Esempio n. 1
def global_max_pool2d_callback(attrs, inputs, tinfos):
    input = inputs[0]
    # data = tinfos[0]
    # if len(data.shape) == 5:
    #     _, C, H, W, c = [x.value for x in data.shape]
    # FIXME: hack for last layer
    input = sym.data_reorder_back(input)
    return sym.global_max_pool2d(input)
Esempio n. 2
def _alter_global_max_pool2d_layout(attrs, inputs, tinfo):
    import nnvm.symbol as sym
    copy_inputs = [s for s in inputs]
    new_attrs = {k: attrs[k] for k in attrs.keys()}
    # NHWC -> NCHW
    if attrs["layout"] != "NHWC":
        return None
    new_attrs["layout"] = "NCHW"
    if "target" in new_attrs:
        del new_attrs["target"]
    return sym.global_max_pool2d(*copy_inputs, **new_attrs)
Esempio n. 3
def test_alter_func_return_none():
    data = sym.Variable("data", shape=(1, 32, 512, 512))
    pool1 = sym.global_max_pool2d(data, name="pool1", layout="NCHW")
    pool2 = sym.global_max_pool2d(pool1, name="pool2", layout="NCHW")
    relu = sym.relu(pool2, name="relu")

    g = graph.create(relu)
    g = g.apply("CorrectLayout")
    g = graph_attr.set_dtype_inputs(g, "float32")
    g = g.apply(["InferShape", "InferType"])
    assert g.json_attr("layout") == ['NCHW', 'NCHW', 'NCHW', 'NCHW']

    @reg.register_alter_op_layout("global_max_pool2d", level=100)
    def alter_global_max_pool2d_layout(attrs, inputs, tinfos):
        return None

    g = g.apply("AlterOpLayout")

    # alter func return none, nothing get replaced,
    # the layouts should remain the same
    assert g.json_attr("layout") == ['NCHW', 'NCHW', 'NCHW', 'NCHW']
Esempio n. 4
def test_global_max_pool2d():
    x = sym.Variable("x")
    y = sym.global_max_pool2d(x, name="y")
    dtype = "float32"
    dshape = (1, 1024, 7, 7)
    oshape = (1, 1024, 1, 1)
    shape_dict = {"x": dshape}
    for target, ctx in ctx_list():
        graph, lib, _ =, target, shape_dict)
        m = graph_runtime.create(graph, lib, ctx)
        data = tvm.nd.array(np.random.uniform(size=dshape).astype(dtype))
        out = m.get_output(0, tvm.nd.empty(oshape, dtype))
        b_np = np.max(data.asnumpy(), axis=(2,3), keepdims=True)
        np.testing.assert_allclose(out.asnumpy(), b_np, rtol=1e-5)
Esempio n. 5
def test_global_max_pool2d():
    x = sym.Variable("x")
    y = sym.global_max_pool2d(x, name="y")
    dtype = "float32"
    dshape = (1, 1024, 7, 7)
    oshape = (1, 1024, 1, 1)
    shape_dict = {"x": dshape}
    for target, ctx in ctx_list():
        graph, lib, _ =, target, shape_dict)
        m = graph_runtime.create(graph, lib, ctx)
        data = tvm.nd.array(np.random.uniform(size=dshape).astype(dtype))
        out = m.get_output(0, tvm.nd.empty(oshape, dtype))
        b_np = np.max(data.asnumpy(), axis=(2,3), keepdims=True)
        tvm.testing.assert_allclose(out.asnumpy(), b_np, rtol=1e-5)
Esempio n. 6
def test_global_pool2d():
    x = sym.Variable("data", shape=(1, 32, 512, 512))
    y = sym.global_max_pool2d(x, name="pool", layout="NCHW")
    g, ldict = correct_layout(y)
    assert (ldict["data"][0] == "NCHW")
    assert (ldict["pool"][0] == "NCHW")
    # if index of H and W remain the same,
    # pool2d does not convert the layout.
    g, ldict = correct_layout(g, "NCHW16c")
    assert (ldict["data"][0] == "NCHW16c")
    assert (ldict["pool"][0] == "NCHW16c")
    # for other layout it requires a layout transform.
    g, ldict = correct_layout(g, "NHWC")
    assert (ldict["data"][0] == "NHWC")
    assert (ldict["data_NCHW"][0] == "NCHW")
    assert (ldict["pool"][0] == "NCHW")
Esempio n. 7
def test_global_pool2d():
    x = sym.Variable("data", shape=(1, 32, 512, 512))
    y = sym.global_max_pool2d(x, name="pool", layout="NCHW")
    g, ldict = correct_layout(y)
    assert(ldict["data"][0] == "NCHW")
    assert(ldict["pool"][0] == "NCHW")
    # if index of H and W remain the same,
    # pool2d does not convert the layout.
    g, ldict = correct_layout(g, "NCHW16c")
    assert(ldict["data"][0] == "NCHW16c")
    assert(ldict["pool"][0] == "NCHW16c")
    # for other layout it requires a layout transform.
    g, ldict = correct_layout(g, "NHWC")
    assert(ldict["data"][0] == "NHWC")
    assert(ldict["data_NCHW"][0] == "NCHW")
    assert(ldict["pool"][0] == "NCHW")
Esempio n. 8
 def check(in_shape, out_shape, **kwargs):
     x = sym.Variable("x", shape=in_shape)
     y = sym.global_max_pool2d(x, name="y", **kwargs)
     sdict = infer_shape(y)
     assert(tuple(sdict["y"][0]) == tuple(out_shape))
Esempio n. 9
def test_max_pool2d():
    x = sym.Variable('x')
    y = sym.max_pool2d(x, pool_size=(3, 3), name="y")
    y = sym.global_max_pool2d(y)
    assert y.list_input_names() == ["x"]
Esempio n. 10
 def check(in_shape, out_shape, **kwargs):
     x = sym.Variable("x", shape=in_shape)
     y = sym.global_max_pool2d(x, name="y", **kwargs)
     sdict = infer_shape(y)
     assert(tuple(sdict["y"][0]) == tuple(out_shape))
Esempio n. 11
def test_max_pool2d():
    x = sym.Variable('x')
    y = sym.max_pool2d(x, pool_size=(3, 3), name="y")
    y = sym.global_max_pool2d(y)
    assert y.list_input_names() == ["x"]