def __init__(self, user="******", password="******", zuhe="ZH1008383"): self.user = easytrader.use('xq') self.user.prepare(user=user, password=password, portfolio_code=zuhe) self.buylist = [] self.selllist = [] self.limitnum = 20 self.m = MongoDB()
class dbdata(): def __init__(self): self.m = MongoDB(DB_SERVER, DB_PORT, USER, PWD, AUTHDBNAME) self.formatlist = [ "date", "volume", "close", "high", "low", "open", "pre_close" ] return def dbserver(self): return DB_SERVER def _getdata(self,,collection="000923.SZ", db="ml_security_table",\ out=[],isfilt=True,filt={}): if not out: out = self.formatlist if isfilt and not filt: filt = \ {"date":{"$gt": trade_date, "$lt": trade_date+dt.timedelta(days=1)}} query = self.m.read_data(db, collection, filt=filt) return self.formatquery(query, out) def formatquery(self, query, out): ''' query:your source data ,should be a list with dict out:the fields you want to convert into dataframe ''' if not out: query = [i for i in query.sort("policy", 1)] else: query = [{k: i[k] for k in out} for i in query.sort("policy", 1)] return query
def __init__(self, startdate=(2011, 1, 1), enddate=[]): self.startdate = datetime.datetime(*startdate, 0, 0, 0, 0) self.enddate = enddate self.m = MongoDB(DB_SERVER, DB_PORT, USER, PWD, AUTHDBNAME) self.formatlist = [ "date", "volume", "close", "high", "low", "open", "pre_close" ] self.savevols = [ "stock", "buy_date", "sell_date", "holddays", "profit", "features" ] self.looplist = [] self.trading_records = [] self.holding_records = [] self.datalst = [] self.collection = None self.tempstatus = [] self.lateststatus = []
def connetdb(self): self.m = MongoDB(DB_SERVER, DB_PORT, USER, PWD, AUTHDBNAME) return self.m
def __init__(self, stock="600455.SH"): self.m = MongoDB(DB_SERVER, DB_PORT, USER, PWD, AUTHDBNAME)
class strategy1(object): ''' trading volume is the lowest in 60 days ''' def __init__(self, stock="600455.SH"): self.m = MongoDB(DB_SERVER, DB_PORT, USER, PWD, AUTHDBNAME) def _getdata(self, db="ml_security_table", collection="600455.SH"): query = self.m.read_data( db, collection, filt={"date": { "$gt": datetime.datetime(2013, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0) }}) return self.m.format2dataframe(query) # 获取股票列表 def import_stocklist(self, stocklistname): # df = pd.read_csv(str(stocklistname) + '.csv', parse_dates=['date']) df = pd.read_csv(str(stocklistname) + '.csv', parse_dates=['startdate']) return df def mean_volume(self, data): m_vol = sum(data) / len(data) return m_vol def buy_condition1(self, dat, vol, vol_data, close, last_high, maxprice, minprice, count, vol_weight=1.2): if self.condition1(vol, vol_data, vol_weight) and \ self.condition2(close, last_high) and \ self.condition3(close, maxprice) and \ self.condition4(close, minprice): return True return False def buy_condition(self, dat, vol, vol_data, close, last_high, maxprice, minprice, count, parameter, vol_weight=1.2): if self.condition6(dat, parameter[1]) and \ self.condition7(close, parameter[0]): return True return False def buy_condition2(self, dat, vol, vol_data, close, last_high, maxprice, minprice, count, parameter, vol_weight=1.2): if self.condition8(close): return True return False def sell_conditon(self, buy_price, currentday_high, currentday_low, hold_days, gain_grads=0.1, loss_grads=-0.05, dayout=10): if self.stopgain_condition(buy_price, currentday_high, gain_grads): return True, "stopgain" elif self.stoploss_condition(buy_price, currentday_low, loss_grads): return True, "stoploss" elif self.holdingtime_condition(hold_days, dayout): return True, "holdtime" return False, None def sell_conditon1(self, buy_price, currentday_high, currentday_low, hold_days, gain_grads=0.1, loss_grads=-0.05, dayout=10): if self.condition9(close): return True, "Sold" return False, None def stopgain_condition(self, buy_price, current_price, grads=0.1): if (current_price - buy_price) / buy_price >= grads: return True return False def stoploss_condition(self, buy_price, current_price, grads=-0.05): if (current_price - buy_price) / buy_price <= grads: return True return False def holdingtime_condition(self, hold_days, dayout=10): if hold_days >= dayout: return True return False def condition1(self, vol, vol_data, vol_weight=1.2): if vol >= vol_weight * self.mean_volume(vol_data): return True return False def condition2(self, close, last_high): if close >= last_high: return True return False def condition3(self, close, high, grads=0.2): if (high - close) / high >= grads: return True return False def condition4(self, close, low, grads=0.05): if (close - low) / low <= grads: return True return False def condition5(self, close, low, grads=0.05): if close <= 100: return True return False def condition6(self, dat, startdate): newdat = pd.to_datetime(dat) newdat = newdat.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') newstartdate = pd.to_datetime(startdate) newstartdate = newstartdate.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') # print(newdat) # print(newstartdate) if newdat > newstartdate: return True return False def condition7(self, close, cashprice): if close < cashprice: return True return False def condition8(self, close): if close < 110: return True return False def condition9(self, close): if close > 120: return True return False def formatdata(self, stock, source="mongodb"): if source == "mongodb": df = self._getdata(collection=stock) elif source == "tushare": df = ts.get_hist_data( stock, start='2005-01-01', end='2016-11-18', ) df.sort_index(inplace=True) df["date"] = df.index df["pre_close"] = df["close"] - df["price_change"] df.to_csv(stock + '.csv') return df def histofyreturn(self, parameter, db="ml_security_table", table="", source="mongodb"): buy = [] stopgain = 0.1 stoploss = -0.1 vol_day = 10 price_day = 60 count = 60 transaction_record = [] df = self.formatdata(table, source) # df.to_csv(table+'.csv') lst = [ l for l in df[[ "date", "volume", "close", "high", "low", "open", "pre_close" ]].fillna(0).values if l[1] != 0 ] for line in lst[count:]: dat = line[0] vol = line[1] if vol == 0: continue close = line[2] last_high = lst[count - 1][3] vol_data = [i[1] for i in lst[count - vol_day:count]] maxprice = max([i[3]] for i in lst[count - price_day:count])[0] minprice = min([i[4]] for i in lst[count - price_day:count])[0] for b in buy[:]: d = b[0] c = b[1] buy_date = d[0] sell_date = line[0] hold_days = count - c buy_price = d[2] currentday_high = line[3] currentday_low = line[4] is_sell, selltype = self.sell_conditon(buy_price, currentday_high, currentday_low, \ hold_days, gain_grads=0.1, \ loss_grads=-0.05, dayout=10) if is_sell: #print(buy) #print(b) buy.remove(b) if selltype == "stopgain": profit = stopgain elif selltype == "stopgain": profit = stoploss else: profit = (close - buy_price) / buy_price transaction_record.append( [table, buy_date, sell_date, hold_days, profit]) # print (profit) # print(transaction_record) if self.buy_condition(dat, vol, vol_data, close, last_high, maxprice, minprice, count, parameter, vol_weight=1.2): buy.append((line, count, table)) count += 1 # df_buy = pd.DataFrame(transaction_record) # df_buy.to_csv("test_tushare_buy_new.csv") return transaction_record, buy def filter_with_all_stocks(self, stocklist, source="mongodb"): error_list = [] result = [] buyresult = [] for i in stocklist: print(i[0]) startdate = i[1] cashprice = i[2] # try: r, buyed = self.histofyreturn(startdate, cashprice, table=i[0], source=source) # if r: result.extend(r) result.extend(r) print(result) if buyed: buyresult.extend(buyed) # except: # error_list.append(i) return result, buyresult, error_list def filter_with_all_stocks_new(self, df, source="mongodb"): error_list = [] result = [] buyresult = [] par = [] count = 0 df_len = len(df.index) column_num = len(df.count()) while (count < df_len): columncount = 1 # print(df.iat[0,1]) par = [] while (columncount < column_num): par.append(df.iat[count, columncount]) columncount = columncount + 1 print(par) # try: print(count) print(df.iat[count, 0]) stock_name = str(df.iat[count, 0]) print(stock_name) if len(stock_name) == 1: stock_name = '00000' + stock_name elif len(stock_name) == 2: stock_name = '0000' + stock_name elif len(stock_name) == 3: stock_name = '000' + stock_name elif len(stock_name) == 4: stock_name = '00' + stock_name elif len(stock_name) == 5: stock_name = '0' + stock_name print(stock_name) r, buyed = self.histofyreturn(par, table=stock_name, source=source) # if r: result.extend(r) result.extend(r) # if buyed: buyresult.extend(buyed) buyresult.extend(buyed) # except: error_list.append(stock_name) count = count + 1 return result, buyresult, error_list
class trade(): def __init__(self, user="******", password="******", zuhe="ZH1008383"): self.user = easytrader.use('xq') self.user.prepare(user=user, password=password, portfolio_code=zuhe) self.buylist = [] self.selllist = [] self.limitnum = 20 self.m = MongoDB() def getcurrentdata(self): '''code:代码, name:名称 ,changepercent:涨跌幅 , trade:现价 ,open:开盘价 ,high:最高价, low:最低价, settlement:昨日收盘价 , volume:成交量 ,turnoverratio:换手率 ,amount:成交量 ,per:市盈率 ,pb:市净率, mktcap:总市值 ,nmc:流通市值 ''' out = ["code", "trade", "open", "high", "low", "settlement"] rst = ts.get_today_all() return rst[out] def getbuylist(self, filename="procedure_records.csv"): s = macd() self.buylist = s.getprocedure(isdb=True) return self.buylist def justsellit(self, db="macd", collection="operatequeue", stoploss=False): currentdata = {i[0]: i for i in self.getcurrentdata().values} rst = self.m.read_data(db, collection, filt={"status": "HOLD"}) position = self.getposition() for i in rst: stock = i["stock"] for xq in position: if stock == xq["stock_code"][2:]: rate = xq["market_value"] / i["buymoney"] print("check stock:{} rate:{}".format(stock, rate)) print(i) print(xq) print("********************") bias = 1 if stoploss: bias = currentdata[stock][4] / currentdata[stock][1] self.trysell(stock, rate, stoploss, bias=bias) break def trysell(self, stock, rate, stoploss=False, bias=1): if stoploss and rate / bias <= 0.9: self.sell(stock=stock, number=100, price=0.55) self.updateholdlst(stock) elif rate >= 1.1: self.sell(stock=stock, number=100, price=0.55) self.updateholdlst(stock) def updateholdlst(self, stock, db="macd", collection="operatequeue"): data = {'$set': {'status': 'SELL'}} self.m.update_data(data, db, collection, filt={"stock": stock}) def getholdlst(self, holddate, db="etfgrid", collection="operatequeue"): out = ["stock", "buymoney", "date", "startprice", "status"] #df = self.m._getdata(collection, db, out=out, filt={"date": holddate}) #df = self.m.read_data(db, collection, filt={"date": holddate}) #df = self.m.read_data(db, collection) df = self.m.read_data(db, collection, filt={"status": "HOLD"}) #if isfilt and not filt: filt = {"date": {"$gt": self.startdate}} #query = self.m.read_data(db, collection, filt=filt) print('hold list:') print(df) #holdlist = [l for l in df[['date', 'startprice', "buytimes", 'close']].values] return #data = {'$set': {'status': 'SELL'}} #self.m.update_data(data, db, collection, filt={"stock": stock}) def buyitnow(self): localbackup = [] holdlist = [] tradedate ='%Y-%m-%d') holdlist = self.getholdlst(tradedate) print(holdlist) balance = self.getbalance() lst = self.getposition() holdnum = len(lst) leftmony = balance[0]["current_balance"] couldbynum = self.limitnum - holdnum holdlst = [i["stock_code"][2:] for i in lst] couldbuylst = [i for i in self.buylist if i not in holdlst] triggerbuynum = len(couldbuylst) print("could buy list:{}".format(self.buylist)) if couldbynum > 0: permoney = leftmony / couldbynum if triggerbuynum > couldbynum: buylst = random.sample(couldbuylst, couldbynum) else: buylst = couldbuylst else: buylst = [] for stock in buylst: try:, number=permoney, price=1) localbackup.append({ "stock": stock, "buymoney": permoney, "date":'%Y-%m-%d'), "status": "HOLD" }) except: print("buy {} failed!!!!".format(stock)) return localbackup def connetdb(self): self.m = MongoDB(DB_SERVER, DB_PORT, USER, PWD, AUTHDBNAME) return self.m def savebackup2db(self, data, db="etfgrid", collection="operatequeue"): if not data: return db = eval('self.m.client.{}'.format(db)) db[collection].insert_many(data) return def getbalance(self): '''output:[{ 'asset_balance': '资产总值','current_balance': '当前余额','enable_balance': '可用金额','market_value': '证券市值', 'money_type': '币种','pre_interest': '预计利息' }] ''' return self.user.balance def getposition(self): '''output:[{'cost_price': '摊薄成本价','current_amount': '当前数量','enable_amount': '可卖数量','income_balance': '摊薄浮动盈亏','keep_cost_price': '保本价', 'last_price': '最新价','market_value': '证券市值','position_str': '定位串','stock_code': '证券代码','stock_name': '证券名称'}] ''' return self.user.position def getentrust(self): '''获取今日委托单 output:[{'business_amount': '成交数量', 'business_price': '成交价格','entrust_amount': '委托数量','entrust_bs': '买卖方向','entrust_no': '委托编号','entrust_price': '委托价格', 'entrust_status': '委托状态', 废单 / 已报 'report_time': '申报时间', 'stock_code': '证券代码', 'stock_name': '证券名称'}] ''' return self.user.entrust def buy(self, stock="600461", number=10000, price=0):, price=price, amount=number) def cancel(self, entrust): '''entrust:委托单号 ''' self.user.cancel_entrust(entrust) def cancelall(self): entrust = [ i for i in self.getentrust() if i["entrust_status"] == "已报" and i["entrust_bs"] == "买入" ] for i in entrust: flash_entrust = [ i for i in self.getentrust() if i["entrust_status"] == "已报" and i["entrust_bs"] == "买入" ] entrust_no = flash_entrust[0]["entrust_no"] self.cancel(entrust_no) return def sell(self, stock="600461", number=100, price=0.55): self.user.sell(stock, price=price, amount=number) def adjust_weight(self, stock='000001', weight=10): self.user.adjust_weight(stock, weight) def updatebuyoppor(self, buyopporlist, lst, tradetype): #buyopporlist = [] if not lst: return buyopporlist for line in lst: buyopporlist.append({"stock": line, "tradetype": tradetype}) return buyopporlist
class macd(object): ''' ��д�������������������� ''' def __init__(self): self.db = MongoDB(DB_SERVER, DB_PORT, USER, PWD, AUTHDBNAME) self.looplist = [] def setlooplist(self, lst=[]): excludelst = [ "399001.SZ", "399006.SZ", "000001.SH", "000300.SH", "399005.SZ" ] if not lst: self.looplist = [ i for i in self.db.getallcollections("stockdatas") if i not in excludelst ] else: self.looplist = lst return self.looplist def buycondition(self, data): '''out = ["macd","cross_dist"]''' if data["macd"] > 0 and data["cross_dist"] == 0 \ and data["diff12_26"] < 0: return True return False def enhancebuycondition(self, data): if data["macd"] < 0 and data["diff12_26"] < 0: return True return False def sellcondition(self, data): pass def getlastbuylst(self, ): dbname = "stockdatas" num = 1 filt = [{"$sort": {"date": -1}}, {"$limit": num}] buylst = [] enhancebuylst = [] for i in self.looplist: collection = i query = self.db.read_data(dbname, collection, filt, is_aggregate=True) data = [i for i in query] if self.buycondition(data[0]): buylst.append(i) # print ("normal condition buy stock:{}".format(i)) query = self.db.read_data(dbname, collection, [{ "$sort": { "date": -1 } }, { "$match": { "cross_dist": 0, "macd": { "$ne": 0 } } }, { "$limit": 2 }], is_aggregate=True) newdata = [i for i in query] if self.enhancebuycondition(newdata[1]): enhancebuylst.append(i) print("enhance condition buy stock:{}".format(i)) return buylst, enhancebuylst def gethistorybuylst(self, starttime="2011-01-01"): dbname = "stockdatas" filt = [{ "$sort": { "date": 1 } }, { "$match": { "date": { "$gt": starttime } } }] buylst = [] enhancebuylst = [] for i in self.looplist: collection = i query = self.db.read_data(dbname, collection, filt, is_aggregate=True) data = [i for i in query] for record in data: if self.buycondition(record): buylst.append([i, record["date"], record["close"]]) # print ([i,record["date"],record["close"]]) idx = data.index(record) precross = idx - data[idx - 1]["cross_dist"] - 1 if precross >= 0 and self.enhancebuycondition( data[precross]): enhancebuylst.append(i) print([i, record["date"], record["close"]]) return buylst, enhancebuylst def gettraderecord(self, starttime="2011-01-01"): pass def getcurrentdata(self): '''code:代码, name:名称 ,changepercent:涨跌幅 , trade:现价 ,open:开盘价 ,high:最高价, low:最低价, settlement:昨日收盘价 , volume:成交量 ,turnoverratio:换手率 ,amount:成交量 ,per:市盈率 ,pb:市净率, mktcap:总市值 ,nmc:流通市值 ''' out = ["code", "trade", "open", "high", "low", "settlement"] rst = ts.get_today_all() return rst[out].set_index('code') def gettradebuylst(self): dbname = "stockdatas" num = 1 emaslow = 26 emafast = 12 demday = 9 filt = [{"$sort": {"date": -1}}, {"$limit": num}] buylst = [] currentdata = self.getcurrentdata() for i in self.looplist: collection = i query = self.db.read_data(dbname, collection, filt, is_aggregate=True) data = [i for i in query] s_ema = data[0]["ema26"] f_ema = data[0]["ema12"] dem = data[0]["dem9"] macd = data[0]["macd"] try: c_close = currentdata["trade"].ix[collection.split(".")[0]] n_s_ema = (s_ema * (emaslow - 1) + 2 * c_close) / (emaslow + 1) n_f_ema = (f_ema * (emafast - 1) + 2 * c_close) / (emafast + 1) n_diff = n_f_ema - n_s_ema n_dem = (dem * (demday - 1) + 2 * n_diff) / (demday + 1) n_macd = 2 * (n_diff - n_dem) if macd * n_macd < 0 and n_macd > 0: buylst.append(collection) except: print("error stock:{}".format(collection)) [print("buylist:{}".format(collection)) for collection in buylst] return buylst def save2db(self): pass def save2csv(self): pass
def __init__(self): self.db = MongoDB(DB_SERVER, DB_PORT, USER, PWD, AUTHDBNAME) self.looplist = []
def __init__(self): self.m = MongoDB(DB_SERVER, DB_PORT, USER, PWD, AUTHDBNAME) self.formatlist = [ "date", "volume", "close", "high", "low", "open", "pre_close" ] return
def __init__(self, stock="600455.SH"): self.m = MongoDB()
class strategy1(object): ''' trading volume is the lowest in 60 days ''' def __init__(self, stock="600455.SH"): self.m = MongoDB() def _getdata(self, db="ml_security_table", collection="600455.SH"): query = self.m.read_data( db, collection, filt={"date": { "$gt": datetime.datetime(2013, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0) }}) return self.m.format2dataframe(query) def histofyreturn(self, db="ml_security_table", table=""): holding = [] w = 40 # stocklist = self.m.getallcollections(db) df = self._getdata(collection=table) # df.to_csv('600455.csv') count = 1 origindata = [] lst = [ l for l in df[["date", "volume", "close", "high"]].fillna(0).values if l[1] != 0 ] for line in lst: if line[1] == 0: continue origindata.append(line[1]) if count == w: sorteddata = sorted(origindata) elif count > w: index = self.getnewindex(sorteddata, line[1], w) for h in holding: if (line[3] - h[1]) / h[1] >= 0.1: # print (count-h[0]) print(0.1) holding.remove(h) HOLDS.append(count - h[0]) elif (line[3] - h[1]) / h[1] <= -0.10 or count - h[0] > 20: if count - h[0] > 20: print("{},{}".format((line[3] - h[1]) / h[1], line[0])) else: print("{},{}".format(-0.1, line[0])) RESULTS.append((line[3] - h[1]) / h[1]) HOLDS.append(count - h[0]) holding.remove(h) if index == 0: holding.append((count, line[2], line[0])) DATES.append(line[0]) # print ("{} {} {}".format(line[0],index,(lst[count+2][2]-lst[count][2])/lst[count][2])) sorteddata.insert(index, line[1]) sorteddata.remove(origindata[0]) del origindata[0] count += 1 print(table) # print (holding) def getnewindex(self, datas, newdata, l, base=0): '''datas:should be sorted from min to max, newdats: the data need to check the position in the sorted datas l:len of data base:first position of the datas in origin datas ''' index = int(l / 2) if datas[index] > newdata: if l == 1: return base d = datas[:index] nl = index return self.getnewindex(d, newdata, nl, base) elif datas[index] < newdata: if l <= 2: return base + l d = datas[index + 1:] nl = int((l - 1) / 2) return self.getnewindex(d, newdata, nl, base + index + 1) elif datas[index] == newdata: return base + index
c_preclose = line[6] if c_preclose != close: reh = [[i[0], i[1] * c_preclose / close] for i in reh] reh.append([c, c_preclose / close]) close = line[2] c += 1 result = [] sc = 0 ec = 0 for idx in range(len(reh)): weight = reh[idx][1] ec = reh[idx][0] piece = self.recount(lst, sc, ec, weight) result.extend(piece) sc = ec result.extend(lst[sc:]) return result def recount(self, lst, sc, ec, weight): rst = [] for line in lst[sc:ec]: rst.append([line[0], line[1], *[i * weight for i in line[2:]]]) return rst if __name__ == '__main__': db = MongoDB(DB_SERVER, DB_PORT, USER, PWD, AUTHDBNAME) s = StockIndicator(mdb=db) s.setlooplist() s.updateallstocks2db()
class strategy1(object): ''' trading volume is the lowest in 60 days ''' def __init__(self, stock="600455.SH"): self.m = MongoDB(DB_SERVER, DB_PORT, USER, PWD, AUTHDBNAME) def _getdata(self, db="ml_security_table", collection="600455.SH"): query = self.m.read_data( db, collection, filt={"date": { "$gt": datetime.datetime(2011, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0) }}) return self.m.format2dataframe(query) # 获取股票列表 def import_stocklist(self, stocklistname): #df = pd.read_csv(str(stocklistname) + '.csv', parse_dates=['date']) df = pd.read_csv(str(stocklistname) + '.csv', parse_dates=['code']) return df def mean_volume(self, data): m_vol = sum(data) / len(data) return m_vol def buy_condition(self, vol, vol_data, close, last_high, maxprice, minprice, count, highindex, vol_weight=1.2): if self.condition1(vol,vol_data,vol_weight) and \ self.condition2(close,last_high) and \ self.condition3(close,maxprice) and \ self.condition4(close,minprice) and \ self.condition5(count,highindex): return True return False def sell_conditon(self, buy_price, currentday_high, currentday_low, hold_days, gain_grads=0.1, loss_grads=-0.05, dayout=10): if self.stopgain_condition(buy_price, currentday_high, gain_grads): return True, "stopgain" elif self.stoploss_condition(buy_price, currentday_low, loss_grads): return True, "stoploss" elif self.holdingtime_condition(hold_days, dayout): return True, "holdtime" return False, None def stopgain_condition(self, buy_price, current_price, grads=0.1): if (current_price - buy_price) / buy_price >= grads: return True return False def stoploss_condition(self, buy_price, current_price, grads=-0.05): if (current_price - buy_price) / buy_price <= grads: return True return False def holdingtime_condition(self, hold_days, dayout=10): if hold_days >= dayout: return True return False def condition1(self, vol, vol_data, vol_weight=1.2): if vol >= vol_weight * self.mean_volume(vol_data): return True return False def condition2(self, close, last_high): if close >= last_high: return True return False def condition3(self, close, high, grads=0.2): if (high - close) / high >= grads: return True return False def condition4(self, close, low, grads=0.05): if (close - low) / low <= grads: return True return False def condition5(self, currentday, highday, grads=60): if currentday - highday >= grads: return True return False def formatdata(self, stock, source="mongodb"): if source == "mongodb": df = self._getdata(collection=stock) elif source == "tushare": df = ts.get_hist_data( stock, start='2016-08-01', end='2016-11-18', ) df.sort_index(inplace=True) df["date"] = df.index df["pre_close"] = df["close"] - df["price_change"] return df def is_ex_right(self, currentprice, lastprice): if currentprice != lastprice: return True, currentprice / lastprice else: return False, 1.0 def histofyreturn(self, db="ml_security_table", table="", source="mongodb"): buy = [] stopgain = 0.1 stoploss = -0.5 vol_day = 30 price_day = 90 count = 90 transaction_record = [] df = self.formatdata(table, source) lst = [ l for l in df[[ "date", "volume", "close", "high", "low", "open", "pre_close" ]].fillna(0).values if l[1] != 0 ] for line in lst[count:]: vol = line[1] if vol == 0: continue close = line[2] last_high = lst[count - 1][3] vol_data = [i[1] for i in lst[count - vol_day:count]] maxprice = max([i[3]] for i in lst[count - price_day:count])[0] maxindex = [ i for i in range(count - price_day, count) if lst[i][3] == maxprice ][0] minprice = min([i[4]] for i in lst[count - price_day:count])[0] ex_right, ex_right_rate = self.is_ex_right(line[6], lst[count - 1][2]) for b in buy[:]: d = b[0] c = b[1] buy_date = d[0] sell_date = line[0] hold_days = count - c buy_price = d[2] currentday_high = line[3] currentday_low = line[4] is_sell,selltype = self.sell_conditon(buy_price,currentday_high,currentday_low,\ hold_days,gain_grads=0.1,\ loss_grads=-0.05,dayout=10) if is_sell: buy.remove(b) if selltype == "stopgain": profit = stopgain elif selltype == "stoploss": # profit = stoploss profit = (close - buy_price) / buy_price else: profit = (close - buy_price) / buy_price transaction_record.append( [table, buy_date, sell_date, hold_days, profit]) print(profit) if self.buy_condition(vol, vol_data, close, last_high, maxprice, minprice, count, maxindex, vol_weight=1.2): buy.append((line, count, table)) print(line) count += 1 return transaction_record, buy def filter_with_all_stocks(self, stocklist, source="mongodb"): error_list = [] result = [] buyresult = [] for i in stocklist: print(i) try: r, buyed = self.histofyreturn(table=i, source=source) if r: result.extend(r) if buyed: buyresult.extend(buyed) except: error_list.append(i) return result, buyresult, error_list
def import_data(self,stock, start, end ): query = MongoDB() df = query.format2dataframe(query.read_data("ml_fund_table",stock)) df['change'] = (df['close'] - df['close'].shift(1))/df['close'].shift(1) df['code'] = stock return df
class basestrategy(object): ''' trading volume is the lowest in 60 days ''' def __init__(self, startdate=(2011, 1, 1), enddate=[]): self.startdate = datetime.datetime(*startdate, 0, 0, 0, 0) self.enddate = enddate self.m = MongoDB(DB_SERVER, DB_PORT, USER, PWD, AUTHDBNAME) self.formatlist = [ "date", "volume", "close", "high", "low", "open", "pre_close" ] self.savevols = [ "stock", "buy_date", "sell_date", "holddays", "profit", "features" ] self.looplist = [] self.trading_records = [] self.holding_records = [] self.datalst = [] self.collection = None self.tempstatus = [] self.lateststatus = [] def setlooplist(self, lst=[]): if not lst: self.looplist = self.m.getallcollections("ml_security_table") else: self.looplist = lst return self.looplist def _getdata(self, collection="600455.SH", db="ml_security_table", out=[], isfilt=True, filt={}): if not out: out = self.formatlist if isfilt and not filt: filt = {"date": {"$gt": self.startdate}} query = self.m.read_data(db, collection, filt=filt) return self.formatquery(query, out) def formatquery(self, query, out): ''' query:your source data ,should be a list with dict out:the fields you want to convert into dataframe ''' if not out: query = [i for i in query.sort("date", 1)] else: query = [{k: i[k] for k in out} for i in query.sort("date", 1)] return pd.DataFrame(query) def buy(self, line, count): return False def sell(self, line, count, holding_record): traderecord = [] return False, traderecord def setenv(self, collection): self.collection = collection data = self._getdata(collection) self.datalst = [ l for l in data[self.formatlist].fillna(0).values if l[1] != 0 ] self.datalst = self.rehabilitation(self.datalst) return def rehabilitation(self, lst): close = lst[0][2] c = 1 reh = [] for line in lst[1:]: c_preclose = line[6] if c_preclose != close: reh = [[i[0], i[1] * c_preclose / close] for i in reh] reh.append([c, c_preclose / close]) close = line[2] c += 1 result = [] sc = 0 for idx in range(len(reh)): weight = reh[idx][1] ec = reh[idx][0] piece = self.recount(lst, sc, ec, weight) result.extend(piece) sc = ec result.extend(self.recount(lst, ec, -1, 1)) return result def recount(self, lst, sc, ec, weight): rst = [] for line in lst[sc:ec]: rst.append([line[0], line[1], *[i * weight for i in line[2:]]]) return rst def getfeatures(self, count): return [] def historyreturn(self, collection): self.setenv(collection) trading_record = [] holding_record = [] count = 0 lst = self.datalst for line in lst[:]: isbuy =, count) for b in holding_record[:]: issell, traderecord = self.sell(lst, count, b) if issell: holding_record.remove(b) trading_record.append(traderecord) print(traderecord) if isbuy: feature = self.getfeatures(lst, count) holding_record.append( ([i for i in line], count, collection, feature)) count += 1 # "date","volume","close","high","low","open","pre_close" holdresult = [[ collection, self.timestamp2date(i[0][0]), i[0][2], i[3] ] for i in holding_record] return trading_record, holdresult def looplist_historyreturn(self): for collection in self.looplist: try: tr, hr = self.historyreturn(collection) self.lateststatus.append(self.tempstatus) self.trading_records.extend(tr) self.holding_records.extend(hr) except: print("error: {}".format(collection)) return self.trading_records, self.holding_records def timestamp2date(self, timestamp): try: return str(timestamp).split(" ")[0] except: return timestamp def savetrading2csv(self, filename="trading_records.csv"): df = pd.DataFrame(self.trading_records, columns=self.savevols) df.to_csv(filename) return def savetrading2db(self, db="regressiontraderesult", strategyname="strategytradersult"): db = eval("self.m.client.{}".format(db)) bulk = db[strategyname].initialize_ordered_bulk_op() for line in self.trading_records: bulk.find({'buy_date': line[1]}).upsert().update( \ {'$set': {'stock': line[0], \ 'buy_date': line[1], \ 'sell_date': line[2], \ 'holddays': line[3], \ 'profit': line[4], \ 'features': line[5], \ }}) bulk.execute() return def saveholding2csv(self, filename="holding_records.csv"): df = pd.DataFrame(self.holding_records, columns=["stock", "date", "buy_data", "features"]) df.to_csv(filename) return