def simulate(C, Gc, ggap, gsyn, n_timesteps): """ Runs a standard simulation of NeuralModel with the given parameter values Note this function does not specify seed, it lets the model use a random seed Args: C - cell membrane capacitance pF / 100 = arb Gc - cell membrane conductance pS / 100 = arb ggap - global gap junction conductance pS / 100 = arb gsyn - global synaptic conductance pS / 100 = arb n_timesteps - how long to run the model for Returns: fwd_dynamics (n_timesteps - 300 x n_neurons) - matrix of normalized membrane potential time series for all neurons. """ # initialize model model = NeuralModel(neuron_metadata_collection, C, Gc, ggap, gsyn) model.set_current_injection("AVBL", 2.3) model.set_current_injection("AVBR", 2.3) model.set_current_injection("PLML", 1.4) model.set_current_injection("PLMR", 1.4) model.init() # simulate (v_mat, s_mat, v_normalized_mat) = return v_normalized_mat
def guess_number(self, kind=2, confidence_threshold=0): guy = NeuralModel.instance() prediction, number, accuracy = guy.guess(self.image) self.accuracy = accuracy self.number = number return self.number
def guess_number(self, confidence_threshold=0): # Saves a buffer of guesses # Guesses every self.maxtimer frames( i.e predicts once in 10 frames) self.timer += 1 if self.timer >= self.maxtimer: self.timer = 0 if self.image is None: self.prev_guesses.appendleft( np.array([1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])) else: neuron = NeuralModel.instance() prediction, number, accuracy = neuron.guess(self.image) self.accuracy = accuracy self.prev_guesses.appendleft(np.array(prediction)) m = np.mean(self.prev_guesses, axis=0) number = np.argmax(m, axis=0) self.number = number if m[number] > confidence_threshold: self.number = number return self.number
def test(args): """ test models for each label @param args (dict): command line args """ entail_pairs, neutral_pairs, contradict_pairs = extract_pair_corpus(args['--test-file']) labels = ['entail', 'neutral', 'contradict'] for i, label in enumerate(labels): if label == 'entail': data = entail_pairs elif label == 'neutral': data = neutral_pairs elif label == 'contradict': data = contradict_pairs save_gen_hyp_path = label + '_test' + args['--save-generated-hyp-to'] prems = [prem for (prem, hyp) in data] model_path = label.upper() + '_MODEL' model = NeuralModel.load(args[model_path]) model = gen_hyps, sim_score, bleu_score = evaluate(args, data, model) save_generated_hyps(save_gen_hyp_path, prems, gen_hyps) print('%s sim score = %.2f, BLEU score = %.2f' % (label, sim_score, bleu_score))
- results/milestone_oscillation_svdist.png - results/milestone_oscillation_trajectory_2sv.png """ from util.neuron_metadata import * from util.plot_util import * import numpy as np import pandas as pd from neural_model import NeuralModel from sklearn.decomposition import PCA from mpl_toolkits import mplot3d neuron_metadata_collection = NeuronMetadataCollection.load_from_chem_json( 'data/chem.json') model = NeuralModel(neuron_metadata_collection) model.seed = 0 model.set_current_injection("AVBL", 2.3) model.set_current_injection("AVBR", 2.3) model.set_current_injection("PLML", 1.4) model.set_current_injection("PLMR", 1.4) model.init() (v_mat, s_mat, v_normalized_mat) = # The oscillatory dynamic doesn't stabilize until about dt*300 onwards. # Also, interactome analysis is done after the first 50 timesteps. fwd_dynamics = v_normalized_mat[300:, :] # Plot some motor neurons. fig = plot_saved_dynamics(['AS01', 'DA01', 'DD01'], fwd_dynamics, neuron_metadata_collection) fig.savefig("results/milestone_oscillation_motorneurons.png")
def train_lg_model(args, vocab, embeddings, train_data, dev_data, label): """ train LG model on the specific label @param args (dict): command line args @param vocab (Vocab): Vocab class obj @param embeddings (torch.tensor(len(vocab), embed_dim)): pretrained word embeddings @param train_data (list[tuple]): list of train (prem, hyp) pairs @param dev_data (lis(tuple)): list of dev (prem, hyp) pairs @param label (str): hyp label """ train_batch_size = int(args['--batch-size']) clip_grad = float(args['--clip-grad']) model_save_path = label + args['--save-model-to'] model = NeuralModel(vocab, int(args['--embed-size']), embeddings, hidden_size=int(args['--hidden-size']), dropout_rate=float(args['--dropout'])) model = init_lr = float(args['--lr']) optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=init_lr) total_loss = .0 total_hyp_words = 0 dev_prems = [prem for (prem, hyp) in dev_data] save_gen_hyp_path = label + args['--save-generated-hyp-to'] hist_dev_scores = [] patience = 0 begin_time = time.time() for epoch in range(int(args['--max-epoch'])): for prems, hyps in batch_iter(train_data, batch_size=train_batch_size, shuffle=True): num_hyp_words_to_predict = sum(len(hyp[1:]) for hyp in hyps) optimizer.zero_grad() batch_size = len(prems) batch_loss = -model(prems, hyps).sum() loss = batch_loss / num_hyp_words_to_predict loss.backward() grad_norm = torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(model.parameters(), clip_grad) optimizer.step() batch_losses_val = batch_loss.item() total_loss += batch_losses_val total_hyp_words += num_hyp_words_to_predict print('epoch = %d, loss = %.2f, perplexity = %.2f, time_elapsed = %.2f sec' % (epoch, total_loss / total_hyp_words, 2**(total_loss / total_hyp_words), time.time() - begin_time)) #reset epoch progress vars total_loss = .0 total_hyp_words = 0 #perform validation dev_hyps, sim_score, bleu_score = evaluate(args, dev_data, model) is_better = epoch == 0 or sim_score > max(hist_dev_scores) hist_dev_scores.append(sim_score) if is_better: #reset patience patience = 0 #save model #save generated hyps save_generated_hyps(save_gen_hyp_path, dev_prems, dev_hyps) else: patience += 1 if patience == int(args['--patience']): print('finishing training: dev sim score = %.2f, BLEU score = %.2f' % (sim_score, bleu_score)) return print('validation: dev sim score = %.2f, BLEU score = %.2f' % (sim_score, bleu_score)) #update lr after every 2 epochs lr = init_lr / 2 ** (epoch // 2) for param_group in optimizer.param_groups: param_group['lr'] = lr
parser.add_argument("--thread-count", default=cpu_count()) # parser.add_argument("--depth", default=8) # parser.add_argument("--window-size", default=5) # parser.add_argument("--split-factor", default=0.2) parser.add_argument("--num_lstms", default=1) # parser.add_argument("--dropouts", default=[0.2], nargs='+') # parser.add_argument("--units", default=[512], nargs='+') # parser.add_argument("--output-model-name") parser.add_argument("--load-model") parser.add_argument("--classify", action='store_true') args = parser.parse_args() if args.model == "GBDT": model = ForestModel(args.learning_rate, args.depth, args.iterations, args.thread_count, args.window_size) elif args.model == "LSTM": model = NeuralModel(args.num_lstms, args.dropouts, args.units) model.prepare(args.convert_from, args.convert_to, args.split_factor) if args.load_model: model.load(args.load_model) else: model.train() if args.output_model_name:[ args.output_model_name + str(i) + '.h5' for i in range(args.num_lstms)]) quality = model.test(not args.classify) for name, value in quality: print(name, ":", value) if args.classify: with open(args.convert_from, 'r') as f1, open(args.convert_to, 'r') as f2: new_queries = get_new_parses_for_first(f2, f1)"Total new words %s", len(new_queries))
from __future__ import print_function import cv2 import numpy as np from neural_model import NeuralModel from sudoku_tools import * cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0) cv2.startWindowThread() # Loading our neuralModel NeuralModel.instance() required_num_in_sol = "123456789" try: while True: _, img = img_shape = img.shape output_shape = (img_shape[1], img_shape[0]) #check for a valid box corners corners = get_sudoku_box(img, draw_contours=True) if corners is not None: cropped_sudoku, sudoku_crop_thresh, extracted_digits, predicted_unsolved_grid, img_cropped_sudoku, img_final, sudoku = sudoku_main( img, corners, required_num_in_sol=required_num_in_sol) #creating collage of cropped_thresholded_input_sudoku and solved_cropped_sudoku div = np.zeros((250, 25), np.float64) div.fill(255) input_sudoku = extracted_digits input_sudoku = cv2.resize(input_sudoku, (250, 250))