Esempio n. 1
def sa_algorithm(nodes):
    # Create an initial solution that we can improve upon.
    number_of_nodes = len(nodes)
    solution = [n for n in nodes]

    # The temperature t. This is the most important parameter of the SA
    # algorithm. It starts at a high temperature and is then slowly decreased.
    # Both rate of decrease and initial values are parameters that need to be
    # tuned to get a good solution.

    # The initial temperature.  This should be high enough to allow the
    # algorithm to explore many sections of the search space.  Set too high it
    # will waste a lot of computation time randomly bouncing around the search
    # space.
    t = 100

    # Length of the best solution so far.
    l_min = total_length(nodes, solution)
    best_solution = []
    i = 0
    while t > 0.1:
        i = i + 1
        # Given a solution we create a new solution
        solution = sa_optimize_step(nodes, solution, number_of_nodes, t)
        # every ~200 steps
        if i >= 200:
            i = 0
            # Compute the length of the solution
            l = total_length(nodes, solution)
            #print "    ", l, t, nn
            # Lower the temperature.
            # The slower we do this, the better then final solution
            # but also the more times it takes.
            t = t * 0.9995

            # See if current solution is a better solution then the previous
            # best one.
            if l_min is None:  # TODO: This can be removed, as l_min is set above.
                l_min = l
            elif l < l_min:
                # Yup it is, remember it.
                l_min = l
                #print "++", l, t
                best_solution = solution[:]

    return best_solution
Esempio n. 2
def read_problem(problem_file_name):
    global xmax, ymax, xmin, ymin
    nodes = []
    with open(problem_file_name) as inpf:
        first_line = inpf.readline()
        node_count = int(first_line)
        i = 0
        for line in inpf:
            parts = line.split()
            x = float(parts[0])
            y = float(parts[1])
            if x > xmax: xmax = x
            if y > ymax: ymax = y
            if x < xmin: xmin = x
            if y < ymin: ymin = y
            nodes.append(Node(i, x, y))
            i = i + 1
    optfile = problem_file_name + ".opt"
    if osp.exists(optfile):
        with open(optfile) as f:
            opttour = np.fromfile(f, dtype=int, sep='\n') - 1
        print opttour, len(opttour)
        s = np.array(nodes)[opttour]
        if anim:
            frame0(s, nodes, total_length(nodes, s), "opt")
    return nodes
Esempio n. 3
def sa_algorithm(nodes, number_of_nodes):
    # Create an initial solution that we can improve upon.
    solution = [n for n in nodes]

    # The temperature t. This is the most important parameter of the SA
    # algorithm. It starts at a high temperature and is then slowly decreased.
    # Both rate of decrease and initial values are parameters that need to be
    # tuned to get a good solution.

    # The initial temperature.  This should be high enough to allow the
    # algorithm to explore many sections of the search space.  Set too high it
    # will waste a lot of computation time randomly bouncing around the search
    # space.
    t = 100

    # Length of the best solution so far.
    l_min = total_length( nodes, solution )
    best_solution = []
    i = 0
    while t > 0.1:
        i = i + 1
        # Given a solution we create a new solution
        solution = sa_optimize_step(nodes, solution, number_of_nodes, t)
        # every ~200 steps
        if i >= 200:
            i = 0
            # Compute the length of the solution
            l = total_length( nodes, solution )
            print "    ", l, t, nn
            # Lower the temperature.
            # The slower we do this, the better then final solution
            # but also the more times it takes.
            t = t*0.9995

            # See if current solution is a better solution then the previous
            # best one.
            if l_min is None: # TODO: This can be removed, as l_min is set above.
                l_min = l
            elif l < l_min:
                # Yup it is, remember it.
                l_min = l
                print "++", l, t
                best_solution = solution[:]

    return best_solution
Esempio n. 4
def solve(problem_file_name):
    # This it to make sure we get the same answer each time.
    solution_string = None
    nodes = read_problem(problem_file_name)

    solution = create_animation(nodes)

    objective = total_length(nodes, solution)
    solution_string = str(objective) + ' 0\n'
    solution_string += ' '.join(map(lambda x: str(, solution))

    return solution_string
Esempio n. 5
def solve(problem_file_name):
    # This it to make sure we get the same answer each time.
    solution_string = None
    nodes = read_problem(problem_file_name)

    solution = create_animation(nodes)

    objective = total_length(nodes, solution)
    solution_string = str(objective) + ' 0\n'
    solution_string += ' '.join(map(lambda x: str(, solution))

    return solution_string
Esempio n. 6
def solve( input_data ):
    # This it to make sure we get the same anwser each time.

    lines = input_data.split('\n')
    node_count = int(lines[0])
    nodes = []

    for i in range(1, node_count+1):
        line = lines[i]
        parts = line.split()
        nodes.append( Node( i-1, float(parts[0]), float(parts[1]) ) )

    solution = create_animation( nodes )

    objective = total_length( nodes, solution )
    solution_string = str( objective ) + ' 0\n'
    solution_string += ' '.join( map( lambda x: str(, solution ) )
    return solution_string
Esempio n. 7
def frame(nodes, solution, sn, t, c, y, x, z, gain):
    global pic
    global nn

    cities = [(n.x, n.y) for n in solution]
    cities = np.array(cities)

    cities2 = [(c.x, c.y), (y.x, y.y)]
    cities3 = [(x.x, x.y), (z.x, z.y)]
    cities2 = np.array(cities2)
    cities3 = np.array(cities3)

    plt.plot(cities[:, 0], cities[:, 1], 'bo-')
    #plt.scatter(cities[:,0], cities[:,1],s=50,c='k')

    if gain < 0:
        plt.scatter(cities2[:, 0], cities2[:, 1], c='r', s=180)
        plt.plot(cities2[:, 0], cities2[:, 1], c='r', linewidth=2)
        plt.scatter(cities3[:, 0], cities3[:, 1], c='b', s=150)
        plt.plot(cities3[:, 0], cities3[:, 1], c='r', linewidth=2)

        plt.scatter(cities2[:, 0], cities2[:, 1], c='g', s=180)
        plt.plot(cities2[:, 0], cities2[:, 1], c='g', linewidth=2)
        plt.scatter(cities3[:, 0], cities3[:, 1], c='b', s=150)
        plt.plot(cities3[:, 0], cities3[:, 1], c='g', linewidth=2)

    plt.axis([xmin - indent, xmax + indent, ymin - indent, ymax + indent])

    l_min = total_length(nodes, solution)
    plt.title('(4)  SA Temp {} Best Tour {}\nSwaps {}  Gain {} '.format(
        t, l_min, nn, gain))
    plt.savefig(("%05d" % pic) + '.png')
    pic += 1
    print pic
Esempio n. 8
def frame4(nodes, solution, sn, c, y, x, z, gain):
    global pic
    global nn

    l_min = total_length( nodes, solution )
    cities = [ (n.x,n.y) for n in solution ]
    cities = numpy.array( cities )

    cities2 = [ (c.x,c.y), (y.x,y.y) ]
    cities3 = [ (x.x,x.y), (z.x,z.y) ]
    cities2 = numpy.array( cities2 )
    cities3 = numpy.array( cities3 )

    #plt.scatter(cities[:,0], cities[:,1],s=50,c='k')

    if gain < 0:
        plt.scatter(cities2[:,0], cities2[:,1],c='r',s=180)
        plt.scatter(cities3[:,0], cities3[:,1],c='b',s=150)

        plt.scatter(cities2[:,0], cities2[:,1],c='g',s=180)
        plt.scatter(cities3[:,0], cities3[:,1],c='b',s=150)

    plt.axis( [-100,4100,-100,2100] )

    plt.title('(3)  2-Opt Tour {:6.1f}'.format(l_min))
    plt.savefig( ("%05d" % pic)+'.png')
    pic += 1
Esempio n. 9
def frame4( nodes, solution, sn, t, c,y,x,z, gain ):
    global pic
    global nn

    l_min = total_length( nodes, solution )
    cities = [ (n.x,n.y) for n in solution ]
    cities = numpy.array( cities )

    cities2 = [ (c.x,c.y), (y.x,y.y) ]
    cities3 = [ (x.x,x.y), (z.x,z.y) ]
    cities2 = numpy.array( cities2 )
    cities3 = numpy.array( cities3 )

    #plt.scatter(cities[:,0], cities[:,1],s=50,c='k')

    if gain < 0:
        plt.scatter(cities2[:,0], cities2[:,1],c='r',s=180)
        plt.scatter(cities3[:,0], cities3[:,1],c='b',s=150)

        plt.scatter(cities2[:,0], cities2[:,1],c='g',s=180)
        plt.scatter(cities3[:,0], cities3[:,1],c='b',s=150)

    plt.axis( [-100,4100,-100,2100] )

    plt.title('(3)  2-Opt Tour {:6.1f}'.format(l_min))
    plt.savefig( ("%05d" % pic)+'.png')
    pic += 1
    print pic
Esempio n. 10
def create_animation(nodes):
    global nn
    global l_min
    number_of_nodes = len( nodes )
    print('Size {}'.format( number_of_nodes ))

    if do_greedy:
        # Greedy Algorithm
        print('Computing greedy path')
        solution = greedy_algorithm(nodes)
        # For debugging
        solution = [n for n in nodes]

    if do_intro:
        # Only cities
        solution0 = [n for n in nodes]
        for i in range(2, number_of_nodes):
            s = solution0[0:i]
            framec(s, number_of_nodes)
        # Show all cities for an additional 20 frames.
        for i in range(20):
            framec(s, number_of_nodes)

        # Animate the Random Search
        for i in range(2, number_of_nodes):
            s = solution0[0:i]
            frame0(s, nodes, total_length(nodes, s), "(1)  Random Path")
        s = solution0
        for i in range(60):
            frame0(s, nodes, total_length(nodes, s), "(1)  Random Path")

        # Animate the Greedy Search
        for i in range(2, number_of_nodes):
            s = solution[0:i]
            frame0(s, nodes, total_length(nodes, s), "(2)  Greedy Search")
        s = solution
        for i in range(60):
            frame0(s, nodes, total_length(nodes, s), "(2)  Greedy Search")

    # Under construction
    if do_perry:
        solution = miss_perry_s_compass(nodes, number_of_nodes)
        for i in range(2, number_of_nodes):
            s = solution[0:i]
            frame0(s, nodes, total_length(nodes, s), "(1)  Random Path")
        for i in range(60):
            frame0(solution, nodes, total_length(nodes, s), "(3)  Miss Perry")

    if do_2opt:
        # Run 2-Opt algorithm and create animation frames for each step
        s = two_opt_algorithm(nodes, number_of_nodes)
        # Show the best solution for an additional 60 frames.
        for i in range(60):
            frame0(s, nodes, total_length(nodes, s), "(4)  2-Opt")

    if do_sa:
        #=== Simulated Annealing
        # Run SA algorithm and create animation frames for each step
        s = sa_algorithm(nodes, number_of_nodes)
        # Show the best solution for an additional 60 frames.
        for i in range(60):
            frame0(s, nodes, total_length(nodes, s), "(5)  SA")

    return s
Esempio n. 11
def create_animation( nodes ):
    global nn
    global l_min
    sn = len( nodes )
    print 'Size {}'.format( sn )

    if True:
        # Greedy Algorithm
        print 'Computing greedy path'

        free_nodes = nodes[:]
        solution = []
        n = free_nodes[0]
        solution.append( n )
        while len( free_nodes ) > 0:
            print len( free_nodes ),
            min_l = None
            min_n = None
            for c in free_nodes:
                l = length( c, n )
                if min_l is None:
                    min_l = l
                    min_n = c
                elif l < min_l:
                    min_l = l
                    min_n = c
            n = min_n
        solution = [ n for n in nodes ]

    if True:
        # Only cities
        solution0 = [ n for n in nodes ]
        for i in range(2,sn):
            s = solution0[0:i]
        for i in range(20):

        # Random Search
        for i in range(2,sn):
            s = solution0[0:i]
            frame0(s,solution0, total_length(nodes,s), "(1)  Random Path")
        s = solution0
        for i in range(60):
            frame0(s,solution, total_length(nodes,s), "(1)  Random Path")

        # Greedy
        for i in range(2,sn):
            s = solution[0:i]
            frame0(s,solution, total_length(nodes,s), "(2)  Greedy Search")
        s = solution
        for i in range(60):
            frame0(s,solution, total_length(nodes,s), "(2)  Greedy Search")

    print "2-Opt"
    solution = [ n for n in nodes ]
    t = 100
    go = True
    while go:
        (go,solution) = optimize2opt( nodes, solution, sn, t )
    s = solution
    for i in range(60):
        frame0(s,solution, total_length(nodes,s), "(3)  2-Opt")

    print "SA"
    solution = [ n for n in nodes ]
    t = 100
    l_min = total_length( nodes, solution )
    best_solution = []
    i = 0
    while True:
        i = i + 1
        solution = optimize( nodes, solution, sn, t )
        if i >= 200:
            i = 0
            l = total_length( nodes, solution )
            print "    ", l, t, nn
            t = t*0.9995

            if l_min is None:
                l_min = l
            elif l < l_min:
                l_min = l
                print "++", l, t
                best_solution = solution[:]
        if t < 0.1:

    s = best_solution
    for i in range(60):
        frame0(s, solution, total_length(nodes,s), "(4)  SA")

    return best_solution
Esempio n. 12
def create_animation(nodes):
    global nn
    global l_min
    number_of_nodes = len( nodes )
    print('Size {}'.format( number_of_nodes ))

    if do_greedy:
        # Greedy Algorithm
        print 'Computing greedy path'
        solution = greedy_algorithm(nodes)
        # For debugging
        solution = [n for n in nodes]

    if do_intro:
        # Only cities
        solution0 = [n for n in nodes]
        for i in range(2, number_of_nodes):
            s = solution0[0:i]
            framec(s, number_of_nodes)
        # Show all cities for an additional 20 frames.
        for i in range(20):
            framec(s, number_of_nodes)

        # Animate the Random Search
        for i in range(2, number_of_nodes):
            s = solution0[0:i]
            frame0(s, nodes, total_length(nodes, s), "(1)  Random Path")
        s = solution0
        for i in range(60):
            frame0(s, nodes, total_length(nodes, s), "(1)  Random Path")

        # Animate the Greedy Search
        for i in range(2, number_of_nodes):
            s = solution[0:i]
            frame0(s, nodes, total_length(nodes, s), "(2)  Greedy Search")
        s = solution
        for i in range(60):
            frame0(s, nodes, total_length(nodes, s), "(2)  Greedy Search")

    # Under construction
    if do_perry:
        solution = miss_perry_s_compass(nodes, number_of_nodes)
        for i in range(2, number_of_nodes):
            s = solution[0:i]
            frame0(s, nodes, total_length(nodes, s), "(1)  Random Path")
        for i in range(60):
            frame0(solution, nodes, total_length(nodes, s), "(3)  Miss Perry")

    if do_2opt:
        # Run 2-Opt algorithm and create animation frames for each step
        s = two_opt_algorithm(nodes, number_of_nodes)
        # Show the best solution for an additional 60 frames.
        for i in range(60):
            frame0(s, nodes, total_length(nodes, s), "(4)  2-Opt")

    if do_sa:
        #=== Simulated Annealing
        # Run SA algorithm and create animation frames for each step
        s = sa_algorithm(nodes, number_of_nodes)
        # Show the best solution for an additional 60 frames.
        for i in range(60):
            frame0(s, nodes, total_length(nodes, s), "(5)  SA")

    return s
Esempio n. 13
def create_animation(nodes):
    global nn
    global l_min
    sn = len(nodes)
    print 'Size {}'.format(sn)

    if True:
        # Greedy Algorithm
        print 'Computing greedy path'

        free_nodes = nodes[:]
        solution = []
        n = free_nodes[0]
        while len(free_nodes) > 0:
            print len(free_nodes),
            min_l = None
            min_n = None
            for c in free_nodes:
                l = length(c, n)
                if min_l is None:
                    min_l = l
                    min_n = c
                elif l < min_l:
                    min_l = l
                    min_n = c
            n = min_n
        solution = [n for n in nodes]

    if True:
        # Only cities
        solution0 = [n for n in nodes]
        for i in range(2, sn):
            s = solution0[0:i]
            framec(s, sn)
        # Show all cities for an additional 20 frames.
        for i in range(20):
            framec(s, sn)

        # Random Search
        for i in range(2, sn):
            s = solution0[0:i]
            frame0(s, solution0, total_length(nodes, s), "(1)  Random Path")
        s = solution0
        for i in range(60):
            frame0(s, solution, total_length(nodes, s), "(1)  Random Path")

        # Greedy
        for i in range(2, sn):
            s = solution[0:i]
            frame0(s, solution, total_length(nodes, s), "(2)  Greedy Search")
        s = solution
        for i in range(60):
            frame0(s, solution, total_length(nodes, s), "(2)  Greedy Search")

    print "2-Opt"
    # Create an initial solution
    solution = [n for n in nodes]
    t = 100
    go = True
    # Try to optimize the solution with 2opt until
    # no further optimization is possible.
    while go:
        (go, solution) = optimize2opt(nodes, solution, sn, t)
    s = solution
    for i in range(60):
        frame0(s, solution, total_length(nodes, s), "(3)  2-Opt")

    #=== Simulated Annealing
    print "SA"
    # Create an initial solution that we can improve upon.
    solution = [n for n in nodes]

    # The temperature t. This is the most important parameter
    # of the SA algorithm. It starts at a high temperature and
    # is then slowly decreased.   Both rate of decrease and
    # initial values are parameters that need to be tuned to
    # get a good solution.

    # The initial temperature.
    # This should be high enough to allow the algorithm to
    # explore many sections of the search space.
    # Set too high it will waste a lot of computation time randomly
    # bouncing around the search space.
    t = 100

    # Length of the best solution so far.
    l_min = total_length(nodes, solution)
    best_solution = []
    i = 0
    while True:
        i = i + 1
        solution = optimize(nodes, solution, sn, t)
        # every ~200 steps
        if i >= 200:
            i = 0
            # Compute the length of the solution
            l = total_length(nodes, solution)
            print "    ", l, t, nn
            # Lower the temperature.
            # The slower we do this, the better then final solution
            # but also the more times it takes.
            t = t * 0.9995

            # See if current solution is a better solution then the previous
            # best one.
            if l_min is None:  # TODO: This can be removed, as l_min is set above.
                l_min = l
            elif l < l_min:
                # Yup it is, remember it.
                l_min = l
                print "++", l, t
                best_solution = solution[:]
        if t < 0.1:  # TODO: This should be part of the while condition.

    # Show the best solution for an additional 60 frames.
    s = best_solution
    for i in range(60):
        frame0(s, solution, total_length(nodes, s), "(4)  SA")

    return best_solution