Esempio n. 1
def eegRDM(EEG_data,
    Calculate the Representational Dissimilarity Matrix(Matrices) - RDM(s) based on EEG-like data

    EEG_data : array
        The EEG/MEG/fNIRS data.
        The shape of EEGdata must be [n_cons, n_subs, n_trials, n_chls, n_ts].
        n_cons, n_subs, n_trials, n_chls & n_ts represent the number of conidtions, the number of subjects, the number
        of trials, the number of channels & the number of time-points, respectively.
    sub_opt: int 0 or 1. Default is 1.
        Return the subject-result or average-result.
        If sub_opt=0, return the average result.
        If sub_opt=1, return the results of each subject.
    chl_opt : int 0 or 1. Default is 0.
        Calculate the RDM for each channel or not.
        If chl_opt=0, calculate the RDM based on all channels'data.
        If chl_opt=1, calculate the RDMs based on each channel's data respectively.
    time_opt : int 0 or 1. Default is 0.
        Calculate the RDM for each time-point or not
        If time_opt=0, calculate the RDM based on whole time-points' data.
        If time_opt=1, calculate the RDMs based on each time-points respectively.
    time_win : int. Default is 5.
        Set a time-window for calculating the RDM for different time-points.
        Only when time_opt=1, time_win works.
        If time_win=5, that means each calculation process based on 5 time-points.
    time_step : int. Default is 5.
        The time step size for each time of calculating.
        Only when time_opt=1, time_step works.
    method : string 'correlation' or 'euclidean'. Default is 'correlation'.
        The method to calculate the dissimilarities.
        If method='correlation', the dissimilarity is calculated by Pearson Correlation.
        If method='euclidean', the dissimilarity is calculated by Euclidean Distance, the results will be normalized.
    abs : boolean True or False. Default is True.
        Calculate the absolute value of Pearson r or not.

    RDM(s) : array
        The EEG/MEG/fNIR/other EEG-like RDM.
        If sub_opt=0 & chl_opt=0 & time_opt=0, return only one RDM.
            The shape is [n_cons, n_cons].
        If sub_opt=0 & chl_opt=0 & time_opt=1, return int((n_ts-time_win)/time_step)+1 RDM.
            The shape is [int((n_ts-time_win)/time_step)+1, n_cons, n_cons].
        If sub_opt=0 & chl_opt=1 & time_opt=0, return n_chls RDM.
            The shape is [n_chls, n_cons, n_cons].
        If sub_opt=0 & chl_opt=1 & time_opt=1, return n_chls*(int((n_ts-time_win)/time_step)+1) RDM.
            The shape is [n_chls, int((n_ts-time_win)/time_step)+1, n_cons, n_cons].
        If sub_opt=1 & chl_opt=0 & time_opt=0, return n_subs RDM.
            The shape is [n_subs, n_cons, n_cons].
        If sub_opt=1 & chl_opt=0 & time_opt=1, return n_subs*(int((n_ts-time_win)/time_step)+1) RDM.
            The shape is [n_subs, int((n_ts-time_win)/time_step)+1, n_cons, n_cons].
        If sub_opt=1 & chl_opt=1 & time_opt=0, return n_subs*n_chls RDM.
            The shape is [n_subs, n_chls, n_cons, n_cons].
        If sub_opt=1 & chl_opt=1 & time_opt=1, return n_subs*n_chls*(int((n_ts-time_win)/time_step)+1) RDM.
            The shape is [n_subs, n_chls, int((n_ts-time_win)/time_step)+1, n_cons, n_cons].

    Sometimes, the numbers of trials under different conditions are not same. In NeuroRA, we recommend users to average
    the trials under a same condition firstly in this situation. Thus, the shape of input (EEG_data) should be
    [n_cons, n_subs, 1, n_chls, n_ts].

    if len(np.shape(EEG_data)) != 5:

            "The shape of input for eegRDM() function must be [n_cons, n_subs, n_trials, n_chls, n_ts].\n"

        return "Invalid input!"

    # get the number of conditions, subjects, trials, channels and time points
    cons, subs, trials, chls, ts = np.shape(EEG_data)

    if time_opt == 1:

        print("\nComputing RDMs")

        # the time-points for calculating RDM
        ts = int((ts - time_win) / time_step) + 1

        # initialize the data for calculating the RDM
        data = np.zeros([subs, chls, ts, cons, time_win], dtype=np.float64)

        # assignment
        for i in range(subs):
            for j in range(chls):
                for k in range(ts):
                    for l in range(cons):
                        for m in range(time_win):
                            # average the trials
                            data[i, j, k, l,
                                 m] = np.average(EEG_data[l, i, :, j,
                                                          k * time_step + m])

        if chl_opt == 1:

            total = subs * chls * ts

            # initialize the RDMs
            rdms = np.zeros([subs, chls, ts, cons, cons], dtype=np.float64)

            # calculate the values in RDMs
            for i in range(subs):
                for j in range(chls):
                    for k in range(ts):

                        # show the progressbar
                        percent = (i * chls * ts + j * ts + k +
                                   1) / total * 100
                        show_progressbar("Calculating", percent)

                        for l in range(cons):
                            for m in range(cons):
                                if method is 'correlation':
                                    # calculate the Pearson Coefficient
                                    r = pearsonr(data[i, j, k, l],
                                                 data[i, j, k, m])[0]
                                    # calculate the dissimilarity
                                    if abs == True:
                                        rdms[i, j, k, l,
                                             m] = limtozero(1 - np.abs(r))
                                        rdms[i, j, k, l, m] = limtozero(1 - r)
                                elif method == 'euclidean':
                                    rdms[i, j, k, l,
                                         m] = np.linalg.norm(data[i, j, k, l] -
                                                             data[i, j, k, m])
                                """elif method == 'mahalanobis':
                                    X = np.transpose(np.vstack((data[i, j, k, l], data[i, j, k, m])), (1, 0))
                                    X =, np.linalg.inv(np.cov(X, rowvar=False)))
                                    rdms[i, j, k, l, m] = np.linalg.norm(X[:, 0] - X[:, 1])"""
                        if method == 'euclidean':
                            max = np.max(rdms[i, j, k])
                            min = np.min(rdms[i, j, k])
                            rdms[i, j, k] = (rdms[i, j, k] - min) / (max - min)

            # time_opt=1 & chl_opt=1 & sub_opt=1
            if sub_opt == 1:

                print("\nRDMs computing finished!")

                return rdms

            # time_opt=1 & chl_opt=1 & sub_opt=0
            if sub_opt == 0:

                rdms = np.average(rdms, axis=0)

                print("\nRDMs computing finished!")

                return rdms

        # if chl_opt = 0

        data = np.transpose(data, (0, 2, 3, 4, 1))
        data = np.reshape(data, [subs, ts, cons, time_win * chls])

        rdms = np.zeros([subs, ts, cons, cons], dtype=np.float64)

        total = subs * ts

        # calculate the values in RDMs
        for i in range(subs):
            for k in range(ts):

                # show the progressbar
                percent = (i * ts + k + 1) / total * 100
                show_progressbar("Calculating", percent)

                for l in range(cons):
                    for m in range(cons):
                        if method == 'correlation':
                            # calculate the Pearson Coefficient
                            r = pearsonr(data[i, k, l], data[i, k, m])[0]
                            # calculate the dissimilarity
                            if abs is True:
                                rdms[i, k, l, m] = limtozero(1 - np.abs(r))
                                rdms[i, k, l, m] = limtozero(1 - r)
                        elif method == 'euclidean':
                            rdms[i, k, l, m] = np.linalg.norm(data[i, k, l] -
                                                              data[i, k, m])
                if method == 'euclidean':
                    max = np.max(rdms[i, k])
                    min = np.min(rdms[i, k])
                    rdms[i, k] = (rdms[i, k] - min) / (max - min)

        # time_opt=1 & chl_opt=0 & sub_opt=1
        if sub_opt == 1:

            print("\nRDMs computing finished!")

            return rdms

        # time_opt=1 & chl_opt=0 & sub_opt=0
        if sub_opt == 0:

            rdms = np.average(rdms, axis=0)

            print("\nRDM computing finished!")

            return rdms

    # if time_opt = 0

    if chl_opt == 1:

        print("\nComputing RDMs")

        # average the trials
        data = np.average(EEG_data, axis=2)

        # initialize the RDMs
        rdms = np.zeros([subs, chls, cons, cons], dtype=np.float64)

        total = subs * chls

        # calculate the values in RDMs
        for i in range(subs):
            for j in range(chls):

                # show the progressbar
                percent = (i * chls + j + 1) / total * 100
                show_progressbar("Calculating", percent)

                for k in range(cons):
                    for l in range(cons):
                        if method == 'correlation':
                            # calculate the Pearson Coefficient
                            r = pearsonr(data[k, i, j], data[l, i, j])[0]
                            # calculate the dissimilarity
                            if abs == True:
                                rdms[i, j, k, l] = limtozero(1 - np.abs(r))
                                rdms[i, j, k, l] = limtozero(1 - r)
                        elif method == 'euclidean':
                            rdms[i, j, k, l] = np.linalg.norm(data[k, i, j] -
                                                              data[k, i, j])
                if method == 'euclidean':
                    max = np.max(rdms[i, j])
                    min = np.min(rdms[i, j])
                    rdms[i, j] = (rdms[i, j] - min) / (max - min)

        # time_opt=0 & chl_opt=1 & sub_opt=1
        if sub_opt == 1:

            print("\nRDM computing finished!")

            return rdms

        # time_opt=0 & chl_opt=1 & sub_opt=0
        if sub_opt == 0:

            rdms = np.average(rdms, axis=0)

            print("\nRDM computing finished!")

            return rdms

    # if chl_opt = 0

    if sub_opt == 1:

        print("\nComputing RDMs")


        print("\nComputing RDM")

    # average the trials
    data = np.average(EEG_data, axis=2)

    # flatten the data for different calculating conditions
    data = np.reshape(data, [cons, subs, chls * ts])

    # initialize the RDMs
    rdms = np.zeros([subs, cons, cons], dtype=np.float64)

    # calculate the values in RDMs
    for i in range(subs):
        for j in range(cons):
            for k in range(cons):
                if method == 'correlation':
                    # calculate the Pearson Coefficient
                    r = pearsonr(data[j, i], data[k, i])[0]
                    # calculate the dissimilarity
                    if abs == True:
                        rdms[i, j, k] = limtozero(1 - np.abs(r))
                        rdms[i, j, k] = limtozero(1 - r)
                elif method == 'euclidean':
                    rdms[i, j, k] = np.linalg.norm(data[j, i] - data[k, i])
                """elif method == 'mahalanobis':
                    X = np.transpose(np.vstack((data[j, i], data[k, i])), (1, 0))
                    X =, np.linalg.inv(np.cov(X, rowvar=False)))
                    rdms[i, j, k] = np.linalg.norm(X[:, 0] - X[:, 1])"""
        if method == 'euclidean':
            max = np.max(rdms[i])
            min = np.min(rdms[i])
            rdms[i] = (rdms[i] - min) / (max - min)

    if sub_opt == 1:

        print("\nRDMs computing finished!")

        return rdms

    if sub_opt == 0:

        rdms = np.average(rdms, axis=0)

        print("\nRDM computing finished!")

        return rdms
Esempio n. 2
def fmriRDM(fmri_data,
            ksize=[3, 3, 3],
            strides=[1, 1, 1],
    Calculate the Representational Dissimilarity Matrices (RDMs) for fMRI data (Searchlight)

    fmri_data : array
        The fmri data.
        The shape of fmri_data must be [n_cons, n_subs, nx, ny, nz]. n_cons, nx, ny, nz represent the number of
        conditions, the number of subs & the size of fMRI-img, respectively.
    ksize : array or list [kx, ky, kz]. Default is [3, 3, 3].
        The size of the fMRI-img. nx, ny, nz represent the number of voxels along the x, y, z axis.
    strides : array or list [sx, sy, sz]. Default is [1, 1, 1].
        The strides for calculating along the x, y, z axis.
    sub_result: int 0 or 1. Default is 0.
        Return the subject-result or average-result.
        If sub_result=0, return the average result.
        If sub_result=1, return the results of each subject.
    abs : boolean True or False. Default is True.
        Calculate the absolute value of Pearson r or not.

    RDM : array
        The fMRI-Searchlight RDM.
        If sub_result=0, the shape of RDMs is [n_x, n_y, n_z, n_cons, n_cons].
        If sub_result=1, the shape of RDMs is [n_subs, n_x, n_y, n_cons, n_cons]
        n_subs, n_x, n_y, n_z represent the number of subjects & the number of calculation units for searchlight along
        the x, y, z axis.

    # get the number of conditions, subjects and the size of the fMRI-img
    cons, subs, nx, ny, nz = np.shape(fmri_data)

    # the size of the calculation units for searchlight
    kx = ksize[0]
    ky = ksize[1]
    kz = ksize[2]

    # strides for calculating along the x, y, z axis
    sx = strides[0]
    sy = strides[1]
    sz = strides[2]

    # calculate the number of the calculation units in the x, y, z directions
    n_x = int((nx - kx) / sx) + 1
    n_y = int((ny - ky) / sy) + 1
    n_z = int((nz - kz) / sz) + 1

    # initialize the data for calculating the RDM
    data = np.full([n_x, n_y, n_z, cons, kx * ky * kz, subs], np.nan)

    # assignment
    for x in range(n_x):
        for y in range(n_y):
            for z in range(n_z):
                for i in range(cons):

                    index = 0

                    for k1 in range(kx):
                        for k2 in range(ky):
                            for k3 in range(kz):
                                for j in range(subs):
                                    data[x, y, z, i, index,
                                         j] = fmri_data[i, j, x + k1, y + k2,
                                                        z + k3]

                                index = index + 1

    # shape of data: [n_x, n_y, n_z, cons, kx*ky*kz, subs]
    #              ->[subs, n_x, n_y, n_z, cons, kx*ky*kz]
    data = np.transpose(data, (5, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4))

    # flatten the data for different calculating conditions
    data = np.reshape(data, [subs, n_x, n_y, n_z, cons, kx * ky * kz])

    # initialize the RDMs
    subrdms = np.full([subs, n_x, n_y, n_z, cons, cons], np.nan)

    for sub in range(subs):
        for x in range(n_x):
            for y in range(n_y):
                for z in range(n_z):
                    for i in range(cons):
                        for j in range(cons):

                            # no NaN
                            if (np.isnan(data[:, x, y, z, i]).any()
                                    == False) and (np.isnan(
                                        data[:, x, y, z, j]).any() == False):
                                # calculate the Pearson Coefficient
                                r = pearsonr(data[sub, x, y, z, i],
                                             data[sub, x, y, z, j])[0]
                                # calculate the dissimilarity
                                if abs == True:
                                    subrdms[sub, x, y, z, i,
                                            j] = limtozero(1 - np.abs(r))
                                    subrdms[sub, x, y, z, i,
                                            j] = limtozero(1 - r)

    # average the RDMs
    rdms = np.average(subrdms, axis=0)

    if sub_result == 0:
        return rdms
    if sub_result == 1:
        return subrdms
Esempio n. 3
def fmriRDM_roi(fmri_data, mask_data, sub_result=0, abs=True):
    Calculate the Representational Dissimilarity Matrix - RDM(s) for fMRI data (for ROI)

    fmri_data : array
        The fmri data.
        The shape of fmri_data must be [n_cons, n_subs, nx, ny, nz]. n_cons, nx, ny, nz represent the number of
        conditions, the number of subs & the size of fMRI-img, respectively.
    mask_data : array [nx, ny, nz].
        The mask data for region of interest (ROI)
        The size of the fMRI-img. nx, ny, nz represent the number of voxels along the x, y, z axis.
    sub_result: int 0 or 1. Default is 0.
        Return the subject-result or average-result.
        If sub_result=0, return the average result.
        If sub_result=1, return the results of each subject.
    abs : boolean True or False. Default is True.
        Calculate the absolute value of Pearson r or not.

    RDM : array
        The fMRI-ROI RDM.
        If sub_result=0, the shape of RDM is [n_cons, n_cons].
        If sub_result=1, the shape of RDM is [n_subs, n_cons, n_cons].

    # get the number of conditions, subjects, the size of the fMRI-img
    ncons, nsubs, nx, ny, nz = fmri_data.shape

    # record the the number of voxels that is not 0 or NaN
    n = 0

    for i in range(nx):
        for j in range(ny):
            for k in range(nz):

                # not 0 or NaN
                if (mask_data[i, j, k] != 0) and (math.isnan(mask_data[i, j, k]) == False)\
                        and (np.isnan(fmri_data[:, :, :, j, k]).any() == False):
                    n = n + 1

    # initialize the data for calculating the RDM
    data = np.zeros([ncons, nsubs, n], dtype=np.float)

    # assignment
    for p in range(ncons):
        for q in range(nsubs):

            n = 0

            for i in range(nx):
                for j in range(ny):
                    for k in range(nz):

                        # not 0 or NaN
                        if (mask_data[i, j, k] != 0) and (math.isnan(mask_data[i, j, k]) == False)\
                                and (np.isnan(fmri_data[:, :, :, j, k]).any() == False):
                            data[p, q, n] = fmri_data[p, q, i, j, k]
                            n = n + 1

    # initialize the RDMs
    subrdms = np.zeros([nsubs, ncons, ncons], dtype=np.float)

    # shape of data: [ncons, nsubs, n] -> [nsubs, ncons, n]
    data = np.transpose(data, (1, 0, 2))

    # calculate the values in RDM
    for sub in range(nsubs):
        for i in range(ncons):
            for j in range(ncons):

                if (np.isnan(data[:, i]).any() == False) and (np.isnan(
                        data[:, j]).any() == False):
                    # calculate the Pearson Coefficient
                    r = pearsonr(data[sub, i], data[sub, j])[0]
                    # calculate the dissimilarity
                    if abs is True:
                        subrdms[sub, i, j] = limtozero(1 - np.abs(r))
                        subrdms[sub, i, j] = limtozero(1 - r)

    # average the RDMs
    rdm = np.average(subrdms, axis=0)

    if sub_result == 0:
        return rdm
    if sub_result == 1:
        return subrdms
Esempio n. 4
def bhvRDM(bhv_data, sub_opt=0, abs=True):
    Calculate the Representational Dissimilarity Matrix(Matrices) - RDM(s) for behavioral data

    bhv_data : array
        The behavioral data.
        The shape of bhv_data must be [n_cons, n_subs, n_trials].
        n_cons, n_subs & n_trials represent the number of conidtions, the number of subjects & the number of trials,
    sub_opt : int 0 or 1. Default is 0.
        Calculate the RDM for each subject or not.
        If sub_opt=0, return only one RDM based on all data.
        If sub_opt=1, return n_subs RDMs based on each subject's data.
    abs : boolean True or False. Default is True.
        Calculate the absolute value of Pearson r or not.

    RDM(s) : array
        The behavioral RDM.
        If sub_opt=0, return only one RDM. The shape is [n_cons, n_cons].
        If sub_opt=1, return n_subs RDMs. The shape is [n_subs, n_cons, n_cons].

    This function can also be used to calculate the RDM for computational simulation data

    # get the number of conditions & the number of subjects
    cons = len(bhv_data)

    # get the number of conditions
    n_subs = []

    for i in range(cons):

    subs = n_subs[0]

    # shape of bhv_data: [N_cons, N_subs, N_trials]

    # save the number of trials of each condition
    n_trials = []

    for i in range(cons):

    # save the number of trials of each condition
    if len(set(n_trials)) != 1:
        return None

    # sub_opt=1

    if sub_opt == 1:

        # initialize the RDMs
        rdms = np.zeros([subs, cons, cons], dtype=np.float64)

        # calculate the values in RDMs
        for sub in range(subs):
            rdm = np.zeros([cons, cons], dtype=np.float)
            for i in range(cons):
                for j in range(cons):
                    # calculate the difference
                    if abs is True:
                        rdm[i, j] = np.abs(
                            np.average(bhv_data[i, sub]) -
                            np.average(bhv_data[j, sub]))
                        rdm[i, j] = np.average(bhv_data[i, sub]) - np.average(
                            bhv_data[j, sub])

            # flatten the RDM
            vrdm = np.reshape(rdm, [cons * cons])
            # array -> set -> list
            svrdm = set(vrdm)
            lvrdm = list(svrdm)

            # get max & min
            maxvalue = lvrdm[-1]
            minvalue = lvrdm[1]

            # rescale
            if maxvalue != minvalue:

                for i in range(cons):
                    for j in range(cons):

                        # not on the diagnal
                        if i != j:
                            rdm[i, j] = float(
                                (rdm[i, j] - minvalue) / (maxvalue - minvalue))
            rdms[sub] = rdm

        return rdms

    # & sub_opt=0

    # initialize the RDM
    rdm = np.zeros([cons, cons], dtype=np.float64)

    # judge whether numbers of trials of different conditions are same
    if len(set(n_subs)) != 1:
        return None

    # initialize the data for calculating the RDM
    data = np.zeros([cons, subs], dtype=np.float64)

    # assignment
    for i in range(cons):
        for j in range(subs):
            # save the data for each subject under each condition, average the trials
            data[i][j] = np.average(bhv_data[i][j])

    # calculate the values in RDM
    for i in range(cons):
        for j in range(cons):
            # calculate the Pearson Coefficient
            r = pearsonr(data[i], data[j])[0]
            # calculate the dissimilarity
            if abs == True:
                rdm[i, j] = limtozero(1 - np.abs(r))
                rdm[i, j] = limtozero(1 - r)

    return rdm
Esempio n. 5
def ecogRDM(ele_data, opt="all", time_win=5, time_step=5, abs=True):
    Calculate the Representational Dissimilarity Matrix(Matrices) - RDM(s) for ECoG/sEEG/electrophysiology data

    ele_data : array
        The ECoG/sEEG/electrophysiology data.
        The shape of EEGdata must be [n_cons, n_trials, n_chls, n_ts].
        n_cons, n_trials, n_chls & n_ts represent the number of conidtions, the number of trials,
        the number of channels & the number of time-points, respectively.
    opt : string 'channel', 'time' or 'all'. Default is 'all'.
        Calculate the RDM for each channel or for each time-point or for the whole data.
        If opt='channel', return n_chls RDMs based on each channel's data.
        If opt='time', return int(ts/time_win) RDMs based on each time-point's data respectively.
        If opt='allin', return only one RDM based on all data.
    time_win : int. Default is 5.
        Set a time-window for calculating the RDM for different time-points or not.
        Only when opt='time', time_win works.
        If time_win=5, that means each calculation process based on 5 time-points.
    time_step : int. Default is 5.
        The time step size for each time of calculating.
        Only when opt='time', time_step works.
    abs : boolean True or False. Default is True.
        Calculate the absolute value of Pearson r or not.

    RDM(s) : array
        The ECoG/sEEG/electrophysiology RDM.
        If opt='channel', return n_chls RDM.
            The shape is [n_chls, n_cons, n_cons].
        If opt='time', return int((n_ts-time_win)/time_step)+1 RDM.
            The shape is [int((n_ts-time_win)/time_step)+1, n_cons, n_cons].
        If opt='all', return one RDM.
            The shape is [n_cons, n_cons].

    # get the number of conditins, trials, channels and time points
    cons, trials, chls, ts = np.shape(ele_data)

    # calculate for each channel
    if opt == "channel":

        # initialize the data for calculating the RDM
        data = np.zeros([chls, cons, ts], dtype=np.float64)

        # assignment
        for i in range(chls):
            for j in range(cons):
                for k in range(ts):
                    # average the trials
                    data[i, j, k] = np.average(ele_data[j, :, i, k])

        # initialize the RDMs
        rdms = np.zeros([chls, cons, cons], dtype=np.float64)

        # calculate the values in RDMs
        for i in range(chls):
            for j in range(cons):
                for k in range(cons):
                    # calculate the Pearson Coefficient
                    r = pearsonr(data[i, j], data[i, k])[0]
                    # calculate the dissimilarity
                    if abs == True:
                        rdms[i, j, k] = limtozero(1 - np.abs(r))
                        rdms[i, j, k] = limtozero(1 - r)

        return rdms

    # calculate for each time-point
    elif opt == "time":

        # the time-points for calculating RDM
        ts = int((ts - time_win) / time_step) + 1

        # initialize the data for calculating the RDM
        data = np.zeros([ts, cons, chls, ts], dtype=np.float64)

        # assignment
        for i in range(ts):
            for j in range(cons):
                for k in range(chls):
                    for l in range(ts):
                        # average the trials
                        data[i, j, k,
                             l] = np.average(ele_data[j, :, k,
                                                      i * time_step + l])

        # flatten the data for different calculating conditions
        data = np.reshape(data, [ts, cons, chls * ts])

        # initialize the RDMs
        rdms = np.zeros([ts, cons, cons], dtype=np.float64)

        # calculate the values in RDMs
        for i in range(ts):
            for j in range(cons):
                for k in range(cons):
                    # calculate the Pearson Coefficient
                    r = pearsonr(np.sort(data[i, j]), np.sort(data[i, k]))[0]
                    # calculate the dissimilarity
                    if abs == True:
                        rdms[i, j, k] = limtozero(1 - np.abs(r))
                        rdms[i, j, k] = limtozero(1 - r)

        return rdms
Esempio n. 6
def fmriRDM_roi(fmri_data, mask_data):

    Calculate the Representational Dissimilarity Matrix - RDM(s) for fMRI data (for ROI)

    fmri_data : array [nx, ny, nz].
        The fmri data.
        The shape of fmri_data must be [n_cons, n_chls, nx, ny, nz].
        n_cons, n_chls, nx, ny, nz represent the number of conidtions, the number of channels &
        the size of fMRI-img, respectively.
    mask_data : array [nx, ny, nz].
        The mask data for region of interest (ROI)
        The size of the fMRI-img. nx, ny, nz represent the number of voxels along the x, y, z axis.

    RDM : array
        The fMRI-ROI RDM.
        The shape of RDM is [n_cons, n_cons].

    # get the number of conditions, subjects, the size of the fMRI-img
    ncons, nsubs, nx, ny, nz = fmri_data.shape

    # record the the number of voxels that is not 0 or NaN
    n = 0

    for i in range(nx):
        for j in range(ny):
            for k in range(nz):

                # not 0 or NaN
                if (mask_data[i, j, k] != 0) and (math.isnan(mask_data[i, j, k]) == False):
                    n = n + 1

    # initialize the data for calculating the RDM
    data = np.zeros([ncons, nsubs, n], dtype=np.float)

    # assignment
    for p in range(ncons):
        for q in range(nsubs):

            n = 0

            for i in range(nx):
                for j in range(ny):
                    for k in range(nz):

                        # not 0 or NaN
                        if (mask_data[i, j, k] != 0) and (math.isnan(mask_data[i, j, k]) == False):
                            data[p, q, n] = fmri_data[p, q, i, j, k]
                            n = n + 1

    # initialize the RDMs
    rdm = np.zeros([ncons, ncons], dtype=np.float)

    # flatten the data for different calculating conditions
    data = np.reshape(data, [ncons, nsubs*n])

    # calculate the values in RDM
    for i in range(ncons):
        for j in range(ncons):

            if (np.isnan(data[i]).any() == False) and (np.isnan(data[j]).any() == False):
                # calculate the Pearson Coefficient
                r = pearsonr(data[i], data[j])[0]
                # calculate the dissimilarity
                rdm[i, j] = limtozero(1 - abs(r))

    return rdm
Esempio n. 7
def eegRDM(EEG_data,
    Calculate the Representational Dissimilarity Matrix(Matrices) - RDM(s) for EEG/MEG/fNIRS data

    EEG_data : array
        The EEG/MEG/fNIRS data.
        The shape of EEGdata must be [n_cons, n_subs, n_trials, n_chls, n_ts].
        n_cons, n_subs, n_trials, n_chls & n_ts represent the number of conidtions, the number of subjects, the number
        of trials, the number of channels & the number of time-points, respectively.
    sub_opt : int 0 or 1. Default is 0.
        Calculate the RDM for each subject or not.
        If sub_opt=0, return only one RDM based on all data.
        If sub_opt=1, return n_subs RDMs based on each subject's data
    chl_opt : int 0 or 1. Default is 0.
        Calculate the RDM for each channel or not.
        If chl_opt=0, calculate the RDM based on all channels'data.
        If chl_opt=1, calculate the RDMs based on each channel's data respectively.
    time_opt : int 0 or 1. Default is 0.
        Calculate the RDM for each time-point or not
        If time_opt=0, calculate the RDM based on whole time-points' data.
        If time_opt=1, calculate the RDMs based on each time-points respectively.
    time_win : int. Default is 5.
        Set a time-window for calculating the RDM for different time-points.
        Only when time_opt=1, time_win works.
        If time_win=5, that means each calculation process based on 5 time-points.
    time_step : int. Default is 5.
        The time step size for each time of calculating.
        Only when time_opt=1, time_step works.
    abs : boolean True or False. Default is True.
        Calculate the absolute value of Pearson r or not.

    RDM(s) : array
        The EEG/MEG/fNIR RDM.
        If sub_opt=0 & chl_opt=0 & time_opt=0, return only one RDM.
            The shape is [n_cons, n_cons].
        If sub_opt=0 & chl_opt=0 & time_opt=1, return int((n_ts-time_win)/time_step)+1 RDM.
            The shape is [int((n_ts-time_win)/time_step)+1, n_cons, n_cons].
        If sub_opt=0 & chl_opt=1 & time_opt=0, return n_chls RDM.
            The shape is [n_chls, n_cons, n_cons].
        If sub_opt=0 & chl_opt=1 & time_opt=1, return n_chls*(int((n_ts-time_win)/time_step)+1) RDM.
            The shape is [n_chls, int((n_ts-time_win)/time_step)+1, n_cons, n_cons].
        If sub_opt=1 & chl_opt=0 & time_opt=0, return n_subs RDM.
            The shape is [n_subs, n_cons, n_cons].
        If sub_opt=1 & chl_opt=0 & time_opt=1, return n_subs*(int((n_ts-time_win)/time_step)+1) RDM.
            The shape is [n_subs, int((n_ts-time_win)/time_step)+1, n_cons, n_cons].
        If sub_opt=1 & chl_opt=1 & time_opt=0, return n_subs*n_chls RDM.
            The shape is [n_subs, n_chls, n_cons, n_cons].
        If sub_opt=1 & chl_opt=1 & time_opt=1, return n_subs*n_chls*(int((n_ts-time_win)/time_step)+1) RDM.
            The shape is [n_subs, n_chls, int((n_ts-time_win)/time_step)+1, n_cons, n_cons].

    # get the number of conditions, subjects, trials, channels and time points
    cons, subs, trials, chls, ts = np.shape(EEG_data)

    if sub_opt == 1:

        if time_opt == 1:

            # the time-points for calculating RDM
            ts = int((ts - time_win) / time_step) + 1

            if chl_opt == 1:

                # sub_opt=1 & time_opt=1 & chl_opt=1

                # initialize the data for calculating the RDM
                data = np.zeros([subs, chls, ts, cons, time_win],

                # assignment
                for i in range(subs):
                    for j in range(chls):
                        for k in range(ts):
                            for l in range(cons):
                                for m in range(time_win):
                                    # average the trials
                                    data[i, j, k, l, m] = np.average(
                                        EEG_data[l, i, :, j,
                                                 k * time_step + m])

                # initialize the RDMs
                rdms = np.zeros([subs, chls, ts, cons, cons], dtype=np.float64)

                # calculate the values in RDMs
                for i in range(subs):
                    for j in range(chls):
                        for k in range(ts):
                            for l in range(cons):
                                for m in range(cons):
                                    # calculate the Pearson Coefficient
                                    r = pearsonr(data[i, j, k, l],
                                                 data[i, j, k, m])[0]
                                    # calculate the dissimilarity
                                    if abs == True:
                                        rdms[i, j, k, l,
                                             m] = limtozero(1 - np.abs(r))
                                        rdms[i, j, k, l, m] = limtozero(1 - r)

                return rdms

            # sub_opt=1 & time_opt=1 & chl_opt=0

            # initialize the data for calculating the RDM
            data = np.zeros([subs, ts, cons, chls, time_win], dtype=np.float64)

            # assignment
            for i in range(subs):
                for j in range(ts):
                    for k in range(cons):
                        for l in range(chls):
                            for m in range(time_win):
                                # average the trials
                                data[i, j, k, l, m] = np.average(
                                    EEG_data[k, i, :, l, j * time_step + m])

            # flatten the data for different calculating conditions
            data = np.reshape(data, [subs, ts, cons, chls * time_win])

            # initialize the RDMs
            rdms = np.zeros([subs, ts, cons, cons], dtype=np.float64)

            # calculate the values in RDMs
            for i in range(subs):
                for j in range(ts):
                    for k in range(cons):
                        for l in range(cons):
                            # calculate the Pearson Coefficient
                            r = pearsonr(data[i, j, k], data[i, j, l])[0]
                            # calculate the dissimilarity
                            if abs == True:
                                rdms[i, j, k, l] = limtozero(1 - np.abs(r))
                                rdms[i, j, k, l] = limtozero(1 - r)

            return rdms

        # if time_opt = 0

        cons, subs, trials, chls, ts = np.shape(EEG_data)

        if chl_opt == 1:

            # sub_opt=1 & time_opt=0 & chl_opt=1

            # initialize the data for calculating the RDM
            data = np.zeros([subs, chls, cons, ts], dtype=np.float64)

            # assignment
            for i in range(subs):
                for j in range(chls):
                    for k in range(cons):
                        for l in range(ts):
                            # average the trials
                            data[i, j, k, l] = np.average(EEG_data[k, i, :, j,

            # initialize the RDMs
            rdms = np.zeros([subs, chls, cons, cons], dtype=np.float64)

            # calculate the values in RDMs
            for i in range(subs):
                for j in range(chls):
                    for k in range(cons):
                        for l in range(cons):
                            # calculate the Pearson Coefficient
                            r = pearsonr(data[i, j, k], data[i, j, l])[0]
                            # calculate the dissimilarity
                            if abs == True:
                                rdms[i, j, k, l] = limtozero(1 - np.abs(r))
                                rdms[i, j, k, l] = limtozero(1 - r)

            return rdms

        # if chl_opt = 0

        # sub_opt=1 & time_opt=0 & chl_opt=0

        # initialize the data for calculating the RDM
        data = np.zeros([subs, cons, chls, ts], dtype=np.float64)

        # assignment
        for i in range(subs):
            for j in range(cons):
                for k in range(chls):
                    for l in range(ts):
                        # average the trials
                        data[i, j, k, l] = np.average(EEG_data[j, i, :, k, l])

        # flatten the data for different calculating conditions
        data = np.reshape(data, [subs, cons, chls * ts])

        # initialize the RDMs
        rdms = np.zeros([subs, cons, cons], dtype=np.float64)

        # calculate the values in RDMs
        for i in range(subs):
            for j in range(cons):
                for k in range(cons):
                    # calculate the Pearson Coefficient
                    r = pearsonr(data[i, j], data[i, k])[0]
                    # calculate the dissimilarity
                    if abs == True:
                        rdms[i, j, k] = limtozero(1 - np.abs(r))
                        rdms[i, j, k] = limtozero(1 - r)

        return rdms

    # if sub_opt = 0

    if time_opt == 1:

        # the time-points for calculating RDM
        ts = int((ts - time_win) / time_step) + 1

        if chl_opt == 1:

            # sub_opt=0 & time_opt=1 & chl_opt=1

            # initialize the data for calculating the RDM
            data = np.zeros([chls, ts, cons, time_win], dtype=np.float64)

            # assignment
            for i in range(chls):
                for j in range(ts):
                    for k in range(cons):
                        for l in range(time_win):
                            # average the trials & subs
                            data[i, j, k,
                                 l] = np.average(EEG_data[k, :, :, i,
                                                          j * time_step + l])

            # initialize the RDMs
            rdms = np.zeros([chls, ts, cons, cons], dtype=np.float64)

            # calculate the values in RDMs
            for i in range(chls):
                for j in range(ts):
                    for k in range(cons):
                        for l in range(cons):
                            # calculate the Pearson Coefficient
                            r = pearsonr(data[i, j, k], data[i, j, l])[0]
                            # calculate the dissimilarity
                            if abs == True:
                                rdms[i, j, k, l] = limtozero(1 - np.abs(r))
                                rdms[i, j, k, l] = limtozero(1 - r)

            return rdms

        # sub_opt=0 & time_opt=1 & chl_opt=0

        # initialize the data for calculating the RDM
        data = np.zeros([ts, cons, chls, time_win], dtype=np.float64)

        # assignment
        for i in range(ts):
            for j in range(cons):
                for k in range(chls):
                    for l in range(time_win):
                        # average the subjects & trials
                        data[i, j, k,
                             l] = np.average(EEG_data[j, :, :, k,
                                                      i * time_step + l])

        # flatten the data for different calculating conditions
        data = np.reshape(data, [ts, cons, chls * time_win])

        # initialize the RDMs
        rdms = np.zeros([ts, cons, cons], dtype=np.float64)

        # calculate the values in RDMs
        for i in range(ts):
            for j in range(cons):
                for k in range(cons):
                    # calculate the Pearson Coefficient
                    r = pearsonr(data[i, j], data[i, k])[0]
                    # calculate the dissimilarity
                    if abs == True:
                        rdms[i, j, k] = limtozero(1 - np.abs(r))
                        rdms[i, j, k] = limtozero(1 - r)

        return rdms

    # if time_opt = 0

    # sub_opt=0 & time_opt=0 & chl_opt=1

    # get the number of conditions, subjects, trials, channels & time-points
    cons, subs, trials, chls, ts = np.shape(EEG_data)

    if chl_opt == 1:

        # initialize the data for calculating the RDM
        data = np.zeros([chls, cons, ts], dtype=np.float64)

        # assignment
        for i in range(chls):
            for j in range(cons):
                for k in range(ts):
                    # average the subjects & trials
                    data[i, j, k] = np.average(EEG_data[j, :, :, i, k])

        # flatten the data for different calculating conditions
        data = np.reshape(data, [chls, cons, ts])

        # initialize the RDMs
        rdms = np.zeros([chls, cons, cons], dtype=np.float64)

        # calculate the values in RDMs
        for i in range(chls):
            for j in range(cons):
                for k in range(cons):
                    # calculate the Pearson Coefficient
                    r = pearsonr(data[i, j], data[i, k])[0]
                    # calculate the dissimilarity
                    if abs == True:
                        rdms[i, j, k] = limtozero(1 - np.abs(r))
                        rdms[i, j, k] = limtozero(1 - r)

        return rdms

    # if chl_opt = 0

    # sub_opt=0 & time_opt=0 & chl_opt=0

    # get the number of conditions, subjects, trials, channels & time-points
    cons, subs, trials, chls, ts = np.shape(EEG_data)

    # initialize the data for calculating the RDM
    data = np.zeros([cons, chls, ts], dtype=np.float64)

    # assignment
    for i in range(cons):
        for j in range(chls):
            for k in range(ts):
                # average the subjects & trials
                data[i, j, k] = np.average(EEG_data[i, :, :, j, k])

    # flatten the data for different calculating condition
    data = np.reshape(data, [cons, chls * ts])

    # initialize the RDM
    rdm = np.zeros([cons, cons], dtype=np.float64)

    # calculate the values in RDM
    for i in range(cons):
        for j in range(cons):
            # calculate the Pearson Coefficient
            r = pearsonr(data[i], data[j])[0]
            # calculate the dissimilarity
            if abs == True:
                rdm[i, j] = limtozero(1 - np.abs(r))
                rdm[i, j] = limtozero(1 - r)

    return rdm
Esempio n. 8
def eegRDM(EEG_data, sub_opt=0, chl_opt=0, time_opt=0):
    # shape of EEG_data: [n_cons, n_subs,_n_trials, n_chls, n_ts]
    # n_cons, n_subs, n_trials, n_chls, n_frqs, n_ts represent the number of
    # the conditions, subjects, trials, channels, frequencies and time-points
    # sub_opt : 0 : return only one rdm
    #           1 : each subject obtains a rdm
    # chl_opt : 0 : consider all the channels
    #           1 : each channel obtains a rdm
    # time_opt : 0 : consider the time sequence
    #            1 : each time-point obtains a rdm

    cons, subs, trials, chls, ts = np.shape(EEG_data)  # get the number of conditions, subjects, trials,
                                                       # channels and time points

    n_subs = []
    n_trials = []
    n_chls = []
    n_ts = []

    for i in range(cons):

    if len(set(n_chls)) != 1:
        return None

    if len(set(n_ts)) != 1:
        return None

    if sub_opt == 1:

        if time_opt == 1:

            if chl_opt == 1:
                return None

            data = np.zeros([subs, ts, cons, chls], dtype=np.float64)

            for i in range(subs):
                for j in range(ts):
                    for k in range(cons):
                        for l in range(chls):
                            data[i, j, k, l] = np.average(EEG_data[k, i, :, l, j])

            rdms = np.zeros([subs, ts, cons, cons], dtype=np.float64)

            for i in range(subs):
                for j in range(ts):
                    for k in range(cons):
                        for l in range(cons):
                            r = np.corrcoef(data[i, j, k], data[i, j, l])[0][1]
                            rdms[i, j, k, l] = limtozero(1 - abs(r))

            return rdms

        # if time_opt = 0

        if chl_opt == 1:

            data = np.zeros([subs, chls, cons, ts], dtype=np.float64)

            for i in range(subs):
                for j in range(chls):
                    for k in range(cons):
                        for l in range(ts):
                            data[i, j, k, l] = np.average(EEG_data[k, i, :, j, l])

            rdms = np.zeros([subs, chls, cons, cons], dtype=np.float64)

            for i in range(subs):
                for j in range(chls):
                    for k in range(cons):
                        for l in range(cons):
                            r = np.corrcoef(data[i, j, k], data[i, j, l])[0][1]
                            rdms[i, j, k, l] = limtozero(1 - abs(r))

            return rdms

        # if chl_opt = 0

        data = np.zeros([subs, cons, chls, ts], dtype=np.float64)

        for i in range(subs):
            for j in range(cons):
                for k in range(chls):
                    for l in range(ts):
                        data[i, j, k, l] = np.average(EEG_data[j, i, :, k, j])

        data = np.reshape(data, [subs, cons, chls*ts])

        rdms = np.zeros([subs, cons, cons], dtype=np.float64)

        for i in range(subs):

            for j in range(cons):

                for k in range(cons):

                    r = np.corrcoef(data[i, j], data[i, k])[0][1]

                    rdms[i, j, k] = limtozero(1 - abs(r))

        return rdms

    # if sub_opt = 0

    if len(set(n_subs)) != 1:
        return None

    if time_opt == 1:

        if chl_opt == 1:
            return None

        data = np.zeros([ts, cons, subs, chls], dtype=np.float64)

        for i in range(ts):

            for j in range(cons):

                for k in range(subs):

                    for l in range(chls):

                        data[i, j, k, l] = np.average(EEG_data[j, k, :, l, i])

        data = np.reshape(data, [ts, cons, subs * chls])

        rdms = np.zeros([ts, cons, cons], dtype=np.float64)

        for i in range(ts):

            for j in range(cons):

                for k in range(cons):

                    r = np.corrcoef(data[i, j], data[i, k])[0][1]

                    rdms[i, j, k] = limtozero(1 - abs(r))

        return rdms

    # if time_opt = 0

    if chl_opt == 1:

        data = np.zeros([chls, cons, subs, ts], dtype=np.float64)

        for i in range(chls):

            for j in range(cons):

                for k in range(subs):

                    for l in range(ts):

                        data[i, j, k, l] = np.average(EEG_data[j, k, :, i, l])

        data = np.reshape(data, [chls, cons, subs*ts])

        rdms = np.zeros([chls, cons, cons], dtype=np.float64)

        for i in range(chls):

            for j in range(cons):

                for k in range(cons):

                    r = np.corrcoef(data[i, j], data[i, k])[0][1]

                    rdms[i, j, k] = limtozero(1 - abs(r))

        return rdms

    # if chl_opt = 0

    data = np.zeros([cons, subs, chls, ts], dtype=np.float64)

    for i in range(cons):

        for j in range(subs):

            for k in range(chls):

                for l in range(ts):

                    data[i, j, k, l] = np.average(EEG_data[i, j, :, k, j])

    data = np.reshape(data, [cons, subs * chls * ts])

    rdm = np.zeros([cons, cons], dtype=np.float64)

    for i in range(cons):

        for j in range(cons):

            r = np.corrcoef(data[i], data[j])[0][1]

            rdm[i, j] = limtozero(1 - abs(r))

    return rdm
Esempio n. 9
def bhvRDM(bhv_data, sub_opt=0, method="correlation", abs=False):
    Calculate the Representational Dissimilarity Matrix(Matrices) - RDM(s) for behavioral data

    bhv_data : array
        The behavioral data.
        The shape of bhv_data must be [n_cons, n_subs, n_trials].
        n_cons, n_subs & n_trials represent the number of conidtions, the number of subjects & the number of trials,
    sub_opt: int 0 or 1. Default is 1.
        Return the subject-result or average-result.
        If sub_opt=0, return the average result.
        If sub_opt=1, return the results of each subject.
    method : string 'correlation' or 'euclidean' or 'mahalanobis'. Default is 'correlation'.
        The method to calculate the dissimilarities.
        If method='correlation', the dissimilarity is calculated by Pearson Correlation.
        If method='euclidean', the dissimilarity is calculated by Euclidean Distance, the results will be normalized.
        If method='mahalanobis', the dissimilarity is calculated by Mahalanobis Distance, the results will be normalized.
    abs : boolean True or False. Default is True.
        Calculate the absolute value of Pearson r or not. Only works when method='correlation'.

    RDM(s) : array
        The behavioral RDM.
        If sub_opt=0, return only one RDM. The shape is [n_cons, n_cons].
        If sub_opt=1, return n_subs RDMs. The shape is [n_subs, n_cons, n_cons].

    This function can also be used to calculate the RDM for computational simulation data

    if len(np.shape(bhv_data)) != 3:

        return "Invalid input!"

    # get the number of conditions & the number of subjects
    cons = len(bhv_data)

    # get the number of conditions
    n_subs = []

    for i in range(cons):

    subs = n_subs[0]

    # shape of bhv_data: [N_cons, N_subs, N_trials]

    # save the number of trials of each condition
    n_trials = []

    for i in range(cons):

    # save the number of trials of each condition
    if len(set(n_trials)) != 1:
        return None

    # sub_opt=1

    if sub_opt == 1:

        # initialize the RDMs
        rdms = np.zeros([subs, cons, cons], dtype=np.float64)

        # calculate the values in RDMs
        for sub in range(subs):
            rdm = np.zeros([cons, cons], dtype=np.float)
            for i in range(cons):
                for j in range(cons):
                    # calculate the difference
                    if abs is True:
                        rdm[i, j] = np.abs(
                            np.average(bhv_data[i, sub]) -
                            np.average(bhv_data[j, sub]))
                        rdm[i, j] = np.average(bhv_data[i, sub]) - np.average(
                            bhv_data[j, sub])

            # flatten the RDM
            vrdm = np.reshape(rdm, [cons * cons])
            # array -> set -> list
            svrdm = set(vrdm)
            lvrdm = list(svrdm)

            # get max & min
            maxvalue = lvrdm[-1]
            minvalue = lvrdm[1]

            # rescale
            if maxvalue != minvalue:

                for i in range(cons):
                    for j in range(cons):

                        # not on the diagnal
                        if i != j:
                            rdm[i, j] = (rdm[i, j] - minvalue) / (maxvalue -
            rdms[sub] = rdm

        return rdms

    # & sub_opt=0

    # initialize the RDM
    rdm = np.zeros([cons, cons], dtype=np.float64)

    # judge whether numbers of trials of different conditions are same
    if len(set(n_subs)) != 1:
        return None

    # initialize the data for calculating the RDM
    data = np.zeros([cons, subs], dtype=np.float64)

    # assignment
    for i in range(cons):
        for j in range(subs):
            # save the data for each subject under each condition, average the trials
            data[i][j] = np.average(bhv_data[i][j])

    # calculate the values in RDM
    for i in range(cons):
        for j in range(cons):
            if method is 'correlation':
                # calculate the Pearson Coefficient
                r = pearsonr(data[i], data[j])[0]
                # calculate the dissimilarity
                if abs == True:
                    rdm[i, j] = limtozero(1 - np.abs(r))
                    rdm[i, j] = limtozero(1 - r)
            elif method is 'euclidean':
                rdm[i, j] = np.linalg.norm(data[i] - data[j])
            elif method is 'mahalanobis':
                X = np.transpose(np.vstack((data[i], data[j])), (1, 0))
                X =, np.linalg.inv(np.cov(X, rowvar=False)))
                rdm[i, j] = np.linalg.norm(X[:, 0] - X[:, 1])
    if method is 'euclidean' or method is 'mahalanobis':
        max = np.max(rdm)
        min = np.min(rdm)
        rdm = (rdm - min) / (max - min)

    return rdm
Esempio n. 10
def ecogRDM(ele_data, nchls, opt="all"):
    # all these calculations belong to only one subject
    # chls_num represent the number of channels of the data
    # the shape of ele_data : [N_cons, N_trials, N_chls, N_ts]
    # N_cons, N_trials, N_chls, N_ts represent the number of conditions,
    # the number of trials, the number of channels, the number of time-points

    cons, trials, chls, ts = np.shape(ele_data)  #  get the number of conditins, trials, channels and time points

    n_trials = []
    n_chls = []
    n_ts = []

    for i in range(cons):


    if len(set(n_chls)) != 1:
        return None

    if len(set(n_ts)) != 1:
        return None

    if n_chls[0] != nchls:
        return None

    if opt == "channel":

        data = np.zeros([chls, cons, ts], dtype=np.float64)

        for i in range(chls):

            for j in range(cons):

                for k in range(ts):

                    data[i, j, k] = np.average(ele_data[j, :, i, k])

        rdms = np.zeros([chls, cons, cons], dtype=np.float64)

        for i in range(chls):

            for j in range(cons):

                for k in range(cons):

                    r = np.corrcoef(data[i, j], data[i, k])[0][1]

                    rdms[i, j, k] = limtozero(1 - abs(r))

        return rdms

    elif opt == "time":

        data = np.zeros([ts, cons, chls], dtype=np.float64)

        for i in range(ts):

            for j in range(cons):

                for k in range(chls):

                    data[i, j, k] = np.average(ele_data[j, :, k, i])

        rdms = np.zeros([ts, cons, cons], dtype=np.float64)

        for i in range(ts):

            for j in range(cons):

                for k in range(cons):

                    r = np.corrcoef(data[i, j], data[i, k])[0][1]

                    rdms[i, j, k] = limtozero(1 - abs(r))

        return rdms

    # if opt = "allin"

    data = np.zeros([cons, chls, ts], dtype=np.float64)

    for i in range(cons):

        for j in range(chls):

            for k in range(ts):

                data[i, j, k] = np.average(ele_data[i, :, j, k])

    data = np.reshape(data, [cons, chls*ts])

    rdm = np.zeros([cons, cons], dtype=np.float64)

    for i in range(cons):

        for j in range(cons):

            r = np.corrcoef(data[i], data[j])[0][1]

            rdm[i, j] = limtozero(1 - abs(r))

    return rdm
Esempio n. 11
def fmriRDM(fmri_data, ksize=[3, 3, 3], strides=[1, 1, 1]):
    # ksize=[kx, ky, kz] represents that the calculation unit contains k1*k2*k3 voxels
    # strides=[sx, sy, sz] represents the moving steps along the x, y, z
    # the shape of fmri_rdm : [N_cons, N_subs, nx, ny, nz]
    # N_cons, N_subs, nx, ny, nz represent the number of conditions,
    # the number of subjects, the size of the fmri data

    cons, subs, nx, ny, nz = np.shape(fmri_data)  # get the number of conditions, subjects and the size of the data

    kx = ksize[0]
    ky = ksize[1]
    kz = ksize[2]

    sx = strides[0]
    sy = strides[1]
    sz = strides[2]

    n_subs = []
    n_trials = []

    for i in range(cons):


    # calculate the number of the calculation units
    n_x = int((nx - kx) / sx)+1
    n_y = int((ny - ky) / sy)+1
    n_z = int((nz - kz) / sz)+1

    data = np.zeros([n_x, n_y, n_z, cons, kx*ky*kz, subs], dtype=np.float64)

    for x in range(n_x):

        for y in range(n_y):

            for z in range(n_z):

                for i in range(cons):

                    for k1 in range(kx):

                        for k2 in range(ky):

                            for k3 in range(kz):

                                for j in range(subs):

                                    data[x, y, z, i, k1*kx+k2*ky+k3*ky, j] = fmri_data[i, j, x+k1, y+k2, z+k3]

    data = np.reshape(data, [n_x, n_y, n_z, cons, kx*ky*kz*subs])

    rdms = np.zeros([n_x, n_y, n_z, cons, cons], dtype=np.float64)

    for x in range(n_x):

        for y in range(n_y):

            for z in range(n_z):

                for i in range(cons):

                    for j in range(cons):

                        r = np.corrcoef(data[x, y, z, i], data[x, y, z, j])[0][1]

                        rdms[x, y, z, i, j] = limtozero(1 - abs(r))

                        print(rdms[x, y, z, i, j])

    return rdms
Esempio n. 12
def bhvRDM(bhv_data, sub_opt=0, data_opt=1):
    # sub_opt : 0 : return only one rdm
    #           1 : each subject obtains a rdm
    # data_opt : 1 : for raw data, each subject's each trial has a value of data
    #            0 : each subject has had a value of data, ignore the effect of trials

    cons = len(bhv_data)  # get the number of conditions

    n_subs = []  # save the number of subjects of each condition

    for i in range(cons):

    subs = n_subs[0]

    if data_opt == 0:   # shape of bhv_data: [N_cons, N_subs]
                        # N_cons & N_subs represent the number of conditions & the number of subjects

        if sub_opt == 1:
            return None

        if len(set(n_subs)) != 1:
            return None

        rdm = np.zeros([cons, cons], dtype=np.float64)

        for i in range(cons):
            for j in range(cons):
                r = np.corrcoef(bhv_data[i], bhv_data[j])[0][1]  # calculate the Pearson Coefficient
                rdm[i, j] = limtozero(1 - abs(r)) # calculate the dissimilarity

        return rdm

    # if data_opt=1
                      # shape of bhv_data: [N_cons, N_subs, N_trials]
                      # N_cons, N_subs, N_trials represent the number of conditions, the number of subjects,
                      # the number of trials, respectively
    n_trials = []  # save the number of trials of each condition

    for i in range(cons):

    if len(set(n_trials)) != 1:  # judge whether numbers of trials of different conditions are same
            return None

    if sub_opt == 1:

        rdms = np.zeros([subs, cons, cons], dtype=np.float64)

        for sub in subs:
            for i in range(cons):
                for j in range(cons):
                    r = np.corrcoef(bhv_data[i][sub], bhv_data[j][sub])[0][1]  # calculate the Pearson Coefficient
                    rdms[sub, i, j] = limtozero(1 - abs(r))  # calculate the dissimilarity

        return rdms

    # if sub_opt=0

    rdm = np.zeros([cons, cons], dtype=np.float64)  # initialize a con*con matrix as the rdm

    if len(set(n_subs)) != 1:  # judge whether numbers of trials of different conditions are same
        return None

    data = np.zeros([cons, subs], dtype=np.float64)

    for i in range(cons):
        for j in range(subs):
            data[i][j] = np.average(bhv_data[i][j])  # save the data for each subject under each condition, average the trials

    for i in range(cons):
        for j in range(cons):
            r = np.corrcoef(data[i], data[j])[0][1]  # calculate the Pearson Coefficient
            rdm[i, j] = limtozero(1 - abs(r))  # calculate the dissimilarity

    return rdm
Esempio n. 13
def bhvRDM(bhv_data, sub_opt=0):
    Calculate the Representational Dissimilarity Matrix(Matrices) - RDM(s) for behavioral data

    bhv_data : array
        The behavioral data.
        The shape of bhv_data must be [n_cons, n_subs, n_trials].
        n_cons, n_subs & n_trials represent the number of conidtions, the number of subjects & the number of trials,
    sub_opt : int 0 or 1. Default is 0.
        Calculate the RDM for each subject or not.
        If sub_opt=0, return only one RDM based on all data.
        If sub_opt=1, return n_subs RDMs based on each subject's data.

    RDM(s) : array
        The behavioral RDM.
        If sub_opt=0, return only one RDM. The shape is [n_cons, n_cons].
        If sub_opt=1, return n_subs RDMs. The shape is [n_subs, n_cons, n_cons].

    This function can also be used to calculate the RDM for computational simulation data

    # get the number of conditions & the number of subjects
    cons = len(bhv_data)

    # get the number of conditions
    n_subs = []

    for i in range(cons):

    subs = n_subs[0]

    # shape of bhv_data: [N_cons, N_subs, N_trials]

    # save the number of trials of each condition
    n_trials = []

    for i in range(cons):

    # save the number of trials of each condition
    if len(set(n_trials)) != 1:
        return None

    # sub_opt=1

    if sub_opt == 1:

        # initialize the RDMs
        rdms = np.zeros([subs, cons, cons], dtype=np.float64)

        # calculate the values in RDMs
        for sub in subs:
            for i in range(cons):
                for j in range(cons):
                    # calculate the Pearson Coefficient
                    r = pearsonr(bhv_data[i][sub], bhv_data[j][sub])[0]
                    # calculate the dissimilarity
                    rdms[sub, i, j] = limtozero(1 - abs(r))

        return rdms

    # & sub_opt=0

    # initialize the RDM
    rdm = np.zeros([cons, cons], dtype=np.float64)

    # judge whether numbers of trials of different conditions are same
    if len(set(n_subs)) != 1:
        return None

    # initialize the data for calculating the RDM
    data = np.zeros([cons, subs], dtype=np.float64)

    # assignment
    for i in range(cons):
        for j in range(subs):
            # save the data for each subject under each condition, average the trials
            data[i][j] = np.average(bhv_data[i][j])

    # calculate the values in RDM
    for i in range(cons):
        for j in range(cons):
            # calculate the Pearson Coefficient
            r = pearsonr(data[i], data[j])[0]
            # calculate the dissimilarity
            rdm[i, j] = limtozero(1 - abs(r))

    return rdm
Esempio n. 14
def ecogRDM(ele_data, time_win=5, opt="all"):
    # all these calculations belong to only one subject
    # nchls represent the number of channels of the data
    # the shape of ele_data : [N_cons, N_trials, N_chls, N_ts]
    # time_win : the time-window, if time_win=5, that means each calculation process bases on 5 time points
    #            this is also a processing of downsampling
    # N_cons, N_trials, N_chls, N_ts represent the number of conditions,
    # the number of trials, the number of channels, the number of time-points

    cons, trials, chls, ts = np.shape(ele_data)  #  get the number of conditins, trials, channels and time points

    n_trials = []
    n_chls = []
    n_ts = []

    for i in range(cons):


    if len(set(n_chls)) != 1:
        return None

    if len(set(n_ts)) != 1:
        return None

    if opt == "channel":

        data = np.zeros([chls, cons, ts], dtype=np.float64)

        for i in range(chls):

            for j in range(cons):

                for k in range(ts):

                    data[i, j, k] = np.average(ele_data[j, :, i, k])

        rdms = np.zeros([chls, cons, cons], dtype=np.float64)

        for i in range(chls):

            for j in range(cons):

                for k in range(cons):

                    r = np.corrcoef(data[i, j], data[i, k])[0][1]

                    rdms[i, j, k] = limtozero(1 - abs(r))

        return rdms

    elif opt == "time":

        ts = int(ts/time_win)

        data = np.zeros([ts, cons, chls], dtype=np.float64)

        for i in range(ts):

            for j in range(cons):

                for k in range(chls):

                    data[i, j, k] = np.average(ele_data[j, :, k, i*time_win:i*time_win+time_win])

        rdms = np.zeros([ts, cons, cons], dtype=np.float64)

        for i in range(ts):

            for j in range(cons):

                for k in range(cons):

                    r = np.corrcoef(data[i, j], data[i, k])[0][1]

                    rdms[i, j, k] = limtozero(1 - abs(r))

        return rdms
Esempio n. 15
def bhvRDM(bhv_data, sub_opt=1, method="correlation", abs=False):
    Calculate the Representational Dissimilarity Matrix(Matrices) - RDM(s) for behavioral data

    bhv_data : array
        The behavioral data.
        The shape of bhv_data must be [n_cons, n_subs, n_trials].
        n_cons, n_subs & n_trials represent the number of conidtions, the number of subjects & the number of trials,
    sub_opt: int 0 or 1. Default is 1.
        Return the results for each subject or after averaging.
        If sub_opt=1, calculate the results of each subject (using the absolute distance).
        If sub_opt=0, calculate the results averaging the trials and taking the subjects as the features.
    method : string 'correlation' or 'euclidean'. Default is 'correlation'.
        The method to calculate the dissimilarities.
        If method='correlation', the dissimilarity is calculated by Pearson Correlation.
        If method='euclidean', the dissimilarity is calculated by Euclidean Distance, the results will be normalized.
    abs : boolean True or False. Default is True.
        Calculate the absolute value of Pearson r or not. Only works when method='correlation'.

    RDM(s) : array
        The behavioral RDM.
        If sub_opt=1, return n_subs RDMs. The shape is [n_subs, n_cons, n_cons].
        If sub_opt=0, return only one RDM. The shape is [n_cons, n_cons].

    This function can also be used to calculate the RDM for computational simulation data.
        For example, users can extract the activations for a certain layer i which includes Nn nodes in a deep
        convolutional neural network (DCNN) corresponding to Ni images. Thus, the input could be a [Ni, 1, Nn] matrix M.
        Using "bhvRDM(M, sub_opt=0)", users can obtain the DCNN RDM for layer i.

    if len(np.shape(bhv_data)) != 3:

            "\nThe shape of input for bhvEEG() function must be [n_cons, n_subs, n_trials].\n"

        return "Invalid input!"

    # get the number of conditions & the number of subjects
    cons = len(bhv_data)

    # get the number of conditions
    n_subs = []

    for i in range(cons):

    subs = n_subs[0]

    # shape of bhv_data: [N_cons, N_subs, N_trials]

    # save the number of trials of each condition
    n_trials = []

    for i in range(cons):

    # save the number of trials of each condition
    if len(set(n_trials)) != 1:
        return None

    # sub_opt=1

    if sub_opt == 1:

        print("\nComputing RDMs")

        # initialize the RDMs
        rdms = np.zeros([subs, cons, cons], dtype=np.float64)

        # calculate the values in RDMs
        for sub in range(subs):
            rdm = np.zeros([cons, cons], dtype=np.float)
            for i in range(cons):
                for j in range(cons):
                    # calculate the difference
                    if abs == True:
                        rdm[i, j] = np.abs(
                            np.average(bhv_data[i, sub]) -
                            np.average(bhv_data[j, sub]))
                        rdm[i, j] = np.average(bhv_data[i, sub]) - np.average(
                            bhv_data[j, sub])

            # flatten the RDM
            vrdm = np.reshape(rdm, [cons * cons])
            # array -> set -> list
            svrdm = set(vrdm)
            lvrdm = list(svrdm)

            # get max & min
            maxvalue = lvrdm[-1]
            minvalue = lvrdm[1]

            # rescale
            if maxvalue != minvalue:

                for i in range(cons):
                    for j in range(cons):

                        # not on the diagnal
                        if i != j:
                            rdm[i, j] = (rdm[i, j] - minvalue) / (maxvalue -
            rdms[sub] = rdm

        print("\nRDMs computing finished!")

        return rdms

    # & sub_opt=0

    print("\nComputing RDM")

    # initialize the RDM
    rdm = np.zeros([cons, cons], dtype=np.float64)

    # judge whether numbers of trials of different conditions are same
    if len(set(n_subs)) != 1:
        return None

    # assignment
    # save the data for each subject under each condition, average the trials
    data = np.average(bhv_data, axis=2)

    # calculate the values in RDM
    for i in range(cons):
        for j in range(cons):
            if method == 'correlation':
                # calculate the Pearson Coefficient
                r = pearsonr(data[i], data[j])[0]
                # calculate the dissimilarity
                if abs == True:
                    rdm[i, j] = limtozero(1 - np.abs(r))
                    rdm[i, j] = limtozero(1 - r)
            elif method == 'euclidean':
                rdm[i, j] = np.linalg.norm(data[i] - data[j])
    if method == 'euclidean':
        max = np.max(rdm)
        min = np.min(rdm)
        rdm = (rdm - min) / (max - min)

    print("\nRDM computing finished!")

    return rdm
Esempio n. 16
def fmriRDM_roi(fmri_data,
    Calculate the Representational Dissimilarity Matrix - RDM(s) based on fMRI data (for ROI)

    fmri_data : array
        The fmri data.
        The shape of fmri_data must be [n_cons, n_subs, nx, ny, nz]. n_cons, nx, ny, nz represent the number of
        conditions, the number of subs & the size of fMRI-img, respectively.
    mask_data : array [nx, ny, nz].
        The mask data for region of interest (ROI)
        The size of the fMRI-img. nx, ny, nz represent the number of voxels along the x, y, z axis.
    sub_opt: int 0 or 1. Default is 1.
        Return the subject-result or average-result.
        If sub_opt=0, return the average result.
        If sub_opt=1, return the results of each subject.
    method : string 'correlation' or 'euclidean' or 'mahalanobis'. Default is 'correlation'.
        The method to calculate the dissimilarities.
        If method='correlation', the dissimilarity is calculated by Pearson Correlation.
        If method='euclidean', the dissimilarity is calculated by Euclidean Distance, the results will be normalized.
        If method='mahalanobis', the dissimilarity is calculated by Mahalanobis Distance, the results will be normalized.
    abs : boolean True or False. Default is True.
        Calculate the absolute value of Pearson r or not.

    RDM : array
        The fMRI-ROI RDM.
        If sub_opt=0, the shape of RDM is [n_cons, n_cons].
        If sub_opt=1, the shape of RDM is [n_subs, n_cons, n_cons].

    if len(np.shape(fmri_data)) != 5 or len(np.shape(mask_data)) != 3:

        return "Invalid input!"

    # get the number of conditions, subjects, the size of the fMRI-img
    ncons, nsubs, nx, ny, nz = fmri_data.shape

    # record the the number of voxels that is not 0 or NaN
    n = 0

    for i in range(nx):
        for j in range(ny):
            for k in range(nz):

                # not 0 or NaN
                if (mask_data[i, j, k] != 0) and (math.isnan(mask_data[i, j, k]) == False)\
                        and (np.isnan(fmri_data[:, :, :, j, k]).any() == False):
                    n = n + 1

    # initialize the data for calculating the RDM
    data = np.zeros([ncons, nsubs, n], dtype=np.float)

    # assignment
    for p in range(ncons):
        for q in range(nsubs):

            n = 0

            for i in range(nx):
                for j in range(ny):
                    for k in range(nz):

                        # not 0 or NaN
                        if (mask_data[i, j, k] != 0) and (math.isnan(mask_data[i, j, k]) == False)\
                                and (np.isnan(fmri_data[:, :, :, j, k]).any() == False):
                            data[p, q, n] = fmri_data[p, q, i, j, k]
                            n = n + 1

    # initialize the RDMs
    subrdms = np.zeros([nsubs, ncons, ncons], dtype=np.float)

    # shape of data: [ncons, nsubs, n] -> [nsubs, ncons, n]
    data = np.transpose(data, (1, 0, 2))

    # calculate the values in RDM
    for sub in range(nsubs):
        for i in range(ncons):
            for j in range(ncons):

                if (np.isnan(data[:, i]).any() == False) and (np.isnan(
                        data[:, j]).any() == False):
                    if method is 'correlation':
                        # calculate the Pearson Coefficient
                        r = pearsonr(data[sub, i], data[sub, j])[0]
                        # calculate the dissimilarity
                        if abs == True:
                            subrdms[sub, i, j] = limtozero(1 - np.abs(r))
                            subrdms[sub, i, j] = limtozero(1 - r)
                    elif method is 'euclidean':
                        subrdms[sub, i, j] = np.linalg.norm(data[sub, i] -
                                                            data[sub, j])
                    elif method is 'mahalanobis':
                        X = np.transpose(
                            np.vstack((data[sub, i], data[sub, j])), (1, 0))
                        X =, np.linalg.inv(np.cov(X, rowvar=False)))
                        subrdms[sub, i, j] = np.linalg.norm(X[:, 0] - X[:, 1])
        if method is 'euclidean' or method is 'mahalanobis':
            max = np.max(subrdms[sub])
            min = np.min(subrdms[sub])
            subrdms[sub] = (subrdms[sub] - min) / (max - min)

    # average the RDMs
    rdm = np.average(subrdms, axis=0)

    if sub_opt == 0:
        return rdm
    if sub_opt == 1:
        return subrdms
Esempio n. 17
def fmriRDM(fmri_data,
            ksize=[3, 3, 3],
            strides=[1, 1, 1],
    Calculate the Representational Dissimilarity Matrices (RDMs) based on fMRI data (searchlight)

    fmri_data : array
        The fmri data.
        The shape of fmri_data must be [n_cons, n_subs, nx, ny, nz]. n_cons, nx, ny, nz represent the number of
        conditions, the number of subs & the size of fMRI-img, respectively.
    ksize : array or list [kx, ky, kz]. Default is [3, 3, 3].
        The size of the calculation unit for searchlight.
        kx, ky, kz represent the number of voxels along the x, y, z axis.
        kx, ky, kz should be odd.
    strides : array or list [sx, sy, sz]. Default is [1, 1, 1].
        The strides for calculating along the x, y, z axis.
    sub_opt: int 0 or 1. Default is 1.
        Return the subject-result or average-result.
        If sub_opt=0, return the average result.
        If sub_opt=1, return the results of each subject.
    method : string 'correlation' or 'euclidean'. Default is 'correlation'.
        The method to calculate the dissimilarities.
        If method='correlation', the dissimilarity is calculated by Pearson Correlation.
        If method='euclidean', the dissimilarity is calculated by Euclidean Distance, the results will be normalized.
    abs : boolean True or False. Default is True.
        Calculate the absolute value of Pearson r or not.

    RDM : array
        The fMRI-Searchlight RDM.
        If sub_opt=0, the shape of RDMs is [n_x, n_y, n_z, n_cons, n_cons].
        If sub_opt=1, the shape of RDMs is [n_subs, n_x, n_y, n_cons, n_cons]
        n_subs, n_x, n_y, n_z represent the number of subjects & the number of calculation units for searchlight along
        the x, y, z axis.

    if len(np.shape(fmri_data)) != 5:

            "\nThe shape of input for fmriRDM() function must be [n_cons, n_subs, nx, ny, nz].\n"

        return "Invalid input!"

    # get the number of conditions, subjects and the size of the fMRI-img
    cons, subs, nx, ny, nz = np.shape(fmri_data)

    # the size of the calculation units for searchlight
    kx = ksize[0]
    ky = ksize[1]
    kz = ksize[2]

    # strides for calculating along the x, y, z axis
    sx = strides[0]
    sy = strides[1]
    sz = strides[2]

    # calculate the number of the calculation units in the x, y, z directions
    n_x = int((nx - kx) / sx) + 1
    n_y = int((ny - ky) / sy) + 1
    n_z = int((nz - kz) / sz) + 1

    # initialize the data for calculating the RDM
    data = np.full([n_x, n_y, n_z, cons, kx * ky * kz, subs], np.nan)

    print("\nComputing RDMs")

    # assignment
    for x in range(n_x):
        for y in range(n_y):
            for z in range(n_z):
                for i in range(cons):

                    index = 0

                    for k1 in range(kx):
                        for k2 in range(ky):
                            for k3 in range(kz):
                                for j in range(subs):
                                    data[x, y, z, i, index,
                                         j] = fmri_data[i, j, x * sx + k1,
                                                        y * sy + k2,
                                                        z * sz + k3]

                                index = index + 1

    # shape of data: [n_x, n_y, n_z, cons, kx*ky*kz, subs]
    #              ->[subs, n_x, n_y, n_z, cons, kx*ky*kz]
    data = np.transpose(data, (5, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4))

    # flatten the data for different calculating conditions
    data = np.reshape(data, [subs, n_x, n_y, n_z, cons, kx * ky * kz])

    # initialize the RDMs
    subrdms = np.full([subs, n_x, n_y, n_z, cons, cons], np.nan)

    total = subs * n_x * n_y * n_z

    for sub in range(subs):
        for x in range(n_x):
            for y in range(n_y):
                for z in range(n_z):

                    # show the progressbar
                    percent = (sub * n_x * n_y * n_z + x * n_y * n_z +
                               y * n_z + z + 1) / total * 100
                    show_progressbar("Calculating", percent)

                    for i in range(cons):
                        for j in range(cons):

                            # no NaN
                            if (np.isnan(data[:, x, y, z, i]).any() == False) and \
                                    (np.isnan(data[:, x, y, z, j]).any() == False):
                                if method == 'correlation':
                                    # calculate the Pearson Coefficient
                                    r = pearsonr(data[sub, x, y, z, i],
                                                 data[sub, x, y, z, j])[0]
                                    # calculate the dissimilarity
                                    if abs == True:
                                        subrdms[sub, x, y, z, i,
                                                j] = limtozero(1 - np.abs(r))
                                        subrdms[sub, x, y, z, i,
                                                j] = limtozero(1 - r)
                                elif method == 'euclidean':
                                    subrdms[sub, x, y, z, i,
                                            j] = np.linalg.norm(
                                                data[sub, x, y, z, i] -
                                                data[sub, x, y, z, j])
                                """elif method == 'mahalanobis':
                                    X = np.transpose(np.vstack((data[sub, x, y, z, i], data[sub, x, y, z, j])), (1, 0))
                                    X =, np.linalg.inv(np.cov(X, rowvar=False)))
                                    subrdms[sub, x, y, z, i, j] = np.linalg.norm(X[:, 0] - X[:, 1])"""
                    if method == 'euclidean':
                        max = np.max(subrdms[sub, x, y, z])
                        min = np.min(subrdms[sub, x, y, z])
                        subrdms[sub, x, y, z] = (subrdms[sub, x, y, z] -
                                                 min) / (max - min)

    # average the RDMs
    rdms = np.average(subrdms, axis=0)

    print("\nRDMs computing finished!")

    if sub_opt == 0:

        return rdms

    if sub_opt == 1:

        return subrdms
Esempio n. 18
def fmriRDM(fmri_data, ksize=[3, 3, 3], strides=[1, 1, 1]):

    Calculate the Representational Dissimilarity Matrices (RDMs) for fMRI data (Searchlight)

    fmri_data : array
        The fmri data.
        The shape of fmri_data must be [n_cons, n_subs, n_chls, nx, ny, nz].
        n_cons, n_chls, nx, ny, nz represent the number of conidtions, the number of channels &
        the size of fMRI-img, respectively.
    ksize : array or list [kx, ky, kz]. Default is [3, 3, 3].
        The size of the fMRI-img. nx, ny, nz represent the number of voxels along the x, y, z axis.
    strides : array or list [sx, sy, sz]. Default is [1, 1, 1].
        The strides for calculating along the x, y, z axis.

    RDM : array
        The fMRI-Searchlight RDM.
        The shape of RDMs is [n_x, n_y, n_z, n_cons, n_cons]. n_x, n_y, n_z represent the number of calculation units
        for searchlight along the x, y, z axis

    # get the number of conditions, subjects and the size of the fMRI-img
    cons, subs, nx, ny, nz = np.shape(fmri_data)

    # the size of the calculation units for searchlight
    kx = ksize[0]
    ky = ksize[1]
    kz = ksize[2]

    # strides for calculating along the x, y, z axis
    sx = strides[0]
    sy = strides[1]
    sz = strides[2]

    # calculate the number of the calculation units in the x, y, z directions
    n_x = int((nx - kx) / sx)+1
    n_y = int((ny - ky) / sy)+1
    n_z = int((nz - kz) / sz)+1

    # initialize the data for calculating the RDM
    data = np.full([n_x, n_y, n_z, cons, kx*ky*kz, subs], np.nan)

    # assignment
    for x in range(n_x):
        for y in range(n_y):
            for z in range(n_z):
                for i in range(cons):

                    index = 0

                    for k1 in range(kx):
                        for k2 in range(ky):
                            for k3 in range(kz):
                                for j in range(subs):
                                    data[x, y, z, i, index, j] = fmri_data[i, j, x+k1, y+k2, z+k3]

                                index = index + 1

    # flatten the data for different calculating conditions
    data = np.reshape(data, [n_x, n_y, n_z, cons, kx*ky*kz*subs])

    # initialize the RDMs
    rdms = np.full([n_x, n_y, n_z, cons, cons], np.nan)

    # calculate the values in RDMs
    for x in range(n_x):
        for y in range(n_y):
            for z in range(n_z):
                for i in range(cons):
                    for j in range(cons):

                        # no NaN
                        if (np.isnan(data[x, y, z, i]).any() == False) and (np.isnan(data[x, y, z, j]).any() == False):
                            # calculate the Pearson Coefficient
                            r = pearsonr(data[x, y, z, i], data[x, y, z, j])[0]
                            # calculate the dissimilarity
                            rdms[x, y, z, i, j] = limtozero(1 - abs(r))
                            print(rdms[x, y, z, i, j])

    return rdms