def kernel(dst, src):
    '''A simple kernel that adds 1 to every item
    i = cuda.grid(1)
    if i >= dst.shape[0]:
    dst[i] = src[i] + 1
Esempio n. 2
def removeEdges(edgeList, sortedArgs, n_discarded):
        edgeList         : list of edges
        sortedArgs         : argument list of the sorted weight list
        n_discarded     : number of edges to be discarded specified in sortedArgs

    Remove discarded edges form the edge list.
    Each edge discarded is replaced by -1.

    Discard edges specified by the last n_discarded arguments
    in the sortedArgs list.


    tgid = cuda.grid(1)

    # one thread per edge that must be discarded
    # total number of edges to be discarded is the difference 
    # between the between the total number of edges and the 
    # number of edges to be considered + the number edges 
    # to be discarded

    if tgid >= n_discarded:

    # remove not considered edges
    elif tgid < n_considered_edges:
        maxIdx = edgeList.size - 1 # maximum index of sortedArgs
        index = maxIdx - tgid # index of 
        edgeList[index] = -1
Esempio n. 3
def compute_lifetimes_CUDA(nweight, lifetimes):
    edge = cuda.grid(1)
    if edge >= lifetimes.size:
    lifetimes[edge] = nweight[edge + 1] - nweight[edge]
Esempio n. 4
def getWeightsOfEdges_gpu(edges, n_edges, weights, nweights):
    This function will take a list of edges (edges), the number of edges to 
    consider (n_edges, the weights of all the possible edges (weights) and the 
    array for the weights of the list of edges and put the weight of each edge 
    in the list of edges in the nweights, in the same position.

    The kernel will also discard not considered edges, i.e. edges whose 
    argument >= n_edges.
    Discarding an edge is done by replacing the edge by -1.
    # n_edges_sm = cuda.shared.array(1, dtype = int32)
    edge = cuda.grid(1)

    if edge >= edges.size:
    # if edge == 0:
    #     n_edges_sm[0] = n_edges[0]
    # cuda.syncthreads()
    # if edge >= n_edges_sm[0]:
    if edge >= n_edges[0]:
        edges[edge] = -1
        myEdgeID = edges[edge]
        nweights[edge] = weights[myEdgeID]
Esempio n. 5
def addEdges(edges, n_edges, dest, weight, fe, od, top_edge, ndest, nweight):
    n_edges_sm = cuda.shared.array(0, dtype = int32)

    edge = cuda.grid(1)

    # if edge == 0:
    #     n_edges_sm[0] = n_edges[0]

    key = edges[edge]

    # if edge is -1 it was marked for removal
    if key == -1:

    o_v = dest[key]
    i_v = binaryOriginVertexSearch_CUDA(key, dest, fe, od)

    # get and increment pointers for each vertex
    i_ptr = cuda.atomic.add(top_edge, i_v, 1)
    o_ptr =cuda.atomic.add(top_edge, o_v, 1)

    # add edges to destination array
    ndest[i_ptr] = o_v
    ndest[o_ptr] = i_v

    # add weight to edges
    edge_w = weight[key]
    nweight[i_ptr] = edge_w
    nweight[o_ptr] = edge_w    
Esempio n. 6
def get_grad_omega(grad_omega, omega, r, d, qbin):
    Get the gradient of the Debye sum with respect to atomic positions

    grad_omega: kx3xQ array
        The gradient
    omega: kxQ array
        Debye sum
    r: k array
        The pair distance array
    d: kx3 array
        The pair displacements
    qbin: float
        The qbin size
    kmax, _, qmax_bin = grad_omega.shape
    k, qx = cuda.grid(2)
    if k >= kmax or qx >= qmax_bin:
    sv = f4(qx) * qbin
    rk = r[k]
    a = (sv * math.cos(sv * rk)) - omega[k, qx]
    a /= rk * rk
    for w in range(i4(3)):
        grad_omega[k, w, qx] = a * d[k, w]
Esempio n. 7
def builtin_max(A, B, C):
    i = cuda.grid(1)

    if i >= len(C):

    C[i] = float64(max(A[i], B[i]))
Esempio n. 8
def gpu_expand_mask_bits(bits, out):
    """Expand each bits in bitmask *bits* into an element in out.
    This is a flexible kernel that can be launch with any number of blocks
    and threads.
    for i in range(cuda.grid(1), out.size, cuda.gridsize(1)):
        out[i] = mask_get(bits, i)
Esempio n. 9
def d2_to_d1_sum(d1, d2):
    qx = cuda.grid(1)

    if qx >= len(d1):
    tmp = d2[:, qx].sum()
    d1[qx] = tmp
Esempio n. 10
def gpu_gather(data, index, out):
    i = cuda.grid(1)
    if i < index.size:
        idx = index[i]
        # Only do it if the index is in range
        if 0 <= idx < data.size:
            out[i] = data[idx]
Esempio n. 11
    def cufftShift_2D_kernel(data, N):
        adopted CUDA FFT shift code from:
        (GNU Lesser Public License)

        # // 2D Slice & 1D Line
        sLine = N
        sSlice = N * N
        # // Transformations Equations
        sEq1 = int((sSlice + sLine) / 2)
        sEq2 = int((sSlice - sLine) / 2)
        x, y = cuda.grid(2)
        # // Thread Index Converted into 1D Index
        index = (y * N) + x

        if x < N / 2:
            if y < N / 2:
                # // First Quad
                temp = data[index]
                data[index] = data[index + sEq1]
                # // Third Quad
                data[index + sEq1] = temp
            if y < N / 2:
                # // Second Quad
                temp = data[index]
                data[index] = data[index + sEq2]
                data[index + sEq2] = temp
Esempio n. 12
def lateral_inh(S, V, K_inh):

    idx, idy, idz = cuda.grid(3)
    if idx > V.shape[0] - 1:
    if idy > V.shape[1] - 1:
    if idz > V.shape[2] - 1:

    # if neuron has not fired terminate the thread
    if S[idx, idy, idz] != 1:

    # if a neuron in this position has fired before do not fire again
    if K_inh[idx, idy] == 0:
        S[idx, idy, idz] = 0

    # neuron at this position but in other input map
    for k in range(V.shape[2]):
        if S[idx, idy, k] == 1 and V[idx, idy, idz] < V[idx, idy, k]:
            S[idx, idy, idz] = 0
    K_inh[idx, idy] = 0
Esempio n. 13
def vec_add_ilp_x4(a, b, c):
    # read
    i = cuda.grid(1)
    ai = a[i]
    bi = b[i]

    bw = cuda.blockDim.x
    gw = cuda.gridDim.x
    stride = gw * bw

    j = i + stride
    aj = a[j]
    bj = b[j]

    k = j + stride
    ak = a[k]
    bk = b[k]

    l = k + stride
    al = a[l]
    bl = b[l]

    # compute
    ci = core(ai, bi)
    cj = core(aj, bj)
    ck = core(ak, bk)
    cl = core(al, bl)

    # write
    c[i] = ci
    c[j] = cj
    c[k] = ck
    c[l] = cl
Esempio n. 14
def fast_matmul(A, B, C):
    # Define an array in the shared memory
    # The size and type of the arrays must be known at compile time
    sA = cuda.shared.array(shape=(TPB, TPB), dtype=float32)
    sB = cuda.shared.array(shape=(TPB, TPB), dtype=float32)

    x, y = cuda.grid(2)

    tx = cuda.threadIdx.x
    ty = cuda.threadIdx.y
    bpg = cuda.gridDim.x    # blocks per grid

    if x >= C.shape[0] and y >= C.shape[1]:
        # Quit if (x, y) is outside of valid C boundary

    # Each thread computes one element in the result matrix.
    # The dot product is chunked into dot products of TPB-long vectors.
    tmp = 0.
    for i in range(bpg):
        # Preload data into shared memory
        sA[tx, ty] = A[x, ty + i * TPB]
        sB[tx, ty] = B[tx + i * TPB, y]

        # Wait until all threads finish preloading

        # Computes partial product on the shared memory
        for j in range(TPB):
            tmp += sA[tx, j] * sB[j, ty]

        # Wait until all threads finish computing

    C[x, y] = tmp
Esempio n. 15
def vec_add_ilp_x8(a, b, c):
    # read
    i = cuda.grid(1)
    ai = a[i]
    bi = b[i]

    bw = cuda.blockDim.x
    gw = cuda.gridDim.x
    stride = gw * bw

    j = i + stride
    aj = a[j]
    bj = b[j]

    k = j + stride
    ak = a[k]
    bk = b[k]

    l = k + stride
    al = a[l]
    bl = b[l]

    m = l + stride
    am = a[m]
    bm = b[m]

    n = m + stride
    an = a[n]
    bn = b[n]

    o = n + stride
    ao = a[o]
    bo = b[o]

    p = o + stride
    ap = a[o]
    bp = b[o]

    # compute
    ci = core(ai, bi)
    cj = core(aj, bj)
    ck = core(ak, bk)
    cl = core(al, bl)

    cm = core(am, bm)
    cn = core(an, bn)
    co = core(ao, bo)
    cp = core(ap, bp)

    # write
    c[i] = ci
    c[j] = cj
    c[k] = ck
    c[l] = cl

    c[m] = cm
    c[n] = cn
    c[o] = co
    c[p] = cp
Esempio n. 16
def function_with_lots_of_registers(x, a, b, c, d, e, f):
    a1 = 1.0
    a2 = 1.0
    a3 = 1.0
    a4 = 1.0
    a5 = 1.0
    b1 = 1.0
    b2 = 1.0
    b3 = 1.0
    b4 = 1.0
    b5 = 1.0
    c1 = 1.0
    c2 = 1.0
    c3 = 1.0
    c4 = 1.0
    c5 = 1.0
    d1 = 10
    d2 = 10
    d3 = 10
    d4 = 10
    d5 = 10
    for i in range(a):
        a1 += b
        a2 += c
        a3 += d
        a4 += e
        a5 += f
        b1 *= b
        b2 *= c
        b3 *= d
        b4 *= e
        b5 *= f
        c1 /= b
        c2 /= c
        c3 /= d
        c4 /= e
        c5 /= f
        d1 <<= b
        d2 <<= c
        d3 <<= d
        d4 <<= e
        d5 <<= f
    x[cuda.grid(1)] = a1 + a2 + a3 + a4 + a5
    x[cuda.grid(1)] += b1 + b2 + b3 + b4 + b5
    x[cuda.grid(1)] += c1 + c2 + c3 + c4 + c5
    x[cuda.grid(1)] += d1 + d2 + d3 + d4 + d5
Esempio n. 17
def gpu_compact_mask_bytes(bools, bits):
    tid = cuda.grid(1)
    base = tid * mask_bitsize
    for i in range(base, base + mask_bitsize):
        if i >= bools.size:
        if bools[i]:
            mask_set(bits, i)
Esempio n. 18
def gpu_insert_if_masked(arr, mask, out_idx, out_queue):
    i = cuda.grid(1)
    if i < arr.size:
        diff = mask[i]
        if diff:
            wridx = cuda.atomic.add(out_idx, 0, 1)
            if wridx < out_queue.size:
                out_queue[wridx] = arr[i]
Esempio n. 19
def cu_mat_power_binop(A, power, power_A):
    y, x = cuda.grid(2)

    m, n = power_A.shape
    if x >= n or y >= m:

    power_A[y, x] = A[y, x] ** power
Esempio n. 20
def cu_mat_power(A, power, power_A):
    y, x = cuda.grid(2)

    m, n = power_A.shape
    if x >= n or y >= m:

    power_A[y, x] = math.pow(A[y, x], int32(power))
Esempio n. 21
def cuconstRecAlign(A, B, C, D, E):
    Z = cuda.const.array_like(CONST_RECORD_ALIGN)
    i = cuda.grid(1)
    A[i] = Z[i]['a']
    B[i] = Z[i]['b']
    C[i] = Z[i]['x']
    D[i] = Z[i]['y']
    E[i] = Z[i]['z']
Esempio n. 22
def simple_smem(ary):
    sm = cuda.shared.array(N, int32)
    i = cuda.grid(1)
    if i == 0:
        for j in range(N):
            sm[j] = j
    ary[i] = sm[i]
Esempio n. 23
def rng_kernel_float64(states, out, count, distribution):
    thread_id = cuda.grid(1)

    for i in range(count):
        if distribution == UNIFORM:
            out[thread_id * count + i] = xoroshiro128p_uniform_float64(states, thread_id)
        elif distribution == NORMAL:
            out[thread_id * count + i] = xoroshiro128p_normal_float64(states, thread_id)
Esempio n. 24
def saxpy(a, x, y, out):
    # Short for cuda.threadIdx.x + cuda.blockIdx.x * cuda.blockDim.x
    i = cuda.grid(1)
    # Map i to array elements
    if i >= out.size:
        # Out of range?
        # Do actual work
    out[i] = a * x[i] + y[i]
Esempio n. 25
def experimental_sum_grad_fq1(new_grad, grad, k_cov):
    k, qx = cuda.grid(2)
    if k >= len(grad) or qx >= grad.shape[2]:
    i, j = cuda_k_to_ij(i4(k + k_cov))
    for tz in range(3):
        a = grad[k, tz, qx]
        cuda.atomic.add(new_grad, (j, tz, qx), a)
        cuda.atomic.add(new_grad, (i, tz, qx), f4(-1.) * a)
Esempio n. 26
def matmul(A, B, C):
    """Perform square matrix multiplication of C = A * B
    i, j = cuda.grid(2)
    if i < C.shape[0] and j < C.shape[1]:
        tmp = 0.
        for k in range(A.shape[1]):
            tmp += A[i, k] * B[k, j]
        C[i, j] = tmp
Esempio n. 27
def intrinsic_forloop_step(c):
    startX, startY = cuda.grid(2)
    gridX = cuda.gridDim.x * cuda.blockDim.x
    gridY = cuda.gridDim.y * cuda.blockDim.y
    height, width = c.shape

    for x in range(startX, width, gridX):
        for y in range(startY, height, gridY):
            c[y, x] = x + y
Esempio n. 28
        def preCalc(y, yA, yB, numDataPoints):
            i = cuda.grid(1)
            k = i % numDataPoints

            ans = float32(1.001 * float32(i))

            y[i] = ans
            yA[i] = ans * 1.0
            yB[i] = ans / 1.0
Esempio n. 29
def cuda_all_euc_dists_inner(coords_arr, out_arr):
    x, y, m = cuda.grid(3)

    num_models, num_beads, num_dims = coords_arr.shape
    if x < num_beads and y < num_beads and m < num_models:
        acc = 0.0
        for d in range(num_dims):
            acc += (coords_arr[m, x, d] - coords_arr[m, y, d]) ** 2
        out_arr[x, y, m] = math.sqrt(acc)
Esempio n. 30
        def diagproduct(c, a, b):
            startX, startY = cuda.grid(2)
            gridX = cuda.gridDim.x * cuda.blockDim.x
            gridY = cuda.gridDim.y * cuda.blockDim.y
            height = c.shape[0]
            width = c.shape[1]

            for x in range(startX, width, (gridX)):
                for y in range(startY, height, (gridY)):
                    c[y, x] = a[y, x] * b[x]
Esempio n. 31
def math_sqrt(A, B):
    i = cuda.grid(1)
    B[i] = math.sqrt(A[i])
Esempio n. 32
def math_acosh(A, B):
    i = cuda.grid(1)
    B[i] = math.acosh(A[i])
Esempio n. 33
def useless_syncwarp(ary):
    i = cuda.grid(1)
    ary[i] = i
Esempio n. 34
def useless_syncthreads(ary):
    i = cuda.grid(1)
    ary[i] = i
Esempio n. 35
def dyn_shared_memory(ary):
    i = cuda.grid(1)
    sm = cuda.shared.array(0, float32)
    sm[i] = i * 2
    ary[i] = sm[i]
Esempio n. 36
def math_lgamma(A, B):
    i = cuda.grid(1)
    B[i] = math.lgamma(A[i])
Esempio n. 37
def math_atanh(A, B):
    i = cuda.grid(1)
    B[i] = math.atanh(A[i])
Esempio n. 38
def math_ceil(A, B):
    i = cuda.grid(1)
    B[i] = math.ceil(A[i])
Esempio n. 39
def math_degrees(A, B):
    i = cuda.grid(1)
    B[i] = math.degrees(A[i])
Esempio n. 40
def math_radians(A, B):
    i = cuda.grid(1)
    B[i] = math.radians(A[i])
Esempio n. 41
def math_pow_binop(A, B, C):
    i = cuda.grid(1)
    C[i] = A[i] ** B[i]
Esempio n. 42
def atomic_compare_and_swap(res, old, ary):
    gid = cuda.grid(1)
    if gid < res.size:
        out = cuda.atomic.compare_and_swap(res[gid:], -99, ary[gid])
        old[gid] = out
Esempio n. 43
def math_sin(A, B):
    i = cuda.grid(1)
    B[i] = math.sin(A[i])
Esempio n. 44
def math_cos(A, B):
    i = cuda.grid(1)
    B[i] = math.cos(A[i])
Esempio n. 45
def math_pow(A, B, C):
    i = cuda.grid(1)
    C[i] = math.pow(A[i], B[i])
Esempio n. 46
def math_asinh(A, B):
    i = cuda.grid(1)
    B[i] = math.asinh(A[i])
Esempio n. 47
def math_hypot(A, B, C):
    i = cuda.grid(1)
    C[i] = math.hypot(A[i], B[i])
Esempio n. 48
def math_isfinite(A, B):
    i = cuda.grid(1)
    B[i] = math.isfinite(A[i])
Esempio n. 49
def math_log1p(A, B):
    i = cuda.grid(1)
    B[i] = math.log1p(A[i])
Esempio n. 50
def math_isinf(A, B):
    i = cuda.grid(1)
    B[i] = math.isinf(A[i])
Esempio n. 51
def math_isnan(A, B):
    i = cuda.grid(1)
    B[i] = math.isnan(A[i])
Esempio n. 52
def math_modf(A, B, C):
    i = cuda.grid(1)
    B[i], C[i] = math.modf(A[i])
Esempio n. 53
def use_syncthreads_count(ary_in, ary_out):
    i = cuda.grid(1)
    ary_out[i] = cuda.syncthreads_count(ary_in[i])
Esempio n. 54
def math_fmod(A, B, C):
    i = cuda.grid(1)
    C[i] = math.fmod(A[i], B[i])
Esempio n. 55
def coop_smem2d(ary):
    i, j = cuda.grid(2)
    sm = cuda.shared.array((10, 20), float32)
    sm[i, j] = (i + 1) / (j + 1)
    ary[i, j] = sm[i, j]
Esempio n. 56
def math_copysign(A, B, C):
    i = cuda.grid(1)
    C[i] = math.copysign(A[i], B[i])
Esempio n. 57
def useless_syncwarp_with_mask(ary):
    i = cuda.grid(1)
    ary[i] = i
Esempio n. 58
def math_floor(A, B):
    i = cuda.grid(1)
    B[i] = math.floor(A[i])
Esempio n. 59
 def copykernel(x, y):
     i = cuda.grid(1)
     if i < x.shape[0]:
         x[i] = i
         y[i] = i
Esempio n. 60
def math_mod_binop(A, B, C):
    i = cuda.grid(1)
    C[i] = A[i] % B[i]