Esempio n. 1
def do_worker_stat(user_id, task_ident, recv_domain, detail_data):
    count_success = detail_data['count_success']
    count_error = detail_data['count_err_1'] + detail_data[
        'count_err_2'] + detail_data['count_err_3'] + detail_data['count_err_5']
        u'worker_stat user_id={}, task_ident={}, domain={}, sned={}, success={}, err_5={}'
        .format(user_id, task_ident, recv_domain, count_success + count_error,
                count_success, detail_data['count_err_5']))
    t = time.localtime(time.time())
    now = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", t)
    sql = """
    INSERT INTO stat_task_real (customer_id, task_ident, domain, count_send, count_error, count_err_1, count_err_2, count_err_3, count_err_5, created, updated)
        VALUES (%d, '%s', '%s', %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, '%s', '%s')
                  count_send=count_send + VALUES(count_send),
                  count_error=count_error + VALUES(count_error),
                  count_err_1=count_err_1 + VALUES(count_err_1),
                  count_err_2=count_err_2 + VALUES(count_err_2),
                  count_err_3=count_err_3 + VALUES(count_err_3),
                  count_err_5=count_err_5 + VALUES(count_err_5),
    """ % (user_id, task_ident, recv_domain, count_success + count_error,
           count_error, detail_data['count_err_1'], detail_data['count_err_2'],
           detail_data['count_err_3'], detail_data['count_err_5'], now, now)
    common.time_call(, GLB_MY_MS_DBNAME, sql)
Esempio n. 2
def init():
    global glb_p_date, glb_p_hour, glb_time_b, glb_time_e, glb_process_log_list, glb_count_task, glb_count_send
    task_count = 10
    send_count = 100
    sql = "SELECT task_count, send_count, domain FROM stat_task_setting LIMIT 1;"
    res = common.time_call(db_utils.query, GLB_MY_MS_DBNAME, sql)
    if res:
        task_count = res[0][0]
        send_count = res[0][1]
        stat_domain_T = res[0][2]

    # 统计任务个数
    glb_count_task = task_count
    # 统计发送数量大于等于
    glb_count_send = send_count

    t = time.localtime(time.time() - 60 * 60 * 1)
    # glb_p_date = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", t)
    # glb_p_hour = int(time.strftime("%H", t))

    glb_p_date = '2017-08-14'
    glb_p_hour = 11

    # 根据指定的小时生成要处理的时间区间
    glb_time_b = "%02d:00:00" % glb_p_hour
    glb_time_e = "%02d:00:00" % (glb_p_hour + 1)'StatLog, date: %s, hour: %s, time range: %s - %s' % (glb_p_date, glb_p_hour, glb_time_b, glb_time_e))
Esempio n. 3
def getSmtpData():
    tb_name = "maillog_%s" % (glb_p_date.replace('-', ''))
    if glb_time_e == '24:00:00':
        sql = """
            SELECT log_id, smtp_account_id, mail_from, mail_to
            FROM %s
            WHERE send_time>='%s'
              AND is_ok='t' AND return_code='250'
              AND customer_id<>'0' AND smtp_account_id is not null;
        """ % (tb_name, glb_time_b)
        sql = """
            SELECT log_id, smtp_account_id, mail_from, mail_to
            FROM %s
            WHERE send_time>='%s' AND send_time<'%s'
              AND is_ok='t' AND return_code='250'
              AND customer_id<>'0' AND smtp_account_id is not null;
        """ % (tb_name, glb_time_b, glb_time_e)
    res = common.time_call(db_utils.query, GLB_PG_LOG_DBNAME, sql)
    smtp_dict = {}
    for log_id, smtp_account_id, mail_from, mail_to in res:
        log_id = int(log_id)
        smtp_account_id = int(smtp_account_id)
        if smtp_account_id not in smtp_dict:
            smtp_dict[smtp_account_id] = []

            (log_id, mail_from, mail_to)
    return smtp_dict
Esempio n. 4
def init():
    global glb_p_date, glb_p_hour, glb_time_b, glb_time_e, glb_process_log_list, glb_count_task, glb_count_send
    task_count = 10
    send_count = 100
    sql = "SELECT task_count, send_count, domain FROM stat_task_setting LIMIT 1;"
    res = common.time_call(db_utils.query, GLB_MY_MS_DBNAME, sql)
    if res:
        task_count = res[0][0]
        send_count = res[0][1]
        stat_domain_T = res[0][2]

    # 统计任务个数
    glb_count_task = task_count
    # 统计发送数量大于等于
    glb_count_send = send_count

    t = time.localtime(time.time() - 60 * 60 * 1)
    glb_p_date = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", t)
    glb_p_hour = int(time.strftime("%H", t))

    # 根据指定的小时生成要处理的时间区间
    glb_time_b = "%02d:00:00" % glb_p_hour
    glb_time_e = "%02d:00:00" % (glb_p_hour + 1)'StatLog, date: %s, hour: %s, time range: %s - %s' %
             (glb_p_date, glb_p_hour, glb_time_b, glb_time_e))

    glb_process_log_list = []
    datfile = os.path.join(SCRIPT, 'data', 'logstat.dat')
    if os.path.exists(datfile):
        for line in file(datfile).read().strip().split("\n"):
Esempio n. 5
def do_worker_imap_update(log_id, mail_to, return_said, error_type, mode='qq'):
    return_code = 450 if error_type==1 else 550
    tb_name = "maillog_%s" % (glb_p_date.replace('-', ''))
    sql = u"UPDATE {} SET return_code=%s, return_said=%s, error_type=%s, is_ok='f' WHERE log_id=%s;".format(tb_name)
    args = (return_code, return_said, error_type, log_id)
    res = common.time_call(, GLB_PG_LOG_DBNAME, sql, args)'woker_imap {} log_id={}, mail_to={}, error_type={}, return_code={}, return_said={}'.format(mode, log_id, mail_to, error_type, return_code, return_said))
    # less stat_log.log | grep 'woker_imap log_id'
Esempio n. 6
def do_worker_task_update(user_id, domain, count_succ, count_succ_rej,
                          count_sned, now):
    avg_score = round(count_succ * 100.00 / count_sned, 2) if count_sned else 0
    avg_score_s = round(count_succ * 100.00 /
                        count_succ_rej, 2) if count_succ_rej else 0

    sql = """
        INSERT INTO core_customer_score (customer_id, domain, score, score_s, created, updated)
        VALUES (%d, '%s', %.2f,  %.2f, '%s', '%s')
        """ % (user_id, domain, avg_score, avg_score_s, now, now)
    common.time_call(, GLB_MY_MS_DBNAME, sql)
        u'worker_task user_id={}, domain={}, avg_score={}, avg_score_s={}'.
        format(user_id, domain, avg_score, avg_score_s))
Esempio n. 7
def init():
    expire_time = 5*24*60*60
    sql = "SELECT `customer_id`, `domain` FROM `core_domain` WHERE `status` IN ('Y', 'T');"
    res = common.time_call(db_utils.query, MYSQL_MS, sql)
    dbl_key = "domain:dbl:check"
    for customer_id, domain in res:
        if not domain: continue
        key = "domain:dbl:check:{}".format(domain)
        if not redis.exists(key):
            if not customer_id: customer_id=0
            p = redis.pipeline()
            p.lpush(dbl_key, json.dumps({ 'customer_id': customer_id, 'domain': domain }))
            p.set(key, 1)
            p.expire(key, expire_time)
Esempio n. 8
def do_woker_imap(smtp_account_id, smtp_list):
    sql = """
      SELECT aa.account, aa.password, bb.smtp_server
        FROM core_mss_account aa
      INNER JOIN core_mss_server bb ON bb.type_id=aa.type_id
      WHERE AND bb.smtp_server IN ('', '')
      LIMIT 1;
      """ % (smtp_account_id, )
    res = common.time_call(db_utils.query, GLB_MY_MS_DBNAME, sql)
    if not res:  return
    smtp_account, smtp_password, smtp_server = res[0]
    if smtp_server == '':
    elif smtp_server == '':
        do_worker_qq(smtp_account, smtp_password, smtp_list)
Esempio n. 9
def do_worker_task(user_id):'worker_task user_id={}'.format(user_id))
    t = time.localtime(time.time())
    now = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", t)
    sql = """
    SELECT count_send, count_error, count_err_5, domain
    FROM stat_task_real
    WHERE customer_id=%d AND count_send > %d
    ORDER BY updated DESC
    LIMIT %d
    """ % (user_id, glb_count_send, glb_count_task)
    res = common.time_call(db_utils.query, GLB_MY_MS_DBNAME, sql)

    domin_score = defaultdict(list)
    for count_send, count_error, count_err_5, domain in res:
        # 成功
        count_succ = count_send - count_error
        # 除去拒发
        count_succ_rej = count_send - count_err_5
        domin_score[domain].append((count_succ, count_succ_rej, count_send))

    count_send_all = 0
    count_succ_all = 0
    count_succ_rej_all = 0
    for domain, score_T in domin_score.iteritems():
        count_succ_sum = float(sum([i[0] for i in score_T]))
        count_succ_rej_sum = float(sum([i[1] for i in score_T]))
        count_send_sum = float(sum([i[2] for i in score_T]))

        count_succ_all += count_succ_sum
        count_succ_rej_all += count_succ_rej_sum
        count_send_all += count_send_sum
        if domain == '*': continue
        do_worker_task_update(user_id, domain, count_succ_sum,
                              count_succ_rej_sum, count_send_sum, now)
    if domin_score:
        domain = '*'
        do_worker_task_update(user_id, domain, count_succ_all,
                              count_succ_rej_all, count_send_all, now)
Esempio n. 10
def _save(j):
    customer_id, domain = j['customer_id'], j['domain']
    sql = "INSERT INTO `dbl_domain_log`(`customer_id`, `domain`, `status`, `created`) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s);"
    args = (customer_id, domain, 1,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
    res = common.time_call(, MYSQL_MS, sql, args)
Esempio n. 11
def do_redis_count(start, end, domain):
    sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM core_customer_score WHERE score>=%d AND score<%d AND domain='%s';" % (
        start, end, domain)
    res = common.time_call(db_utils.query, GLB_MY_MS_DBNAME, sql)
    return res[0][0]
Esempio n. 12
def statErrorCountByDate():
    # 从数据库取得统计数据
    tb_name = "maillog_%s" % (glb_p_date.replace('-', ''))
    if glb_time_e == '24:00:00':
        sql = """
            WITH stat_domain_tmp AS(
                SELECT customer_id, task_ident, recv_domain, error_type, is_ok, COUNT(*) as stat_count
                    FROM %s
                WHERE send_time>='%s' AND customer_id<>'0' AND COALESCE(recv_domain, '') != ''
                GROUP BY customer_id, task_ident, recv_domain, error_type, is_ok
            stat_domain AS (
                SELECT customer_id, task_ident, error_type, is_ok, stat_count,
                    CASE WHEN recv_domain ='%s' THEN ''
                        WHEN recv_domain IN %s THEN ''
                        ELSE '*'
                    END AS recv_domain
                FROM stat_domain_tmp
            SELECT customer_id, task_ident, error_type, is_ok, SUM(stat_count) AS stat_count, recv_domain
                FROM stat_domain
            GROUP BY customer_id, task_ident, error_type, is_ok, recv_domain
            ORDER BY customer_id, task_ident
        """ % (tb_name, glb_time_b, GLB_QQ_DOMAIN, str(tuple(GLB_163_DOMAIN)))
        sql = """
            WITH stat_domain_tmp AS(
                SELECT customer_id, task_ident, recv_domain, error_type, is_ok, COUNT(*) as stat_count
                    FROM %s
                WHERE send_time>='%s' AND send_time<'%s' AND customer_id<>'0' AND COALESCE(recv_domain, '') != ''
                GROUP BY customer_id, task_ident, recv_domain, error_type, is_ok
            stat_domain AS (
                SELECT customer_id, task_ident, error_type, is_ok, stat_count,
                    CASE WHEN recv_domain ='%s' THEN ''
                        WHEN recv_domain IN %s THEN ''
                        ELSE '*'
                    END AS recv_domain
                FROM stat_domain_tmp
            SELECT customer_id, task_ident, error_type, is_ok, SUM(stat_count) AS stat_count, recv_domain
                FROM stat_domain
            GROUP BY customer_id, task_ident, error_type, is_ok, recv_domain
            ORDER BY customer_id, task_ident
        """ % (tb_name, glb_time_b, glb_time_e, GLB_QQ_DOMAIN,
    res = common.time_call(db_utils.query, GLB_PG_LOG_DBNAME, sql)

    # 组合数据
    # stat_data = {}
    user_list = []
    stat_data = _loop_dict()
    for row in res:
        customer_id = int(row[0])
        # 初始化各域名统计数据
        t_ident = row[1]
        if not t_ident: continue
        recv_domain = row[5]
        # 统计计数
        count_err_1, count_err_2, count_err_3, count_err_5, count_success = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
        if row[2] == 1:
            count_err_1 = row[4]
        if row[2] == 2:
            count_err_2 = row[4]
        if row[2] in [0, 3, 4, 6]:
            count_err_3 = row[4]
        if row[2] == 5:
            count_err_5 = row[4]
        if row[3]:
            count_success = row[4]
        _D = stat_data[customer_id][t_ident][recv_domain]
        _D['count_err_1'] = _D.get('count_err_1', 0) + count_err_1
        _D['count_err_2'] = _D.get('count_err_2', 0) + count_err_2
        _D['count_err_3'] = _D.get('count_err_3', 0) + count_err_3
        _D['count_err_5'] = _D.get('count_err_5', 0) + count_err_5
        _D['count_success'] = _D.get('count_success', 0) + count_success

        # 取得客户列表
        if customer_id not in user_list:
    return stat_data, user_list