Esempio n. 1
class TreeStats:
    Determine tree-based statistics, such as tree depths, production counts,

    def __init__(self, corpus):
        We'll use the Stanford Parser to do the heavy lifting here.
        def n_productions(parse_tree, production):
            Returns the number of productions of type `production` in
            productions = list(parse_tree.subtrees(
                filter=lambda t: t.label() == production))
            return len(productions)

        jar = '/usr/local/Cellar/stanford-parser/'
        model = '/usr/local/Cellar/stanford-parser/'
        self.corpus = [corpus] if isinstance(corpus[0], tuple) else corpus
        self.parser = StanfordParser(path_to_jar=jar, path_to_models_jar=model)
        self.stats = []

        parsed_sents = self.parser.tagged_parse_sents(self.corpus)
        self.trees = [t for tree in parsed_sents for t in tree]

        for tree in self.trees:
                'depth': tree.height(),
                'noun_phrases': n_productions(tree, 'NP'),
                'prepositional_phrases': n_productions(tree, 'PP'),
                'sbars': n_productions(tree, 'SBAR'),
                'nonterminals': len(,

    def get_stats(self):
        Combines all the statistics together
        n = len(self.stats)
        max_tree_depth = max(stat['depth'] for stat in self.stats)
        avg_tree_depth = sum(stat['depth'] for stat in self.stats) / n
        avg_noun_phrases = sum(stat['noun_phrases'] for stat in self.stats) / n
        avg_prep_phrases = sum(stat['prepositional_phrases']
                               for stat in self.stats) / n
        avg_sbars = sum(stat['sbars'] for stat in self.stats) / n
        avg_nonterminals = sum(stat['nonterminals'] for stat in self.stats) / n

        return {
            'max_tree_depth': max_tree_depth,
            'avg_tree_depth': avg_tree_depth,
            'avg_noun_phrases': avg_noun_phrases,
            'avg_prepositional_phrases': avg_prep_phrases,
            'avg_sbars': avg_sbars,
            'avg_nonterminals': avg_nonterminals,
Esempio n. 2
for j in range (0,70159):
	answer = answers[j]
	for token,tag in answer:
		if token == "(":
			stat[j]['l'] = stat[j].get('l',0) + 1
		elif token == ")":
			stat[j]['r'] = stat[j].get('r',0) + 1
nm = []
for item in stat.items():

	if item[1].get('l',0) != item[1].get('r',0):

pure_answers = []
for i in range (0,70159):
	if i not in nm:

sample = random.sample(pure_answers,50)
print sample
trees = parser.tagged_parse_sents(pure_answers[0:100])

for tree in trees:
	t =  next(tree)
	# t.draw()
	print t.leaves()