def test_list_notes1(self):
			author_notes = NotesApplication('New Author', [])
			notes_list = author_notes.list()
			self.assertListEqual(notes_list, [], msg='list() should return empty list when not instantiated')
		def test_list_notes(self):
			author_notes = NotesApplication('New Author', ["Test Content1", "Test Content2", "Test Content3"])
			notes_list = author_notes.list()
			self.assertListEqual(notes_list, ["Test Content1", "Test Content2", "Test Content3"], msg='list() should return all created notes')
		def test_edit_valid_index(self):
			author_notes = NotesApplication('New Author', ["Test Content1", "Test Content2", "Test Content3"])
			author_notes.edit(1, "Test Content4")
			notes_list = author_notes.list()
			self.assertListEqual(notes_list, ["Test Content1", "Test Content4", "Test Content3"], msg='Edit should alter supplied index in the notes list')
		def test_edit_invalid_index1(self):
			author_notes = NotesApplication('New Author', ["Test Content1", "Test Content2", "Test Content3"])
			author_notes.edit(-3, "Test Content4")
			notes_result = author_notes.list()
			self.assertTrue(notes_result, msg='Delete should return True for a negative Invalid Index')
Esempio n. 5

		print("\n\nNotes have been saved successfully")
		print("\n\nPress m to return to menu")
		print("\nPress s to search for a specific string")
		print("\nPress r to retrieve a specific note")
		print("\nPress d to delete a specific note")
		print("\nPress e to edit a specific note")
		print("\nPress l to retrieve all notes: ")

		res = raw_input("\nEnter Choice: ")

		elif res=="m":
		elif res=="s":
			search_text = raw_input("Please enter search text: ")
		elif res=="r":
			index = raw_input("Please enter index of note to retrieve: ")
			while not index.isdigit():
				index = raw_input("Please enter valid index of note to retrieve: ")
				index = int(index)
				print "\n" + notes.get(index)

		elif res=="d":