Esempio n. 1
def node_connected_component(G, n):
    Return a list of nodes of the connected component containing node n.

    For undirected graphs only. 

    if G.directed:
        raise networkx_v099.NetworkXError,\
              """Not allowed for directed graph G.
              Use UG=G.to_undirected() to create an undirected graph."""
    return single_source_shortest_path_length(G, n).keys()
Esempio n. 2
def node_connected_component(G,n):
    Return a list of nodes of the connected component containing node n.

    For undirected graphs only. 

    if G.directed:
        raise networkx_v099.NetworkXError,\
              """Not allowed for directed graph G.
              Use UG=G.to_undirected() to create an undirected graph."""
    return single_source_shortest_path_length(G,n).keys()
Esempio n. 3
def connected_components(G):
    Return a list of lists of nodes in each connected component of G.

    The list is ordered from largest connected component to smallest.
    For undirected graphs only. 
    if G.directed:
        raise networkx_v099.NetworkXError,\
              """Not allowed for directed graph G.
              Use UG=G.to_undirected() to create an undirected graph."""
    seen = {}
    components = []
    for v in G:
        if v not in seen:
            c = single_source_shortest_path_length(G, v)
    components.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(len(y), len(x)))
    return components
Esempio n. 4
def connected_components(G):
    Return a list of lists of nodes in each connected component of G.

    The list is ordered from largest connected component to smallest.
    For undirected graphs only. 
    if G.directed:
        raise networkx_v099.NetworkXError,\
              """Not allowed for directed graph G.
              Use UG=G.to_undirected() to create an undirected graph."""
    for v in G:      
        if v not in seen:
    components.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(len(y),len(x)))
    return components            
Esempio n. 5
def eccentricity(G, v=None, sp=None, with_labels=False):
    """Return the eccentricity of node v in G (or all nodes if v is None).

    The eccentricity is the maximum of shortest paths to all other nodes. 

    The optional keyword sp must be a dict of dicts of
    shortest_path_length keyed by source and target.
    That is, sp[v][t] is the length from v to t.
    If with_labels=True 
    return dict of eccentricities keyed by vertex.
    nodes = []
    if v is None:  # none, use entire graph
        nodes = G.nodes()
    elif isinstance(v, list):  # check for a list
        nodes = v
    else:  # assume it is a single value
        nodes = [v]
    order = G.order()

    e = {}
    for v in nodes:
        if sp is None:
            length = single_source_shortest_path_length(G, v)
            length = sp[v]
            assert len(length) == order
            raise networkx_v099.NetworkXError, "Graph not connected: infinite path length"

        e[v] = max(length.values())

    if with_labels:
        return e
        if len(e) == 1:
            return e.values()[0]  # return single value
        return e.values()
Esempio n. 6
def eccentricity(G, v=None, sp=None, with_labels=False):
    """Return the eccentricity of node v in G (or all nodes if v is None).

    The eccentricity is the maximum of shortest paths to all other nodes. 

    The optional keyword sp must be a dict of dicts of
    shortest_path_length keyed by source and target.
    That is, sp[v][t] is the length from v to t.
    If with_labels=True 
    return dict of eccentricities keyed by vertex.
    nodes = []
    if v is None:  # none, use entire graph
        nodes = G.nodes()
    elif isinstance(v, list):  # check for a list
        nodes = v
    else:  # assume it is a single value
        nodes = [v]
    order = G.order()

    e = {}
    for v in nodes:
        if sp is None:
            length = single_source_shortest_path_length(G, v)
            length = sp[v]
            assert len(length) == order
            raise networkx_v099.NetworkXError,\
                  "Graph not connected: infinite path length"

        e[v] = max(length.values())

    if with_labels:
        return e
        if len(e) == 1: return e.values()[0]  # return single value
        return e.values()