Esempio n. 1
def testqr(a, eps):
	q,r = qr_decomposition(a,mode='e')
	q,r = qr_decomposition(a,mode='r')
	q,r = qr_decomposition(a,mode='full')
	res = num.matrixmultiply(q,r)
	b = num.ravel( num.abs(res - a) )
        if num.maximum.reduce(b) > eps:
            raise SelftestFailure
            print "OK"
Esempio n. 2
def testqr(a, eps):
    q, r = qr_decomposition(a, mode='e')
    q, r = qr_decomposition(a, mode='r')
    q, r = qr_decomposition(a, mode='full')
    res = num.matrixmultiply(q, r)
    b = num.ravel(num.abs(res - a))
    if num.maximum.reduce(b) > eps:
        raise SelftestFailure
        print "OK"
Esempio n. 3
def multivariate_normal(mean, cov, shape=[]):
    """multivariate_normal(mean, cov) or multivariate_normal(mean, cov, [m, n, ...])

    Returns an array containing multivariate normally distributed
    random numbers with specified mean and covariance.

    |mean| must be a one-dimensional array. |cov| must be a square
    two-dimensional array with the same number of rows and columns as
    |mean| has elements.

    The first form returns a single 1-D array containing a
    multivariate normal.

    The second form returns an array of shape (m, n, ...,
    cov.getshape()[0]). In this case, output[i,j,...,:] is a 1-D array
    containing a multivariate normal.
    # Check preconditions on arguments
    mean = num.array(mean)
    cov = num.array(cov)
    if len(mean.getshape()) != 1:
        raise ArgumentError, "mean must be 1 dimensional."
    if (len(cov.getshape()) != 2) or (cov.getshape()[0] != cov.getshape()[1]):
        raise ArgumentError, "cov must be 2 dimensional and square."
    if mean.getshape()[0] != cov.getshape()[0]:
        raise ArgumentError, "mean and cov must have same length."
    # Compute shape of output
    if isinstance(shape, _types.IntType): shape = [shape]
    final_shape = list(shape[:])
    # Create a matrix of independent standard normally distributed random
    # numbers. The matrix has rows with the same length as mean and as
    # many rows are necessary to form a matrix of shape final_shape.
    x = ranlib.standard_normal(num.multiply.reduce(final_shape))
    x.setshape(num.multiply.reduce(final_shape[0:len(final_shape) - 1]),
    # Transform matrix of standard normals into matrix where each row
    # contains multivariate normals with the desired covariance.
    # Compute A such that matrixmultiply(transpose(A),A) == cov.
    # Then the matrix products of the rows of x and A has the desired
    # covariance. Note that sqrt(s)*v where (u,s,v) is the singular value
    # decomposition of cov is such an A.
    (u, s, v) = linalg.singular_value_decomposition(cov)
    x = num.matrixmultiply(x * num.sqrt(s), v)
    # The rows of x now have the correct covariance but mean 0. Add
    # mean to each row. Then each row will have mean mean.
    num.add(mean, x, x)
    return x
Esempio n. 4
def multivariate_normal(mean, cov, shape=[]):
    """multivariate_normal(mean, cov) or multivariate_normal(mean, cov, [m, n, ...])

    Returns an array containing multivariate normally distributed
    random numbers with specified mean and covariance.

    |mean| must be a one-dimensional array. |cov| must be a square
    two-dimensional array with the same number of rows and columns as
    |mean| has elements.

    The first form returns a single 1-D array containing a
    multivariate normal.

    The second form returns an array of shape (m, n, ...,
    cov.getshape()[0]). In this case, output[i,j,...,:] is a 1-D array
    containing a multivariate normal.
    # Check preconditions on arguments
    mean = num.array(mean)
    cov = num.array(cov)
    if len(mean.getshape()) != 1:
        raise ArgumentError, "mean must be 1 dimensional."
    if (len(cov.getshape()) != 2) or (cov.getshape()[0] != cov.getshape()[1]):
        raise ArgumentError, "cov must be 2 dimensional and square."
    if mean.getshape()[0] != cov.getshape()[0]:
        raise ArgumentError, "mean and cov must have same length."
    # Compute shape of output
    if isinstance(shape, _types.IntType): shape = [shape]
    final_shape = list(shape[:])
    # Create a matrix of independent standard normally distributed random
    # numbers. The matrix has rows with the same length as mean and as
    # many rows are necessary to form a matrix of shape final_shape.
    x = ranlib.standard_normal(num.multiply.reduce(final_shape))
    # Transform matrix of standard normals into matrix where each row
    # contains multivariate normals with the desired covariance.
    # Compute A such that matrixmultiply(transpose(A),A) == cov.
    # Then the matrix products of the rows of x and A has the desired
    # covariance. Note that sqrt(s)*v where (u,s,v) is the singular value
    # decomposition of cov is such an A.
    (u,s,v) = linalg.singular_value_decomposition(cov)
    x = num.matrixmultiply(x*num.sqrt(s),v)
    # The rows of x now have the correct covariance but mean 0. Add
    # mean to each row. Then each row will have mean mean.
    return x