Esempio n. 1
    def test_default_args_starargs_and_keyonly(self):
        spec = [('x', int32), ('y', int32), ('z', int32),
                ('args', types.UniTuple(int32, 2)), ('a', int32)]

        with self.assertRaises(errors.UnsupportedError) as raises:

        msg = "VAR_POSITIONAL argument type unsupported"
        self.assertIn(msg, str(raises.exception))
Esempio n. 2
    def test_default_args_starargs_and_keyonly(self):
        spec = [("x", int32), ("y", int32), ("z", int32),
                ("args", types.UniTuple(int32, 2)), ("a", int32)]

        with self.assertRaises(errors.UnsupportedError) as raises:
            jitclass(TestClass2, spec)

        msg = "VAR_POSITIONAL argument type unsupported"
        self.assertIn(msg, str(raises.exception))
Esempio n. 3
    def test_globals(self):
        class Mine(object):
            constant = 123

            def __init__(self):

        with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as raises:

                         "class members are not yet supported: constant")
Esempio n. 4
    def test_default_args_keyonly(self):
        spec = [("x", int32), ("y", int32), ("z", int32), ("a", int32)]

        TestClass = jitclass(TestClass1, spec)

        tc = TestClass(2, 3)
        self.assertEqual(tc.x, 2)
        self.assertEqual(tc.y, 3)
        self.assertEqual(tc.z, 1)
        self.assertEqual(tc.a, 5)

        tc = TestClass(y=4, x=2, a=42, z=100)
        self.assertEqual(tc.x, 2)
        self.assertEqual(tc.y, 4)
        self.assertEqual(tc.z, 100)
        self.assertEqual(tc.a, 42)

        tc = TestClass(y=4, x=2, a=42)
        self.assertEqual(tc.x, 2)
        self.assertEqual(tc.y, 4)
        self.assertEqual(tc.z, 1)
        self.assertEqual(tc.a, 42)

        tc = TestClass(y=4, x=2)
        self.assertEqual(tc.x, 2)
        self.assertEqual(tc.y, 4)
        self.assertEqual(tc.z, 1)
        self.assertEqual(tc.a, 5)
Esempio n. 5
 def make_jitclass_element(self):
     spec = [
         ('many', types.float64[:]),
         ('scalar', types.float64),
     JCItem = jitclass(spec)(Item)
     return JCItem
Esempio n. 6
def KalmanODE(wgt_meas, tmin, tmax, n_eval, ode_fun, 
              mu_state, wgt_state, var_state, z_state=None):
    "Create a jitted KalmanODE class."
    spec = [
        ('_wgt_meas', float64[::1, :]),
        ('n_meas', intc),
        ('n_state', intc),
        ('tmin', float64),
        ('tmax', float64),
        ('n_eval', intc),
        ('n_steps', intc),
        ('_mu_state', float64[::1]),
        ('_wgt_state', float64[::1, :]),
        ('_var_state', float64[::1, :]),
        ('_z_state', float64[::1, :]),
        ('ode_fun', typeof(ode_fun)),
        ('mu_state_pred', float64[::1, :]),
        ('var_state_pred', float64[::1, :, :]),
        ('mu_state_filt', float64[::1, :]),
        ('var_state_filt', float64[::1, :, :]),
        ('var_state_smooth', float64[::1, :]),
        ('x_meas', float64[::1]),
        ('mu_meas', float64[::1]),
        ('var_meas', float64[::1, :]),
        ('ktv', kalman_type),
        ('tx_state', float64[::1]),
        ('twgt_meas', float64[::1, :]),
        ('tchol_state', float64[::1, :])
    jcl = jitclass(spec)
    kalman_cl = jcl(_KalmanODE)
    return kalman_cl(wgt_meas, tmin, tmax, n_eval, ode_fun, 
                     mu_state, wgt_state, var_state, z_state)
Esempio n. 7
    def test_default_args_keyonly(self):
        spec = [('x', int32), ('y', int32), ('z', int32), ('a', int32)]

        TestClass = jitclass(spec)(TestClass1)

        tc = TestClass(2, 3)
        self.assertEqual(tc.x, 2)
        self.assertEqual(tc.y, 3)
        self.assertEqual(tc.z, 1)
        self.assertEqual(tc.a, 5)

        tc = TestClass(y=4, x=2, a=42, z=100)
        self.assertEqual(tc.x, 2)
        self.assertEqual(tc.y, 4)
        self.assertEqual(tc.z, 100)
        self.assertEqual(tc.a, 42)

        tc = TestClass(y=4, x=2, a=42)
        self.assertEqual(tc.x, 2)
        self.assertEqual(tc.y, 4)
        self.assertEqual(tc.z, 1)
        self.assertEqual(tc.a, 42)

        tc = TestClass(y=4, x=2)
        self.assertEqual(tc.x, 2)
        self.assertEqual(tc.y, 4)
        self.assertEqual(tc.z, 1)
        self.assertEqual(tc.a, 5)
Esempio n. 8
    def test_spec_errors(self):
        spec1 = [('x', int), ('y', float32[:])]
        spec2 = [(1, int32), ('y', float32[:])]

        class Test(object):
            def __init__(self):

        with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as raises:
        self.assertIn("spec values should be Numba type instances",
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as raises:
                         "spec keys should be strings, got 1")
Esempio n. 9
    def test_user_deleter_error(self):
        class Foo(object):
            def __init__(self):

            def value(self):
                return 1

            def value(self):

        with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as raises:
                         "deleter is not supported: value")
Esempio n. 10
def foo(fun):
    Inputs are all those of `_foo`.
    From these it creates a spec of all members for `numba.jitclass`.
    It then creates the jitted class and returns an instance of it initialized with the given inputs.
    spec = [("fun", typeof(fun))]
    jcl = jitclass(spec)
    foo_cl = jcl(_foo)
    return foo_cl(fun)
Esempio n. 11
    def test_jitclass(self):
        with override_config('DISABLE_JIT', True):
            with forbid_codegen():
                SimpleJITClass = jitclass(simple_class_spec)(SimpleClass)

                obj = SimpleJITClass()
                self.assertPreciseEqual(obj.h, 5)

                cfunc = jit(nopython=True)(simple_class_user)
                self.assertPreciseEqual(cfunc(obj), 5)
Esempio n. 12
    def test_name_shadowing_error(self):
        class Foo(object):
            def __init__(self):

            def my_property(self):

            def my_method(self):

        with self.assertRaises(NameError) as raises:
            jitclass([('my_property', int32)])(Foo)
        self.assertEqual(str(raises.exception), 'name shadowing: my_property')

        with self.assertRaises(NameError) as raises:
            jitclass([('my_method', int32)])(Foo)
        self.assertEqual(str(raises.exception), 'name shadowing: my_method')
Esempio n. 13
    def test_jitclass_function_usecases(self):
        spec = OrderedDict(x=float64)

        class AnnotatedTest:
            x: float

            def __init__(self):
                self.x = 0

        JitTest1 = jitclass(AnnotatedTest)
        self.assertIsInstance(JitTest1, JitClassType)
        self.assertDictEqual(JitTest1.class_type.struct, spec)

        class UnannotatedTest:
            def __init__(self):
                self.x = 0

        JitTest2 = jitclass(UnannotatedTest, spec)
        self.assertIsInstance(JitTest2, JitClassType)
        self.assertDictEqual(JitTest2.class_type.struct, spec)
Esempio n. 14
    def test_annotations(self):
        Methods with annotations should compile fine (issue #1911).
        from .annotation_usecases import AnnotatedClass

        spec = {'x': int32}
        cls = jitclass(spec)(AnnotatedClass)

        obj = cls(5)
        self.assertEqual(obj.x, 5)
        self.assertEqual(obj.add(2), 7)
Esempio n. 15
def jit_compile_functions():
    # utils_for_numba.USE_JIT = True

    ) = initialize_dict_numbafied()

    specs_specie = [
        ("logc", numba.float64),
        ("logg", numba.float64),
        ("z", numba.int64),
        ("phase", numba.int64),  # Improve, but See Phase
        ("name", numba.types.string),
        # ('I_factor', numba.float64),
        # ('dh_a', numba.float64),
        # ('dh_b', numba.float64),
        ("cond_molar", numba.float64),
        ("p_int", numba.typeof(d_int)),  # scalar parameters
        ("p_scalar", numba.typeof(d_scalar)),  # scalar parameters
        ("p_iarray", numba.typeof(d_iarray)),  # int array parameters
        ("p_array", numba.typeof(d_array)),  # array parameters
        ("p_matrix", numba.typeof(d_matrix)),  # matrix parameters
        ("d", numba.typeof(d_nested)),  # nested dict float parameters

    # global Specie
    core.Specie = jitclass(specs_specie)(core.Specie)

    l_species, l_string = create_typed_lists()
    l_d_string_float = create_numba_list_of_dict()
    type_list_specie = numba.typeof(l_species)

    spec_result = [
        ("c_molal", numba.float64[:]),
        ("gamma", numba.float64[:]),
        ("pH", numba.float64),
        ("I", numba.float64),
        ),  # Only the dissolved Carbon (solid not counted)
        ("sc", numba.float64),
        # ('SI', numba.typeof(SI_Dict)),
        # ('SI', numba.float64[:]),
        ("IAP", numba.float64[:]),
        ("solid_names", numba.types.List(numba.types.unicode_type)),
        ("precipitation_molalities", numba.float64[:]),
        # ('specie_names', numba.types.List(numba.types.unicode_type)),
        ("specie_names", numba.typeof(l_string)),
        ("saturation_index", numba.typeof(d_scalar)),
        ("preciptation_conc", numba.typeof(d_scalar)),
        ("ionic_activity_prod", numba.typeof(d_scalar)),
        ("log_K_solubility", numba.typeof(d_scalar)),
        ("idx", numba.typeof(d_int)),
        ("reactions", numba.typeof(l_d_string_float)),
        ("index_solubility_calculation", numba.int64),
        ("calculated_solubility", numba.typeof(d_scalar)),
        ("concentrations", numba.typeof(d_scalar)),
        ("x", numba.float64[:]),  # Numerical solution
        ("successfull", numba.boolean),
        ("alkalinity", numba.float64),

    # global core.SolutionResult
    core.SolutionResult = jitclass(spec_result)(core.SolutionResult)

    specs_idx = [
        ("idx", numba.typeof(d_int)),
        ("s", numba.typeof(d_scalar)),
        ("a", numba.typeof(d_array)),
        ("m", numba.typeof(d_matrix)),

    # global core.IndexController
    core.IndexController = jitclass(specs_idx)(core.IndexController)

    specs_reacs = [
        # ('idx_species__', numba.int64),
        # ('stoic_coefs', numba.float64),
        # ('constant_T_coefs', numba.float64),
        ("idx_species", numba.int64[:]),
        ("stoic_coefs", numba.float64[:]),
        # ('stoic_coefs', numba.types.List(numba.int64)),
        ("idx_reaction_db", numba.int64),
        ("constant_T_coefs", numba.float64[:]),
        ("log_K25", numba.float64),
        ("type", numba.types.unicode_type),
        ("delta_h", numba.float64),
        # ('species_tags', numba.types.List(numba.types.unicode_type)),
        ("species_tags", numba.typeof(l_string)),

    # global EqReaction
    core.EqReaction = jitclass(specs_reacs)(core.EqReaction)

    # global DUMMY_EqREACTION
    core.DUMMY_EqREACTION = core.EqReaction(
        np.array([-1, -1], dtype=np.int64),
        # np.array([-1]),
        np.array([np.nan], dtype=np.float64),
        np.array([np.nan], dtype=np.float64),
    )  # -1 IS DUMMY -> Numba issues

    # if os.getenv('NUMBA_DISABLE_JIT') != "1":
    l_reactions = numba.typed.List()

    spec_mass_balance = [
        ("idx_species", numba.int64[:]),
        ("stoic_coefs", numba.float64[:]),
            numba.types.List(numba.types.Tuple((numba.int64, numba.float64))),
        ("use_constant_value", numba.boolean),
        ("feed_is_unknown", numba.boolean),

    # global MassBalance
    core.MassBalance = jitclass(spec_mass_balance)(core.MassBalance)

    # global DUMMY_MB
    core.DUMMY_MB = core.MassBalance(np.array([-1]), np.array([-1.0]),
                                     [(-1, -1.0)], False)

    specs_eqsys = [
        ("c_feed", numba.float64),
        # Extra variables for equilibrium specific cases: to be more generic is a list of np.ndarray (it has to be an array)
        # Arguments in function is necessary for the jacobian, otherwise the jacobian would need to be generated for each change in args
        # This field args is just for convenience to have it stored (OR NOT MAY BE REMOVED)
        ("args", numba.types.List(numba.float64[:])),
        ("res", numba.float64[:]),
        ("TK", numba.float64),
        # ('idx', Indexes.class_type.instance_type),
        ("idx_control", core.IndexController.class_type.instance_type),
        # ('species', numba.types.List(Specie.class_type.instance_type)),
        ("species", type_list_specie),
        # ('reactions', numba.types.List(EqReaction.class_type.instance_type)),
        ("reactions", numba.typeof(l_reactions)),
        ("ionic_strength", numba.float64),
        ("pH", numba.float64),
        ("sc", numba.float64),
        ("molar_conc", numba.float64[:]),
        ("gamma", numba.float64[:]),
        # ('activity_model_type', numba.typeof(TypeActivityCalculation)),
        # ('activity_model_type', numba.types.EnumMember(TypeActivityCalculation, numba.int64)),
        ("is_there_known_mb", numba.boolean),
            numba.types.List(numba.types.Tuple((numba.int64, numba.float64))),
        # ('solid_reactions_but_not_equation', numba.types.List(EqReaction.class_type.instance_type)),
        ("solid_reactions_but_not_equation", numba.typeof(l_reactions)),
        ("num_of_feeds", numba.int64),
        # System creation related
        ("feed_compounds", numba.typeof(l_string)),
        ("closing_equation_type", numba.int64),
        ("element_mass_balance", numba.typeof(l_string)),
        ("initial_feed_mass_balance", numba.typeof(l_string)),
        ("fixed_elements", numba.typeof(l_string)),
        # ('database_files', numba.typeof(d_string)),
        ("reactionsStorage", numba.typeof(l_d_string_float)),
        ("index_solubility_calculation", numba.int64),
        ),  # TEST: will fail in numba
        ("allow_precipitation", numba.boolean),
        ("solid_reactions_in", numba.typeof(l_d_string_float)),
        # ('known_tags', numba.typeof(l_string)),

    # global EquilibriumSystem
    core.EquilibriumSystem = jitclass(specs_eqsys)(core.EquilibriumSystem)

    # Activity coefficients model compilation
    conductivity.solution_conductivity = numba.njit()(
    act.log10gamma_davies = numba.njit()(act.log10gamma_davies)
    act.debye_huckel_constant = numba.njit()(act.debye_huckel_constant)
    act.b_dot_equation = numba.njit()(act.b_dot_equation)
    act.calc_log_gamma_ideal = numba.njit()(act.calc_log_gamma_ideal)
    act.calc_log_gamma_dh_bdot = numba.njit()(act.calc_log_gamma_dh_bdot)
    act.bromley_model_ion = numba.njit()(act.bromley_model_ion)
    act.calc_bromley_method = numba.njit()(act.calc_bromley_method)
    act.calc_sit_method = numba.njit()(act.calc_sit_method)
    act.calc_log_gamma_pitzer = numba.njit()(act.calc_log_gamma_pitzer)
    act.calc_log_gamma_dh_bdot_mean_activity_neutral = numba.njit()(
    properties_utils.dieletricconstant_water = numba.njit()(
    properties_utils.density_water = numba.njit()(
    core.logK_H = numba.njit()(core.logK_H)

    print("End JIT compilation settings")
Esempio n. 16
            return self.values[sp:ep]

    def rowinds(self):
        ris = np.zeros(self.nnz, np.intc)
        for i in range(self.nrows):
            sp, ep = self.row_extent(i)
            ris[sp:ep] = i
        return ris

_CSR64 = type('_CSR64', _CSR.__bases__, dict(_CSR.__dict__))
_CSR = jitclass({
    'nrows': n.intc,
    'ncols': n.intc,
    'nnz': n.intc,
    'rowptrs': n.intc[::1],
    'colinds': n.intc[::1],
    'values': n.float64[::1]
_CSR64 = jitclass({
    'nrows': n.intc,
    'ncols': n.intc,
    'nnz': n.int64,
    'rowptrs': n.int64[::1],
    'colinds': n.intc[::1],
    'values': n.float64[::1]

class CSR:
Esempio n. 17
    return x + 5.

class _foo:
    def __init__(self, fun): = fun

def foo(fun):
    Inputs are all those of `_foo`.
    From these it creates a spec of all members for `numba.jitclass`.
    It then creates the jitted class and returns an instance of it initialized with the given inputs.
    spec = [("fun", typeof(fun))]
    jcl = jitclass(spec)
    foo_cl = jcl(_foo)
    return foo_cl(fun)

spec = [("fun", typeof(a))]
bar = jitclass(spec)(_foo)(a)

# breakpoint()

bar = foo(a)
baz = foo(b) - a(5) - b(10)
Esempio n. 18
 def create_my_class(value):
     cls = jitclass([('value', typeof(value))])(MyClass)
     return cls(value)
Esempio n. 19
def bda_mapper(time,

    have_time_bin_secs = not is_numba_type_none(time_bin_secs)

    Omitted = numba.types.misc.Omitted

    decorr_type = (numba.typeof(decorrelation.value) if isinstance(
        decorrelation, Omitted) else decorrelation)

    fov_type = (numba.typeof(max_fov.value)
                if isinstance(max_fov, Omitted) else max_fov)

    # If time_bin_secs is None,
    # then we set it to the max of the time dtype
    # lower down
    time_bin_secs_type = time_bin_secs if have_time_bin_secs else time.dtype

    spec = [('tbin', numba.uintp), ('bin_count', numba.uintp),
            ('bin_flag_count', numba.uintp), ('time_sum', time.dtype),
            ('interval_sum', interval.dtype), ('rs', numba.uintp),
            ('re', numba.uintp), ('bin_half_Δψ', uvw.dtype),
            ('max_lm', fov_type), ('n_max', fov_type),
            ('decorrelation', decorr_type),
            ('time_bin_secs', time_bin_secs_type),
            ('max_chan_freq', chan_freq.dtype), ('max_uvw_dist', max_uvw_dist)]

    JitBinner = jitclass(spec)(Binner)

    def impl(time,
        # 𝞓 𝝿 𝞇 𝞍 𝝼

        if decorrelation < 0.0 or decorrelation > 1.0:
            raise ValueError("0.0 <= decorrelation <= 1.0 must hold")

        if max_fov <= 0.0 or max_fov > 90.0:
            raise ValueError("0.0 < max_fov <= 90.0 must hold")

        max_lm = np.deg2rad(max_fov)

        ubl, _, bl_inv, _ = unique_baselines(ant1, ant2)
        utime, _, time_inv, _ = unique_time(time)

        nrow = time.shape[0]
        ntime = utime.shape[0]
        nbl = ubl.shape[0]
        nchan = chan_width.shape[0]
        nchan_factors = factors(nchan)
        bandwidth = chan_width.sum()

        if min_nchan is None:
            min_nchan = 1
            s = np.searchsorted(nchan_factors, min_nchan, side='left')
            min_nchan = max(min_nchan, nchan_factors[s])

        if nchan == 0:
            raise ValueError("zero channels")

        # Create the row lookup
        row_lookup = np.full((nbl, ntime), -1, dtype=np.int32)
        bin_lookup = np.full((nbl, ntime), -1, dtype=np.int32)
        bin_chan_width = np.full((nbl, ntime), 0.0, dtype=chan_width.dtype)
        sentinel = np.finfo(time.dtype).max
        time_lookup = np.full((nbl, ntime), sentinel, dtype=time.dtype)
        interval_lookup = np.full((nbl, ntime), sentinel, dtype=interval.dtype)
        # Is the entire bin flagged?
        bin_flagged = np.zeros((nbl, ntime), dtype=np.bool_)
        bin_chan_map = np.empty((nbl, ntime, nchan), dtype=np.int32)

        out_rows = 0
        nr_of_time_bins = 0
        out_row_chans = 0

        def update_lookups(finalised, bl):
            Closure which updates lookups for a baseline,
            given a binner's finalisation data
            # NOTE(sjperkins) Why do scalars need this, but not arrays?
            nonlocal out_rows
            nonlocal out_row_chans
            nonlocal min_nchan

            tbin = finalised.tbin

            time_lookup[bl, tbin] = finalised.time
            interval_lookup[bl, tbin] = finalised.interval
            bin_flagged[bl, tbin] = finalised.flag
            nchan = max(finalised.nchan, min_nchan)
            bin_nchan = chan_width.shape[0] // nchan
            bin_chan_width[bl, tbin] = bandwidth / finalised.nchan

            # Construct the channel map
            for c in range(chan_width.shape[0]):
                bin_chan_map[bl, tbin, c] = c // bin_nchan

            out_rows += 1
            out_row_chans += nchan

        for r in range(nrow):
            t = time_inv[r]
            bl = bl_inv[r]

            if row_lookup[bl, t] != -1:
                raise ValueError("Duplicate (TIME, ANTENNA1, ANTENNA2)")

            row_lookup[bl, t] = r

        # If we don't have time_bin_secs
        # set it to the maximum floating point value,
        # effectively ignoring this limit
        if not have_time_bin_secs:
            time_bin_secs = np.finfo(time.dtype).max

        # This derived from Synthesis & Imaging II (18-31)
        # Converts decrease in amplitude into change in phase
        dphi = np.sqrt(6. * (1. - decorrelation))

        binner = JitBinner(0, 0, max_lm, dphi, time_bin_secs, chan_freq.max())

        for bl in range(nbl):
            # Reset the binner for this baseline

            # Auto-correlated baseline
            auto_corr = ubl[bl, 0] == ubl[bl, 1]

            for t in range(ntime):
                # Lookup row, continue if non-existent
                r = row_lookup[bl, t]

                if r == -1:

                # Start a new bin
                if binner.empty:
                    binner.start_bin(r, time, interval, flag_row)
                # Try add the row to the bin
                # If this fails, finalise the current bin and start a new one
                elif not binner.add_row(r, auto_corr, time, interval, uvw,
                    f = binner.finalise_bin(auto_corr, uvw, nchan_factors,
                                            chan_width, chan_freq)
                    update_lookups(f, bl)
                    # Post-finalisation, the bin is empty, start a new bin
                    binner.start_bin(r, time, interval, flag_row)

                # Record the time bin associated with this row
                bin_lookup[bl, t] = binner.tbin

            # Finalise any remaining data in the bin
            if not binner.empty:
                f = binner.finalise_bin(auto_corr, uvw, nchan_factors,
                                        chan_width, chan_freq)
                update_lookups(f, bl)

            nr_of_time_bins += binner.tbin

            # Mark remaining bins as unoccupied and unflagged
            for tbin in range(binner.tbin, ntime):
                time_lookup[bl, tbin] = sentinel
                bin_flagged[bl, tbin] = False

        assert out_rows == nr_of_time_bins

        # Flatten the time lookup and argsort it
        flat_time = time_lookup.ravel()
        argsort = np.argsort(flat_time, kind='mergesort')
        inv_argsort = np.empty_like(argsort)

        # Generate lookup from flattened (bl, time) to output row
        for i, a in enumerate(argsort):
            inv_argsort[a] = i

        # Generate row offsets
        fbin_chan_map = bin_chan_map.reshape((-1, nchan))
        offsets = np.zeros(out_rows + 1, dtype=np.uint32)
        decorr_chan_width = np.empty(out_rows, dtype=chan_width.dtype)

        # NOTE(sjperkins)
        # This: out_rows > 0
        # does not work here for some strange (numba reason?)
        if offsets.shape[0] > 0:
            offsets[0] = 0

            for r in range(1, out_rows + 1):
                prev_bin_chans = fbin_chan_map[argsort[r - 1]].max() + 1
                offsets[r] = offsets[r - 1] + prev_bin_chans

        # Construct the final row map
        row_chan_map = np.full((nrow, nchan), -1, dtype=np.int32)
        time_ret = np.full(out_row_chans, -1, dtype=time.dtype)
        int_ret = np.full(out_row_chans, -1, dtype=interval.dtype)
        chan_width_ret = np.full(out_row_chans, -1, dtype=chan_width.dtype)

        # Construct output flag row, if necessary
        out_flag_row = (None if flag_row is None else np.empty(
            out_row_chans, dtype=flag_row.dtype))

        # foreach input row
        for in_row in range(time.shape[0]):
            # Lookup baseline and time
            bl = bl_inv[in_row]
            t = time_inv[in_row]

            # lookup time bin and output row in inv_argsort
            tbin = bin_lookup[bl, t]
            bin_time = time_lookup[bl, tbin]
            bin_interval = interval_lookup[bl, tbin]
            flagged = bin_flagged[bl, tbin]
            out_row = inv_argsort[bl * ntime + tbin]

            decorr_chan_width[out_row] = bin_chan_width[bl, tbin]

            # Should never happen, but check
            if out_row >= out_rows:
                raise RowMapperError("out_row >= out_rows")

            # Handle output row flagging
            if flag_row is not None and flag_row[in_row] == 0 and flagged:
                raise RowMapperError("Unflagged input row "
                                     "contributing to "
                                     "flagged output row. "
                                     "This should never happen!")

            # Set up the row channel map, populate
            # time, interval and chan_width
            for c in range(nchan):
                out_offset = offsets[out_row] + bin_chan_map[bl, tbin, c]

                # Should never happen, but check
                if out_offset >= out_row_chans:
                    raise RowMapperError("out_offset >= out_row_chans")

                # Set the output row for this input row and channel
                row_chan_map[in_row, c] = out_offset

                # Broadcast the time and interval to the output row
                time_ret[out_offset] = bin_time
                int_ret[out_offset] = bin_interval

                # Add channel contribution for each row
                chan_width_ret[out_offset] += chan_width[c]

                if flag_row is not None:
                    out_flag_row[out_offset] = 1 if flagged else 0

        return RowMapOutput(row_chan_map, offsets, decorr_chan_width, time_ret,
                            int_ret, chan_width_ret, out_flag_row)

    return impl
Esempio n. 20
def transform_complete(replaced, __funcs, __all__, normal, vec=False):
    cache_blacklist = set(['Stichlmair_flood', 'airmass',
   'Spitzglass_high', '_to_solve_Spitzglass_high',
   '_to_solve_Spitzglass_low', 'Spitzglass_low',
   'Oliphant', '_to_solve_Oliphant',
   'P_isothermal_critical_flow', 'P_upstream_isothermal_critical_flow',
   'isothermal_gas_err_P1', 'isothermal_gas_err_P2', 'isothermal_gas_err_P2_basis', 'isothermal_gas_err_D', 'isothermal_gas',
   'v_terminal', 'differential_pressure_meter_solver', 'err_dp_meter_solver_P1', 'err_dp_meter_solver_D2',
   'err_dp_meter_solver_P2', 'err_dp_meter_solver_m', 'V_horiz_spherical', 'V_horiz_torispherical',
   'Prandtl_von_Karman_Nikuradse', 'plate_enlargement_factor', 'Stichlmair_wet', 'V_from_h',
   'SA_partial_horiz_spherical_head', '_SA_partial_horiz_spherical_head_to_int',
   '_SA_partial_horiz_ellipsoidal_head_to_int', '_SA_partial_horiz_ellipsoidal_head_limits', 'SA_partial_horiz_ellipsoidal_head',
   '_SA_partial_horiz_guppy_head_to_int', 'SA_partial_horiz_guppy_head', 'SA_partial_horiz_torispherical_head',
   'SA_from_h', 'V_tank'])
#    cache_blacklist = set([])
    if vec:
        conv_fun = numba.vectorize
        extra_args = extra_args_vec
        conv_fun = numba.njit
        extra_args = extra_args_std
    new_mods = transform_module(normal, __funcs, replaced, vec=vec, cache_blacklist=cache_blacklist)

    to_change = ['packed_tower._Stichlmair_flood_f_and_jac',
                 'packed_tower.Stichlmair_flood', 'compressible.isothermal_gas',
                 'fittings.Darby3K', 'fittings.Hooper2K', 'geometry.SA_partial_horiz_torispherical_head',
                 '', '',
                 'fittings.bend_rounded_Crane', 'geometry.tank_from_two_specs_err',
    transform_lists_to_arrays(normal_fluids, to_change, __funcs, vec=vec, cache_blacklist=cache_blacklist)

    # AvailableMethods  will be removed in the future in favor of non-numba only
    # calls to method functions

    to_change = {}
#    to_change['friction.roughness_Farshad'] = 'ID in _Farshad_roughness'

    for s, bad_branch in to_change.items():
        mod, func = s.split('.')
        source = inspect.getsource(getattr(getattr(normal_fluids, mod), func))
        fake_mod = __funcs[mod]
        source = remove_branch(source, bad_branch)
        source = remove_for_numba(source)
        numba_exec_cacheable(source, fake_mod.__dict__, fake_mod.__dict__)
        new_func = fake_mod.__dict__[func]
        obj = conv_fun(cache=caching, **extra_args)(new_func)
        __funcs[func] = obj
        obj.__doc__ = ''

    # Do some classes by hand
    PlateExchanger_spec = [(k, float64) for k in ('pitch', 'beta', 'gamma', 'a', 'amplitude', 'wavelength',
                           'b', 'chevron_angle', 'inclination_angle', 'plate_corrugation_aspect_ratio',
                           'plate_enlargement_factor', 'D_eq', 'D_hydraulic', 'width', 'length', 'thickness',
                           'd_port', 'plates', 'length_port', 'A_plate_surface', 'A_heat_transfer',
                           'A_channel_flow', 'channels', 'channels_per_fluid')]
    PlateExchanger_spec.append(('chevron_angles', numba.types.UniTuple(numba.types.float64, 2)))

    HelicalCoil_spec = [(k, float64) for k in
                        ('Do', 'Dt', 'Di', 'Do_total', 'N', 'pitch', 'H', 'H_total',
                         'tube_circumference', 'tube_length', 'surface_area', 'helix_angle',
                         'curvature', 'total_inlet_area', 'total_volume', 'inner_surface_area',
                         'inlet_area', 'inner_volume', 'annulus_area', 'annulus_volume')]

    ATMOSPHERE_1976_spec = [(k, float64) for k in
                        ('Z', 'dT', 'H', 'T_layer', 'T_increase', 'P_layer', 'H_layer', 'H_above_layer',
                         'T', 'P', 'rho', 'v_sonic',
                         'mu', 'k', 'g', 'R')]

#    # No string support
#    PlateExchanger = jitclass(PlateExchanger_spec)(getattr(__funcs['geometry'], 'PlateExchanger'))
#    __funcs['PlateExchanger'] = __funcs['geometry'].PlateExchanger = PlateExchanger

    HelicalCoil = jitclass(HelicalCoil_spec)(getattr(__funcs['geometry'], 'HelicalCoil'))
    __funcs['HelicalCoil'] = __funcs['geometry'].HelicalCoil = HelicalCoil

    ATMOSPHERE_1976 = jitclass(ATMOSPHERE_1976_spec)(getattr(__funcs['atmosphere'], 'ATMOSPHERE_1976'))
    __funcs['ATMOSPHERE_1976'] = __funcs['atmosphere'].ATMOSPHERE_1976 = ATMOSPHERE_1976

    # Not needed
    __funcs['friction'].Colebrook = __funcs['Colebrook'] = __funcs['Clamond']

    # Works but 50% slower
    #__funcs['geometry']._V_horiz_spherical_toint = __funcs['_V_horiz_spherical_toint'] = cfunc("float64(float64, float64, float64, float64)")(normal_fluids.geometry._V_horiz_spherical_toint)

    for mod in new_mods:
        except AttributeError:
Esempio n. 21
 def make_jitclass_container(self):
     spec = {
         'data': types.List(dtype=types.List(types.float64[::1])),
     JCContainer = jitclass(spec)(Container)
     return JCContainer
Esempio n. 22
 def create_my_class(value):
     cls = jitclass(MyClass, [("value", typeof(value))])
     return cls(value)
Esempio n. 23
def transform_complete(replaced, __funcs, __all__, normal, vec=False):
    if vec:
        conv_fun = numba.vectorize
        conv_fun = numba.njit
    new_mods = transform_module(normal, __funcs, replaced, vec=vec)

    # Do some classes by hand

    PlateExchanger_spec = [
        ('pitch', float64),
        ('beta', float64),
        ('gamma', float64),
        ('a', float64),
        ('amplitude', float64),
        ('wavelength', float64),
        ('b', float64),
        ('chevron_angle', float64),
        ('inclination_angle', float64),
        ('plate_corrugation_aspect_ratio', float64),
        ('plate_enlargement_factor', float64),
        ('D_eq', float64),
        ('D_hydraulic', float64),
        ('width', float64),
        ('length', float64),
        ('thickness', float64),
        ('d_port', float64),
        ('plates', float64),
        ('length_port', float64),
        ('A_plate_surface', float64),
        ('A_heat_transfer', float64),
        ('A_channel_flow', float64),
        ('channels', float64),
        ('channels_per_fluid', float64),

    HelicalCoil_spec = [
        (k, float64)
        for k in ('Do', 'Dt', 'Di', 'Do_total', 'N', 'pitch', 'H', 'H_total',
                  'tube_circumference', 'tube_length', 'surface_area',
                  'helix_angle', 'curvature', 'total_inlet_area',
                  'total_volume', 'inner_surface_area', 'inlet_area',
                  'inner_volume', 'annulus_area', 'annulus_volume')

    ATMOSPHERE_1976_spec = [
        (k, float64) for k in ('Z', 'dT', 'H', 'T_layer', 'T_increase',
                               'P_layer', 'H_layer', 'H_above_layer', 'T', 'P',
                               'rho', 'v_sonic', 'mu', 'k', 'g', 'R')

    to_change = [
    transform_lists_to_arrays(normal_fluids, to_change, __funcs, vec=vec)

    # AvailableMethods  will be removed in the future in favor of non-numba only
    # calls to method functions

    to_change_AvailableMethods = [
        'friction.friction_factor_curved', 'friction.friction_factor',
        'packed_bed.dP_packed_bed', 'two_phase.two_phase_dP',
        'drag.drag_sphere', 'two_phase_voidage.liquid_gas_voidage',

    to_change_full_output = [

    to_change = {k: 'AvailableMethods' for k in to_change_AvailableMethods}
    to_change.update({k: 'full_output' for k in to_change_full_output})
    to_change['fittings.Darby3K'] = 'name in Darby: # NUMBA: DELETE'
    to_change['fittings.Hooper2K'] = 'name in Hooper: # NUMBA: DELETE'
    to_change['friction.roughness_Farshad'] = 'ID in _Farshad_roughness'

    for s, bad_branch in to_change.items():
        mod, func = s.split('.')
        source = inspect.getsource(getattr(getattr(normal_fluids, mod), func))
        fake_mod = __funcs[mod]
        source = remove_branch(source, bad_branch)
        source = remove_for_numba(source)
        numba_exec_cacheable(source, fake_mod.__dict__, fake_mod.__dict__)
        new_func = fake_mod.__dict__[func]
        obj = conv_fun(cache=caching)(new_func)
        __funcs[func] = obj
        #        globals()[func] = obj
        obj.__doc__ = ''

    to_change = ['compressible.isothermal_gas']
    for s in to_change:
        mod, func = s.split('.')
        source = inspect.getsource(getattr(getattr(normal_fluids, mod), func))
        fake_mod = __funcs[mod]
        source = remove_for_numba(source)
        numba_exec_cacheable(source, fake_mod.__dict__, fake_mod.__dict__)
        new_func = fake_mod.__dict__[func]
        obj = conv_fun(cache=caching)(new_func)
        __funcs[func] = obj
        #        globals()[func] = obj
        obj.__doc__ = ''

    # Almost there but one argument has a variable type
    #PlateExchanger = jitclass(PlateExchanger_spec)(getattr(__funcs['geometry'], 'PlateExchanger'))
    HelicalCoil = jitclass(HelicalCoil_spec)(getattr(__funcs['geometry'],
    __funcs['HelicalCoil'] = __funcs['geometry'].HelicalCoil = HelicalCoil

    ATMOSPHERE_1976 = jitclass(ATMOSPHERE_1976_spec)(getattr(
        __funcs['atmosphere'], 'ATMOSPHERE_1976'))
    __funcs['ATMOSPHERE_1976'] = __funcs[
        'atmosphere'].ATMOSPHERE_1976 = ATMOSPHERE_1976

    # Not needed
    __funcs['friction'].Colebrook = __funcs['Colebrook'] = __funcs['Clamond']
    #for k in ('flow_meter', 'fittings', 'two_phase', 'friction'):
    #    __funcs[k].friction_factor = __funcs['friction_factor'] = __funcs['Clamond']
    #__funcs['PlateExchanger'] = __funcs['geometry'].PlateExchanger = PlateExchanger

    # Works but 50% slower
    #__funcs['geometry']._V_horiz_spherical_toint = __funcs['_V_horiz_spherical_toint'] = cfunc("float64(float64, float64, float64, float64)")(normal_fluids.geometry._V_horiz_spherical_toint)

    # ex = fluids.numba.geometry.PlateExchanger(amplitude=5E-4, wavelength=3.7E-3, length=1.2, width=.3, d_port=.05, plates=51, thickness=1e-10)
    #fluids.numba.geometry.HelicalCoil(Do_total=32.0, H_total=22.0, pitch=5.0, Dt=2.0, Di=1.8)

    for mod in new_mods:
Esempio n. 24
    def write_many(self, b, count):[self.loc:self.loc + count] = b
        self.loc += count

    def tell(self):
        return self.loc

    def so_far(self):
        """ In write mode, the data we have gathered until now

spec8 = [("data", numba.uint8[:]), ("loc", numba.int64), ("len", numba.int64)]
Numpy8 = jitclass(spec8)(NumpyIO)
spec32 = [("data", numba.uint32[:]), ("loc", numba.int64),
          ("len", numba.int64)]
Numpy32 = jitclass(spec32)(NumpyIO)

def _assemble_objects(assign, defi, rep, val, dic, d, null, null_val, max_defi,
    """Dremel-assembly of arrays of values into lists

    assign: array dtype O
        To insert lists into
    defi: int array
        Definition levels, max 3