def stuffSuffer_auto(): """ auto create suffer ..... :return: ben """ read_node = nuke.selectedNodes('Read') for ea_rd in read_node: #ea_rd = read_node[0] nuke.autoplace(ea_rd) chnls = ea_rd.channels() lys = list(set([ech.split('.')[0] for ech in chnls])) px,py = ea_rd.xpos(),ea_rd.ypos() + 105 ea_rd.setSelected(False) h_bias = 140 v_bias = 40 shuf_1=nuke.nodes.Shuffle() shuf_1['in'].setValue(lys[0]) shuf_1.setInput(0,ea_rd) #shuf_1['hide_input'].setValue(True) shuf_1.setName("{}_".format(lys[0])) #shuf_1.knob('label').setValue("ExShf_{}_{}".format(,foundLy[i])) shuf_1.setXYpos(px,py) shuf_1.setSelected(True) sel_shf_nm = len(nuke.selectedNodes("Shuffle")) for ea in nuke.selectedNodes(): ea.setSelected(False)
def MergRGBChannel(): # Create Merge RGB Channel MergeRGB = nuke.createNode("Merge2", inpanel = False) MergeRGB['operation'].setValue('max') MergeRGB = nuke.selectConnectedNodes() for MergeRGB in nuke.selectedNodes(): nuke.autoplace(MergeRGB) nuke.selectAll()
def copyPremult(): n = nuke.createNode('Copy') m = nuke.createNode('Premult') n['selected'].setValue(True) m['selected'].setValue(True) sel = nuke.selectedNodes() for i in sel: nuke.autoplace(i) nukescripts.clear_selection_recursive()
def main(): origin_nodes = nuke.selectedNodes() origin_nodes.sort(key=lambda x: x.xpos()) for node in origin_nodes: nuke.autoplace(node) nodes = nuke.selectedNodes() nodes.sort(key=lambda x: x.xpos()) current_xpos_list = [node.xpos() for node in nodes] count = 0 for node_x in current_xpos_list: print node_x if count == 0: origin_nodes[count].setXpos(node_x) else: origin_nodes[count].setXpos(node_x + 150 * count) print count count += 1
def create(self): for i, info in enumerate(self.infos): self.shot_code = info[0] self.base_path = info[1] cmps = self.get_comp() nuke.selectAll() nuke.invertSelection() for cmp in cmps: cmp['selected'].setValue(True) nuke.autoplace(cmp) #nuke.autoplace_all() #_autoplace() x = autoBackdrop.autoBackdrop() x['bdheight'].setValue(x['bdheight'].value() + 100) x['ypos'].setValue(x['ypos'].value() - 50) nuke.selectAll() nuke.invertSelection() p = self.get_plate() p['xpos'].setValue(x['xpos'].value() + 20) p['ypos'].setValue(x['ypos'].value() + 20) c = self.get_cutref() if c: c['xpos'].setValue(p['xpos'].value() + 100) c['ypos'].setValue(p['ypos'].value()) c['selected'].setValue(True) p['selected'].setValue(True) x['label'].setValue(self.shot_code) x['ypos'].setValue(x['ypos'].value() - 40) x['bdheight'].setValue(x['bdheight'].value() + 40) #print nuke.selectedNode()['tile_color'].value() if i % 2: x['tile_color'].setValue(1431655935) else: x['tile_color'].setValue(2088533247)
def autocropLayers(self, first=None, last=None, inc=None, layer="rgba"): root = nuke.root() if first is None: first = int(root.knob("first_frame").value()) if last is None: last = int(root.knob("first_frame").value()) if inc is None: inc = 1 original_nodes = nuke.selectedNodes() all_nodes = nuke.allNodes() for i in all_nodes: i.knob("selected").setValue(False) for i in original_nodes: i.knob("selected").setValue(True) autocropper = nuke.createNode("CurveTool", '''operation 0 ROI {0 0 input.width input.height} Layer %s label "Processing Crop..." selected true''' % (str(layer), ), False) nuke.executeMultiple([autocropper,], ([first, last, inc],)) autocropper.knob("selected").setValue(True) cropnode = nuke.createNode("Crop", "label AutoCrop", False) cropbox = cropnode.knob("box"); autocropbox = autocropper.knob("autocropdata"); cropbox.copyAnimations(autocropbox.animations()) cropnode.knob("indicators").setValue(1) all_nodes = nuke.allNodes() for j in all_nodes: j.knob("selected").setValue(False) autocropper.knob("selected").setValue(True) nukescripts.node_delete() all_nodes = nuke.allNodes() for j in all_nodes: j.knob("selected").setValue(False) nuke.autoplace(cropnode) cropnode.knob("selected").setValue(True) cropnode.knob("reformat").setValue(True) nuke.autoplace(cropnode) return cropnode
def tri_writeGizmo_init(): nuke.tprint(" START TriWrite") if not 'triwrite_gizmo' in nuke.thisNode().knobs(): return nuke.thisNode()['artist'].setValue(artistName()) if nuke.thisNode()['notes'].value() == "": nuke.thisNode()['notes'].setValue(sceneComment()) if not 'tri_project_xml_formats' in nuke.root().knobs(): return nuke.tprint(" INIT ", nuke.thisNode().name(), nuke.thisNode().Class()) root = nuke.root() pData = etree.fromstring(root['tri_project_xml_formats'].value()) nuke.thisNode()['_dailies_format'].setValue(root['tri_project_id'].value() + " DAILIES") if 'tri_project_scene_id' in root.knobs(): # create write dis tri_create_write_path(pData.find('result')) tri_create_write_path(pData.find('dailies')) # setup results/dailies params tri_filename_init(nuke.thisGroup().node('result'), pData.find('result')) tri_filename_init(nuke.thisGroup().node('dailies'), pData.find('dailies')) nuke.thisGroup()['_render'].setEnabled(True) nuke.thisGroup()['write_result'].setEnabled(True) nuke.thisGroup()['write_dailies'].setEnabled(True) nuke.thisGroup()['slate'].setEnabled(True) if nuke.thisGroup().inputs > 0: nuke.autoplace(nuke.thisGroup()) pData = None
def _autoplace(): n = nuke.selectedNodes() for i in n: nuke.autoplace(i)
def MultiChannelCombine(): images = nuke.selectedNodes() passes = [] passesRename = [] lastPass = "" pipe2 = "" i = 0 noread = 0 inputReads = [] if len(images) > 1: #check if all selected nodes are read nodes imageIn = "" for img in images: if img.Class() != "Read": noread += 1 if noread == 0: for img in images: #get file path readPath = img["file"].value() #split by "/" to get the image name readPathArr = readPath.split("/") #image name is last item of arr imageName = readPathArr[len(readPathArr) - 1] #cut ending (.jpg, .png, .exr, etc...) imageRawArr = imageName.split(".") imageRawArr.pop() imageRaw = "".join(imageRawArr) #cut padding %05d etc... if "%" in imageRaw: temp = imageRaw.split("%") imageRaw = temp[0] #cut "_" , "." and "-" if that is the last character if imageRaw != "": if imageRaw[(len(imageRaw) - 1)] == "_" or imageRaw[( len(imageRaw) - 1)] == "." or imageRaw[(len(imageRaw) - 1)] == "-": imageRaw = imageRaw[:-1] inputReads.append(imageRaw) p = createPanel(inputReads) renamed = setLayerList(inputReads) if channelNames = [] temp = 0 for cn in inputReads: channelNames.append(p.value(inputReads[temp])) temp += 1 #check if all channels have a name isEmpty = 0 allUnder30Char = 0 for c in channelNames: if c == "": isEmpty += 1 if len(c) > 30: allUnder30Char += 1 if isEmpty > 0: nuke.message("you haven't named all channels.") MultiChannelCombine() else: if allUnder30Char == 0: for img in images: #autoplace selected nodes nuke.autoplace(img) #get all the filenames to use them as pass name imagePath = img.knob("file").value() imageSplit = imagePath.split("/") lastVal = imageSplit.pop() #cutouts lastVal = lastVal.split(".") passName = lastVal[0] #frame padding % lastVal = passName.split("%") passName = lastVal[0] passes.append(passName) #creating channels r_temp = channelNames[i] + ".red" g_temp = channelNames[i] + ".green" b_temp = channelNames[i] + ".blue" a_temp = channelNames[i] + ".alpha" newLayer = nuke.Layer( channelNames[i], [r_temp, g_temp, b_temp, a_temp]) if i == 0: shuffle1 = nuke.nodes.Shuffle() shuffle1.setName("shuffle_%s" % channelNames[i]) shuffle1.setInput(0, images[0]) #setting up the shuffle nodes inputs and outputs shuffle1.knob("out").setValue(channelNames[i]) if i > 0: if i == 1: #initialize pipe2 for first round pipe2 = shuffle1 #creating shuffle shuffle = nuke.nodes.ShuffleCopy() shuffle.setName("shuffle_%s" % channelNames[i]) shuffle.setInput(0, pipe2) shuffle.setInput(1, images[i]) #setting up the shuffle nodes inputs and outputs shuffle.knob("out2").setValue(channelNames[i]) shuffle['red'].setValue('red2') shuffle['green'].setValue('green2') shuffle['blue'].setValue('blue2') shuffle['alpha'].setValue('alpha2') shuffle['black'].setValue('red') shuffle['white'].setValue('green') shuffle['red2'].setValue('blue') shuffle['green2'].setValue('alpha') #this was a reported bug; #it's right that red2 is actually called black, green2 is actually called white, blue2 is actually called red2 and alpha2 is actually called green2 #pretty strange but it is like that #look here: # #safe last shuffle for next round to pipe it in in shuffleknob pipe2 pipe2 = shuffle i += 1 #create metadata-tag when comment was set lastShuffle = nuke.toNode( "shuffle_" + channelNames[len(channelNames) - 1]) commentVal = "" commentVal = p.value("comment (optional): ") if commentVal != "": md = nuke.nodes.ModifyMetaData() md.knob("metadata").fromScript( "{set comment %s}" % commentVal.replace(" ", "_")) md.setName("comment") md.setInput(0, lastShuffle) #create write node write = nuke.nodes.Write() write.knob("file_type").setValue("exr") write.knob("compression").setValue( "Zip (16 scanlines)") write.knob("channels").setValue("all") if commentVal != "": write.setInput(0, md) write.knob("metadata").setValue("all metadata") else: write.setInput(0, lastShuffle) else: nuke.message( "Wait, the channel names are too long. Pleae make sure, that each channel name is under 30 characters long. Otherwise the exr does not work properly." ) else: nuke.message("Please make sure to select READ nodes only") else: nuke.message("Please select at least 2 Read Nodes")
def autoplace(self, nodes): for node in nodes: nuke.autoplace(node)
def MultiChannelCombine(): images = nuke.selectedNodes() passes=[] passesRename=[] lastPass="" pipe2="" i=0 noread=0 inputReads=[] if len(images)>1: #check if all selected nodes are read nodes imageIn="" for img in images: if img.Class()!="Read": noread+=1 if noread==0: for img in images: #get file path readPath=img["file"].value() #split by "/" to get the image name readPathArr=readPath.split("/") #image name is last item of arr imageName=readPathArr[len(readPathArr)-1] #cut ending (.jpg, .png, .exr, etc...) imageRawArr = imageName.split(".") imageRawArr.pop() imageRaw = "".join(imageRawArr) #cut padding %05d etc... if "%" in imageRaw: temp=imageRaw.split("%") imageRaw=temp[0] #cut "_" , "." and "-" if that is the last character if imageRaw!="": if imageRaw[(len(imageRaw)-1)]=="_" or imageRaw[(len(imageRaw)-1)]=="." or imageRaw[(len(imageRaw)-1)]=="-" : imageRaw=imageRaw[:-1] inputReads.append(imageRaw) p = createPanel(inputReads) renamed = setLayerList(inputReads) if channelNames = [] temp=0 for cn in inputReads: channelNames.append(p.value(inputReads[temp])) temp+=1 #check if all channels have a name isEmpty=0 allUnder30Char = 0 for c in channelNames: if c == "": isEmpty+=1 if len(c)>30: allUnder30Char += 1 if isEmpty>0: nuke.message("you haven't named all channels.") MultiChannelCombine() else: if allUnder30Char==0: for img in images: #autoplace selected nodes nuke.autoplace(img) #get all the filenames to use them as pass name imagePath = img.knob("file").value() imageSplit=imagePath.split("/") lastVal = imageSplit.pop() #cutouts lastVal = lastVal.split(".") passName = lastVal[0] #frame padding % lastVal = passName.split("%") passName = lastVal[0] passes.append(passName) print "passes %s" % passes if i>0: if i==1: #initialize pipe2 for first round pipe2=images[0] print pipe2 #creating shuffle shuffle = nuke.nodes.ShuffleCopy() shuffle.setName("shuffle_%s" % channelNames[i]) shuffle.setInput(0, pipe2) shuffle.setInput(1, images[i]) #creating channels r_temp=channelNames[i]+".red" g_temp=channelNames[i]+".green" b_temp=channelNames[i]+".blue" newLayer = nuke.Layer(channelNames[i],[r_temp, g_temp, b_temp]) #setting up the shuffle nodes inputs and outputs shuffle.knob("out2").setValue(channelNames[i]) shuffle['red'].setValue('red2') shuffle['green'].setValue('green2') shuffle['blue'].setValue('blue2') shuffle['alpha'].setValue('alpha2') shuffle['black'].setValue('red') shuffle['white'].setValue('green') shuffle['red2'].setValue('blue') shuffle['green2'].setValue('alpha') #this was a reported bug; #it's right that red2 is actually called black, green2 is actually called white, blue2 is actually called red2 and alpha2 is actually called green2 #pretty strange but it is like that #look here: # #safe last shuffle for next round to pipe it in in shuffleknob pipe2 pipe2 = shuffle; i+=1 #create metadata-tag when comment was set lastShuffle = nuke.toNode("shuffle_"+channelNames[len(channelNames)-1]) commentVal="" commentVal = p.value("comment (optional): ") if commentVal!="": md=nuke.nodes.ModifyMetaData() md.knob("metadata").fromScript("{set comment %s}" % commentVal.replace(" ","_") ) md.setName("comment") md.setInput(0,lastShuffle) #create write node write = nuke.nodes.Write() write.knob("file_type").setValue("exr") write.knob("compression").setValue("Zip (16 scanlines)") write.knob("channels").setValue("all") if commentVal!="": write.setInput(0,md) write.knob("metadata").setValue("all metadata") else: write.setInput(0,lastShuffle) else: nuke.message("Wait, the channel names are too long. Pleae make sure, that each channel name is under 30 characters long. Otherwise the exr does not work properly.") else: nuke.message("Please make sure to select READ nodes only") else: nuke.message("Please select at least 2 Read Nodes")
def autocrop(first=None, last=None, inc=None, layer="rgba"): """Run the CurveTool's AutoCrop function on each selected node over the specified frame range and channels. If the range values are None, the project first_frame and last_frame are used; if inc is None, 1 is used. After execution, the CurveTool AutoCrop results are copied into a Crop node attached to each selected node.""" # Sort out execute range root = nuke.root() if first is None: first = int(root.knob("first_frame").value()) if last is None: last = int(root.knob("last_frame").value()) if inc is None: inc = 1 # Remember original set of selected nodes...we'll need this original_nodes = nuke.selectedNodes() # Deselect everything so we can add CurveTool nodes all_nodes = nuke.allNodes() for i in all_nodes: i.knob("selected").setValue(False) for i in original_nodes: # Reselect originally selected nodes and create a CurveTool node, # which will automatically connect to the last selected. i.knob("selected").setValue(True) autocropper = nuke.createNode( "CurveTool", '''operation 0 ROI {0 0 input.width input.height} Layer %s label "Processing Crop..." selected true''' % (str(layer), ), False) # Execute the CurveTool node thru all the frames nuke.executeMultiple([ autocropper, ], ([first, last, inc], )) # select the curvewriter autocropper.knob("selected").setValue(True) # add crop node cropnode = nuke.createNode("Crop", "label AutoCrop", False) # put the new data from the autocrop into the new crop cropbox = cropnode.knob("box") autocropbox = autocropper.knob("autocropdata") cropbox.copyAnimations(autocropbox.animations()) # turn on the animated flag cropnode.knob("indicators").setValue(1) # deselect everything all_nodes = nuke.allNodes() for j in all_nodes: j.knob("selected").setValue(False) # select the curvewriter and delete it autocropper.knob("selected").setValue(True) # delete the autocropper to make it all clean nodes.node_delete() # deselect everything all_nodes = nuke.allNodes() for j in all_nodes: j.knob("selected").setValue(False) # select the new crop cropnode.knob("selected").setValue(True) # place it in a nice spot nuke.autoplace(cropnode) # De-Select it cropnode.knob("selected").setValue(False)
def create_assets(self): # plan_dir = self.assets_dir + r'/S03_P17' # plans = os.listdir(self.assets_dir) plan_items = self.plan_lst.selectedItems() for plan in plan_items: _frames = 0 layers = "" names = "" persons = "" aovs = "" # print plan plan_dir = self.assets_dir + r'/' + plan.text() layers = os.listdir(plan_dir) for layer in layers: read_nodes_list = [] bd_color = 0xffffff11 new_nodes = [] backdrop_nodes = [] # print "\t" + layer name_dir = plan_dir + r'/' + layer names = os.listdir(name_dir) if layer == 'Characters' or layer == 'Environment' or layer == 'Props': if layer == 'Characters': for name in names: # print "\t\t" + name persons_dir = name_dir + r'/' + name persons = os.listdir(persons_dir) for person in persons: # print "\t\t\t" + person aovs_dir = persons_dir + r'/' + person aovs = os.listdir(aovs_dir) if _frames == 0: _frames = len(aovs) # import files as read file file_path = aovs_dir + r'/' + \ aovs[0].replace('0000', '####') readed_file = nuke.createNode('Read') readed_file.knob('file').setValue(file_path) readed_file.knob('origfirst').setValue(0) readed_file.knob('origlast').setValue(_frames - 1) readed_file.knob('first').setValue(0) readed_file.knob('last').setValue(_frames - 1) readed_file.knob('format').setValue('HD_720') file_name = layer + '_' + name + '_' + person readed_file.knob('name').setValue(file_name) read_nodes_list.append( readed_file.knob('name').getValue()) bd_color = colors.colors_dict[name.lower()] else: for name in names: # print "\t\t" + name aovs_dir = name_dir + r'/' + name aovs = os.listdir(aovs_dir) if _frames == 0: _frames = len(aovs) # import files as read file file_path = aovs_dir + r'/' + \ aovs[0].replace('0000', '####') readed_file = nuke.createNode('Read') readed_file.knob('file').setValue(file_path) readed_file.knob('origfirst').setValue(0) readed_file.knob('origlast').setValue(_frames - 1) readed_file.knob('first').setValue(0) readed_file.knob('last').setValue(_frames - 1) readed_file.knob('format').setValue('HD_720') file_name = layer + '_' + name readed_file.knob('name').setValue(file_name) read_nodes_list.append( readed_file.knob('name').getValue()) bd_color = colors.colors_dict[layer.lower()] else: aovs = os.listdir(name_dir) if _frames == 0: _frames = len(aovs) # import files as read file file_path = name_dir + r'/' + \ aovs[0].replace('0000', '####') readed_file = nuke.createNode('Read') readed_file.knob('file').setValue(file_path) readed_file.knob('origfirst').setValue(0) readed_file.knob('origlast').setValue(_frames - 1) readed_file.knob('first').setValue(0) readed_file.knob('last').setValue(_frames - 1) readed_file.knob('format').setValue('HD_720') file_name = layer readed_file.knob('name').setValue(file_name) read_nodes_list.append(readed_file.knob('name').getValue()) bd_color = colors.colors_dict[layer.lower()] # create merge nodes and connect them for node in read_nodes_list: backdrop_nodes.append(node) if node.find('beauty') != -1: continue else: new_nodes.append(node) if len(new_nodes) > 1: for i in range(1, len(new_nodes)): m = nuke.createNode('Merge2') m.knob('name').setValue('MERGE_' + layer + '_' + str(i)) m.knob('operation').setValue('plus') backdrop_nodes.append(m.knob('name').getValue()) for i in range(len(new_nodes)): if i == 0: n1 = nuke.toNode(new_nodes[i]) n2 = nuke.toNode(new_nodes[i + 1]) m = nuke.toNode('MERGE_' + layer + '_' + str(i + 1)) m.setInput(0, n1) m.setInput(1, n2) elif i >= 2: n = nuke.toNode(new_nodes[i]) m = nuke.toNode('MERGE_' + layer + '_' + str(i)) m.setInput(0, n) # print '-' * 30 # n = nuke.toNode("Props_direct_specular") # n.knob('selected').setValue(True) # nuke.selectConnectedNodes() # print backdrop_nodes for bn in backdrop_nodes: n = nuke.toNode(bn) n.knob('selected').setValue(True) nuke.autoplace(n) bd = nukescripts.autoBackdrop() bd.knob('name').setValue('BD_' + layer) bd.knob('label').setValue('layer: ' + layer) bd.knob('note_font_size').setValue(13) # 0xRRGGBB00 bd.knob('tile_color').setValue(bd_color) self.plan_lst.removeItemWidget(plan) '''
def autoplace_all(): for n in nuke.allNodes(): nuke.autoplace(n)
def autoCrop_MB(): #Check if a node is selected. try: n = nuke.selectedNode() nodeClass = n.Class() except: n = 0 #Run if statement based on above try statement. if n == 0: print nuke.message('Please selected a node to run autoCrop_MB on...') else: #Check how many nodes are selected. numberOfNodes = len(nuke.selectedNodes()) #Convert the int to a str. numberOfNodesInt = str(numberOfNodes) #Get channels from stream and sort so alpha is at the top. channelL = n.channels() channelS = channelL.sort() #Convert list to a string and add space. channelS = ' '.join(channelL) if nodeClass == 'Read': range = 'input' + ' ' + 'global' + ' ' + 'custom' else: range = 'global' + ' ' + 'custom' #Create and execute panel. p = nuke.Panel('autoCrop_MB v3.5') p.addEnumerationPulldown('frame range', range) p.addSingleLineInput('custom start', '') p.addSingleLineInput('custom end', '') p.addEnumerationPulldown('layer', channelS) p.addBooleanCheckBox('crop to format', False) increment = int('1') layersForCrop = p.value('layer') #Add quotation marks to layers variables. layersToAnalysis = '\"' + layersForCrop + '\"' #Work out the frame range wanted. if p.value('frame range') == 'custom': startFrame = int(p.value('custom start')) endFrame = int(p.value('custom end')) else: if p.value('frame range') == 'input': startFrame = n.knob('first').getValue() endFrame = n.knob('last').getValue() else: root = nuke.root() startFrame = int(root.knob("first_frame").value()) endFrame = int(root.knob("last_frame").value()) #Reset variables. first = startFrame last = endFrame inc = increment layer = layersToAnalysis #Run autocrop in curve tool. Taken from The Foundry's nukescripts/ # Remember original set of selected nodes...we'll need this original_nodes = nuke.selectedNodes() # Deselect everything so we can add CurveTool nodes all_nodes = nuke.allNodes() for i in all_nodes: i.knob("selected").setValue(False) for i in original_nodes: # Reselect originally selected nodes and create a CurveTool node, # which will automatically connect to the last selected. i.knob("selected").setValue(True) #Check if user wants to analysis outside the format. if p.value('crop to format') == True: autocropper = nuke.createNode( "CurveTool", '''operation 0 ROI {0 0 input.width input.height} Layer %s label "Processing Crop..." selected true''' % (str(layer), ), False) else: autocropper = nuke.createNode( "CurveTool", '''operation 0 ROI {input.bbox.x input.bbox.y input.bbox.r input.bbox.t} Layer %s label "Processing Crop..." selected true''' % (str(layer), ), False) # Execute the CurveTool node thru all the frames nuke.executeMultiple([ autocropper, ], ([first, last, inc], )) # select the curvewriter autocropper.knob("selected").setValue(True) # add crop node cropnode = nuke.createNode("Crop", "label AutoCrop", False) # put the new data from the autocrop into the new crop cropbox = cropnode.knob("box") autocropbox = autocropper.knob("autocropdata") cropbox.copyAnimations(autocropbox.animations()) # turn on the animated flag cropnode.knob("indicators").setValue(1) # deselect everything all_nodes = nuke.allNodes() for j in all_nodes: j.knob("selected").setValue(False) # select the curvewriter and delete it autocropper.knob("selected").setValue(True) # delete the autocropper to make it all clean #nodes.node_delete() nuke.delete(autocropper) # deselect everything all_nodes = nuke.allNodes() for j in all_nodes: j.knob("selected").setValue(False) # select the new crop cropnode.knob("selected").setValue(True) # place it in a nice spot nuke.autoplace(cropnode) # De-Select it cropnode.knob("selected").setValue(False)
def loadSelectedcomments(): """Loads the comments for a selected node from the server. Comments are generated as text nodes inside a group""" nodes = nuke.selectedNodes() nukeroot = nuke.root() previouscommand = "animCurve = nuke.thisNode()['comment'].animation( 0 ) \nframe = False\nfor i in xrange(len(animCurve.keys())):\n if nuke.frame() > animCurve.keys()[i].x:\n frame = animCurve.keys()[i].x \nif frame:\n nuke.frame(frame)" nextcommand = "animCurve = nuke.thisNode()['comment'].animation( 0 ) \nframe = False\nfor i in xrange(len(animCurve.keys())):\n if nuke.frame() < animCurve.keys()[i].x:\n frame = animCurve.keys()[i].x\n break\nif frame:\n nuke.frame(frame)" if not 'frameioproject' in nukeroot.knobs(): return False if nukeroot['frameioproject'].value() == '0': project = '' else: project = nukeroot['frameioproject'].value() for node in nodes: if not 'file' in node.knobs(): continue filepath = os.path.abspath(node['file'].value()) if not os.path.isfile(filepath): continue frameiosession = login(nukeroot['frameiousername'].value(), project) if frameiosession == None: return False projectid = node['projectid'].value() filereferenceid = node['filereferenceid'].value() frameiosession.setProjectid(projectid) filereference = frameiosession.getFilereference(filereferenceid) commentdict = filereference.getComments() if not commentdict: return False group = nuke.createNode('Group') group.addKnob(nuke.Tab_Knob('frameio', '')) group.addKnob(nuke.Int_Knob('comment', 'Comment')) group.addKnob(nuke.Int_Knob('of', 'of')) group.addKnob( nuke.PyScript_Knob('previous', 'previous', previouscommand)) group.addKnob(nuke.PyScript_Knob('next', 'next', nextcommand)) group.addKnob(nuke.Boolean_Knob('showtext', 'Show text', True)) group.addKnob( nuke.Boolean_Knob('showannotation', 'Show annotation', True)) group.addKnob(nuke.Double_Knob('global_font_scale', 'Font scale')) group['global_font_scale'].setValue(.25) group['of'].clearFlag(nuke.STARTLINE) group['showtext'].setFlag(nuke.STARTLINE) group['comment'].setAnimated() i = 1 while nuke.toNode('Comments' + str(i)) != None: i += 1 group['name'].setValue('Comments' + str(i)) group['label'].setValue(os.path.basename(filepath)) with group: input = nuke.createNode('Input') input.hideControlPanel() i = 0 for timestamps in sorted(commentdict.keys()): for comment in commentdict[timestamps]: if node.Class() == 'Read': if node['frame'].value() == '': offset = 0 else: offset = int(node['frame'].value()) else: offset = int(nuke.root()['first_frame'].value()) frame = round(timestamps) + offset user = comment[0] text = comment[1] draw_data = comment[2] group['comment'].setValueAt(i + 1, frame) textnode = nuke.createNode('Text2') textnode['box'].setValue( [10, 10, node.width() / 2, node.height()]) textnode['yjustify'].setValue('bottom') textnode['global_font_scale'].setExpression( 'parent.global_font_scale') textnode['enable_background'].setValue(True) textnode['background_opacity'].setValue(0.9) textnode['useLifetime'].setValue(True) textnode['lifetimeStart'].setValue(frame) textnode['lifetimeEnd'].setValue(frame) textnode['disable'].setExpression('1-parent.showtext') annotationNode(draw_data, node.width(), node.height(), frame) message = user message += '\n\n' message += text textnode['message'].setValue(message.encode('utf-8')) textnode.hideControlPanel() i += 1 group['of'].setValue(i) output = nuke.createNode('Output') output.hideControlPanel() group.setInput(0, node) nuke.autoplace(group)
def loadSelectedcomments(): """Loads the comments for a selected node from the server. Comments are generated as text nodes inside a group""" nodes = nuke.selectedNodes() nukeroot = nuke.root() previouscommand = "animCurve = nuke.thisNode()['comment'].animation( 0 ) \nframe = False\nfor i in xrange(len(animCurve.keys())):\n if nuke.frame() > animCurve.keys()[i].x:\n frame = animCurve.keys()[i].x \nif frame:\n nuke.frame(frame)" nextcommand = "animCurve = nuke.thisNode()['comment'].animation( 0 ) \nframe = False\nfor i in xrange(len(animCurve.keys())):\n if nuke.frame() < animCurve.keys()[i].x:\n frame = animCurve.keys()[i].x\n break\nif frame:\n nuke.frame(frame)" if not 'frameioproject' in nukeroot.knobs(): return False if nukeroot['frameioproject'].value() == '0': project = '' else: project = nukeroot['frameioproject'].value() for node in nodes: if not 'file' in node.knobs(): continue filepath = os.path.abspath(node['file'].value()) if not os.path.isfile(filepath): continue frameiosession = login( nukeroot['frameiousername'].value() , project ) if frameiosession == None: return False projectid = node['projectid'].value() filereferenceid = node['filereferenceid'].value() frameiosession.setProjectid(projectid) filereference = frameiosession.getFilereference(filereferenceid) commentdict = filereference.getComments() if not commentdict: return False group = nuke.createNode('Group') group.addKnob( nuke.Tab_Knob('frameio' , '') ) group.addKnob( nuke.Int_Knob('comment' , 'Comment') ) group.addKnob( nuke.Int_Knob('of' , 'of') ) group.addKnob( nuke.PyScript_Knob('previous' , 'previous' , previouscommand ) ) group.addKnob( nuke.PyScript_Knob('next' , 'next' , nextcommand ) ) group.addKnob( nuke.Boolean_Knob('showtext' , 'Show text' , True ) ) group.addKnob( nuke.Boolean_Knob('showannotation' , 'Show annotation' , True ) ) group.addKnob( nuke.Double_Knob('global_font_scale' , 'Font scale' ) ) group['global_font_scale'].setValue(.25) group['of'].clearFlag(nuke.STARTLINE) group['showtext'].setFlag(nuke.STARTLINE) group['comment'].setAnimated() i = 1 while nuke.toNode('Comments' + str(i)) != None: i+=1 group['name'].setValue('Comments' + str(i)) group['label'].setValue(os.path.basename(filepath)) with group: input = nuke.createNode('Input') input.hideControlPanel() i = 0 for timestamps in sorted(commentdict.keys()): for comment in commentdict[timestamps]: if node.Class() == 'Read': if node['frame'].value() == '': offset = 0 else: offset = int(node['frame'].value()) else: offset = int(nuke.root()['first_frame'].value()) frame = round(timestamps) + offset user = comment[0] text = comment[1] draw_data = comment[2] group['comment'].setValueAt( i+1, frame ) textnode = nuke.createNode('Text2') textnode['box'].setValue([10,10,node.width()/2,node.height()] ) textnode['yjustify'].setValue('bottom') textnode['global_font_scale'].setExpression( 'parent.global_font_scale' ) textnode['enable_background'].setValue(True) textnode['background_opacity'].setValue(0.9) textnode['useLifetime'].setValue(True) textnode['lifetimeStart'].setValue( frame ) textnode['lifetimeEnd'].setValue( frame ) textnode['disable'].setExpression( '1-parent.showtext' ) annotationNode(draw_data , node.width(), node.height(), frame) message = user message += '\n\n' message += text textnode['message'].setValue(message.encode('utf-8')) textnode.hideControlPanel() i+=1 group['of'].setValue(i) output = nuke.createNode('Output') output.hideControlPanel() group.setInput(0, node) nuke.autoplace(group)