def end_game(): # Showing the winner userAllRevealed = True for row in coord_objects: for element in row: if element.get_has_boat( USER) and not element.get_is_revealed(USER): userAllRevealed = False if userAllRevealed: nuke.message('<b><font size=5>GAME OVER\n<font color = red>COM WINS') else: nuke.message('<b><font size=5>GAME OVER\n<font color = green>YOU WIN') # Scene restoration nuke.toNode('preferences')['DAGBackColor'].setValue(dagColor) # Deletion of nodes for node in nuke.allNodes(): if "bShip" in node['name'].value() or node.Class() == 'NoOp': nuke.delete(node) nuke.tprint( '\n\n---------------------\n+++++ GAME OVER +++++\n---------------------' )
def loadMochaimport(base_dir): """ adds the correct plugin path for this version of NUKE @param basepath: @return: """ supportedMagicNumbers = ['03f30d0a', 'd1f20d0a'] try: magicNumberOfThisVersion = imp.get_magic().encode('hex') if magicNumberOfThisVersion in supportedMagicNumbers: pathToThisVersion = replace_path( os.path.join( base_dir, "python/mamoworld/mochaImportPlus/version_" + magicNumberOfThisVersion)) nuke.pluginAddPath(pathToThisVersion) else: raise Exception( "MochaImport+ for NUKE: unsupported version of Python:" + sys.version + "(magic number:" + magicNumberOfThisVersion + ")") except Exception as e: import traceback nuke.tprint(traceback.format_exc()) # Just in case msg = 'ERROR: %s' % e if nuke.GUI: nuke.message(msg) else: nuke.tprint(msg)
def run(): """Add animatedSnap3D menu items under the Axis Menu""" try: axis_menu ='Axis').findItem('Snap') except AttributeError: # Could not find Axis menu nuke.tprint( "Could not find 'Axis' menu to append animatedSnap3D commands. " "animatedSnap3D will not be available through menus.") return else: if not axis_menu: # Found Axis, could not find Snap nuke.tprint( "Could not find 'Snap' item of sub-menu 'Axis' to append " "animatedSnap3D commands. animatedSnap3D will not be available " "through menus.") return axis_menu.addSeparator() axis_menu.addCommand('Match animated selection position', 'animatedSnap3D.animated_snap()') axis_menu.addCommand( 'Match animated selection position, orientation', 'animatedSnap3D.animated_snap(["translate", "rotate"])') axis_menu.addCommand( 'Match animated selection position, orientation, size', 'animatedSnap3D.animated_snap(["translate", "rotate", "scaling"])')
def __init__(self, parent=None): """ Description """ QMainWindow.__init__(self, parent) _uiFilename_ = 'projectExplorer_nuke.ui' _uiFilePath_ = modulepath + '/ui/' + _uiFilename_ # Check is ui file exists? if not os.path.isfile(_uiFilePath_): nuke.tprint('File ui not found.') # ---- LoadUI ----- loader = QUiLoader() currentDir = os.path.dirname(__file__) file = QFile(_uiFilePath_) self.ui = loader.load(file, parentWidget=self) file.close() # ----------------- self.ui.setWindowTitle('Project Explorer v.' + str(__app_version__)) nuke.tprint("\n====== Project Explorer Start ======") self._initConnect() self._initUI()
def submitNukeCmdline_render(executeNodes=''): '''launch the qubegui submit dialog for nuke''' allNodes = nuke.allNodes() allNodes_Write = [str( for i in allNodes if i.Class() == 'Write'] allNodes_Viewer = [str( for i in allNodes if i.Class() == 'Viewer'] nuke.tprint(allNodes_Write) nuke.tprint(allNodes_Viewer) range = '%s-%s' % (int(nuke.animationStart()), int(nuke.animationEnd())) rangeInc = int(nuke.animationIncrement()) if rangeInc > 1: range += 'x%s' % rangeInc submitDict = { 'name' : 'nuke '+os.path.basename(str(nuke.root().name())), 'prototype' : 'cmdrange', 'env': {'NUKE_PATH': os.environ['NUKE_PATH']}, 'priority': 500, 'cpus': 10, 'reservations': 'global.nuke=1,host.processors=1', 'groups': 'RENDERBOX', 'package' : { 'simpleCmdType': 'Nuke (cmdline)', 'script': str(nuke.root().name()), 'range' : range, 'executeNodes' : executeNodes, 'allNodes_Write' : ','.join(allNodes_Write), 'allNodes_Viewer' : ','.join(allNodes_Viewer), 'executable': 'C:\\Program Files\\Nuke9.0v5\\Nuke9.0.exe', } } return launchgui(submitDict=submitDict)
def callPanel(): plate = nuke.selectedNode() if plate.Class() == "Read": return setProjectFrameRange().showPanel() else: nuke.tprint("Selected node must be a Read node.") nuke.message("Selected node must be a Read node.")
def thisActualGroup(debug=False): groupName = nuke.thisGroup().fullName() if not nuke.thisGroup().fullName() == 'root': groupName = 'root.' + groupName if debug == True: nuke.tprint(groupName) return nuke.toNode(groupName)
def CM_Analyse(node): #Activate the analyse button try: node['solveGainCompensation'].execute() except Exception as e: nuke.tprint('Error Analysing - ', e) sys.exit(1)
def launchgui(qubeguiPath='', submitDict={}, guiargs=''): '''launch the QubeGUI with the specified parameters''' # Construct parameter list cmdDict = { 'qubeguiPath': qubeguiPath, 'qubeguiArgString': '', } if len(submitDict) > 0: cmdDict['qubeguiArgString'] += ' --submitDict "%s"'%submitDict if len(guiargs) > 0 : cmdDict['qubeguiArgString'] += ' '+guiargs # Construct command for the specific platforms if sys.platform[:3] == 'win': if cmdDict['qubeguiPath'] == '': cmdDict['qubeguiPath'] = 'C:/Program Files/pfx/qube/bin/qube.exe' if not os.path.exists(cmdDict['qubeguiPath']): cmdDict['qubeguiPath'] = 'C:/Program Files (x86)/pfx/qube/bin/qube.exe' cmd = r'start "QubeGUI Console" /B "%(qubeguiPath)s" %(qubeguiArgString)s'% cmdDict elif sys.platform == 'darwin': if cmdDict['qubeguiPath'] == '': cmdDict['qubeguiPath'] = '/Applications/pfx/qube/' cmd = r'%(qubeguiPath)s/Contents/MacOS/qube %(qubeguiArgString)s >/dev/null 2>&1 &'% cmdDict elif sys.platform[:5] == 'linux': if cmdDict['qubeguiPath'] == '': cmdDict['qubeguiPath'] = '/usr/local/pfx/qube/bin/qube' cmd = r'%(qubeguiPath)s %(qubeguiArgString)s >/dev/null 2>&1 &'% cmdDict else: raise "Unknown platform" # Run command print("COMMAND: %s"%cmd) nuke.tprint("COMMAND: %s"%cmd) #nuke.message("COMMAND: %s"%cmd) os.system(cmd)
def backup_autosave(): global next_autosave_version #get autosave file autosave_file = nuke.toNode("preferences")["AutoSaveName"].evaluate() #compute next autosave file name file = autosave_file + str(next_autosave_version) #check if original autosave file exists if os.path.exists(autosave_file): try: shutil.copy(autosave_file, file) except: pass # A message box every time it can't find an autosave file is irritating AF # nuke.message("Attention! Autosave file could not be copied!") nuke.tprint("Copied autosave file to: %s"%file) #start from the beginning if max files are reached if next_autosave_version==max_autosave_files: next_autosave_version=0 else: next_autosave_version+=1 elif nuke.Root()['name'].value(): #warn if there is no autosave at all has_autosave=False for i in range(max_autosave_files): if os.path.exists(autosave_file + str(i)): has_autosave=True if not has_autosave and nuke.modified(): pass
def load(): supportedMagicNumbers = ['03f30d0a', 'd1f20d0a', '420d0d0a'] try: if nuke.NUKE_VERSION_STRING.startswith('13'): magicNumberOfThisVersion = imp.get_magic().hex() else: magicNumberOfThisVersion = imp.get_magic().encode('hex') if magicNumberOfThisVersion in supportedMagicNumbers: pathToThisVersion = "python/mamoworld/mochaImportPlus/version_" + magicNumberOfThisVersion nuke.pluginAddPath(pathToThisVersion) print('**--**-*-*-*-*' + magicNumberOfThisVersion) else: raise Exception( "MochaImport+ for NUKE: unsupported version of Python:" + sys.version + "(magic number:" + magicNumberOfThisVersion + ")") except Exception as e: import traceback nuke.tprint(traceback.format_exc()) # Just in case msg = 'ERROR: %s' % e if nuke.GUI: nuke.message(msg) else: nuke.tprint(msg)
def CS_matchCameras(node): #Match Cameras try: node['matchCameras'].execute() except Exception as e: nuke.tprint('Error Matching - ', e) sys.exit(1)
def CS_setKeyNum(node, num): try: node['keyStep'].setValue(num) node['addAllAnalysisKeys'].execute() except Exception as e: nuke.tprint('Error setting number of frames - ', e) sys.exit(1)
def _setScriptVersionList(self): ''' Setup script listWidget ''' current_seq = self.ui.comboBox_sequence.currentText() current_shot = self.ui.listWidget_scriptShot.currentItem().text() # Setup current path currentPath = getInfo.nukeScriptsPath + '/' + "{seq}_{shot}".format( seq=current_seq, shot=current_shot) self.ui.label_currentPath.setText(currentPath) versionlist = core.listAllVersion( nukeScriptsPath=getInfo.nukeScriptsPath, seq=current_seq, shot=current_shot) self.ui.listWidget_scriptVersion.clear() for fileName in versionlist: item = QListWidgetItem(fileName) item.setData(Qt.UserRole, core.objString(currentPath + '/' + fileName)) self.ui.listWidget_scriptVersion.addItem(item) # show thumbnail try: thumbnailPath = core.getThumbnail(shotDirPath=currentPath, perfile=False) self._setThumbnail(thumbnailPath) except Exception as e: nuke.tprint(str(e))
def _source_roto_template(self, step_name, proj_format): """ Prompts user if they want to import the set Roto template for the New File. """ if step_name == "Roto": roto_template = nuke.ask( "Source the default Nuke template for the <i style='color:magenta'><b><br>SSVFX Roto</b></i> workflow?" ) if not roto_template: pass else: tk = self.parent.engine.sgtk roto_template_script = tk.templates["workfile_templates"] fields = {} roto_template_script_path = os.path.normpath( roto_template_script.apply_fields(fields) + "\\pipeline_task\\roto\\roto_rgb_template.nk") roto_template_script_path = roto_template_script_path.replace( "/", os.path.sep) if os.path.exists(roto_template_script_path): nuke.tprint("Importing Roto template:", roto_template_script_path) nuke.scriptSource(roto_template_script_path) nuke.zoom(0.0) try: nuke.Root().knob('format').setValue(proj_format) except: nuke.tprint("!!! No proj_format called %s" % proj_format)
def CS_solveCameras(node): #Solve Cameras try: node['solveCameras'].execute() except Exception as e: nuke.tprint('Error Solving - ', e) sys.exit(1)
def exportSelection(node): #Export the chosen option try: node['exportButton'].execute() except Exception as e: nuke.tprint('Error Exporting - ', e) sys.exit(1)
def run(): """Add animatedSnap3D menu items under the Axis Menu""" try: axis_menu ='Axis').findItem('Snap') except AttributeError: # Could not find Axis menu nuke.tprint( "Could not find 'Axis' menu to append animatedSnap3D commands. " "animatedSnap3D will not be available through menus." ) return else: if not axis_menu: # Found Axis, could not find Snap nuke.tprint( "Could not find 'Snap' item of sub-menu 'Axis' to append " "animatedSnap3D commands. animatedSnap3D will not be available " "through menus." ) return axis_menu.addSeparator() axis_menu.addCommand( 'Match animated selection position', 'animatedSnap3D.animated_snap()' ) axis_menu.addCommand( 'Match animated selection position, orientation', 'animatedSnap3D.animated_snap(["translate", "rotate"])' ) axis_menu.addCommand( 'Match animated selection position, orientation, size', 'animatedSnap3D.animated_snap(["translate", "rotate", "scaling"])' )
def submitNukeCmdline_render(executeNodes=''): '''launch the qubegui submit dialog for nuke''' allNodes = nuke.allNodes() allNodes_Write = [str( for i in allNodes if i.Class() == 'Write'] allNodes_Viewer = [str( for i in allNodes if i.Class() == 'Viewer'] scenefile = '[NUKE NOPIPE] %s' % os.path.basename(str(nuke.root().name())) nuke.tprint(allNodes_Write) nuke.tprint(allNodes_Viewer) range = '%s-%s' % (int(nuke.animationStart()), int(nuke.animationEnd())) rangeInc = int(nuke.animationIncrement()) if rangeInc > 1: range += 'x%s' % rangeInc submitDict = { 'name' : scenefile, 'prototype' : 'cmdrange', 'package' : { 'simpleCmdType': 'Nuke (cmdline)', 'script': str(nuke.root().name()), 'range' : range, 'executeNodes' : executeNodes, 'allNodes_Write' : ','.join(allNodes_Write), 'allNodes_Viewer' : ','.join(allNodes_Viewer), 'executable' : '/atomo/apps/linux/x86_64/nuke/8.0v3/Nuke8.0', }, 'reservations' : 'host.processors=1+,license.nuke', 'groups' : 'pipe', 'cpus' : 6, 'omithosts' : 'rhradec.local', 'env': {'FOUNDRY_LICENSE_FILE':'[email protected]','NUKE_PATH':'/atomo/pipeline/tools/nuke/script:/atomo/pipeline/tools/nuke/gizmo','NUKE_TEMP_DIR':'/tmp/nuke_farm'} } return launchgui(submitDict=submitDict)
def executeRender(node, start, end): try: nuke.execute(node, start, end) sys.exit(0) except Exception as e: nuke.tprint('Failed to render range') sys.exit(1)
def loadSolvedImage(): try: img = nuke.nodes.Read(file = '/Users/macadmin/Desktop/Solve_Test.%V.exr') img['noprefix'].setValue(1) return img except Exception as e: nuke.tprint ('Error creating read node', e) sys.exit(1)
def refreshReads(): allNodes = nuke.allNodes() for readNode in allNodes: if readNode.Class() == 'Read': readNode.knob('reload').execute() nuke.tprint ('%s is refreshed' % readNode.knob('file').value()) else: pass
def addNkList(self): if not os.path.exists(self.libpath): nuke.message(self.libpath + "경로가 존재하지 않습니다.") for i in os.listdir(self.libpath): nuke.tprint(i) base, ext = os.path.splitext(i) if ext != ".nk": continue self.nklist.addItem(QListWidgetItem(i))
def writeOut(self, node): deselectAllViews() reformatNode = self.createReformat(node) reformatNode.connectInput(1, node) write, pathToCompare = createWriteNode(self.fileName) write.connectInput(1, reformatNode) nuke.execute(write, 1, 1) nuke.tprint("Asserted that WRITE EXECUTED SUCCESSFULLY.") return pathToCompare
def _openExplorer(self): ''' open in explorer ''' currentPath = self.ui.label_currentPath.text() if os.path.exists(currentPath): core.openExplorer(currentPath) else: nuke.tprint("Path not exists : " + currentPath)
def listProjects(self): projectPath = self.getConfigData('PATH_TEMPLATE').split("${_PROJECTSNAME}")[0] nuke.tprint("PROJECTS : %s"%projectPath) if not os.path.exists(projectPath) : nuke.tprint("ERROR : Path not found \"%s\""%projectPath) return [] return [item for item in os.listdir(projectPath) if os.path.isdir("%s/%s"%(projectPath, item))]
def addIncrementalFolder(filename): fileList = list(os.path.split(filename)) fileList.insert(1,'.nukeAutoSave') filename = os.path.join(*fileList) if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(filename)): try: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(filename)) except Exception,e: nuke.tprint(e)
def main(): nodes = nuke.selectedNodes() if len(nodes) != 1: nuke.message("select one node only") return nuke.tprint(nodes[0]) path = os.path.dirname(nodes[0]["file"].value()) nuke.tprint(path) browser(path) return
def tri_env2path(nodes): for n in nodes: nuke.tprint(">>",, n.Class()) if 'triwrite_gizmo' in n.knobs(): tri_env2path([n.node('result'), n.node('dailies')]) else: if 'file' in n.knobs(): p = n['file'].value() nuke.tprint("<<", "[python tri_path()]", p) p = p.replace("[python tri_path()]", tri_path()) n['file'].setValue(p)
def CS_chooseRigPreset(node, preset): try: node['rigPreset'].setValue(preset) except Exception as e: nuke.tprint('Error choosing the rig preset - ', e) sys.exit(1) try: node['setupRig'].execute() except Exception as e: nuke.tprint('Error setting the rig preset - ', e) sys.exit(1)
def print_available_coords(): nuke.tprint('\nAVAILABLE COORDS:\n-----------------') available_coords = '' for row in coord_objects: for element in row: if not element.get_is_discarded(USER): available_coords += element.get_name() + ',' nuke.tprint(available_coords)
def tri_path2env(nodes): templ = tri_path() for n in nodes: nuke.tprint(">>",, n.Class()) if 'triwrite_gizmo' in n.knobs(): tri_path2env([n.node('result'), n.node('dailies')]) else: if 'file' in n.knobs(): p = n['file'].value() nuke.tprint(">>", p, templ) p = p.replace(templ, "[python tri_path()]") n['file'].setValue(p)
def _find_sequence_range(self, path): """ Helper method attempting to extract sequence information. Using the toolkit template system, the path will be probed to check if it is a sequence, and if so, frame information is attempted to be extracted. :param path: Path to file on disk. :returns: None if no range could be determined, otherwise (min, max) """ # find a template that matches the path: template = None try: template = self.parent.sgtk.template_from_path(path) except sgtk.TankError: pass if not template: # If we don't have a template to take advantage of, then # we are forced to do some rough parsing ourself to try # to determine the frame range. return self._sequence_range_from_path(path) # get the fields and find all matching files: fields = template.get_fields(path) if not "SEQ" in fields: return None files = self.parent.sgtk.paths_from_template(template, fields) # Somthing has gone wrong # despite having valid templates, no files were returned # so we'll pretend no template was found if files == []: try: sequence_range = self._sequence_range_from_path(path) return sequence_range except: nuke.tprint(">>>>> SOMETHING WENT WRONG") # find frame numbers from these files: frames = [] for file in files: fields = template.get_fields(file) frame = fields.get("SEQ") if frame != None: frames.append(frame) if not frames: return None # return the range return (min(frames), max(frames))
def getFileName(inputFile): try: if platform.system() == 'Darwin': iF = inputFile.rsplit("/", 1) elif platform.system() == 'Windows': iF = inputFile.rsplit("\\", 1) else: nuke.tprint('Broken on platform recognition') filename = iF[1].split('.py') return filename[0] except Exception as e: nuke.tprint('Error getting the file name from BCTC' , e)
def checkInstances(self): nuke.tprint ('new instance:', self) for widget in QApplication.allWidgets(): name = widget.objectName() if '' in name: nuke.tprint ("instance already present:", self) p = widget.parentWidget() while p: if p.parent() and isinstance(p.parent(), QStackedWidget): p.parent().removeWidget(p) p = None else: p = p.parentWidget()
def saveIncrement(self, project, shot): if not project or not shot : nuke.tprint("Please select shot") return False savePath = _replaceData(self.getConfigData("PATH_TEMPLATE"), project, shot) filename = os.path.basename(_replaceData(self.getConfigData("SCRIPTNAME_TEMPLATE"), project, shot, get_lastversion(savePath))) savePath = savePath.replace("${_SCRIPTNAME}", filename) nuke.scriptSaveAs(savePath) nuke.tprint("Save file : %s" %(savePath)) return savePath
def ueOpen(): p = nukescripts.registerWidgetAsPanel("ueCommonOpen.Open", "ueOpen", "ue.panel.ueOpen", create=True) p.setMinimumSize(600, 940) ueCommonOpen.setClasses(__ueclasses__) if p.showModalDialog(): spec = ueCommonOpen.getValues() version = ueAssetUtils.getVersions(spec)[spec.vers-1] nuke.scriptOpen(os.path.join(version["path"], version["file_name"]+".nk")) nuke.tprint("Opened %s" % spec) nukescripts.unregisterPanel("ue.panel.ueOpen", lambda: "return")
def tri_project_init(): nuke.tprint("*START project setup") # add new Write menu shortcut'Nodes').findItem('Image').addCommand("TriWrite", "nuke.createNode(\"TriWrite\")", "", icon="Write.png") if os.getenv('TRI_PROJECT_PATH') is None or os.getenv('TRI_PROJECT_ID') is None: nuke.tprint(" NO project env") return # else: # nuke.tprint(" INIT", os.getenv('TRI_PROJECT_PATH')) if 'tri_project_id' in nuke.root().knobs(): tri_update_setup() else: tri_new_setup()
def createWriteDirs(nodes=[]): ''' create write directories for selected write nodes supports stereo view notation with %v or %V ''' # if no nodes are specified then look for selected nodes if not nodes: nodes = nuke.selectedNodes() # if nodes is still empty no nodes are selected if not nodes: nuke.message('ERROR: No node(s) selected.') return EXISTING = [] for entry in nodes: _class = entry.Class() if _class == "Write": path = nuke.filename(entry) output_paths = [] if path is None: continue all_views = curnode.knob('views').value() # look for views in the write node all_views = all_views.split() # split them out for view in all_views: if '%v' in path: output_paths.append(path.replace('%v',view[:1])) if '%V' in path: output_paths.append(path.replace('%V',view)) if not len(output_paths): output_paths.append(path) for output_path in output_paths: root_path = os.path.dirname(output_path) if os.path.exists(root_path) == True: nuke.tprint('Path Exists: {0}'.format(root_path)) return try: os.mkdir(root_path) os.chmod(root_path,0775) except: if nuke.ask('Create Path? \n{0}'.format(root_path)): os.makedirs(root_path) os.chmod(root_path,0775) else: return return
def FileHandler( dropdata ): filePath = dropdata if os.path.basename(filePath).startswith('.') or os.path.basename(filePath).endswith('~'): return log_( filePath ) fileRange = '' if not os.path.isfile(filePath): filePath, sep, fileRange = filePath.rpartition(' ') fileName, fileExt = os.path.splitext(filePath) fileExt = fileExt.lower() if fileExt == '.obj': r = nuke.createNode("ReadGeo2", inpanel=False) r['file'].fromUserText(dropdata) #r['file'].setValue(dropdata) r['selected'].setValue(0) return if fileExt == '.fbx': r = nuke.createNode("ReadGeo2", inpanel=False) r['file'].fromUserText(dropdata) r['all_objects'].setValue(True) r['selected'].setValue(0) nuke.tprint(dropdata) camNode = nuke.createNode('Camera2', 'read_from_file 1 file '+dropdata, inpanel=True) #c = nuke.createNode('Camera2', inpanel=True) #c['read_from_file'].setValue(1) #c['file'].setValue(dropdata) camNode['fbx_node_name'].setValue(7) camNode['selected'].setValue(0) return if fileExt == '.abc': try: r = nuke.createNode('ReadGeo2', inpanel=False) r['file'].fromUserText(dropdata) r['read_on_each_frame'].setValue(1) r['sub_frame'].setValue(1) r['selected'].setValue(0) return except Exception, e: log_('DEBUG: NUKE_VERSION_MAJOR > 7? %s' % e)
def findChangedKnob(): knob = nuke.thisKnob() node = nuke.thisNode() if == 'renderType': output_type = knob.value() if output_type == 'matte': nuke.tprint ('matte selected') output_path = '[value dirName]/[value renderType]/[value fileName]/[value fileName].%04d.tiff' node['file'].setValue(output_path) node['file_type'].setValue('tiff') node['datatype'].setValue('8') node['colorspace'].setValue('srgb') node['channels'].setValue('alpha') elif output_type in ['slapcomp', 'prerender', 'cleanup']: output_path = "[value dirName]/[value renderType]/[value fileName]/[value fileName].%04d.dpx" node['file'].setValue(output_path) node['file_type'].setValue('dpx') node['colorspace'].setValue('linear') node['datatype'].setValue('10') node['channels'].setValue('rgb')
def load(): supportedMagicNumbers = ['03f30d0a', 'd1f20d0a'] try: magicNumberOfThisVersion = imp.get_magic().encode('hex') if magicNumberOfThisVersion in supportedMagicNumbers: pathToThisVersion = "python/mamoworld/mochaImportPlus/version_" + magicNumberOfThisVersion nuke.pluginAddPath(pathToThisVersion) else: raise Exception( "MochaImport+ for NUKE: unsupported version of Python:" + sys.version + "(magic number:" + magicNumberOfThisVersion + ")") except Exception as e: import traceback nuke.tprint(traceback.format_exc()) # Just in case msg = 'ERROR: %s' % e if nuke.GUI: nuke.message(msg) else: nuke.tprint(msg)
def jopsFileHandler(dropdata): filePath=dropdata fileRange= '' if not os.path.isfile(filePath): filePath, sep, fileRange = filePath.rpartition(' ') fileName, fileExt = os.path.splitext(filePath) if fileExt == '.obj': r = nuke.createNode("ReadGeo2", inpanel=False) r["file"].fromUserText(dropdata) r["selected"].setValue(0) return True if fileExt == '.fbx': r = nuke.createNode("ReadGeo2", inpanel=False) r["file"].fromUserText(dropdata) r["selected"].setValue(0) nuke.tprint(dropdata) r = nuke.createNode("Camera2", 'read_from_file 1 file '+dropdata, inpanel=False) r["selected"].setValue(0) r = nuke.createNode("Light2", 'read_from_file 1 file '+dropdata, inpanel=False) r["selected"].setValue(0) return True if fileExt == '.3dl' or fileExt == '.blur' or fileExt == '.csp' or fileExt == '.cub' or fileExt == '.cube' or fileExt == '.vf' or fileExt == '.vfz': r = nuke.createNode("Vectorfield", inpanel=False) r["vfield_file"].setValue(dropdata) r["selected"].setValue(0) return True if fileExt == '.chan': r = nuke.createNode("Camera2", inpanel=False) nuke.tcl('in %s {import_chan_file %s }' %(, dropdata)) r["selected"].setValue(0) return True r = nuke.createNode("Read", inpanel=False) r["file"].fromUserText(dropdata) return True
def markThisNode(node, expr): """Mark the given node in an obvoius way so any potential problem is obvoius. That means make it red and put a warning in the node's label. TODO: Genericize this for other markings besides expressions. Hidden inputs are another good application. node is the target node expr is the offending expression """ if node.knob('tile_color').value() != warning_color: node.knob('tile_color').setValue(warning_color) label_text = '*** expression-driven ***\n*** ' + expr + ' ***' # Escape $ label_text = label_text.replace('$', '\$') label_contents = node.knob('label').toScript() if label_text not in label_contents: nuke.tprint("Marking " + node.fullName() + " as potentially dangerous.") node.knob('label').fromScript( label_contents + '\n' + label_text)
def createWriteDirs(nodes=[]): ''' Makes directories for selected write nodes ''' # if no nodes are specified then look for selected nodes if not nodes: nodes = nuke.selectedNodes() # if nodes is still empty no nodes are selected if not nodes: nuke.message('ERROR: No node(s) selected.') return EXISTING = [] for node in nodes: _class = node.Class() if _class == "Write": path = nuke.filename(node) if path is None: nuke.tprint('No path attribute.') continue root_path = os.path.dirname(path) if os.path.exists(root_path) == True: nuke.tprint('Path Exists: {}'.format(root_path) ) try: os.mkdir(root_path) os.chmod(root_path,0775) nuke.tprint('Path created: {}'.format(root_path) ) except: if nuke.ask('Create Path?\n {}'.format(root_path)): os.makedirs(root_path) os.chmod(root_path,0775) nuke.tprint('Path created: {}'.format(root_path) ) else: nuke.tprint('Path creation cancelled for: {}'.format(root_path)) return
def parseColorCorrectionIDs( self, rootelem ): """Grabs ColorCorrection and ColorCorrectionRef children of rootelem, and bungs IDs into colourcorrectionvalues dict keys, with associated internal or external (ref) information as under a 'type' tag in the corresponding colourcorrectionvalue value dict. ColorCorrection tags define a CDL transfer function contained within that XML element. ColorCorrectionRef tags define a CDL transfer function by ID, which is contained within some other CCC file. Ref elements should theoretically only be present in CDL files. Rootelem should be a element tree element, with all desired colour correction and colour correction ref tags as direct children. Writes error message to terminal if no colourcorrection/ref elements found. """ iter=rootelem.findall(self.ASCCDLNS+"ColorCorrection") iterref=rootelem.findall(self.ASCCDLNS+"ColorCorrectionRef") if iter==0 and iterref==0: nuke.tprint("No colour corrections found in file") cdlcorrectionlist=[] cccname=0 # Get internal CCC container ID's for element in iter: if element.keys(): for name, value in element.items(): cccname=value self.cdlcorrectionvalues[cccname]=dict({"type": "int"}) # Get external CCC container ID's (theoretically should only be present in CDLs) for element in iterref: if element.keys(): for name, value in element.items(): cccname=value self.cdlcorrectionvalues[cccname]=dict({"type": "ext"}) return
def tri_path_check(nodes, top=True): PATH = tri_path() LDIR = "/usr/pipeline/software/nuke/N6/SCRIPTS/trigraph" PENV = "[python tri_path()]" report = "" for n in nodes: if n.Class() == "Group": report += tri_path_check(n.nodes(), False) if 'file' in n.knobs(): if n['file'].value().startswith(PATH) or \ n['file'].value().startswith(LDIR) or \ n['file'].value().startswith(PENV): report += " OK node: " + n.fullName() + " (..." + n['file'].value()[-30:] + ")\n" else: report += "BAD node: " + n.fullName() + " (..." + n['file'].value()[-30:] + ")\n" if top: nuke.tprint("REPORT") nuke.tprint(report) nuke.message("REPORT \n" + report) return None else: return rep
def tri_update_setup(): nuke.tprint(" UPDATE project setup") root = nuke.root() path = tri_path() + "/" + root['tri_comp'].value() # TRI_PATH + _cmp if 'tri_project_scene_id' in nuke.root().knobs(): # create write dis pData = etree.fromstring(root['tri_project_xml_formats'].value()) tri_create_write_path(pData.find('result')) tri_create_write_path(pData.find('dailies')) # add new Write menu shortcut'Nodes').findItem('Image').addCommand("TriWrite", "nuke.createNode(\"TriWrite\")", "w", icon="Write.png") # create cmp dirs try: if not os.path.exists(path): if nuke.ask("Dir: " + path + " not exists. Create?"): pass os.makedirs(path) except: nuke.message("Cannot create\n" + path)
def tri_writeGizmo_init(): nuke.tprint(" START TriWrite") if not 'triwrite_gizmo' in nuke.thisNode().knobs(): return nuke.thisNode()['artist'].setValue(artistName()) if nuke.thisNode()['notes'].value() == "": nuke.thisNode()['notes'].setValue(sceneComment()) if not 'tri_project_xml_formats' in nuke.root().knobs(): return nuke.tprint(" INIT ", nuke.thisNode().name(), nuke.thisNode().Class()) root = nuke.root() pData = etree.fromstring(root['tri_project_xml_formats'].value()) nuke.thisNode()['_dailies_format'].setValue(root['tri_project_id'].value() + " DAILIES") if 'tri_project_scene_id' in root.knobs(): # create write dis tri_create_write_path(pData.find('result')) tri_create_write_path(pData.find('dailies')) # setup results/dailies params tri_filename_init(nuke.thisGroup().node('result'), pData.find('result')) tri_filename_init(nuke.thisGroup().node('dailies'), pData.find('dailies')) nuke.thisGroup()['_render'].setEnabled(True) nuke.thisGroup()['write_result'].setEnabled(True) nuke.thisGroup()['write_dailies'].setEnabled(True) nuke.thisGroup()['slate'].setEnabled(True) if nuke.thisGroup().inputs > 0: nuke.autoplace(nuke.thisGroup()) pData = None
def initGizmos(): allgizmos = toolbar.addMenu('all_gizmos', icon=icons.ico['animagrad']) gizmos = os.path.join(nuke_path, 'gizmos').replace('\\','/') nuke.tprint('============== CUSTOM GIZMOS: %s' % gizmos) for d, dirs, files in os.walk(gizmos): for file in files: gizmo_name, ext = os.path.splitext(file) if ext == '.gizmo': allgizmos.addCommand(gizmo_name, "nuke.createNode(\"" + gizmo_name + '\")' ) nuke.tprint(gizmo_name) nuke.tprint('==============')
def _recursiveAddGizmoPaths(self, folder, crawlData, foldersOnly=False): # If we're in GUI mode, also store away data in _crawlData to to be used # later by addGizmoMenuItems if not os.path.isdir(folder): return if nuke.GUI: if 'files' not in crawlData: crawlData['gizmos'] = {} if 'dirs' not in crawlData: crawlData['dirs'] = {} # avoid an infinite loop due to symlinks... canonicalPath = self.canonicalPath(folder) if canonicalPath in self._visited: return self._visited.add(canonicalPath) for subItem in sorted(os.listdir(canonicalPath)): if self.exclude and continue subPath = os.path.join(canonicalPath, subItem) if os.path.isdir(subPath): nuke.pluginAppendPath(subPath) nuke.pluginAppendPath(os.path.join(subPath,'icons')) if DEBUG: nuke.tprint('GIZMO PATH: %s' % subPath) subData = {} if nuke.GUI: crawlData['dirs'][subItem] = subData self._recursiveAddGizmoPaths(subPath, subData) elif nuke.GUI and (not foldersOnly) and os.path.isfile(subPath): name, ext = os.path.splitext(subItem) if ext == '.gizmo': if re.match('[0-9]{3}', name[-3:]): gizmoName = name[:-4] version = name[-3:] else: gizmoName = name version = '000' crawlData['gizmos'][gizmoName]=[] crawlData['gizmos'][gizmoName].append(int(version)) if DEBUG: nuke.tprint('GIZMO NAME: %s' % name) nuke.tprint('GIZMO VERS: %s' % version )
def _recursiveAddGizmoMenuItems(self, toolbar, crawlData, defaultSubMenu=None, topLevel=False): for name, versions in crawlData['gizmos'].items(): niceName = name filename = "%s_%03d" % (name, max(versions)) niceName = name.replace('_',' ') niceName = unCamel(niceName,' ',False,True) if DEBUG: nuke.tprint('GIZMO NAME: %s' % name) nuke.tprint('GIZMO VERS: %s' % ('%03d' % max(versions)) ) nuke.tprint('GIZMO NICENAME: %s' % niceName) toolbar.addCommand(niceName,"nuke.createNode('%s')" % filename, '%s.png' % name ) for folder, data in crawlData.get('dirs', {}).iteritems(): import sys subMenu = toolbar.findItem(folder) if subMenu is None: if defaultSubMenu: subMenu = toolbar.findItem(defaultSubMenu) subMenu.addCommand("-", "", "") else: subMenu = toolbar.addMenu(folder, "%s.png" % folder) subMenu.addCommand("-", "", "") self._recursiveAddGizmoMenuItems(subMenu, data)
import nuke nuke.tprint('Loading') try: from RotopaintToSplineWarp_v2 import * except: pass #=============================================================================== # BVFX ToolBar Menu definitions #=============================================================================== toolbar ="Nodes") bvfxt = toolbar.addMenu("BoundaryVFX Tools", "BoundaryVFX.png") bvfxt.addCommand('Rotopaint to SplineWarp Nukev7', 'Roto_to_WarpSpline_v2()', 'F8', icon='bvfx_SplineW.png')
def errorMsg(message): "Prints an error message to the terminal and script editor output." message = str(message) nuke.tprint(message) print message
import logging import nuke logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) try: __import__("pyblish_nuke") except ImportError as e: nuke.tprint("pyblish: Could not load integration: %s " % e) else: import pyblish_nuke.lib # Setup integration pyblish_nuke.lib.setup()
import nuke, os, sys from amg import icons nuke.tprint('============== is running\n') # nuke root NUKE_PATH = os.path.join(os.getenv('AMG_ROOT'), 'scripts', 'nuke') #add plugin path nuke.pluginAddPath(os.path.join(NUKE_PATH, 'gizmos').replace('\\','/')) nuke.pluginAddPath(os.path.join(NUKE_PATH, 'icons').replace('\\','/')) nuke.pluginAddPath(os.path.join(os.getenv('AMG_PLUGINS'), 'nuke')) # python os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = os.path.join(NUKE_PATH, 'python') #favorites nuke.addFavoriteDir( 'AMG', '[getenv AMG_ROOT]', nuke.IMAGE | nuke.GEO | nuke.FONT | nuke.PYTHON, icon=icons.ico['animagrad'] )
import nuke nuke.tprint('Loading') try: from freezeSplineWarp_v2 import * except: pass #=============================================================================== # BVFX ToolBar Menu definitions #=============================================================================== toolbar ="Nodes") bvfxt = toolbar.addMenu("BoundaryVFX Tools", "BoundaryVFX.png") bvfxt.addCommand('FreezeWarp for Nukev7', 'freezeWarp_v2()','shift+F8', icon='bvfx_SplineF.png')