Esempio n. 1
    str(config.diagnostic_phase)) > 0 else pi / 2
# Handle the output directory
config.outdir = os.path.expanduser(
    config.outdir) if len(config.outdir) > 0 else thisdir
# make sure the sim keyword is list
if isinstance(config.simulation_keywords, str):
    config.simulation_keywords = [config.simulation_keywords]

for simkey in config.simulation_keywords:

    # -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ #
    # Find the NR Simulation
    # -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ #
    alert('Finding simulation with keyword %s' % green(simkey), heading=True)
    sce = scsearch(keyword=simkey, verbose=True)
    if len(sce) > 1:
            'More than one simulation has been found for this keyowrd. Please refine your jeyword so that this is not the case.'
        sce = sce[-1]

    # -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ #
    # Create directories for I/O
    # -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ #
    alert('Create directories for I/O', heading=True)
    # Base directory for output
    basedir = osjoin(config.outdir, sce.simname + '/')
    # Cofiguration and source files: mkdir and copy files
    config_dir = basedir
Esempio n. 2
        f.attrs['rot_X1'] = X1_along_z
        f.attrs['rot_X2'] = X2_along_z
        f.attrs['eta'] = obj.eta
        f.create_dataset("times", data=new_times)
        f.create_dataset("psi4", data=psi4_data)
        f.create_dataset("strain", data=strain_data)

if __name__ =="__main__":

    # explicit list of sims from EZH
    sims = ['q1a04t30_dPm2_T_96_552', 'q1a04t60_dPm1_T_96_552', 'q1a04t90_dP0_T_96_552', 'q1a04t120_dP0_T_96_552', 'q1a04t150_dP0_T_96_552',  'q1a08t30dPm25_T_96_408', 'q1a08t60dPm1.5_T_96_408', 'q1a08t90dPm1_T_96_408', 'q1a08t120dP0_T_96_408', 'q1a08t150dP0_T_96_408', 'q2a04t30dPm2_T_96_408', 'q2a04t60dPm1_T_96_408', 'q2a04t90dPm1_T_96_408', 'q2a04t120_T_96_408', 'q2a04t150_T_96_408', 'q2_a10_a28_ph0_th30', 'q2_a10_a28_ph0_th60', 'q2_a10_a28_ph0_th90', 'q2_a10_a28_ph0_th120', 'q2_a10_a28_ph0_th150', 'q4a04t30_T_96_360', 'q4a04t60dPm1.5D_T_96_360', 'q4a04t90_T_96_360', 'q4a04t120dP0D_T_96_360', 'q4a04t150_T_96_360', 'q4a08t30dPm5p5dRm47_T_96_360', 'q4a08t60dPm3dRm250_T_96_384', 'q4a08t90dPm1D_T_96_384', 'q4a08t120dP1_T_96_360', 'q4a08t150_T_96_360',  'q8a04t30dPm3_T_96_360', 'q8a04t60D_dPm1', 'q8a04t90dP0_T_96_360', 'q8a04t120dPp1_T_96_360', 'q8a04t150dP9_T_96_360', 'q8a08t30dPm9.35_r0.5_T_96_360', 'q8a08t60Ditm45dr075_96_360', 'q8a08t90dP0_T_96_384', 'q8a08t120dP2_r03_T_96_360', 'q8a08t150dP2_T_120_480']
    # Search for simulations
    # A = scsearch(q=[3.9,8.1], institute='bam', verbose=True)
    A = scsearch(institute='bam', verbose=True, precessing=True)

    for obj in A:
        if obj.simname in sims:
            if "ASJmodified" not in obj.metadata_file_location:
                print("\n\n saving {}\n\n".format(obj.simname))
                save_data(screnty_ob=obj, output_dir=output_dir, lmax=lmax, gwylm_verbose=gwylm_verbose, verbose=verbose, npts=npts)
            print("\n\n skipping {}".format(obj.simname))
from nrutils import alert, nr2h5, scsearch, gwylm, alert
from import *

this_script = 'nr2h5_example'

HACK = False

# Search for simulations: Use the CFUIB high resolution base case
    'Finding NR simulation catalog objects for realted HDF5 creation. This script is specialized to  work with BAM data.',
A = scsearch(keyword='dirac', verbose=True,
             notkeyword='uib')  # base_96 # q1.2_dc2dcp2 # q1.2_dc1dc2

# Extraction radius found using the "r" parameter in the realted config file for bam runs as well as a mapping of this to the actual extration radius as given by the bbh metadata files.
    'Manually defining extration radius to use for cropping of NR data. This is realted to the extration parameter in the institute'
    's config file, and allows the calculation of the retarded time, t_retarded = t + extraction_radius',
extraction_radius = 140

    'Load and crop all waveforms. Waveforms will start at the after_junkradiation_time noted in the .bbh metadata',
for a in A:

    # Convert a single simulation into a waveform object with desired multipoles
Esempio n. 4
from os.path import dirname, basename, isdir, realpath
from numpy import array, ones, pi
from os import system


# one could also use: from nrutils import *
from nrutils import scbuild, scsearch, gwylm

# Build the simulation catalog using the cofig files
# scbuild()

# Search for simulations
# A = scsearch(institute='sxs',nonspinning=True,q=[1,10],verbose=True,unique=True)
# A = scsearch(precessing=True,q=[1,1.5],verbose=True,unique=True)
A = scsearch(keyword="base_96", unique=True, verbose=True)

# Convert a single simulation into a waveform object with desired multipoles
y = gwylm(scentry_obj=A[0], lm=[2, 1], dt=0.4, verbose=True)

# # Plot time domain strain
# y.plot(kind='strain')

# plot time domain psi4
y.plot(kind='psi4', show=True)

# # plot frequency domain strain and show all current plots
# y.plot(kind='strain',show=True,domain='freq')
Esempio n. 5
# Handle diagnostic values
config.diagnostic_inclination = eval(str(config.diagnostic_inclination).lower()) if len(str(config.diagnostic_inclination))>0 else pi/2
config.diagnostic_phase = eval(str(config.diagnostic_phase).lower()) if len(str(config.diagnostic_phase))>0 else pi/2
# Handle the output directory
config.outdir = os.path.expanduser(config.outdir) if len(config.outdir)>0 else thisdir
# make sure the sim keyword is list
if isinstance(config.simulation_keywords,str): config.simulation_keywords = [config.simulation_keywords]

for simkey in config.simulation_keywords:

    # -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ #
    # Find the NR Simulation
    # -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ #
    alert('Finding simulation with keyword %s'%green(simkey),heading=True)
    sce = scsearch( keyword=simkey, verbose=True )
    if len(sce)>1:
        error('More than one simulation has been found for this keyowrd. Please refine your jeyword so that this is not the case.')
        sce = sce[-1]

    # -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ #
    # Create directories for I/O
    # -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ #
    alert('Create directories for I/O',heading=True)
    # Base directory for output
    basedir = osjoin(config.outdir,sce.simname+'/')
    # Cofiguration and source files: mkdir and copy files
    config_dir = basedir
lmax = 5

outdir = '~/Desktop/mollweide_frames/'
mkdir(outdir, verbose=True)

kind = 'strain'

# Main Flow

# Find sim
alert('Finding a simulation ...', header=True)
A = scsearch(keyword='base_96')[0]
# A = scsearch(q=[10,20],keyword='hr',verbose=True,institute='gt')[0]

framedir = join(outdir, A.simname) + '/'
mkdir(framedir, verbose=True)

# Load data
alert('Loading simulation data', header=True)
y = gwylm(A, lmax=lmax, verbose=True, clean=True)

t = y.lm[2, 2]['strain'].t
frame_times = t[range(0, len(t), 10)]

# Use information from gwylm's waveform characerization algorithms to determine start and end times of tinterest
Esempio n. 7
lmax = 5

outdir = '~/Desktop/mollweide_frames/'

kind = 'strain'

# Main Flow

# Find sim
alert('Finding a simulation ...',header=True)
A = scsearch(keyword='base_96')[0]
# A = scsearch(q=[10,20],keyword='hr',verbose=True,institute='gt')[0]

framedir = join(outdir,A.simname)+'/'

# Load data
alert('Loading simulation data',header=True)
y = gwylm(A,lmax=lmax,verbose=True,clean=True)

t = y.lm[2,2]['strain'].t
frame_times = t[ range(0,len(t),10) ]

# Use information from gwylm's waveform characerization algorithms to determine start and end times of tinterest

from os.path import dirname, basename, isdir, realpath
from numpy import array,ones,pi
from os import system

# one could also use: from nrutils import *
from nrutils import scbuild,scsearch,gwylm

# Build the simulation catalog using the cofig files
# scbuild()

# Search for simulations
# A = scsearch(institute='sxs',nonspinning=True,q=[1,10],verbose=True,unique=True)
# A = scsearch(precessing=True,q=[1,1.5],verbose=True,unique=True)
A = scsearch(keyword="base_96",unique=True,verbose=True)

# Convert a single simulation into a waveform object with desired multipoles
y = gwylm( scentry_obj = A[0], lm=[2,1], dt=0.4, verbose=True )

# # Plot time domain strain
# y.plot(kind='strain')

# plot time domain psi4

# # plot frequency domain strain and show all current plots
# y.plot(kind='strain',show=True,domain='freq')
Esempio n. 9
from nrutils import alert, nr2h5, scsearch, gwylm, alert
from import *

this_script = 'nr2h5_example'

HACK = False

# Search for simulations: Use the CFUIB high resolution base case
    'Finding NR simulation catalog objects for realted HDF5 creation. This script is specialized to  work with BAM data.',
A = scsearch(keyword='base_96',
             verbose=True)  # base_96 # q1.2_dc2dcp2 # q1.2_dc1dc2

# Extraction radius found using the "r" parameter in the realted config file for bam runs as well as a mapping of this to the actual extration radius as given by the bbh metadata files.
    'Manually defining extration radius to use for cropping of NR data. This is realted to the extration parameter in the institute'
    's config file, and allows the calculation of the retarded time, t_retarded = t + extraction_radius',
extraction_radius = 140

    'Load and crop all waveforms. Waveforms will start at the after_junkradiation_time noted in the .bbh metadata',
for a in A:

    # Convert a single simulation into a waveform object with desired multipoles
Esempio n. 10
# Import needed libs

from nrutils import alert,nr2h5,scsearch,gwylm,alert
from import *

this_script = 'nr2h5_example'

HACK = False

# Search for simulations: Use the CFUIB high resolution base case
alert('Finding NR simulation catalog objects for realted HDF5 creation. This script is specialized to  work with BAM data.',this_script )
A = scsearch(keyword='base_96',verbose=True) # base_96 # q1.2_dc2dcp2 # q1.2_dc1dc2

# Extraction radius found using the "r" parameter in the realted config file for bam runs as well as a mapping of this to the actual extration radius as given by the bbh metadata files.
alert('Manually defining extration radius to use for cropping of NR data. This is realted to the extration parameter in the institute''s config file, and allows the calculation of the retarded time, t_retarded = t + extraction_radius',this_script )
extraction_radius = 140

alert('Load and crop all waveforms. Waveforms will start at the after_junkradiation_time noted in the .bbh metadata',this_script )
for a in A:

    # Convert a single simulation into a waveform object with desired multipoles
    y = gwylm( scentry_obj = a, lmax=5, verbose=True, w22 = a.raw_metadata.freq_start_22 )

    # Crop initial junk radiation from waveform without smooth windowing to be consistent with the infrastructure's conventions
    y.clean( method='crop', crop_time=float(a.raw_metadata.after_junkradiation_time)+extraction_radius  )