def _getEpisodes(self, path): index = path.rfind('/') videos = self._getMTVResponse('{0}.rss'.format(path[:index])) if videos.isSucceeded: videos = videos.body.findAll('item') season = '{0}/'.format(path[index:]) for video in videos: if > -1: name = video.title.text img = video.enclosure['url'] iResEnd = img.rfind('.') iResStart = iResEnd - 3 if img[iResStart:iResEnd] == '140': img = '{0}640{1}'.format(img[:iResStart], img[iResEnd:]) li = Util.createListItem(name, thumbnailImage=img, streamtype='video', infolabels={ 'title': name, 'plot': video.description.text }, isPlayable=True) xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem( self._handle, Util.formatUrl({ 'action': 'r', 'path': }), li) xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(self._handle)
def _getEpisodes(self, showId, seasonId): url = '{0}/seasons/{1}?show_id={0}&items=50&sort=episode_number_asc&video_types=-clip&season_id={1}'.format( showId, seasonId) episodes = Util.getResponseJson(url) if episodes.isSucceeded: for episode in episodes.body['data']: if episode['title'].lower().find('episodio') > -1: title = episode['title'] else: title = Util.getTranslation(30011).format( episode=episode['title'], number=episode['episode']) img = episode['image_data'] desc = episode['description'] or episode[ 'video_metadata_longDescription'] time = self._getDuration(int(episode['video_metadata_length'])) li = Util.createListItem(title, thumbnailImage=self._getImage(img), streamtype='video', infolabels={ 'title': title, 'plot': desc }, duration=time, isPlayable=True) xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem( self._handle, Util.formatUrl({ 'action': 'v', 'url': episode['hls'] }), li) xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(self._handle)
def _getShowsPage(self, Page, Items): shows = Util.getResponseJson( "{0}&page_id=32&module_id=26&page={1}".format(Items, Page) ) if shows.isSucceeded: for show in shows.body["data"]: episodes = 0 for ti in show["taxonomy_items"]: if ti["type"] == "show": episodes = ti["metadata"]["episodes"] break # Stops "for ti in show['taxonomy_items']:". title = Util.getTranslation(30009).format(show=show["title"], number=episodes) img = show["image_data"] li = Util.createListItem( title, thumbnailImage=self._getImage(img), streamtype="video", infolabels={"title": title, "plot": show["description"]}, ) xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem( self._handle, Util.formatUrl({"action": "s", "showid": show["id"]}), li, True ) pages = shows.body["total_pages"] if Page < pages - 1: self._getShowsPage(Page + 1, Items) else: xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(self._handle)
def _getShowsPage(self, Page, Items): shows = Util.getResponseJson( '{0}&page_id=32&module_id=26&page={1}' .format(Items, Page)) if shows.isSucceeded: for show in shows.body['data']: episodes = 0 for ti in show['taxonomy_items']: if ti['type'] == 'show': episodes = ti['metadata']['episodes'] break # Stops "for ti in show['taxonomy_items']:". title = Util.getTranslation(30009).format(show=show['title'], number=episodes) img = show['image_data'] li = Util.createListItem(title, thumbnailImage=self._getImage(img), streamtype='video', infolabels={ 'title': title, 'plot': show['description'] }) xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem( self._handle, Util.formatUrl({ 'action': 's', 'showid': show['id'] }), li, True) pages = shows.body['total_pages'] if Page < pages - 1: self._getShowsPage(Page + 1, Items) else: xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(self._handle)
def _showNextPage(self, html, urlId): nextPage = html.find('span', 'current') if nextPage != None: nextPage = nextPage.nextSibling if nextPage != None and len(str(nextPage)) < 2: nextPage = nextPage.nextSibling if nextPage != None: Util.createNextPageItem(self._handle, nextPage.text, { 'id' : urlId, 'page' : nextPage['href'] })
def _playVideo(self, response, title, img, descr): urlParam = response.find('div', 'meride-video-container') if urlParam != None: response = Util.getResponseBS('{0}/folder1/{1}/desktop'.format(urlParam['data-customer'], urlParam['data-embed'])) if response.isSucceeded: try: Util.playStream(self._handle, title, img, response.body.iphone.text, 'video', { 'title' : title, 'plot' : descr }) except: Util.playStream(self._handle, title, img, response.body.mp4.text, 'video', { 'title' : title, 'plot' : descr })
def _nextPage(self, bsSource, paramId, urlStringFormat): nextPage = bsSource.find('ul', 'swiper-wrapper jgrid') if nextPage != None: pages = nextPage.findAll('li') index = -1 for page in pages: if page.a['class'] == 'active cc': index = pages.index(page) + 1 break # Stops "for page in pages:". if index < len(pages): Util.createNextPageItem(self._handle, pages[index].a.text, { 'id' : paramId, 'page' : urlStringFormat.format(pages[index].a['href']) })
def _showList(self, html, urlId): videos = html.findAll('div', { 'class' : re.compile('post-[0-9]+ (?:post|puntate).+?') }) for video in videos: if video.find('div', 'icon-post flaticon-facetime') != None: title = video.a['title'] descr = video.find('div', 'post-content') descr.a.extract() img = 'DefaultVideo.png' if video.img != None: img = self._normalizeImage(video.img['src']) li = Util.createListItem(title, thumbnailImage = img, streamtype = 'video', infolabels = { 'title' : title, 'plot' : descr.text }, isPlayable = True) xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(self._handle, Util.formatUrl({ 'id' : 'v', 'page' : video.a['href'] }), li, False) self._showNextPage(html, urlId) xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(self._handle)
def _getEpisodes(self, showId, seasonId): url = '{0}/seasons/{1}?show_id={0}&items=50&sort=episode_number_asc&video_types=-clip&season_id={1}'.format(showId, seasonId) episodes = Util.getResponseJson(url) if episodes.isSucceeded: for episode in episodes.body['data']: if episode['title'].lower().find('episodio') > -1: title = episode['title'] else: title = Util.getTranslation(30011).format(episode = episode['title'], number = episode['episode']) img = episode['image_data'] desc = episode['description'] or episode['video_metadata_longDescription'] time = self._getDuration(int(episode['video_metadata_length'])) li = Util.createListItem(title, thumbnailImage = self._getImage(img), streamtype = 'video', infolabels = { 'title' : title, 'plot' : desc }, duration = time, isPlayable = True) xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(self._handle, Util.formatUrl({ 'action' : 'v', 'url' : episode['hls'] }), li) xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(self._handle)
def _getEpisodes(self, path): index = path.rfind('/') videos = self._getMTVResponse('{0}.rss'.format(path[:index])) if videos.isSucceeded: videos = videos.body.findAll('item') season = '{0}/'.format(path[index:]) for video in videos: if > -1: name = video.title.text img = video.enclosure['url'] iResEnd = img.rfind('.') iResStart = iResEnd - 3 if img[iResStart:iResEnd] == '140': img = '{0}640{1}'.format(img[:iResStart], img[iResEnd:]) li = Util.createListItem(name, thumbnailImage = img, streamtype = 'video', infolabels = { 'title' : name, 'plot' : video.description.text }, isPlayable = True) xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(self._handle, Util.formatUrl({ 'action' : 'r', 'path' : }), li) xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(self._handle)
def _getEpisodes(self, showId, seasonId): url = "{0}/seasons/{1}?show_id={0}&items=50&sort=episode_number_asc&video_types=-clip&season_id={1}".format( showId, seasonId ) episodes = Util.getResponseJson(url) if episodes.isSucceeded: for episode in episodes.body["data"]: if episode["title"].lower().find("episodio") > -1: title = episode["title"] else: title = Util.getTranslation(30011).format(episode=episode["title"], number=episode["episode"]) img = episode["image_data"] desc = episode["description"] or episode["video_metadata_longDescription"] time = self._getDuration(int(episode["video_metadata_length"])) li = Util.createListItem( title, thumbnailImage=self._getImage(img), streamtype="video", infolabels={"title": title, "plot": desc}, duration=time, isPlayable=True, ) xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(self._handle, Util.formatUrl({"action": "v", "url": episode["hls"]}), li) xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(self._handle)
def _getMTVResponse(self, link): return Util.getResponseBS('{0}'.format(link))
def __init__(self): # Programmi. if len(self._params) == 0: shows = self._getMTVResponse('/serie-tv') if shows.isSucceeded: shows = shows.body.findAll('h3', 'showpass') for show in shows: name = show.nextSibling.strong.text img = show.img['data-original'] index = img.rfind('?') show.nextSibling.strong.extract() li = Util.createListItem(name, thumbnailImage = img[:index], streamtype = 'video', infolabels = { 'title' : name, 'plot' : show.nextSibling.text }) xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(self._handle, Util.formatUrl({ 'action' : 's', 'path' : show.a['href'] }), li, True) xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(self._handle) # Stagioni. elif self._params['action'] == 's': response = self._getMTVResponse(self._params['path']) if response.isSucceeded: if response.body.renderContents().find('<h2>Troppo tardi! <b>☻</b></h2>') == -1: seasons = response.body.find('ul', 'nav').findAll('a') if xbmcplugin.getSetting(self._handle, 'show_seasons') == 'false' or len(seasons) > 1: title = response.body.find('h1', { 'itemprop' : 'name' }).text for season in seasons: link = season['href'] season = season.text li = Util.createListItem(season, streamtype = 'video', infolabels = { 'title' : season, 'plot' : '{0} di {1}'.format(season, title) }) xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(self._handle, Util.formatUrl({ 'action' : 'p', 'path' : link }), li, True) xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(self._handle) else: self._getEpisodes(seasons[0]['href']) else: xbmcgui.Dialog().ok(Util._addonName, Util.getTranslation(30000)) # Troppo tardi! I diritti di questo video sono scaduti. # Puntate. elif self._params['action'] == 'p': self._getEpisodes(self._params['path']) # Risoluzioni. elif self._params['action'] == 'r': videoId = Util.getResponseBS(self._params['path']) if videoId.isSucceeded: videoId = videoId.body.find('div', 'MTVNPlayer') if videoId != None: qlySetting = xbmcplugin.getSetting(self._handle, 'vid_quality') if qlySetting == '0': qlySetting = 180 elif qlySetting == '1': qlySetting = 270 elif qlySetting == '2': qlySetting = 360 elif qlySetting == '3': qlySetting = 432 elif qlySetting == '4': qlySetting = 576 elif qlySetting == '5': qlySetting = 720 elif qlySetting == '6': qlySetting = 1080 videoId = videoId['data-contenturi'] response = Util.getResponseBS('{0}'.format(videoId[videoId.rfind(':'):])) if response.isSucceeded: response = response.body.findAll('rendition') streams = [] for stream in response: streams.append(( abs(qlySetting - int(stream['height'])), stream.src.text )) streams = sorted(streams, key = lambda stream: stream[0]) Util.playStream(self._handle, '', path = streams[0][1]) #for duration, bitrate, url in streams: # title = Util.getTranslation(idLabel) # idLabel += 1 # li = Util.createListItem(title, streamtype = 'video', infolabels = { 'title' : title }, duration = duration) # xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(self._handle, '{0} swfUrl={1}.swf swfVfy=true'.format(url, self._params['path']), li, False) #xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(self._handle) else: xbmcgui.Dialog().ok(Util._addonName, Util.showVideoNotAvailableDialog()) # Video non disponibile.
def __init__(self): if len(self._params) == 0: # Scelta tra Audio o Video Util.createAudioVideoItems(self._handle) # Show items. xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(self._handle) elif len(self._params) == 1 and self._params['content_type'] == 'video': # Visualizzazione del menu video. # Menu. response = Util.getResponseBS('') if response.isSucceeded: menuItems = [] for ul in response.body.findAll('ul', 'nav-list'): for li in ul.findAll('li'): title = li.a.text link = li.a['href'] li = Util.createListItem(title) menuItems.append(( li, link, title )) div = response.body.find('div', 'submenu-categories') for li in div.findAll('li'): link = li.a['href'] found = False for item in menuItems: if item[1] == link: found = True break if not found: title = li.a.text li = Util.createListItem(title) menuItems.append(( li, link, title )) for item in sorted(menuItems, key = lambda item: item[2]): xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(self._handle, Util.formatUrl({ 'id' : 'c', 'page' : item[1] }), item[0], True) # Show items. xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(self._handle) elif len(self._params) == 1 and self._params['content_type'] == 'audio': # Visualizzazione del menu audio. img = '{0}/resources/images/fqRadio.png'.format(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) li = Util.createListItem(Util.getTranslation(30000), thumbnailImage = img) # Radio. xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(self._handle, ';audio.mp3', li, False) xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(self._handle, Util.formatUrl({ 'id' : 'p', 'page' : self._getUrlPodcast() }), Util.createListItem(Util.getTranslation(30001), thumbnailImage = 'DefaultAddonLyrics.png'), True) # Show items. xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(self._handle) else: response = Util.getResponseBS(self._params['page']) if response.isSucceeded: # Videos. if self._params['id'] == 'c': # Visualizzazione video di una categoria. videos = response.body.findAll('section', 'article-preview') for video in videos: divTitle = video.find('div', 'article-wrapper') title = divTitle.h3.a.text img = None if video.picture.img != None: img = video.picture.img['src'] li = Util.createListItem(title, thumbnailImage = img, streamtype = 'video', infolabels = { 'title' : title }, isPlayable = True) xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(self._handle, Util.formatUrl({ 'id' : 'v', 'page' : divTitle.h3.a['href'] }), li, False) # Next page. self._nextPage(response.body, 'c', '{0}') # Show items. xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(self._handle) # Podcast. if self._params['id'] == 'p': # Visualizzazione podcast. podcasts = response.body.find('section', 'fqRadio fqRadio-palinsesto') podcasts = podcasts.findAll('div', 'ungrid-row') for podcast in podcasts: title = u'{0} ({1})'.format(podcast.find('div', 'ungrid-col program').a.text, podcast.find('div', 'ungrid-col program-date').text) url = podcast.find('div', 'ungrid-col dwl-podcast').a['href'] li = Util.createListItem(title, thumbnailImage = 'DefaultAudio.png', streamtype = 'audio', infolabels = { 'title' : title }) xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(self._handle, url, li, False) # Next page. self._nextPage(response.body, 'p', '{0}/{1}'.format(self._getUrlPodcast(), '{0}')) # Show items. xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(self._handle) # Play video. elif self._params['id'] == 'v': title = response.body.find('meta', { 'property' : 'og:title' })['content'] img = response.body.find('meta', { 'property' : 'og:image' })['content'] descr = response.body.find('div', 'tv-desc-body').text # Video del fatto. video = response.body.find('video', { 'id' : 'bcPlayer' }) if video != None: #playerID = 2274739660001 #publisherID = 1328010481001 url = '{0}/videos/{1}'.format(video['data-account'], video['data-video-id']) headers = { 'Accept' : 'application/json;pk=BCpkADawqM0xNxj2Rs11iwmFoNJoG2nXUQs67brI7oR2qm0Dwn__kPcbvLJb7M34IY2ar-WxWvi8wHr6cRbP7nmgilWaDrqZEeQm4O5K6z6B2A3afiPFbv7T4LcsQKN2PqIIgIIr3AXq43vL' } response = Util.getResponseJson(url, headers) if response.isSucceeded: sources = sorted(response.body['sources'], key = lambda item: item['avg_bitrate'] if 'avg_bitrate' in item else 0, reverse = True) if 'src' in sources[0]: source = sources[0]['src'] else: source = sources[1]['src'] Util.playStream(self._handle, title, img, source, 'video', { 'title' : title, 'plot' : descr }) # Altri video. else: responseString = response.body.renderContents() # Video di youtube. if responseString.find('') > -1: video ='\?', response.body.find('iframe')['src']) if video != None: Util.playStream(self._handle, title, img, 'plugin://{0}'.format(, 'video', { 'title' : title, 'plot' : descr }) # Video servizio pubblico. elif responseString.find('meride-video-container') > -1: params = { 'id' : 'e', 'page' : self._params['page'], 'title' : title, 'img' : img, 'descr' : descr } url = Util.formatUrl(params, 'plugin://') Util.playStream(self._handle, title, img, url, 'video', { 'title' : title, 'plot' : descr }) # Video non gestito. else: Util.showVideoNotAvailableDialog()
def __init__(self): # Shows. if len(self._params) == 0: shows = Util.getResponseJson('') if shows.isSucceeded: for show in shows.body['data']: episodes = 0 for ti in show['taxonomy_items']: if ti['type'] == 'show': episodes = ti['metadata']['episodes'] break # Stops "for ti in show['taxonomy_items']:". title = Util.getTranslation(30009).format(show = show['title'], number = episodes) img = show['image_data'] li = Util.createListItem(title, thumbnailImage = self._getImage(img), streamtype = 'video', infolabels = { 'title' : title, 'plot' : show['description'] }) xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(self._handle, Util.formatUrl({ 'action' : 's', 'showid' : show['id'] }), li, True) xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(self._handle) # Seasons. elif self._params['action'] == 's': headers = { 'User-Agent' : 'Dalvik/2.1.0 (Linux; U; Android 5.1.1; D6503 Build/23.4.A.0.546)' } url = '{0}/seasons?realm=DPLAYIT&appVersion=2.0.0&platform=ANDROID&platformVersion=5.1.1'.format(self._params['showid']) seasons = Util.getResponseJson(url, headers) if seasons.isSucceeded: if xbmcplugin.getSetting(self._handle, 'show_seasons') == 'false' or len(seasons.body['data']) > 1: for season in seasons.body['data']: title = Util.getTranslation(30010).format(season = season['name'], numberof = season['episodes_available'], numbertot = season['episodes_total']) li = Util.createListItem(title, thumbnailImage = 'DefaultFolder.png', streamtype = 'video', infolabels = { 'title' : title }) xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(self._handle, Util.formatUrl({ 'action' : 'e', 'showid' : self._params['showid'], 'seasonid' : season['id'] }), li, True) xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(self._handle) else: self._getEpisodes(self._params['showid'], seasons.body['data'][0]['id']) # Episodes. elif self._params['action'] == 'e': self._getEpisodes(self._params['showid'], self._params['seasonid']) # Play video. elif self._params['action'] == 'v': stream = Util.getResponseForRegEx(self._params['url']) if stream.isSucceeded: qlySetting = xbmcplugin.getSetting(self._handle, 'vid_quality') if qlySetting == '0': qlySetting = 180 elif qlySetting == '1': qlySetting = 270 elif qlySetting == '2': qlySetting = 360 elif qlySetting == '3': qlySetting = 432 elif qlySetting == '4': qlySetting = 576 elif qlySetting == '5': qlySetting = 720 elif qlySetting == '6': qlySetting = 1080 urls = re.findall('RESOLUTION=.+?x(.+?),CODECS=".+?"(.+?)#', stream.body) items = [] for qly, url in urls: items.append(( abs(qlySetting - int(qly)), url )) items = sorted(items, key = lambda item: item[0]) Util.playStream(self._handle, '', path = items[0][1])
def __init__(self): # Shows. if len(self._params) == 0: self._getShowsPage(0, xbmcplugin.getSetting(self._handle, "items_per_page")) # Seasons. elif self._params["action"] == "s": headers = {"User-Agent": "Dalvik/2.1.0 (Linux; U; Android 5.1.1; D6503 Build/23.4.A.0.546)"} url = "{0}/seasons?realm=DPLAYIT&appVersion=2.0.0&platform=ANDROID&platformVersion=5.1.1".format( self._params["showid"] ) seasons = Util.getResponseJson(url, headers) if seasons.isSucceeded: if xbmcplugin.getSetting(self._handle, "show_seasons") == "false" or len(seasons.body["data"]) > 1: for season in seasons.body["data"]: title = Util.getTranslation(30010).format( season=season["name"], numberof=season["episodes_available"], numbertot=season["episodes_total"], ) li = Util.createListItem( title, thumbnailImage="DefaultFolder.png", streamtype="video", infolabels={"title": title} ) xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem( self._handle, Util.formatUrl({"action": "e", "showid": self._params["showid"], "seasonid": season["id"]}), li, True, ) xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(self._handle) else: self._getEpisodes(self._params["showid"], seasons.body["data"][0]["id"]) # Episodes. elif self._params["action"] == "e": self._getEpisodes(self._params["showid"], self._params["seasonid"]) # Play video. elif self._params["action"] == "v": stream = Util.getResponseForRegEx(self._params["url"]) if stream.isSucceeded: qlySetting = xbmcplugin.getSetting(self._handle, "vid_quality") if qlySetting == "0": qlySetting = 180 elif qlySetting == "1": qlySetting = 270 elif qlySetting == "2": qlySetting = 360 elif qlySetting == "3": qlySetting = 432 elif qlySetting == "4": qlySetting = 576 elif qlySetting == "5": qlySetting = 720 elif qlySetting == "6": qlySetting = 1080 urls = re.findall('RESOLUTION=.+?x(.+?),CODECS=".+?"(.+?)#', stream.body) items = [] for qly, url in urls: items.append((abs(qlySetting - int(qly)), url)) items = sorted(items, key=lambda item: item[0]) Util.playStream(self._handle, "", path=items[0][1])
def __init__(self): # Shows. if len(self._params) == 0: self._getShowsPage( 0, xbmcplugin.getSetting(self._handle, 'items_per_page')) # Seasons. elif self._params['action'] == 's': headers = { 'User-Agent': 'Dalvik/2.1.0 (Linux; U; Android 5.1.1; D6503 Build/23.4.A.0.546)' } url = '{0}/seasons?realm=DPLAYIT&appVersion=2.0.0&platform=ANDROID&platformVersion=5.1.1'.format( self._params['showid']) seasons = Util.getResponseJson(url, headers) if seasons.isSucceeded: if xbmcplugin.getSetting(self._handle, 'show_seasons') == 'false' or len( seasons.body['data']) > 1: for season in seasons.body['data']: title = Util.getTranslation(30010).format( season=season['name'], numberof=season['episodes_available'], numbertot=season['episodes_total']) li = Util.createListItem( title, thumbnailImage='DefaultFolder.png', streamtype='video', infolabels={'title': title}) xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem( self._handle, Util.formatUrl({ 'action': 'e', 'showid': self._params['showid'], 'seasonid': season['id'] }), li, True) xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(self._handle) else: self._getEpisodes(self._params['showid'], seasons.body['data'][0]['id']) # Episodes. elif self._params['action'] == 'e': self._getEpisodes(self._params['showid'], self._params['seasonid']) # Play video. elif self._params['action'] == 'v': stream = Util.getResponseForRegEx(self._params['url']) if stream.isSucceeded: qlySetting = xbmcplugin.getSetting(self._handle, 'vid_quality') if qlySetting == '0': qlySetting = 180 elif qlySetting == '1': qlySetting = 270 elif qlySetting == '2': qlySetting = 360 elif qlySetting == '3': qlySetting = 432 elif qlySetting == '4': qlySetting = 576 elif qlySetting == '5': qlySetting = 720 elif qlySetting == '6': qlySetting = 1080 urls = re.findall('RESOLUTION=.+?x(.+?),CODECS=".+?"(.+?)#', stream.body) items = [] for qly, url in urls: items.append((abs(qlySetting - int(qly)), url)) items = sorted(items, key=lambda item: item[0]) Util.playStream(self._handle, '', path=items[0][1])
def __init__(self): # Visualizzazione del menu. if len(self._params) == 0: categs = [] categs.append(['Santoro', 'r', '/canali/santoro']) categs.append(['Vauro', 'r', '/canali/vauro']) categs.append(['Travaglio', 'r', '/canali/travaglio']) categs.append(['Dragoni', 'r', '/canali/dragoni']) categs.append(['Puntate', 'i', '/puntate']) categs.append(['Argomenti', 't', '/argomenti']) categs.append(['Gli inviati', 'n', '/gli-inviati']) for title, paramId, page in categs: li = Util.createListItem(title, streamtype = 'video', infolabels = { 'title' : title }) xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(self._handle, Util.formatUrl({ 'id' : paramId, 'page' : page }), li, True) xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(self._handle) else: response = Util.getResponseBS(self._createPage(self._params['page'])) if response.isSucceeded: # Archivi (santoro, vauro, travaglio, dragoni, puntate, argomenti e inviati). if self._params['id'] == 'i': self._showArchiveList(response.body, self._params['id']) # Argomenti. elif self._params['id'] == 't': categs = response.body.findAll('div', 'col-xs-12 single-argomento') for categ in categs: title = categ.a['title'] img = 'DefaultVideo.png' if categ.img != None: img = self._normalizeImage(categ.img['src']) li = Util.createListItem(title, thumbnailImage = img, streamtype = 'video', infolabels = { 'title' : title, 'plot' : categ.div.renderContents() }) xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(self._handle, Util.formatUrl({ 'id' : 'r', 'page' : categ.a['href'] }), li, True) self._showNextPage(response.body, self._params['id']) xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(self._handle) # Gli inviati. elif self._params['id'] == 'n': envoys = response.body.findAll('div', { 'class' : re.compile('post-[0-9]+ persone.+?') }) for envoy in envoys: title = envoy.a['title'] li = Util.createListItem(title, thumbnailImage = self._normalizeImage(envoy.img['src']), streamtype = 'video', infolabels = { 'title' : title }) xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(self._handle, Util.formatUrl({ 'id' : 'i', 'page' : envoy.a['href'] }), li, True) xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(self._handle) # Ricerca categID. elif self._params['id'] == 'r': categid ='\?cat_id=([0-9]+)"', response.body.renderContents()) if categid != None: categid = link = self._GetSPPage('/?p=15546&cat_id={0}'.format(categid)) if categid == '2': # Per evitare di mangiarsi un video adotto questo barbatrucco. link = self._GetSPPage('/?p=15526&cat_id=2') response = Util.getResponseBS(link) if response.isSucceeded: self._showArchiveList(response.body, 'i') # Riproduzione del video. elif self._params['id'] == 'v': img = response.body.find('meta', { 'property' : 'og:image' })['content'] tide = response.body.find('h3', 'entry-title') responseString = response.body.renderContents() # Servizio pubblico. if responseString.find('meride-video-container') > -1: self._playVideo(response.body, tide.text, img, tide.parent.text) # Fatto quotidiano. elif responseString.find('<object id="flashObj"') > -1: urlParam = response.body.find('param', { 'name' : 'flashVars' })['value'] urlParam ="linkBaseURL=(.+?)&", urlParam).group(1).replace('%3A', ':').replace('%2F', '/') url = Util.formatUrl({ 'id' : 'v', 'page' : urlParam }, 'plugin://') Util.playStream(self._handle, tide.text, img, url, 'video', { 'title' : tide.text, 'plot' : tide.parent.text }) else: Util.showVideoNotAvailableDialog() # Riproduzione video esterna. elif self._params['id'] == 'e': self._playVideo(response.body, self._params['title'], self._params['img'], self._params['descr'])
#!/usr/bin/python import os from neverwise import Util li = Util.createListItem( Util._addonName, thumbnailImage="{0}/icon.png".format(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))), streamtype="music", infolabels={"title": Util._addonName}, ) xbmc.Player(xbmc.PLAYER_CORE_PAPLAYER).play("", li)
class Dplay(object): _handle = int(sys.argv[1]) _params = Util.urlParametersToDict(sys.argv[2]) def __init__(self): # Shows. if len(self._params) == 0: self._getShowsPage( 0, xbmcplugin.getSetting(self._handle, 'items_per_page')) # Seasons. elif self._params['action'] == 's': headers = { 'User-Agent': 'Dalvik/2.1.0 (Linux; U; Android 5.1.1; D6503 Build/23.4.A.0.546)' } url = '{0}/seasons?realm=DPLAYIT&appVersion=2.0.0&platform=ANDROID&platformVersion=5.1.1'.format( self._params['showid']) seasons = Util.getResponseJson(url, headers) if seasons.isSucceeded: if xbmcplugin.getSetting(self._handle, 'show_seasons') == 'false' or len( seasons.body['data']) > 1: for season in seasons.body['data']: title = Util.getTranslation(30010).format( season=season['name'], numberof=season['episodes_available'], numbertot=season['episodes_total']) li = Util.createListItem( title, thumbnailImage='DefaultFolder.png', streamtype='video', infolabels={'title': title}) xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem( self._handle, Util.formatUrl({ 'action': 'e', 'showid': self._params['showid'], 'seasonid': season['id'] }), li, True) xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(self._handle) else: self._getEpisodes(self._params['showid'], seasons.body['data'][0]['id']) # Episodes. elif self._params['action'] == 'e': self._getEpisodes(self._params['showid'], self._params['seasonid']) # Play video. elif self._params['action'] == 'v': stream = Util.getResponseForRegEx(self._params['url']) if stream.isSucceeded: qlySetting = xbmcplugin.getSetting(self._handle, 'vid_quality') if qlySetting == '0': qlySetting = 180 elif qlySetting == '1': qlySetting = 270 elif qlySetting == '2': qlySetting = 360 elif qlySetting == '3': qlySetting = 432 elif qlySetting == '4': qlySetting = 576 elif qlySetting == '5': qlySetting = 720 elif qlySetting == '6': qlySetting = 1080 urls = re.findall('RESOLUTION=.+?x(.+?),CODECS=".+?"(.+?)#', stream.body) items = [] for qly, url in urls: items.append((abs(qlySetting - int(qly)), url)) items = sorted(items, key=lambda item: item[0]) Util.playStream(self._handle, '', path=items[0][1]) def _getShowsPage(self, Page, Items): shows = Util.getResponseJson( '{0}&page_id=32&module_id=26&page={1}' .format(Items, Page)) if shows.isSucceeded: for show in shows.body['data']: episodes = 0 for ti in show['taxonomy_items']: if ti['type'] == 'show': episodes = ti['metadata']['episodes'] break # Stops "for ti in show['taxonomy_items']:". title = Util.getTranslation(30009).format(show=show['title'], number=episodes) img = show['image_data'] li = Util.createListItem(title, thumbnailImage=self._getImage(img), streamtype='video', infolabels={ 'title': title, 'plot': show['description'] }) xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem( self._handle, Util.formatUrl({ 'action': 's', 'showid': show['id'] }), li, True) pages = shows.body['total_pages'] if Page < pages - 1: self._getShowsPage(Page + 1, Items) else: xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(self._handle) def _getEpisodes(self, showId, seasonId): url = '{0}/seasons/{1}?show_id={0}&items=50&sort=episode_number_asc&video_types=-clip&season_id={1}'.format( showId, seasonId) episodes = Util.getResponseJson(url) if episodes.isSucceeded: for episode in episodes.body['data']: if episode['title'].lower().find('episodio') > -1: title = episode['title'] else: title = Util.getTranslation(30011).format( episode=episode['title'], number=episode['episode']) img = episode['image_data'] desc = episode['description'] or episode[ 'video_metadata_longDescription'] time = self._getDuration(int(episode['video_metadata_length'])) li = Util.createListItem(title, thumbnailImage=self._getImage(img), streamtype='video', infolabels={ 'title': title, 'plot': desc }, duration=time, isPlayable=True) xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem( self._handle, Util.formatUrl({ 'action': 'v', 'url': episode['hls'] }), li) xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(self._handle) def _getImage(self, image): if image is not None: return u'{0}c_fill,h_246,w_368/{1}'.format( '', image['file']) else: return 'DefaultVideo.png' def _getDuration(self, milliseconds): return str(timedelta(milliseconds / 1000.0))
class MTV(object): _handle = int(sys.argv[1]) _params = Util.urlParametersToDict(sys.argv[2]) def __init__(self): # Programmi. if len(self._params) == 0: shows = self._getMTVResponse('/serie-tv') if shows.isSucceeded: shows = shows.body.findAll('h3', 'showpass') for show in shows: name = show.nextSibling.strong.text img = show.img['data-original'] index = img.rfind('?') show.nextSibling.strong.extract() li = Util.createListItem(name, thumbnailImage=img[:index], streamtype='video', infolabels={ 'title': name, 'plot': show.nextSibling.text }) xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem( self._handle, Util.formatUrl({ 'action': 's', 'path': show.a['href'] }), li, True) xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(self._handle) # Stagioni. elif self._params['action'] == 's': response = self._getMTVResponse(self._params['path']) if response.isSucceeded: if response.body.renderContents().find( '<h2>Troppo tardi! <b>☻</b></h2>') == -1: seasons = response.body.find('ul', 'nav').findAll('a') if xbmcplugin.getSetting( self._handle, 'show_seasons') == 'false' or len(seasons) > 1: title = response.body.find('h1', { 'itemprop': 'name' }).text for season in seasons: link = season['href'] season = season.text li = Util.createListItem(season, streamtype='video', infolabels={ 'title': season, 'plot': '{0} di {1}'.format( season, title) }) xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem( self._handle, Util.formatUrl({ 'action': 'p', 'path': link }), li, True) xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(self._handle) else: self._getEpisodes(seasons[0]['href']) else: xbmcgui.Dialog().ok( Util._addonName, Util.getTranslation(30000) ) # Troppo tardi! I diritti di questo video sono scaduti. # Puntate. elif self._params['action'] == 'p': self._getEpisodes(self._params['path']) # Risoluzioni. elif self._params['action'] == 'r': videoId = Util.getResponseBS(self._params['path']) if videoId.isSucceeded: videoId = videoId.body.find('div', 'MTVNPlayer') if videoId != None: qlySetting = xbmcplugin.getSetting(self._handle, 'vid_quality') if qlySetting == '0': qlySetting = 180 elif qlySetting == '1': qlySetting = 270 elif qlySetting == '2': qlySetting = 360 elif qlySetting == '3': qlySetting = 432 elif qlySetting == '4': qlySetting = 576 elif qlySetting == '5': qlySetting = 720 elif qlySetting == '6': qlySetting = 1080 videoId = videoId['data-contenturi'] response = Util.getResponseBS( '{0}' .format(videoId[videoId.rfind(':'):])) if response.isSucceeded: response = response.body.findAll('rendition') streams = [] for stream in response: streams.append( (abs(qlySetting - int(stream['height'])), stream.src.text)) streams = sorted(streams, key=lambda stream: stream[0]) Util.playStream(self._handle, '', path=streams[0][1]) #for duration, bitrate, url in streams: # title = Util.getTranslation(idLabel) # idLabel += 1 # li = Util.createListItem(title, streamtype = 'video', infolabels = { 'title' : title }, duration = duration) # xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(self._handle, '{0} swfUrl={1}.swf swfVfy=true'.format(url, self._params['path']), li, False) #xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(self._handle) else: xbmcgui.Dialog().ok(Util._addonName, Util.showVideoNotAvailableDialog() ) # Video non disponibile. def _getMTVResponse(self, link): return Util.getResponseBS('{0}'.format(link)) def _getEpisodes(self, path): index = path.rfind('/') videos = self._getMTVResponse('{0}.rss'.format(path[:index])) if videos.isSucceeded: videos = videos.body.findAll('item') season = '{0}/'.format(path[index:]) for video in videos: if > -1: name = video.title.text img = video.enclosure['url'] iResEnd = img.rfind('.') iResStart = iResEnd - 3 if img[iResStart:iResEnd] == '140': img = '{0}640{1}'.format(img[:iResStart], img[iResEnd:]) li = Util.createListItem(name, thumbnailImage=img, streamtype='video', infolabels={ 'title': name, 'plot': video.description.text }, isPlayable=True) xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem( self._handle, Util.formatUrl({ 'action': 'r', 'path': }), li) xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(self._handle)
#!/usr/bin/python import os from neverwise import Util li = Util.createListItem(Util._addonName, thumbnailImage='{0}/icon.png'.format( os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))), streamtype='music', infolabels={'title': Util._addonName}) xbmc.Player(xbmc.PLAYER_CORE_PAPLAYER).play( '', li)
#!/usr/bin/python import os from neverwise import Util # # URL alternativo. # Ho tentato di inserire il nome della radio tra le informazioni della canzone ma dallo stream ricevo le informazioni della canzone corrente che cancellano il nome della radio. li = Util.createListItem(Util._addonName, thumbnailImage = '{0}/icon.png'.format(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))), streamtype = 'music', infolabels = { 'title' : Util._addonName }) xbmc.Player(xbmc.PLAYER_CORE_PAPLAYER).play('', li)