Esempio n. 1
def test_get_spectra_bi():

    Test the bi-variate get_spectra function


    methods = (None,
           {"this_method": 'welch', "NFFT": 256, "Fs": 2 * np.pi},
           {"this_method": 'welch', "NFFT": 1024, "Fs": 2 * np.pi})

    for method in methods:
        arsig1, _, _ = utils.ar_generator(N=2 ** 16)
        arsig2, _, _ = utils.ar_generator(N=2 ** 16)

        avg_pwr1 = (arsig1 ** 2).mean()
        avg_pwr2 = (arsig2 ** 2).mean()
        avg_xpwr = (arsig1 * arsig2.conjugate()).mean()

        tseries = np.vstack([arsig1, arsig2])

        f, fxx, fyy, fxy = tsa.get_spectra_bi(arsig1, arsig2, method=method)

        # \sum_{\omega} PSD(\omega) d\omega:
        est_pwr1 = np.sum(fxx * (f[1] - f[0]))
        est_pwr2 = np.sum(fyy * (f[1] - f[0]))
        est_xpwr = np.sum(fxy * (f[1] - f[0])).real

        # Test that we have the right order of magnitude:
        npt.assert_array_almost_equal(est_pwr1, avg_pwr1, decimal=-1)
        npt.assert_array_almost_equal(est_pwr2, avg_pwr2, decimal=-1)
Esempio n. 2
def test_get_spectra():

    Testing spectral estimation


    methods = (None,
           {"this_method": 'welch', "NFFT": 256, "Fs": 2 * np.pi},
           {"this_method": 'welch', "NFFT": 1024, "Fs": 2 * np.pi})

    for method in methods:
        avg_pwr1 = []
        avg_pwr2 = []
        est_pwr1 = []
        est_pwr2 = []
        arsig1, _, _ = utils.ar_generator(N=2 ** 16) # It needs to be that long for
                                        # the answers to converge 
        arsig2, _, _ = utils.ar_generator(N=2 ** 16)
        avg_pwr1.append((arsig1 ** 2).mean())
        avg_pwr2.append((arsig2 ** 2).mean())
        tseries = np.vstack([arsig1,arsig2])
        f, c = tsa.get_spectra(tseries,method=method)

        # \sum_{\omega} psd d\omega:
        est_pwr1.append(np.sum(c[0, 0]) * (f[1] - f[0]))
        est_pwr2.append(np.sum(c[1, 1]) * (f[1] - f[0]))

        # Get it right within the order of magnitude:
        npt.assert_array_almost_equal(est_pwr1, avg_pwr1, decimal=-1)
        npt.assert_array_almost_equal(est_pwr2, avg_pwr2, decimal=-1)
Esempio n. 3
def test_crosscov():
    N = 128
    ar_seq1, _, _ = utils.ar_generator(N=N)
    ar_seq2, _, _ = utils.ar_generator(N=N)

    for all_lags in (True, False):
        sxy = utils.crosscov(ar_seq1, ar_seq2, all_lags=all_lags)
        sxy_ref = ref_crosscov(ar_seq1, ar_seq2, all_lags=all_lags)
        err = sxy_ref - sxy
        mse =, err) / N
        npt.assert_(mse < 1e-12, "Large mean square error w.r.t. reference cross covariance")
Esempio n. 4
def test_crosscov():
    N = 128
    ar_seq1, _, _ = utils.ar_generator(N=N)
    ar_seq2, _, _ = utils.ar_generator(N=N)

    for all_lags in (True, False):
        sxy = utils.crosscov(ar_seq1, ar_seq2, all_lags=all_lags)
        sxy_ref = ref_crosscov(ar_seq1, ar_seq2, all_lags=all_lags)
        err = sxy_ref - sxy
        mse =, err) / N
        nt.assert_true(mse < 1e-12, \
               'Large mean square error w.r.t. reference cross covariance')
Esempio n. 5
def test_periodogram():
    arsig, _, _ = ut.ar_generator(N=512)
    avg_pwr = (arsig * arsig.conjugate()).mean()
    f, psd = tsa.periodogram(arsig, N=2048)
    df = 2. * np.pi / 2048
    avg_pwr_est = np.trapz(psd, dx=df)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(avg_pwr, avg_pwr_est, decimal=1)
Esempio n. 6
def test_AR_LD():

    Test the Levinson Durbin estimate of the AR coefficients against the
    expercted PSD

    arsig, _, _ = utils.ar_generator(N=512)
    avg_pwr = (arsig * arsig.conjugate()).real.mean()
    order = 8
    ak, sigma_v = tsa.AR_est_LD(arsig, order)
    w, psd = tsa.AR_psd(ak, sigma_v)

    # the psd is a one-sided power spectral density, which has been
    # multiplied by 2 to preserve the property that
    # 1/2pi int_{-pi}^{pi} Sxx(w) dw = Rxx(0)

    # evaluate this integral numerically from 0 to pi
    dw = np.pi / len(psd)
    avg_pwr_est = np.trapz(psd, dx=dw) / (2 * np.pi)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(avg_pwr, avg_pwr_est, decimal=0)

    # Test for providing the autocovariance as an input:
    ak, sigma_v = tsa.AR_est_LD(arsig, order, utils.autocov(arsig))
    w, psd = tsa.AR_psd(ak, sigma_v)
    avg_pwr_est = np.trapz(psd, dx=dw) / (2 * np.pi)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(avg_pwr, avg_pwr_est, decimal=0)
Esempio n. 7
  def armdl_func (sys,h,w):
    s = (h,w)
    x_c = np.zeros(s) 
    x_c[0] = sys;
    npts1 = w
    for i in np.arange(9):
      c_e, sigma_e = alg.AR_est_YW(xi, 15)
      xo, _, _ = utils.ar_generator(N=npts1, sigma=sigma_e, coefs=c_e, drop_transients=45)

    plt.plot(x_c[h-1], label='estimated process')
    plt.plot(sys, 'k', label='original process')
    err = x_c[h-1] - sys
    mse =, err) / w
    plt.title('MSE = %1.3e' % mse)
    f_sys, Pxx_sys = signal.periodogram(x_c[h-1], fs)
    f_syswel, Pxx_syswel = signal.welch(sys,fs)
    plt.semilogy(f_sys[1:],Pxx_sys[1:], label='estimated process')
    plt.semilogy(f_syswel[1:],Pxx_syswel[1:], 'k', label='original process')
Esempio n. 8
def test_autocorr():
    N = 128
    ar_seq, _, _ = utils.ar_generator(N=N)
    rxx = utils.autocorr(ar_seq)
    npt.assert_(rxx[0] == rxx.max(), "Zero lag autocorrelation is not maximum autocorrelation")
    rxx = utils.autocorr(ar_seq, all_lags=True)
    npt.assert_(rxx[127] == rxx.max(), "Zero lag autocorrelation is not maximum autocorrelation")
Esempio n. 9
def test_autocorr():
    N = 128
    ar_seq, _, _ = utils.ar_generator(N=N)
    rxx = utils.autocorr(ar_seq)
    yield nt.assert_true, rxx[0] == 1, "Zero lag autocorrelation is not equal to 1"
    rxx = utils.autocorr(ar_seq, all_lags=True)
    yield nt.assert_true, rxx[127] == 1, "Zero lag autocorrelation is not equal to 1"
Esempio n. 10
def test_AR_LD():

    Test the Levinson Durbin estimate of the AR coefficients against the
    expercted PSD

    arsig,_,_ = utils.ar_generator(N=512)
    avg_pwr = (arsig*arsig.conjugate()).real.mean()
    order = 8
    ak, sigma_v = tsa.AR_est_LD(arsig, order)
    w, psd = tsa.AR_psd(ak, sigma_v)

    # the psd is a one-sided power spectral density, which has been
    # multiplied by 2 to preserve the property that
    # 1/2pi int_{-pi}^{pi} Sxx(w) dw = Rxx(0)

    # evaluate this integral numerically from 0 to pi
    dw = np.pi/len(psd)
    avg_pwr_est = np.trapz(psd, dx=dw) / (2*np.pi)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(avg_pwr, avg_pwr_est, decimal=0)

    # Test for providing the autocovariance as an input:
    ak,sigma_v = tsa.AR_est_LD(arsig, order, utils.autocov(arsig))
    w, psd = tsa.AR_psd(ak, sigma_v)
    avg_pwr_est = np.trapz(psd, dx=dw) / (2*np.pi)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(avg_pwr, avg_pwr_est, decimal=0)
Esempio n. 11
def test_periodogram():
    arsig, _, _ = ut.ar_generator(N=512)
    avg_pwr = (arsig * arsig.conjugate()).mean()
    f, psd = tsa.periodogram(arsig, N=2048)
    df = 2. * np.pi / 2048
    avg_pwr_est = np.trapz(psd, dx=df)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(avg_pwr, avg_pwr_est, decimal=1)
Esempio n. 12
def test_get_spectra_complex():

    Testing spectral estimation


    methods = (None, {
        "this_method": 'welch',
        "NFFT": 256,
        "Fs": 2 * np.pi
    }, {
        "this_method": 'welch',
        "NFFT": 1024,
        "Fs": 2 * np.pi

    for method in methods:
        avg_pwr1 = []
        avg_pwr2 = []
        est_pwr1 = []
        est_pwr2 = []

        # Make complex signals:
        r, _, _ = utils.ar_generator(N=2**16)  # It needs to be that long for
        # the answers to converge
        c, _, _ = utils.ar_generator(N=2**16)
        arsig1 = r + c * scipy.sqrt(-1)

        r, _, _ = utils.ar_generator(N=2**16)
        c, _, _ = utils.ar_generator(N=2**16)

        arsig2 = r + c * scipy.sqrt(-1)
        avg_pwr1.append((arsig1 * arsig1.conjugate()).mean())
        avg_pwr2.append((arsig2 * arsig2.conjugate()).mean())

        tseries = np.vstack([arsig1, arsig2])

        f, c = tsa.get_spectra(tseries, method=method)

        # \sum_{\omega} psd d\omega:
        est_pwr1.append(np.sum(c[0, 0]) * (f[1] - f[0]))
        est_pwr2.append(np.sum(c[1, 1]) * (f[1] - f[0]))

        # Get it right within the order of magnitude:
        npt.assert_array_almost_equal(est_pwr1, avg_pwr1, decimal=-1)
        npt.assert_array_almost_equal(est_pwr2, avg_pwr2, decimal=-1)
Esempio n. 13
def test_AR_est_consistency():
    order = 10 # some even number
    ak = _random_poles(order/2)
    x, v, _ = utils.ar_generator(N=512, coefs=-ak[1:], drop_transients=100)
    ak_yw, ssq_yw = tsa.AR_est_YW(x, order)
    ak_ld, ssq_ld = tsa.AR_est_LD(x, order)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(ak_yw, ak_ld)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(ssq_yw, ssq_ld)
Esempio n. 14
def test_AR_est_consistency():
    order = 10  # some even number
    ak = _random_poles(order // 2)
    x, v, _ = utils.ar_generator(N=512, coefs=-ak[1:], drop_transients=100)
    ak_yw, ssq_yw = tsa.AR_est_YW(x, order)
    ak_ld, ssq_ld = tsa.AR_est_LD(x, order)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(ak_yw, ak_ld)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(ssq_yw, ssq_ld)
Esempio n. 15
def test_LD_AR():
    arsig,_,_ = ut.ar_generator(N=512)
    avg_pwr = (arsig*arsig.conjugate()).mean()
    w, psd = tsa.LD_AR_est(arsig, 8, 1024)
    # for efficiency, let's leave out the 2PI in the numerator and denominator
    # for the following integral
    dw = 1./1024
    avg_pwr_est = np.trapz(psd, dx=dw)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(avg_pwr, avg_pwr_est, decimal=0)
Esempio n. 16
def test_autocorr():
    N = 128
    ar_seq, _, _ = utils.ar_generator(N=N)
    rxx = utils.autocorr(ar_seq)
    nt.assert_true(rxx[0] == rxx.max(), \
          'Zero lag autocorrelation is not maximum autocorrelation')
    rxx = utils.autocorr(ar_seq, all_lags=True)
    nt.assert_true(rxx[127] == rxx.max(), \
          'Zero lag autocorrelation is not maximum autocorrelation')
Esempio n. 17
def test_periodogram():
    arsig,_,_ = ut.ar_generator(N=512)
    avg_pwr = (arsig*arsig.conjugate()).mean()
    f, psd = tsa.periodogram(arsig, N=2048)
    # for efficiency, let's leave out the 2PI in the numerator and denominator
    # for the following integral
    dw = 1./2048
    avg_pwr_est = np.trapz(psd, dx=dw)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(avg_pwr, avg_pwr_est, decimal=1)
Esempio n. 18
def test_periodogram():
    arsig, _, _ = ut.ar_generator(N=512)
    avg_pwr = (arsig * arsig.conjugate()).mean()
    f, psd = tsa.periodogram(arsig, N=2048)
    # for efficiency, let's leave out the 2PI in the numerator and denominator
    # for the following integral
    dw = 1. / 2048
    avg_pwr_est = np.trapz(psd, dx=dw)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(avg_pwr, avg_pwr_est, decimal=1)
Esempio n. 19
def test_periodogram():
    """Test some of the inputs to periodogram """

    arsig, _, _ = utils.ar_generator(N=1024)
    Sk = np.fft.fft(arsig)

    f1, c1 = tsa.periodogram(arsig)
    f2, c2 = tsa.periodogram(arsig, Sk=Sk)

    npt.assert_equal(c1, c2)

    # Check that providing a complex signal does the right thing
    # (i.e. two-sided spectrum): 
    N = 1024 
    r, _, _ = utils.ar_generator(N=N)
    c, _, _ = utils.ar_generator(N=N)
    arsig = r + c * scipy.sqrt(-1)

    f, c = tsa.periodogram(arsig)
    npt.assert_equal(f.shape[0], N) # Should be N, not the one-sided N/2 + 1
Esempio n. 20
def test_periodogram():
    """Test some of the inputs to periodogram """

    arsig, _, _ = utils.ar_generator(N=1024)
    Sk = fftpack.fft(arsig)

    f1, c1 = tsa.periodogram(arsig)
    f2, c2 = tsa.periodogram(arsig, Sk=Sk)

    npt.assert_equal(c1, c2)

    # Check that providing a complex signal does the right thing
    # (i.e. two-sided spectrum):
    N = 1024
    r, _, _ = utils.ar_generator(N=N)
    c, _, _ = utils.ar_generator(N=N)
    arsig = r + c * scipy.sqrt(-1)

    f, c = tsa.periodogram(arsig)
    npt.assert_equal(f.shape[0], N)  # Should be N, not the one-sided N/2 + 1
Esempio n. 21
def test_periodogram_csd():
    """Test corner cases of  periodogram_csd"""

    arsig1, _, _ = utils.ar_generator(N=1024)
    arsig2, _, _ = utils.ar_generator(N=1024)

    tseries = np.vstack([arsig1, arsig2])

    Sk = fftpack.fft(tseries)

    f1, c1 = tsa.periodogram_csd(tseries)
    f2, c2 = tsa.periodogram_csd(tseries, Sk=Sk)
    npt.assert_equal(c1, c2)

    # Check that providing a complex signal does the right thing
    # (i.e. two-sided spectrum):
    N = 1024
    r, _, _ = utils.ar_generator(N=N)
    c, _, _ = utils.ar_generator(N=N)
    arsig1 = r + c * scipy.sqrt(-1)

    r, _, _ = utils.ar_generator(N=N)
    c, _, _ = utils.ar_generator(N=N)
    arsig2 = r + c * scipy.sqrt(-1)

    tseries = np.vstack([arsig1, arsig2])

    f, c = tsa.periodogram_csd(tseries)
    npt.assert_equal(f.shape[0], N)  # Should be N, not the one-sided N/2 + 1
Esempio n. 22
def test_get_spectra_bi():

    Test the bi-variate get_spectra function


    methods = (None, {
        "this_method": 'welch',
        "NFFT": 256,
        "Fs": 2 * np.pi
    }, {
        "this_method": 'welch',
        "NFFT": 1024,
        "Fs": 2 * np.pi

    for method in methods:
        arsig1, _, _ = utils.ar_generator(N=2**16)
        arsig2, _, _ = utils.ar_generator(N=2**16)

        avg_pwr1 = (arsig1**2).mean()
        avg_pwr2 = (arsig2**2).mean()
        avg_xpwr = (arsig1 * arsig2.conjugate()).mean()

        tseries = np.vstack([arsig1, arsig2])

        f, fxx, fyy, fxy = tsa.get_spectra_bi(arsig1, arsig2, method=method)

        # \sum_{\omega} PSD(\omega) d\omega:
        est_pwr1 = np.sum(fxx * (f[1] - f[0]))
        est_pwr2 = np.sum(fyy * (f[1] - f[0]))
        est_xpwr = np.sum(fxy * (f[1] - f[0])).real

        # Test that we have the right order of magnitude:
        npt.assert_array_almost_equal(est_pwr1, avg_pwr1, decimal=-1)
        npt.assert_array_almost_equal(est_pwr2, avg_pwr2, decimal=-1)
Esempio n. 23
def test_periodogram_csd():
    """Test corner cases of  periodogram_csd"""

    arsig1, _, _ = utils.ar_generator(N=1024)
    arsig2, _, _ = utils.ar_generator(N=1024)

    tseries = np.vstack([arsig1, arsig2])
    Sk = np.fft.fft(tseries)

    f1, c1 = tsa.periodogram_csd(tseries)
    f2, c2 = tsa.periodogram_csd(tseries, Sk=Sk)
    npt.assert_equal(c1, c2)

    # Check that providing a complex signal does the right thing
    # (i.e. two-sided spectrum): 
    N = 1024 
    r, _, _ = utils.ar_generator(N=N)
    c, _, _ = utils.ar_generator(N=N)
    arsig1 = r + c * scipy.sqrt(-1)

    r, _, _ = utils.ar_generator(N=N)
    c, _, _ = utils.ar_generator(N=N)
    arsig2 = r + c * scipy.sqrt(-1)

    tseries = np.vstack([arsig1, arsig2])

    f, c = tsa.periodogram_csd(tseries)
    npt.assert_equal(f.shape[0], N) # Should be N, not the one-sided N/2 + 1
Esempio n. 24
def test_mtm_cross_spectrum():
    Test the multi-taper cross-spectral estimation. Based on the example in

    NW = 4
    K = 2 * NW - 1

    N = 2 ** 10
    n_reps = 10
    n_freqs = N

    tapers, eigs = tsa.dpss_windows(N, NW, 2 * NW - 1)

    est_psd = []
    for k in xrange(n_reps):
        data,nz,alpha = utils.ar_generator(N=N)
        fgrid, hz = tsa.freq_response(1.0, a=np.r_[1, -alpha], n_freqs=n_freqs)
        # 'one-sided', so multiply by 2:
        psd = 2 * (hz * hz.conj()).real

        tdata = tapers * data

        tspectra = np.fft.fft(tdata)

        L = N / 2 + 1
        sides = 'onesided'
        w, _ = utils.adaptive_weights(tspectra, eigs, sides=sides)

        sxx = tsa.mtm_cross_spectrum(tspectra, tspectra, w, sides=sides)

    fxx = np.mean(est_psd, 0)

    psd_ratio = np.mean(fxx / psd)

    # This is a rather lenient test, making sure that the average ratio is 1 to
    # within an order of magnitude. That is, that they are equal on average:
    npt.assert_array_almost_equal(psd_ratio, 1, decimal=1)

    # Test raising of error in case the inputs don't make sense:
                      tspectra,np.r_[tspectra, tspectra],
                      (w, w))
Esempio n. 25
def test_mtm_cross_spectrum():

    Test the multi-taper cross-spectral estimation. Based on the example in

    NW = 4
    K = 2 * NW - 1

    N = 2**10
    n_reps = 10
    n_freqs = N

    tapers, eigs = tsa.dpss_windows(N, NW, 2 * NW - 1)

    est_psd = []
    for k in range(n_reps):
        data, nz, alpha = utils.ar_generator(N=N)
        fgrid, hz = tsa.freq_response(1.0, a=np.r_[1, -alpha], n_freqs=n_freqs)
        # 'one-sided', so multiply by 2:
        psd = 2 * (hz * hz.conj()).real

        tdata = tapers * data

        tspectra = fftpack.fft(tdata)

        L = N / 2 + 1
        sides = 'onesided'
        w, _ = utils.adaptive_weights(tspectra, eigs, sides=sides)

        sxx = tsa.mtm_cross_spectrum(tspectra, tspectra, w, sides=sides)

    fxx = np.mean(est_psd, 0)

    psd_ratio = np.mean(fxx / psd)

    # This is a rather lenient test, making sure that the average ratio is 1 to
    # within an order of magnitude. That is, that they are equal on average:
    npt.assert_array_almost_equal(psd_ratio, 1, decimal=1)

    # Test raising of error in case the inputs don't make sense:
    npt.assert_raises(ValueError, tsa.mtm_cross_spectrum, tspectra,
                      np.r_[tspectra, tspectra], (w, w))
Esempio n. 26
def test_multi_taper_psd_csd():

    Test the multi taper psd and csd estimation functions.
    Based on the example in


    N = 2**10
    n_reps = 10

    psd = []
    est_psd = []
    est_csd = []
    for jk in [True, False]:
        for k in range(n_reps):
            for adaptive in [True, False]:
                ar_seq, nz, alpha = utils.ar_generator(N=N, drop_transients=10)
                ar_seq -= ar_seq.mean()
                fgrid, hz = tsa.freq_response(1.0,
                                              a=np.r_[1, -alpha],
                psd.append(2 * (hz * hz.conj()).real)
                f, psd_mt, nu = tsa.multi_taper_psd(ar_seq,
                f, csd_mt = tsa.multi_taper_csd(np.vstack([ar_seq, ar_seq]),
                # Symmetrical in this case, so take one element out:

        fxx = np.mean(psd, axis=0)
        fxx_est1 = np.mean(est_psd, axis=0)
        fxx_est2 = np.mean(est_csd, axis=0)

        # Tests the psd:
        psd_ratio1 = np.mean(fxx_est1 / fxx)
        npt.assert_array_almost_equal(psd_ratio1, 1, decimal=-1)
        # Tests the csd:
        psd_ratio2 = np.mean(fxx_est2 / fxx)
        npt.assert_array_almost_equal(psd_ratio2, 1, decimal=-1)
Esempio n. 27
def test_multi_taper_psd_csd():

    Test the multi taper psd and csd estimation functions.
    Based on the example in


    N = 2 ** 10
    n_reps = 10

    psd = []
    est_psd = []
    est_csd = []
    for jk in [True, False]:
        for k in range(n_reps):
            for adaptive in [True, False]:
                ar_seq, nz, alpha = utils.ar_generator(N=N, drop_transients=10)
                ar_seq -= ar_seq.mean()
                fgrid, hz = tsa.freq_response(1.0, a=np.r_[1, -alpha],
                psd.append(2 * (hz * hz.conj()).real)
                f, psd_mt, nu = tsa.multi_taper_psd(ar_seq, adaptive=adaptive,
                f, csd_mt = tsa.multi_taper_csd(np.vstack([ar_seq, ar_seq]),
                # Symmetrical in this case, so take one element out:

        fxx = np.mean(psd, axis=0)
        fxx_est1 = np.mean(est_psd, axis=0)
        fxx_est2 = np.mean(est_csd, axis=0)

        # Tests the psd:
        psd_ratio1 = np.mean(fxx_est1 / fxx)
        npt.assert_array_almost_equal(psd_ratio1, 1, decimal=-1)
        # Tests the csd:
        psd_ratio2 = np.mean(fxx_est2 / fxx)
        npt.assert_array_almost_equal(psd_ratio2, 1, decimal=-1)
Esempio n. 28
def test_AR_YW():
    arsig,_,_ = utils.ar_generator(N=512)
    avg_pwr = (arsig*arsig.conjugate()).mean()
    order = 8
    ak,sigma_v = tsa.AR_est_YW(arsig, order) 
    w, psd = tsa.AR_psd(ak, sigma_v)
    # the psd is a one-sided power spectral density, which has been
    # multiplied by 2 to preserve the property that
    # 1/2pi int_{-pi}^{pi} Sxx(w) dw = Rxx(0)

    # evaluate this integral numerically from 0 to pi
    dw = np.pi / len(psd)
    avg_pwr_est = np.trapz(psd, dx=dw) / (2*np.pi)
    # consistency on the order of 10**0 is pretty good for this test
    npt.assert_almost_equal(avg_pwr, avg_pwr_est, decimal=0)

    # Test for providing the autocovariance as an input:
    ak,sigma_v = tsa.AR_est_YW(arsig, order, utils.autocov(arsig))
    w, psd = tsa.AR_psd(ak, sigma_v)
    avg_pwr_est = np.trapz(psd, dx=dw) / (2*np.pi)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(avg_pwr, avg_pwr_est, decimal=0)
Esempio n. 29
def test_AR_YW():
    arsig, _, _ = utils.ar_generator(N=512)
    avg_pwr = (arsig * arsig.conjugate()).mean()
    order = 8
    ak, sigma_v = tsa.AR_est_YW(arsig, order)
    w, psd = tsa.AR_psd(ak, sigma_v)
    # the psd is a one-sided power spectral density, which has been
    # multiplied by 2 to preserve the property that
    # 1/2pi int_{-pi}^{pi} Sxx(w) dw = Rxx(0)

    # evaluate this integral numerically from 0 to pi
    dw = np.pi / len(psd)
    avg_pwr_est = np.trapz(psd, dx=dw) / (2 * np.pi)
    # consistency on the order of 10**0 is pretty good for this test
    npt.assert_almost_equal(avg_pwr, avg_pwr_est, decimal=0)

    # Test for providing the autocovariance as an input:
    ak, sigma_v = tsa.AR_est_YW(arsig, order, utils.autocov(arsig))
    w, psd = tsa.AR_psd(ak, sigma_v)
    avg_pwr_est = np.trapz(psd, dx=dw) / (2 * np.pi)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(avg_pwr, avg_pwr_est, decimal=0)
Esempio n. 30
    sig[1] = sxx_m[0] - phi[1, 1] * sxx_m[1]
    for k in range(2, order + 1):
        phi[k, k] = (sxx_m[k] -
           [1:k, k - 1], sxx_m[1:k][::-1])) / sig[k - 1]
        for j in range(1, k):
            phi[j, k] = phi[j, k - 1] - phi[k, k] * phi[k - j, k - 1]
        sig[k] = sig[k - 1] * (1 - phi[k, k]**2)

    sigma_v = sig[-1]
    arcoefs = phi[1:, -1]
    return sigma_v, arcoefs, pacf, phi  #return everything

import nitime.utils as ut

sxx = None
order = 10

npts = 2048 * 10
sigma = 1
drop_transients = 1024
coefs = np.array([0.9, -0.5])

# Generate AR(2) time series
X, v, _ = ut.ar_generator(npts, sigma, coefs, drop_transients)

s = X

import statsmodels.api as sm
Esempio n. 31
tspectra = np.fft.fft(tdata)
mag_sqr_spectra = np.abs(tspectra)
np.power(mag_sqr_spectra, 2, mag_sqr_spectra)

rms_err_fmri, _, _ = generate_subset_weights_and_err(
    mag_sqr_spectra[10], l
w_err_fmri = compare_weight_methods(mag_sqr_spectra[10], l)
plot_err(rms_err_fmri, 'FMRI re-weight err')
plot_err(w_err_fmri, 'FMRI weights err')


ar_seq, nz, alpha = utils.ar_generator(N=n_samples, drop_transients=10)
ar_seq -= ar_seq.mean()

ar_spectra = np.abs(np.fft.fft(tapers * ar_seq))
np.power(ar_spectra, 2, ar_spectra)

rms_err_arseq, _, _ = generate_subset_weights_and_err(
    ar_spectra, l
w_err_arseq = compare_weight_methods(ar_spectra, l)
plot_err(rms_err_arseq, 'AR re-weight err')
plot_err(w_err_arseq, 'AR weights err')

Esempio n. 32

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import nitime.utils as utils
import nitime.timeseries as ts
import nitime.viz as viz

For this example, we generate an auto-regressive sequence to be the signal:


ar_seq, nz, alpha = utils.ar_generator(N=128, drop_transients=10)
ar_seq -= ar_seq.mean()

The signal will be repeated several times, adding noise to the signal in each


n_trials = 12

fig_snr = []
sample = []
fig_tseries = []
Esempio n. 33

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import nitime.utils as utils
import nitime.timeseries as ts
import nitime.viz as viz


For this example, we generate an auto-regressive sequence to be the signal:


ar_seq, nz, alpha = utils.ar_generator(N=128, drop_transients=10)
ar_seq -= ar_seq.mean()


The signal will be repeated several times, adding noise to the signal in each


n_trials = 12

fig_snr = []
sample = []
fig_tseries = []
Esempio n. 34
Fs = 1000

In this case, we generate an order 2 AR process, with the following coefficients:


coefs = np.array([0.9, -0.5])

This generates the AR(2) time series:


X, noise, _ = utils.ar_generator(npts, sigma, coefs, drop_transients)

ts_x = TimeSeries(X, sampling_rate=Fs, time_unit='s')
ts_noise = TimeSeries(noise, sampling_rate=1000, time_unit='s')

We use the plot_tseries function in order to visualize the process:


fig01 = plot_tseries(ts_x, label='AR signal')
fig01 = plot_tseries(ts_noise, fig=fig01, label='Noise')

.. image:: fig/ar_est_1var_01.png
Esempio n. 35

In this case, we generate an order 2 AR process, with the following coefficients:


coefs = np.array([0.9, -0.5])


This generates the AR(2) time series:


X, noise, _ = utils.ar_generator(npts, sigma, coefs, drop_transients)

ts_x = TimeSeries(X, sampling_rate=Fs, time_unit='s')
ts_noise = TimeSeries(noise, sampling_rate=1000, time_unit='s')


We use the plot_tseries function in order to visualize the process:


fig01 = plot_tseries(ts_x,label='AR signal')
fig01 = plot_tseries(ts_noise,fig=fig01,label='Noise')

Esempio n. 36
"""Simple example AR(p) fitting."""

import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

from nitime import utils
from nitime import algorithms as alg

npts = 2048*10
sigma = 1
drop_transients = 1024
coefs = np.array([0.9, -0.5])

# Generate AR(2) time series
X, v, _ = utils.ar_generator(npts, sigma, coefs, drop_transients)

# Visualize
plt.title('AR signal')

# Estimate the model parameters
sigma_est, coefs_est = alg.yule_AR_est(X, 2, 2*npts, system=True)

print 'coefs    :', coefs
print 'coefs est:', coefs_est