def test_migration_multiple_cells_new_instances_in_meantime(self):
        """This test if marker is created per-cell and we're able to
           verify instanced that were added in meantime.
        # Create 2 instances in cell0
            pre_newton=1, total=2, target_cell=self.cells[0])
        # Create 2 instances in cell1
            pre_newton=1, total=2, target_cell=self.cells[1])

        # Migrate instances in both cells.
        match, done = virtual_interface.fill_virtual_interface_list(
            self.context, 4)
        self.assertEqual(4, match)
        self.assertEqual(2, done)

        # Add new instances to cell1
            pre_newton=0, total=2, target_cell=self.cells[1])

        # Try again, should find instances in cell1
        match, done = virtual_interface.fill_virtual_interface_list(
            self.context, 4)
        self.assertEqual(2, match)
        self.assertEqual(0, done)

        # Try again - should be nothing to migrate
        match, done = virtual_interface.fill_virtual_interface_list(
            self.context, 4)
        self.assertEqual(0, match)
        self.assertEqual(0, done)
Esempio n. 2
    def test_migration_multiple_cells(self):
        """This test if marker and max_rows limit works properly while
           running in multi-cell environment.
        # Create 2 instances in cell0
            pre_newton=1, total=2, target_cell=self.cells[0])
        # Create 4 instances in cell1
            pre_newton=3, total=5, target_cell=self.cells[1])

        # Fill vif list limiting to 4 instances - it should
        # touch cell0 and cell1 instances (migrate 3 due 1 is post newton).
        match, done = virtual_interface.fill_virtual_interface_list(
            self.context, 4)
        self.assertEqual(4, match)
        self.assertEqual(3, done)

        # Try again - should fill 3 left instances from cell1
        match, done = virtual_interface.fill_virtual_interface_list(
            self.context, 4)
        self.assertEqual(3, match)
        self.assertEqual(1, done)

        # Try again - should be nothing to migrate
        match, done = virtual_interface.fill_virtual_interface_list(
            self.context, 4)
        self.assertEqual(0, match)
        self.assertEqual(0, done)
Esempio n. 3
    def test_migration_multiple_cells(self):
        """This test if marker and max_rows limit works properly while
           running in multi-cell environment.
        # Create 2 instances in cell0
        # Create 4 instances in cell1

        # Fill vif list limiting to 4 instances - it should
        # touch cell0 and cell1 instances (migrate 3 due 1 is post newton).
        match, done = virtual_interface.fill_virtual_interface_list(
            self.context, 4)
        self.assertEqual(4, match)
        self.assertEqual(3, done)

        # Try again - should fill 3 left instances from cell1
        match, done = virtual_interface.fill_virtual_interface_list(
            self.context, 4)
        self.assertEqual(3, match)
        self.assertEqual(1, done)

        # Try again - should be nothing to migrate
        match, done = virtual_interface.fill_virtual_interface_list(
            self.context, 4)
        self.assertEqual(0, match)
        self.assertEqual(0, done)
Esempio n. 4
 def test_fill_vifs_migration(self):
     # Create a test server.
             'uuid': nova_fixtures.NeutronFixture.network_1['id'],
     # Run the online data migration which will create a (soft-deleted)
     # marker record.
     ctxt = nova_context.get_admin_context()
     virtual_interface.fill_virtual_interface_list(ctxt, max_count=50)
     # Now archive the deleted instance record.
     # The following (archive stuff) is used to prove that the migration
     # created a "fake instance". It is not necessary to trigger the bug.
     table_to_rows_archived, deleted_instance_uuids, total_rows_archived = (
     self.assertIn('instances', table_to_rows_archived)
     self.assertEqual(1, table_to_rows_archived['instances'])
     self.assertEqual(1, len(deleted_instance_uuids))
     # Since the above (archive stuff) removed the fake instance, do the
     # migration again to recreate it so we can exercise the code path.
     virtual_interface.fill_virtual_interface_list(ctxt, max_count=50)
     # Now list deleted servers. The fake marker instance should be excluded
     # from the API results.
     for detail in (True, False):
         servers = self.api.get_servers(detail=detail,
                                            'all_tenants': 1,
                                            'deleted': 1
         self.assertEqual(0, len(servers))
Esempio n. 5
    def test_migration_multiple_cells_new_instances_in_meantime(self):
        """This test if marker is created per-cell and we're able to
           verify instanced that were added in meantime.
        # Create 2 instances in cell0
            pre_newton=1, total=2, target_cell=self.cells[0])
        # Create 2 instances in cell1
            pre_newton=1, total=2, target_cell=self.cells[1])

        # Migrate instances in both cells.
        match, done = virtual_interface.fill_virtual_interface_list(
            self.context, 4)
        self.assertEqual(4, match)
        self.assertEqual(2, done)

        # Add new instances to cell1
            pre_newton=0, total=2, target_cell=self.cells[1])

        # Try again, should find instances in cell1
        match, done = virtual_interface.fill_virtual_interface_list(
            self.context, 4)
        self.assertEqual(2, match)
        self.assertEqual(0, done)

        # Try again - should be nothing to migrate
        match, done = virtual_interface.fill_virtual_interface_list(
            self.context, 4)
        self.assertEqual(0, match)
        self.assertEqual(0, done)
    def test_migration_inconsistent_data(self):
        """This test when vif (db) are in completely different
           comparing to network cache and we don't know how to
           deal with it. It's the corner-case.
        self._create_instances(pre_newton=0, total=1)
        instance_info_cache = objects.InstanceInfoCache.get_by_instance_uuid(
            self.context, self.instances[0].uuid)

        # Change order of interfaces in NetworkInfo to fake
        # inconsistency between cache and db.
        nwinfo = instance_info_cache.network_info
        interface = nwinfo.pop()
        nwinfo.insert(0, interface)
        instance_info_cache.updated_at = datetime.datetime(2015, 1, 1)
        instance_info_cache.network_info = nwinfo

        # Update the cache

        match, done = virtual_interface.fill_virtual_interface_list(
            self.context, 5)

        # Cache is corrupted, so must be rewritten
        self.assertEqual(1, match)
        self.assertEqual(1, done)
Esempio n. 7
    def test_migration_inconsistent_data(self):
        """This test when vif (db) are in completely different
           comparing to network cache and we don't know how to
           deal with it. It's the corner-case.
        self._create_instances(pre_newton=0, total=1)
        instance_info_cache = objects.InstanceInfoCache.get_by_instance_uuid(
            self.context, self.instances[0].uuid)

        # Change order of interfaces in NetworkInfo to fake
        # inconsistency between cache and db.
        nwinfo = instance_info_cache.network_info
        interface = nwinfo.pop()
        nwinfo.insert(0, interface)
        instance_info_cache.updated_at = datetime.datetime(2015, 1, 1)
        instance_info_cache.network_info = nwinfo

        # Update the cache

        match, done = virtual_interface.fill_virtual_interface_list(
            self.context, 5)

        # Cache is corrupted, so must be rewritten
        self.assertEqual(1, match)
        self.assertEqual(1, done)
Esempio n. 8
    def test_migration_verify_max_count(self):
        """This verifies if max_count is respected to avoid migration
           of bigger set of data, than user specified.
        self._create_instances(pre_newton=0, total=3)
        match, done = virtual_interface.fill_virtual_interface_list(
            self.context, 2)

        self.assertEqual(2, match)
        self.assertEqual(0, done)
    def test_migration_verify_max_count(self):
        """This verifies if max_count is respected to avoid migration
           of bigger set of data, than user specified.
        self._create_instances(pre_newton=0, total=3)
        match, done = virtual_interface.fill_virtual_interface_list(
            self.context, 2)

        self.assertEqual(2, match)
        self.assertEqual(0, done)
Esempio n. 10
    def test_migration_nothing_to_migrate(self):
        """This test when there already populated VirtualInterfaceList
           objects for created instances.
        self._create_instances(pre_newton=0, total=5)
        match, done = virtual_interface.fill_virtual_interface_list(
            self.context, 5)

        self.assertEqual(5, match)
        self.assertEqual(0, done)
Esempio n. 11
    def test_migration_dont_touch_deleted_objects(self):
        """This test if deleted instances are skipped
           during migration.
        self._create_instances(pre_newton=1, deleted=1, total=3)

        match, done = virtual_interface.fill_virtual_interface_list(
            self.context, 4)
        self.assertEqual(2, match)
        self.assertEqual(1, done)
    def test_migration_nothing_to_migrate(self):
        """This test when there already populated VirtualInterfaceList
           objects for created instances.
        self._create_instances(pre_newton=0, total=5)
        match, done = virtual_interface.fill_virtual_interface_list(
            self.context, 5)

        self.assertEqual(5, match)
        self.assertEqual(0, done)
Esempio n. 13
    def test_migration_dont_touch_deleted_objects(self):
        """This test if deleted instances are skipped
           during migration.
            pre_newton=1, deleted=1, total=3)

        match, done = virtual_interface.fill_virtual_interface_list(
            self.context, 4)
        self.assertEqual(2, match)
        self.assertEqual(1, done)
Esempio n. 14
    def test_migration_multiple_cells(self):
        """This test if marker and max_rows limit works properly while
           running in multi-cell environment.
        # Create 2 instances in cell0
        # Create 4 instances in cell1

        # Fill vif list limiting to 4 instances - it should
        # touch cell0 and cell1 instances (migrate 3 due 1 is post newton).
        match, done = virtual_interface.fill_virtual_interface_list(
            self.context, 4)
        self.assertEqual(4, match)
        self.assertEqual(3, done)

        # Verify that the marker instance has project_id/user_id set properly.
        with context.target_cell(self.context, self.cells[1]) as cctxt:
            # The marker record is destroyed right after it's created, since
            # only the presence of the row is needed to satisfy the fkey
            # constraint.
            cctxt = cctxt.elevated(read_deleted='yes')
            marker_instance = objects.Instance.get_by_uuid(cctxt, FAKE_UUID)
        self.assertEqual(FAKE_UUID, marker_instance.project_id)
        self.assertEqual(FAKE_UUID, marker_instance.user_id)

        # Try again - should fill 3 left instances from cell1
        match, done = virtual_interface.fill_virtual_interface_list(
            self.context, 4)
        self.assertEqual(3, match)
        self.assertEqual(1, done)

        # Try again - should be nothing to migrate
        match, done = virtual_interface.fill_virtual_interface_list(
            self.context, 4)
        self.assertEqual(0, match)
        self.assertEqual(0, done)
    def test_migration_pre_newton_instances(self):
        """This test when there is an instance created in release
           older than Newton. For those instances the VirtualInterfaceList
           needs to be re-created from cache.
        # Lets spawn 3 pre-newton instances and 2 new ones
        self._create_instances(pre_newton=3, total=5)
        match, done = virtual_interface.fill_virtual_interface_list(
            self.context, 5)

        self.assertEqual(5, match)
        self.assertEqual(3, done)

        # Make sure we ran over all the instances - verify if marker works
        match, done = virtual_interface.fill_virtual_interface_list(
            self.context, 50)
        self.assertEqual(0, match)
        self.assertEqual(0, done)

        for i in range(0, 5):
            _verify_list_fulfillment(self.context, self.instances[i].uuid)
Esempio n. 16
    def test_migration_pre_newton_instances(self):
        """This test when there is an instance created in release
           older than Newton. For those instances the VirtualInterfaceList
           needs to be re-created from cache.
        # Lets spawn 3 pre-newton instances and 2 new ones
        self._create_instances(pre_newton=3, total=5)
        match, done = virtual_interface.fill_virtual_interface_list(
            self.context, 5)

        self.assertEqual(5, match)
        self.assertEqual(3, done)

        # Make sure we ran over all the instances - verify if marker works
        match, done = virtual_interface.fill_virtual_interface_list(
            self.context, 50)
        self.assertEqual(0, match)
        self.assertEqual(0, done)

        for i in range(0, 5):
            _verify_list_fulfillment(self.context, self.instances[i].uuid)
Esempio n. 17
    def test_migration_multiple_cells(self):
        """This test if marker and max_rows limit works properly while
           running in multi-cell environment.
        # Create 2 instances in cell0
            pre_newton=1, total=2, target_cell=self.cells[0])
        # Create 4 instances in cell1
            pre_newton=3, total=5, target_cell=self.cells[1])

        # Fill vif list limiting to 4 instances - it should
        # touch cell0 and cell1 instances (migrate 3 due 1 is post newton).
        match, done = virtual_interface.fill_virtual_interface_list(
            self.context, 4)
        self.assertEqual(4, match)
        self.assertEqual(3, done)

        # Verify that the marker instance has project_id/user_id set properly.
        with context.target_cell(self.context, self.cells[1]) as cctxt:
            # The marker record is destroyed right after it's created, since
            # only the presence of the row is needed to satisfy the fkey
            # constraint.
            cctxt = cctxt.elevated(read_deleted='yes')
            marker_instance = objects.Instance.get_by_uuid(cctxt, FAKE_UUID)
        self.assertEqual(FAKE_UUID, marker_instance.project_id)
        self.assertEqual(FAKE_UUID, marker_instance.user_id)

        # Try again - should fill 3 left instances from cell1
        match, done = virtual_interface.fill_virtual_interface_list(
            self.context, 4)
        self.assertEqual(3, match)
        self.assertEqual(1, done)

        # Try again - should be nothing to migrate
        match, done = virtual_interface.fill_virtual_interface_list(
            self.context, 4)
        self.assertEqual(0, match)
        self.assertEqual(0, done)
Esempio n. 18
    def test_migration_empty_network_info(self):
        """This test if migration is not executed while
           NetworkInfo is empty, like instance without
           interfaces attached.
        self._create_instances(pre_newton=0, total=1)
        instance_info_cache = objects.InstanceInfoCache.get_by_instance_uuid(
            self.context, self.instances[0].uuid)

        # Clean NetworkInfo. Pretend instance without interfaces.
        instance_info_cache.network_info = None

        match, done = virtual_interface.fill_virtual_interface_list(
            self.context, 5)

        self.assertEqual(0, match)
        self.assertEqual(0, done)
    def test_migration_empty_network_info(self):
        """This test if migration is not executed while
           NetworkInfo is empty, like instance without
           interfaces attached.
        self._create_instances(pre_newton=0, total=1)
        instance_info_cache = objects.InstanceInfoCache.get_by_instance_uuid(
            self.context, self.instances[0].uuid)

        # Clean NetworkInfo. Pretend instance without interfaces.
        instance_info_cache.network_info = None

        match, done = virtual_interface.fill_virtual_interface_list(
            self.context, 5)

        self.assertEqual(0, match)
        self.assertEqual(0, done)
Esempio n. 20
    def test_migration_pre_newton_instance_new_vifs(self):
        """This test when instance was created before Newton
           but in meantime new interfaces where attached and
           VirtualInterfaceList is not populated.
        self._create_instances(pre_newton=0, total=1)

        vif_list = objects.VirtualInterfaceList.get_by_instance_uuid(
            self.context, self.instances[0].uuid)
        # Drop first vif from list to pretend old instance

        match, done = virtual_interface.fill_virtual_interface_list(
            self.context, 5)

        # The whole VirtualInterfaceList should be rewritten and base
        # on cache.
        self.assertEqual(1, match)
        self.assertEqual(1, done)

        _verify_list_fulfillment(self.context, self.instances[0].uuid)
    def test_migration_pre_newton_instance_new_vifs(self):
        """This test when instance was created before Newton
           but in meantime new interfaces where attached and
           VirtualInterfaceList is not populated.
        self._create_instances(pre_newton=0, total=1)

        vif_list = objects.VirtualInterfaceList.get_by_instance_uuid(
            self.context, self.instances[0].uuid)
        # Drop first vif from list to pretend old instance

        match, done = virtual_interface.fill_virtual_interface_list(
            self.context, 5)

        # The whole VirtualInterfaceList should be rewritten and base
        # on cache.
        self.assertEqual(1, match)
        self.assertEqual(1, done)

        _verify_list_fulfillment(self.context, self.instances[0].uuid)
Esempio n. 22
    def test_migration_attach_in_progress(self):
        """This test when number of vifs (db) is bigger than
           number taken from network cache. Potential
           port-attach is taking place.
        self._create_instances(pre_newton=0, total=1)
        instance_info_cache = objects.InstanceInfoCache.get_by_instance_uuid(
            self.context, self.instances[0].uuid)

        # Delete last interface to pretend that's still in progress
        instance_info_cache.updated_at = datetime.datetime(2015, 1, 1)

        match, done = virtual_interface.fill_virtual_interface_list(
            self.context, 5)

        # I don't know whats going on so instance VirtualInterfaceList
        # should stay untouched.
        self.assertEqual(1, match)
        self.assertEqual(0, done)
Esempio n. 23
    def test_migration_do_not_step_to_next_cell(self):
        """This verifies if script doesn't step into next cell
           when max_count is reached.
        # Create 2 instances in cell0
            pre_newton=0, total=2, target_cell=self.cells[0])

        # Create 2 instances in cell1
            pre_newton=0, total=2, target_cell=self.cells[1])

        with mock.patch('nova.objects.InstanceList.get_by_filters',
                                     self.instances[2:]]) \
            as mock_get:
            match, done = virtual_interface.fill_virtual_interface_list(
                self.context, 2)

        self.assertEqual(2, match)
        self.assertEqual(0, done)
    def test_migration_do_not_step_to_next_cell(self):
        """This verifies if script doesn't step into next cell
           when max_count is reached.
        # Create 2 instances in cell0
            pre_newton=0, total=2, target_cell=self.cells[0])

        # Create 2 instances in cell1
            pre_newton=0, total=2, target_cell=self.cells[1])

        with mock.patch('nova.objects.InstanceList.get_by_filters',
                                     self.instances[2:]]) \
            as mock_get:
            match, done = virtual_interface.fill_virtual_interface_list(
                self.context, 2)

        self.assertEqual(2, match)
        self.assertEqual(0, done)
    def test_migration_attach_in_progress(self):
        """This test when number of vifs (db) is bigger than
           number taken from network cache. Potential
           port-attach is taking place.
        self._create_instances(pre_newton=0, total=1)
        instance_info_cache = objects.InstanceInfoCache.get_by_instance_uuid(
            self.context, self.instances[0].uuid)

        # Delete last interface to pretend that's still in progress
        instance_info_cache.updated_at = datetime.datetime(2015, 1, 1)

        match, done = virtual_interface.fill_virtual_interface_list(
            self.context, 5)

        # I don't know whats going on so instance VirtualInterfaceList
        # should stay untouched.
        self.assertEqual(1, match)
        self.assertEqual(0, done)