         "Enter 1 to create note.\n"
         "Enter 2 to list all notes.\n"
         "Enter 3 to get a specific note.\n"
         "Enter 4 to search notes for a string.\n"
         "Enter 5 to delete a specific note.\n"
         "Enter 6 to edit a specific note.\n"
         "Enter 0 to exit Application.\n\n>>> "
 if userInput == 1:
     methodArgument = input("Enter new content:")
 elif userInput == 2:
 elif userInput == 3:
     methodArgument = input("Enter index for the specific note you want " "from the list: ")
 elif userInput == 4:
     methodArgument = input("Enter your search string: ")
 elif userInput == 5:
     methodArgument = input("What is the index of the note you want to " "remove: ")
 elif userInput == 6:
     methodArgumentOne = input("What is the index of the note you want to" "remove: ")
     methodArgumentTwo = input("What do you want to replace it with: ")
     noteObject.edit(int(methodArgumentOne), methodArgumentTwo)
 elif userInput == 0:
     print("You have successfully exited the Application")
userInput = None
while userInput != 0:
	userInput = int(input("\n\n"
		               		"Enter 1 to create note.\n"
		               		"Enter 2 to list all notes.\n"
		               		"Enter 3 to get a specific note.\n"
		               		"Enter 4 to search notes for a string.\n"
		               		"Enter 5 to delete a specific note.\n"
		               		"Enter 6 to edit a specific note.\n"
		               		"Enter 0 to exit Application.\n\n>>> "
	if userInput == 1:
		methodArgument = input("Enter new content:")
	elif userInput == 2:
	elif userInput == 3:
		methodArgument = input("Enter index for the specific note you want "
								"from the list: "
	elif userInput == 4:
		methodArgument = input("Enter your search string: ")
	elif userInput == 5:
		methodArgument = input("What is the index of the note you want to "
								"remove: "
	elif userInput == 6:
		methodArgumentOne = input("What is the index of the note you want to"