Esempio n. 1
def less_to_channel_ref():
    a = BooleanValue(False)
    b = ChannelReference("Aliases/DesiredRPM")
    b.value = 5.0
    a.value = 1 < b.value
    return a.value
Esempio n. 2
def wait_multitask():
    ret = BooleanValue(False)
    init1 = DoubleValue(0)
    end1 = DoubleValue(0)
    init2 = DoubleValue(0)
    end2 = DoubleValue(0)
    tot_init = DoubleValue(0)
    tot_end = DoubleValue(0)

    tot_init.value = seqtime()
    with multitask() as mt:
        def f1():
            init1.value = seqtime()
            end1.value = wait(DoubleValue(1)) - init1.value

        def f2():
            init2.value = seqtime()
            end2.value = wait(DoubleValue(3)) - init2.value

    tot_end.value = seqtime() - tot_init.value
    ret.value = tot_end.value >= 3 and tot_end.value <= 4 and \
        end1.value >= 1 and end1.value <= 2 and \
        end2.value >= 3 and end2.value <= 4
    return ret.value
def if_condition_variable():
    var = BooleanValue(0)
    if var.value:
        var.value = True
        var.value = False
    return var.value
def while_condition_identity_operator():
    var = BooleanValue(True)
    ret = I32Value(0)
    while var.value is True:
        ret.value = 1
        var.value = False
    return ret.value
def gt_equal_to_channel_ref():
    a = BooleanValue(False)
    b = ChannelReference("Aliases/DesiredRPM")
    b.value = 1.0
    a.value = 1 >= b.value
    return a.value
def state_machine_example():
    state = I32Value(0)
    iters = I32Value(0)
    amplitude = DoubleValue(1000)
    stop = BooleanValue(False)
    output = ChannelReference('Aliases/DesiredRPM')

    while stop.value != True and iters.value < 10:  # noqa: E712 NI recommends you use comparison instead of identity.
        state.value = rand(7)
        if state.value == 0:
        elif state.value == 1:
            sine_wave(output, amplitude, 1, 0, 0, 2)
        elif state.value == 2:
            square_wave(output, amplitude, 5, 0, 0, 50, 2)
        elif state.value == 3:
            triangle_wave(output, amplitude, 1, 0, 0, 2)
        elif state.value == 4:
            uniform_white_noise_wave(output, amplitude, tickcountus(), 2)
        elif state.value == 5:
            ramp(output, -amplitude.value, amplitude, 2)
        elif state.value == 6:
            sawtooth_wave(output, amplitude, 1, 0, 0, 2)
            stop.value = True
        iters.value += 1
        state.value = rand(7)
def finite_recursion(x):
    res = BooleanValue(False)
    if x < 0:
        res.value = True
        finite_recursion(x - 1)
    return res.value
Esempio n. 8
def equal_to_channel_ref():
    a = BooleanValue(True)
    b = ChannelReference("Aliases/DesiredRPM")
    b.value = 5.0
    a.value = 1 == b.value
    return a.value
def call_getlasterror():
    generate_error(1, "Continue1", ErrorAction.ContinueSequenceExecution)
    generate_error(2, "Continue2", ErrorAction.ContinueSequenceExecution)
    a = BooleanValue(False)
    b = I64Value(0)
    b.value = getlasterror()
    if b.value == 2:
        a.value = True
    return a.value
Esempio n. 10
def while_multiple_statements():
    cond = BooleanValue(False)
    ret_var = I32Value(0)
    while cond.value is False:
        cond.value = True
        ret_var.value = 1
        ret_var.value = 2
        ret_var.value = 3
    return ret_var.value
Esempio n. 11
def wait_const():
    init = DoubleValue(0)
    end = DoubleValue(0)
    ret = BooleanValue(False)

    init.value = seqtime()
    end.value = wait(DoubleValue(1)) - init.value
    if end.value >= 1 and end.value <= 1.1:
        ret.value = True
    return ret.value
Esempio n. 12
def wait_const_negative():
    init = DoubleValue(0)
    end = DoubleValue(0)
    ret = BooleanValue(True)

    init.value = seqtime()
    end.value = wait(DoubleValue(-1)) - init.value
    if end.value >= 0.1 or end.value < 0:
        ret.value = False
    return ret.value
Esempio n. 13
def wait_subseq_call():
    init = DoubleValue(0)
    end = DoubleValue(0)
    ret = BooleanValue(False)

    init.value = seqtime()
    end.value = wait(_return_one()) - init.value
    if end.value >= 1 and end.value <= 1.1:
        ret.value = True
    return ret.value
Esempio n. 14
def wait_until_next_ms():
    init = I64Value(0)
    end = I64Value(0)
    ret = BooleanValue(False)

    init.value = tickcountms()
    end.value = wait_until_next_ms_multiple(DoubleValue(231)) - init.value
    if end.value <= 231 and end.value >= 0:
        ret.value = True
    return ret.value
def inbounds_check(test_value, upper, lower):
    """Returns True if lower <= value <= upper.

    Performs an inbounds check.
    result = BooleanValue(False)
    # Typically, you could write this instruction as lower.value <= test_value.value <= upper.value
    # because Python supports cascading operators. However, for real-time sequences,
    # you must write all comparisons using only two operands.
    result.value = test_value.value >= lower.value and test_value.value <= upper.value
    return result.value
Esempio n. 16
def wait_nivstype():
    init = DoubleValue(0)
    duration = DoubleValue(1)
    end = DoubleValue(0)
    ret = BooleanValue(False)

    init.value = seqtime()
    end.value = wait(duration) - init.value
    if end.value >= duration.value and end.value <= duration.value + 0.1:
        ret.value = True
    return ret.value
Esempio n. 17
def wait_until_next_us():
    init = I64Value(0)
    end = I64Value(0)
    ret = BooleanValue(False)

    init.value = tickcountus()
    end.value = wait_until_next_us_multiple(DoubleValue(17000)) - init.value
    # give this one a few us buffer because come on, no way python can do it all that fast
    if end.value <= 22000 and end.value >= 0:
        ret.value = True
    return ret.value
Esempio n. 18
def wait_until_settled_timeout():
    pass_test = BooleanValue(False)
    time = DoubleValue(0)
    time.value = seqtime()
    pass_test.value = wait_until_settled(DoubleValue(100),
    time.value = seqtime() - time.value
    pass_test.value &= time.value > 1 and time.value < 1.1
    return pass_test.value
def call_clearfault():
    a = ChannelReference("Aliases/DesiredRPM")
    b = DoubleValue(0)
    c = BooleanValue(False)
    # Store initial channel value
    b.value = a.value
    fault(a, 1001)
    # Try to assign back to the channel the initial value
    a.value = b.value
    # If everything went well the initial value and the current value should now be equal
    c.value = b.value == a.value
    return c.value
Esempio n. 20
def wait_until_settled(signal, upper_limit, lower_limit, settle_time, timeout):
    Waits until `signal` settles for the amount of time you specify in `settle_time`.

        signal(:any:`DoubleValue`): value to monitor.
        upper_limit(:any:`DoubleValue`): maximum value of the settle range.
        lower_limit(:any:`DoubleValue`): minimum value of the settle range.
        settle_time(:any:`DoubleValue`): time, in seconds, `signal` must stay inside the settle range.
        timeout(:any:`DoubleValue`): seconds to wait before the function times out.


        True: The signal failed to settle before the operation timed out.
        False: The signal settled before the operation timed out.

    This wait is non-blocking, so other tasks will run while this wait executes.

    init_time = DoubleValue(0)
    curr_time = DoubleValue(0)
    in_limits_duration = DoubleValue(0)
    in_limits_start = DoubleValue(0)
    timed_out = BooleanValue(False)
    in_limits = BooleanValue(False)
    first = BooleanValue(True)

    init_time.value = seqtime()
    # first is just used to emulate a do-while loop
    while first.value \
            or ((not in_limits.value or (in_limits_duration.value < settle_time.value)) and not timed_out.value):
        first.value = False
        curr_time.value = seqtime()
        if signal.value <= upper_limit.value and signal.value >= lower_limit.value:
            if not in_limits.value:
                in_limits.value = True
                in_limits_start.value = curr_time.value
                in_limits_duration.value = 0
                in_limits_duration.value = curr_time.value - in_limits_start.value
            in_limits.value = False

        if timeout.value >= 0:
            timed_out.value = (curr_time.value -
                               init_time.value) > timeout.value

    return timed_out.value
Esempio n. 21
def enter_autonomous():
    error_status = BooleanValue(False)
    enter_autonomous_complete = BooleanValue(False)
    enter_autonomous_succeeded = BooleanValue(False)
    ReAX_GearA_Disable_chan = ChannelReference(
        'Targets/TruckSim_TTC580/User Channels/NI-XNET/VCAN-B/ReAX_GearA (486535187)/ReAX_GearA (486535187) Disable')
    ReAX_GearB_Disable_chan = ChannelReference(
        'Targets/TruckSim_TTC580/User Channels/NI-XNET/VCAN-B/ReAX_GearB (486535443)/ReAX_GearB (486535443) Disable')
    Power_On_chan = ChannelReference(
        'Targets/TruckSim_TTC580/Hardware/Chassis/DAQ/PXI1Slot2/Digital Output/port0/Power on')

    SystemStatus_chan = ChannelReference(
        'Targets/TruckSim_TTC580/Hardware/Chassis/NI-XNET/CAN/Server CAN/Incoming/Single-Point'
    Autonomous_Drive_chan = ChannelReference('Targets/TruckSim_TTC580/Hardware/Chassis/DAQ'
                                             '/PXI1Slot2/Digital Output/port0/Autonomous Drive')
    MODE_TRANS_chan = ChannelReference(
        'Targets/TruckSim_TTC580/Simulation Models/Models/trucksim_LVRT/Inports/MODE_TRANS')

    with multitask() as mt:
        def enter_30():

            ReAX_GearA_Disable_chan.value = 0
            ReAX_GearB_Disable_chan.value = 0
            # Power on button
            Power_On_chan.value = 1
            # Check System Status
            if SystemStatus_chan.value != 25:
                error_status.value = True
            # Push autonomous driving button
            Autonomous_Drive_chan.value = 1
            Autonomous_Drive_chan.value = 0
            # Check System Status
            if SystemStatus_chan.value != 30:
                error_status.value = True
            MODE_TRANS_chan.value = 18
            enter_autonomous_succeeded.value = True

        def monitor_error_status():
            while enter_autonomous_complete.value is False:
                if error_status.value:
                    enter_autonomous_complete.value = True
                    enter_autonomous_succeeded.value = False
    return enter_autonomous_succeeded.value
Esempio n. 22
def ifexp_nivsboolvar_test_int_assign1():
    a = I32Value(0)
    b = BooleanValue(False)
    c = I32Value(1)
    d = I32Value(0)
    a.value = c.value if not b.value else d.value
    return a.value
def if_elif_return_fails():
    a = BooleanValue(True)
    if False:
    elif True:
        return a.value
Esempio n. 24
def enter_30():
    error_status = BooleanValue(True)
    # channel references
    Power_On_chan = ChannelReference(
        'Targets/TruckSim_TTC580/Hardware/Chassis/DAQ/PXI1Slot2/Digital Output/port0/Power on')
    ReAX_GearA_Disable_chan = ChannelReference(
        'Targets/TruckSim_TTC580/User Channels/NI-XNET/VCAN-B/ReAX_GearA (486535187)/ReAX_GearA (486535187) Disable')
    ReAX_GearB_Disable_chan = ChannelReference(
        'Targets/TruckSim_TTC580/User Channels/NI-XNET/VCAN-B/ReAX_GearB (486535443)/ReAX_GearB (486535443) Disable')
    RemoteAccelPedalPos_chan = ChannelReference(
        'Targets/TruckSim_TTC580/Hardware/Chassis/NI-XNET/CAN/Vehicle CAN/Incoming/Single-Point/EEC2_CMD (418382648)/RemoteAccelPedalPos')
    XBRBrakeDemand_chan = ChannelReference(
        'Targets/TruckSim_TTC580/Hardware/Chassis/NI-XNET/CAN/Vehicle CAN/Incoming/Single-Point/XBR (201591804)/XBRBrakeDemand')
    XPRPReq_chan = ChannelReference(
        'Targets/TruckSim_TTC580/Hardware/Chassis/NI-XNET/CAN/VCAN-B/Incoming/Single-Point/XPRCmd (218060344)/XPRPReq')
    Autonomous_Drive_chan = ChannelReference('Targets/TruckSim_TTC580/Hardware/Chassis/DAQ'
                                             '/PXI1Slot2/Digital Output/port0/Autonomous Drive')
    MODE_TRANS_chan = ChannelReference(
        'Targets/TruckSim_TTC580/Simulation Models/Models/trucksim_LVRT/Inports/MODE_TRANS')
    SystemStatus_chan = ChannelReference(
        'Targets/TruckSim_TTC580/Hardware/Chassis/NI-XNET/CAN/Server CAN/Incoming/Single-Point/SystemStatus (69785)/SystemStatus')

    # *** end initialization

    # *** steps
    # start sending lateral drive
    ReAX_GearA_Disable_chan.value = 0
    ReAX_GearB_Disable_chan.value = 0

    # power on VCU
    Power_On_chan.value = 1

    if SystemStatus_chan.value != 25:
        error_status.value = False
    Autonomous_Drive_chan.value = 1
    Autonomous_Drive_chan.value = 0
    if SystemStatus_chan.value != 30:
        error_status.value = False
    MODE_TRANS_chan.value = 18
    return error_status.value
Esempio n. 25
def run_engine_demo_advanced():
    """Run the engine_demo_advanced example.

    To handle a condition that stops a task (such as, the engine temperature rising above a safe value),
    use a try/finally block.

    Regardless of the result of the execution, the finally block can be used to safely shut down the engine.
        warmup_succeeded = BooleanValue(False)
        engine_power = ChannelReference('Aliases/EnginePower')
        desired_rpm = ChannelReference('Aliases/DesiredRPM')
        actual_rpm = ChannelReference('Aliases/ActualRPM')
        engine_temp = ChannelReference('Aliases/EngineTemp')
        engine_power.value = True
        warmup_succeeded.value = engine_demo_advanced(desired_rpm, actual_rpm, engine_temp)
        engine_power.value = False
        desired_rpm.value = 0
    return warmup_succeeded.value
Esempio n. 26
def engine_demo_advanced(desired_rpm, actual_rpm, engine_temp):
    """Turns on the engine, sets it to the desired rpm, and monitors the engine temperature."""
    # Use the following local variable declarations to keep track of the test's status:
    warmup_complete = BooleanValue(False)
    warmup_succeeded = BooleanValue(False)
    test = BooleanValue(False)

    # Create a multitask with two tasks: one for setting rpm values and another for monitoring.
    # In general, a multitask can contain as many tasks as desired. The tasks will all execute asynchronously,
    # but not in parallel. For more information on multitask behavior, refer to the VeriStand help.
    with multitask() as mt:
        # You must decorate tasks using the following notation.
        # The following code shows example of a task.
        def engine_warmup():
            """Spawns a task to wait for the actual rpm signal to settle."""
            desired_rpm.value = 2500
            # Waits for up to 120 seconds for the actual RPM to be between 999999 and 2450 for 25 seconds.
            wait_until_settled(actual_rpm, 9999999, 2450, 25, 120)
            desired_rpm.value = 8000
            wait_until_settled(actual_rpm, 9999999, 7800, 25, 120)
            warmup_complete.value = True
            test.value = check_val(desired_rpm, 8000)

        def monitor_temp():
            """Spawns a task to monitor engine temperature.

            If the temperature rises above 110 degrees (C), the previous task will stop.
            while warmup_complete.value is False:
                if engine_temp.value > 110:
                    warmup_complete.value = True
                    warmup_succeeded.value = False

    # You can use a return value, but some restrictions will apply.
    # For example, the function may only return previously declared variables.
    return warmup_succeeded.value
Esempio n. 27
def self_check():
    # *** initialization
    # variables
    TestPass = BooleanValue(True)
    # channel references
    Power_On_chan = ChannelReference(
        'Targets/TruckSim_TTC580/Hardware/Chassis/DAQ/PXI1Slot2/Digital Output/port0/Power on')
    ReAX_GearA_Disable_chan = ChannelReference(
        'Targets/TruckSim_TTC580/User Channels/NI-XNET/VCAN-B/ReAX_GearA (486535187)/ReAX_GearA (486535187) Disable')
    ReAX_GearB_Disable_chan = ChannelReference(
        'Targets/TruckSim_TTC580/User Channels/NI-XNET/VCAN-B/ReAX_GearB (486535443)/ReAX_GearB (486535443) Disable')
    RemoteAccelPedalPos_chan = ChannelReference(
        'Targets/TruckSim_TTC580/Hardware/Chassis/NI-XNET/CAN/Vehicle CAN/Incoming/Single-Point/EEC2_CMD (418382648)/RemoteAccelPedalPos')
    XBRBrakeDemand_chan = ChannelReference(
        'Targets/TruckSim_TTC580/Hardware/Chassis/NI-XNET/CAN/Vehicle CAN/Incoming/Single-Point/XBR (201591804)/XBRBrakeDemand')
    XPRPReq_chan = ChannelReference(
        'Targets/TruckSim_TTC580/Hardware/Chassis/NI-XNET/CAN/VCAN-B/Incoming/Single-Point/XPRCmd (218060344)/XPRPReq')

    # *** end initialization

    # *** steps
    # start sending lateral drive
    ReAX_GearA_Disable_chan.value = 0
    ReAX_GearB_Disable_chan.value = 0

    # power on VCU
    Power_On_chan.value = 1

    # check RemoteAccelPedalPos, XBRBrakeDemand and XPRPReq has been zeroed
    if RemoteAccelPedalPos_chan.value != 0 or \
            -0.02 > XBRBrakeDemand_chan.value or XBRBrakeDemand_chan.value > 0.02 or \
            XPRPReq_chan.value != 0:
        TestPass.value = False

    # wait for relays to switch on
    # *** end steps
    return TestPass.value
Esempio n. 28
def wait_until_settled_multitask():
    a = DoubleValue(15000)
    timer = DoubleValue(0)
    ret = BooleanValue(False)
    timer.value = seqtime()
    with multitask() as mt:
        def monitor():
            ret.value = wait_until_settled(a, DoubleValue(1000), DoubleValue(500), DoubleValue(2), DoubleValue(-1))

        def signal():
            a.value = 600
            a.value = 12000
            a.value = 300
            a.value = 750

    timer.value = seqtime() - timer.value
    ret.value = a.value == 750 and timer.value >= 4 and timer.value <= 6 and not ret.value
    return ret.value
Esempio n. 29
def enter_autonomous():
    error_status = BooleanValue(False)
    enter_autonomous_complete = BooleanValue(False)
    enter_autonomous_succeeded = BooleanValue(False)

    with multitask() as mt:
        def enter_30():
            ReAX_GearA_Disable_chan.value = 0
            ReAX_GearB_Disable_chan.value = 0
            # Set power supply
            set_power_supply_voltage(13, 8)
            # Power on button
            Power_On_chan.value = 1
            # Check System Status
            if SystemStatus_chan.value != 25:
                error_status.value = True
            # Push autonomous driving button
            Autonomous_Drive_chan.value = 1
            Autonomous_Drive_chan.value = 0
            # Check System Status
            if SystemStatus_chan.value != 30:
                error_status.value = True
            MODE_TRANS_chan.value = 18
            enter_autonomous_succeeded.value = True

        def monitor_error_status():
            while enter_autonomous_complete.value is False:
                if error_status.value:
                    enter_autonomous_complete.value = True
                    enter_autonomous_succeeded.value = False
    return enter_autonomous_succeeded.value
from niveristand import nivs_rt_sequence, NivsParam, run_py_as_rtseq
from niveristand.clientapi import BooleanValue, ChannelReference, DoubleValue, DoubleValueArray
from niveristand.library import localhost_wait, seqtime, wait_until_settled
""" This module contains a complex example for running multiple tests in sequence.

This example mirrors the 'Test Engine Setpoints' stimulus profile found in the examples that install with VeriStand.

Instead of using a stimulus profile to report results, this example uses the py.test
unit-testing framework that is commonly used for running Python tests.

@NivsParam('on_off', BooleanValue(False), NivsParam.BY_VALUE)
def set_engine_power(on_off):
    """Turns the engine on or off."""
    engine_power = ChannelReference('Aliases/EnginePower')
    engine_power.value = on_off.value

# If you do not specify a parameter decorator, the parameter defaults to the following:
# Type=DoubleValue
# Default Value = 0
# Passed by reference.
# In this case, the default is adequate, so you do not need to specify the decorator.
def measure_set_point_response(setpoint, timeout, tolerance):
    """Sets the desired rpm to the specified setpoint and wait until the signal settles.

    The tolerance is used to create upper and lower boundaries for the signal.
    Returns the amount of time it takes the signal to settle or timeout.