Esempio n. 1
with open("cost_iris.pkl", "rb") as c:
    cost = pickle.load(c)

with open("acc_iris.pkl", "rb") as c:
    accuracy = pickle.load(c)

# Plot training cost and accuracy vs epochs
plt.plot(list(range(0, 1000, 10)), cost)
plt.ylabel("Training Error/Cost"), plt.xlabel("Epochs")
plt.plot(list(range(0, 1000, 10)), accuracy)
plt.ylabel("Training Accuracy"), plt.xlabel("Epochs")

op_nodes = 3
iris = load_iris()
X =
y = np.array([np.eye(op_nodes)[i] for i in])

# Shuffle
random = np.random.permutation(len(X))
X = X[random]
y = y[random]

# Load the model
nnet = NeuralNet(load=True, model_file="trained.pkl")
op = nnet.predict(X, return_max=True)

print("-" * 30 + "\nTEST SET ACCURACY\n" + "-" * 30)
print(classification_report(y.argmax(axis=1), op))
Esempio n. 2
X = X[idx]
y = y[idx]

# split the data
Xtrain = X[:nTrain, :]
ytrain = y[:nTrain]
Xtest = X[nTrain:, :]
ytest = y[nTrain:]

# train the decision tree
modelDT = DecisionTreeClassifier(), ytrain)

# train the naive Bayes
layers = np.array(([25]))
modelNN = NeuralNet(layers=layers, learningRate =2, numEpochs=500, epsilon=.62), ytrain)
ypred_NNtrain = modelNN.predict(Xtrain)

# output predictions on the remaining data
ypred_NN = modelNN.predict(Xtest)

# compute the training accuracy of the model
accuracyNT = accuracy_score(ytrain, ypred_NNtrain)
accuracyNN = accuracy_score(ytest, ypred_NN)

print "Training = "+str(accuracyNT)
print "Neural Net accuracy = "+str(accuracyNN)

Esempio n. 3
import numpy as np
from sklearn import datasets
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
from nn import NeuralNet

filename_X = 'data/digitsX.dat'
filename_y = 'data/digitsY.dat'
X = np.loadtxt(filename_X, delimiter=',')
y = np.loadtxt(filename_y, delimiter=',')

# takes roughly 1s for each epoch
clf_NN = NeuralNet(layers=np.array([25]), learningRate=2.0, numEpochs=450), y)
y_predict = clf_NN.predict(X)
accuracy_NN = accuracy_score(y_predict, y)

print "Accuracy: \t" + str(accuracy_NN)
from numpy import loadtxt, ones, zeros, where
import numpy as np
from sklearn import datasets
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
import sys, traceback

from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier
from sklearn.svm import SVC
from nn import NeuralNet
# load the data set
filename = 'data/digitsX.dat'
data = loadtxt(filename, delimiter=',')
X = data[:,:]
filename = 'data/digitsY.dat'
data1 = loadtxt(filename, delimiter=',')
y = data1
layers = np.array([25])

clf = NeuralNet(layers = layers, learningRate = 2.0, numEpochs = 10),y)
predicted = clf.predict(X)
# print predicted
print np.mean(predicted == y)
    AUTHOR Wenqi Xian

from numpy import loadtxt
import numpy as np

from nn import NeuralNet

X_train = loadtxt('data/digitsX.dat', delimiter=',')
y_train = loadtxt('data/digitsY.dat', delimiter=',')
layers = np.array([25])

NN = NeuralNet(layers = layers, learningRate = 1.8, numEpochs = 700),y_train)
predicted = NN.predict(X_train)
accuracy = 100.0 * (predicted == y_train).sum() / y_train.shape[0]
print accuracy
Esempio n. 6

# Cost and Accuracy plotting
plt.ylabel("Training Error/Cost"), plt.xlabel("Epochs")
plt.plot(list(range(0, epochs, epochs_bw_details)), cost)
plt.plot(list(range(0, epochs, epochs_bw_details)), accuracy)
plt.ylabel("Training Accuracy"), plt.xlabel("Epochs")

op = nnet.predict(x_test, return_max=True)

print("-" * 30 + "\nTEST SET ACCURACY\n" + "-" * 30)
print(classification_report(y_test.argmax(axis=1), op), '\n')

splits = 5
cumulative_acc = 0

# k-Fold Cross validation
kf = KFold(n_splits=splits, shuffle=True)
for i, (train_index, test_index) in enumerate(kf.split(x)):
    x_train, x_test = x[train_index], x[test_index]
    y_train, y_test = y[train_index], y[test_index]

    _cost, _accuracy = nnet.train(x_train,
# neural nets doesnt really make sense

import math
import numpy as np
import sys

from import_train import import_training_file
from import_train import rmsle
from sklearn.neural_network import BernoulliRBM
from nn import NeuralNet

if __name__ == '__main__':
  (X, y) = import_training_file(sys.argv[1], True)
  hidden_layers = [5]
  learningRate = 1.6
  epsil = 0.12  
  eps = 1000

  neural_network = NeuralNet(hidden_layers, learningRate, epsilon=epsil, numEpochs=eps), y)
  nn_predict = neural_network.predict(X)
Esempio n. 8
X = digitsX[:]
y = digitsY[:]

n, d = X.shape
nTrain = 0.2 * n  #training on 50% of the data

# shuffle the data
# idx = np.arange(n)
# np.random.seed(13)
# np.random.shuffle(idx)
# X = X[idx]
# y = y[idx]

# split the data
Xtrain = X[:nTrain, :]
ytrain = y[:nTrain]
# Xtest = X[nTrain:,:]
# ytest = y[nTrain:]

model = NeuralNet(
    np.array([25]), .80, 0.12,
    600)  # 100 @ 2.5 = 0.885, 400 @ 1.6 = 0.88, 1000 @ 1 = 0.8542,, y)
ypred = model.predict(Xtrain)

accuracy = accuracy_score(ytrain, ypred)

print "NeuralNet Accuracy = " + str(accuracy)

# model.visualizeHiddenNodes('hiddenLayers.png')
Esempio n. 9
# neural nets doesnt really make sense

import math
import numpy as np
import sys

from import_train import import_training_file
from import_train import rmsle
from sklearn.neural_network import BernoulliRBM
from nn import NeuralNet

if __name__ == '__main__':
    (X, y) = import_training_file(sys.argv[1], True)
    hidden_layers = [5]
    learningRate = 1.6
    epsil = 0.12
    eps = 1000

    neural_network = NeuralNet(hidden_layers,
                               numEpochs=eps), y)
    nn_predict = neural_network.predict(X)
Esempio n. 10
# dataset = datasets.load_digits()

X = digitsX[:]
y = digitsY[:]

n,d = X.shape
nTrain = 0.2*n  #training on 50% of the data

# shuffle the data
# idx = np.arange(n)
# np.random.seed(13)
# np.random.shuffle(idx)
# X = X[idx]
# y = y[idx]

# split the data
Xtrain = X[:nTrain,:]
ytrain = y[:nTrain]
# Xtest = X[nTrain:,:]
# ytest = y[nTrain:]

model = NeuralNet(np.array([25]), .80, 0.12, 600)  # 100 @ 2.5 = 0.885, 400 @ 1.6 = 0.88, 1000 @ 1 = 0.8542,,y)
ypred = model.predict(Xtrain)

accuracy = accuracy_score(ytrain, ypred)

print "NeuralNet Accuracy = "+str(accuracy)

# model.visualizeHiddenNodes('hiddenLayers.png')
Esempio n. 11
class AimAssistant:
    Wrapper around the neural net for data preprocessing / postprocessing
    sides_crop = 0.3
    top_crop = 0.35

    def __init__(self, crop: bool = False):
        self.to_crop = crop
   = NeuralNet()
        except Exception as e:
            print(f"Failed while NN initialization. Error: {e}")
            raise e
        print("Aim assistant successfully initialized")

    def aim(self, frame: np.ndarray) -> dict:

        :param frame:
        # Режем кадр, чтобы оставить только центр картинки где располагается опора.
        if self.to_crop:
            relative_coord, frame = AimAssistant.crop_frame(
                frame, self.sides_crop, self.top_crop)

        # Detect components on the frame
        components =

        # If components, calculate angles relatively to the frame centre
        output = dict()
        if components:
            # Пересчитаем координаты коробок относительно целого кадра. Сейчас они относительно
            # вырезанного np.ndarray если стоял флаг self.to_crop
            if self.to_crop:
                components = AimAssistant.recalculate_boxes(
                    components, relative_coord)
            output = AimAssistant.calculate_angles(components=components,

        return output

    def recalculate_boxes(predictions: List[list],
                          sliced_image_coord: List[int]) -> List[list]:
        Пересчитывает координаты коробки относительно оригинального кадра, а не вырезанной подкартинки
        :param predictions:
        :param sliced_image_coord:
        output = list()
        for prediction in predictions:
            class_id = prediction[0]
            conf = prediction[1]
            left = prediction[2] + sliced_image_coord[0]
            top = prediction[3] + sliced_image_coord[1]
            right = prediction[4] + sliced_image_coord[0]
            bot = prediction[5] + sliced_image_coord[1]
            assert all(e > 0 for e in [left, top, right, bot
                                       ]), "Coordinates recalculated wrong"
            assert all(
                (left < right, top < bot)), "Coordinates recalculated wrong"
            output.append([class_id, conf, left, top, right, bot])

        return output

    def crop_frame(frame: np.ndarray,
                   sides: float = 0.3,
                   top: float = 0.35) -> Tuple[list, np.ndarray]:
        Вырезает картинки из кадра где находится опора. Отрезает края и верхушку кадра. Они нам не интеренсты
        если снимаем с курсовой камеры, которая смотрит перед собой.
        :param frame:
        :param sides:
        :param top:
        assert 0 < sides < 0.5, "Sides crop needs to be between 0 and 50%"
        assert 0 < top < 0.5, "Top crop needs to be between 0 and 50%"

        frame_height, frame_width = frame.shape[0], frame.shape[1]
        new_left = int(frame_width * sides)
        new_right = int(frame_width - (frame_width * sides))
        new_top = int(frame_height * top)
        new_bot = frame_height
        assert all((new_top < new_bot,
                    new_left < new_right)), "Wrong cropped coordinates"

        #cv2.rectangle(frame, (new_left, new_top), (new_right, new_bot), (0, 255, 255), 2)
            cropped_image = np.array(frame[new_top:new_bot,
                                           new_left:new_right, :])
        except Exception as e:
            print("Failed while cropping the frame. Error: {e}")
            raise e

        return [new_left, new_top, new_right, new_bot], cropped_image

    def calculate_angles(components: List[list],
                         frame: np.ndarray) -> Dict[int, dict]:
        :param components: detected components
        :param frame: frame
        frame_centre = (frame.shape[1] // 2, frame.shape[0] // 2)  # x,y
        output = dict()
        output_schema = {
            "obj_class": int,
            "bb_centre": tuple,
            "bb_coord": list,
            "aim_angle": tuple,
            "bb_size": float

        for i, component in enumerate(components):
            obj_class, conf = component[0], component[1]
            # Skip concrete pillars, we're interested in only insulators and dumpers
            if obj_class == 2:
            left, top = component[2], component[3]
            right, bot = component[4], component[5]

            # Calculate element's BB centre relatively to the whole image
            element_x_centre = (left + right) // 2
            element_y_centre = (top + bot) // 2

            # Calculate delta (image centre vs element centre)
            delta_x = abs(frame_centre[0] - element_x_centre)
            delta_y = abs(frame_centre[1] - element_y_centre)

            # Calculate angles
            angle_1 = round(np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(delta_x, delta_y)), 2)
            angle_2 = round(90 - angle_1, 2)
            assert all((0 <= angle_1 <= 90, 0 <= angle_2 <=
                        90)), "Wrong angles calculated. Expected: [0, 90]"

            # Estimate object's relative diameter
            element_BB_diagonal = math.sqrt((top - bot)**2 + (right - left)**2)
            frame_diagonal = math.sqrt((frame.shape[0])**2 +
            diagonal = round(element_BB_diagonal / frame_diagonal, 3)

            schema_instance = output_schema.copy()
                schema_instance["obj_class"] = obj_class
                schema_instance["bb_centre"] = (int(element_x_centre),
                schema_instance["bb_coord"] = (left, top, right, bot)
                schema_instance["aim_angle"] = (angle_1, angle_2)
                schema_instance["bb_size"] = diagonal
            except Exception as e:
                    f"Failed while filling the output schema instance. Error: {e}"
                raise e

            output[i] = schema_instance

        return output