Esempio n. 1
def range_iter_len(typingctx, val):
    An implementation of len(range_iter) for internal use.
    if isinstance(val, types.RangeIteratorType):
        val_type = val.yield_type
        def codegen(context, builder, sig, args):
            (value,) = args
            iter_type = range_impl_map[val_type][1]
            iterobj = cgutils.create_struct_proxy(iter_type)(context, builder, value)
            int_type = iterobj.count.type
            return impl_ret_untracked(context, builder, int_type, builder.load(iterobj.count))
        return signature(val_type, val), codegen
    elif isinstance(val, types.ListIter):
        def codegen(context, builder, sig, args):
            (value,) = args
            intp_t = context.get_value_type(types.intp)
            iterobj = ListIterInstance(context, builder, sig.args[0], value)
            return impl_ret_untracked(context, builder, intp_t, iterobj.size)
        return signature(types.intp, val), codegen
    elif isinstance(val, types.ArrayIterator):
        def  codegen(context, builder, sig, args):
            (iterty,) = sig.args
            (value,) = args
            intp_t = context.get_value_type(types.intp)
            iterobj = context.make_helper(builder, iterty, value=value)
            arrayty = iterty.array_type
            ary = make_array(arrayty)(context, builder, value=iterobj.array)
            shape = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, ary.shape)
            # array iterates along the outer dimension
            return impl_ret_untracked(context, builder, intp_t, shape[0])
        return signature(types.intp, val), codegen
Esempio n. 2
    def add(self, sig=None, argtypes=None, restype=None):
        # Handle argtypes
        if argtypes is not None:
            warnings.warn("Keyword argument argtypes is deprecated",
            assert sig is None
            if restype is None:
                sig = tuple(argtypes)
                sig = restype(*argtypes)
        del argtypes
        del restype

        # compile core as device function
        args, return_type = sigutils.normalize_signature(sig)
        devfnsig = signature(return_type, *args)

        funcname = self.pyfunc.__name__
        kernelsource = self._get_kernel_source(self._kernel_template,
                                               devfnsig, funcname)
        corefn, return_type = self._compile_core(devfnsig)
        glbl = self._get_globals(corefn)
        sig = signature(types.void, *([a[:] for a in args] + [return_type[:]]))
        _exec(kernelsource, glbl)

        stager = glbl['__vectorized_%s' % funcname]
        kernel = self._compile_kernel(stager, sig)

        argdtypes = tuple(to_dtype(t) for t in devfnsig.args)
        resdtype = to_dtype(return_type)
        self.kernelmap[tuple(argdtypes)] = resdtype, kernel
Esempio n. 3
    def get_attribute(self, val, typ, attr):
        if isinstance(typ, types.Module):
            # Implement getattr for module-level globals.
            # We are treating them as constants.
            # XXX We shouldn't have to retype this
            attrty = self.typing_context.resolve_module_constants(typ, attr)
            if attrty is not None and not isinstance(attrty, types.Dummy):
                pyval = getattr(typ.pymod, attr)
                llval = self.get_constant(attrty, pyval)
                @impl_attribute(typ, attr, attrty)
                def imp(context, builder, typ, val):
                    return impl_ret_borrowed(context, builder, attrty, llval)
                return imp
            # No implementation required for dummies (functions, modules...),
            # which are dealt with later
            return None

        # Lookup specific attribute implementation for this type
        overloads = self.attrs[attr]
            return overloads.find(typing.signature(types.Any, typ))
        except NotImplementedError:
        # Lookup generic getattr implementation for this type
        overloads = self.attrs[None]
            return overloads.find(typing.signature(types.Any, typ))
        except NotImplementedError:
            raise Exception("No definition for lowering %s.%s" % (typ, attr))
Esempio n. 4
    def impl(context, builder, sig, args):
        [tyinp, tyout] = sig.args
        [inp, out] = args
        ndim = tyinp.ndim

        iary = context.make_array(tyinp)(context, builder, inp)
        oary = context.make_array(tyout)(context, builder, out)

        if asfloat:
            sig = typing.signature(types.float64, types.float64)
            sig = typing.signature(tyout.dtype, tyinp.dtype)

        fnwork = context.get_function(funckey, sig)
        intpty = context.get_value_type(types.intp)

        # TODO handle differing shape by mimicking broadcasting
        shape = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, iary.shape, ndim)
        with cgutils.loop_nest(builder, shape, intp=intpty) as indices:
            pi = cgutils.get_item_pointer(builder, tyinp, iary, indices)
            po = cgutils.get_item_pointer(builder, tyout, oary, indices)

            ival = builder.load(pi)
            if asfloat:
                dval = context.cast(builder, ival, tyinp.dtype, types.float64)
                dres = fnwork(builder, [dval])
                res = context.cast(builder, dres, types.float64, tyout.dtype)
            elif tyinp.dtype != tyout.dtype:
                tempres = fnwork(builder, [ival])
                res = context.cast(builder, tempres, tyinp.dtype, tyout.dtype)
                res = fnwork(builder, [ival])
  , po)

        return out
Esempio n. 5
def array_median(context, builder, sig, args):
    def partition(A, low, high):
        mid = (low + high) // 2
        # median of three {low, middle, high}
        LM = A[low] <= A[mid]
        MH = A[mid] <= A[high]
        LH = A[low] <= A[high]

        if LM == MH:
            median3 = mid
        elif LH != LM:
            median3 = low
            median3 = high

        # choose median3 as the pivot
        A[high], A[median3] = A[median3], A[high]

        x = A[high]
        i = low
        for j in range(low, high):
            if A[j] <= x:
                A[i], A[j] = A[j], A[i]
                i += 1
        A[i], A[high] = A[high], A[i]
        return i

    sig_partition = typing.signature(types.intp, *(sig.args[0], types.intp, types.intp))
    _partition = context.compile_subroutine(builder, partition, sig_partition)

    def select(arry, k):
        n = arry.shape[0]
        # XXX: assuming flat array till array.flatten is implemented
        # temp_arry = arry.flatten()
        temp_arry = arry.copy()
        high = n - 1
        low = 0
        # NOTE: high is inclusive
        i = _partition(temp_arry, low, high)
        while i != k:
            if i < k:
                low = i + 1
                i = _partition(temp_arry, low, high)
                high = i - 1
                i = _partition(temp_arry, low, high)
        return temp_arry[k]

    sig_select = typing.signature(sig.args[0].dtype, *(sig.args[0], types.intp))
    _select = context.compile_subroutine(builder, select, sig_select)

    def median(arry):
        n = arry.shape[0]
        if n % 2 == 0:
            return (_select(arry, n // 2 - 1) + _select(arry, n // 2)) / 2
            return _select(arry, n // 2)

    res = context.compile_internal(builder, median, sig, args)
    return impl_ret_untracked(context, builder, sig.return_type, res)
Esempio n. 6
 def test_equality(self):
     self.assertEqual(types.int32, types.int32)
     self.assertEqual(types.uint32, types.uint32)
     self.assertEqual(types.complex64, types.complex64)
     self.assertEqual(types.float32, types.float32)
     # Different signedness
     self.assertNotEqual(types.int32, types.uint32)
     # Different width
     self.assertNotEqual(types.int64, types.int32)
     self.assertNotEqual(types.float64, types.float32)
     self.assertNotEqual(types.complex64, types.complex128)
     # Different domain
     self.assertNotEqual(types.int64, types.float64)
     self.assertNotEqual(types.uint64, types.float64)
     self.assertNotEqual(types.complex64, types.float64)
     # Same arguments but different return types
     get_pointer = None
     sig_a = typing.signature(types.intp, types.intp)
     sig_b = typing.signature(types.voidptr, types.intp)
     a = types.ExternalFunctionPointer(sig=sig_a, get_pointer=get_pointer)
     b = types.ExternalFunctionPointer(sig=sig_b, get_pointer=get_pointer)
     self.assertNotEqual(a, b)
     # Different call convention
     a = types.ExternalFunctionPointer(sig=sig_a, get_pointer=get_pointer)
     b = types.ExternalFunctionPointer(sig=sig_a, get_pointer=get_pointer,
     self.assertNotEqual(a, b)
     # Different get_pointer
     a = types.ExternalFunctionPointer(sig=sig_a, get_pointer=get_pointer)
     b = types.ExternalFunctionPointer(sig=sig_a, get_pointer=object())
     self.assertNotEqual(a, b)
Esempio n. 7
    def inline_array(array_var, expr, stmts, list_vars, dels):
        """Check to see if the given "array_var" is created from a list
        of constants, and try to inline the list definition as array

        Extra statements produced with be appended to "stmts".
        callname = guard(find_callname, func_ir, expr)
        require(callname and callname[1] == 'numpy' and callname[0] == 'array')
        require(expr.args[0].name in list_vars)
        ret_type = calltypes[expr].return_type
        require(isinstance(ret_type, types.ArrayCompatible) and
                           ret_type.ndim == 1)
        loc = expr.loc
        list_var = expr.args[0]
        array_typ = typemap[]
        debug_print("inline array_var = ", array_var, " list_var = ", list_var)
        dtype = array_typ.dtype
        seq, op = find_build_sequence(func_ir, list_var)
        size = len(seq)
        size_var = ir.Var(scope, mk_unique_var("size"), loc)
        size_tuple_var = ir.Var(scope, mk_unique_var("size_tuple"), loc)
        size_typ = types.intp
        size_tuple_typ = types.UniTuple(size_typ, 1)

        typemap[] = size_typ
        typemap[] = size_tuple_typ

        stmts.append(_new_definition(func_ir, size_var,
                 ir.Const(size, loc=loc), loc))

        stmts.append(_new_definition(func_ir, size_tuple_var,
                 ir.Expr.build_tuple(items=[size_var], loc=loc), loc))

        empty_func = ir.Var(scope, mk_unique_var("empty_func"), loc)
        fnty = get_np_ufunc_typ(np.empty)
        sig = context.resolve_function_type(fnty, (size_typ,), {})
        typemap[] = fnty #

        stmts.append(_new_definition(func_ir, empty_func,
                         ir.Global('empty', np.empty, loc=loc), loc))

        empty_call =, [size_var], {}, loc=loc)
        calltypes[empty_call] = typing.signature(array_typ, size_typ)
        stmts.append(_new_definition(func_ir, array_var, empty_call, loc))

        for i in range(size):
            index_var = ir.Var(scope, mk_unique_var("index"), loc)
            index_typ = types.intp
            typemap[] = index_typ
            stmts.append(_new_definition(func_ir, index_var,
                    ir.Const(i, loc), loc))
            setitem = ir.SetItem(array_var, index_var, seq[i], loc)
            calltypes[setitem] = typing.signature(types.none, array_typ,
                                                  index_typ, dtype)

        return True
Esempio n. 8
 def test_call_notation(self):
     # Function call signature
     i = types.int32
     d = types.double
     self.assertEqual(i(), typing.signature(i))
     self.assertEqual(i(d), typing.signature(i, d))
     self.assertEqual(i(d, d), typing.signature(i, d, d))
     # Value cast
     self.assertPreciseEqual(i(42.5), 42)
     self.assertPreciseEqual(d(-5), -5.0)
Esempio n. 9
File: Progetto: genba/numba
def local_array(shape, dtype):
    ndim = 1
    if isinstance(shape, tuple):
        ndim = len(shape)

    fname = "ptx.lmem.alloc"
    restype = types.Array(dtype, ndim, 'C')
    if ndim == 1:
        sig = typing.signature(restype, types.intp, types.Any)
        sig = typing.signature(restype, types.UniTuple(types.intp, ndim),

    return ir.Intrinsic(fname, sig, args=(shape, dtype))
Esempio n. 10
    def get_attribute(self, val, typ, attr):
        if isinstance(typ, types.Record):
            # Implement get attribute for records
            self.sentry_record_alignment(typ, attr)
            offset = typ.offset(attr)
            elemty = typ.typeof(attr)

            @impl_attribute(typ, attr, elemty)
            def imp(context, builder, typ, val):
                dptr = cgutils.get_record_member(builder, val, offset, self.get_data_type(elemty))
                return self.unpack_value(builder, elemty, dptr)

            return imp

        if isinstance(typ, types.Module):
            # Implement getattr for module-level globals.
            # We are treating them as constants.
            # XXX We shouldn't have to retype this
            attrty = self.typing_context.resolve_module_constants(typ, attr)
            if attrty is not None:
                    pyval = getattr(typ.pymod, attr)
                    llval = self.get_constant(attrty, pyval)
                except NotImplementedError:
                    # Module attribute is not a simple constant
                    # (e.g. it's a function), it will be handled later on.

                    @impl_attribute(typ, attr, attrty)
                    def imp(context, builder, typ, val):
                        return llval

                    return imp
            # No implementation
            return None

        # Lookup specific attribute implementation for this type
        overloads = self.attrs[attr]
            return overloads.find(typing.signature(types.Any, typ))
        except NotImplementedError:
        # Lookup generic getattr implementation for this type
        overloads = self.attrs[None]
            return overloads.find(typing.signature(types.Any, typ))
        except NotImplementedError:
            raise Exception("No definition for lowering %s.%s" % (typ, attr))
Esempio n. 11
    def test_cache(self):
        def times2(i):
            return 2*i

        def times3(i):
            return i*3

        i32 =
        llvm_fnty = lc.Type.function(i32, [i32])
        module ="test_module")
        function = module.get_or_insert_function(llvm_fnty, name='test_fn')
        assert function.is_declaration
        entry_block = function.append_basic_block('entry')
        builder =
        sig = typing.signature(types.int32, types.int32)
        typing_context = typing.Context()
        context = cpu.CPUContext(typing_context).localized()

        # Ensure the cache is empty to begin with
        self.assertEqual(0, len(context.cached_internal_func))
        # After one compile, it should contain one entry
        context.compile_internal(builder, times2, sig, function.args)
        self.assertEqual(1, len(context.cached_internal_func))

        # After a second compilation of the same thing, it should still contain
        # one entry
        context.compile_internal(builder, times2, sig, function.args)
        self.assertEqual(1, len(context.cached_internal_func))

        # After compilation of another function, the cache should have grown by
        # one more.
        context.compile_internal(builder, times3, sig, function.args)
        self.assertEqual(2, len(context.cached_internal_func))

        sig2 = typing.signature(types.float64, types.float64)
        f64 = lc.Type.double()
        llvm_fnty2 = lc.Type.function(f64, [f64])
        function2 = module.get_or_insert_function(llvm_fnty2, name='test_fn_2')
        assert function2.is_declaration
        entry_block2 = function2.append_basic_block('entry')
        builder2 =
        # Ensure that the same function with a different signature does not
        # reuse an entry from the cache in error
        context.compile_internal(builder2, times3, sig2, function2.args)
        self.assertEqual(3, len(context.cached_internal_func))
Esempio n. 12
def impl_setitem(d, key, value):
    if not isinstance(d, types.DictType):

    keyty, valty = d.key_type, d.value_type

    def impl(d, key, value):
        castedkey = _cast(key, keyty)
        castedval = _cast(value, valty)
        status = _dict_insert(d, castedkey, hash(castedkey), castedval)
        if status == Status.OK:
        elif status == Status.OK_REPLACED:
            # replaced
            # XXX handle refcount
        elif status == Status.ERR_CMP_FAILED:
            raise ValueError('key comparison failed')
            raise RuntimeError('dict.__setitem__ failed unexpectedly')

    if d.is_precise():
        # Handle the precise case.
        return impl
        # Handle the imprecise case.
        d = d.refine(key, value)
        # Re-bind the key type and value type to match the arguments.
        keyty, valty = d.key_type, d.value_type
        # Create the signature that we wanted this impl to have.
        sig = typing.signature(types.void, d, keyty, valty)
        return sig, impl
Esempio n. 13
def grid_expand(ndim):

    Return the absolute position of the current thread in the entire
    grid of blocks.  *ndim* should correspond to the number of dimensions
    declared when instantiating the kernel.  If *ndim* is 1, a single integer
    is returned.  If *ndim* is 2 or 3, a tuple of the given number of
    integers is returned.

    Computation of the first integer is as follows::

        cuda.threadIdx.x + cuda.blockIdx.x * cuda.blockDim.x

    and is similar for the other two indices, but using the ``y`` and ``z``
    if ndim == 1:
        fname = "ptx.grid.1d"
        restype = types.int32
    elif ndim == 2:
        fname = "ptx.grid.2d"
        restype = types.UniTuple(types.int32, 2)
    elif ndim == 3:
        fname = "ptx.grid.3d"
        restype = types.UniTuple(types.int32, 3)
        raise ValueError('argument can only be 1, 2, 3')

    return ir.Intrinsic(fname, typing.signature(restype, types.intp),
Esempio n. 14
def gridsize_expand(ndim):
    Return the absolute size (or shape) in threads of the entire grid of
    blocks. *ndim* should correspond to the number of dimensions declared when
    instantiating the kernel.

    Computation of the first integer is as follows::

        cuda.blockDim.x * cuda.gridDim.x

    and is similar for the other two indices, but using the ``y`` and ``z``
    if ndim == 1:
        fname = "ptx.gridsize.1d"
        restype = types.int32
    elif ndim == 2:
        fname = "ptx.gridsize.2d"
        restype = types.UniTuple(types.int32, 2)
    elif ndim == 3:
        fname = "ptx.gridsize.3d"
        restype = types.UniTuple(types.int32, 3)
        raise ValueError('argument can only be 1, 2 or 3')

    return ir.Intrinsic(fname, typing.signature(restype, types.intp),
Esempio n. 15
    def resolve_call(self, fnty, pos_args, kw_args):
        Resolve a call to a given function type.  A signature is returned.
        if isinstance(fnty, types.RecursiveCall) and not self._skip_recursion:
            # Recursive call
            disp = fnty.dispatcher_type.dispatcher
            pysig, args = disp.fold_argument_types(pos_args, kw_args)

            frame = self.context.callstack.match(disp.py_func, args)

            # If the signature is not being compiled
            if frame is None:
                sig = self.context.resolve_function_type(fnty.dispatcher_type,
                                                         pos_args, kw_args)
                fndesc = disp.overloads[args].fndesc
                fnty.overloads[args] = qualifying_prefix(fndesc.modname,
                return sig

            fnid = frame.func_id
            fnty.overloads[args] = qualifying_prefix(fnid.modname,
            # Resume propagation in parent frame
            return_type = frame.typeinfer.return_types_from_partial()
            # No known return type
            if return_type is None:
                raise TypingError("cannot type infer runaway recursion")

            sig = typing.signature(return_type, *args)
            sig.pysig = pysig
            return sig
            # Normal non-recursive call
            return self.context.resolve_function_type(fnty, pos_args, kw_args)
Esempio n. 16
def local_array(shape, dtype):
    shape = _legalize_shape(shape)
    ndim = len(shape)
    fname = "ptx.lmem.alloc"
    restype = types.Array(dtype, ndim, 'C')
    sig = typing.signature(restype, types.UniTuple(types.intp, ndim), types.Any)
    return ir.Intrinsic(fname, sig, args=(shape, dtype))
Esempio n. 17
def dot_2_vv(context, builder, sig, args, conjugate=False):
    """, vector)
    np.vdot(vector, vector)
    aty, bty = sig.args
    dtype = sig.return_type
    a = make_array(aty)(context, builder, args[0])
    b = make_array(bty)(context, builder, args[1])
    n, = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, a.shape)

    def check_args(a, b):
        m, = a.shape
        n, = b.shape
        if m != n:
            raise ValueError("incompatible array sizes for, b) "
                             "(vector * vector)")

    context.compile_internal(builder, check_args,
                             signature(types.none, *sig.args), args)
    check_c_int(context, builder, n)

    out = cgutils.alloca_once(builder, context.get_value_type(dtype))
    call_xxdot(context, builder, conjugate, dtype, n,,, out)
    return builder.load(out)
Esempio n. 18
def dot_3_vm(context, builder, sig, args):
    """, matrix, out), vector, out)
    xty, yty, outty = sig.args
    assert outty == sig.return_type
    dtype = xty.dtype

    x = make_array(xty)(context, builder, args[0])
    y = make_array(yty)(context, builder, args[1])
    out = make_array(outty)(context, builder, args[2])
    x_shapes = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, x.shape)
    y_shapes = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, y.shape)
    out_shapes = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, out.shape)
    if xty.ndim < yty.ndim:
        # Vector * matrix
        # Asked for x * y, we will compute y.T * x
        mty = yty
        m_shapes = y_shapes
        do_trans = yty.layout == 'F'
        m_data, v_data =,

        def check_args(a, b, out):
            m, = a.shape
            _m, n = b.shape
            if m != _m:
                raise ValueError("incompatible array sizes for "
                                 ", b) (vector * matrix)")
            if out.shape != (n,):
                raise ValueError("incompatible output array size for "
                                 ", b, out) (vector * matrix)")
        # Matrix * vector
        # We will compute x * y
        mty = xty
        m_shapes = x_shapes
        do_trans = xty.layout == 'C'
        m_data, v_data =,

        def check_args(a, b, out):
            m, _n = a.shape
            n, = b.shape
            if n != _n:
                raise ValueError("incompatible array sizes for, b) "
                                 "(matrix * vector)")
            if out.shape != (m,):
                raise ValueError("incompatible output array size for "
                                 ", b, out) (matrix * vector)")

    context.compile_internal(builder, check_args,
                             signature(types.none, *sig.args), args)
    for val in m_shapes:
        check_c_int(context, builder, val)

    call_xxgemv(context, builder, do_trans, mty, m_shapes, m_data,

    return impl_ret_borrowed(context, builder, sig.return_type,
Esempio n. 19
def _gauss_impl(context, builder, sig, args, state):
    # The type for all computations (either float or double)
    ty = sig.return_type
    llty = context.get_data_type(ty)

    state_ptr = get_state_ptr(context, builder, state)
    _random = {"py": random.random,
               "np": np.random.random}[state]

    ret = cgutils.alloca_once(builder, llty, name="result")

    gauss_ptr = get_gauss_ptr(builder, state_ptr)
    has_gauss_ptr = get_has_gauss_ptr(builder, state_ptr)
    has_gauss = cgutils.is_true(builder, builder.load(has_gauss_ptr))
    with builder.if_else(has_gauss) as (then, otherwise):
        with then:
            # if has_gauss: return it
  , ret)
  , has_gauss_ptr)
        with otherwise:
            # if not has_gauss: compute a pair of numbers using the Box-Muller
            # transform; keep one and return the other
            pair = context.compile_internal(builder,
                                            signature(types.UniTuple(ty, 2)),

            first, second = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, pair, 2)
  , gauss_ptr)
  , ret)
  , has_gauss_ptr)

    mu, sigma = args
    return builder.fadd(mu,
                        builder.fmul(sigma, builder.load(ret)))
Esempio n. 20
def hypot_u64_impl(context, builder, sig, args):
    [x, y] = args
    y = builder.sitofp(y, Type.double())
    x = builder.sitofp(x, Type.double())
    fsig = signature(types.float64, types.float64, types.float64)
    res = hypot_float_impl(context, builder, fsig, (x, y))
    return impl_ret_untracked(context, builder, sig.return_type, res)
Esempio n. 21
def local_array(shape, dtype):
    ndim = 1
    if isinstance(shape, tuple):
        ndim = len(shape)
    elif not isinstance(shape, int):
        raise TypeError("invalid type for shape; got {0}".format(type(shape)))

    fname = "ptx.lmem.alloc"
    restype = types.Array(dtype, ndim, 'C')
    if isinstance(shape, int):
        sig = typing.signature(restype, types.intp, types.Any)
        sig = typing.signature(restype, types.UniTuple(types.intp, ndim),

    return ir.Intrinsic(fname, sig, args=(shape, dtype))
Esempio n. 22
def grid_expand(ndim):

    ndim: [int] 1, 2 or 3

        if ndim == 1:
            return cuda.threadIdx.x + cuda.blockIdx.x * cuda.blockDim.x
        elif ndim == 2:
            x = cuda.threadIdx.x + cuda.blockIdx.x * cuda.blockDim.x
            y = cuda.threadIdx.y + cuda.blockIdx.y * cuda.blockDim.y
            return x, y
        elif ndim == 3:
            x = cuda.threadIdx.x + cuda.blockIdx.x * cuda.blockDim.x
            y = cuda.threadIdx.y + cuda.blockIdx.y * cuda.blockDim.y
            z = cuda.threadIdx.z + cuda.blockIdx.z * cuda.blockDim.z
            return x, y, z
    if ndim == 1:
        fname = "ptx.grid.1d"
        restype = types.int32
    elif ndim == 2:
        fname = "ptx.grid.2d"
        restype = types.UniTuple(types.int32, 2)
    elif ndim == 3:
        fname = "ptx.grid.3d"
        restype = types.UniTuple(types.int32, 3)
        raise ValueError('argument can only be 1, 2, 3')

    return ir.Intrinsic(fname, typing.signature(restype, types.intp),
Esempio n. 23
    def _backend(self, lowerfn, objectmode):
        Back-end: Generate LLVM IR from Numba IR, compile to machine code
        if self.library is None:
            codegen = self.targetctx.codegen()
            self.library = codegen.create_library(self.bc.func_qualname)
            # Enable object caching upfront, so that the library can
            # be later serialized.

        lowered = lowerfn()
        signature = typing.signature(self.return_type, *self.args) = compile_result(typing_context=self.typingctx,
Esempio n. 24
def rect_impl(context, builder, sig, args):
    [r, phi] = args
    # We can't call math.isfinite() inside rect() below because it
    # only exists on 3.2+.
    phi_is_finite = mathimpl.is_finite(builder, phi)

    def rect(r, phi, phi_is_finite):
        if not phi_is_finite:
            if not r:
                # cmath.rect(0, phi={inf, nan}) = 0
                return abs(r)
            if math.isinf(r):
                # cmath.rect(inf, phi={inf, nan}) = inf + j phi
                return complex(r, phi)
        real = math.cos(phi)
        imag = math.sin(phi)
        if real == 0. and math.isinf(r):
            # 0 * inf would return NaN, we want to keep 0 but xor the sign
            real /= r
            real *= r
        if imag == 0. and math.isinf(r):
            # ditto
            imag /= r
            imag *= r
        return complex(real, imag)

    inner_sig = signature(sig.return_type, *sig.args + (types.boolean,))
    res = context.compile_internal(builder, rect, inner_sig,
                                    args + [phi_is_finite])
    return impl_ret_untracked(context, builder, sig, res)
Esempio n. 25
File: Progetto: meego/numba
    def get_function(self, fn, sig):
        Return the implementation of function *fn* for signature *sig*.
        The return value is a callable with the signature (builder, args).
        if isinstance(fn, types.Function):
            key = fn.template.key

            if isinstance(key, MethodType):
                overloads = self.defns[key.im_func]

            elif sig.recvr:
                sig = typing.signature(sig.return_type,
                                       *((sig.recvr,) + sig.args))
                overloads = self.defns[key]
                overloads = self.defns[key]

        elif isinstance(fn, types.Dispatcher):
            key = fn.overloaded.get_overload(sig.args)
            overloads = self.defns[key]
            key = fn
            overloads = self.defns[key]
            return _wrap_impl(overloads.find(sig), self, sig)
        except NotImplementedError:
            raise Exception("No definition for lowering %s%s" % (key, sig))
Esempio n. 26
    def test_normalize_signature(self):
        f = sigutils.normalize_signature

        def check(sig, args, return_type):
            self.assertEqual(f(sig), (args, return_type))

        def check_error(sig, msg):
            with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as raises:
            self.assertIn(msg, str(raises.exception))

        f32 = types.float32
        c64 = types.complex64
        i16 = types.int16
        a = types.Array(f32, 1, "C")

        check((c64,), (c64,), None)
        check((f32, i16), (f32, i16), None)
        check(a(i16), (i16,), a)
        check("int16(complex64)", (c64,), i16)
        check("(complex64, int16)", (c64, i16), None)
        check(typing.signature(i16, c64), (c64,), i16)

        check_error((types.Integer,), "invalid signature")
        check_error((None,), "invalid signature")
        check_error([], "invalid signature")
Esempio n. 27
    def resolve_call(self, fnty, pos_args, kw_args):
        Resolve a call to a given function type.  A signature is returned.
        if isinstance(fnty, types.RecursiveCall):
            # Self-recursive call
            disp = fnty.dispatcher_type.dispatcher
            pysig, args = disp.fold_argument_types(pos_args, kw_args)

            # Fetch the return type as given by the user
            rettypes = set()
            for retvar in self._get_return_vars():
                typevar = self.typevars[]
                if not typevar.defined:
                    raise TypeError("recursive calls need an explicit signature in jit()")
            return_type = self._unify_return_types(rettypes)

            # Match call arguments with current inference arguments
            assert len(args) == len(self.arg_names)
            formal_args = [self.typevars[self.arg_names[i]].getone()
                           for i in range(len(args))]
            for formal_ty, actual_ty in zip(formal_args, args):
                if not self.context.can_convert(actual_ty, formal_ty):
                    raise TypeError("bad self-recursive call with argument types %s" % (args,))

            sig = typing.signature(return_type, *formal_args)
            sig.pysig = pysig
            return sig
            # Normal non-recursive call
            return self.context.resolve_function_type(fnty, pos_args, kw_args)
Esempio n. 28
 def implementer(context, builder, sig, args):
     val, = args
     input_type = sig.args[0]
     fpval = context.cast(builder, val, input_type, types.float64)
     inner_sig = signature(types.float64, types.float64)
     res = wrapped_impl(context, builder, inner_sig, (fpval,))
     return context.cast(builder, res, types.float64, sig.return_type)
Esempio n. 29
    def test_error_model(self):
        Caching must not mix up different error models.
        def inv(x):
            return 1.0 / x

        inv_sig = typing.signature(types.float64, types.float64)

        def compile_inv(context):
            return context.compile_subroutine(builder, inv, inv_sig)

        context, builder, sig, args = self._context_builder_sig_args()

        py_error_model = callconv.create_error_model('python', context)
        np_error_model = callconv.create_error_model('numpy', context)

        py_context1 = context.subtarget(error_model=py_error_model)
        py_context2 = context.subtarget(error_model=py_error_model)
        np_context = context.subtarget(error_model=np_error_model)

        # Note the parent context's cache is shared by subtargets
        self.assertEqual(0, len(context.cached_internal_func))
        # Compiling with the same error model reuses the same cache slot
        self.assertEqual(1, len(context.cached_internal_func))
        self.assertEqual(1, len(context.cached_internal_func))
        # Compiling with another error model creates a new cache slot
        self.assertEqual(2, len(context.cached_internal_func))
Esempio n. 30
File: Progetto: genba/numba
def const_array_like(ndarray):
    fname = "ptx.cmem.arylike"

    from .descriptor import CUDATargetDesc
    aryty = CUDATargetDesc.typingctx.resolve_argument_type(ndarray)

    sig = typing.signature(aryty, aryty)
    return ir.Intrinsic(fname, sig, args=[ndarray])

    raise NotImplementedError
    [aryarg] = args
    ary = aryarg.value
    count = reduce(operator.mul, ary.shape)
    dtype = types.from_dtype(numpy.dtype(ary.dtype))

    def impl(context, args, argtys, retty):
        builder = context.builder
        lmod = builder.basic_block.function.module

        addrspace = nvvm.ADDRSPACE_CONSTANT

        data_t = dtype.llvm_as_value()

        flat = ary.flatten(order='A')  # preserve order
        constvals = [dtype.llvm_const(flat[i]) for i in range(flat.size)]
        constary = lc.Constant.array(data_t, constvals)

        gv = lmod.add_global_variable(constary.type, "cmem", addrspace)
        gv.linkage = lc.LINKAGE_INTERNAL
        gv.global_constant = True
        gv.initializer = constary

        byte =
        byte_ptr_as = lc.Type.pointer(byte, addrspace)
        to_generic = nvvmutils.insert_addrspace_conv(lmod, byte, addrspace)
        rawdata =, [builder.bitcast(gv, byte_ptr_as)])
        data = builder.bitcast(rawdata, lc.Type.pointer(data_t))

        llintp = types.intp.llvm_as_value()
        cshape = lc.Constant.array(llintp,
                                   map(types.const_intp, ary.shape))

        cstrides = lc.Constant.array(llintp,
                                     map(types.const_intp, ary.strides))
        res = lc.Constant.struct([lc.Constant.null(data.type), cshape,
        res = builder.insert_value(res, data, 0)
        return res

    if ary.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']:
        contig = 'C'
    elif ary.flags['F_CONTIGUOUS']:
        contig = 'F'
        raise TypeError("array must be either C/F contiguous to be used as a "

    impl.codegen = True
    impl.return_type = types.arraytype(dtype, ary.ndim, 'A')
    return impl
Esempio n. 31
 def generic(self, args, kws):
     assert not kws
     assert len(args) == 6
     # array_ty = types.Array(ndim=1, layout='C', dtype=args[2])
     return signature(types.int32, *unliteral_all(args))
Esempio n. 32
def atan2_u64_impl(context, builder, sig, args):
    [y, x] = args
    y = builder.uitofp(y, Type.double())
    x = builder.uitofp(x, Type.double())
    fsig = signature(types.float64, types.float64, types.float64)
    return atan2_float_impl(context, builder, fsig, (y, x))
Esempio n. 33
 def generic(self, args, kws):
     assert not kws
     assert len(args) == 1
     if isinstance(args[0].dtype, (types.Integer, types.Boolean)):
         return signature(types.float64, *args)
     return signature(args[0].dtype, *args)
Esempio n. 34
 def is_true(self, builder, typ, val):
     Return the truth value of a value of the given Numba type.
     impl = self.get_function(bool, typing.signature(types.boolean, typ))
     return impl(builder, (val, ))
Esempio n. 35
 def generic(self, args, kws):
     arr = args[0]  # array or series
     # hiframes_typed pass replaces series input with array after typing
     from sdc.hiframes.pd_series_ext import if_series_to_array_type
     ret_typ = if_series_to_array_type(arr).copy(dtype=types.float64)
     return signature(ret_typ, *unliteral_all(args))
Esempio n. 36
 def generic(self, args, kws):
     assert not kws
     assert len(args) == 0
     return signature(types.float64, *unliteral_all(args))
Esempio n. 37
 def binop_impl(context, builder, sig, args):
     if reverse_args:
         args = args[::-1]
         sig = typing.signature(sig.return_type, *sig.args[::-1])
     impl = context.get_function(op, sig)
     return impl(builder, args)
Esempio n. 38
 def generic(self, args, kws):
     assert not kws
     assert len(args) == 2  # value and reduce_op
     return signature(args[0], *unliteral_all(args))
Esempio n. 39
 def generic(self, args, kws):
     assert not kws
     assert len(args) == 2  # array and val
     return signature(types.none, *unliteral_all(args))
Esempio n. 40
 def generic(self, args, kws):
     assert not kws
     assert len(args) == 1  # array
     return signature(args[0], *args)
Esempio n. 41
 def generic(self, args, kws):
     assert not kws
     assert len(args) in [4, 5]
     return signature(mpi_req_numba_type, *unliteral_all(args))
Esempio n. 42
 def generic(self, args, kws):
     assert not kws
     assert len(args) == 1
     assert (args[0] == types.Array(types.NPDatetime('ns'), 1, 'C')
             or args[0] == types.Array(types.int64, 1, 'C'))
     return signature(types.Array(types.int64, 1, 'C'), *args)
Esempio n. 43
 def generic(self, args, kws):
     assert not kws
     assert len(args) == 4
     return signature(string_array_type, *unliteral_all(args))
Esempio n. 44
 def generic(self, args, kws):
     assert not kws
     assert len(args) == 2
     return signature(types.int32, *unliteral_all(args))
Esempio n. 45
 def generic(self, args, kws):
     assert not kws
     assert len(args) == 2
     return signature(types.intp, args[0], types.unliteral(args[1]))
Esempio n. 46
    def lower_expr(self, resty, expr):
        if expr.op == 'binop':
            return self.lower_binop(resty, expr)
        elif expr.op == 'inplace_binop':
            lty = self.typeof(
            if not lty.mutable:
                # inplace operators on non-mutable types reuse the same
                # definition as the corresponding copying operators.
                return self.lower_binop(resty, expr)
        elif expr.op == 'unary':
            val = self.loadvar(
            typ = self.typeof(
            # Get function
            signature = self.fndesc.calltypes[expr]
            impl = self.context.get_function(expr.fn, signature)
            # Convert argument to match
            val = self.context.cast(self.builder, val, typ, signature.args[0])
            res = impl(self.builder, [val])
            return self.context.cast(self.builder, res, signature.return_type,

        elif expr.op == 'call':

            argvals = [self.loadvar( for a in expr.args]
            argtyps = [self.typeof( for a in expr.args]
            signature = self.fndesc.calltypes[expr]

            if isinstance(expr.func, ir.Intrinsic):
                fnty =
                castvals = expr.func.args
                assert not expr.kws, expr.kws
                fnty = self.typeof(

                castvals = [
                    self.context.cast(self.builder, av, at, ft)
                    for av, at, ft in zip(argvals, argtyps, signature.args)

            if isinstance(fnty, types.Method):
                # Method of objects are handled differently
                fnobj = self.loadvar(
                res = self.context.call_class_method(self.builder, fnobj,
                                                     signature, castvals)

            elif isinstance(fnty, types.FunctionPointer):
                # Handle function pointer
                pointer = fnty.funcptr
                res = self.context.call_function_pointer(
                    self.builder, pointer, signature, castvals, fnty.cconv)

            elif isinstance(fnty, cffi_support.ExternCFunction):
                # XXX unused?
                fndesc = ExternalFunctionDescriptor(fnty.symbol, fnty.restype,
                func = self.context.declare_external_function(
                    cgutils.get_module(self.builder), fndesc)
                res = self.context.call_external_function(
                    self.builder, func, fndesc.argtypes, castvals)

                # Normal function resolution
                impl = self.context.get_function(fnty, signature)
                if signature.recvr:
                    # The "self" object is passed as the function object
                    # for bounded function
                    the_self = self.loadvar(
                    # Prepend the self reference
                    castvals = [the_self] + castvals

                res = impl(self.builder, castvals)
                libs = getattr(impl, "libs", ())
                for lib in libs:
            return self.context.cast(self.builder, res, signature.return_type,

        elif expr.op == 'pair_first':
            val = self.loadvar(
            ty = self.typeof(
            item = self.context.pair_first(self.builder, val, ty)
            return self.context.get_argument_value(self.builder, ty.first_type,

        elif expr.op == 'pair_second':
            val = self.loadvar(
            ty = self.typeof(
            item = self.context.pair_second(self.builder, val, ty)
            return self.context.get_argument_value(self.builder,
                                                   ty.second_type, item)

        elif expr.op in ('getiter', 'iternext'):
            val = self.loadvar(
            ty = self.typeof(
            signature = self.fndesc.calltypes[expr]
            impl = self.context.get_function(expr.op, signature)
            [fty] = signature.args
            castval = self.context.cast(self.builder, val, ty, fty)
            res = impl(self.builder, (castval, ))
            return self.context.cast(self.builder, res, signature.return_type,

        elif expr.op == 'exhaust_iter':
            val = self.loadvar(
            ty = self.typeof(
            # If we have a heterogenous tuple, we needn't do anything,
            # and we can't iterate over it anyway.
            if isinstance(ty, types.Tuple):
                return val

            itemty = ty.iterator_type.yield_type
            tup = self.context.get_constant_undef(resty)
            pairty = types.Pair(itemty, types.boolean)
            getiter_sig = typing.signature(ty.iterator_type, ty)
            getiter_impl = self.context.get_function('getiter', getiter_sig)
            iternext_sig = typing.signature(pairty, ty.iterator_type)
            iternext_impl = self.context.get_function('iternext', iternext_sig)
            iterobj = getiter_impl(self.builder, (val, ))
            excid = self.add_exception(ValueError)
            # We call iternext() as many times as desired (`expr.count`).
            for i in range(expr.count):
                pair = iternext_impl(self.builder, (iterobj, ))
                is_valid = self.context.pair_second(self.builder, pair, pairty)
                with cgutils.if_unlikely(self.builder,
                    self.context.return_user_exc(self.builder, excid)
                item = self.context.pair_first(self.builder, pair, pairty)
                tup = self.builder.insert_value(tup, item, i)

            # Call iternext() once more to check that the iterator
            # is exhausted.
            pair = iternext_impl(self.builder, (iterobj, ))
            is_valid = self.context.pair_second(self.builder, pair, pairty)
            with cgutils.if_unlikely(self.builder, is_valid):
                self.context.return_user_exc(self.builder, excid)

            return tup

        elif expr.op == "getattr":
            val = self.loadvar(
            ty = self.typeof(

            if isinstance(resty, types.BoundFunction):
                # if we are getting out a method, assume we have typed this
                # properly and just build a bound function object
                res = self.context.get_bound_function(self.builder, val, ty)
                impl = self.context.get_attribute(val, ty, expr.attr)

                if impl is None:
                    # ignore the attribute
                    res = self.context.get_dummy_value()
                    res = impl(self.context, self.builder, ty, val, expr.attr)
            return res

        elif expr.op == "static_getitem":
            baseval = self.loadvar(
            indexval = self.context.get_constant(types.intp, expr.index)
            if cgutils.is_struct(baseval.type):
                # Statically extract the given element from the structure
                # (structures aren't dynamically indexable).
                return self.builder.extract_value(baseval, expr.index)
                # Fall back on the generic getitem() implementation
                # for this type.
                signature = typing.signature(resty,
                impl = self.context.get_function("getitem", signature)
                argvals = (baseval, indexval)
                res = impl(self.builder, argvals)
                return self.context.cast(self.builder, res,
                                         signature.return_type, resty)

        elif expr.op == "getitem":
            baseval = self.loadvar(
            indexval = self.loadvar(
            signature = self.fndesc.calltypes[expr]
            impl = self.context.get_function("getitem", signature)
            argvals = (baseval, indexval)
            argtyps = (self.typeof(,
            castvals = [
                self.context.cast(self.builder, av, at, ft)
                for av, at, ft in zip(argvals, argtyps, signature.args)
            res = impl(self.builder, castvals)
            return self.context.cast(self.builder, res, signature.return_type,

        elif expr.op == "build_tuple":
            itemvals = [self.loadvar( for i in expr.items]
            itemtys = [self.typeof( for i in expr.items]
            castvals = [
                self.context.cast(self.builder, val, fromty, toty)
                for val, toty, fromty in zip(itemvals, resty, itemtys)
            tup = self.context.get_constant_undef(resty)
            for i in range(len(castvals)):
                tup = self.builder.insert_value(tup, castvals[i], i)
            return tup

        elif expr.op == "cast":
            val = self.loadvar(
            ty = self.typeof(
            castval = self.context.cast(self.builder, val, ty, resty)
            return castval

        raise NotImplementedError(expr)
Esempio n. 47
 def generic(self, args, kws):
     assert not kws
     return signature(types.none, *args)
Esempio n. 48
 def generic(self, args, kws):
     assert not kws
     assert len(args) in [2, 3]
     return signature(types.float64, *args)
Esempio n. 49
def numpy_multiply(context, builder, sig, args):
    dtype = sig.args[0].dtype
    coresig = typing.signature(types.Any, dtype, dtype)
    core = context.get_function("*", coresig)
    imp = numpy_binary_ufunc(core)
    return imp(context, builder, sig, args)
Esempio n. 50
 def generic(self, args, kws):
     assert not kws
     assert len(args) == 3
     # args: out_arr, in_arr, value
     return signature(types.none, *args)
Esempio n. 51
 def generic(self, args, kws):
     assert not kws
     assert len(args)==3
     return signature(string_array_type, *args)
Esempio n. 52
 def generic(self, args, kws):
     assert not kws
     assert len(args) == 1
     # arg: in_arr
     return signature(_expand_integer(args[0].dtype), *args)
Esempio n. 53
 def generic(self, args, kws):
     assert not kws
     assert len(args) == 2
     # args: str_arr, pat
     return signature(types.Array(types.boolean, 1, 'C'), *args)
Esempio n. 54
 def generic(self, args, kws):
     assert not kws
     assert len(args) == 1
     return signature(types.intp, *args)
Esempio n. 55
 def generic(self, args, kws):
     assert not kws
     return signature(types.none, *unliteral_all(args))
Esempio n. 56
 def generic(self, args, kws):
     assert not kws
     assert len(args) == 1
     return signature(array_datetime_date, *args)
Esempio n. 57
    def get_attribute(self, val, typ, attr):
        if isinstance(typ, types.Record):
            # Implement get attribute for records
            self.sentry_record_alignment(typ, attr)
            offset = typ.offset(attr)
            elemty = typ.typeof(attr)

            if isinstance(elemty, types.NestedArray):
                # Inside a structured type only the array data is stored, so we
                # create an array structure to point to that data.
                aryty = arrayobj.make_array(elemty)

                @impl_attribute(typ, attr, elemty)
                def imp(context, builder, typ, val):
                    ary = aryty(context, builder)
                    dtype = elemty.dtype
                    newshape = [
                        self.get_constant(types.intp, s) for s in elemty.shape
                    newstrides = [
                        self.get_constant(types.intp, s)
                        for s in elemty.strides
                    newdata = cgutils.get_record_member(
                        builder, val, offset, self.get_data_type(dtype))
                        shape=cgutils.pack_array(builder, newshape),
                        strides=cgutils.pack_array(builder, newstrides),
                        itemsize=context.get_constant(types.intp, elemty.size),

                    res = ary._getvalue()
                    return impl_ret_borrowed(context, builder, typ, res)

                @impl_attribute(typ, attr, elemty)
                def imp(context, builder, typ, val):
                    dptr = cgutils.get_record_member(
                        builder, val, offset, context.get_data_type(elemty))
                    align = None if typ.aligned else 1
                    res = self.unpack_value(builder, elemty, dptr, align)
                    return impl_ret_borrowed(context, builder, typ, res)

            return imp

        if isinstance(typ, types.Module):
            # Implement getattr for module-level globals.
            # We are treating them as constants.
            # XXX We shouldn't have to retype this
            attrty = self.typing_context.resolve_module_constants(typ, attr)
            if attrty is not None and not isinstance(attrty, types.Dummy):
                pyval = getattr(typ.pymod, attr)
                llval = self.get_constant(attrty, pyval)

                @impl_attribute(typ, attr, attrty)
                def imp(context, builder, typ, val):
                    return impl_ret_borrowed(context, builder, attrty, llval)

                return imp
            # No implementation required for dummies (functions, modules...),
            # which are dealt with later
            return None

        # Lookup specific attribute implementation for this type
        overloads = self.attrs[attr]
            return overloads.find(typing.signature(types.Any, typ))
        except NotImplementedError:
        # Lookup generic getattr implementation for this type
        overloads = self.attrs[None]
            return overloads.find(typing.signature(types.Any, typ))
        except NotImplementedError:
            raise Exception("No definition for lowering %s.%s" % (typ, attr))
Esempio n. 58
    outside the context of CUDA-python.
    _description_ = '<ptx special value>'
    __slots__ = ()  # don't allocate __dict__

    def __new__(cls):
        raise NotImplementedError("%s is not instantiable" % cls)

    def __repr__(self):
        return self._description_


SREG_SIGNATURE = typing.signature(types.int32)

class threadIdx(Stub):
    '''threadIdx.{x, y, z}
    _description_ = '<threadIdx.{x,y,z}>'

    x = macro.Macro('tid.x', SREG_SIGNATURE)
    y = macro.Macro('tid.y', SREG_SIGNATURE)
    z = macro.Macro('tid.z', SREG_SIGNATURE)

class blockIdx(Stub):
    '''blockIdx.{x, y, z}
Esempio n. 59
 def generic(self, args, kws):
     assert not kws
     assert len(args) == 1
     return signature(args[0], *unliteral_all(args))
Esempio n. 60
 def is_true(self, builder, typ, val):
     impl = self.get_function(bool, typing.signature(types.boolean, typ))
     return impl(builder, (val, ))