Esempio n. 1
    def forward(self, X: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
        """Forward pass for convolutional layer. This layer convolves the input
        `X` with a filter of weights, adds a bias term, and applies an activation
        function to compute the output. This layer also supports padding and
        integer strides. Intermediates necessary for the backward pass are stored
        in the cache.

        X  input with shape (batch_size, in_rows, in_cols, in_channels)

        output feature maps with shape (batch_size, out_rows, out_cols, out_channels)
        if self.n_in is None:

        W = self.parameters["W"]
        b = self.parameters["b"]

        kernel_height, kernel_width, in_channels, out_channels = W.shape
        n_examples, in_rows, in_cols, in_channels = X.shape
        kernel_shape = (kernel_height, kernel_width)

        ### BEGIN YOUR CODE ###
        self.cache["X"] = X
        # implement a convolutional forward pass

        X, p = pad2d(X, self.pad, self.kernel_shape, self.stride)

        out_rows = 1 + (in_rows + p[0] + p[1] - kernel_height) // self.stride
        out_cols = 1 + (in_cols + p[0] + p[1] - kernel_height) // self.stride

        out = np.zeros((n_examples, out_rows, out_cols, out_channels))
        Z = np.zeros(out.shape)

        for n in range(n_examples):
            for o in range(out_channels):
                for hprime in range(out_rows):
                    for wprime in range(out_cols):
                        starth = hprime * self.stride
                        endh = hprime * self.stride + kernel_height
                        startw = wprime * self.stride
                        endw = wprime * self.stride + kernel_width
                        x_overlap = X[n, starth:endh, startw:endw, :]
                        z = np.sum(x_overlap * W[:, :, :, o]) + b[o]
                        Z[n, hprime, wprime, o] = z
                        out[n, hprime, wprime, o] = self.activation.forward(z)

        # cache any values required for backprop

        self.cache["W"] = W
        self.cache["b"] = b
        self.cache["Z"] = Z
        self.cache["out"] = out
        ### END YOUR CODE ###

        return out
Esempio n. 2
    def backward(self, dLdY: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
        """Backward pass for conv layer. Computes the gradients of the output
        with respect to the input feature maps as well as the filter weights and

        dLdY  derivative of loss with respect to output of this layer
              shape (batch_size, out_rows, out_cols, out_channels)

        derivative of the loss with respect to the input of this layer
        shape (batch_size, in_rows, in_cols, in_channels)
        ### BEGIN YOUR CODE ###
        X = self.cache["X"]
        W = self.cache["W"]
        b = self.cache["b"]
        Z = self.cache["Z"]

        kernel_height, kernel_width, in_channels, out_channels = W.shape
        n_examples, in_rows, in_cols, in_channels = X.shape

        new_x, p = pad2d(X, self.pad, self.kernel_shape, self.stride)

        out_rows = 1 + (in_rows + p[0] + p[1] - kernel_height) // self.stride
        out_cols = 1 + (in_cols + p[0] + p[1] - kernel_height) // self.stride

        der_new_x = np.zeros(new_x.shape)
        dw = np.zeros(W.shape)
        db = np.zeros(b.shape)

        dldIK = self.activation.backward(Z, dLdY)

        for n in range(n_examples):
            for o in range(out_channels):
                db[o] += np.sum(dldIK[n, :, :, o])
                for hprime in range(out_rows):
                    for wprime in range(out_cols):
                        starth = hprime * self.stride
                        endh = hprime * self.stride + kernel_height
                        startw = wprime * self.stride
                        endw = wprime * self.stride + kernel_width
                        dw_new = new_x[n, starth:endh, startw:endw, :]
                        dw[:, :, :, o] += dw_new * dldIK[n, hprime, wprime, o]
                        der_new_x[n, starth:endh,
                                  startw:endw, :] += W[:, :, :,
                                                       o] * dldIK[n, hprime,
                                                                  wprime, o]
        dX = der_new_x[:, p[0]:p[1] + in_rows, p[2]:p[3] + in_cols, :]
        # perform a backward pass
        self.gradients["W"] = dw
        self.gradients["b"] = db
        ### END YOUR CODE ###

        return dX
    def backward(self, dLdY: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
        """Backward pass for conv layer. Computes the gradients of the output
        with respect to the input feature maps as well as the filter weights and

        dLdY  derivative of loss with respect to output of this layer
              shape (batch_size, out_rows, out_cols, out_channels)

        derivative of the loss with respect to the input of this layer
        shape (batch_size, in_rows, in_cols, in_channels)
        ### BEGIN YOUR CODE ###
        W = self.parameters["W"]
        b = self.parameters["b"]
        Z = self.cache["Z"]
        X = self.cache["X"]

        kernel_height, kernel_width, in_channels, out_channels = W.shape
        n_examples, in_rows, in_cols, in_channels = X.shape
        kernel_shape = (kernel_height, kernel_width)

        X_pad = pad2d(X, self.pad, kernel_shape, self.stride)[0]

        # perform a backward pass
        dZ = self.activation.backward(Z, dLdY)
        dX = np.zeros_like(X_pad)
        dW = np.zeros_like(W)
        db = np.zeros_like(b)

        for data_point in range(n_examples):
            for n in range(out_channels):
                for d2 in range(in_cols):
                    for d1 in range(in_rows):
                        X_r_start, X_c_start = self.stride * d1, self.stride * d2
                        window = X_pad[data_point,
                                       X_r_start:X_r_start + kernel_height,
                                       X_c_start:X_c_start + kernel_width, :]
                        dZ_curr = dZ[data_point, d1, d2, n]
                        db[0, n] += dZ_curr
                        dW[:, :, :, n] += dZ_curr * window
                        dX[data_point, X_r_start:X_r_start + kernel_height,
                           X_c_start:X_c_start +
                           kernel_width, :] += W[:, :, :, n] * dZ_curr
        ### END YOUR CODE ###
        self.gradients["b"] = db
        self.gradients["W"] = dW

        row_ = np.floor_divide(X_pad.shape[1] - in_rows, 2)
        col_ = np.floor_divide(X_pad.shape[2] - in_cols, 2)

        return dX[:, row_:row_ + in_rows, col_:col_ + in_cols, :]
    def forward(self, X: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
        """Forward pass for convolutional layer. This layer convolves the input
        `X` with a filter of weights, adds a bias term, and applies an activation
        function to compute the output. This layer also supports padding and
        integer strides. Intermediates necessary for the backward pass are stored
        in the cache.

        X  input with shape (batch_size, in_rows, in_cols, in_channels)

        output feature maps with shape (batch_size, out_rows, out_cols, out_channels)
        if self.n_in is None:
        # print(self.pad)

        self.cache["X"] = X

        W = self.parameters["W"]
        b = self.parameters["b"]

        kernel_height, kernel_width, in_channels, out_channels = W.shape
        n_examples, in_rows, in_cols, in_channels = X.shape
        kernel_shape = (kernel_height, kernel_width)

        Z = np.zeros((n_examples, X.shape[1], X.shape[2], out_channels))

        X = pad2d(X, self.pad, kernel_shape, self.stride)[0]

        ### BEGIN YOUR CODE ###

        # implement a convolutional forward pass

        for ex in range(n_examples):
            for n in range(out_channels):
                for d2 in range(in_cols):
                    for d1 in range(in_rows):
                        X_c = d2 * self.stride
                        X_r = d1 * self.stride
                        window = X[ex, X_r:X_r + kernel_width,
                                   X_c:X_c + kernel_height, :]
                        Z[ex, d1, d2,
                          n] = np.sum(W[:, :, :, n] * window) + b[0, n]
        # cache any values required for backprop

        ### END YOUR CODE ###
        out = self.activation(Z)
        self.cache["Z"] = Z

        return out
Esempio n. 5
    def forward(self, X: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
        """Forward pass for convolutional layer. This layer convolves the input
        `X` with a filter of weights, adds a bias term, and applies an activation
        function to compute the output. This layer also supports padding and
        integer strides. Intermediates necessary for the backward pass are stored
        in the cache.

        X  input with shape (batch_size, in_rows, in_cols, in_channels)

        output feature maps with shape (batch_size, out_rows, out_cols, out_channels)
        if self.n_in is None:

        W = self.parameters["W"]
        b = self.parameters["b"]

        kernel_height, kernel_width, in_channels, out_channels = W.shape
        n_examples, in_rows, in_cols, in_channels = X.shape
        kernel_shape = (kernel_height, kernel_width)

        ### BEGIN YOUR CODE ###
        self.cache["X"] = X
        X, _ = pad2d(X, self.pad, kernel_shape, self.stride)
        # implement a convolutional forward pass
        Z = np.zeros((n_examples, X.shape[1] - kernel_height + 1,
                      X.shape[2] - kernel_width + 1, self.n_out))
        rows, cols, examples, channels = np.arange(Z.shape[1]), np.arange(
            Z.shape[2]), np.arange(n_examples), np.arange(in_channels)
        for example in examples:
            x = X[example]
            z = np.zeros(Z.shape[1:])
            for row in rows:
                for col in cols:
                    x_slice = x[row:row + kernel_height,
                                col:col + kernel_width, :]
                    r = np.tensordot(x_slice, W, axes=([0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 2
                                                                   ])) + b
                    z[row, col] = r
            Z[example] = z
        self.cache["Z"] = Z
        out = self.activation(Z)

        # cache any values required for backprop

        ### END YOUR CODE ###

        return out
Esempio n. 6
    def forward(self, X: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
        Forward pass for convolutional layer. This layer convolves the input
        `X` with a filter of weights, adds a bias term, and applies an activation
        function to compute the output. This layer also supports padding and
        integer strides. Intermediates necessary for the backward pass are stored
        in the cache.

        X  input with shape (batch_size, in_rows, in_cols, in_channels)

        output feature maps with shape (batch_size, out_rows, out_cols, out_channels)
        if self.n_in is None:

        WEIGHT = self.parameters["W"]
        b = self.parameters["b"]

        HH, WW, C, F = WEIGHT.shape
        N, H, W, C = X.shape
        kernel_shape = (HH, WW)

        padded_x, p = pad2d(X, self.pad, kernel_shape, stride=self.stride)
        _, padH, padW, _ = p
        ### BEGIN YOUR CODE ###

        Hout = int(1 + (H + 2 * padH - HH) / self.stride)
        Wout = int(1 + (W + 2 * padW - WW) / self.stride)
        Z = np.empty((N, Hout, Wout, F))

        # implement a convolutional forward pass

        for h in range(Hout):
            for wi in range(Wout):
                toConvolute = padded_x[:, h * self.stride:h * self.stride + HH,
                                       wi * self.stride:wi * self.stride +
                                       WW, :]
                for f in range(F):
                    Z[:, h, wi, f] = np.sum(toConvolute * WEIGHT[:, :, :, f],
                                            axis=(1, 2, 3)) + b[0, f]

        out = self.activation(Z)
        # cache any values required for backprop
        self.cache["X"] = X
        self.cache["Z"] = Z

        ### END YOUR CODE ###
        return out
Esempio n. 7
    def backward(self, dLdY: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
        """Backward pass for conv layer. Computes the gradients of the output
        with respect to the input feature maps as well as the filter weights and

        dLdY  derivative of loss with respect to output of this layer
              shape (batch_size, out_rows, out_cols, out_channels)

        derivative of the loss with respect to the input of this layer
        shape (batch_size, in_rows, in_cols, in_channels)
        ### BEGIN YOUR CODE ###
        X = self.cache["X"]
        Z = self.cache["Z"]
        W = self.parameters["W"]
        b = self.parameters["b"]

        kernel_height, kernel_width, in_channels, out_channels = W.shape
        n_examples, in_rows, in_cols, in_channels = X.shape
        kernel_shape = (kernel_height, kernel_width)

        dldZ = self.activation.backward(Z, dLdY)
        dLdZ, p = pad2d(dldZ, self.pad, kernel_shape, self.stride)
        out = np.zeros(X.shape)
        rows, cols, examples = np.arange(out.shape[1]), np.arange(
            out.shape[2]), np.arange(n_examples)
        for example in examples:
            x = dLdZ[example]
            z = np.zeros(out.shape[1:])
            for row in rows:
                for col in cols:
                    x_slice = np.rot90(
                        x[row:row + kernel_height, col:col + kernel_width, :],
                        2, (0, 1))
                    z[row, col] = np.tensordot(x_slice,
                                               axes=([0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 3]))
            out[example] = z
        dW = np.zeros(W.shape)
        for example in examples:
            x = X[example]
            dldz = dLdZ[example]
            z = np.zeros(kernel_shape)
            for o in range(self.n_out):
                for i in range(self.n_in):
                    im = x[:, :, i]
                    dz = dldz[:, :, o]
                    for row in range(kernel_height):
                        for col in range(kernel_width):
                            dz_slice = dz[kernel_height - row -
                                          1:kernel_height - row - 1 +
                                          kernel_width - col - 1:kernel_width -
                                          col - 1 + im.shape[1]]
                            z[row, col] = np.sum(im * dz_slice)
                    dW[:, :, i, o] += z
        self.gradients['W'] = dW
        self.gradients['b'] = np.sum(dldZ, axis=(0, 1, 2))
        ### END YOUR CODE ###

        return out
Esempio n. 8
    def backward(self, dLdY: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
        """Backward pass for conv layer. Computes the gradients of the output
        with respect to the input feature maps as well as the filter weights and

        dLdY  derivative of loss with respect to output of this layer
              shape (batch_size, out_rows, out_cols, out_channels)

        derivative of the loss with respect to the input of this layer
        shape (batch_size, in_rows, in_cols, in_channels)
        ### BEGIN YOUR CODE ###
        X = self.cache["X"]
        Z = self.cache["Z"]

        WEIGHT = self.parameters["W"]
        b = self.parameters["b"]

        N, H, W, C = X.shape
        HH, WW, C, F = WEIGHT.shape
        kernel_shape = (HH, WW)

        Hout = dLdY.shape[1]
        Wout = dLdY.shape[2]

        #padding x
        padded_x, p = pad2d(X, self.pad, kernel_shape, stride=self.stride)
        _, padH, padW, _ = p

        #setting up gradient matrices
        padded_dx = np.zeros(padded_x.shape)
        dw = np.zeros(WEIGHT.shape)

        # perform a backward pass

        dLdY = self.activation.backward(Z, dLdY)

        for h in range(Hout):
            for wi in range(Wout):
                for n in range(N):
                    #Gradient for dx
                    padded_dx[n,h*self.stride : h*self.stride+HH, wi*self.stride : wi*self.stride+WW, :] += \

                for f in range(F):
                    #Gradient for W
                    dw[:,:,:,f] += (padded_x[:, h*self.stride : h*self.stride+HH, wi*self.stride : wi*self.stride+WW, :]*\

        #removing padding and calculating db
        dx = padded_dx[:, padH:-padH, padW:-padW, :]
        db = dLdY.sum(axis=(0, 1, 2)).reshape(1, -1)

        #storing gradients
        self.gradients["W"] = dw
        self.gradients["b"] = db

        ### END YOUR CODE ###

        return dx
Esempio n. 9
    def backward(self, dLdY: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
        """Backward pass for conv layer. Computes the gradients of the output
        with respect to the input feature maps as well as the filter weights and

        dLdY  derivative of loss with respect to output of this layer
              shape (batch_size, out_rows, out_cols, out_channels)

        derivative of the loss with respect to the input of this layer
        shape (batch_size, in_rows, in_cols, in_channels)
        ### BEGIN YOUR CODE ###

        X = self.cache["X"]
        Z = self.cache["Z"]

        W = self.parameters["W"]
        b = self.parameters["b"]

        kernel_height, kernel_width, in_channels, out_channels = W.shape
        n_examples, in_rows, in_cols, in_channels = X.shape
        kernel_shape = (kernel_height, kernel_width)

        Hout = dLdY.shape[1]
        Wout = dLdY.shape[2]

        padded_x, p = pad2d(X, self.pad, kernel_shape, stride=self.stride)
        _, padH, padW, _ = p

        padded_dx = np.zeros(padded_x.shape)
        dw = np.zeros(W.shape)

        # perform a backward pass

        dLdY = self.activation.backward(Z, dLdY)

        for i in range(Hout):
            for j in range(Wout):
                h_start = i * self.stride
                h_end = h_start + kernel_height
                w_start = j * self.stride
                w_end = w_start + kernel_width
                padded_dx [:, h_start:h_end, w_start:w_end, :] +=\
                    (W[np.newaxis, :, :, :, :]*dLdY[:, i:i+1, j:j+1, np.newaxis, :]).sum(axis=4)
                dw += np.sum(padded_x[:, h_start:h_end, w_start:w_end, :, np.newaxis] *\
                             dLdY[:, i:i+1, j:j+1, np.newaxis, :], axis=0)

        dx = padded_dx[:, padH:-padH, padW:-padW, :]
        db = dLdY.sum(axis=(0, 1, 2)).reshape(1, -1)

        #storing gradients
        self.gradients["W"] = dw
        self.gradients["b"] = db

        ### END YOUR CODE ###

        return dx