Esempio n. 1
def _morphed_stc_as_volume(morph, stc, mri_resolution, mri_space, output):
    """Return volume source space as Nifti1Image and/or save to disk."""
    if isinstance(stc, VolVectorSourceEstimate):
        stc = stc.magnitude()
    if not isinstance(stc, VolSourceEstimate):
        raise ValueError('Only volume source estimates can be converted to '
    _check_dep(nibabel='2.1.0', dipy=False)

    NiftiImage, NiftiHeader = _triage_output(output)

    # if MRI resolution is set manually as a single value, convert to tuple
    if isinstance(mri_resolution, (int, float)):
        # use iso voxel size
        new_zooms = (float(mri_resolution),) * 3
    elif isinstance(mri_resolution, tuple):
        new_zooms = mri_resolution
    # if full MRI resolution, compute zooms from shape and MRI zooms
    if isinstance(mri_resolution, bool):
        new_zooms = _get_zooms_orig(morph) if mri_resolution else None

    # create header
    hdr = NiftiHeader()
    hdr.set_xyzt_units('mm', 'msec')
    hdr['pixdim'][4] = 1e3 * stc.tstep

    # setup empty volume
    if morph.src_data['to_vox_map'] is not None:
        shape = morph.src_data['to_vox_map'][0]
        affine = morph.src_data['to_vox_map'][1]
        shape = morph.shape
        affine = morph.affine
    assert == 2
    n_times =[1]
    img = np.zeros((, n_times))
    img[stc.vertices, :] =
    img = img.reshape(shape + (n_times,), order='F')  # match order='F' above
    del shape

    # make nifti from data
    with warnings.catch_warnings():  # nibabel<->numpy warning
        img = NiftiImage(img, affine, header=hdr)

    # reslice in case of manually defined voxel size
    zooms = morph.zooms[:3]
    if new_zooms is not None:
        from dipy.align.reslice import reslice
        new_zooms = new_zooms[:3]
        img, affine = reslice(_get_img_fdata(img),
                              img.affine,  # MRI to world registration
                              zooms,  # old voxel size in mm
                              new_zooms)  # new voxel size in mm
        with warnings.catch_warnings():  # nibabel<->numpy warning
            img = NiftiImage(img, affine)
        zooms = new_zooms

    #  set zooms in header
    img.header.set_zooms(tuple(zooms) + (1,))
    return img
Esempio n. 2
def _interpolate_data(stc, morph, mri_resolution, mri_space, output):
    """Interpolate source estimate data to MRI."""
    _check_dep(nibabel='2.1.0', dipy=False)
    NiftiImage, NiftiHeader = _triage_output(output)
    assert morph.kind == 'volume'

    voxel_size_defined = False

    if isinstance(mri_resolution, (int, float)) and not isinstance(
            mri_resolution, bool):
        # use iso voxel size
        mri_resolution = (float(mri_resolution),) * 3

    if isinstance(mri_resolution, tuple):
        _check_dep(nibabel=False, dipy='0.10.1')  # nibabel was already checked
        from dipy.align.reslice import reslice

        voxel_size = mri_resolution
        voxel_size_defined = True
        mri_resolution = True

    # if data wasn't morphed yet - necessary for call of
    # stc_unmorphed.as_volume. Since only the shape of src is known, it cannot
    # be resliced to a given voxel size without knowing the original.
    if isinstance(morph, SourceSpaces):
        assert morph.kind == 'volume'
        if voxel_size_defined:
            raise ValueError(
                "Cannot infer original voxel size for reslicing... "
                "set mri_resolution to boolean value or apply morph first.")
        # Now deal with the fact that we may have multiple sub-volumes
        inuse = [morph[k]['inuse'] for k in range(len(morph))]
        src_shape = [morph[k]['shape'] for k in range(len(morph))]
        assert len(set(map(tuple, src_shape))) == 1
        morph = BunchConst(src_data=_get_src_data(morph)[0])
        # Make a list as we may have many inuse when using multiple sub-volumes
        inuse = [morph.src_data['inuse']]

    n_times =[1]
    shape = morph.src_data['src_shape'][::-1] + (n_times,)  # SAR->RAST
    vols = np.zeros(([:3]), shape[3]), order='F')  # flatten
    n_vertices_seen = 0
    for this_inuse in inuse:
        this_inuse = this_inuse.astype(np.bool)
        n_vertices = np.sum(this_inuse)
        stc_slice = slice(n_vertices_seen, n_vertices_seen + n_vertices)
        vols[this_inuse] =[stc_slice]
        n_vertices_seen += n_vertices

    # use mri resolution as represented in src
    if mri_resolution:
        shape = morph.src_data['src_shape_full'][::-1] + (n_times,)
        vols = _csr_dot(
            morph.src_data['interpolator'], vols,
            np.zeros(([:3]), shape[3]), order='F'))

    # reshape back to proper shape
    vols = np.reshape(vols, shape, order='F')

    # set correct space
    if mri_resolution:
        affine = morph.src_data['src_affine_vox']
        affine = morph.src_data['src_affine_src']

    if mri_space:
        affine =['src_affine_ras'], affine)

    affine[:3] *= 1e3

    # pre-define header
    header = NiftiHeader()
    header.set_xyzt_units('mm', 'msec')
    header['pixdim'][4] = 1e3 * stc.tstep

    with warnings.catch_warnings():  # nibabel<->numpy warning
        img = NiftiImage(vols, affine, header=header)

    # if a specific voxel size was targeted (only possible after morphing)
    if voxel_size_defined:
        # reslice mri
        img, img_affine = reslice(
            _get_img_fdata(img), img.affine, _get_zooms_orig(morph),
        with warnings.catch_warnings():  # nibabel<->numpy warning
            img = NiftiImage(img, img_affine, header=header)

    return img
Esempio n. 3
def _interpolate_data(stc, morph, mri_resolution=True, mri_space=True,
    """Interpolate source estimate data to MRI."""
    _check_dep(nibabel='2.1.0', dipy=False)
    if output not in ('nifti', 'nifti1', 'nifti2'):
        raise ValueError("invalid output specifier %s. Must be 'nifti1' or"
                         " 'nifti2'" % output)
    if output in ('nifti', 'nifti1'):
        from nibabel import (Nifti1Image as NiftiImage,
                             Nifti1Header as NiftiHeader)
        assert output == 'nifti2'
        from nibabel import (Nifti2Image as NiftiImage,
                             Nifti2Header as NiftiHeader)
    assert morph.kind == 'volume'

    voxel_size_defined = False

    if isinstance(mri_resolution, (int, float)) and not isinstance(
            mri_resolution, bool):
        # use iso voxel size
        mri_resolution = (float(mri_resolution),) * 3

    if isinstance(mri_resolution, tuple):
        _check_dep(nibabel=False, dipy='0.10.1')  # nibabel was already checked
        from dipy.align.reslice import reslice

        voxel_size = mri_resolution
        voxel_size_defined = True
        mri_resolution = True

    # if data wasn't morphed yet - necessary for call of
    # stc_unmorphed.as_volume. Since only the shape of src is known, it cannot
    # be resliced to a given voxel size without knowing the original.
    if isinstance(morph, SourceSpaces):
        assert morph.kind == 'volume'
        if voxel_size_defined:
            raise ValueError(
                "Cannot infer original voxel size for reslicing... "
                "set mri_resolution to boolean value or apply morph first.")
        from import BunchConst
        # Now deal with the fact that we may have multiple sub-volumes
        inuse = [morph[k]['inuse'] for k in range(len(morph))]
        src_shape = [morph[k]['shape'] for k in range(len(morph))]
        assert len(set(map(tuple, src_shape))) == 1
        morph = BunchConst(src_data=_get_src_data(morph)[0])
        # Make a list as we may have many inuse when using multiple sub-volumes
        inuse = [morph.src_data['inuse']]

    shape3d = morph.src_data['src_shape']

    # setup volume parameters
    n_times =[1]
    shape = (n_times,) + shape3d
    vols = np.zeros(shape)

    n_vertices_seen = 0
    for this_inuse in inuse:
        mask3d = this_inuse.reshape(shape3d).astype(np.bool)
        n_vertices = np.sum(mask3d)
        stc_slice = slice(n_vertices_seen, n_vertices_seen + n_vertices)

        for k, vol in enumerate(vols):  # loop over time instants
            vol[mask3d] =[stc_slice, k]

        n_vertices_seen += n_vertices

    # use mri resolution as represented in src
    if mri_resolution:
        mri_shape3d = morph.src_data['src_shape_full']
        mri_shape = (n_times,) + mri_shape3d
        mri_vol = np.zeros(mri_shape)

        interpolator = morph.src_data['interpolator']

        for k, vol in enumerate(vols):
            mri_vol[k] = (interpolator * vol.ravel()).reshape(mri_shape3d)
        vols = mri_vol

    vols = vols.T

    # set correct space
    affine = morph.src_data['src_affine_vox']

    if not mri_resolution:
        affine = morph.src_data['src_affine_src']

    if mri_space:
        affine =['src_affine_ras'], affine)

    affine[:3] *= 1e3

    # pre-define header
    header = NiftiHeader()
    header.set_xyzt_units('mm', 'msec')
    header['pixdim'][4] = 1e3 * stc.tstep

    with warnings.catch_warnings():  # nibabel<->numpy warning
        img = NiftiImage(vols, affine, header=header)

    # if a specific voxel size was targeted (only possible after morphing)
    if voxel_size_defined:
        # reslice mri
        img, img_affine = reslice(
            img.get_data(), img.affine, _get_zooms_orig(morph), voxel_size)
        with warnings.catch_warnings():  # nibabel<->numpy warning
            img = NiftiImage(img, img_affine, header=header)

    return img
Esempio n. 4
def _morphed_stc_as_volume(morph, stc, mri_resolution=False, mri_space=True,
    """Return volume source space as Nifti1Image and/or save to disk."""
    if not isinstance(stc, VolSourceEstimate):
        raise ValueError('Only volume source estimates can be converted to '
    _check_dep(nibabel='2.1.0', dipy=False)

    known_types = ('nifti', 'nifti1', 'nifti2')
    if output not in known_types:
        raise ValueError('output must be one of %s, got %s'
                         % (known_types, output))
    if output in ('nifti', 'nifti1'):
        from nibabel import (Nifti1Image as NiftiImage,
                             Nifti1Header as NiftiHeader)
        assert output == 'nifti2'
        from nibabel import (Nifti2Image as NiftiImage,
                             Nifti2Header as NiftiHeader)

    new_zooms = None

    # if full MRI resolution, compute zooms from shape and MRI zooms
    if isinstance(mri_resolution, bool) and mri_resolution:
        new_zooms = _get_zooms_orig(morph)

    # if MRI resolution is set manually as a single value, convert to tuple
    if isinstance(mri_resolution, (int, float)) and not isinstance(
            mri_resolution, bool):
        # use iso voxel size
        new_zooms = (float(mri_resolution),) * 3

    # if MRI resolution is set manually as a tuple, use it
    if isinstance(mri_resolution, tuple):
        new_zooms = mri_resolution

    # create header
    hdr = NiftiHeader()
    hdr.set_xyzt_units('mm', 'msec')
    hdr['pixdim'][4] = 1e3 * stc.tstep

    # setup empty volume
    img = np.zeros(morph.shape + (stc.shape[1],)).reshape(-1, stc.shape[1])
    img[stc.vertices, :] =

    img = img.reshape(morph.shape + (-1,))

    # make nifti from data
    with warnings.catch_warnings():  # nibabel<->numpy warning
        img = NiftiImage(img, morph.affine, header=hdr)

    # reslice in case of manually defined voxel size
    zooms = morph.zooms[:3]
    if new_zooms is not None:
        from dipy.align.reslice import reslice
        new_zooms = new_zooms[:3]
        img, affine = reslice(img.get_data(),
                              img.affine,  # MRI to world registration
                              zooms,  # old voxel size in mm
                              new_zooms)  # new voxel size in mm
        with warnings.catch_warnings():  # nibabel<->numpy warning
            img = NiftiImage(img, affine)
        zooms = new_zooms

    #  set zooms in header
    img.header.set_zooms(tuple(zooms) + (1,))
    return img