def power_forward_conversion_lm(k_space, p, mean=0):
        This function is designed to convert a theoretical/statistical power
        spectrum of a Gaussian field to the theoretical power spectrum of
        the exponentiated field.
        The function only works for power spectra defined for lm_spaces

        k_space : nifty.rg_space,
            a regular grid space with the attribute `Fourier = True`
        p : np.array,
            the power spectrum of the Gaussian field.
            Needs to have the same number of entries as
        m : float, *optional*
            specifies the mean of the Gaussian field (default: 0).

        p1 : np.array,
            the power spectrum of the exponentiated Gaussian field.

        .. [#] M. Greiner and T.A. Ensslin, "Log-transforming the matter power spectrum";
            `arXiv:1312.1354 <>`_
    m = mean
    klen = k_space.get_power_indices()[0]
    C_0_Omega = field(k_space, val=0)
    C_0_Omega.val[:len(klen)] = p * sqrt(2 * klen + 1) / sqrt(4 * pi)
    C_0_Omega = C_0_Omega.transform()

    C_0_0 = (p * (2 * klen + 1) / (4 * pi)).sum()

    exC = exp(C_0_Omega + C_0_0 + 2 * m)

    Z = exC.transform()

    spec = Z.val[:len(klen)]

    spec = spec * sqrt(4 * pi) / sqrt(2 * klen + 1)

    spec = np.real(spec)

    if (np.any(spec < 0.)):
        spec = spec * (spec > 0.)
        about.warnings.cprint("WARNING: negative modes set to zero.")

    return spec
Esempio n. 2
def power_forward_conversion_lm(k_space,p,mean=0):
        This function is designed to convert a theoretical/statistical power
        spectrum of a Gaussian field to the theoretical power spectrum of
        the exponentiated field.
        The function only works for power spectra defined for lm_spaces

        k_space : nifty.rg_space,
            a regular grid space with the attribute `Fourier = True`
        p : np.array,
            the power spectrum of the Gaussian field.
            Needs to have the same number of entries as
        m : float, *optional*
            specifies the mean of the Gaussian field (default: 0).

        p1 : np.array,
            the power spectrum of the exponentiated Gaussian field.

        .. [#] M. Greiner and T.A. Ensslin, "Log-transforming the matter power spectrum";
            `arXiv:1312.1354 <>`_
    m = mean
    klen = k_space.get_power_indices()[0]
    C_0_Omega = field(k_space,val=0)
    C_0_Omega.val[:len(klen)] = p*sqrt(2*klen+1)/sqrt(4*pi)
    C_0_Omega = C_0_Omega.transform()

    C_0_0 = (p*(2*klen+1)/(4*pi)).sum()

    exC = exp(C_0_Omega+C_0_0+2*m)

    Z = exC.transform()

    spec = Z.val[:len(klen)]

    spec = spec*sqrt(4*pi)/sqrt(2*klen+1)

    spec = np.real(spec)

        spec = spec*(spec>0.)
        about.warnings.cprint("WARNING: negative modes set to zero.")

    return spec
def power_forward_conversion_rg(k_space,p,mean=0,bare=True):
        This function is designed to convert a theoretical/statistical power
        spectrum of a Gaussian field to the theoretical power spectrum of
        the exponentiated field.
        The function only works for power spectra defined for rg_spaces

        k_space : nifty.rg_space,
            a regular grid space with the attribute `Fourier = True`
        p : np.array,
            the power spectrum of the Gaussian field.
            Needs to have the same number of entries as
        mean : float, *optional*
            specifies the mean of the Gaussian field (default: 0).
        bare : bool, *optional*
            whether `p` is the bare power spectrum or not (default: True).

        p1 : np.array,
            the power spectrum of the exponentiated Gaussian field.

        .. [#] M. Greiner and T.A. Ensslin, "Log-transforming the matter power spectrum";
            `arXiv:1312.1354 <>`_

    pindex = k_space.get_power_indices()[2]

    spec = power_operator(k_space,spec=p,bare=bare).get_power(bare=False)

    S_x = field(k_space,val=spec[pindex]).transform()

    S_0 = k_space.calc_weight(spec[pindex],1).sum()

    pf = exp(S_x+S_0+2*mean)

    p1 = sqrt(pf.power())

        return power_operator(k_space,spec=p1,bare=False).get_power(bare=True).real
        return p1.real
def power_backward_conversion_rg(k_space,p,mean=None,bare=True):
        This function is designed to convert a theoretical/statistical power
        spectrum of a log-normal field to the theoretical power spectrum of
        the underlying Gaussian field.
        The function only works for power spectra defined for rg_spaces

        k_space : nifty.rg_space,
            a regular grid space with the attribute `Fourier = True`
        p : np.array,
            the power spectrum of the log-normal field.
            Needs to have the same number of entries as
        mean : float, *optional*
            specifies the mean of the log-normal field. If `mean` is not
            specified the function will use the monopole of the power spectrum.
            If it is specified the function will NOT use the monopole of the
            spectrum (default: None).
            WARNING: a mean that is too low can violate positive definiteness
            of the log-normal field. In this case the function produces an
        bare : bool, *optional*
            whether `p` is the bare power spectrum or not (default: True).

        mean : float,
            the recovered mean of the underlying Gaussian distribution.
        p1 : np.array,
            the power spectrum of the underlying Gaussian field, where the
            monopole has been set to zero. Eventual monopole power has been
            shifted to the mean.

        .. [#] M. Greiner and T.A. Ensslin, "Log-transforming the matter power spectrum";
            `arXiv:1312.1354 <>`_
    pindex = k_space.get_power_indices()[2]
    V =**(-1)

    mono_ind = np.where(pindex==0)

    spec = power_operator(k_space,spec=p,bare=bare).get_power(bare=False)

    if(mean is None):
        mean = 0.
        spec[0] = 0.

    pf = field(k_space,val=spec[pindex]).transform()+mean**2

        raise ValueError(about._errors.cstring("ERROR: spectrum or mean incompatible with positive definiteness.\n Try increasing the mean."))
        return None

    p1 = sqrt(log(pf).power())

    p1[0] = (log(pf)).transform()[mono_ind][0]

    p2 = 0.5*V*log(k_space.calc_weight(spec[pindex],1).sum()+mean**2)

    logmean = 1/V * (p1[0]-p2)

    p1[0] = 0.

        raise ValueError(about._errors.cstring("ERROR: spectrum or mean incompatible with positive definiteness.\n Try increasing the mean."))
        return None

        return logmean.real,power_operator(k_space,spec=p1,bare=False).get_power(bare=True).real
        return logmean.real,p1.real
def power_backward_conversion_lm(k_space, p, mean=None):
        This function is designed to convert a theoretical/statistical power
        spectrum of a log-normal field to the theoretical power spectrum of
        the underlying Gaussian field.
        The function only works for power spectra defined for lm_spaces

        k_space : nifty.rg_space,
            a regular grid space with the attribute `Fourier = True`
        p : np.array,
            the power spectrum of the log-normal field.
            Needs to have the same number of entries as
        mean : float, *optional*
            specifies the mean of the log-normal field. If `mean` is not
            specified the function will use the monopole of the power spectrum.
            If it is specified the function will NOT use the monopole of the
            spectrum. (default: None)
            WARNING: a mean that is too low can violate positive definiteness
            of the log-normal field. In this case the function produces an

        mean : float,
            the recovered mean of the underlying Gaussian distribution.
        p1 : np.array,
            the power spectrum of the underlying Gaussian field, where the
            monopole has been set to zero. Eventual monopole power has been
            shifted to the mean.

        .. [#] M. Greiner and T.A. Ensslin, "Log-transforming the matter power spectrum";
            `arXiv:1312.1354 <>`_

    p = np.copy(p)
    if (mean is not None):
        p[0] = 4 * pi * mean**2

    klen = k_space.get_power_indices()[0]
    C_0_Omega = field(k_space, val=0)
    C_0_Omega.val[:len(klen)] = p * sqrt(2 * klen + 1) / sqrt(4 * pi)
    C_0_Omega = C_0_Omega.transform()

    if (np.any(C_0_Omega.val < 0.)):
        raise ValueError(
                "ERROR: spectrum or mean incompatible with positive definiteness.\n Try increasing the mean."
        return None

    lC = log(C_0_Omega)

    Z = lC.transform()

    spec = Z.val[:len(klen)]

    mean = (spec[0] - 0.5 * sqrt(4 * pi) * log(
        (p * (2 * klen + 1) / (4 * pi)).sum())) / sqrt(4 * pi)

    spec[0] = 0.

    spec = spec * sqrt(4 * pi) / sqrt(2 * klen + 1)

    spec = np.real(spec)

    if (np.any(spec < 0.)):
        spec = spec * (spec > 0.)
        about.warnings.cprint("WARNING: negative modes set to zero.")

    return mean.real, spec
Esempio n. 6
def power_backward_conversion_lm(k_space,p,mean=None):
        This function is designed to convert a theoretical/statistical power
        spectrum of a log-normal field to the theoretical power spectrum of
        the underlying Gaussian field.
        The function only works for power spectra defined for lm_spaces

        k_space : nifty.rg_space,
            a regular grid space with the attribute `Fourier = True`
        p : np.array,
            the power spectrum of the log-normal field.
            Needs to have the same number of entries as
        mean : float, *optional*
            specifies the mean of the log-normal field. If `mean` is not
            specified the function will use the monopole of the power spectrum.
            If it is specified the function will NOT use the monopole of the
            spectrum. (default: None)
            WARNING: a mean that is too low can violate positive definiteness
            of the log-normal field. In this case the function produces an

        mean : float,
            the recovered mean of the underlying Gaussian distribution.
        p1 : np.array,
            the power spectrum of the underlying Gaussian field, where the
            monopole has been set to zero. Eventual monopole power has been
            shifted to the mean.

        .. [#] M. Greiner and T.A. Ensslin, "Log-transforming the matter power spectrum";
            `arXiv:1312.1354 <>`_

    p = np.copy(p)
    if(mean is not None):
        p[0] = 4*pi*mean**2

    klen = k_space.get_power_indices()[0]
    C_0_Omega = field(k_space,val=0)
    C_0_Omega.val[:len(klen)] = p*sqrt(2*klen+1)/sqrt(4*pi)
    C_0_Omega = C_0_Omega.transform()

        raise ValueError(about._errors.cstring("ERROR: spectrum or mean incompatible with positive definiteness.\n Try increasing the mean."))
        return None

    lC = log(C_0_Omega)

    Z = lC.transform()

    spec = Z.val[:len(klen)]

    mean = (spec[0]-0.5*sqrt(4*pi)*log((p*(2*klen+1)/(4*pi)).sum()))/sqrt(4*pi)

    spec[0] = 0.

    spec = spec*sqrt(4*pi)/sqrt(2*klen+1)

    spec = np.real(spec)

        spec = spec*(spec>0.)
        about.warnings.cprint("WARNING: negative modes set to zero.")

    return mean.real,spec