Esempio n. 1
    def calc_Vsh(self, n, sqrt_r):
        """Generates m.H(V[n][s]) for a given n, used for generating B[n][s]
        This is described on p. 14 of arXiv:1103.0936v2 [cond-mat.str-el] for left 
        gauge fixing. Here, we are using right gauge fixing.
        Array slicing and reshaping is used to manipulate the indices as necessary.
        Each V[n] directly depends only on A[n] and r[n].
        We return the conjugate m.H(V) because we use it in more places than V.
        R = sp.zeros((self.D[n], self.q[n], self.D[n-1]), dtype=self.typ, order='C')
        for s in xrange(self.q[n]):
            R[:,s,:] = m.mmul(sqrt_r, m.H(self.A[n][s]))

        R = R.reshape((self.q[n] * self.D[n], self.D[n-1]))
        V = m.H(ns.nullspace_qr(m.H(R)))
        #print (q[n]*D[n] - D[n-1], q[n]*D[n])
        #print V.shape
        #print sp.allclose(mat(V) * mat(V).H, sp.eye(q[n]*D[n] - D[n-1]))
        #print sp.allclose(mat(V) * mat(Rh).H, 0)
        V = V.reshape((self.q[n] * self.D[n] - self.D[n - 1], self.D[n], self.q[n])) #this works with the above form for R
        #prepare for using V[s] and already take the adjoint, since we use it more often
        Vsh = sp.empty((self.q[n], self.D[n], self.q[n] * self.D[n] - self.D[n - 1]), dtype=self.typ, order=self.odr)
        for s in xrange(self.q[n]):
            Vsh[s] = m.H(V[:,:,s])
        return Vsh
Esempio n. 2
def calc_Vsh_l(A, lm1_sqrt, sanity_checks=False):
    D = A.shape[2]
    Dm1 = A.shape[1]
    q = A.shape[0]

    if q * Dm1 - D <= 0:
        return None

    L = sp.zeros((D, q, Dm1), dtype=A.dtype, order='C')

    for s in xrange(q):
        L[:, s, :] =[s]).conj().T

    L = L.reshape((D, q * Dm1))
    V = ns.nullspace_qr(L)

    if sanity_checks:
        if not sp.allclose(, 0):
            log.warning("Sanity Fail in calc_Vsh_l!: LV != 0")
        if not sp.allclose(V.conj(), sp.eye(V.shape[1])):
            log.warning("Sanity Fail in calc_Vsh_l!: V H(V) != eye")

    V = V.reshape((q, Dm1, q * Dm1 - D))

    Vsh = sp.transpose(V.conj(), axes=(0, 2, 1))
    Vsh = sp.asarray(Vsh, order='C')

    if sanity_checks:
        M = eps_l_noop(lm1_sqrt, A, V)
        if not sp.allclose(M, 0):
            log.warning("Sanity Fail in calc_Vsh_l!: Bad Vsh")

    return Vsh
Esempio n. 3
def calc_Vsh(A, r_s, sanity_checks=False):
    D = A.shape[2]
    Dm1 = A.shape[1]
    q = A.shape[0]

    if q * D - Dm1 <= 0:
        return None

    R = sp.zeros((D, q, Dm1), dtype=A.dtype, order='C')

    for s in xrange(q):
        R[:, s, :] =[s].conj().T)

    R = R.reshape((q * D, Dm1))
    Vconj = ns.nullspace_qr(R.conj().T).T

    if sanity_checks:
        if not sp.allclose(mm.mmul(Vconj.conj(), R), 0):
            log.warning("Sanity Fail in calc_Vsh!: VR != 0")
        if not sp.allclose(mm.mmul(Vconj,
                                   Vconj.conj().T), sp.eye(Vconj.shape[0])):
            log.warning("Sanity Fail in calc_Vsh!: V H(V) != eye")

    Vconj = Vconj.reshape((q * D - Dm1, D, q))

    Vsh = Vconj.T
    Vsh = sp.asarray(Vsh, order='C')

    if sanity_checks:
        Vs = sp.transpose(Vsh, axes=(0, 2, 1)).conj()
        M = eps_r_noop(r_s, Vs, A)
        if not sp.allclose(M, 0):
            log.warning("Sanity Fail in calc_Vsh!: Bad Vsh")

    return Vsh
Esempio n. 4
def calc_Vsh_l(A, lm1_sqrt, sanity_checks=False):    
    D = A.shape[2]
    Dm1 = A.shape[1]
    q = A.shape[0]
    if q * Dm1 - D <= 0:
        return None
    L = sp.zeros((D, q, Dm1), dtype=A.dtype, order='C')

    for s in xrange(q):
        L[:,s,:] =[s]).conj().T

    L = L.reshape((D, q * Dm1))
    V = ns.nullspace_qr(L)

    if sanity_checks:
        if not sp.allclose(, 0):
            log.warning("Sanity Fail in calc_Vsh_l!: LV != 0")
        if not sp.allclose(V.conj(), sp.eye(V.shape[1])):
            log.warning("Sanity Fail in calc_Vsh_l!: V H(V) != eye")
    V = V.reshape((q, Dm1, q * Dm1 - D))

    Vsh = sp.transpose(V.conj(), axes=(0, 2, 1))
    Vsh = sp.asarray(Vsh, order='C')

    if sanity_checks:
        M = eps_l_noop(lm1_sqrt, A, V)
        if not sp.allclose(M, 0):
            log.warning("Sanity Fail in calc_Vsh_l!: Bad Vsh")

    return Vsh
Esempio n. 5
def calc_Vsh(A, r_s, sanity_checks=False):
    D = A.shape[2]
    Dm1 = A.shape[1]
    q = A.shape[0]
    if q * D - Dm1 <= 0:
        return None
    R = sp.zeros((D, q, Dm1), dtype=A.dtype, order='C')

    for s in xrange(q):
        R[:,s,:] =[s].conj().T)

    R = R.reshape((q * D, Dm1))
    Vconj = ns.nullspace_qr(R.conj().T).T

    if sanity_checks:
        if not sp.allclose(mm.mmul(Vconj.conj(), R), 0):
            log.warning("Sanity Fail in calc_Vsh!: VR != 0")
        if not sp.allclose(mm.mmul(Vconj, Vconj.conj().T), sp.eye(Vconj.shape[0])):
            log.warning("Sanity Fail in calc_Vsh!: V H(V) != eye")
    Vconj = Vconj.reshape((q * D - Dm1, D, q))

    Vsh = Vconj.T
    Vsh = sp.asarray(Vsh, order='C')

    if sanity_checks:
        Vs = sp.transpose(Vsh, axes=(0, 2, 1)).conj()
        M = eps_r_noop(r_s, Vs, A)
        if not sp.allclose(M, 0):
            log.warning("Sanity Fail in calc_Vsh!: Bad Vsh")

    return Vsh
Esempio n. 6
    def calc_Vsh(self, n, sqrt_r):
        """Generates mm.H(V[n][s]) for a given n, used for generating B[n][s]

        This is described on p. 14 of arXiv:1103.0936v2 [cond-mat.str-el] for left
        gauge fixing. Here, we are using right gauge fixing.

        Array slicing and reshaping is used to manipulate the indices as necessary.

        Each V[n] directly depends only on A[n] and r[n].

        We return the conjugate mm.H(V) because we use it in more places than V.
        R = sp.zeros((self.D[n], self.q[n], self.D[n-1]), dtype=self.typ, order='C')

        for s in xrange(self.q[n]):
            R[:,s,:] = mm.mmul(sqrt_r, mm.H(self.A[n][s]))

        R = R.reshape((self.q[n] * self.D[n], self.D[n-1]))
        Vconj = ns.nullspace_qr(mm.H(R)).T

        if self.sanity_checks:
            if not sp.allclose(mm.mmul(Vconj.conj(), R), 0):
                print "Sanity Fail in calc_Vsh!: VR_%u != 0" % (n)
            if not sp.allclose(mm.mmul(Vconj, mm.H(Vconj)), sp.eye(Vconj.shape[0])):
                print "Sanity Fail in calc_Vsh!: V H(V)_%u != eye" % (n)
        Vconj = Vconj.reshape((self.q[n] * self.D[n] - self.D[n - 1], self.D[n], self.q[n]))

        Vsh = Vconj.T
        Vsh = sp.asarray(Vsh, order='C')

        if self.sanity_checks:
            M = sp.zeros((self.q[n] * self.D[n] - self.D[n - 1], self.D[n]), dtype=self.typ)
            for s in xrange(self.q[n]):
                M += mm.mmul(mm.H(Vsh[s]), sqrt_r, mm.H(self.A[n][s]))
            if not sp.allclose(M, 0):
                print "Sanity Fail in calc_Vsh!: Bad Vsh_%u" % (n)

        return Vsh
Esempio n. 7
    def calc_Vsh(self, r_sqrt):
        R = np.zeros((self.D, self.q, self.D), dtype=self.typ, order='C')
        for s in xrange(self.q):
            R[:,s,:] = m.mmul(r_sqrt, m.H(self.A[s]))
        R = R.reshape((self.q * self.D, self.D))
        Vconj = ns.nullspace_qr(m.H(R)).T
        #R can be pretty huge for large q and D. The decomp. can take a long time...

        if self.sanity_checks:
            if not np.allclose(, m.H(Vconj)), np.eye(self.q*self.D - self.D)):
                print "Sanity check failed: V . H(V) not eye!"
            if not np.allclose(, R), 0):
                print "Sanity check failed: V . R not zero!"
        Vconj = Vconj.reshape(((self.q - 1) * self.D, self.D, self.q))
        #prepare for using V[s] and already take the adjoint, since we use it more often
        Vsh = Vconj.T
        Vsh = np.asarray(Vsh, order='C')

        return Vsh