Esempio n. 1
    def age(self, dt):
        col = "LC4408_C_AHTHUK11"

        for area in self.areas:
            actual = len(self.pop[area])
            projected = int(self.projection.loc[
                self.projection["PROJECTED_YEAR_NAME"] == int(no.time),
            no.transition([col], self.t, self.pop[area],
            if actual < projected:
                no.log("sampling deficit %d households (vs projection)" %
                       (projected - actual))
                deficit = int(projected) - actual
                newbuilds = self.pop[area].sample(deficit)
                self.pop = self.pop[area].append(newbuilds, ignore_index=True)
Esempio n. 2
    def test(self):
        # generate some movement
        neworder.transition(self.s, self.p, self.pop, "state")

        # send migrants
        for s in range(neworder.size()):
            if s != neworder.rank():
                emigrants = self.pop[self.pop.state == s]
                #neworder.log("sending %d emigrants to %d" % (len(emigrants), s))
                neworder.send(emigrants, s)

        # remove the emigrants
        self.pop = self.pop[self.pop.state == neworder.rank()]

        # receive migrants
        for s in range(neworder.size()):
            if s != neworder.rank():
                immigrants = neworder.receive(s)
                #neworder.log("received %d immigrants from %d" % (len(immigrants), s))
                self.pop = self.pop.append(immigrants)
Esempio n. 3
    def age(self, dt):
        col = "LC4408_C_AHTHUK11"
        no.transition([col], self.t, self.pop, "LC4408_C_AHTHUK11")

        # ensure area totals match projections
        for lad in self.pop["LAD"].unique():
            lad_pop = self.pop[self.pop["LAD"] == lad]
            actual = len(lad_pop)
            # TODO LAD
            projected = self.projection.loc[
                (self.projection["PROJECTED_YEAR_NAME"] == int(no.time)) &
                (self.projection["GEOGRAPHY_CODE"] == lad), "OBS_VALUE"]
            if len(projected) == 0:
                    "WARNING %s cannot find household projection data for %d",
                    (lad, no.time))
            projected = int(projected.values[0])
            if actual < projected:
                no.log("sampling deficit %d households (vs projection)" %
                       (projected - actual))
                deficit = int(projected) - actual
                self.pop = self.pop.append(lad_pop.sample(deficit),
Esempio n. 4
def test():

    t = test_.Test()

    df = pd.read_csv("../../tests/df.csv")

    cats = np.array(range(4))
    # identity matrix means no transitions
    trans = np.identity(len(cats))
    no.transition(cats, trans, df, "DC2101EW_C_ETHPUK11")

        len(df["DC2101EW_C_ETHPUK11"].unique()) == 1
        and df["DC2101EW_C_ETHPUK11"].unique()[0] == 2)

    # NOTE transition matrix interpreted as being COLUMN MAJOR due to pandas DataFrame storing data in column-major order

    # force 2->3
    trans[2, 2] = 0.0
    trans[3, 2] = 1.0
    no.transition(cats, trans, df, "DC2101EW_C_ETHPUK11")
        len(df["DC2101EW_C_ETHPUK11"].unique()) == 1
        and df["DC2101EW_C_ETHPUK11"].unique()[0] == 3)

    # ~half of 3->0
    trans[0, 3] = 0.5
    trans[3, 3] = 0.5
    no.transition(cats, trans, df, "DC2101EW_C_ETHPUK11")
                       np.array([0, 3])))

    return not t.any_failed

# def todo():

#   # define some global variables describing where the starting population and the parameters of the dynamics come from
#   initial_population = "examples/households/data/ssm_hh_E09000001_OA11_2011.csv"

#   hh = pd.read_csv(initial_population)

#   print(hh.columns.values)
#   c = hh.LC4408_C_AHTHUK11.unique()
#   print(c)
#   t = np.identity(len(c))

#   # [ 3  5  1  2 -1  4]
#   t = np.array([[0.9,  0.05, 0.05, 0.0,  0.0,  0.0],
#                 [0.05, 0.9,  0.04, 0.01, 0.0,  0.0],
#                 [0.0,  0.05, 0.9,  0.05, 0.0,  0.0],
#                 [0.0,  0.0,  0.05, 0.9,  0.05, 0.0],
#                 [0.1,  0.1,  0.1,  0.1,  0.5,  0.1],
#                 [0.0,  0.0,  0.00, 0.0,  0.2,  0.8]])

#   #print(t[1]) # horz
#   #print(t[:,1]) # vert
#   tc = np.cumsum(t, axis=1)
#   # TODO timing...
#   u = np.random.sample(len(hh))
#   for i in range(len(hh)):
#     current = hh.loc[i, "LC4408_C_AHTHUK11"]
#     hh.loc[i, "LC4408_C_AHTHUK11"] = sample(u[i], tc[current], c)

#   print(hh.LC4408_C_AHTHUK11.head())

#   tc = np.cumsum(t, axis=1)

#   print(np.cumsum(t[1]))
#   #print()
Esempio n. 5
def test():
    t = test_.Test()

    x = -1e10
    t.check(no.distant_past() < x)
    t.check(no.far_future() > x)
    x = 1e10
    t.check(no.distant_past() < x)
    t.check(no.far_future() > x)

    # dreams never end
    t.check(no.never() != no.never())
    t.check(not no.never() == x)
    t.check(no.never() != x)
    t.check(not x < no.never())
    t.check(not x >= no.never())
    # no nay never:
    t.check(not no.isnever(x))
    # no nay never no more:

    s = no.ustream(10000)
    t.check(isinstance(s, np.ndarray))

    t.check(len(s) == 10000)

    t.check(abs(np.mean(s) - 0.5) < 0.02)

    f = no.lazy_eval("2 + 2")
    t.check(f() == 4)

    # # TODO this overlaps/duplicates tests in - reorganise

    # # test thinning algorithm for non-homogeneous Poisson process
    # h = np.array([0.014] * 10)
    # #l = no.stopping(h)
    # l = no.first_arrival(h, 1.0, 10000)
    # t.check(abs(np.mean(l) * 0.014 - 1.0) < 0.03)
    # # varying timestep should make no difference
    # l = no.first_arrival(h, 0.1, 10000)
    # t.check(abs(np.mean(l) * 0.014 - 1.0) < 0.03)

    # # test a certain(ish) hazard rate
    # h = np.array([0.99, 0.99, 0.01])
    # l = no.first_arrival(h, 1.0, 10000)
    # no.log("TODO NHPP appears broken: %f" % np.mean(l))

    # # test a zero(ish) hazard rate
    # h = np.array([1e-30, 1e-30, 1e-30, .9999])
    # l = no.first_arrival(h, 1.0, 10000)
    # no.log("TODO NHPP appears broken: %f" % np.mean(l))

    # # this also tests a zero hazard rate
    # h = np.array([i/3000 for i in range(100)])
    # #no.log(h)
    # le = no.first_arrival(h, 1.0, 10000)
    # no.log(sum(le)/len(le))

    # # y
    # h = np.array([0.999, 0.1])
    # le = no.first_arrival(h, 1.0, 1000)
    # no.log(sum(le)/len(le))

    sometime = no.isnever(np.full(10, 1.0))
    never = no.isnever(np.full(10, no.never()))

    # # DataFrame ops

    # modify df passing column
    df = pd.read_csv("../../tests/df.csv")

    # modify df passing directly
    no.directmod(df, "DC2101EW_C_ETHPUK11")
                       np.zeros(len(df)) + 3))

    df = pd.read_csv("../../tests/df.csv")
    cats = np.array(range(4))
    transitions = np.identity(len(cats)) * 0 + 0.25
    no.transition(cats, transitions, df, "DC2101EW_C_ETHPUK11")
    # it's possible this could fail depending on random draw

    # df2 = df.copy()
    # df3 = no.append(df,df2)
    # t.check(len(df3) == len(df) + len(df2))

    return not t.any_failed