Esempio n. 1
def render(resource, query_args):
    Render (in the manner of the Nevow appserver) a Nevow ``Page`` or a
    Twisted ``Resource`` against a request with the given query arguments .

    :param resource: The page or resource to render.

    :param query_args: The query arguments to put into the request being
        rendered.  A mapping from ``bytes`` to ``list`` of ``bytes``.

    :return Deferred: A Deferred that fires with the rendered response body as
    ctx = WebContext(tag=resource)
    req = FakeRequest(args=query_args)
    ctx.remember(DefaultExceptionHandler(), ICanHandleException)
    ctx.remember(req, IRequest)
    ctx.remember(None, IData)

    def maybe_concat(res):
        if isinstance(res, bytes):
            return req.v + res
        return req.v

    resource = INevowResource(resource)
    d = maybeDeferred(resource.renderHTTP, ctx)
    d.addErrback(processingFailed, req, ctx)
    return d
Esempio n. 2
class LoginPageTests(TestCase):
    Tests for functionality related to login.
    domain = u""

    def setUp(self):
        Create a L{Store}, L{WebSite} and necessary request-related objects to
        test L{LoginPage}.
        self.siteStore = Store(filesdir=self.mktemp())
        Mantissa().installSite(self.siteStore, self.domain, u"", False) = self.siteStore.findUnique(SiteConfiguration)
            TCPPort(store=self.siteStore,, portNumber=80),
        self.context = WebContext()
        self.request = FakeRequest()

    def test_fromRequest(self):
        L{LoginPage.fromRequest} should return a two-tuple of the class it is
        called on and an empty tuple.
        request = FakeRequest(uri='/foo/bar/baz',
                              args={'quux': ['corge']})

        class StubLoginPage(LoginPage):
            def __init__(self, store, segments, arguments):
       = store
                self.segments = segments
                self.arguments = arguments

        page = StubLoginPage.fromRequest(self.siteStore, request)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(page, StubLoginPage))
        self.assertIdentical(, self.siteStore)
        self.assertEqual(page.segments, ['foo', 'bar'])
        self.assertEqual(page.arguments, {'quux': ['corge']})

    def test_staticShellContent(self):
        The L{IStaticShellContent} adapter for the C{store} argument to
        L{LoginPage.__init__} should become its C{staticContent} attribute.
        originalInterface = publicweb.IStaticShellContent
        adaptions = []
        result = object()

        def stubInterface(object, default):
            adaptions.append((object, default))
            return result

        publicweb.IStaticShellContent = stubInterface
            page = LoginPage(self.siteStore)
            publicweb.IStaticShellContent = originalInterface
        self.assertEqual(len(adaptions), 1)
        self.assertIdentical(adaptions[0][0], self.siteStore)
        self.assertIdentical(page.staticContent, result)

    def test_segments(self):
        L{LoginPage.beforeRender} should fill the I{login-action} slot with an
        L{URL} which includes all the segments given to the L{LoginPage}.
        segments = ('foo', 'bar')
        page = LoginPage(self.siteStore, segments)
        loginAction = self.context.locateSlotData('login-action')
        expectedLocation = URL.fromString('/')
        for segment in (LOGIN_AVATAR, ) + segments:
            expectedLocation = expectedLocation.child(segment)
        self.assertEqual(loginAction, expectedLocation)

    def test_queryArguments(self):
        L{LoginPage.beforeRender} should fill the I{login-action} slot with an
        L{URL} which includes all the query arguments given to the
        args = {'foo': ['bar']}
        page = LoginPage(self.siteStore, (), args)
        loginAction = self.context.locateSlotData('login-action')
        expectedLocation = URL.fromString('/')
        expectedLocation = expectedLocation.child(LOGIN_AVATAR)
        expectedLocation = expectedLocation.add('foo', 'bar')
        self.assertEqual(loginAction, expectedLocation)

    def test_locateChildPreservesSegments(self):
        L{LoginPage.locateChild} should create a new L{LoginPage} with segments
        extracted from the traversal context.
        segments = ('foo', 'bar')
        page = LoginPage(self.siteStore)
        child, remaining = page.locateChild(self.context, segments)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(child, LoginPage))
        self.assertEqual(remaining, ())
        self.assertEqual(child.segments, segments)

    def test_locateChildPreservesQueryArguments(self):
        L{LoginPage.locateChild} should create a new L{LoginPage} with query
        arguments extracted from the traversal context.
        self.request.args = {'foo': ['bar']}
        page = LoginPage(self.siteStore)
        child, remaining = page.locateChild(self.context, None)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(child, LoginPage))
        self.assertEqual(child.arguments, self.request.args)
Esempio n. 3
class LoginPageTests(TestCase):
    Tests for functionality related to login.
    domain = u""

    def setUp(self):
        Create a L{Store}, L{WebSite} and necessary request-related objects to
        test L{LoginPage}.
        self.siteStore = Store(filesdir=self.mktemp())
        Mantissa().installSite(self.siteStore, self.domain, u"", False) = self.siteStore.findUnique(SiteConfiguration)
            TCPPort(store=self.siteStore,, portNumber=80),
        self.context = WebContext()
        self.request = FakeRequest()

    def test_fromRequest(self):
        L{LoginPage.fromRequest} should return a two-tuple of the class it is
        called on and an empty tuple.
        request = FakeRequest(
            args={'quux': ['corge']})

        class StubLoginPage(LoginPage):
            def __init__(self, store, segments, arguments):
       = store
                self.segments = segments
                self.arguments = arguments

        page = StubLoginPage.fromRequest(self.siteStore, request)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(page, StubLoginPage))
        self.assertIdentical(, self.siteStore)
        self.assertEqual(page.segments, ['foo', 'bar'])
        self.assertEqual(page.arguments, {'quux': ['corge']})

    def test_staticShellContent(self):
        The L{IStaticShellContent} adapter for the C{store} argument to
        L{LoginPage.__init__} should become its C{staticContent} attribute.
        originalInterface = publicweb.IStaticShellContent
        adaptions = []
        result = object()
        def stubInterface(object, default):
            adaptions.append((object, default))
            return result
        publicweb.IStaticShellContent = stubInterface
            page = LoginPage(self.siteStore)
            publicweb.IStaticShellContent = originalInterface
        self.assertEqual(len(adaptions), 1)
        self.assertIdentical(adaptions[0][0], self.siteStore)
        self.assertIdentical(page.staticContent, result)

    def test_segments(self):
        L{LoginPage.beforeRender} should fill the I{login-action} slot with an
        L{URL} which includes all the segments given to the L{LoginPage}.
        segments = ('foo', 'bar')
        page = LoginPage(self.siteStore, segments)
        loginAction = self.context.locateSlotData('login-action')
        expectedLocation = URL.fromString('/')
        for segment in (LOGIN_AVATAR,) + segments:
            expectedLocation = expectedLocation.child(segment)
        self.assertEqual(loginAction, expectedLocation)

    def test_queryArguments(self):
        L{LoginPage.beforeRender} should fill the I{login-action} slot with an
        L{URL} which includes all the query arguments given to the
        args = {'foo': ['bar']}
        page = LoginPage(self.siteStore, (), args)
        loginAction = self.context.locateSlotData('login-action')
        expectedLocation = URL.fromString('/')
        expectedLocation = expectedLocation.child(LOGIN_AVATAR)
        expectedLocation = expectedLocation.add('foo', 'bar')
        self.assertEqual(loginAction, expectedLocation)

    def test_locateChildPreservesSegments(self):
        L{LoginPage.locateChild} should create a new L{LoginPage} with segments
        extracted from the traversal context.
        segments = ('foo', 'bar')
        page = LoginPage(self.siteStore)
        child, remaining = page.locateChild(self.context, segments)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(child, LoginPage))
        self.assertEqual(remaining, ())
        self.assertEqual(child.segments, segments)

    def test_locateChildPreservesQueryArguments(self):
        L{LoginPage.locateChild} should create a new L{LoginPage} with query
        arguments extracted from the traversal context.
        self.request.args = {'foo': ['bar']}
        page = LoginPage(self.siteStore)
        child, remaining = page.locateChild(self.context, None)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(child, LoginPage))
        self.assertEqual(child.arguments, self.request.args)