Esempio n. 1
def test_section_tortuosity():
    sec_a = load_neuron(StringIO(u"""
	((CellBody) (0 0 0 2))
    (0 0 0 2)
    (1 0 0 2)
    (2 0 0 2)
    (3 0 0 2))"""),

    sec_b = load_neuron(StringIO(u"""
    ((CellBody) (0 0 0 2))
    (0 0 0 2)
    (1 0 0 2)
    (1 2 0 2)
    (0 2 0 2))"""),

    nt.eq_(_sf.section_tortuosity(sec_a), 1.0)
    nt.eq_(_sf.section_tortuosity(sec_b), 4.0 / 2.0)

    for s in _nf.iter_sections(NRN):
            mmth.section_length(s.points) /
            mmth.point_dist(s.points[0], s.points[-1]))
Esempio n. 2
    def __init__(self, points):
        super(SomaNeuromorphoThreePointCylinders, self).__init__(points)

        # X    Y     Z   R    P
        # xs ys      zs rs   -1
        # xs (ys-rs) zs rs    1
        # xs (ys+rs) zs rs    1

        r = points[0, COLS.R]
        # make sure the above invariant holds
        assert (np.isclose(r, points[1, COLS.R]) and np.isclose(r, points[2, COLS.R])), \
            'All radii must be the same'
        # only warn users about invalid format
        if r < 1e-5:
            warnings.warn('Zero radius for {}'.format(self))
        if not np.isclose(points[0, COLS.Y] - points[1, COLS.Y], r):
                'The second point must be one radius below 0 on the y-plane for {}'
        if not np.isclose(points[0, COLS.Y] - points[2, COLS.Y], -r):
                'The third point must be one radius above 0 on the y-plane for {}'
        h = morphmath.point_dist(points[1, COLS.XYZ], points[2, COLS.XYZ])
        self.area = 2.0 * math.pi * r * h  # ignores the 'end-caps' of the cylinder
        self.radius = math.sqrt(self.area / (4. * math.pi))
Esempio n. 3
def test_section_tortuosity():
    sec_a = load_neuron(StringIO(u"""
	((CellBody) (0 0 0 2))
    (0 0 0 2)
    (1 0 0 2)
    (2 0 0 2)
    (3 0 0 2))"""),

    sec_b = load_neuron(StringIO(u"""
    ((CellBody) (0 0 0 2))
    (0 0 0 2)
    (1 0 0 2)
    (1 2 0 2)
    (0 2 0 2))"""),

    assert _sf.section_tortuosity(sec_a) == 1.0
    assert _sf.section_tortuosity(sec_b) == 4.0 / 2.0

    for s in _nf.iter_sections(NRN):
        assert (_sf.section_tortuosity(s) == mmth.section_length(s.points) /
                mmth.point_dist(s.points[0], s.points[-1]))
Esempio n. 4
def section_end_distance(section):
    '''End to end distance of a section

    The end to end distance of a section is defined as
    the euclidian distnce between its end points.

    If the section contains less than 2 points, the value 0 is returned.
    pts = section.points
    return 0 if len(pts) < 2 else mm.point_dist(pts[-1], pts[0])
Esempio n. 5
def test_section_tortuosity():

    sec_a = Section([(0, 0, 0), (1, 0, 0), (2, 0, 0), (3, 0, 0)])

    sec_b = Section([(0, 0, 0), (1, 0, 0), (1, 2, 0), (0, 2, 0)])

    nt.eq_(_sf.section_tortuosity(sec_a), 1.0)
    nt.eq_(_sf.section_tortuosity(sec_b), 4.0 / 2.0)

    for s in _nf.iter_sections(NRN):
        nt.eq_(_sf.section_tortuosity(s), mmth.section_length(s.points) / mmth.point_dist(s.points[0], s.points[-1]))
Esempio n. 6
def section_radial_distance(section, origin):
    '''Return the radial distances of a tree section to a given origin point

    The radial distance is the euclidian distance between the
    end-point point of the section and the origin point in question.

        section: neurite section object
        origin: point to which distances are measured. It must have at least 3\
            components. The first 3 components are (x, y, z).
    return mm.point_dist(section.points[-1], origin)
Esempio n. 7
def section_tortuosity(section):
    '''Tortuosity of a section

    The tortuosity is defined as the ratio of the path length of a section
    and the euclidian distnce between its end points.

    The path length is the sum of distances between consecutive points.

    If the section contains less than 2 points, the value 1 is returned.
    pts = section.points
    return 1 if len(pts) < 2 else mm.section_length(pts) / mm.point_dist(pts[-1], pts[0])
Esempio n. 8
def section_radial_distance(section, origin):
    '''Return the radial distances of a tree section to a given origin point

    The radial distance is the euclidian distance between the
    end-point point of the section and the origin point in question.

        section: neurite section object
        origin: point to which distances are measured. It must have at least 3\
            components. The first 3 components are (x, y, z).
    return mm.point_dist(section.points[-1], origin)
Esempio n. 9
def test_section_tortuosity():
    sec_a = Section([(0, 0, 0), (1, 0, 0), (2, 0, 0), (3, 0, 0)])

    sec_b = Section([(0, 0, 0), (1, 0, 0), (1, 2, 0), (0, 2, 0)])

    nt.eq_(_sf.section_tortuosity(sec_a), 1.0)
    nt.eq_(_sf.section_tortuosity(sec_b), 4.0 / 2.0)

    for s in _nf.iter_sections(NRN):
            mmth.section_length(s.points) /
            mmth.point_dist(s.points[0], s.points[-1]))
Esempio n. 10
    def __init__(self, morphio_soma):
        """Initialize a SomaNeuromorphoThreePointCylinders object."""

        # X    Y     Z   R    P
        # xs ys      zs rs   -1
        # xs (ys-rs) zs rs    1
        # xs (ys+rs) zs rs    1

        r = self.points[0, COLS.R]
        # make sure the above invariant holds
        assert (np.isclose(r, self.points[1, COLS.R]) and np.isclose(r, self.points[2, COLS.R])), \
            'All radii must be the same'
        if r < 1e-5:
            warnings.warn('Zero radius for {}'.format(self))
        h = morphmath.point_dist(self.points[1, COLS.XYZ],
                                 self.points[2, COLS.XYZ])
        self.area = 2.0 * math.pi * r * h  # ignores the 'end-caps' of the cylinder
        self.radius = math.sqrt(self.area / (4. * math.pi))
Esempio n. 11
def i_section_radial_dist(tree, pos=None, use_start_point=False):
    '''Return an iterator of radial distances of tree sections to a given point

    The radial distance is the euclidian distance between the either the
    end-point or rhe start point of the section and the point in question.

        tree: tree object
        pos: origin to which distances are measured. It must have at least 3\
            components. The first 3 components are (x, y, z).\
            (default tree origin)

        use_start_point: If true, calculate distance from section start point,\
            else from end-point (default, False)

    pos = tree.value if pos is None else pos
    sec_idx = 0 if use_start_point else -1
    return imap_val(lambda s: mm.point_dist(s[sec_idx], pos), ptr.isection(tree))
Esempio n. 12
def _add_coords(synapse, morphology):
    """Adds coordinates and direction fields to ``synapses`` via ``apply`` function."""
    is_pre = PRE_SECTION_ID in synapse.index and not pd.isnull(
    is_post = POST_SECTION_ID in synapse.index and not pd.isnull(
    assert is_pre != is_post, 'Synapse must have either afferent or efferent section ids for the ' \
                              'morphology. It cant have both at the same time.'

    if is_post:
        sec_id = int(synapse[POST_SECTION_ID])
        seg_id = int(synapse[POST_SEGMENT_ID])
        seg_ofst = float(synapse[POST_SEGMENT_OFFSET])
        synapse['direction'] = 'afferent'
        sec_id = int(synapse[PRE_SECTION_ID])
        seg_id = int(synapse[PRE_SEGMENT_ID])
        seg_ofst = float(synapse[PRE_SEGMENT_OFFSET])
        synapse['direction'] = 'efferent'

    if sec_id == 0:
        # synapse is on soma
        p = morphology.soma.points[0]
        synapse['x'], synapse['y'], synapse['z'] = p[COLS.XYZ]
        # place synapse on surface of soma along Z axes so it won't be hidden by soma on the plot
        synapse['z'] += p[COLS.R]
        return synapse

    # NeuroM morphology counts sections from 0. Synapses count sections from 1 because section
    # id 0 is for soma.
    sec_id -= 1
    sec = morphology.sections[sec_id]
    assert sec_id ==, f'Error. Synapse with section id {sec_id} must map to the same ' \
                             f'section id in `morphology` arg but maps to {}.'
    assert 0 <= seg_id <= len(sec.points), f'No such segment id {seg_id} for section id ' \
                                           f'{sec_id} of `morphology` arg'

    seg_p1, seg_p2 = sec.points[seg_id - 1], sec.points[seg_id]
    seg_len = morphmath.point_dist(seg_p1, seg_p2)
    coords = morphmath.linear_interpolate(seg_p1, seg_p2, seg_ofst / seg_len)
    synapse['x'], synapse['y'], synapse['z'] = coords
    return synapse
Esempio n. 13
    def __init__(self, points):
        super(SomaNeuromorphoThreePointCylinders, self).__init__(points)

        # X    Y     Z   R    P
        # xs ys      zs rs   -1
        # xs (ys-rs) zs rs    1
        # xs (ys+rs) zs rs    1

        # make sure the above invariant holds
        assert (np.isclose(points[0, COLS.R], points[1, COLS.R]) and
                np.isclose(points[0, COLS.R], points[2, COLS.R])), \
            'All radii must be the same'
        # These checks were turned off after
        # assert np.isclose(points[0, COLS.Y] - points[1, COLS.Y], points[0, COLS.R]), \
        #     'The second point must be one radius below 0 on the y-plane'
        # assert np.isclose(points[0, COLS.Y] - points[2, COLS.Y], -points[0, COLS.R]), \
        #     'The third point must be one radius above 0 on the y-plane'

        r = points[0, COLS.R]
        h = morphmath.point_dist(points[1, COLS.XYZ], points[2, COLS.XYZ])
        self.area = 2.0 * math.pi * r * h  # ignores the 'end-caps' of the cylinder
        self.radius = math.sqrt(self.area / (4. * math.pi))
Esempio n. 14
    def __init__(self, points):
        super(SomaNeuromorphoThreePointCylinders, self).__init__(points)

        # X    Y     Z   R    P
        # xs ys      zs rs   -1
        # xs (ys-rs) zs rs    1
        # xs (ys+rs) zs rs    1

        # make sure the above invariant holds
        assert (np.isclose(points[0, COLS.R], points[1, COLS.R]) and
                np.isclose(points[0, COLS.R], points[2, COLS.R])), \
            'All radii must be the same'
        # These checks were turned off after
        # assert np.isclose(points[0, COLS.Y] - points[1, COLS.Y], points[0, COLS.R]), \
        #     'The second point must be one radius below 0 on the y-plane'
        # assert np.isclose(points[0, COLS.Y] - points[2, COLS.Y], -points[0, COLS.R]), \
        #     'The third point must be one radius above 0 on the y-plane'

        r = points[0, COLS.R]
        h = morphmath.point_dist(points[1, COLS.XYZ], points[2, COLS.XYZ])
        self.area = 2.0 * math.pi * r * h  # ignores the 'end-caps' of the cylinder
        self.radius = math.sqrt(self.area / (4. * math.pi))
Esempio n. 15
def path_end_to_end_distance(neurite):
    """Calculate and return end-to-end-distance of a given neurite."""
    trunk = neurite.root_node.points[0]
    return max(
        morphmath.point_dist(l.points[-1], trunk)
        for l in neurite.root_node.ileaf())
Esempio n. 16
def test_segment_radial_dist():
    seg = ((11, 11, 11), (33, 33, 33))
    assert_almost_equal(mm.segment_radial_dist(seg, (0, 0, 0)),
                           mm.point_dist((0, 0, 0), (22, 22, 22)))
Esempio n. 17
def test_point_dist():
    p1 = Point(3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 3.0)
    p2 = Point(4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 3.0)
    dist = mm.point_dist(p1, p2)
    assert dist == sqrt(3)
Esempio n. 18
 def _dist(section):
     '''Hacky closure'''
     return mm.point_dist(pos, section[sec_idx])
Esempio n. 19
def test_segment_radial_dist():
    seg = ((11,11,11), (33, 33, 33))
    nt.assert_almost_equal(mm.segment_radial_dist(seg, (0,0,0)),
                           mm.point_dist((0,0,0), (22,22,22)))
Esempio n. 20
def test_point_dist():
    p1 = Point(3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 3.0, 1)
    p2 = Point(4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 3.0, 1)
    dist = mm.point_dist(p1,p2)
    nt.eq_(dist, sqrt(3))
Esempio n. 21
 def _dist(seg):
     """Distance between segmenr end and trunk."""
     return morphmath.point_dist(seg[1], neurite.root_node.points[0])
Esempio n. 22
def path_end_to_end_distance(neurite):
    '''Calculate and return end-to-end-distance of a given neurite.'''
    trunk = neurite.root_node.points[0]
    return max(morphmath.point_dist(l.points[-1], trunk)
               for l in neurite.root_node.ileaf())
Esempio n. 23
 def _dist(seg):
     '''Distance between segmenr end and trunk'''
     return morphmath.point_dist(seg[1], neurite.root_node.points[0])