Esempio n. 1
def compile_network(anm):
    nidb = NIDB() 
    G_phy = anm.overlay.phy
    G_ip = anm.overlay.ip
    G_graphics =
#TODO: build this on a platform by platform basis
    nidb.add_nodes_from(G_phy, retain=['label', 'host', 'platform', 'Network', 'update'])

    cd_nodes = [n for n in G_ip.nodes("collision_domain") if not n.is_switch] # Only add created cds - otherwise overwrite host of switched
    nidb.add_nodes_from(cd_nodes, retain=['label', 'host'], collision_domain = True)
# add edges to switches
    edges_to_add = [edge for edge in G_phy.edges() if edge.src.is_switch or edge.dst.is_switch]
    edges_to_add += [edge for edge in G_ip.edges() if edge.src.collision_domain or edge.dst.collision_domain]
    nidb.add_edges_from(edges_to_add, retain='edge_id')

#TODO: boundaries is still a work in progress...

    #junosphere_compiler = compiler.JunosphereCompiler(nidb, anm, host)
    #host = "nectar1"
    #netkit_compiler = compiler.NetkitCompiler(nidb, anm, host)

    for target, target_data in config.settings['Compile Targets'].items():
        host = target_data['host']
        platform = target_data['platform']
        if platform == "netkit":
            platform_compiler = compiler.NetkitCompiler(nidb, anm, host)
        elif platform == "cisco":
            platform_compiler = compiler.CiscoCompiler(nidb, anm, host)

        if any(G_phy.nodes(host = host, platform = platform)):
  "Compile for %s on %s" % (platform, host))
            platform_compiler.compile() # only compile if hosts set
            log.debug("No devices set for %s on %s" % (platform, host))

    return nidb