Esempio n. 1
def sl_mst_lifetime_gpu(dest, weight, fe, od, disconnect_weight = None,
                        MAX_TPB = 256, stream = None):
    Input are device arrays.
     dest, weight, fe 		: device arrays
     disconnect_weight 		: weight between unconnected vertices
     mst 					: list of edges in MST
     MAX_TPB 				: number of threads per block
     stream 				: CUDA stream to use
     - argmax is from cuBlas and only works with 32/64 floats. Make this work 
       with any type.

    if disconnect_weight is None:
        disconnect_weight = weight.max()

    if stream is None:
        myStream =
        myStream = stream

    mst, n_edges = boruvka_minho_gpu(dest, weight, fe, od,
                                     MAX_TPB=MAX_TPB, stream=myStream,

    # Allocate array for the mst weights.
    h_n_edges = int(n_edges.getitem(0, stream=myStream)) # edges to keep in MST
    mst_weights = cuda.device_array(h_n_edges, dtype=weight.dtype)    

    # Get array with only the considered weights in the MST
    # and remove those edges in the MST edge list
    mstGrid = compute_cuda_grid_dim(h_n_edges, MAX_TPB)
    d_weight = cuda.to_device(weight, stream = myStream)
    getWeightsOfEdges_gpu[mstGrid, MAX_TPB, myStream](mst, n_edges, d_weight,

    # Sort the MST weights. There are no repeated edges at this
    # point since the output MST is like a directed graph.
    sorter = RadixSort(maxcount = mst_weights.size, dtype = mst_weights.dtype,
                       stream = myStream)
    sortedWeightArgs = sorter.argsort(mst_weights)

    # Allocate array for the lifetimes.
    lifetimes = cuda.device_array(mst_weights.size - 1, dtype=mst_weights.dtype)
    compute_lifetimes_CUDA[mstGrid, MAX_TPB, myStream](mst_weights, lifetimes)

    maxer = Blas(stream)
    arg_max_lt = maxer.amax(lifetimes)
    max_lt = lifetimes.getitem(arg_max_lt)

    # this is the lifetime between edges with no connection and the weakest link
    #lt_threshold = disconnect_weight - max_lt
    lt_threshold = disconnect_weight - mst_weights.getitem(mst_weights.size - 1)

    # if the maximum lifetime is higher or equal than the lifetime threshold
    # cut the tree
    if max_lt >= lt_threshold:
        # from arg_max_lt onward all edges are discarded
        n_discarded = lifetimes.size - arg_max_lt + 1

        # remove edges
        removeGrid = compute_cuda_grid_dim(n_discarded, MAX_TPB)
        removeEdges[removeGrid, MAX_TPB](edgeList, sortedArgs, n_discarded)

        # compute new amount of edges and update it
        new_n_edges = h_n_edges - n_discarded
        cuda.to_device(np.array([new_n_edges], dtype = n_edges.dtype),
                       to = n_edges,
                       stream = myStream)

    ngraph = getGraphFromEdges_gpu(dest, weight, fe, od, edges = mst,
                                   n_edges = n_edges, MAX_TPB = MAX_TPB,
                                   stream = myStream)

    ndest, nweight, nfe, nod = ngraph

    labels = connected_comps_gpu(ndest, nweight, nfe, nod,
                                 MAX_TPB = 512, stream = myStream)

    del ndest, nweight, nfe, nod, lifetimes

    return labels