Esempio n. 1
def _argument_to_argparse_input(arg):
    # type: (Any) -> Tuple[List, Dict[str, Any]]

    add_argument_kwargs = {"help": arg.description}
    if arg.positional:
        add_argument_args = []
        if arg.extra_names:
            msg = "Aliases are not yet supported for positional arguments @ {}".format(
            raise ValueError(msg)
        if arg.default_value_set:
            msg = ("Positional arguments with default values are "
                   "not supported @ {}".format(
            raise ValueError(msg)
        add_argument_args = [
            transform_argument_name(x) for x in ([] + arg.extra_names)
        add_argument_kwargs["default"] = arg.default_value
        add_argument_kwargs["required"] = not arg.default_value_set

    argument_type = (arg.type if not is_optional_type(arg.type) else
    if argument_type in [int, float, str]:
        add_argument_kwargs["type"] = argument_type
        add_argument_kwargs["metavar"] = str(argument_type.__name__).upper()
    elif argument_type == bool or arg.default_value is False:
        add_argument_kwargs["action"] = "store_true"
    elif arg.default_value is True:
        add_argument_kwargs["action"] = "store_false"
    elif is_mapping_type(argument_type):
        add_argument_kwargs["type"] = _parse_dict(argument_type)
        add_argument_kwargs["metavar"] = "DICT[{}: {}]".format(
    elif is_iterable_type(argument_type):
        add_argument_kwargs["type"] = get_first_type_argument(argument_type)
        add_argument_kwargs["nargs"] = "+"
        add_argument_kwargs["metavar"] = "{}".format(
        add_argument_kwargs["type"] = argument_type

    if arg.choices:
        add_argument_kwargs["choices"] = arg.choices
        add_argument_kwargs["metavar"] = "{{{}}}".format(",".join(
            map(str, arg.choices)))
    if arg.positional and "metavar" in add_argument_kwargs:
        add_argument_kwargs["metavar"] = "{}<{}>".format(
  , add_argument_kwargs["metavar"])

    return add_argument_args, add_argument_kwargs
Esempio n. 2
def get_typing_function(tp):
    func = None

    # TypeVars are a problem as they can defined multiple possible types.
    # While a single type TypeVar is somewhat useless, no reason to deny it
    # though
    if is_typevar(tp):
        if len(tp.__constraints__) == 0:
            # Unconstrained TypeVars may come from generics
            func = _identity_function
        elif len(tp.__constraints__) == 1:
            assert not NEW_TYPING, "Python 3.7+ forbids single constraint for `TypeVar'"
            func = get_typing_function(tp.__constraints__[0])
            raise ValueError(
                "Cannot resolve typing function for TypeVar({constraints}) "
                "as it declares multiple types".format(constraints=", ".join(
                    getattr(c, "_name", c.__name__)
                    for c in tp.__constraints__)))
    elif tp == typing.Any:
        func = _identity_function
    elif issubclass_(tp, str):
        func = str
    elif is_mapping_type(tp):
        func = _apply_dict_type
    elif is_tuple_type(tp):
        func = _apply_tuple_type
    elif is_iterable_type(tp):
        func = _apply_list_type
    elif is_optional_type(tp):
        func = _apply_optional_type
    elif callable(tp):
        func = tp
        raise ValueError(
            'Cannot find a function to apply type "{}"'.format(tp))

    args = getattr(tp, "__args__", None)

    if args:
        # this can be a Generic type from the typing module, like
        # List[str], Mapping[int, str] and so on. In that case we need to
        # also deal with the generic typing
        args_types = [get_typing_function(arg) for arg in args]
        func = _partial_builder(args_types)(func)

    return func
Esempio n. 3
 def test_is_optional(self):
     self.assertFalse(is_optional_type(Dict[str, int]))
     self.assertFalse(is_optional_type(Union[str, int]))
     self.assertTrue(is_optional_type(Union[str, None]))