def allRW(G,p): if p > 1: p = 1 n = int(p*nx.number_of_nodes(G)) G1 = nx.Graph() while nx.number_of_nodes(G1) < n: count = 0 start_id = random.randint(0,nx.number_of_nodes(G)-1) s_node = nx.nodes(G)[start_id] now_node = s_node while count < 5*n: #print(now_node) neighber_list = G.neighbors(now_node) for node in neighber_list: G1.add_edge(node,now_node) next_id = random.randint(0,len(neighber_list)-1) next_node = neighber_list[next_id] # G1.add_edge(now_node,next_node) count += 1 now_node = next_node if nx.number_of_nodes(G1) >= n: break #print(now_node) #print(G.neighbors(now_node)) return G1
def RWall2(G,p): check = False while not check: count = 0 G1 = nx.Graph() n = int(p*nx.number_of_nodes(G)) start_id = random.randint(0,nx.number_of_nodes(G)-1) s_node = nx.nodes(G)[start_id] G1.add_node(s_node) now_node = s_node while True: neighbor_list = G.neighbors(now_node) next_id = random.randint(0,len(neighbor_list)-1) next_node = neighbor_list[next_id] G1.add_node(next_node) count += 1 if random.random() < 0: next_id = random.randint(0,nx.number_of_nodes(G1)-1) next_node = G1.nodes()[next_id] now_node = next_node if nx.number_of_nodes(G1) >= n: check = True break if count > 50*n: break return NodeConnect(G,G1)
def BFS(G,p): if p > 1: p = 1 n = int(p*nx.number_of_nodes(G)) # print(n) G1 = nx.Graph() check = False while nx.number_of_nodes(G1) < n: process = [] start_id = random.randint(0,nx.number_of_nodes(G)-1) s_node = nx.nodes(G)[start_id] process.append(s_node) ######### print(process) while True: now_node = process[0] neighbor = G.neighbors(now_node) for next_node in neighbor: if next_node not in G1.nodes(): G1.add_node(now_node) G1.add_node(next_node) process.append(next_node) else: G1.add_node(now_node) G1.add_node(next_node) process.remove(now_node) if nx.number_of_nodes(G1)>=n: check = True break if len(process) == 0: break if check: break return NodeConnect(G,G1)
def get_global_efficiency(filename): import networkx as nx threshold = 0 f = open(filename[:-4] + "_global_efficiency.dat", "w") g = open(filename[:-4] + "_node_global_efficiency.dat", "w") for i in range(0, 101): threshold = float(i) / 100 G = get_threshold_matrix(filename, threshold) global_efficiency = 0.0 for node_i in G: sum_inverse_dist = 0.0 for node_j in G: if node_i != node_j: if nx.has_path(G, node_i, node_j) == True: sum_inverse_dist += 1.0 / nx.shortest_path_length(G, node_i, node_j) g.write("%d\t%f\t%f\n" % ((node_i + 1), threshold, (sum_inverse_dist / nx.number_of_nodes(G)))) global_efficiency += sum_inverse_dist / (nx.number_of_nodes(G) - 1.0) g.write("\n") global_efficiency = global_efficiency / nx.number_of_nodes(G) f.write("%f\t%f\n" % (threshold, global_efficiency)) print "global efficiency for threshold %f: %f " % (threshold, global_efficiency) f.close() g.close()
def eccentricityAttributes(graph): return_values = [] #Average effective eccentricity eccVals = [] e = 0 for n in graph.nodes(): try: eccVals.append(nx.eccentricity(graph, v=n)) except nx.NetworkXError: eccVals.append(0) eccSum = 0 center_nodes = 0 phobic = 0 diameter = max(eccVals) radius = min(eccVals) for i in range(len(eccVals)): if eccVals[i] == radius: center_nodes += 1 if graph.node[i]['hydro'] == 'phobic': phobic += 1 eccSum += eccVals[i] return_values.append(eccSum / float(nx.number_of_nodes(graph))) #Effective diameter return_values.append(diameter) #Effective radius return_values.append(radius) #Percentage central nodes return_values.append(center_nodes / float(nx.number_of_nodes(graph))) #Percentage central nodes that are hydrophobic return_values.append(phobic / float(center_nodes)) return return_values
def fast_search(G, F, k, n, ind): start = numpy.ones(networkx.number_of_nodes(G)) C = laplacian_complete(networkx.number_of_nodes(G)) A = weighted_adjacency_complete(G, F, ind) CAC = fast_cac(G, F, ind) return simple_spectral_cut(CAC, start, F, G, 1., k, n, ind)
def algorithm(w1,w2,w3,w4,G1,G2,G3,G4): try: cc=np.array([nx.average_clustering(G1,weight='weight'),nx.average_clustering(G2,weight='weight'),nx.average_clustering(G3,weight='weight'),nx.average_clustering(G4,weight='weight')]) spl=np.array([nx.average_shortest_path_length(G1,weight='weight'),nx.average_shortest_path_length(G2,weight='weight'),nx.average_shortest_path_length(G3,weight='weight'),nx.average_shortest_path_length(G4,weight='weight')]) nds=np.array([nx.number_of_nodes(G1),nx.number_of_nodes(G2),nx.number_of_nodes(G3),nx.number_of_nodes(G4)]) edgs= np.array([nx.number_of_edges(G1),nx.number_of_edges(G2),nx.number_of_edges(G3),nx.number_of_edges(G4)]) if valid(cc): cc=stats.zscore(cc) else: cc=np.array([.1,.1,.1,.1]) cc= cc-min(cc)+.1 if valid(spl): spl=stats.zscore(spl) else: spl=np.array([.1,.1,.1,.1]) spl= spl-min(spl)+.1 if valid(nds): nds=stats.zscore(nds) else: nds=np.array([.1,.1,.1,.1]) nds = nds-min(nds)+.1 if valid(edgs): edgs=stats.zscore(edgs) else: edgs=np.array([.1,.1,.1,.1]) edgs=edgs-min(edgs)+.1 r1=(w1*cc[0]+w2*spl[0]+w3*nds[0]+w4*edgs[0])*1000 r2=(w1*cc[1]+w2*spl[1]+w3*nds[1]+w4*edgs[1])*1000 r3=(w1*cc[2]+w2*spl[2]+w3*nds[2]+w4*edgs[2])*1000 r4=(w1*cc[3]+w2*spl[3]+w3*nds[3]+w4*edgs[3])*1000 d={'Player 1:': r1, 'Player 2:': r2,'Player 3:': r3, 'Player 4:': r4} rank = sorted(d.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) return ["USAU RANKINGS",str(rank[0][0])+ " " + str(int(rank[0][1])),str(rank[1][0])+" "+ str(int(rank[1][1])),str(rank[2][0])+" "+ str(int(rank[2][1])),str(rank[3][0])+" "+str(int(rank[3][1]))] except: return ["Unable to compute rankings! Need data","Player 1","Player 2","Player 3","Player 4"]
def nc_recursive(node, G, ind): if networkx.number_of_nodes(G) < 3: n = Node(None) n.add_child(Node(ind[G.nodes()[0]])) n.add_child(Node(ind[G.nodes()[1]])) node.add_child(n) else: C = normalized_cut(G) # print(C) (G1, G2) = get_subgraphs(G, C) if networkx.number_of_nodes(G1) > 1: l = Node(None) nc_recursive(l, G1, ind) node.add_child(l) else: l = Node(ind[G1.nodes()[0]]) node.add_child(l) # print(C) # print("P1 = ") # print(P1) # print("P2 = ") # print(P2) if networkx.number_of_nodes(G2) > 1: r = Node(None) nc_recursive(r, G2, ind) node.add_child(r) else: r = Node(ind[G2.nodes()[0]]) node.add_child(r)
def create_graph_of_agent(agent): # takes a string as input and outputs a Networkx graph object (nodes, edges) = parse(agent) G = nx.MultiDiGraph() G.add_nodes_from(nodes) G.add_edges_from(edges) active_nodes = [1] next_nodes = [] # print nx.number_of_nodes(G) for i in range(nx.number_of_nodes(G)): active_nodes = list(set(active_nodes + next_nodes)) next_nodes = [] for node in active_nodes: next_nodes += G.successors(node) #0 is predecessors, 1 is successors #print "next_nodes ",next_nodes #print active_nodes #active_nodes=list(set(sorted(active_nodes))) #print active_nodes #print nodes #print edges extra_nodes = sorted(list(set(range(1, nx.number_of_nodes(G) +1)) - set(active_nodes)), reverse=True) #print extra_nodes for i in extra_nodes: G.remove_node(i) #print nx.number_of_nodes(G) return G
def get_my_global_efficiency(filename) : threshold = 0 f = open(filename[:-4]+'_global_efficiency.dat','w') g = open(filename[:-4]+'_node_global_efficiency.dat','w') print f print g f.write('threshold\tglob_effic\n') g.write('node\tthreshold\tnode_glob_effc\n') for i in range(0,101): threshold = float(i)/100 G = get_my_threshold_matrix(filename, threshold) global_efficiency = 0. for node_i in G : sum_inverse_dist = 0. for node_j in G : if node_i != node_j : if nx.has_path(G, node_i, node_j) == True : sum_inverse_dist += 1. / nx.shortest_path_length(G, node_i, node_j) g.write('%d\t%f\t%f\n' % ((node_i+1), threshold, (sum_inverse_dist / nx.number_of_nodes(G)) )) ##? global_efficiency += sum_inverse_dist / (nx.number_of_nodes(G) -1.) g.write("\n") global_efficiency = global_efficiency / nx.number_of_nodes(G) f.write("%f\t%f\n" % (threshold, global_efficiency)) f.close() g.close()
def get_single_network_measures(G, thr): f = open(out_prfx + 'single_network_measures.dat', 'a') N = nx.number_of_nodes(G) L = nx.number_of_edges(G) D = nx.density(G) cc = nx.average_clustering(G) compon = nx.number_connected_components(G) Con_sub = nx.connected_component_subgraphs(G) values = [] values_2 =[] for node in G: values.append( ave_deg = float(sum(values)) / float(N) f.write("%f\t%d\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t" % (thr, L, D, cc, ave_deg, compon)) #1. threshold, 2. edges, 3. density 4.clustering coefficient #5. average degree, 6. number of connected components for i in range(len(Con_sub)): if nx.number_of_nodes(Con_sub[i])>1: values_2.append(nx.average_shortest_path_length(Con_sub[i])) if len(values_2)==0: f.write("0.\n") else: f.write("%f\n" % (sum(values_2)/len(values_2))) #7. shortest pathway f.close()
def failure(compagnia): adiacenzaFinal = numpy.genfromtxt(("/home/protoss/Documenti/Siscomp_datas/data/AdiacenzaEuclidea_{0}.csv".format(compagnia)),delimiter=',',dtype='int') grafoFinal = networkx.Graph(adiacenzaFinal) graphSize = networkx.number_of_nodes(grafoFinal) steps = graphSize passo = 1 i = 0 ascisse.append(i) aziendaFinal.append(compagnia) diametro.append(2) relSizeGC.append(1) while (networkx.number_of_nodes(grafoFinal) > passo): gradiFinal = pandas.DataFrame(, columns=['index', 'grado']) randomante = gradiFinal['index'].values randomante = numpy.random.permutation(randomante) grafoFinal.remove_node(randomante[0]) giantCluster = max(networkx.connected_component_subgraphs(grafoFinal), key = len) i += 100/steps ascisse.append(i) aziendaFinal.append(compagnia) graphSize = networkx.number_of_nodes(grafoFinal) diametro.append(networkx.diameter(giantCluster, e=None)) relSizeGC.append((networkx.number_of_nodes(giantCluster))/(float(graphSize)))
def bfs(self, Asmall, start, path=True): queue = [start] chain = [] extra_nodes_search = np.ones((nx.number_of_nodes(self.graph),), node_list = -1 * np.ones((nx.number_of_nodes(self.graph),), node_list[start] = start while queue: neighbors = np.array(np.nonzero(Asmall[queue[0], :])[1]) # get neighbors as numpy array for i in range(0, np.size(neighbors)): if node_list[neighbors[i]] == -1: # Simon's computer dies here node_list[neighbors[i]] = queue[0] queue.append(neighbors[i]) qsize = len(queue) furthest_node = queue[qsize - 1] queue = queue[1:] if path: curr = furthest_node while curr != start: chain.append(curr) extra_nodes_search[curr] = 0 curr = node_list[curr] chain.append(start) chain = list(reversed(chain)) extra_nodes_search[start] = 0 return furthest_node, chain
def main(): timeStart = time.time() if rank == 0: proc = random.sample(range(1, nx.number_of_nodes(G)), size) for i in range(1, size): comm.send(proc[i], dest=i) starting_node = proc[0] if check_neighbours(starting_node, None): print "Graph is hamiltonian! (process", rank, "starting node", starting_node,")" else: print "Graph is not hamiltonian (process", rank, "starting node", starting_node,")" timeEnd = time.time() - timeStart print timeEnd comm.Abort() elif rank < nx.number_of_nodes(G): starting_node = comm.recv(source=0) if check_neighbours(starting_node, None): print "Graph is hamiltonian! (process", rank, "starting node", starting_node,")" else: print "Graph is not hamiltonian (process", rank, "starting node", starting_node,")" timeEnd = time.time() - timeStart print timeEnd comm.Abort() else: MPI.Finalize()
def reduceGraph(read_g, write_g, minEdgeWeight, minNodeDegree, Lp, Sp): """ Simplify the undirected graph and then update the 3 undirected weight properties. :param read_g: is the graph pickle to read :param write_g: is the updated graph pickle to write :param minEdgeWeight: the original weight of each edge should be >= minEdgeWeight :param minNodeDegree: the degree of each node should be >= minNodeDegree. the degree here is, NOT,weight='weight) :return: None """ G=nx.read_gpickle(read_g) print 'number of original nodes: ', nx.number_of_nodes(G) print 'number of original edges: ', nx.number_of_edges(G) for (u,v,w) in G.edges(data='weight'): if w < minEdgeWeight: G.remove_edge(u,v) for n in G.nodes(): if<minNodeDegree: G.remove_node(n) print 'number of new nodes: ', nx.number_of_nodes(G) print 'number of new edges: ', nx.number_of_edges(G) for (a, b, w) in G.edges_iter(data='weight'): unweight_allocation(G, a, b, w,Lp,Sp) print 'update weight ok' nx.write_gpickle(G, write_g) return
def get_degree_distr(filename): import networkx as nx threshold = 0 f = open(filename[:-4]+'_degreedistr.dat','w') for i in range(0,101): threshold = float(i)/100 G = get_threshold_matrix(filename, threshold) check_sum = 0. degree_hist = {} for node in G: if not in degree_hist: degree_hist[] = 1 else: degree_hist[] += 1 degrees = range(0, nx.number_of_nodes(G)+1, 1) keys = degree_hist.keys() keys.sort() for item in degrees: if item in keys: check_sum += float(degree_hist[item])/float(nx.number_of_nodes(G)) f.write('%d\t%f\t%d\t%f\n' % (item, threshold, degree_hist[item], float(degree_hist[item])/float(nx.number_of_nodes(G)))) #print item, degree_hist[item], float(degree_hist[item])/float(nx.number_of_nodes(G))) else: f.write('%d\t%f\t0\t0.\n' % (item, threshold)) f.write("\n") print 'degree distribution for threshold: %f, check sum: %f' % (threshold, check_sum) f.close()
def attacco(compagnia): adiacenzaFinal = numpy.genfromtxt( ("/home/protoss/Documenti/Siscomp_datas/data/AdiacenzaEuclidea_{0}.csv".format(compagnia)), delimiter=",", dtype="int", ) grafoFinal = networkx.Graph(adiacenzaFinal) graphSize = networkx.number_of_nodes(grafoFinal) steps = graphSize passo = 1 i = 0 ascisse.append(i) aziendaFinal.append(compagnia) diametro.append(2) relSizeGC.append(1) while networkx.number_of_nodes(grafoFinal) > passo: gradiFinal = pandas.DataFrame(, columns=["index", "grado"]) gradiFinal.sort(["grado"], ascending=[False], inplace=True) sortedIDnode = gradiFinal["index"].values grafoFinal.remove_node(sortedIDnode[0]) giantCluster = max(networkx.connected_component_subgraphs(grafoFinal), key=len) i += 100 / float(steps) ascisse.append(i) aziendaFinal.append(compagnia) newGraphSize = networkx.number_of_nodes(grafoFinal) # diametro.append(networkx.diameter(giantCluster, e=None)) relSizeGC.append((networkx.number_of_nodes(giantCluster)) / (float(newGraphSize)))
def get_my_degree_distribution(filename) : threshold = 0 f = open(filename[:-4]+'_degree_distr.dat','w') print(f) for i in range(0,101) : threshold = float(i)/100 G = get_my_threshold_matrix(filename,threshold) check_sum = 0 degree_hist = {} for node in G : if not in degree_hist : degree_hist[] = 1 else : degree_hist[] += 1 keys = degree_hist.keys() keys.sort() degrees = range(0, nx.number_of_nodes(G)+1 , 1) #? for item in degrees : if item in keys : prob = float(degree_hist[item])/float(nx.number_of_nodes(G)) check_sum += prob f.write('%d\t%f\t%d\t%f\n'%(item, threshold, degree_hist[item], prob)) else : f.write('%d\t%f\t0\t0.\n' % (item, threshold)) f.write("\n") print 'degree distr of threshold: %f, check sum: %f' % (threshold, check_sum) f.close()
def init(): global projectname global version_aray global pos global x global y global size_array global numframes global sg for i in range(6): data_directory = projectname + "_history/" + projectname + version_array[i] + "/" + projectname [g, lines] = creategraph.readfile(data_directory) if i == 0: sg = creategraph.refine(g, 45) [pos, x, y] = creategraph.coordinate(sg) size = creategraph.point_sizes(sg, lines) zeros = np.array([0] * len(size)) print 'len(size) = ', len(size) print 'zeros = ', zeros size_array.append(zeros) size_array.append(size) else: # create the graph induced by nodes from sg subg = nx.subgraph(g, nx.nodes(sg)) print subg, sg if nx.number_of_nodes(subg) != nx.number_of_nodes(sg): print 'panic at 34' else: # v this seems to be a error, but not size = creategraph.point_sizes(sg, lines) size_array.append(size) x = np.array(x) y = np.array(y) size_array = np.array(size_array)
def run_main(): file = str(sys.argv[1]) f = open(file, 'r') print "\nReading inputfile:", file, "..." edgelist = [] for line in f.readlines(): edgelist.append((int(line.split()[0]), int(line.split()[1]))) Directed_G = nx.DiGraph(edgelist) Undirected_G = Directed_G.to_undirected() #plt.figure(figsize=(8,8)) #nx.draw(Directed_G,pos=nx.spring_layout(Directed_G)) #plt.draw() #time.sleep(0.1) # compute other things print "Number of nodes involved in network:", nx.number_of_nodes(Undirected_G) print "Number of edges:", nx.number_of_edges(Undirected_G) print "Average degree:", nx.number_of_edges(Undirected_G) / float(nx.number_of_nodes(Undirected_G)) t0 = time.clock() print "Average clustering coefficient:", compute_clustering_coefficient(Directed_G, Undirected_G) print "Took:", time.clock() - t0, "seconds" t1 = time.clock() print "Average path length:", average_shortest_path(Directed_G, Undirected_G) print "Took:", time.clock() - t1, "seconds" print "Total time:", time.clock() - t0, "seconds" report_final_stats() counter += 1 second_counter += 1
def _draw( self, layout='spring', n_color='blue', n_size=15, n_alpha=0.5, e_alpha=0.1, e_arrows=False, scale_by_degree=False): """ Draw topology using the draw() command from networkx. USAGE: topology.draw(layout = "spring", n_size = 15, scale_by_degree = False, n_color = 'blue', n_alpha = 0.5, e_alpha = 0.1, e_arrows=False) * layout: Network layout. Can be 'spring' or 'circular'. * n_size: The size of nodes. Becomes scaling factor when scale_by_degree=True. * scale_by_degree: When True, nodes will be sized proportional to their degree. * n_color: Node color. * n_alpha: Transparency of nodes. Takes value between 0 and 1. * e_elpha: Transparency of edges. Takes value between 0 and 1. * e_arrows: Plots arrows on the edges for directed graphs * scale_by_degree: When True, nodes will be sized proportional to their degree. """ try: import networkx as nx except ImportError: raise ImportError('Could not import the networkx module.') try: import matplotlib.pyplot as pl except ImportError: raise ImportError('Could not improt the MatPlotLib module.') if self.number_of_vertices == 0 or self.number_of_vertices == 1: raise ValueError( 'Cannot draw topology with one single vertex or less.') G = self.to_networkx() node_sizes = list(range(nx.number_of_nodes(G))) for i in range(nx.number_of_nodes(G)): if scale_by_degree: node_sizes[i] =, i) * n_size else: node_sizes[i] = n_size if layout == "spring": pos = nx.spring_layout(self.to_networkx()) if layout == "circular": pos = nx.circular_layout(self.to_networkx()) pl.figure() nx.draw_networkx_edges( self.to_networkx(), pos, alpha=e_alpha, arrows=e_arrows) nx.draw_networkx_nodes( self.to_networkx(), pos, node_size=node_sizes, node_color=n_color, alpha=n_alpha) pl.axis('off')
def test_strong_product_size(): K5=nx.complete_graph(5) P5=nx.path_graph(5) K3 = nx.complete_graph(3) G=strong_product(P5,K3) assert_equal(nx.number_of_nodes(G),5*3) G=strong_product(K3,K5) assert_equal(nx.number_of_nodes(G),3*5)
def test_tensor_product_size(): P5 = nx.path_graph(5) K3 = nx.complete_graph(3) K5 = nx.complete_graph(5) G = nx.tensor_product(P5, K3) assert_equal(nx.number_of_nodes(G), 5 * 3) G = nx.tensor_product(K3, K5) assert_equal(nx.number_of_nodes(G), 3 * 5)
def find_largest_component(self): G = self.graph list_Graphs = nx.weakly_connected_component_subgraphs(G) max_component = list_Graphs[0] for g in list_Graphs: if nx.number_of_nodes(g) > nx.number_of_nodes(max_component): max_component = g return max_component
def test_strong_product(): null=nx.null_graph() empty1=nx.empty_graph(1) empty10=nx.empty_graph(10) K2=nx.complete_graph(2) K3=nx.complete_graph(3) K5=nx.complete_graph(5) K10=nx.complete_graph(10) P2=nx.path_graph(2) P3=nx.path_graph(3) P5=nx.path_graph(5) P10=nx.path_graph(10) # null graph G=strong_product(null,null) assert_true(nx.is_isomorphic(G,null)) # null_graph X anything = null_graph and v.v. G=strong_product(null,empty10) assert_true(nx.is_isomorphic(G,null)) G=strong_product(null,K3) assert_true(nx.is_isomorphic(G,null)) G=strong_product(null,K10) assert_true(nx.is_isomorphic(G,null)) G=strong_product(null,P3) assert_true(nx.is_isomorphic(G,null)) G=strong_product(null,P10) assert_true(nx.is_isomorphic(G,null)) G=strong_product(empty10,null) assert_true(nx.is_isomorphic(G,null)) G=strong_product(K3,null) assert_true(nx.is_isomorphic(G,null)) G=strong_product(K10,null) assert_true(nx.is_isomorphic(G,null)) G=strong_product(P3,null) assert_true(nx.is_isomorphic(G,null)) G=strong_product(P10,null) assert_true(nx.is_isomorphic(G,null)) G=strong_product(P5,K3) assert_equal(nx.number_of_nodes(G),5*3) G=strong_product(K3,K5) assert_equal(nx.number_of_nodes(G),3*5) #No classic easily found classic results for strong product G = nx.erdos_renyi_graph(10,2/10.) H = nx.erdos_renyi_graph(10,2/10.) GH = strong_product(G,H) for (u_G,u_H) in GH.nodes_iter(): for (v_G,v_H) in GH.nodes_iter(): if (u_G==v_G and H.has_edge(u_H,v_H)) or \ (u_H==v_H and G.has_edge(u_G,v_G)) or \ (G.has_edge(u_G,v_G) and H.has_edge(u_H,v_H)): assert_true(GH.has_edge((u_G,u_H),(v_G,v_H))) else: assert_true(not GH.has_edge((u_G,u_H),(v_G,v_H)))
def validate_constituency_parse(tokenization): """ Args: tokenization (concrete.structure.ttypes.Tokenization) Returns: bool: True if tokenization's constituency parse is valid, False otherwise """ valid = True if tokenization.parse: total_constituents = len(tokenization.parse.constituentList) logging.debug(ilm(6, "tokenization '%s' has %d constituents" % (tokenization.uuid, total_constituents))) total_uuid_mismatches = 0 constituent_id_set = set() constituent_parse_tree = nx.DiGraph() for constituent in tokenization.parse.constituentList: # Add nodes to parse tree constituent_parse_tree.add_node( if not in constituent_id_set: constituent_id_set.add( else: valid = False logging.error(ilm(7, "constituent ID %d has already been used in this sentence's tokenization" % # Per the Concrete 'structure.thrift' file, tokenSequence may not be defined: # "Typically, this field will only be defined for leaf constituents (i.e., constituents with no children)." if constituent.tokenSequence and constituent.tokenSequence.tokenizationId != tokenization.uuid: total_uuid_mismatches += 1 if total_uuid_mismatches > 0: valid = False logging.error(ilm(6, "tokenization '%s' has UUID mismatch for %d/%d constituents" % (tokenization.uuid, total_uuid_mismatches, total_constituents))) # Add edges to constituent parse tree for constituent in tokenization.parse.constituentList: if constituent.childList: for child_id in constituent.childList: constituent_parse_tree.add_edge(, child_id) # Check if constituent parse "tree" is actually a tree undirected_graph = constituent_parse_tree.to_undirected() if not nx.is_connected(undirected_graph): valid = False logging.error(ilm(6, "The constituent parse \"tree\" is not a fully connected graph - the graph has %d components" % len(nx.connected_components(undirected_graph)))) if nx.number_of_nodes(constituent_parse_tree) != nx.number_of_edges(constituent_parse_tree) + 1: valid = False logging.error(ilm(6, "The constituent parse \"tree\" is not a tree. |V| != |E|+1 (|V|=%d, |E|=%d)" % (nx.number_of_nodes(constituent_parse_tree), nx.number_of_edges(constituent_parse_tree)))) return valid
def redirect(graph, component): current_nodes = graph.nodes() retained_nodes = component.nodes() out.write('\n' + 'There are %d nodes in retained_nodes' %len(retained_nodes)) for entry in current_nodes: if not entry in retained_nodes: graph.remove_node(entry) out.write('\n' + 'There are %d nodes in component' %nx.number_of_nodes(component)) out.write('\n' + 'There are %d nodes in graph' %nx.number_of_nodes(graph)) return graph
def one_d_search(G, F, k, ind): """ Cut computation. Perform 1-D search for beta using golden search. Input: * G: graph * F: graph signal * k: max edges to be cut * n: number of chebyshev polynomials * ind: vertex index vertex: unique integer Output: * cut """ C = laplacian_complete(networkx.number_of_nodes(G)) A = weighted_adjacency_complete(G,F, ind) CAC =,A), C) start = numpy.ones(networkx.number_of_nodes(G)) L = networkx.laplacian_matrix(G).todense() #Upper and lower bounds for search a = 0. b = 1000. c=b-gr*(b-a) d=a+gr*(b-a) #Tolerance tol = 1. resab = {} resab["size"] = k + 1 #golden search while abs(c-d)>tol or resab["size"] > k: resc = spectral_cut(CAC, L, C, A, start, F, G, c, k, ind) resd = spectral_cut(CAC, L, C, A, start, F, G, d, k, ind) if resc["size"] <= k: if resc["score"] > resd["score"]: start = numpy.array(resc["x"]) b = d d = c c=b-gr*(b-a) else: start = numpy.array(resd["x"]) a=c c=d d=a+gr*(b-a) else: start = numpy.array(resc["x"]) a=c c=d d=a+gr*(b-a) resab = spectral_cut(CAC, L, C, A, start, F, G, (b+a) / 2, k, ind) return resab
def get_small_worldness(filename): import networkx as nx threshold = 0 f = open(filename[:-4]+'_small_worldness.dat','w') for i in range(0,101): threshold = float(i)/100 G = get_threshold_matrix(filename, threshold) ER_graph = nx.erdos_renyi_graph(nx.number_of_nodes(G), nx.density(G)) cluster = nx.average_clustering(G) ER_cluster = nx.average_clustering(ER_graph) transi = nx.transitivity(G) ER_transi = nx.transitivity(ER_graph) print 'threshold: %f, average cluster coefficient: %f, random nw: %f, transitivity: %f, random nw: %f' %(threshold, cluster, ER_cluster, transi, ER_transi) f.write("%f\t%f\t%f" % (threshold, cluster, ER_cluster)) components = nx.connected_component_subgraphs(G) ER_components = nx.connected_component_subgraphs(ER_graph) values = [] ER_values = [] for i in range(len(components)): if nx.number_of_nodes(components[i]) > 1: values.append(nx.average_shortest_path_length(components[i])) for i in range(len(ER_components)): if nx.number_of_nodes(ER_components[i]) > 1: ER_values.append(nx.average_shortest_path_length(ER_components[i])) if len(values) == 0: f.write("\t0.") else: f.write("\t%f" % (sum(values)/len(values))) if len(ER_values) == 0: f.write("\t0.") else: f.write("\t%f" % (sum(ER_values)/len(ER_values))) f.write("\t%f\t%f" % (transi, ER_transi)) if (ER_cluster*sum(values)*len(values)*sum(ER_values)*len(ER_values)) >0 : S_WS = (cluster/ER_cluster) / ((sum(values)/len(values)) / (sum(ER_values)/len(ER_values))) else: S_WS = 0. if (ER_transi*sum(values)*len(values)*sum(ER_values)*len(ER_values)) >0 : S_Delta = (transi/ER_transi) / ((sum(values)/len(values)) / (sum(ER_values)/len(ER_values))) else: S_Delta = 0. f.write("\t%f\t%f" % (S_WS, S_Delta)) f.write("\n") f.close() print "1:threshold 2:cluster-coefficient 3:random-cluster-coefficient 4:shortest-pathlength 5:random-shortest-pathlength 6:transitivity 7:random-transitivity 8:S-Watts-Strogatz 9:S-transitivity"
def test_strong_product_combinations(): P5 = nx.path_graph(5) K3 = nx.complete_graph(3) G = strong_product(P5, K3) assert_equal(nx.number_of_nodes(G), 5 * 3) G = strong_product(nx.MultiGraph(P5), K3) assert_equal(nx.number_of_nodes(G), 5 * 3) G = strong_product(P5, nx.MultiGraph(K3)) assert_equal(nx.number_of_nodes(G), 5 * 3) G = strong_product(nx.MultiGraph(P5), nx.MultiGraph(K3)) assert_equal(nx.number_of_nodes(G), 5 * 3)
def test_number_of_nodes(self): assert self.G.number_of_nodes() == nx.number_of_nodes(self.G) assert self.DG.number_of_nodes() == nx.number_of_nodes(self.DG)
test_name = '-'.join([opt['g_type'], opt['test_min_n'], opt['test_max_n']]) result_file = '%s/test-%s-gnn-%s-%s.csv' % (opt['save_dir'], test_name, opt['min_n'], opt['max_n']) n_test = 1000 frac = 0.0 with open(result_file, 'w') as f_out: print 'testing' sys.stdout.flush() idx = 0 prepared_train_data = [] train_opt_tours = [] for g in tqdm(TestSet()): api.InsertGraph(g, is_test=True) t1 = time.time() val, sol = api.GetSol(idx, nx.number_of_nodes(g)) prepared_train_data.append((g, val)) train_opt_tours.append(sol[1:]) t2 = time.time() f_out.write('%.8f,' % val) f_out.write('%d' % sol[0]) #print "Num of nodes in graph: ",nx.number_of_nodes(g)," solution len: ",sol[0] if nx.number_of_nodes(g) != sol[0]: print "Problem" for i in range(sol[0]): f_out.write(' %d' % sol[i + 1]) f_out.write(',%.6f\n' % (t2 - t1)) frac += val idx += 1 with open("prepared_train_data.pkl", 'wb') as f:
#roadSegGraph = nx.read_graphml("roadSegGraph_110.graphml") #roadSegGraph = nx.read_graphml("roadSegGraph.graphml") nLayers = 4 largeNumber = 10**5 filename = 'example_all_routes.dat' #number of routes num_routes = nsamples pathNumber = 1 data, data_var = init_dataFile(nLayers, budget, num_routes, largeNumber) rand_routes = random_routes(roadSegGraph) non_subroute = {} nnodes = nx.number_of_nodes(roadSegGraph) node_list = roadSegGraph.nodes() node_indx = {} count = 0 for i in node_list: node_indx[i] = count count += 1 for u in range(1, nnodes * nnodes + 1): non_subroute[u] = True for i, j in rand_routes: if i != j: shortest_path = nx.shortest_path(roadSegGraph, source=i, target=j,
import sys import networkx as nx import random as rand from numpy import random from collections import deque g = nx.read_edgelist('cambridge_net.txt', create_using=nx.DiGraph(), nodetype=int) total_nodes = nx.number_of_nodes(g) target_nodes = 0.15 * total_nodes print "Total Nodes:", total_nodes print "Target Nodes:", target_nodes print to_burn = deque() finished = False p = 2.0 / 3.0 print p while not(finished): to_burn.clear() to_burn.append(rand.choice(g.nodes())) while to_burn: burning = to_burn.popleft() nodes = g.neighbors(burning) g.remove_node(burning)
def hierarchical_clustering(G, resolution=1): for n in G.nodes_iter(): G.node[n]['ancIdxs'] = [] # A dendrogram is a tree and each level is a partition of the graph nodes dendo = community.generate_dendrogram(G, resolution=resolution) num_levels = len(dendo) clusters_per_level = [] for level in range(num_levels): partition = community.partition_at_level(dendo, level) clusters = list(set(partition.values())) clusters_per_level.append(clusters) print('clusters at level', level, 'are', clusters) for n, c in partition.items(): G.node[n]['ancIdxs'].append(c) num_nodes = nx.number_of_nodes(G) def get_cluster_idx(level, idx): offset = num_nodes for i in range(level): offset += len(clusters_per_level[i]) return offset + idx cluster_list = [] for n in G.nodes_iter(): node = G.node[n] node_clusters = node['ancIdxs'] for level in range(len(node['ancIdxs'])): node_clusters[level] = get_cluster_idx(level, node_clusters[level]) cluster_list.append({ 'idx': n, 'nodeIdx': n, 'parentIdx': node_clusters[0], 'height': 0 }) for level, clusters in enumerate(clusters_per_level): for c in clusters: cluster_list.append({ 'idx': get_cluster_idx(level, c), 'height': level + 1 }) for n in G.nodes_iter(): node = G.node[n] node_clusters = node['ancIdxs'] for level in range(len(node_clusters) - 1): cluster_list[node_clusters[level]]['parentIdx'] = node_clusters[ level + 1] # Root root_cluster_idx = len(cluster_list) cluster_list.append({ 'idx': root_cluster_idx, 'height': len(clusters_per_level) + 1 }) for c in clusters_per_level[-1]: cluster_list[get_cluster_idx(num_levels - 1, c)]['parentIdx'] = root_cluster_idx return cluster_list
return UU def iso(G1, glist): """Quick and dirty nonisomorphism checker used to check isomorphisms.""" for G2 in glist: if isomorphic(G1, G2): return True return False if __name__ == '__main__': G = atlas6() print("graph has %d nodes with %d edges"\ %(nx.number_of_nodes(G), nx.number_of_edges(G))) print(nx.number_connected_components(G), "connected components") try: import pygraphviz from networkx.drawing.nx_agraph import graphviz_layout except ImportError: try: import pydot from networkx.drawing.nx_pydot import graphviz_layout except ImportError: raise ImportError("This example needs Graphviz and either " "PyGraphviz or pydot") import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.figure(1, figsize=(8, 8))
""" run考虑到7月9日、10日的跌停股票=1或0,这两天考察停牌股票,要单独运行(先把这两天的文件挪到另一个文件夹) """ w_threshold = 0.95 os.chdir('/Users/shine/work_hard/financial_network/data/threshold/stock_alpha') V = read_edgelist('2015-1.edgelist') w = weight(V) w = pd.DataFrame(w) beta = w.quantile(q = w_threshold) print beta V = remove_edges(V, beta) print "after remove edges, stock network nodes and edges are ",nx.number_of_nodes(V), nx.number_of_edges(V) lower = [] sus = [] sus_lower = [] os.chdir('/Users/shine/work_hard/financial_network/data/status_wind_612_710') FileList = glob.glob('*.xlsx') #for workingfile in filelist print FileList print "FileList length is", len(FileList) #共20个文件 for workingfile in FileList: print workingfile,'is working now' filename = workingfile.split('.')[0] print 'filename is', filename os.chdir('/Users/shine/work_hard/financial_network/data/status_wind_612_710') status = pd.ExcelFile(workingfile) status = pd.read_excel(status, 'Wind资讯'.decode('utf-8'))
""" Test Fragmentation index with data from Borgatti """ import networkx as nx # # # 2 complete graphs a 5 nodes A = nx.to_undirected(nx.complete_graph([1,2,3,4,5])) B = nx.to_undirected(nx.complete_graph([6,7,8,9,10])) # A=nx.to_undirected(A) # B=nx.to_undirected(B) c = nx.union(A,B) ch = nx.harmonic_centrality(c) print(ch) print(sum(ch.values())/(nx.number_of_nodes(c)*(nx.number_of_nodes(c)-1))) print(1. - (sum(ch.values())/(nx.number_of_nodes(c)*(nx.number_of_nodes(c)-1)))) # # # 2 path 1->2->3->4->5 and 6->7->8->9->10 a = nx.to_undirected(nx.path_graph([1,2,3,4,5])) b = nx.to_undirected(nx.path_graph([6,7,8,9,10])) c=nx.union(a,b) ch = nx.harmonic_centrality(c) print(ch) print(sum(ch.values())/(nx.number_of_nodes(c)*(nx.number_of_nodes(c)-1))) print(1. - (sum(ch.values())/(nx.number_of_nodes(c)*(nx.number_of_nodes(c)-1))))
def populate_instance_and_run_as_util(self, g, h): #, lsape_instance): """ /*! * @brief Runs the method with options specified by set_options() and provides access to constructed LSAPE instance. * @param[in] g Input graph. * @param[in] h Input graph. * @param[out] result Result variable. * @param[out] lsape_instance LSAPE instance. */ """ result = {'node_maps': [], 'lower_bound': 0, 'upper_bound': np.inf} # Populate the LSAPE instance and set up the solver. nb1, nb2 = nx.number_of_nodes(g), nx.number_of_nodes(h) lsape_instance = np.ones((nb1 + nb2, nb1 + nb2)) * np.inf # lsape_instance = np.empty((nx.number_of_nodes(g) + 1, nx.number_of_nodes(h) + 1)) self.populate_instance(g, h, lsape_instance) # nb1, nb2 = nx.number_of_nodes(g), nx.number_of_nodes(h) # lsape_instance_new = np.empty((nb1 + nb2, nb1 + nb2)) * np.inf # lsape_instance_new[nb1:, nb2:] = 0 # lsape_instance_new[0:nb1, 0:nb2] = lsape_instance[0:nb1, 0:nb2] # for i in range(nb1): # all u's neighbor # lsape_instance_new[i, nb2 + i] = lsape_instance[i, nb2] # for i in range(nb2): # all u's neighbor # lsape_instance_new[nb1 + i, i] = lsape_instance[nb2, i] # lsape_solver = LSAPESolver(lsape_instance_new) lsape_solver = LSAPESolver(lsape_instance) # Solve the LSAPE instance. if self._solve_optimally: lsape_solver.set_model(self._lsape_model) else: lsape_solver.set_greedy_method(self._greedy_method) lsape_solver.solve(self._max_num_solutions) # Compute and store lower and upper bound. if self._compute_lower_bound and self._solve_optimally: result['lower_bound'] = lsape_solver.minimal_cost( ) * self._lsape_lower_bound_scaling_factor(g, h) # @todo: test for solution_id in range(0, lsape_solver.num_solutions()): result['node_maps'].append( NodeMap(nx.number_of_nodes(g), nx.number_of_nodes(h))) misc.construct_node_map_from_solver(lsape_solver, result['node_maps'][-1], solution_id) self._ged_data.compute_induced_cost(g, h, result['node_maps'][-1]) # Add centralities and reoptimize. if self._centrality_weight > 0 and self._centrality_method != 'NODE': print('This is not implemented.') pass # @todo # Sort the node maps and set the upper bound. if len(result['node_maps']) > 1 or len( result['node_maps']) > self._max_num_solutions: print('This is not implemented.') # @todo: pass if len(result['node_maps']) == 0: result['upper_bound'] = np.inf else: result['upper_bound'] = result['node_maps'][0].induced_cost() return result
import sys import networkx as nx import random as rand from numpy import random print "Reading Graph" sys.stdout.flush() g = nx.read_edgelist('cambridge_net.txt', create_using=nx.Graph(), nodetype=int) target_nodes = 0.15 * nx.number_of_nodes(g) print "Target Nodes:", target_nodes sys.stdout.flush() print "Attempting with limit of len(g)" sys.stdout.flush() g_sample = nx.Graph() p = 0.15 steps = 0 limit = nx.number_of_nodes(g) finished = False while not (finished): source = rand.choice(g.nodes()) node = source steps = 0 while (steps < limit): steps = steps + 1
words = set() for line in fh.readlines(): line = line.decode() if line.startswith('*'): continue w = str(line[0:5]) words.add(w) return generate_graph(words) if __name__ == '__main__': G = words_graph() print("Loaded words_dat.txt containing 5757 five-letter English words.") print("Two words are connected if they differ in one letter.") print("Graph has %d nodes with %d edges" % (nx.number_of_nodes(G), nx.number_of_edges(G))) print("%d connected components" % nx.number_connected_components(G)) for (source, target) in [ ('chaos', 'order'), ('nodes', 'graph'), ('moron', 'smart'), ('flies', 'swims'), ('mango', 'peach'), ('pound', 'marks'), ]: print("Shortest path between %s and %s is" % (source, target)) try: sp = nx.shortest_path(G, source, target) for n in sp: print(n)
N = 1000 k = 190 disease_largest_cc = 35 second_largest = 14 fh = open(os.path.join('./PPI_Graphs', 'reactomefi2015.tsv'), 'rb') G = nx.read_edgelist(fh, delimiter='\t') nodes_all = G.nodes() for i in range(0, N): genes = [] genes = random.sample(nodes_all, k) shortest_length = sys.maxint H = G.subgraph(genes) nodes = nx.number_of_nodes(H) if (nodes != 0): #Get All Components Gcc = sorted(nx.connected_component_subgraphs(H), key=len, reverse=True) first = Gcc[0] second = Gcc[1] G0 = nx.number_of_nodes(first) G1 = nx.number_of_nodes(second) #Diameter c1_diam.append(nx.diameter(first)) if nx.diameter(first) > 12: c1d += 1
except IndexError: sys.exit( "Motif graph properties\npython %s <tsv file generated by> similarity_cutoff zscore_cutoff" % (sys.argv[0])) opr_nodes = operon_nodes(crs_f, similarity_cutoff, zscore_cutoff) #pprint(opr_nodes) G = motif_graph(crs_f, similarity_cutoff, zscore_cutoff) loo_f = "../../data/LOO_per_matrix_site.tsv" regulon_f = "../../data/regulon_by_first_gene.txt" LOO = read_LOO(loo_f) regulon = read_regulon(regulon_f) print("#graph has %d nodes with %d edges, edges to nodes ratio: %f, edge average zscore: %f, %f transitivity"\ %(nx.number_of_nodes(G), nx.number_of_edges(G), edge_density(nx.number_of_edges(G), nx.number_of_nodes(G)), edge_average_zscore(G), nx.transitivity(G))) print("#", nx.number_connected_components(G), "connected components") print( "reg\tLOO\tsize\tnodes\tedges\tratio\tavg_zscore\tnumber_connected_components\tlargest_comp_size\ttransitivity" ) for reg in regulon.keys(): if len(regulon[reg]) > 2: nodes = list() for gi in regulon[reg]: for n in opr_nodes[gi]:
import networkx as nx import random from import show, curdoc from bokeh.layouts import Column from bokeh.models import Plot, Range1d, MultiLine, Circle from bokeh.models.graphs import from_networkx from bokeh.models.widgets import Button from bokeh.palettes import Spectral4, Spectral10 L = 78 G=nx.karate_club_graph() N = nx.number_of_nodes(G) plot = Plot(plot_width=400, plot_height=400, x_range=Range1d(-1.1,1.1), y_range=Range1d(-1.1,1.1)) graph_renderer = from_networkx(G, nx.circular_layout, scale=1, center=(0,0)) graph_renderer.node_renderer.glyph = Circle(size=15, fill_color="colors", line_width=1.0)["colors"] = [Spectral4[0] ]* N graph_renderer.edge_renderer.glyph = MultiLine(line_color="colors", line_alpha=0.8, line_width="widths")["colors"] = ["black"] * L["widths"] = [2] * L plot.renderers.append(graph_renderer)
def calc(G, invariant): if invariant == 'domination_number': return domination_number(G) elif invariant == 'chromatic_number': return chromatic_number(G) elif invariant == 'total_domination_number': return total_domination_number(G) elif invariant == 'connected_domination_number': return GPY.connected_domination_number(G) elif invariant == 'independent_domination_number': return independent_domination_number(G) elif invariant == 'slater': return GPY.slater(G) elif invariant == 'sub_total_domination_number': return GPY.sub_total_domination_number(G) elif invariant == 'annihilation_number': return GPY.annihilation_number(G) elif invariant == 'independence_number': return independence_number(G) elif invariant == 'power_domination_number': return GPY.power_domination_number(G) elif invariant == 'residue': return GPY.residue(G) elif invariant == 'k_residual_index': return GPY.k_residual_index(G) elif invariant == 'connected_zero_forcing_number': return GPY.connected_zero_forcing_number(G) elif invariant == 'total_zero_forcing_number': return GPY.total_zero_forcing_number(G) elif invariant == 'zero_forcing_number': return GPY.zero_forcing_number(G) elif invariant == 'diameter': return nx.diameter(G) elif invariant == 'radius': return nx.radius(G) elif invariant == 'order': return nx.number_of_nodes(G) elif invariant == 'size': return nx.number_of_edges(G) elif invariant == 'min_degree': return GPY.min_degree(G) elif invariant == 'max_degree': return GPY.max_degree(G) elif invariant == 'number_of_min_degree_nodes': return GPY.number_of_min_degree_nodes(G) elif invariant == 'number_of_degree_one_nodes': return GPY.number_of_degree_one_nodes(G) elif invariant == 'number_of_max_degree_nodes': return GPY.number_of_max_degree_nodes(G) elif invariant == 'clique_number': return GPY.clique_number(G) elif invariant == 'min_maximal_matching_number': return GPY.min_maximal_matching_number(G) elif invariant == 'matching_number': return matching_number(G) elif invariant == 'triameter': return triameter(G) elif invariant == 'vertex_cover_number': return vertex_cover_number(G) elif invariant == 'randic_index': return randic_index(G) elif invariant == 'augmented_randic_index': return augmented_randic_index(G) elif invariant == 'harmonic_index': return harmonic_index(G) elif invariant == 'atom_bond_connectivity_index': return atom_bond_connectivity_index(G) elif invariant == 'sum_connectivity_index': return sum_connectivity_index(G) else: print('ERROR') return False
if len(result[key]) != 0: for friend_id in result[key]: Network.add_node(friend_id) for key in result: if len(result[key]) != 0: for friend_id in result[key]: Network.add_edge(key, friend_id) # draw the network, store the graph as png file and show the graph nx.draw(Network) plt.savefig("Network.png") # print the number of nodes and edges, diameter and average distance of the network print("The number of nodes is: ") print(nx.number_of_nodes(Network)) print("The number of edges is: ") print(nx.number_of_edges(Network)) print("The diameter is: ") print(nx.diameter(Network)) print("The average distance of the graph is: ") print(nx.average_shortest_path_length(Network)) # this txt file is used to store the number of nodes and edges, diameter and average distance information f1 = open("stats.txt", "w") f1.write("The number of nodes is: ") f1.write(str(nx.number_of_nodes(Network))) f1.write("\nThe number of edges is: ") f1.write(str(nx.number_of_edges(Network))) f1.write("\nThe diameter is: ") f1.write(str(nx.diameter(Network)))
def show_info(self): for node, attr in dict( print('{0} -> {1}'.format(node, attr)) print('Number of Nodes: {0}'.format(nx.number_of_nodes( print('Number of Edges: {0}'.format(nx.number_of_edges(
for c, v in p.items(): if (v != ville): G.remove_node(c) # second clustering to determine group inside a city p = community.best_partition(G, weight='weight') for c, v in p.items(): color_map.append(v) # export clusters for the city f = open("data/cluster_" + str(ville) + ".csv", "w") for c, v in p.items(): f.write(str(c) + ";" + str(v) + ";" + str(ville) + "\n") f.close() # export gexf format for gephi # nx.write_gexf(G, "graph.gexf", prettyprint=True) print ("Number of edges : ", i) print ("Number of nodes : ", nx.number_of_nodes(G)) weights = [G[u][v]['weight']/7 for u,v in G.edges] # take weight into account for edges # draw and show nx.draw(G, node_size=50, width=weights, node_color=color_map)
def weight(c): return float(2 * nx.number_of_edges(c) / nx.number_of_nodes(c))
def _commonwalkkernel_exp(g1, g2, node_label, edge_label, beta): """Calculate walk graph kernels up to n between 2 graphs using exponential series. Parameters ---------- Gn : List of NetworkX graph List of graphs between which the kernels are calculated. node_label : string Node attribute used as label. edge_label : string Edge attribute used as label. beta : integer Weight. ij : tuple of integer Index of graphs between which the kernel is computed. Return ------ kernel : float The common walk Kernel between 2 graphs. """ # get tensor product / direct product gp = direct_product(g1, g2, node_label, edge_label) # return 0 if the direct product graph have no more than 1 node. if nx.number_of_nodes(gp) < 2: return 0 A = nx.adjacency_matrix(gp).todense() # print(A) # from matplotlib import pyplot as plt # nx.draw_networkx(G1) # # nx.draw_networkx(G2) # # nx.draw_networkx(gp) # # print(G1.nodes(data=True)) # print(G2.nodes(data=True)) # print(gp.nodes(data=True)) # print(gp.edges(data=True)) ew, ev = np.linalg.eig(A) # print('ew: ', ew) # print(ev) # T = np.matrix(ev) # print('T: ', T) # T = ev.I D = np.zeros((len(ew), len(ew))) for i in range(len(ew)): D[i][i] = np.exp(beta * ew[i]) # print('D: ', D) # print('hshs: ', T.I * D * T) # print(np.exp(-2)) # print(D) # print(np.exp(weight * D)) # print(ev) # print(np.linalg.inv(ev)) exp_D = ev * D * ev.T # print(exp_D) # print(np.exp(weight * A)) # print('-------') return exp_D.sum()
def fit_spearmans(mass_boxes, range): ln_box_number = np.log(mass_boxes) ln_range = np.log(range) gradient = stats.spearmanr(ln_range, ln_box_number)[0] * ( np.std(ln_box_number) / np.std(ln_range)) constant = ln_box_number[0] - gradient * ln_range[0] return (gradient, constant) if __name__ == "__main__": graph = graph_magic.get_graph_from_file( "../../BIOGRID-ORGANISM-3.5.165.tab2/BIOGRID-ORGANISM-Human_Immunodeficiency_Virus_1-3.5.165.tab2.txt" ) # graph = graph_magic.get_graph_from_file( # "../../BIOGRID-ORGANISM-3.5.165.tab2/BIOGRID-ORGANISM-Escherichia_coli_K12_MC4100_BW2952-3.5.165.tab2.txt") node_number = nx.number_of_nodes(graph) print(node_number) mass_boxes = fd.compact_box_burning(graph) print(mass_boxes) # plt.subplot(121) # nx.draw(graph, with_labels=True, font_weight='bold') # max_length = len(mass_boxes) lengths = np.arange(1, max_length + 1) (spearman_gradient, spearman_constant) = fit_spearmans(mass_boxes, lengths) (pearson_gradient, pearson_constant) = np.polyfit(np.log(lengths), np.log(mass_boxes), deg=1) boxes_spearman_theory = list( map(box_theory, lengths, [spearman_gradient] * max_length, [node_number] * max_length))
print(nx.is_connected(g)) # next, see how many pieces the graph is actually in print(nx.number_connected_components(g)) # then, pull out each of these connected components # and sort them by the number of nodes in them graphs = list(nx.connected_component_subgraphs(g)) graphsSorted = sorted(graphs, key=len, reverse=True) # for the top five largest graphs, print the number of nodes # and draw the graph in a file i = 0 for graph in graphsSorted[0:5]: i += 1 print("num nodes in graph", i, ":", nx.number_of_nodes(graph)) graphDegree = # draw one set with name labels f1 = plt.figure() nx.draw(graph, node_size=[v * 10 for v in graphDegree.values()], with_labels=True, font_size=8) filename1 = 'graphLabels' + str(i) + '.png' f1.savefig(filename1) # draw one set without name labels f2 = plt.figure() nx.draw(graph, node_size=[v * 10 for v in graphDegree.values()]) filename2 = 'graph' + str(i) + '.png'
def l_Connection_strength(G): l_Connection_strength_Dic = {} node_set = G.nodes() Connection_num = 0 #_l阶连通图的数量 #print nid,i_2_nei for nid in node_set: degree = Neighbor_Set = G.neighbors(nid) #print nid,Neighbor_Set #print len(Neighbor_Set) # i__nei=set(G.neighbors(i)) ###current_1_neighbor=G.neighbors(nid) #print nid,current_1_neighbor ###current_2_neighbor=[] ###for nnid in current_1_neighbor: ###current_2_neighbor = list(set(current_2_neighbor).union(set(G.neighbors(nnid)))) #print '2_hop:', nid,current_2_neighbor ###current_2_neighbor= list( set(current_2_neighbor).difference( set(current_1_neighbor).union(set([nid])) ) ) #print nid ,current_2_neighbor #print nid,Neighbor_Set if len(Neighbor_Set) == 1: Connection_num = 1 #print nid l_Connection_strength_Dic[nid] = 1.0 #print nid,l_Connection_strength_Dic[nid] elif len(Neighbor_Set) == 0: l_Connection_strength_Dic[nid] = 0.0 elif len(Neighbor_Set) > 1: G_conn = nx.Graph() #print nid, Neighbor_Set ##vi,j组合 Cluster_head_connection_set = [] for i in range(0, len(Neighbor_Set)): #vi目标节点的邻居 vi = Neighbor_Set[i] #print nid,Neighbor_Set[i] n_vi_2 = [] ##n_vi 是vi的邻居 for n_vi in G.neighbors(vi): n_vi_2 = list(set(n_vi_2).union(set(G.neighbors(n_vi)))) n_vi_2 = list( set(n_vi_2).difference( set(G.neighbors(vi)).union(set([nid])))) for j in range(i + 1, len(Neighbor_Set)): vj = Neighbor_Set[j] #print vi,vj fai_ij = list( set(n_vi_2).intersection(set(G.neighbors(vj)))) #print vi,vj,fai_ij if fai_ij: Cluster_head_connection_set.append(list([vi, vj])) # #print nid,Cluster_head_connection_set for k in Cluster_head_connection_set: G_conn.add_edge(k[0], k[1]) H = len(list(nx.connected_components(G_conn))) #print nid,H G_conn_nodenums = int(nx.number_of_nodes(G_conn)) ##独立簇的数量 independent_cluster_num = int( len(Neighbor_Set)) - int(G_conn_nodenums) ##l-阶的连通数 Connection_num = int(H) + int(independent_cluster_num) l_Connection_strength_Dic[nid] = round( float(Connection_num) / float(len(Neighbor_Set)), 3) #print nid,l_Connection_strength_Dic[nid] return l_Connection_strength_Dic
def get_stats(g, name): print("\n\nGetting Statistics for: "+name) print("Number of Nodes: "+str(networkx.number_of_nodes(g))) print("Number of Edges: "+str(networkx.number_of_edges(g))) print("Avg Clustering Coefficient: "+str(networkx.average_clustering(g)))
def commonwalkkernel(*args, node_label='atom', edge_label='bond_type', # n=None, weight=1, compute_method=None, n_jobs=None, verbose=True): """Calculate common walk graph kernels between graphs. Parameters ---------- Gn : List of NetworkX graph List of graphs between which the kernels are calculated. G1, G2 : NetworkX graphs Two graphs between which the kernel is calculated. node_label : string Node attribute used as symbolic label. The default node label is 'atom'. edge_label : string Edge attribute used as symbolic label. The default edge label is 'bond_type'. weight: integer Weight coefficient of different lengths of walks, which represents beta in 'exp' method and gamma in 'geo'. compute_method : string Method used to compute walk kernel. The Following choices are available: 'exp': method based on exponential serials applied on the direct product graph, as shown in reference [1]. The time complexity is O(n^6) for graphs with n vertices. 'geo': method based on geometric serials applied on the direct product graph, as shown in reference [1]. The time complexity is O(n^6) for graphs with n vertices. n_jobs : int Number of jobs for parallelization. Return ------ Kmatrix : Numpy matrix Kernel matrix, each element of which is a common walk kernel between 2 graphs. """ # n : integer # Longest length of walks. Only useful when applying the 'brute' method. # 'brute': brute force, simply search for all walks and compare them. compute_method = compute_method.lower() # arrange all graphs in a list Gn = args[0] if len(args) == 1 else [args[0], args[1]] # remove graphs with only 1 node, as they do not have adjacency matrices len_gn = len(Gn) Gn = [(idx, G) for idx, G in enumerate(Gn) if nx.number_of_nodes(G) != 1] idx = [G[0] for G in Gn] Gn = [G[1] for G in Gn] if len(Gn) != len_gn: if verbose: print('\n %d graphs are removed as they have only 1 node.\n' % (len_gn - len(Gn))) ds_attrs = get_dataset_attributes( Gn, attr_names=['node_labeled', 'edge_labeled', 'is_directed'], node_label=node_label, edge_label=edge_label) if not ds_attrs['node_labeled']: for G in Gn: nx.set_node_attributes(G, '0', 'atom') if not ds_attrs['edge_labeled']: for G in Gn: nx.set_edge_attributes(G, '0', 'bond_type') if not ds_attrs['is_directed']: # convert Gn = [G.to_directed() for G in Gn] start_time = time.time() Kmatrix = np.zeros((len(Gn), len(Gn))) # ---- use pool.imap_unordered to parallel and track progress. ---- def init_worker(gn_toshare): global G_gn G_gn = gn_toshare # direct product graph method - exponential if compute_method == 'exp': do_partial = partial(wrapper_cw_exp, node_label, edge_label, weight) # direct product graph method - geometric elif compute_method == 'geo': do_partial = partial(wrapper_cw_geo, node_label, edge_label, weight) parallel_gm(do_partial, Kmatrix, Gn, init_worker=init_worker, glbv=(Gn,), n_jobs=n_jobs, verbose=verbose) # pool = Pool(n_jobs) # itr = zip(combinations_with_replacement(Gn, 2), # combinations_with_replacement(range(0, len(Gn)), 2)) # len_itr = int(len(Gn) * (len(Gn) + 1) / 2) # if len_itr < 1000 * n_jobs: # chunksize = int(len_itr / n_jobs) + 1 # else: # chunksize = 1000 # # # direct product graph method - exponential # if compute_method == 'exp': # do_partial = partial(wrapper_cw_exp, node_label, edge_label, weight) # # direct product graph method - geometric # elif compute_method == 'geo': # do_partial = partial(wrapper_cw_geo, node_label, edge_label, weight) # # for i, j, kernel in tqdm( # pool.imap_unordered(do_partial, itr, chunksize), # desc='calculating kernels', # file=sys.stdout): # Kmatrix[i][j] = kernel # Kmatrix[j][i] = kernel # pool.close() # pool.join() # # ---- direct running, normally use single CPU core. ---- # # direct product graph method - exponential # itr = combinations_with_replacement(range(0, len(Gn)), 2) # if compute_method == 'exp': # for i, j in tqdm(itr, desc='calculating kernels', file=sys.stdout): # Kmatrix[i][j] = _commonwalkkernel_exp(Gn[i], Gn[j], node_label, # edge_label, weight) # Kmatrix[j][i] = Kmatrix[i][j] # # # direct product graph method - geometric # elif compute_method == 'geo': # for i, j in tqdm(itr, desc='calculating kernels', file=sys.stdout): # Kmatrix[i][j] = _commonwalkkernel_geo(Gn[i], Gn[j], node_label, # edge_label, weight) # Kmatrix[j][i] = Kmatrix[i][j] # # search all paths use brute force. # elif compute_method == 'brute': # n = int(n) # # get all paths of all graphs before calculating kernels to save time, but this may cost a lot of memory for large dataset. # all_walks = [ # find_all_walks_until_length(Gn[i], n, node_label, edge_label) # for i in range(0, len(Gn)) # ] # # for i in range(0, len(Gn)): # for j in range(i, len(Gn)): # Kmatrix[i][j] = _commonwalkkernel_brute( # all_walks[i], # all_walks[j], # node_label=node_label, # edge_label=edge_label) # Kmatrix[j][i] = Kmatrix[i][j] run_time = time.time() - start_time if verbose: print("\n --- kernel matrix of common walk kernel of size %d built in %s seconds ---" % (len(Gn), run_time)) return Kmatrix, run_time, idx
idxes = sorted(idxes, key=lambda x: len(nx.neighbors(G, x)), reverse=True) pos = 0 while numCoveredEdges < nx.number_of_edges(G): new_action = idxes[pos] covered_set.add(new_action) for neigh in nx.neighbors(G, new_action): if neigh not in covered_set: numCoveredEdges += 1 pos += 1 print 'done' return len(covered_set) ''' if __name__ == '__main__': B = mmread('bcsstk01.mtx') g_undirected = nx.from_scipy_sparse_matrix(B) print(nx.number_of_nodes(g_undirected)) print(nx.number_of_edges(g_undirected)) api = VerelLib(sys.argv) opt = {} for i in range(1, len(sys.argv), 2): opt[sys.argv[i][1:]] = sys.argv[i + 1] # print greedy(g_undirected) api.InsertGraph(g_undirected, is_test=True) # startup gen_new_graphs(opt) for i in range(10): api.lib.PlayGame(100, ctypes.c_double(1.0))
# node_list = discussion_graph.nodes() with open("graph_edges.csv", "r") as edge_file: for pair in edge_file: edge = pair.split(';') edge[1] = edge[1].strip() try: discussion_graph.node[edge[0]]['sender'] discussion_graph.node[edge[1]]['sender'] discussion_graph.add_edge(*edge) except KeyError: pass edge_file.close() print("Edges added.") print("No. of Nodes: ", nx.number_of_nodes(discussion_graph)) print("No. of Edges: ", nx.number_of_edges(discussion_graph)) print("No. of Weakly Connected Components: ", nx.number_weakly_connected_components(discussion_graph)) # Uncomment the lines below to save the graph as a GEXF file # nx.write_gexf(discussion_graph, "gexf/master_disc_graph.gexf") # print("GEXF file generated.") # Uncomment the lines below to read the graph from a GEXF file # discussion_graph = nx.read_gexf("gexf/master_disc_graph.gexf", node_type=int) # print("Graph loaded from GEXF file.") for conn_subgraph in nx.weakly_connected_component_subgraphs(discussion_graph): sender_color_map = {} node_list = [int(x) for x in conn_subgraph.nodes()]
def read_graph(self, filename, file_type='edgelist', separator='\t', remove_whitespace=False): """ Reads the graph from an edgelist, gml or graphml file and initializes the class attribute adjacency_matrix. Parameters ---------- filename : string Name of the file, for example 'JohnsHopkins.edgelist', 'JohnsHopkins.gml', 'JohnsHopkins.graphml'. dtype : string Type of file. Currently only 'edgelist', 'gml' and 'graphml' are supported. Default = 'edgelist' separator : string used if file_type = 'edgelist' Default = '\t' remove_whitespace : bool set it to be True when there is more than one kinds of separators in the file Default = False """ if file_type == 'edgelist': dtype = {0: 'int32', 1: 'int32', 2: 'float64'} if remove_whitespace: df = pd.read_csv(filename, header=None, dtype=dtype, delim_whitespace=True) else: df = pd.read_csv(filename, sep=separator, header=None, dtype=dtype) source = df[0].values target = df[1].values if df.shape[1] == 2: weights = np.ones(edges.shape[0]) elif df.shape[1] == 3: weights = df[2].values else: raise Exception( 'graph_class_local.read_graph: df.shape[1] not in (2, 3)') self._num_vertices = max(source.max() + 1, target.max() + 1) #self.adjacency_matrix = source, target, weights self.adjacency_matrix = sp.csr_matrix( (weights, (source, target)), shape=(self._num_vertices, self._num_vertices)) is_symmetric = (self.adjacency_matrix != self.adjacency_matrix.T).sum() == 0 if not is_symmetric: # Symmetrize matrix, choosing larger weight sel = self.adjacency_matrix.T > self.adjacency_matrix self.adjacency_matrix = self.adjacency_matrix - self.adjacency_matrix.multiply( sel) + self.adjacency_matrix.T.multiply(sel) assert (self.adjacency_matrix != self.adjacency_matrix.T).sum() == 0 self._num_edges = self.adjacency_matrix.nnz elif file_type == 'gml': warnings.warn( "Loading a gml is not efficient, we suggest using an edgelist format for this API." ) G = nx.read_gml(filename).to_undirected() self.adjacency_matrix = nx.adjacency_matrix(G).astype(np.float64) self._num_edges = nx.number_of_edges(G) self._num_vertices = nx.number_of_nodes(G) elif file_type == 'graphml': warnings.warn( "Loading a graphml is not efficient, we suggest using an edgelist format for this API." ) G = nx.read_graphml(filename).to_undirected() self.adjacency_matrix = nx.adjacency_matrix(G).astype(np.float64) self._num_edges = nx.number_of_edges(G) self._num_vertices = nx.number_of_nodes(G) else: print('This file type is not supported') return self.compute_statistics()
G, top_nodes = bipartite_graph(df) V = stock_network(G, top_nodes) V = remove_edges(V, 0) w = weight(V) w = pd.DataFrame(w) beta = w.quantile(q=0.1) alpha = w.quantile(q=0.9) print 'before remove any edges', nx.number_of_edges(V) for u, v, data in V.edges(data=True): #if data['weight'] < float(alpha): if data['weight'] > float(beta): V.remove_edge(u, v) print 'after remove edges', nx.number_of_edges(V), nx.number_of_nodes(V) remove = [node for node, degree in if degree == 0] V.remove_nodes_from(remove) print 'after remove nodes with degree = 0', nx.number_of_nodes(V) df = pd.DataFrame() #不是上面的df了 for nodes1, nodes2, data in V.edges(data=True): w = 0 p = 0 w_df = [] if nodes1 != nodes2: if len(list(nx.common_neighbors(G, nodes1, nodes2))) != 0: for nbr in nx.common_neighbors(G, nodes1, nodes2): p = p + 1 w1 = G[nodes1][nbr]['weight'] #print w1
def g_preprocess(G, alpha=1, measures=["D1", "D2", "D3", "D4", "D5"]): if isinstance(alpha, list) and len(alpha) == 5: alphalist = alpha elif isinstance(alpha, (int, float)): alphalist = [alpha] * 5 else: print( "Error in the choice of alpha. " "Please specify a single number or a list of 5 values." ) return ( np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, ) # Make an independent copy of the graph G = G.copy() if G.number_of_nodes() < 3: print("Graph must have at least 3 nodes.") return ( np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, ) # From multigraph to graph if type(G) == nx.MultiGraph: print("MultiGraph converted to Graph") G1 = nx.Graph() G1.add_nodes_from(G.nodes(data=True)) for u, v, data in G.edges(data=True): w = data["weight"] if "weight" in data else 1.0 if G1.has_edge(u, v): G1[u][v]["weight"] += w else: G1.add_edge(u, v, weight=w) G = G1.copy() elif type(G) == nx.MultiDiGraph: print("MultiDiGraph converted to DiGraph") G1 = nx.DiGraph() G1.add_nodes_from(G.nodes(data=True)) for u, v, data in G.edges(data=True): w = data["weight"] if "weight" in data else 1.0 if G1.has_edge(u, v): G1[u][v]["weight"] += w else: G1.add_edge(u, v, weight=w) G = G1.copy() # Remove Loops loops = nx.selfloop_edges(G) if list(loops): print("WARNING: Loops will be ignored.") G.remove_edges_from(loops) # Check if all existing arcs have weights, otherwise assign value of 1 # Check for negative weights, zero weights and weight lower than 1 arcweights = [e[2]["weight"] for e in if "weight" in e[2]] numweights = len(arcweights) arcweights = set(arcweights) if any(w < 1 for w in arcweights): print( "Graph contains arcs with negative or zero weights," " or weights lower than 1. Weights must be >= 1." ) if numweights != len(G.edges): print( "WARNING: weights are not specified for all arcs." " Each arc must have a weight >= 1.\n" "Missing weights are automatically set equal to 1." ) for u, v, data in G.edges(data=True): if "weight" not in data: data["weight"] = 1 # Sums the weight of all arcs totalWEI = 0 if "D3" in measures: for u, v, data in G.edges(data=True): totalWEI += data["weight"] n1 = nx.number_of_nodes(G) - 1 # Calculates degree and weighted degree, taking alpha into account if type(G) == nx.Graph: if any(m in measures for m in ["D1", "D2", "D5"]): deg = dict( else: deg = np.nan indeg = outdeg = wei_insum_alpha_list = wei_outsum_alpha_list = np.nan # Calculate weighted degree, taking alpha into account # case of different alphas for each metric if len(set(alphalist)) != 1: wei_sum_alpha_list = [0, 0] # Only needed for D3 and D4 if "D3" in measures: wei_sum_alpha_list.append(weisumalpha (G, alphalist[2])) else: wei_sum_alpha_list += [0] if "D4" in measures: wei_sum_alpha_list.append(weisumalpha (G, alphalist[3])) else: wei_sum_alpha_list += [0] wei_sum_alpha_list += [0] else: if any(m in measures for m in ["D3", "D4"]): if alphalist[0] != 1: wei_sum_alpha = {} for node in G.nodes(): wei_sum_alpha[node] = sum( [ e[2]["weight"] ** alphalist[0] for e in list(G.edges(node, data=True)) ] ) else: wei_sum_alpha = dict(, weight="weight")) else: wei_sum_alpha = 0 wei_sum_alpha_list = ( [0, 0] + [wei_sum_alpha] * 2 + [0] ) # Only needed for D3 and D4 elif type(G) == nx.DiGraph: deg = wei_sum_alpha_list = np.nan if any(m in measures for m in ["D1", "D2", "D5"]): indeg = dict(G.in_degree()) outdeg = dict(G.out_degree()) else: indeg = outdeg = np.nan if len(set(alphalist)) != 1: wei_insum_alpha_list = [0, 0] wei_outsum_alpha_list = [0, 0] # Only needed for D3 and D4 if "D3" in measures: insum, outsum = weiinoutsumalpha(G, alphalist[2]) wei_insum_alpha_list.append(insum) wei_outsum_alpha_list.append(outsum) else: wei_insum_alpha_list.append(0) wei_outsum_alpha_list.append(0) if "D4" in measures: insum, outsum = weiinoutsumalpha(G, alphalist[3]) wei_insum_alpha_list.append(insum) wei_outsum_alpha_list.append(outsum) else: wei_insum_alpha_list.append(0) wei_outsum_alpha_list.append(0) wei_insum_alpha_list += [0] wei_outsum_alpha_list += [0] else: if any(m in measures for m in ["D3", "D4"]): if alphalist[0] != 1: wei_outsum_alpha = {} wei_insum_alpha = {} for node in G.nodes(): wei_outsum_alpha[node] = sum( [ e[2]["weight"] ** alphalist[0] for e in list(G.out_edges(node, data=True)) ] ) wei_insum_alpha[node] = sum( [ e[2]["weight"] ** alphalist[0] for e in list(G.in_edges(node, data=True)) ] ) else: wei_insum_alpha = dict(G.in_degree(weight="weight")) wei_outsum_alpha = dict(G.out_degree(weight="weight")) else: wei_insum_alpha = wei_outsum_alpha = 0 wei_insum_alpha_list = [0, 0] + [wei_insum_alpha] * 2 + [0] wei_outsum_alpha_list = [0, 0] + [wei_outsum_alpha] * 2 + [0] # Calculate max and min arc weight if G.number_of_edges() > 0: hasedges = True if any(m in measures for m in ["D1", "D3", "D4"]): maxwij = max(dict(G.edges).items(), key=lambda x: x[1]["weight"])[1]["weight"] else: maxwij = np.nan if "D3" in measures: minwij = min(dict(G.edges).items(), key=lambda x: x[1]["weight"])[1]["weight"] else: minwij = np.nan else: print( "Graph has no edges (remember that loops have been removed)." "The function will return all zeros, regardless of normalizaiton." ) hasedges = False maxwij = np.nan minwij = np.nan return ( G, n1, deg, indeg, outdeg, wei_insum_alpha_list, wei_outsum_alpha_list, wei_sum_alpha_list, totalWEI, maxwij, minwij, hasedges, )