import os
import argparse
import numpy as np
import nibabel as nib
from nipy.labs import as_volume_img
from scipy.stats import scoreatpercentile

if __name__ == '__main__':
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Normalize DWI intensity for group fiber tractography.')
    parser.add_argument('-i', dest='dwi_file') # 4D DWI Nifti
    dwi_path = parser.parse_args().dwi_file
    [output_path, dwi_file] = os.path.split(dwi_path)
    dwi_file = dwi_file.replace(".nii", "_norm.nii")
    dwi_img = as_volume_img(dwi_path)
    dwi = dwi_img.get_data()
    dwi = dwi / np.float(scoreatpercentile(dwi.ravel(), 99))
    dwi = np.int16(dwi * 1e4)   
    nii = nib.Nifti1Image(dwi, dwi_img.affine), os.path.join(output_path, dwi_file))
Esempio n. 2
        graph_left_ipsi = binary dxd matrix with 1 for spatially-connected parcels on left side of brain (.mat)
import os
import numpy as np
import argparse
from nipy.labs import as_volume_img
from scipy import io
from scipy.ndimage.morphology import binary_dilation

if __name__ == '__main__':
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Generate adjacency and bilateral graph.')
    parser.add_argument('-i', dest='filepath')
    filepath = parser.parse_args().filepath
    path, afile = os.path.split(filepath)
    afile = afile.replace('.nii','.mat')
    template_img = as_volume_img(filepath)
    template = template_img.get_data()
    rois = np.unique(template)
    rois = rois[1:] # Remove background
    n_rois = np.size(rois)
    n_neigh = 1 # Increase n_neigh to increase robustness to parcellation errors
    # Build bilateral connection matrix
    masks = template[np.newaxis, :] == np.arange(n_rois + 1)[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] # Each row = mask of an ROI
    grid = np.mgrid[0:template.shape[0], 0:template.shape[1], 0:template.shape[2]] # Three 3D volumes of x, y, and z coords
    roi_cen = (grid[np.newaxis, :] * masks[:, np.newaxis, :]).reshape(n_rois + 1, 3, -1).sum(axis=-1) / masks.reshape(n_rois + 1, -1).sum(axis=-1).astype(np.float64)[:, np.newaxis]
    roi_cen = roi_cen[1:] # Compute centroid of each ROI
    x_cen = np.mean(grid[0][template > 0]) # x centroid computed at voxel level
    roi_cen_xflip = roi_cen.copy()
    roi_cen_xflip[:, 0] = 2 * x_cen - roi_cen[:, 0] # Find bilateral ROI
    ind_neigh = np.sum((roi_cen[np.newaxis, :] - roi_cen_xflip[:, np.newaxis, :]) ** 2, axis=2).argsort(axis=1)
Esempio n. 3
import os
import numpy as np
import argparse
import nibabel as nib
from nipy.labs import as_volume_img
from scipy.ndimage.morphology import binary_dilation

if __name__ == '__main__':
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Binarize tissue mask based on user-defined threshold (-t 0.33.')
    parser.add_argument('-i', dest='filename') # Take .nii as input
    parser.add_argument('-t', dest='threshold', default=0.33)
    filepath = parser.parse_args().filename
    thresh = np.float32(parser.parse_args().threshold)
    path, afile = os.path.split(filepath)
    afile = afile.replace('.nii', '_bin.nii')
    vol_img = as_volume_img(filepath)
    vol = vol_img.get_data() > thresh
    vol = binary_dilation(vol, structure=np.ones((2, 2, 2))).astype(np.uint8)
    nii = nib.Nifti1Image(vol, vol_img.affine), os.path.join(path, afile))

#for sub in subList:
#    tc = io.loadmat(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, sub, "restfMRI/tc_rest_vox.mat"))
#    tc = tc["tc_vox"]
#    pca = PCA(n_components=10)    
#    if sub == subList[0]:
#        tc_group = preprocessing.standardize(pca.transform(tc.T))
#    else:
#        tc_group = np.hstack((tc_group, preprocessing.standardize(pca.transform(tc.T))))
#    print("Concatenating subject" + sub + "'s timecourses")
#io.savemat(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "group/tc_rest_pca_vox.mat"), {"tc_group": tc_group})
tc_group = io.loadmat(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "group/tc_rest_pca_vox.mat"))
tc_group = tc_group["tc_group"]

# Load Freesurfer template
brain_img = as_volume_img("/volatile/bernardng/templates/freesurfer/cort_subcort_333.nii")
brain = brain_img.get_data()
dim = np.shape(brain)
rois = np.unique(brain)
rois = rois[1:] # Remove background
n_rois = np.shape(rois)[0]
n_vox = np.sum(brain != 0) # Number of voxels within ROIs in Freesurfer template

# Spatially smoothing the group timecourses
tc_group = tc_group.reshape((dim[0], dim[1], dim[2], -1))
n_tpts = tc_group.shape[-1]
for t in np.arange(n_tpts):
     tc_group[:,:,:,t] = gaussian_filter(tc_group[:,:,:,t], sigma=5)
tc_group = tc_group.reshape((-1, n_tpts))

# Perform parcellation on smoothed PCA-ed timecourses for each ROI
    # Standardizing pca-ed time courses
    tc_std = np.std(tc_pca, axis=1)
    ind = tc_std > 1e-16
    tc_pca[ind, :] = tc_pca[ind, :] - tc_pca[ind, :].mean(axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]
    tc_pca[ind, :] = tc_pca[ind, :] / tc_pca[ind, :].std(axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]

    # Concatenate time courses across subjects
    if sub == subList[0]:
        tc_group = tc_pca
        tc_group = np.hstack((tc_group, tc_pca))
    print ("Concatenating subject" + sub + "'s timecourses")

# Load Freesurfer template
brain_img = as_volume_img(ANAT_DIR)
brain = brain_img.get_data()
dim = np.shape(brain)
rois = np.unique(brain)
rois = rois[1:]  # Remove background
n_rois = np.shape(rois)[0]
n_vox = np.sum(brain != 0)  # Number of voxels within ROIs in Freesurfer template

# Spatially smoothing the group timecourses
tc_group = tc_group.reshape((dim[0], dim[1], dim[2], -1))
n_tpts = tc_group.shape[-1]
for t in np.arange(n_tpts):
    tc_group[:, :, :, t] = gaussian_filter(tc_group[:, :, :, t], sigma=2.5)
tc_group = tc_group.reshape((-1, n_tpts))

# Perform parcellation on smoothed PCA-ed timecourses for each ROI
Esempio n. 6
    # Standardizing pca-ed time courses
    tc_std = np.std(tc_pca, axis=1)
    ind = tc_std > 1e-16
    tc_pca[ind, :] = tc_pca[ind, :] - tc_pca[ind, :].mean(axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]
    tc_pca[ind, :] = tc_pca[ind, :] / tc_pca[ind, :].std(axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]

    # Concatenate time courses across subjects
    if sub == subList[0]:
        tc_group = tc_pca
        tc_group = np.hstack((tc_group, tc_pca))
    print("Concatenating subject" + sub + "'s timecourses")

# Load Freesurfer template
brain_img = as_volume_img(ANAT_DIR)

# Run

brain = brain_img.get_data()
dim = np.shape(brain)
rois = np.unique(brain)
rois = rois[1:] # Remove background
n_rois = np.shape(rois)[0]
n_vox = np.sum(brain != 0) # Number of voxels within ROIs in Freesurfer template

# Spatially smoothing the group timecourses
tc_group = tc_group.reshape((dim[0], dim[1], dim[2], -1))
n_tpts = tc_group.shape[-1]
for t in np.arange(n_tpts):
    tc_group[:,:,:,t] = gaussian_filter(tc_group[:,:,:,t], sigma=1.5)
Esempio n. 7
        # Add shifted motion regressors
        for i in np.array([-1, 1]):
            regressors = np.hstack(
                (regressors, np.roll(motion_confounds, i, axis=0)))
        regressors = io.loadmat(reg_file)
        regressors = regressors['SPM'][0, 0].xX[
            0, 0].X  # Contains task and SHIFTED versions of motion regressors
#        # Data from other than IMAGEN database might not have shifted motion regressors
#        motion_confounds = regressors[:, n_cond:]
#        for i in np.array([-1, 1]):
#            regressors = np.hstack((regressors, np.roll(motion_confounds, i, axis=0)))

    print "Extracting time series..."
    # Extract timeseries
    tc_img = as_volume_img(tc_file)
    tc = tc_img.get_data()
    tc_dim = tc.shape
    n_tpts = tc_dim[3]
    tc = tc.reshape((-1, n_tpts)).T
    tc[np.isnan(tc)] = 0  # Remove NAN's

    print "Resampling tissue masks to EPI resolution..."
    # Load tissue data objects
    gm_img = as_volume_img(gm_file)
    gm_img = gm_img.resampled_to_img(tc_img)
    gm = gm_img.get_data()
    gm[gm < 0] = 0
    wm_img = as_volume_img(wm_file)
    wm_img = wm_img.resampled_to_img(tc_img)
    wm = wm_img.get_data()
Esempio n. 8
s = 1

# Constants
BASE_DIR = "/volatile/bernardng/data/sepideh/preprocessedBN/"
TR = 2.4
subList = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "subListTruncated"), dtype='str')
for sub in [subList[s]]:
    # Define path to data
    tc_file = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, sub, "rsfMRI", "wbold_audiospont_1.hdr")
    gm_file = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, sub, "anat", "wc1anat_" + sub + "_3T_neurospin.hdr")
    wm_file = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, sub, "anat", "wc2anat_" + sub + "_3T_neurospin.hdr")
    csf_file = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, sub, "anat", "wc3anat_" + sub + "_3T_neurospin.hdr")
    motion_confounds = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, sub, "rsfMRI", "rp_bold_audiospont_1_0001.txt"))
    template_file = "/volatile/bernardng/templates/yeo_sulci_merged/Yeo_cort_sulci_subcort_MNI152_3mm.nii"
    # Load data objects
    tc_img = as_volume_img(tc_file)
    gm_img = as_volume_img(gm_file)
    wm_img = as_volume_img(wm_file)
    csf_img = as_volume_img(csf_file)
    template_img = as_volume_img(template_file)
    # Temporal filtering and removing WM and CSF signal   
    tc, tc_roi = preproc(tc_img, gm_img, wm_img, csf_img, motion_confounds, template_img=template_img, tr=TR)
    # Graphical LASSO
#    glasso = GraphLassoCV(verbose=1, n_refinements=5, alphas=5, n_jobs=1)
#    cov_ = glasso.covariance_
#    prec_ = glasso.precision_
Esempio n. 9
Input:  template_file = location of parcel template (.nii)
Output: parcel_centroid = centroid of each parcel
import os
import numpy as np
import argparse
from nipy.labs import as_volume_img
from scipy import io

if __name__ == '__main__':
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Compute parcel centroid.')
    parser.add_argument('-i', dest='filepath')
    filepath = parser.parse_args().filepath
    path, afile = os.path.split(filepath)
    afile = afile.replace('.nii','_coords.mat')
    template_img = as_volume_img(filepath)
    template = template_img.get_data()
    rois = np.unique(template)
    rois = rois[1:] # Remove background
    n_rois = np.size(rois)
    masks = template[np.newaxis, :] == np.arange(n_rois + 1)[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] # Each row = mask of an ROI
    grid = np.mgrid[0:template.shape[0], 0:template.shape[1], 0:template.shape[2]] # Three 3D volumes of x, y, and z coords
    roi_cen = (grid[np.newaxis, :] * masks[:, np.newaxis, :]).reshape(n_rois + 1, 3, -1).sum(axis=-1) / masks.reshape(n_rois + 1, -1).sum(axis=-1).astype(np.float64)[:, np.newaxis]
    roi_cen = roi_cen[1:] # Compute centroid of each ROI
    roi_cen = np.vstack((roi_cen.T, np.ones(n_rois))
    parcel_cen_mni =, roi_cen)
    parcel_cen_mni = parcel_cen_mni[0:3].T
    io.savemat(os.path.join(path, afile), {"coords": parcel_cen_mni})

Esempio n. 10
import os
import numpy as np
from scipy import io
from nipy.labs import as_volume_img

BASE_DIR = "/volatile/bernardng/data/imagen/"
TR = 2.2
#subList = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "subjectLists/subjectList.txt"), dtype='str')
subList = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "subjectLists/facesList.txt"), dtype='str')
data_type = 0 # 0 = task, # 1 = rest

# Load parcel template
template = io.loadmat(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "group/parcel500refined.mat"))
template = template['template'].ravel()
label = np.unique(template)
brain_img = as_volume_img("/volatile/bernardng/templates/spm8/rgrey.nii") # For resample the tissue maps
for sub in subList:
    print str("Subject" + sub)
    # Load preprocessed voxel timecourses    
    if data_type:    
        tc = io.loadmat(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, sub, "restfMRI/tc_rest_vox.mat"))
#        tc = io.loadmat(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, sub, "gcafMRI/tc_task_vox.mat"))
        tc = io.loadmat(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, sub, "facesfMRI/tc_task_vox.mat"))
    tc = tc["tc_vox"]
    # Generate tissue mask
    gm_file = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, sub, "anat", "gmMask.nii")
    gm_img = as_volume_img(gm_file)
    gm_img = gm_img.resampled_to_img(brain_img)
    gm = gm_img.get_data()
    wm_file = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, sub, "anat", "wmMask.nii")
Esempio n. 11
n_parcels = 500.0

# Change path to files
TC_PATH = "tc_vox.mat"
REF_PATH = "wea000000459848s007a001.nii.gz" 
GM_PATH = "../Maps/wc1mprage000000459848.nii.gz"
WM_PATH = "../Maps/wc2mprage000000459848.nii.gz"
CSF_PATH = "../Maps/wc3mprage000000459848.nii.gz"
PARCEL_PATH = "parcel500.nii"

# Load subject timecourse
tc = io.loadmat(TC_PATH)
tc = tc["tc"].T
# Generate dilated GM mask
ref_img = as_volume_img(REF_PATH) # For resampling to 3mm
ref = ref_img.get_data()
gm_img = as_volume_img(GM_PATH)
gm = gm_img.get_data()
#wm_img = as_volume_img(WM_PATH)
#wm = wm_img.get_data()
#csf_img = as_volume_img(CSF_PATH)
#csf = csf_img.get_data()
#probTotal = gm + wm + csf
#dim = np.shape(probTotal)
#ind = probTotal > 0
#gm[ind] = gm[ind] / probTotal[ind]
#wm[ind] = wm[ind] / probTotal[ind]
#csf[ind] = csf[ind] / probTotal[ind]
#tissue = np.array([gm.ravel(), wm.ravel(), csf.ravel()])
#tissue_mask = tissue.argmax(axis=0) + 1
    # Standardizing pca-ed time courses
    tc_std = np.std(tc_pca, axis=1)
    ind = tc_std > 1e-16
    tc_pca[ind, :] = tc_pca[ind, :] - tc_pca[ind, :].mean(axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]
    tc_pca[ind, :] = tc_pca[ind, :] / tc_pca[ind, :].std(axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]

    # Concatenate time courses across subjects
    if sub == subList[0]:
        tc_group = tc_pca
        tc_group = np.hstack((tc_group, tc_pca))
    print("Concatenating subject" + sub + "'s timecourses")

# Generate dilated GM mask
ref_img = as_volume_img(REF_DIR) # For resampling to 3mm
ref = ref_img.get_data()
gm_img = as_volume_img(GM_DIR)
gm = gm_img.get_data()
wm_img = as_volume_img(WM_DIR)
wm = wm_img.get_data()
csf_img = as_volume_img(CSF_DIR)
csf = csf_img.get_data()
probTotal = gm + wm + csf
dim = np.shape(probTotal)
ind = probTotal > 0
gm[ind] = gm[ind] / probTotal[ind]
wm[ind] = wm[ind] / probTotal[ind]
csf[ind] = csf[ind] / probTotal[ind]
tissue = np.array([gm.ravel(), wm.ravel(), csf.ravel()])
tissue_mask = tissue.argmax(axis=0) + 1
Esempio n. 13
# Concatenating PCA-ed voxel timecourses across subjects
for sub in subList:
    tc = io.loadmat(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, sub, "restfMRI/tc_rest_vox.mat"))
    tc = tc["tc_vox"]
    pca = PCA(n_components=10)
    if sub == subList[0]:
        tc_group = preprocessing.standardize(pca.transform(tc.T))
        tc_group = np.hstack(
            (tc_group, preprocessing.standardize(pca.transform(tc.T))))
    print("Concatenating subject" + sub + "'s timecourses")
#io.savemat(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "group/tc_rest_pca_vox.mat"), {"tc_group": tc_group})

# Perform parcellation on PCA-ed timecourses
brain_img = as_volume_img("/volatile/bernardng/templates/spm8/rgrey.nii")
brain = brain_img.get_data()
dim = np.shape(brain)
brain = brain > 0.2  # Generate brain mask
brain = mask_utils.largest_cc(brain)
mem = Memory(cachedir='.', verbose=1)
# Define connectivity based on brain mask
A = grid_to_graph(n_x=brain.shape[0],
# Create ward object
ward = WardAgglomeration(n_clusters=500, connectivity=A, memory=mem)
tc_group = tc_group.reshape((dim[0], dim[1], dim[2], -1))
n_tpts = tc_group.shape[-1]
for t in np.arange(n_tpts):
Esempio n. 14
Resample input volume to resolution of reference
import os
import nibabel as nib
import numpy as np
import argparse
from nipy.labs import as_volume_img

if __name__ == '__main__':
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Resample input volume to resolution of reference (-t 0 = continuous interpolation; -t 1 = nearest neighbor')
    parser.add_argument('-i', dest='input') # Takes .nii as input
    parser.add_argument('-r', dest='reference')
    parser.add_argument('-t', dest='interp_type', default=0)
    input_path = parser.parse_args().input
    ref_path = parser.parse_args().reference
    interp_type = np.float32(parser.parse_args().interp_type)
    if interp_type == 0:
	interp = 'continuous'
    elif interp_type == 1:
	interp = 'nearest'
    path, afile = os.path.split(input_path)
    afile = afile.replace('.nii', '_rs.nii')
    vol_img = as_volume_img(input_path)
    ref_img = as_volume_img(ref_path)
    vol_img = vol_img.resampled_to_img(ref_img, interpolation=interp)
    vol = vol_img.get_data()
    nii = nib.Nifti1Image(vol, ref_img.get_affine()), os.path.join(path, afile))
n_parcels = 500.0

# Change path to files
TC_PATH = "tc_vox.mat"
REF_PATH = "wea000000459848s007a001.nii.gz"
GM_PATH = "../Maps/wc1mprage000000459848.nii.gz"
WM_PATH = "../Maps/wc2mprage000000459848.nii.gz"
CSF_PATH = "../Maps/wc3mprage000000459848.nii.gz"
PARCEL_PATH = "parcel500.nii"

# Load subject timecourse
tc = io.loadmat(TC_PATH)
tc = tc["tc"].T

# Generate dilated GM mask
ref_img = as_volume_img(REF_PATH)  # For resampling to 3mm
ref = ref_img.get_data()
gm_img = as_volume_img(GM_PATH)
gm = gm_img.get_data()
# wm_img = as_volume_img(WM_PATH)
# wm = wm_img.get_data()
# csf_img = as_volume_img(CSF_PATH)
# csf = csf_img.get_data()
# probTotal = gm + wm + csf
# dim = np.shape(probTotal)
# ind = probTotal > 0
# gm[ind] = gm[ind] / probTotal[ind]
# wm[ind] = wm[ind] / probTotal[ind]
# csf[ind] = csf[ind] / probTotal[ind]
# tissue = np.array([gm.ravel(), wm.ravel(), csf.ravel()])
# tissue_mask = tissue.argmax(axis=0) + 1
Esempio n. 16
import os
import argparse
import numpy as np
import nibabel as nib
from nipy.labs import as_volume_img

if __name__ == '__main__':
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Put B0 volumes at the top.')
    parser.add_argument('-i', dest='dwi_file')  # 4D DWI Nifti
    parser.add_argument('-b', dest='bval_file')  # b-value txt file
    parser.add_argument('-d', dest='bvec_file')  # gradient table
    dwi_path = parser.parse_args().dwi_file
    bval_path = parser.parse_args().bval_file
    bvec_path = parser.parse_args().bvec_file
    dwi_img = as_volume_img(dwi_path)
    dwi = dwi_img.get_data()
    bval = np.loadtxt(bval_path)
    bvec = np.loadtxt(bvec_path)

    b0_ave = np.mean(dwi[:, :, :, bval == 0], axis=3)
    dwi_reorder = np.concatenate(
        (b0_ave[:, :, :, np.newaxis], dwi[:, :, :, bval != 0]), axis=3)
    bvec_reorder = np.array([0, 0, 0])
    bvec_reorder = np.vstack((bvec_reorder, bvec[bval != 0]))
    bval_reorder = np.array([0])
    bval_reorder = np.hstack((bval_reorder, bval[bval != 0]))

    nii = nib.Nifti1Image(dwi_reorder, dwi_img.affine), dwi_path)
    np.savetxt(bvec_path, bvec_reorder, fmt='%1.6f')
    np.savetxt(bval_path, bval_reorder, fmt='%1.0f')
Esempio n. 17
Create average volume for generating brain mask and aligning fMRI to dMRI
import os
import nibabel as nib
import numpy as np
import argparse
from nipy.labs import as_volume_img

if __name__ == '__main__':
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description='Compute average of a 4D volume.')
    parser.add_argument('-i', dest='filename')  # Takes .nii as input
    filepath = parser.parse_args().filename
    path, afile = os.path.split(filepath)
    afile = afile.replace('.nii', '_ave.nii')
    vol_img = as_volume_img(filepath)
    vol = vol_img.get_data()
    mean_vol = np.mean(vol, 3)
    nii = nib.Nifti1Image(mean_vol, vol_img.get_affine()), os.path.join(path, afile))
Esempio n. 18
    parser.add_argument('-tc', dest='tc_file')
    parser.add_argument('-gm', dest='gm_file')
    parser.add_argument('-wm', dest='wm_file')
    parser.add_argument('-csf', dest='csf_file')
    parser.add_argument('-t', dest='template_file')
    tc_file = parser.parse_args().tc_file
    gm_file = parser.parse_args().gm_file
    wm_file = parser.parse_args().wm_file
    csf_file = parser.parse_args().csf_file
    template_file = parser.parse_args().template_file
    path, afile = os.path.split(tc_file)
    _, template_name = os.path.split(template_file)
    template_name = template_name.replace('.nii', '')

    # Load parcel template
    template_img = as_volume_img(template_file)
    template = template_img.get_data().ravel()
    label = np.unique(template)

    # Load preprocessed voxel timecourses
    tc = io.loadmat(tc_file)
    tc = tc["tc"]

    # Generate tissue mask
    gm_img = as_volume_img(gm_file)
    gm_img = gm_img.resampled_to_img(template_img)
    gm = gm_img.get_data()
    gm[gm < 0] = 0
    wm_img = as_volume_img(wm_file)
    wm_img = wm_img.resampled_to_img(template_img)
    wm = wm_img.get_data()
Esempio n. 19
from scipy import stats
from scipy import signal
from scipy import linalg
from nipy.labs import mask as mask_utils
from nipy.labs import as_volume_img
from nipy.labs import viz

BASE_DIR = "/volatile/bernardng/data/sepideh/testSubject"
# Path to warped greymatter probabilistic mask
gm_file = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "t1mri", "wc1sga070108233-0012-00001-000160-01.hdr")
# Path to randomly chosen EPI volume as reference
epi_ref_file = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "fmri", "swfga070108233-0004-00815-000815-01.hdr")
# Paths to all EPI volumes with name matching wildcard
epi_files = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'fmri', 'swf*.hdr')))
# Load gm_img and epi_img objects
gm_img = as_volume_img(gm_file)
epi_ref_img = as_volume_img(epi_ref_file)
# Resample tissue mask to grid of epi
gm_img = gm_img.resampled_to_img(epi_ref_img)
# Extract tissue mask
gm = gm_img.get_data()
# Normalize the mask to [0,1]
gm -= gm.min()
gm /= gm.max()
# Threshold tissue mask
gm_mask = (gm > .5)
# Find largest connected component
gm_mask = mask_utils.largest_cc(gm_mask)

# Extract graymatter voxel timecourses
time_series_gm, header_gm = mask_utils.series_from_mask(epi_files, gm_mask)
Esempio n. 20
# Concatenating PCA-ed voxel timecourses across subjects
for sub in subList:
    tc = io.loadmat(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, sub, "restfMRI/tc_rest_vox.mat"))
    tc = tc["tc_vox"]
    pca = PCA(n_components=10)
    if sub == subList[0]:
        tc_group = preprocessing.standardize(pca.transform(tc.T))
        tc_group = np.hstack((tc_group, preprocessing.standardize(pca.transform(tc.T))))
    print("Concatenating subject" + sub + "'s timecourses")
#io.savemat(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "group/tc_rest_pca_vox.mat"), {"tc_group": tc_group})

# Perform parcellation on PCA-ed timecourses
brain_img = as_volume_img("/volatile/bernardng/templates/spm8/rgrey.nii")
brain = brain_img.get_data()
dim = np.shape(brain)
brain = brain > 0.2 # Generate brain mask
brain = mask_utils.largest_cc(brain)
mem = Memory(cachedir='.', verbose=1)
# Define connectivity based on brain mask
A = grid_to_graph(n_x=brain.shape[0], n_y=brain.shape[1], n_z=brain.shape[2], mask=brain)
# Create ward object
ward = WardAgglomeration(n_clusters=500, connectivity=A, memory=mem)
tc_group = tc_group.reshape((dim[0], dim[1], dim[2], -1))
n_tpts = tc_group.shape[-1]
for t in np.arange(n_tpts):
    tc_group[:,:,:,t] = gaussian_filter(tc_group[:,:,:,t], sigma=5)
tc_group = tc_group.reshape((-1, n_tpts))
tc_group = tc_group[brain.ravel()==1, :]
Esempio n. 21
import numpy as np
from scipy import io
from nipy.labs import as_volume_img

BASE_DIR = "/volatile/bernardng/data/imagen/"
TR = 2.2
#subList = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "subjectLists/subjectList.txt"), dtype='str')
subList = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "subjectLists/facesList.txt"),
data_type = 0  # 0 = task, # 1 = rest

# Load parcel template
template = io.loadmat(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "group/parcel500refined.mat"))
template = template['template'].ravel()
label = np.unique(template)
brain_img = as_volume_img("/volatile/bernardng/templates/spm8/rgrey.nii"
                          )  # For resample the tissue maps
for sub in subList:
    print str("Subject" + sub)
    # Load preprocessed voxel timecourses
    if data_type:
        tc = io.loadmat(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, sub,
        #        tc = io.loadmat(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, sub, "gcafMRI/tc_task_vox.mat"))
        tc = io.loadmat(
            os.path.join(BASE_DIR, sub, "facesfMRI/tc_task_vox.mat"))
    tc = tc["tc_vox"]
    # Generate tissue mask
    gm_file = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, sub, "anat", "gmMask.nii")
    gm_img = as_volume_img(gm_file)
    gm_img = gm_img.resampled_to_img(brain_img)