Esempio n. 1
def test_convert_neurovault_to_dataset(kwargs):
    """Test conversion of neurovault collection to a dataset."""
    if 778 in kwargs["collection_ids"]:
        with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
            dset = io.convert_neurovault_to_dataset(**kwargs)
        assert "Collection 778 not found." in str(excinfo.value)
        dset = io.convert_neurovault_to_dataset(**kwargs)

    # check if names are propagated into Dataset
    if isinstance(kwargs.get("collection_ids"), dict):
        study_ids = set(kwargs["collection_ids"].keys())
        study_ids = set(map(str, kwargs["collection_ids"]))
    dset_ids = {id_.split("-")[1] for id_ in dset.ids}

    assert study_ids == dset_ids

    # check if images were downloaded and are unique
    if kwargs.get("map_type_conversion"):
        for img_type in kwargs.get("map_type_conversion").values():
            assert not dset.images[img_type].empty
            assert len(set(dset.images[img_type])) == len(
Esempio n. 2
def create_neurovault_dataset(
    """Download images from NeuroVault and use them to create a dataset.

    .. versionadded:: 0.0.8

    This function will also attempt to generate Z images for any contrasts
    for which this is possible.

    collection_ids : :obj:`list` of :obj:`int` or :obj:`dict`, optional
        A list of collections on neurovault specified by their id.
        The collection ids can accessed through the neurovault API
        (i.e., or
        their main website (i.e.,
        For example, in this URL,
        `8836` is the collection id.
        collection_ids can also be a dictionary whose keys are the informative
        study name and the values are collection ids to give the collections
        human readable names in the dataset.
    contrasts : :obj:`dict`, optional
        Dictionary whose keys represent the name of the contrast in
        the dataset and whose values represent a regular expression that would
        match the names represented in NeuroVault.
        For example, under the ``Name`` column in this URL,
        a valid contrast could be "as-Animal", which will be called "animal" in the created
        dataset if the contrasts argument is ``{'animal': "as-Animal"}``.
    img_dir : :obj:`str` or None, optional
        Base path to save all the downloaded images, by default the images
        will be saved to a temporary directory with the prefix "neurovault"
    map_type_conversion : :obj:`dict` or None, optional
        Dictionary whose keys are what you expect the `map_type` name to
        be in neurovault and the values are the name of the respective
        statistic map in a nimare dataset. Default = None.
    **dset_kwargs : keyword arguments passed to Dataset
        Keyword arguments to pass in when creating the Dataset object.
        see :obj:`~nimare.dataset.Dataset` for details.

        Dataset object containing experiment information from neurovault.
    dataset = convert_neurovault_to_dataset(collection_ids, contrasts, img_dir,
                                            map_type_conversion, **dset_kwargs)
    transformer = ImageTransformer(target="z")
    dataset = transformer.transform(dataset)

    return dataset
Esempio n. 3
    ("Working memory load of 2 faces versus 1 face - NT2_Tstat|"
     "t-value contrast 2-back minus 0-back|"
     "Searchlight multivariate Decoding 2: visual working memory|"
     "Context-dependent group-specific WM information|"
     "WM working memory zstat1|"
     "WM task over CRT task map|"
     "tfMRI WM 2BK PLACE zstat1")

# Convert how the statistical maps on neurovault are represented
# in a NiMARE dataset.
map_type_conversion = {"Z map": "z", "T map": "t"}

dset = convert_neurovault_to_dataset(

# Conversion of Statistical Maps
# ------------------------------
# Some of the statistical maps are T statistics and others are Z statistics.
# To perform a Fisher's meta analysis, we need all Z maps.
# Thoughtfully, NiMARE has a class named ``ImageTransformer`` that will
# help us.
from nimare.transforms import ImageTransformer

# Not all studies have Z maps!