Esempio n. 1
    def test_arrays(self):
        # 1d array of vectors
        vv = numpy.array([(0., 0., -0.1), (10., 0., 0.)])
        nn = numpy.array([(0., 0., -1.), (1., 0., 0.)])
        self.assertTrue(numpy.allclose(utils.normalized(vv), nn))

        # 2d array
        vv = numpy.array([vv, vv * 2, vv * (-3)])
        nn = numpy.array([nn, nn, -nn])
        self.assertTrue(numpy.allclose(utils.normalized(vv), nn))

        # 3d array
        vv = numpy.array([vv])
        nn = numpy.array([nn])
        self.assertTrue(numpy.allclose(utils.normalized(vv), nn))
Esempio n. 2
    def test_arrays(self):
        # 1d array of vectors
        vv = numpy.array([(0., 0., -0.1), (10., 0., 0.)])
        nn = numpy.array([(0., 0., -1.), (1., 0., 0.)])
        self.assertTrue(numpy.allclose(utils.normalized(vv), nn))

        # 2d array
        vv = numpy.array([vv, vv * 2, vv * (-3)])
        nn = numpy.array([nn, nn, -nn])
        self.assertTrue(numpy.allclose(utils.normalized(vv), nn))

        # 3d array
        vv = numpy.array([vv])
        nn = numpy.array([nn])
        self.assertTrue(numpy.allclose(utils.normalized(vv), nn))
Esempio n. 3
 def _init_plane(self):
     Prepare everything needed for projecting arbitrary points on a plane
     containing the surface.
     tl, tr, bl, br = geo_utils.spherical_to_cartesian(
         self.corner_lons, self.corner_lats, self.corner_depths
     # these two parameters define the plane that contains the surface
     # (in 3d Cartesian space): a normal unit vector,
     self.normal = geo_utils.normalized(numpy.cross(tl - tr, tl - bl))
     # ... and scalar "d" parameter from the plane equation (uses
     # an equation (3) from
     self.d = - (self.normal * tl).sum()
     # these two 3d vectors together with a zero point represent surface's
     # coordinate space (the way to translate 3d Cartesian space with
     # a center in earth's center to 2d space centered in surface's top
     # left corner with basis vectors directed to top right and bottom left
     # corners. see :meth:`_project`.
     self.uv1 = geo_utils.normalized(tr - tl)
     self.uv2 = numpy.cross(self.normal, self.uv1)
     self.zero_zero = tl
Esempio n. 4
 def _init_plane(self):
     Prepare everything needed for projecting arbitrary points on a plane
     containing the surface.
     tl, tr, bl, br = geo_utils.spherical_to_cartesian(
         self.corner_lons, self.corner_lats, self.corner_depths
     # these two parameters define the plane that contains the surface
     # (in 3d Cartesian space): a normal unit vector,
     self.normal = geo_utils.normalized(numpy.cross(tl - tr, tl - bl))
     # ... and scalar "d" parameter from the plane equation (uses
     # an equation (3) from
     self.d = - (self.normal * tl).sum()
     # these two 3d vectors together with a zero point represent surface's
     # coordinate space (the way to translate 3d Cartesian space with
     # a center in earth's center to 2d space centered in surface's top
     # left corner with basis vectors directed to top right and bottom left
     # corners. see :meth:`_project`.
     self.uv1 = geo_utils.normalized(tr - tl)
     self.uv2 = numpy.cross(self.normal, self.uv1)
     self.zero_zero = tl
Esempio n. 5
 def test_one_vector(self):
     v = numpy.array([0., 0., 2.])
     self.assertTrue(numpy.allclose(utils.normalized(v), [0, 0, 1]))
     v = numpy.array([0., -1., -1.])
     n = utils.normalized(v)
     self.assertTrue(numpy.allclose(n, [0, -2**0.5 / 2., -2**0.5 / 2.]))
Esempio n. 6
File: Progetto: angri/nhlib
    def get_mean_inclination_and_azimuth(self):
        Calculate weighted average inclination and azimuth of the mesh surface.

            Tuple of two float numbers: inclination angle in a range [0, 90]
            and azimuth in range [0, 360) (in decimal degrees).

        The mesh is triangulated, the inclination and azimuth for each triangle
        is computed and average values weighted on each triangle's area
        are calculated. Azimuth is always defined in a way that inclination
        angle doesn't exceed 90 degree.
        assert not 1 in self.lons.shape, (
            "inclination and azimuth are only defined for mesh of more than "
            "one row and more than one column of points"

        if self.depths is not None:
            assert ((self.depths[1:] - self.depths[:-1]) >= 0).all(), (
                "get_mean_inclination_and_azimuth() requires next mesh row "
                "to be not shallower than the previous one"

        points, along_azimuth, updip, diag = self.triangulate()

        # define planes that are perpendicular to each point's vector
        # as normals to those planes
        earth_surface_tangent_normal = geo_utils.normalized(points)

        # calculating triangles' area and normals for top-left triangles
        e1 = along_azimuth[:-1]
        e2 = updip[:, :-1]
        tl_area = geo_utils.triangle_area(e1, e2, diag)
        tl_normal = geo_utils.normalized(numpy.cross(e1, e2))
        # ... and bottom-right triangles
        e1 = along_azimuth[1:]
        e2 = updip[:, 1:]
        br_area = geo_utils.triangle_area(e1, e2, diag)
        br_normal = geo_utils.normalized(numpy.cross(e1, e2))

        if self.depths is None:
            # mesh is on earth surface, inclination is zero
            inclination = 0
            # inclination calculation
            # top-left triangles
            en = earth_surface_tangent_normal[:-1, :-1]
            # cosine of inclination of the triangle is scalar product
            # of vector normal to triangle plane and (normalized) vector
            # pointing to top left corner of a triangle from earth center
            incl_cos = numpy.sum(en * tl_normal, axis=-1).clip(-1.0, 1.0)
            # we calculate average angle using mean of circular quantities
            # formula: define 2d vector for each triangle where length
            # of the vector corresponds to triangle's weight (we use triangle
            # area) and angle is equal to inclination angle. then we calculate
            # the angle of vector sum of all those vectors and that angle
            # is the weighted average.
            xx = numpy.sum(tl_area * incl_cos)
            # express sine via cosine using Pythagorean trigonometric identity,
            # this is a bit faster than sin(arccos(incl_cos))
            yy = numpy.sum(tl_area * numpy.sqrt(1 - incl_cos * incl_cos))

            # bottom-right triangles
            en = earth_surface_tangent_normal[1:, 1:]
            # we need to clip scalar product values because in some cases
            # they might exceed range where arccos is defined ([-1, 1])
            # because of floating point imprecision
            incl_cos = numpy.sum(en * br_normal, axis=-1).clip(-1.0, 1.0)
            # weighted angle vectors are calculated independently for top-left
            # and bottom-right triangles of each cell in a mesh. here we
            # combine both and finally get the weighted mean angle
            xx += numpy.sum(br_area * incl_cos)
            yy += numpy.sum(br_area * numpy.sqrt(1 - incl_cos * incl_cos))
            inclination = numpy.degrees(numpy.arctan2(yy, xx))

        # azimuth calculation is done similar to one for inclination. we also
        # do separate calculations for top-left and bottom-right triangles
        # and also combine results using mean of circular quantities approach

        # unit vector along z axis
        z_unit = numpy.array([0.0, 0.0, 1.0])

        # unit vectors pointing west from each point of the mesh, they define
        # planes that contain meridian of respective point
        norms_west = geo_utils.normalized(numpy.cross(points + z_unit, points))
        # unit vectors parallel to planes defined by previous ones. they are
        # directed from each point to a point lying on z axis on the same
        # distance from earth center
        norms_north = geo_utils.normalized(numpy.cross(points, norms_west))
        # need to normalize triangles' azimuthal edges because we will project
        # them on other normals and thus calculate an angle in between
        along_azimuth = geo_utils.normalized(along_azimuth)

        # process top-left triangles
        # here we identify the sign of direction of the triangles' azimuthal
        # edges: is edge pointing west or east? for finding that we project
        # those edges to vectors directing to west by calculating scalar
        # product and get the sign of resulting value: if it is negative
        # than the resulting azimuth should be negative as top edge is pointing
        # west.
        sign = numpy.sign(numpy.sign(
            numpy.sum(along_azimuth[:-1] * norms_west[:-1, :-1], axis=-1))
            # we run numpy.sign(numpy.sign(...) + 0.1) to make resulting values
            # be only either -1 or 1 with zero values (when edge is pointing
            # strictly north or south) expressed as 1 (which means "don't
            # change the sign")
            + 0.1
        # the length of projection of azimuthal edge on norms_north is cosine
        # of edge's azimuth
        az_cos = numpy.sum(along_azimuth[:-1] * norms_north[:-1, :-1], axis=-1)
        # use the same approach for finding the weighted mean
        # as for inclination (see above)
        xx = numpy.sum(tl_area * az_cos)
        # the only difference is that azimuth is defined in a range
        # [0, 360), so we need to have two reference planes and change
        # sign of projection on one normal to sign of projection to another one
        yy = numpy.sum(tl_area * numpy.sqrt(1 - az_cos * az_cos) * sign)

        # bottom-right triangles
        sign = numpy.sign(numpy.sign(
            numpy.sum(along_azimuth[1:] * norms_west[1:, 1:], axis=-1))
            + 0.1
        az_cos = numpy.sum(along_azimuth[1:] * norms_north[1:, 1:], axis=-1)
        xx += numpy.sum(br_area * az_cos)
        yy += numpy.sum(br_area * numpy.sqrt(1 - az_cos * az_cos) * sign)

        azimuth = numpy.degrees(numpy.arctan2(yy, xx))
        if azimuth < 0:
            azimuth += 360

        if inclination > 90:
            # average inclination is over 90 degree, that means that we need
            # to reverse azimuthal direction in order for inclination to be
            # in range [0, 90]
            inclination = 180 - inclination
            azimuth = (azimuth + 180) % 360

        return inclination, azimuth
Esempio n. 7
 def test_one_vector(self):
     v = numpy.array([0., 0., 2.])
     self.assertTrue(numpy.allclose(utils.normalized(v), [0, 0, 1]))
     v = numpy.array([0., -1., -1.])
     n = utils.normalized(v)
     self.assertTrue(numpy.allclose(n, [0, -2 ** 0.5 / 2., -2 ** 0.5 / 2.]))
Esempio n. 8
File: Progetto: angri/nhlib
    def get_mean_inclination_and_azimuth(self):
        Calculate weighted average inclination and azimuth of the mesh surface.

            Tuple of two float numbers: inclination angle in a range [0, 90]
            and azimuth in range [0, 360) (in decimal degrees).

        The mesh is triangulated, the inclination and azimuth for each triangle
        is computed and average values weighted on each triangle's area
        are calculated. Azimuth is always defined in a way that inclination
        angle doesn't exceed 90 degree.
        assert not 1 in self.lons.shape, (
            "inclination and azimuth are only defined for mesh of more than "
            "one row and more than one column of points")

        if self.depths is not None:
            assert ((self.depths[1:] - self.depths[:-1]) >= 0).all(), (
                "get_mean_inclination_and_azimuth() requires next mesh row "
                "to be not shallower than the previous one")

        points, along_azimuth, updip, diag = self.triangulate()

        # define planes that are perpendicular to each point's vector
        # as normals to those planes
        earth_surface_tangent_normal = geo_utils.normalized(points)

        # calculating triangles' area and normals for top-left triangles
        e1 = along_azimuth[:-1]
        e2 = updip[:, :-1]
        tl_area = geo_utils.triangle_area(e1, e2, diag)
        tl_normal = geo_utils.normalized(numpy.cross(e1, e2))
        # ... and bottom-right triangles
        e1 = along_azimuth[1:]
        e2 = updip[:, 1:]
        br_area = geo_utils.triangle_area(e1, e2, diag)
        br_normal = geo_utils.normalized(numpy.cross(e1, e2))

        if self.depths is None:
            # mesh is on earth surface, inclination is zero
            inclination = 0
            # inclination calculation
            # top-left triangles
            en = earth_surface_tangent_normal[:-1, :-1]
            # cosine of inclination of the triangle is scalar product
            # of vector normal to triangle plane and (normalized) vector
            # pointing to top left corner of a triangle from earth center
            incl_cos = numpy.sum(en * tl_normal, axis=-1).clip(-1.0, 1.0)
            # we calculate average angle using mean of circular quantities
            # formula: define 2d vector for each triangle where length
            # of the vector corresponds to triangle's weight (we use triangle
            # area) and angle is equal to inclination angle. then we calculate
            # the angle of vector sum of all those vectors and that angle
            # is the weighted average.
            xx = numpy.sum(tl_area * incl_cos)
            # express sine via cosine using Pythagorean trigonometric identity,
            # this is a bit faster than sin(arccos(incl_cos))
            yy = numpy.sum(tl_area * numpy.sqrt(1 - incl_cos * incl_cos))

            # bottom-right triangles
            en = earth_surface_tangent_normal[1:, 1:]
            # we need to clip scalar product values because in some cases
            # they might exceed range where arccos is defined ([-1, 1])
            # because of floating point imprecision
            incl_cos = numpy.sum(en * br_normal, axis=-1).clip(-1.0, 1.0)
            # weighted angle vectors are calculated independently for top-left
            # and bottom-right triangles of each cell in a mesh. here we
            # combine both and finally get the weighted mean angle
            xx += numpy.sum(br_area * incl_cos)
            yy += numpy.sum(br_area * numpy.sqrt(1 - incl_cos * incl_cos))
            inclination = numpy.degrees(numpy.arctan2(yy, xx))

        # azimuth calculation is done similar to one for inclination. we also
        # do separate calculations for top-left and bottom-right triangles
        # and also combine results using mean of circular quantities approach

        # unit vector along z axis
        z_unit = numpy.array([0.0, 0.0, 1.0])

        # unit vectors pointing west from each point of the mesh, they define
        # planes that contain meridian of respective point
        norms_west = geo_utils.normalized(numpy.cross(points + z_unit, points))
        # unit vectors parallel to planes defined by previous ones. they are
        # directed from each point to a point lying on z axis on the same
        # distance from earth center
        norms_north = geo_utils.normalized(numpy.cross(points, norms_west))
        # need to normalize triangles' azimuthal edges because we will project
        # them on other normals and thus calculate an angle in between
        along_azimuth = geo_utils.normalized(along_azimuth)

        # process top-left triangles
        # here we identify the sign of direction of the triangles' azimuthal
        # edges: is edge pointing west or east? for finding that we project
        # those edges to vectors directing to west by calculating scalar
        # product and get the sign of resulting value: if it is negative
        # than the resulting azimuth should be negative as top edge is pointing
        # west.
        sign = numpy.sign(
                numpy.sum(along_azimuth[:-1] * norms_west[:-1, :-1], axis=-1))
            # we run numpy.sign(numpy.sign(...) + 0.1) to make resulting values
            # be only either -1 or 1 with zero values (when edge is pointing
            # strictly north or south) expressed as 1 (which means "don't
            # change the sign")
            + 0.1)
        # the length of projection of azimuthal edge on norms_north is cosine
        # of edge's azimuth
        az_cos = numpy.sum(along_azimuth[:-1] * norms_north[:-1, :-1], axis=-1)
        # use the same approach for finding the weighted mean
        # as for inclination (see above)
        xx = numpy.sum(tl_area * az_cos)
        # the only difference is that azimuth is defined in a range
        # [0, 360), so we need to have two reference planes and change
        # sign of projection on one normal to sign of projection to another one
        yy = numpy.sum(tl_area * numpy.sqrt(1 - az_cos * az_cos) * sign)

        # bottom-right triangles
        sign = numpy.sign(
                numpy.sum(along_azimuth[1:] * norms_west[1:, 1:], axis=-1)) +
        az_cos = numpy.sum(along_azimuth[1:] * norms_north[1:, 1:], axis=-1)
        xx += numpy.sum(br_area * az_cos)
        yy += numpy.sum(br_area * numpy.sqrt(1 - az_cos * az_cos) * sign)

        azimuth = numpy.degrees(numpy.arctan2(yy, xx))
        if azimuth < 0:
            azimuth += 360

        if inclination > 90:
            # average inclination is over 90 degree, that means that we need
            # to reverse azimuthal direction in order for inclination to be
            # in range [0, 90]
            inclination = 180 - inclination
            azimuth = (azimuth + 180) % 360

        return inclination, azimuth