for i in range( x, y =, torchformat=True) x, y = x.cuda(), y.cuda() h, w = y.shape[0], y.shape[1] globalresize = torch.nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d((h, w)) power2resize = torch.nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d( ((h // 64) * 64, (w // 64) * 64)) x = power2resize(x) z = largeforward(net, x.unsqueeze(0)) z = globalresize(z) z = (z[0, 1, :, :] > z[0, 0, :, :]).float() for size in ["0", "1", "2"]: cm[size] += noisyairs.confusion(y, z, size=int(size)) cm["bordonly"] = cm["0"] - cm["2"] if False: nextI = len(os.listdir("build")) debug = noisyairs.torchTOpil(globalresize(x)) debug = PIL.Image.fromarray(numpy.uint8(debug))"build/" + str(nextI) + "_x.png") debug = y.cpu().numpy() * 255 debug = PIL.Image.fromarray(numpy.uint8(debug))"build/" + str(nextI) + "_y.png") debug = z.cpu().numpy() * 255 debug = PIL.Image.fromarray(numpy.uint8(debug))"build/" + str(nextI) + "_z.png") for size in ["0", "1", "2", "bordonly"]:
zz, _ = sobel(torch.unsqueeze(z[:, 1, :, :] - z[:, 0, :, :], dim=1)) gradientdiff = torch.sum(zz * yy, dim=1) gradientdiff = torch.mean((1 - gradientdiff) * border) gradientdiff = gradientdiff * size / nbborder segloss = CE + dice regloss = gradientdiff loss = segloss + regloss with torch.no_grad(): printloss[0] += segloss.clone().detach() printloss[1] += regloss.clone().detach() z = (z[:, 1, :, :] > z[:, 0, :, :]).clone().detach().float() for j in range(batchsize): stats += noisyairs.confusion(y[j], z[j], size=1) if i < 10: print(i, "/", nbbatchs, printloss) if i < 1000 and i % 100 == 99: print(i, "/", nbbatchs, printloss / 100) printloss = torch.zeros(2).cuda() if i >= 1000 and i % 300 == 299: print(i, "/", nbbatchs, printloss / 300) printloss = torch.zeros(2).cuda() if i % 1000 == 999:, "build/model.pth") perf = noisyairs.perf(stats) print(i, "perf", perf) stats = torch.zeros((2, 2)).cuda()
with torch.no_grad(): for i in range( x, y =, torchformat=True) x, y = x.cuda(), y.cuda() h, w = y.shape[0], y.shape[1] globalresize = torch.nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d((h, w)) power2resize = torch.nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d( ((h // 64) * 64, (w // 64) * 64)) x = power2resize(x) z = largeforward(net, x.unsqueeze(0)) z = globalresize(z) z = (z[0, 1, :, :] > z[0, 0, :, :]).float() cm += noisyairs.confusion(y, z, size=size) if False: nextI = len(os.listdir("build")) debug = noisyairs.torchTOpil(globalresize(x)) debug = PIL.Image.fromarray(numpy.uint8(debug))"build/" + str(nextI) + "_x.png") debug = y.float() debug = debug * 2 * (1 - noisyairs.isborder(y, size=size)) debug = debug + noisyairs.isborder(y, size=size) debug *= 127 debug = debug.cpu().numpy() debug = PIL.Image.fromarray(numpy.uint8(debug))"build/" + str(nextI) + "_y.png") debug = z.cpu().numpy() * 255 debug = PIL.Image.fromarray(numpy.uint8(debug))