def __init__(self, conf=None, selector=None): if conf is None: conf = Config() self.conf = conf if selector is None: selector = defaultSelector(conf) self.selector = selector self.plugins = self.conf.plugins
def __init__(self, config=None, importer=None, workingDir=None, selector=None): """Initialize a test loader. Parameters (all optional): * config: provide a `nose.config.Config`_ or other config class instance; if not provided a `nose.config.Config`_ with default values is used. * importer: provide an importer instance that implements `importFromPath`. If not provided, a `nose.importer.Importer`_ is used. * workingDir: the directory to which file and module names are relative. If not provided, assumed to be the current working directory. * selector: a selector class or instance. If a class is provided, it will be instantiated with one argument, the current config. If not provided, a `nose.selector.Selector`_ is used. """ if config is None: config = Config() if importer is None: importer = Importer(config=config) if workingDir is None: workingDir = config.workingDir if selector is None: selector = defaultSelector(config) elif isclass(selector): selector = selector(config) self.config = config self.importer = importer self.workingDir = op_normpath(op_abspath(workingDir)) self.selector = selector if config.addPaths: add_path(workingDir, config) self.suiteClass = ContextSuiteFactory(config=config) self._visitedPaths = set([]) unittest.TestLoader.__init__(self)