Esempio n. 1
 def filter_by_main_categories_save(self, request, extra_content=None):
     site_filter_form = SiteFilterForm(user=request.user, data=request.POST)
     if site_filter_form.is_valid():
         set_user_config_db(request.user, newman_settings.CATEGORY_FILTER, site_filter_form.cleaned_data['sites'])
         set_user_config_session(request.session, newman_settings.CATEGORY_FILTER, site_filter_form.cleaned_data['sites'])
         return JsonResponse(ugettext('Your settings were saved.'))
         return JsonResponseError(ugettext('Error in form.'), status=newman_settings.STATUS_FORM_ERROR)
Esempio n. 2
    def login(self, request):
        Displays the login form for the given HttpRequest.
        from django.contrib.auth.models import User

        ERROR_MESSAGE = _("Please enter a correct username and password. Note that both fields are case-sensitive.")
        LOGIN_FORM_KEY = 'this_is_the_login_form'

        # If this isn't already the login page, display it.
        if not request.POST.has_key(LOGIN_FORM_KEY):
            if request.POST:
                message = _("Please log in again, because your session has expired.")
                message = ""
            return self.display_login_form(request, message)
            #return self.login(request)

        # Check that the user accepts cookies.
        if not request.session.test_cookie_worked():
            message = _("Looks like your browser isn't configured to accept cookies. Please enable cookies, reload this page, and try again.")
            return self.display_login_form(request, message)

        # Check the password.
        username = request.POST.get('username', None)
        password = request.POST.get('password', None)
        user = authenticate(username=username, password=password)
        if user is None:
            message = ERROR_MESSAGE
            if u'@' in username:
                # Mistakenly entered e-mail address instead of username? Look it up.
                    user = User.objects.get(email=username)
                except (User.DoesNotExist, User.MultipleObjectsReturned):
                    message = _("Usernames cannot contain the '@' character.")
                    if user.check_password(password):
                        message = _("Your e-mail address is not your username."
                                    " Try '%s' instead.") % user.username
                        message = _("Usernames cannot contain the '@' character.")
            return self.display_login_form(request, message)

        # The user data is correct; log in the user in and continue.
            if user.is_active and user.is_staff:
                login(request, user)
                # user has no applicable categories, probably his role is undefined
                if not applicable_categories(user) and not user.is_superuser:
                    return self.norole(request, user)

                next_path = request.get_full_path()

                # load all user's specific settings into session
                for c in AdminSetting.objects.filter(user=user).values('var'):
                    uc = get_user_config(user, c['var'])
                    set_user_config_session(request.session, c['var'], uc)

                if request.POST.get('next'):
                    next_path += request.POST.get('next')
                return HttpResponseRedirect(next_path)
                return self.display_login_form(request, ERROR_MESSAGE)