Esempio n. 1
    def retrieve(self, entity, extras):
        Retrieve a VM.
        uid = entity.attributes['']
        context = extras['nova_ctx']
        instance = vm.get_vm(uid, context)

        LOG.debug('Retrieving an Virtual machine: ', uid)

        # set state and applicable actions!
        state, actions = vm.get_occi_state(uid, context)
        entity.attributes['occi.compute.state'] = state
        entity.actions = actions

        # set up to date attributes
        entity.attributes['occi.compute.cores'] = str(instance['vcpus'])
        value = str(float(instance['memory_mb']) / 1024)
        entity.attributes['occi.compute.memory'] = value

        #Now we have the instance state, get its updated network info
        net_info = net.get_adapter_info(uid, context)
        attach_to_default_network(net_info, entity, extras)

        # add consoles and storage links
        set_console_info(entity, uid, extras)
Esempio n. 2
    def create(self, entity, extras):
        Create a VM.
        LOG.debug('Creating an Virtual machine')

        # ignore some attributes - done via templating
        if 'occi.compute.cores' in entity.attributes or \
           'occi.compute.speed' in entity.attributes or \
           'occi.compute.memory' in entity.attributes or \
           'occi.compute.architecture' in entity.attributes:
            raise AttributeError('There are unsupported attributes in the '

        # create the VM
        context = extras['nova_ctx']
        instance = vm.create_vm(entity, context)
        uid = instance['uuid']

        # deal with some networking stuff
        net_info = net.get_adapter_info(uid, context)
        attach_to_default_network(net_info, entity, extras)

        # add consoles and storage links
        set_console_info(entity, uid, extras)

        # set some attributes
        entity.attributes[''] = instance['uuid']
        entity.attributes['occi.compute.hostname'] = instance['hostname']
        entity.attributes['occi.compute.architecture'] = \
            vol.get_image_architecture(uid, extras['nova_ctx'])
        entity.attributes['occi.compute.cores'] = str(instance['vcpus'])
        entity.attributes['occi.compute.speed'] = str(0.0)  # N/A in instance
        value = str(float(instance['memory_mb']) / 1024)
        entity.attributes['occi.compute.memory'] = value
        entity.attributes['occi.compute.state'] = 'inactive'

        # set valid actions
        entity.actions = [infrastructure.STOP,