Esempio n. 1
def _construct_native_attribute_struct(ext_type):
    attrs = dict((name, var.type) for name, var in ext_type.symtab.iteritems())
    if ext_type.attribute_struct is None:
        # No fields to inherit
        ext_type.attribute_struct = numba.struct(**attrs)
        # Inherit fields from parent
        fields = []
        for name, variable in ext_type.symtab.iteritems():
            if name not in ext_type.attribute_struct.fielddict:
                fields.append((name, variable.type))
                ext_type.attribute_struct.fielddict[name] = variable.type

        # Sort fields by rank
        fields = numba.struct(fields).fields
Esempio n. 2
def inherit_attributes(ext_type, class_dict):
    cls = ext_type.py_class
    if not is_numba_class(cls):
        # superclass is not a numba class

    struct_type = cls.__numba_struct_type
    vtab_type = cls.__numba_vtab_type
    verify_base_class_compatibility(cls, struct_type, vtab_type)

    # Inherit attributes
    ext_type.attribute_struct = numba.struct(struct_type.fields)
    for field_name, field_type in ext_type.attribute_struct.fields:
        ext_type.symtab[field_name] = symtab.Variable(field_type,

    # Inherit methods
    for method_name, method_type in vtab_type.fields:
        func_signature = method_type.base_type
        args = list(func_signature.args)
        if not (func_signature.is_class or func_signature.is_static):
            args[0] = ext_type
        func_signature = func_signature.return_type(*args)
        ext_type.add_method(method_name, func_signature)

    ext_type.parent_attr_struct = struct_type
    ext_type.parent_vtab_type = vtab_type
Esempio n. 3
def compile_extension_methods(env, py_class, ext_type, class_dict, flags):
    Compile extension methods:

        1) Process signatures such as @void(double)
        2) Infer native attributes through type inference on __init__
        3) Path the extension type with a native attributes struct
        4) Infer types for all other methods
        5) Update the ext_type with a vtab type
        6) Compile all methods
    method_pointers = []
    lmethods = []

    class_dict['__numba_py_class'] = py_class

    _process_method_signatures(class_dict, ext_type)
    _type_infer_init_method(env, class_dict, ext_type, flags)
    _type_infer_methods(env, class_dict, ext_type, flags)

    # TODO: patch method call types

    # Set vtab type before compiling
    ext_type.vtab_type = numba.struct(
        [(field_name, field_type.pointer())
         for field_name, field_type in ext_type.methods])
    _compile_methods(class_dict, env, ext_type, lmethods, method_pointers,
    return method_pointers, lmethods
def _construct_native_attribute_struct(ext_type):
    attrs = dict((name, var.type) for name, var in ext_type.symtab.iteritems())
    if ext_type.attribute_struct is None:
        # No fields to inherit
        ext_type.attribute_struct = numba.struct(**attrs)
        # Inherit fields from parent
        fields = []
        for name, variable in ext_type.symtab.iteritems():
            if name not in ext_type.attribute_struct.fielddict:
                fields.append((name, variable.type))
                ext_type.attribute_struct.fielddict[name] = variable.type

        # Sort fields by rank
        fields = numba.struct(fields).fields
def inherit_attributes(ext_type, class_dict):
    cls = ext_type.py_class
    if not is_numba_class(cls):
        # superclass is not a numba class

    struct_type = cls.__numba_struct_type
    vtab_type = cls.__numba_vtab_type
    verify_base_class_compatibility(cls, struct_type, vtab_type)

    # Inherit attributes
    ext_type.attribute_struct = numba.struct(struct_type.fields)
    for field_name, field_type in ext_type.attribute_struct.fields:
        ext_type.symtab[field_name] = symtab.Variable(field_type,

    # Inherit methods
    for method_name, method_type in vtab_type.fields:
        func_signature = method_type.base_type
        args = list(func_signature.args)
        args[0] = ext_type
        func_signature = func_signature.return_type(*args)
        ext_type.add_method(method_name, func_signature)

    ext_type.parent_attr_struct = struct_type
    ext_type.parent_vtab_type = vtab_type
Esempio n. 6
def resolve_template_type(template_type, template_context):
    After the template context is known, resolve functions on template types

        T[:]                -> ArrayType(dtype=T)
        void(T)             -> FunctionType(args=[T])
        Struct { T arg }    -> struct(fields={'arg': T})
        T *                 -> PointerType(base_type=T)

    Any other compound types?
    r = lambda t: resolve_template_type(t, template_context)

    if template_type.is_template:
        template_type = template_type.resolve_template(template_context)
    elif template_type.is_array:
        template_type = template_type.copy()
        template_type.dtype = r(template_type.dtype)
    elif template_type.is_function:
        template_type = r(template_type.return_type)(*map(r, template_type.args))
    elif template_type.is_struct:
        S = template_type
        fields = []
        for field_name, field_type in S.fields:
            fields.append((field_name, r(field_type)))
        template_type = numba.struct(fields,, readonly=S.readonly,
    elif template_type.is_pointer:
        template_type = r(template_type.base_type).pointer()

    return template_type
Esempio n. 7
    def set_attributes(self, attribute_list):
        Create the symbol table and attribute struct from a list of
        (varname, attribute_type)
        import numba.symtab

        self.attribute_struct = numba.struct(attribute_list)
        self.symtab.update([(name, numba.symtab.Variable(type))
                               for name, type in attribute_list])
Esempio n. 8
def from_ctypes_type(ctypes_type):
    Convert a ctypes type to a numba type
    if numba.utils.hashable(ctypes_type) and ctypes_type in ctypes_map:
        return ctypes_map[ctypes_type]
    elif isinstance(ctypes_type, _ctypes_pointer_type):
        return from_ctypes_type(ctypes_type._type_).pointer()
    elif isinstance(ctypes_type, _ctypes_array_type):
        base_type = from_ctypes_type(ctypes_type._type_)
        return minitypes.CArrayType(base_type, ctypes_type._length_)
    elif issubclass(ctypes_type, ctypes.Structure):
        fields = [(name, from_ctypes_type(field_type))
                  for name, field_type in ctypes_type._fields_]
        return numba.struct(fields)
        raise NotImplementedError(ctypes_type)
Esempio n. 9
def from_ctypes_type(ctypes_type):
    Convert a ctypes type to a numba type
    if numba.utils.hashable(ctypes_type) and ctypes_type in ctypes_map:
        return ctypes_map[ctypes_type]
    elif isinstance(ctypes_type, _ctypes_pointer_type):
        return from_ctypes_type(ctypes_type._type_).pointer()
    elif isinstance(ctypes_type, _ctypes_array_type):
        base_type = from_ctypes_type(ctypes_type._type_)
        return minitypes.CArrayType(base_type, ctypes_type._length_)
    elif issubclass(ctypes_type, ctypes.Structure):
        fields = [(name, from_ctypes_type(field_type))
                      for name, field_type in ctypes_type._fields_]
        return numba.struct(fields)
        raise NotImplementedError(ctypes_type)
Esempio n. 10
def build_vtab(vtab_type, method_pointers):
    assert len(method_pointers) == len(vtab_type.fields)

    vtab_ctype = numba.struct(
        [(vtab_name(field_name), field_type)
            for field_name, field_type in vtab_type.fields]).to_ctypes()

    methods = []
    for (method_name, method_pointer), (field_name, field_type) in zip(
                                        method_pointers, vtab_type.fields):
        assert method_name == field_name
        method_type_p = field_type.to_ctypes()
        cmethod = ctypes.cast(ctypes.c_void_p(method_pointer), method_type_p)

    vtab = vtab_ctype(*methods)
    return vtab, vtab_type
Esempio n. 11
def build_vtab(vtab_type, method_pointers):
    assert len(method_pointers) == len(vtab_type.fields)

    vtab_ctype = numba.struct(
        [(vtab_name(field_name), field_type)
            for field_name, field_type in vtab_type.fields]).to_ctypes()

    methods = []
    for (method_name, method_pointer), (field_name, field_type) in zip(
                                        method_pointers, vtab_type.fields):
        assert method_name == field_name
        method_type_p = field_type.to_ctypes()
        cmethod = ctypes.cast(ctypes.c_void_p(method_pointer), method_type_p)

    vtab = vtab_ctype(*methods)
    return vtab, vtab_type
Esempio n. 12
def map_type(cffi_type):
    "Map CFFI type to numba type"
    kind = getattr(cffi_type, 'kind', '')
    if kind in ('struct', 'union'):
        if kind == 'union':
            result = None
            result = numba.struct([(name, map_type(field.type))
                               for name, field in cffi_type.fields])
    elif kind == 'function':
        restype = map_type(cffi_type.result)
        argtypes = [map_type(arg) for arg in cffi_type.args]
        result = numba.function(restype, argtypes,
        result = type_map.get(cffi_type)

    if result is None:
        raise TypeError(cffi_type)

    return result
Esempio n. 13
def build_static_vtab(vtable, vtab_struct):
    Create ctypes virtual method table.

    vtab_type: the vtab struct type (typesystem.struct)
    method_pointers: a list of method pointers ([int])
    vtab_ctype = numba.struct(
        [(vtab_name(field_name), field_type)
            for field_name, field_type in vtab_struct.fields]).to_ctypes()

    methods = []
    for method, (field_name, field_type) in zip(vtable.methods,
        method_type_p = field_type.to_ctypes()
        method_void_p = ctypes.c_void_p(method.lfunc_pointer)
        cmethod = ctypes.cast(method_void_p, method_type_p)

    vtab = vtab_ctype(*methods)
    return vtab
Esempio n. 14
def build_static_vtab(vtable, vtab_struct):
    Create ctypes virtual method table.

    vtab_type: the vtab struct type (typesystem.struct)
    method_pointers: a list of method pointers ([int])
    vtab_ctype = numba.struct(
        [(vtab_name(field_name), field_type)
            for field_name, field_type in vtab_struct.fields]).to_ctypes()

    methods = []
    for method, (field_name, field_type) in zip(vtable.methods,
        method_type_p = field_type.to_ctypes()
        method_void_p = ctypes.c_void_p(method.lfunc_pointer)
        cmethod = ctypes.cast(method_void_p, method_type_p)

    vtab = vtab_ctype(*methods)
    return vtab
Esempio n. 15
def map_type(cffi_type):
    "Map CFFI type to numba type"
    kind = getattr(cffi_type, 'kind', '')
    if kind in ('struct', 'union'):
        if kind == 'union':
            result = None
            result = numba.struct([(name, map_type(field.type))
                                   for name, field in cffi_type.fields])
    elif kind == 'function':
        restype = map_type(cffi_type.result)
        argtypes = [map_type(arg) for arg in cffi_type.args]
        result = numba.function(restype,
        result = type_map.get(cffi_type)

    if result is None:
        raise TypeError(cffi_type)

    return result
Esempio n. 16
def build_vtab(vtab_type, method_pointers):
    Create ctypes virtual method table.

    vtab_type: the vtab struct type (typesystem.struct)
    method_pointers: a list of method pointers ([int])
    assert len(method_pointers) == len(vtab_type.fields)

    vtab_ctype = numba.struct(
        [(vtab_name(field_name), field_type)
            for field_name, field_type in vtab_type.fields]).to_ctypes()

    methods = []
    for (method_name, method_pointer), (field_name, field_type) in zip(
                                        method_pointers, vtab_type.fields):
        assert method_name == field_name
        method_type_p = field_type.to_ctypes()
        cmethod = ctypes.cast(ctypes.c_void_p(method_pointer), method_type_p)

    vtab = vtab_ctype(*methods)
    return vtab, vtab_type
Esempio n. 17
 def to_struct(self):
     return numba.struct([(attr, self.attributedict[attr])
                          for attr in self.attributes])
Esempio n. 18
    def wrap_vtable(self, vtable):
        return extension_types.StaticVtableWrapper(vtable)

# Hash-based virtual method tables

# ______________________________________________________________________
# Type Definitions

# TODO: Use something like CFFI + type conversion to get these
# TODO: types automatically

PyCustomSlots_Entry = numba.struct([
    ('id', uint64),
    ('ptr', void.pointer()),

PyCustomSlots_Table = numba.struct([
    ('flags', uint64),
    ('m_f', uint64),
    ('m_g', uint64),
    ('entries', PyCustomSlots_Entry.pointer()),
    ('n', uint16),
    ('b', uint16),
    ('r', uint8),
    ('reserved', uint8),
    # actually: uint16[b], 'b' trailing displacements
    # ('d', numba.carray(uint16, 0)), #0xffff)),
    # ('entries_mem', PyCustomSlot_Entry[n]), # 'n' trailing customslot entries
Esempio n. 19
 def to_struct(self):
     return numba.struct([(, m.signature.pointer())
                          for m in self.methods])
Esempio n. 20
    scalar = array[0, 0]
    return scalar

# Test type matching

T1 = numba.template("T1")
T2 = numba.template("T2")
T3 = numba.template("T3")
T4 = numba.template("T4")

A = T1[:, :]
F = void(T1)
S = numba.struct([('a', T1), ('b', T2.pointer()), ('c', T3[:]), ('d', void(T4))])
P = T2.pointer()

type_context1 = { T1: int_, T2: float_, T3: float64, T4: short, }
type_context2 = { T1: int_[:, :], T2: void(float32),
                  T3: numba.struct(a=float64, b=float_), T4: short.pointer(), }

def test_type_matching(array, func, struct, pointer):
    >>> infer(test_type_matching, template_signature=void(A, F, S, P),
    ...       type_context=type_context1)
    [('array', int[:, :]), ('func', void (*)(int)), ('pointer', float32 *), ('struct', struct { int a, float32 * b, float64[:] c, void (*)(short) d })]
    func(array[0, 0])
    struct.b = pointer
Esempio n. 21
    scalar = array[0, 0]
    return scalar

# Test type matching

T1 = numba.template("T1")
T2 = numba.template("T2")
T3 = numba.template("T3")
T4 = numba.template("T4")

A = T1[:, :]
F = void(T1)
S = numba.struct([('a', T1), ('b', T2.pointer()), ('c', T3[:]),
                  ('d', void(T4))])
P = T2.pointer()

type_context1 = {
    T1: int_,
    T2: float_,
    T3: float64,
    T4: short,
type_context2 = {
    T1: int_[:, :],
    T2: void(float32),
    T3: numba.struct(a=float64, b=float_),
    T4: short.pointer(),
Esempio n. 22
    scalar = array[0, 0]
    return scalar

# Test type matching

T1 = numba.template("T1")
T2 = numba.template("T2")
T3 = numba.template("T3")
T4 = numba.template("T4")

A = T1[:, :]
F = void(T1)
S = numba.struct(a=T1, b=T2.pointer(), c=T3[:], d=void(T4))
P = T2.pointer()

type_context1 = {
    T1: int_,
    T2: float_,
    T3: double,
    T4: short,
type_context2 = {
    T1: int_[:, :],
    T2: void(float_),
    T3: numba.struct(a=double, b=float_),
    T4: short.pointer(),
Esempio n. 23
 def to_struct(self):
     return numba.struct([(attr, self.attributedict[attr])
                              for attr in self.attributes])
Esempio n. 24
    def wrap_vtable(self, vtable):
        return extension_types.StaticVtableWrapper(vtable)

# Hash-based virtual method tables

# ______________________________________________________________________
# Type Definitions

# TODO: Use something like CFFI + type conversion to get these
# TODO: types automatically

PyCustomSlots_Entry = numba.struct([
    ('id', uint64),
    ('ptr', void.pointer()),

PyCustomSlots_Table = numba.struct([
    ('flags', uint64),
    ('m_f', uint64),
    ('m_g', uint64),
    ('entries', PyCustomSlots_Entry.pointer()),
    ('n', uint16),
    ('b', uint16),
    ('r', uint8),
    ('reserved', uint8),
    # actually: uint16[b], 'b' trailing displacements
    ('d', minitypes.CArrayType(uint16, 0)), #0xffff)),
    # ('entries_mem', PyCustomSlot_Entry[n]), # 'n' trailing customslot entries
Esempio n. 25
import ctypes
import unittest
from collections import namedtuple
from functools import partial
import numba
from numba import *
from numba import ndarray_helpers
import llvm.core as lc

# ______________________________________________________________________

ArrayType = numba.struct([('data', double.pointer()),
                          ('shape', int64.pointer()),
                          ('strides', int64.pointer())])

Int32 =
const = partial(, Int32)
zero = const(0)
one = const(1)
two = const(2)

def ptr_at(builder, ptr, idx):
    return builder.gep(ptr, [const(idx)])

def load_at(builder, ptr, idx):
    return builder.load(ptr_at(builder, ptr, idx))

def store_at(builder, ptr, idx, val):
Esempio n. 26
    scalar = array[0, 0]
    return scalar

# Test type matching

T1 = numba.template("T1")
T2 = numba.template("T2")
T3 = numba.template("T3")
T4 = numba.template("T4")

A = T1[:, :]
F = void(T1)
S = numba.struct(a=T1, b=T2.pointer(), c=T3[:], d=void(T4))
P = T2.pointer()

type_context1 = { T1: int_, T2: float_, T3: double, T4: short, }
type_context2 = { T1: int_[:, :], T2: void(float_),
                  T3: numba.struct(a=double, b=float_), T4: short.pointer(), }

def test_type_matching(array, func, struct, pointer):
    >>> infer(test_type_matching, template_signature=void(A, F, S, P),
    ...       type_context=type_context1)
    [('array', int[:, :]), ('func', void (*)(int)), ('pointer', float *), ('struct', struct { float * b, double[:] c, int a, void (*)(short) d })]
    func(array[0, 0])
    struct.b = pointer
Esempio n. 27
    scalar = array[0, 0]
    return scalar

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Test type matching
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------

T1 = numba.template("T1")
T2 = numba.template("T2")
T3 = numba.template("T3")
T4 = numba.template("T4")

A = T1[:, :]
F = void(T1)
S = numba.struct([("a", T1), ("b", T2.pointer()), ("c", T3[:]), ("d", void(T4))])
P = T2.pointer()

type_context1 = {T1: int_, T2: float_, T3: float64, T4: short}
type_context2 = {T1: int_[:, :], T2: void(float32), T3: numba.struct(a=float64, b=float_), T4: short.pointer()}

def test_type_matching(array, func, struct, pointer):
    >>> infer(test_type_matching, template_signature=void(A, F, S, P),
    ...       type_context=type_context1)
    [('array', int[:, :]), ('func', void (*)(int)), ('pointer', float32 *), ('struct', struct { int a, float32 * b, float64[:] c, void (*)(short) d })]
    func(array[0, 0])
    struct.b = pointer
Esempio n. 28
from numba import struct, jit, double
import numpy as np

record_type = struct([('x', double), ('y', double)])
record_dtype = record_type.get_dtype()
a = np.array([(1.0, 2.0), (3.0, 4.0)], dtype=record_dtype)

def hypot(data):
    # return types of numpy functions are inferred
    result = np.empty_like(data, dtype=np.float64) 
    # notice access to structure elements 'x' and 'y' via attribute access
    # You can also index by field name or field index:
    #       data[i].x == data[i]['x'] == data[i][0]
    for i in range(data.shape[0]):
        result[i] = np.sqrt(data[i].x * data[i].x + data[i].y * data[i].y)

    return result

print hypot(a)

# Notice inferred return type
print hypot.signature
# Notice native sqrt calls and for.body direct access to memory...
print hypot.lfunc
Esempio n. 29
import ctypes
import unittest
from collections import namedtuple
from functools import partial
import numba
from numba import *
from numba import ndarray_helpers
import llvm.core as lc

# ______________________________________________________________________

ArrayType = numba.struct([('data', double.pointer()),
                          ('shape', int64.pointer()),
                          ('strides', int64.pointer())])

Int32 =
const = partial(, Int32)
zero = const(0)
one  = const(1)
two  = const(2)

def ptr_at(builder, ptr, idx):
    return builder.gep(ptr, [const(idx)])

def load_at(builder, ptr, idx):
    return builder.load(ptr_at(builder, ptr, idx))

def store_at(builder, ptr, idx, val):, ptr_at(builder, ptr, idx))

class MyArray(object):