Esempio n. 1
def test_with_statement_graph_def_test_name(module_creator):
    """ This case tests specifying the name of a graph.
    module = module_creator.module

    # create proto variables as inputs
    proto_variable_inputs = [
        nn.ProtoVariable(shape) for shape in module_creator.input_shape

    # create graph_def by passing proto_variables as inputs
    with nn.graph_def.graph(name="test_net") as g:
        outputs = module(*proto_variable_inputs)

    # create variable inputs and initialized by random value
    variable_inputs = module_creator.get_variable_inputs()

    # create network by module-like graph_def
    # Access the network directly by network name
    outputs = g.test_net(*variable_inputs)

    # create reference network by passing in variable inputs
    ref_outputs = module(*variable_inputs)

    # check if outputs are equal
    forward_variable_and_check_equal(outputs, ref_outputs)
Esempio n. 2
def test_get_graph_def_by_variable(module_creator):
    # get module from test parameters
    module = module_creator.module

    # create proto variables as inputs
    proto_variable_inputs = [
        nn.ProtoVariable(shape) for shape in module_creator.input_shape

    # create graph_def by passing proto_variables as inputs
    outputs = module(*proto_variable_inputs)

    # find out graph_def in global default graph
    graph_def = nn.graph_def.get_default_graph_by_variable(outputs)

    # create variable inputs and initialized by random value
    variable_inputs = module_creator.get_variable_inputs()

    # create network by module-like graph_def
    outputs = graph_def(*variable_inputs)

    # create reference network by passing in variable inputs
    ref_outputs = module(*variable_inputs)

    # check if outputs are equal
    forward_variable_and_check_equal(outputs, ref_outputs)
Esempio n. 3
def test_save_load_consistency(module_creator):
    module = module_creator.module

    # create proto variables as inputs
    proto_variable_inputs = [
        nn.ProtoVariable(shape) for shape in module_creator.input_shape

    # create graph_def by passing proto_variables as inputs
    with nn.graph_def.graph() as g:
        outputs = module(*proto_variable_inputs)

    with create_temp_with_dir(nnp_file) as tmp_file:

        g = nn.graph_def.load(tmp_file)

    # create variable inputs and initialized by random value
    variable_inputs = module_creator.get_variable_inputs()

    # create network by module-like graph_def
    outputs = g(*variable_inputs)

    # create reference network by passing in variable inputs
    ref_outputs = module(*variable_inputs)

    # check if outputs are equal
    forward_variable_and_check_equal(outputs, ref_outputs)
Esempio n. 4
def test_context_priority_hierarchy_testing(module_func, backend):
    context_backend = ''
    func, in_shapes = module_func
    with nn.graph_def.graph() as g:
        inputs = [nn.ProtoVariable(shape) for shape in in_shapes]
        outputs = func(*inputs)

    import nnabla_ext.cpu

    if backend == 'cpu':
        ctx = nnabla_ext.cpu.context()
    elif backend == 'cuda':
            import nnabla_ext.cuda
            ctx = nnabla_ext.cuda.context()
            context_backend = 'Cuda'
        except ImportError:
            ctx = nnabla_ext.cpu.context()
    elif backend == 'cudnn':
            import nnabla_ext.cudnn
            ctx = nnabla_ext.cudnn.context()
            context_backend = 'Cudnn'
        except ImportError:
            ctx = nnabla_ext.cpu.context()

    g.current_context = ctx
    for f in g.default_graph().forward_sequence():
        if context_backend:
            assert ('Cuda' in
Esempio n. 5
def test_multiple_network():
    """This cases assume that user create network multiple times in a ProtoGraph.
    Because no graph_name() is called to name each network, all computation graph
    operators are collected into a network, it looks like multiple networks
    are merged into a network. In testing time, we only need to feed concatenated
    inputs to this network and check concatenate outputs.
    module_creators = [ModuleCreator(TSTNetNormal(), [(4, 3, 32, 32), (4, 3, 32, 32)]),
                       ModuleCreator(ResUnit(16), [(4, 3, 32, 32)]),
                       ModuleCreator(NestedTestNet(), [(4, 3, 32, 32), (4, 3, 32, 32)])]

    # create graph_def by passing proto_variables as inputs
    with nn.graph_def.graph() as g:
        for module_creator in module_creators:
            module = module_creator.module

            # create proto variables as inputs
            proto_variable_inputs = [nn.ProtoVariable(
                shape) for shape in module_creator.input_shape]

            # generate graph
            outputs = module(*proto_variable_inputs)

    for module_creator, network in zip(module_creators, g.networks.values()):
        # create variable inputs and initialized by random value
        variable_inputs = module_creator.get_variable_inputs()

        # create network by module-like graph_def
        outputs = network(*variable_inputs)

        # create reference network by passing in variable inputs
        ref_outputs = module_creator.module(*variable_inputs)

        # check if outputs are equal
        forward_variable_and_check_equal(outputs, ref_outputs)
Esempio n. 6
def test_create_graph_def_without_using_call(module_creator):
    # get module from test parameters
    module = module_creator.module

    # create proto variables as inputs
    proto_variable_inputs = [
        nn.ProtoVariable(shape) for shape in module_creator.input_shape

    # create graph_def by passing proto_variables as inputs
    with nn.parameter_scope('', module.parameter_scope):
        # Here, if user does not call module(), instead, they call a self-defined
        # function, we should not produce strange result.
        outputs = module.no_call(*proto_variable_inputs)

    # find out graph_def in global default graph
    graph_def = nn.graph_def.get_default_graph()

    # create variable inputs and initialized by random value
    variable_inputs = module_creator.get_variable_inputs()

    # create network by module-like graph_def
    outputs = graph_def(*variable_inputs)

    # create reference network by passing in variable inputs
    ref_outputs = module(*variable_inputs)

    # check if outputs are equal
    forward_variable_and_check_equal(outputs, ref_outputs)
Esempio n. 7
 def get_proto_variable_inputs(self):
     if self.proto_variable_inputs is None:
         proto_variable_inputs = [nn.ProtoVariable(
             shape) for shape in self.input_shape]
         self.proto_variable_inputs = proto_variable_inputs
         return proto_variable_inputs
     return self.proto_variable_inputs
Esempio n. 8
def get_saved_test_model(module):
    module_func, module_input_shapes = module
    with create_temp_with_dir(NNP_FILE) as nnp_file:
        with nn.graph_def.graph() as g:
            variables = [
                nn.ProtoVariable(shape) for _, shape in module_input_shapes
            outputs = module_func(*variables)
        yield nnp_file
Esempio n. 9
def test_flat_module_with_statement(module_func):
    '''This case is used to test creating graph_def by
    passing nn.ProtoVariable() to a flat-style model.
    func, in_shapes = module_func
    with nn.graph_def.graph() as g:
        inputs = [nn.ProtoVariable(shape) for shape in in_shapes]
        outputs = func(*inputs)

    inputs = [nn.Variable(shape) for shape in in_shapes]
    for i in inputs:
        i.d = np.random.random(i.shape)
    outputs = g(*inputs)
    outputs_ref = func(*inputs)

    forward_variable_and_check_equal(outputs, outputs_ref)
Esempio n. 10
def test_another_shape_input(module_creator, another_input_shape):
    # get module from test parameters
    module = module_creator.module

    # create proto variables as inputs
    proto_variable_inputs = [nn.ProtoVariable(
        shape) for shape in module_creator.input_shape]

    # create graph_def by passing proto_variables as inputs
    outputs = module(*proto_variable_inputs)

    # find out graph_def in global default graph
    g = nn.graph_def.get_default_graph()

    input = nn.Variable(another_input_shape)

    output = g(input)

Esempio n. 11
def test_get_default_graph_def_by_name():
    """This case tests retrieving graph using nn.graph_def.get_default_graph() by
    specifying the name of graph.
    module_creators = [ModuleCreator(TSTNetNormal(), [(4, 3, 32, 32), (4, 3, 32, 32)]),
                       ModuleCreator(ResUnit(16), [(4, 3, 32, 32)]),
                       ModuleCreator(NestedTestNet(), [(4, 3, 32, 32), (4, 3, 32, 32)])]
    network_names = [

    for module_creator, network_name in zip(module_creators, network_names):
        module = module_creator.module

        # create proto variables as inputs
        proto_variable_inputs = [nn.ProtoVariable(
            shape) for shape in module_creator.input_shape]

        with nn.graph_def.graph_name(network_name):
            # generate graph
            outputs = module(*proto_variable_inputs)

    for module_creator, network_name in zip(module_creators, network_names):
        # create variable inputs and initialized by random value
        variable_inputs = module_creator.get_variable_inputs()

        # get graph from default by name
        g = nn.graph_def.get_default_graph(network_name)

        # create network by module-like graph_def
        outputs = g(*variable_inputs)

        # create reference network by passing in variable inputs
        ref_outputs = module_creator.module(*variable_inputs)

        # check if outputs are equal
        forward_variable_and_check_equal(outputs, ref_outputs)
Esempio n. 12
def test_flat_module_support(module_func):
    '''This case is used to test creating graph_def by
    passing nn.ProtoVariable() to a flat-style model.
    func, in_shapes = module_func

    inputs = [nn.ProtoVariable(shape) for shape in in_shapes]
    outputs = func(*inputs)
    if not isinstance(outputs, tuple):
        outputs = (outputs, )
    g = nn.graph_def.get_default_graph_by_variable(outputs[0])

    g = nn.graph_def.load(nnp_file)

    inputs = [nn.Variable(shape) for shape in in_shapes]
    for i in inputs:
        i.d = np.random.random(i.shape)
    outputs = g(*inputs)
    outputs_ref = func(*inputs)

    forward_variable_and_check_equal(outputs, outputs_ref)
Esempio n. 13
def test_sequential(TSTNet):
    tst_net = TSTNet()

    input_shape = (2, 3, 16, 16)
    input = nn.Variable.from_numpy_array((np.random.random(input_shape)))

    y = tst_net(input)

    x = nn.ProtoVariable(input_shape)
    with nn.graph_def.graph() as g1:
        h = tst_net(x)

    with create_temp_with_dir(nnp_file) as tmp_file:

        g2 = nn.graph_def.load(tmp_file)
        for net in g2.networks.values():
            out = net(input)
        # should equal
        assert_allclose(out.d, y.d)
Esempio n. 14
def test_get_graph_def_by_name():
    """This cases assume that user creates multiple networks in a ProtoGraph.
    User may specify the name of network(graph) they created by graph_name().
    module_creators = [
        ModuleCreator(TSTNetNormal(), [(4, 3, 32, 32), (4, 3, 32, 32)]),
        ModuleCreator(ResUnit(16), [(4, 3, 32, 32)]),
        ModuleCreator(NestedTestNet(), [(4, 3, 32, 32), (4, 3, 32, 32)])
    network_names = ['network1', 'network2', 'network3']

    # create graph_def by passing proto_variables as inputs
    with nn.graph_def.graph() as g:
        for module_creator, network_name in zip(module_creators,
            module = module_creator.module

            # create proto variables as inputs
            proto_variable_inputs = [
                nn.ProtoVariable(shape) for shape in module_creator.input_shape

            with nn.graph_def.graph_name(network_name):
                # generate graph
                outputs = module(*proto_variable_inputs)

    for module_creator, network_name in zip(module_creators, network_names):
        # create variable inputs and initialized by random value
        variable_inputs = module_creator.get_variable_inputs()

        # create network by module-like graph_def
        outputs = g[network_name](*variable_inputs)

        # create reference network by passing in variable inputs
        ref_outputs = module_creator.module(*variable_inputs)

        # check if outputs are equal
        forward_variable_and_check_equal(outputs, ref_outputs)
Esempio n. 15
def test_with_statement_graph_def_name(module_creator, network_name):
    # get module from test module
    module = module_creator.module

    # create proto variables as inputs
    proto_variable_inputs = [nn.ProtoVariable(
        shape) for shape in module_creator.input_shape]

    # create graph_def by passing proto_variables as inputs
    with nn.graph_def.graph(name=network_name) as g:
        outputs = module(*proto_variable_inputs)

    # create variable inputs and initialized by random value
    variable_inputs = module_creator.get_variable_inputs()

    # create network by module-like graph_def
    outputs = g[network_name](*variable_inputs)

    # create reference network by passing in variable inputs
    ref_outputs = module(*variable_inputs)

    # check if outputs are equal
    forward_variable_and_check_equal(outputs, ref_outputs)
Esempio n. 16
def test_iterator_through_forward_sequence(module_func):
    func, in_shapes = module_func
    with nn.graph_def.graph() as g:
        inputs = [nn.ProtoVariable(shape) for shape in in_shapes]
        outputs = func(*inputs)

    inputs = [nn.Variable(shape) for shape in in_shapes]
    for i in inputs:
        i.d = np.random.random(i.shape)
    outputs_ref = func(*inputs)
    if not isinstance(outputs_ref, tuple):
        outputs_ref = (outputs_ref, )

    output = F.sink(*outputs_ref)
    forward_sequence = []

    def visit_func(f):
        if != 'Sink':


    for a, b in zip(g.default_graph().forward_sequence(), forward_sequence):
        assert a.type == b
Esempio n. 17
def save_model_from_graph_def_save(nnp_file, model_def, input_shape,
    with nn.graph_def.graph() as g:
        x = nn.ProtoVariable(input_shape)
        y = model_def(x), variable_batch_size=variable_batch_size)