinéraire pour l'ensemble des paires de noeuds du réseau: starting_point = results = nx.floyd_warshall(G, weight=str(weight_edges)) print(starting_point) print( print("Il aura fallu: " + str( - starting_point) + " pour effectuer le calcul") text_file = open("Shitty_output.txt", "w") text_file.write(str(results)) text_file.close() open( "Output.txt", "w" ).close() # On efface Output.txt avant de lancer des opérations "append" dessus, histoire d'eviter d'avoir un mélange de résultats de plusieurs fichiers. with open("Output.txt", "a") as text_file: gid = 0 i = 0 text_file.writelines("gid" + ";" + "Origin" + ";" + "Destination" + ";" + "FloydWarshall_Cost" + "\n") while i < total_nodes: origins = results[str(count_nodes[i])] i1 = 0 for origin in origins: while i1 < total_nodes: gid = gid + 1 destinations = origins[str(count_nodes[i1])] text_file.writelines( str(gid) + ";" + str(count_nodes[i] + ";" + str(count_nodes[i1]) + ";" + str(destinations)) + "\n" ) i1 = i1 + 1 i = i + 1 text_file.close() print( 'Un fichier .TXT nommé "Output" a maintenant du apparaitre dans le dossier depuis lequel nous avons chargé le shapefile' )
#Calculate Betweenness Centrality bcdict = nx.betweenness_centrality(G, normalized=False, weighted_edges=True) for el1,el2 in bcdict.iteritems(): print "NODE: ",el1, "\t" + "BC",el2 print "\n" #Calculate NC ncdict = bcdict.copy() for el1 in ncdict.keys(): ncdict[el1]=ncdict[el1]+(len(ncdict)-1) print "NODE: ",el1, "\t" + "NC",ncdict[el1] print "\n" #Calculate F.W. fwdict = nx.floyd_warshall(G,huge=99) #print "FW",fwdict #create and init a vector with my pl to other nodes mypl = bcdict.copy() for i in mypl.iterkeys(): mypl[i]=9999 fcdict = bcdict.copy() for i in fcdict.iterkeys(): fcdict[i]=0 # Average path length that entering node would have by selecting the node #node, even considering the already selected nodes pldict = bcdict.copy() for i in pldict.iterkeys():
def bm_networkx(self): nx.floyd_warshall(self.nx_ER_G)