Esempio n. 1
 def progress(iterable=None, verbose=True, **kwargs):  # type: ignore
     if not verbose:
         return _DummyTqdm(iterable)
         "`tqdm` package is not installed, no progress bar is shown.",
     if type(iterable) is int:
         return range(iterable)
     return iterable
Esempio n. 2
 def wrapped(model, *args, **kwargs):
     # TODO: is there a better way to inspect training loop stats?
     nonlocal first_time
         result = func(model, *args, **kwargs)
         first_time = False
         return result
     except RuntimeError as e:
         if 'out of memory' in str(e):
             # this is an OOM error, try releasing memory and do it again
             Logging.warn(f"CUDA out of memory error caught. " +
             Logging.warn(f"Forced GC complete. " + _cuda_memory_str())
             # now let's try again
                 result = func(model, *args, **kwargs)
                 first_time = False
                 return result
             except RuntimeError as e:
                 if 'out of memory' in str(e):
                     if first_time:
                         # OOM caused by other factors, don't bother saving
                         raise RuntimeError(
                             f"CUDA out of memory error caught at first run. "
                             f"Something else must be wrong.")
                         # OOM again, this can't be fixed. Save the whole model and optimizer states
                         filename = f"{model.__class__.__name__}_{time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}.pt"
                         save_checkpoint(model, optim, filename=filename)
                         raise RuntimeError(
                             f"CUDA out of memory error caught after forced GC. "
                             f"Model & optimizer saved to {filename}. " +
                     raise e  # re-raise the exception
             raise e  # re-raise the exception
Esempio n. 3
    def __init__(self,
                 num_layers: int,
                 input_dim: int,
                 output_dim: int,
                 hidden_dims: Optional[List[int]] = None,
                 activation: MaybeList[Union[str, Activation]] = 'id',
                 bias: MaybeList[bool] = True,
                 bias_init: Optional[MaybeList[Optional[float]]] = None,
                 dropout: Optional[MaybeList[float]] = None):
        # validate num_layers
        if not isinstance(num_layers, int) or num_layers < 1:
            raise ValueError("`layers` should be a positive integer.")
        # validate hidden_dims
        hidden_dims = hidden_dims or []
        if len(hidden_dims) != num_layers - 1:
            raise ValueError("Length of `hidden_dim` should be `layers` - 1.")
        # validate bias
        if isinstance(bias, (bool, int)):
            bias = [bias] * num_layers
        if not (len(bias) == num_layers
                and all(isinstance(b, (bool, int)) for b in bias)):
            raise ValueError(
                "`bias` should be either a boolean, or a list of booleans of length `layers`."
        # validate bias_init
        if bias_init is not None:
            if isinstance(bias_init, (float, int)):
                bias_init = [bias_init] * num_layers
            if not (len(bias_init) == num_layers
                    and all(b is None or isinstance(b, (float, int))
                            for b in bias_init)):
                raise ValueError(
                    "`bias_init` should be either a float, or a list of floats of length `layers`."
            bias_init = [None] * num_layers
        # validate dropout
        if dropout is not None:
            if isinstance(dropout, float):
                dropout = [dropout] * num_layers
            if not (len(dropout) == num_layers and all(
                    isinstance(d, float) and 0 <= d < 1 for d in dropout)):
                raise ValueError(
                    "`dropout` should be either a float in range [0, 1),"
                    " or a list of floats of length `layers`.")
            dropout = [0.0] * num_layers
        # validate activation
        if isinstance(activation, str) or callable(activation):
            if activation == 'id' and num_layers > 1:
                is_bottleneck = num_layers == 2 and input_dim > hidden_dims[
                    0] and output_dim > hidden_dims[0]
                if not is_bottleneck:
                        "Using identity transform for non-bottleneck MLPs with more than one layer. "
                        "This is likely an incorrect setting.")
            if num_layers == 1:
                activation = [activation]
                activation = [activation] * (num_layers - 1) + ['id']
        elif len(activation) == num_layers - 1:
            activation = activation + ['id']
        if not (isinstance(activation, list) and len(activation) == num_layers
                and all((isinstance(f, str) and f in self.activation_func)
                        or callable(f) for f in activation)):
            raise ValueError(
                "Format of `activation` is incorrect. Refer to docstring for details."


        dims = [input_dim] + hidden_dims + [output_dim]
        self.layers = nn.ModuleList([
            nn.Linear(in_features=in_dim, out_features=out_dim, bias=b)
            for in_dim, out_dim, b in zip(dims[:-1], dims[1:], bias)
        self.activations = [
            f if callable(f) else self.activation_func[f] for f in activation
        self.dropouts = [float(d) for d in dropout]
        self.bias_init = [
            float(b) if b is not None else None for b in bias_init

Esempio n. 4
 def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
     Logging.warn(warn_msg, category=DeprecationWarning)
     return func(*args, **kwargs)