Esempio n. 1
def get_neighbours_nodes(this_node, a=1):  # [i,j]
    x, y = this_node.coordinates[0], this_node.coordinates[1]
    operations = range(-a, (a + 1))
    allX, allY = [], []
    for values_individual in operations:
        if -1 < (x + int(values_individual)) < 395:
            allX.append(x + int(values_individual))
        if -1 < (y + int(values_individual)) < 500:
            allY.append(y + int(values_individual))
    result = []
    for xx in allX:
        for yy in allY:
            newNode = Node([xx, yy])
            newNode.H = heuristic([xx, yy])
            newNode.G = path_cost(this_node.coordinates, [xx, yy])
            if not newNode.coordinates == this_node.coordinates:
                result.append(((newNode.H + newNode.G), newNode))

    return result
Esempio n. 2
def do_a_star_search():
    start_node = Node(start)
    start_node.G = 0
    start_node.H = heuristic(start_node.coordinates)
    open_set = [((start_node.G + start_node.H), start_node)
                ]  # has (fCost, Node)

    end_node = Node(end)
    end_node.H = 0

    closed_set = set()  # has (x,y)
    while len(open_set) != 0:
        current_tup = get_lowest(open_set)

        current_node = current_tup[1]
        if current_node.coordinates == end_node.coordinates:
            distance = get_path(current_node)
            return distance
        temp_tuple = (current_node.coordinates[0], current_node.coordinates[1])
        neighbours = get_neighbours_nodes(current_node)
        for n in neighbours:
            if current_tup[1].coordinates == n[1].coordinates:
            cost = current_node.G + n[1].G
            if set_compare(n, open_set) and (cost < n[1].G):
                open_set = delete_node(n, open_set)

            if ((n[1].coordinates[0], n[1].coordinates[1])
                    in closed_set) and (cost < n[1].G):
                closed_set.remove((n[1].coordinates[0], n[1].coordinates[1]))

            if (not set_compare(n, open_set)) and (
                (n[1].coordinates[0], n[1].coordinates[1]) not in closed_set):
                n[1].G = cost
                n[1].parent = current_node