Esempio n. 1
def cluster_stats(zimg, mask, height_th, height_control="fpr", cluster_th=0, nulls={}):
    Return a list of clusters, each cluster being represented by a
    dictionary. Clusters are sorted by descending size order. Within
    each cluster, local maxima are sorted by descending depth order.

    zimg: z-score image
    mask: mask image 
    height_th: cluster forming threshold
    height_control: string 
            false positive control meaning of cluster forming 
            threshold: 'fpr'|'fdr'|'bonferroni'
    cluster_th: cluster size threshold
    null_s : cluster-level calibration method: None|'rft'|array
    # Masking
    xyz = np.where(mask.get_data().squeeze() > 0)
    zmap = zimg.get_data().squeeze()[xyz]
    xyz = np.array(xyz).T
    nvoxels = np.size(xyz, 0)

    # Thresholding
    if height_control == "fpr":
        zth = sp_stats.norm.isf(height_th)
    elif height_control == "fdr":
        zth = emp_null.FDR(zmap).threshold(height_th)
    elif height_control == "bonferroni":
        zth = sp_stats.norm.isf(height_th / nvoxels)
    else:  ## Brute-force thresholding
        zth = height_th
    pth = sp_stats.norm.sf(zth)
    above_th = zmap > zth
    if len(np.where(above_th)[0]) == 0:
        return None, None  ## FIXME
    zmap_th = zmap[above_th]
    xyz_th = xyz[above_th, :]

    # Clustering
    ## Extract local maxima and connex components above some threshold
    ff = Field(np.size(zmap_th), field=zmap_th)
    ff.from_3d_grid(xyz_th, k=18)
    maxima, depth = ff.get_local_maxima(th=zth)
    labels =
    ## Make list of clusters, each cluster being a dictionary
    clusters = []
    for k in range(labels.max() + 1):
        s = np.sum(labels == k)
        if s >= cluster_th:
            in_cluster = labels[maxima] == k
            m = maxima[in_cluster]
            d = depth[in_cluster]
            sorted = d.argsort()[::-1]
            clusters.append({"size": s, "maxima": m[sorted], "depth": d[sorted]})

    ## Sort clusters by descending size order
    def smaller(c1, c2):
        return int(np.sign(c2["size"] - c1["size"]))


    # FDR-corrected p-values
    fdr_pvalue = emp_null.FDR(zmap).all_fdr()[above_th]

    # Default "nulls"
    if not nulls.has_key("zmax"):
        nulls["zmax"] = "bonferroni"
    if not nulls.has_key("smax"):
        nulls["smax"] = None
    if not nulls.has_key("s"):
        nulls["s"] = None

    # Report significance levels in each cluster
    for c in clusters:
        maxima = c["maxima"]
        zscore = zmap_th[maxima]
        pval = sp_stats.norm.sf(zscore)
        # Replace array indices with real coordinates
        c["maxima"] = apply_affine(zimg.get_affine(), xyz_th[maxima].T).T
        c["zscore"] = zscore
        c["pvalue"] = pval
        c["fdr_pvalue"] = fdr_pvalue[maxima]

        # Voxel-level corrected p-values
        p = None
        if nulls["zmax"] == "bonferroni":
            p = bonferroni(pval, nvoxels)
        elif isinstance(nulls["zmax"], np.ndarray):
            p = simulated_pvalue(zscore, nulls["zmax"])
        c["fwer_pvalue"] = p

        # Cluster-level p-values (corrected)
        p = None
        if isinstance(nulls["smax"], np.ndarray):
            p = simulated_pvalue(c["size"], nulls["smax"])
        c["cluster_fwer_pvalue"] = p

        # Cluster-level p-values (uncorrected)
        p = None
        if isinstance(nulls["s"], np.ndarray):
            p = simulated_pvalue(c["size"], nulls["s"])
        c["cluster_pvalue"] = p

    # General info
    info = {"nvoxels": nvoxels, "threshold_z": zth, "threshold_p": pth, "threshold_pcorr": bonferroni(pth, nvoxels)}

    return clusters, info
Esempio n. 2
def extract_clusters_from_diam(T,XYZ,th,diam,k=18):
    Extract clusters from a statistical map
    under diameter constraint
    and above given threshold
    In:  T      (p)     statistical map
         XYZ    (3,p)   voxels coordinates
         th     <float> minimum threshold
         diam   <int>   maximal diameter (in voxels)
         k      <int>   the number of neighbours considered. (6,18 or 26)
    Out: labels (p)     cluster labels
    CClabels = extract_clusters_from_thresh(T,XYZ,th,k)
    nCC = CClabels.max() + 1
    labels = -np.ones(len(CClabels),int)
    clust_label = 0
    for i in xrange(nCC):
        #print "Searching connected component ", i, " out of ", nCC
        I = np.where(CClabels==i)[0]
        extCC = len(I)
        if extCC <= (diam+1)**3:
            diamCC = max_dist(XYZ,I,I)
            diamCC = diam+1
        if diamCC <= diam:
            labels[I] = np.zeros(extCC,int) + clust_label
            #print "cluster ", clust_label, ", diam = ", diamCC
            #print "ext = ", len(I), ", diam = ", max_dist(XYZ,I,I)
            clust_label += 1
            # build the field
            p = len(T[I])
            F = Field(p)
            # compute the blobs
            idx, height, parent,label = F.threshold_bifurcations(0,th)
            nidx = np.size(idx)
            #root = nidx-1
            root = np.where(np.arange(nidx)==parent)[0]
            # Can constraint be met within current region?
            Imin = I[T[I]>=height[root]]
            extmin = len(Imin)
            if extmin <= (diam+1)**3:
                dmin = max_dist(XYZ,Imin,Imin)
                dmin = diam+1
            if dmin <= diam:# If so, search for the largest cluster meeting the constraint
                Iclust = Imin # Smallest cluster
                J = I[T[I]<height[root]] # Remaining voxels
                argsortTJ = np.argsort(T[J])[::-1] # Sorted by decreasing T values
                l = 0
                L = np.array([J[argsortTJ[l]]],int)
                diameter = dmin
                new_diameter = max(dmin,max_dist(XYZ,Iclust,L))
                while new_diameter <= diam:
                    #print "diameter = " + str(new_diameter)
                    Iclust = np.concatenate((Iclust,L))
                    diameter = new_diameter
                    #print "diameter = ", diameter
                    l += 1
                    L = np.array([J[argsortTJ[l]]],int)
                    new_diameter = max(diameter,max_dist(XYZ,Iclust,L))
                labels[Iclust] = np.zeros(len(Iclust),int) + clust_label
                #print "cluster ", clust_label, ", diam = ", diameter
                #print "ext = ", len(Iclust), ", diam = ", max_dist(XYZ,Iclust,Iclust)
                clust_label += 1
            else:# If not, search inside sub-regions
                #print "Searching inside sub-regions "
                Irest = I[T[I]>height[root]]
                rest_labels = extract_clusters_from_diam(T[Irest],XYZ[:,Irest],th,diam,k)
                rest_labels[rest_labels>=0] += clust_label
                clust_label = rest_labels.max() + 1
                labels[Irest] = rest_labels
    return labels
Esempio n. 3
def get_3d_peaks(image, mask=None, threshold=0., nn=18, order_th=0):
    returns all the peaks of image that are with the mask
    and above the provided threshold

    image, (3d) test image
    mask=None, (3d) mask image
        By default no masking is performed
    threshold=0., float, threshold value above which peaks are considered
    nn=18, int, number of neighbours of the topological spatial model
    order_th=0, int, threshold on topological order to validate the peaks

    peaks, a list of dictionray, where each dic has the fields:
    vals, map value at the peak
    order, topological order of the peak
    ijk, array of shape (1,3) grid coordinate of the peak
    pos, array of shape (n_maxima,3) mm coordinates (mapped by affine)
        of the peaks
    # Masking
    if mask!=None:
        bmask = mask.get_data().ravel()
        data = image.get_data().ravel()[bmask>0]
        xyz = np.array(np.where(bmask>0)).T
        shape = image.get_shape()
        data = image.get_data().ravel()
        xyz = np.reshape(np.indices(shape),(3,
    affine = image.get_affine()
    nvox = np.size(data)

    if not (data>threshold).any():
        return None

    # Extract local maxima and connex components above some threshold
    ff = Field(np.size(data), field=data)
    ff.from_3d_grid(xyz, k=18)
    maxima, order = ff.get_local_maxima(th=threshold)

    # retain only the maxima greater than the specified order
    maxima = maxima[order>order_th]
    order = order[order>order_th]

    n_maxima = len(maxima)
    if n_maxima==0:
        # should not occur ?
        return None
    # reorder the maxima to have decreasing peak value
    vals = data[maxima]
    idx = np.argsort(-vals)
    maxima = maxima[idx]
    order = order[idx]
    vals = data[maxima]
    ijk = xyz[maxima]
    pos =,np.ones((n_maxima,1)))),affine.T)[:,:3]
    peaks = [{'val':vals[k], 'order':order[k], 'ijk':ijk[k], 'pos':pos[k]}
             for k in range(n_maxima)]

    return peaks
Esempio n. 4
print __doc__

import numpy as np
import os
from import load, save, Nifti1Image 
from nipy.neurospin.graph.field import Field
import get_data_light
import tempfile
data_dir = get_data_light.get_it()

# paths
swd = tempfile.mkdtemp()
input_image = os.path.join(data_dir, 'spmT_0029.nii.gz')
mask_image = os.path.join(data_dir, 'mask.nii.gz')

mask = load(mask_image).get_data()>0
ijk = np.array(np.where(mask)).T
nvox = ijk.shape[0]
data = load(input_image).get_data()[mask]
image_field = Field(nvox)
image_field.from_3d_grid(ijk, k=6)
u = image_field.ward(100)

label_image = os.path.join(swd, 'label.nii')
wdata = mask - 1
wdata[mask] = u
save(Nifti1Image(wdata, load(mask_image).get_affine()), label_image)
print "Label image written in %s"  % label_image